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cover of maris


Andrea Kellerman



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The transcription is about a guided relaxation exercise. The speaker instructs the listener to focus on their breathing and imagine a beautiful color spreading through their body, relaxing their muscles. They are encouraged to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and imagine putting them into a cloud that drifts away. The listener is reminded that they have a shield to protect them from negativity and that they are in control of their emotions. They are guided to imagine themselves in a calm and happy room, and to let go of stress and trauma. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-care and making positive choices, such as eating healthy and not using food or negative behaviors as a coping mechanism. The listener is encouraged to trust themselves, be assertive, and build positive relationships. Overall, the transcription focuses on relaxation, letting go of negativity, and promoting self-care and positive change. I would like you to look at any focus point, anything that you can see in the room. I would like you to take a deep breath in, hold it, and out. I'm going to count from ten down to one, and when I say one, you can close your eyes. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one, close your eyes. Make sure you're completely comfortable. I'm going to relax your whole body now first. Any sounds that you might hear around you will help you to relax even more, even better. Imagine that you can feel and see a beautiful color in front of your eyes, any color of your choice. Now imagine that this beautiful color goes into your toes and your feet, and you can feel that your toes and your feet are getting heavier and heavier. That beautiful color is slowly going up from your feet into your calves, going past your knees, and further up into the rest of your legs. You can feel that your legs are getting heavier and heavier, relaxing all your muscles. Your thoughts can go out and away. We don't need them at all anymore. Now feel how that nice, relaxed feeling is slowly going up past your hips into your stomach area, pushing away any irritations, anger, anxiety, sadness, stress, and tension. You can feel that a nice, calm, relaxed feeling is spreading instead. I would like you to focus on your breathing and slow it down, breathing slowly in and out. You can feel that your heartbeat is calming down, breathing slowly in and out. That nice, beautiful color is going up into your shoulders. Feel how you're relaxing all those muscles, and it's running down into your arms, past your elbows, down into your hands and fingers. You can feel that your arms are getting heavier and heavier. If you want to move, you can do so at any given time, but you might find that your movement is slow and heavy. That nice, relaxed feeling is now going up into your neck, unravelling all your tight muscles, smoothing them out, and it's going up again into your jaw. You can feel how your jaw is relaxing, all of those muscles are relaxing completely. I would like you to focus on your breathing and slow it down, breathing slowly in and out. Just feeling so relaxed, breathing slowly in and out. Now you can feel how the color is going up into your eyelids, and you can feel that your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. Focus on what you can see behind your eyelids, if it's black, white, or colors. Whatever you can see, focus on it now, and you can feel how you're drifting away, letting go completely. You have a shield around you that protects you at all times. No negative thoughts or emotions are allowed to come in from now on at all anymore. You're always feeling safe and secure, always feeling in control. Now imagine that you can see that there's a staircase in front of you, there are ten steps going down. Now imagine that you can see that you're going down from step number ten, down to number nine, relaxing you completely, going down to number eight, nothing else matters anymore, down to number seven, drifting even deeper down, down to number six, your thoughts can go out and away, going down to number five, there's no need at all anymore to pay particular attention, four, your conscious mind can wander now, going further down to three, your subconscious mind will stay alert, two, taking in all your positive suggestions, allowing you to achieve your goals, one, easily and effectively. You're at the bottom of the staircase and in front of you is a door, I would like you to go to that door, see your name being written on that door again, open it up and step into your room, you immediately feel calm, happy and relaxed in your room. Imagine that there's a comfortable chair in your room, I would like you to sit down on that comfortable chair, in front of you you can see that there's a very big window, you have a beautiful view, outside you can see that there's a perfect day, not too hot and not too cold, there's one cloud high up in the sky, I would like you to imagine that you're letting go of all your stress and trauma, anything that is negative that has happened in your life, imagine that you're putting it all into that cloud, the cloud is getting bigger and darker with all the negativities that you're releasing, that you're letting out of your mind, out of your body, out of your cellular memory, your DNA, letting it go completely, you're also letting go of all your irritation and anger, letting go of the sadness, letting go of your anxiety, letting go of that overthinking, of that pattern of letting all those negativities get to you, overthinking them, not letting them go at all, imagine that you're putting it all into the cloud, you can see that all those negativities are moving up into the cloud, the cloud is getting bigger and darker, you can feel how you're letting go of all of that, feeling lighter, happier, clearer, you're also letting go that you need to please people, letting go of trying hard with people, without looking after yourself, letting go of just believing negativities about yourself, you're putting all of that into the cloud, letting go of anger, letting go of resentment, putting it all into the cloud, now imagine that you can see that the cloud is really big and dark, there's a little bit of wind coming up, pushing the cloud away, the cloud is drifting away, getting smaller and smaller, and now you can't see it at all anymore, you're feeling so much better, feeling that you have let go of anything and everything that is keeping you back, that allowing you to be free, being you, being happy, feeling light, feeling positive, feeling in control, you can feel that you have this shield around you, it's like a beautiful golden shield, from now on you don't allow new negativities to come in, it's like that shield that is protecting you, especially when you feel that people are saying things that might attack your self esteem or principles, from now on all of that is going to bounce off that shield, not going to go inside of you at all, not affecting you in a negative way, inside you feel calm, inside you feel protected, inside you feel in control, from now on you can look at all of those negativities, anything that used to irritate you, make you feel angry, resentful, sad, stressed, all of those situations are not attacking you, affecting you at all anymore, you are able to look at them from the outside in, focusing on what is really important, focusing on you, putting your own needs first in an unselfish way, able to be assertive, having much calmer reaction, able to build good relationships, you can feel that you are attracting the right people into your life, people that are positive, having the best interest for you at heart, able to trust in yourself and allowing others to come in, making the right decision, trusting in yourself, having people come into your life that are positive for you, allowing you to grow, allowing you to feel so much happier, lighter, peaceful, allowing you to have good days, shaping your future in a much better way, using your free will, having positive experiences, when you wake up in the morning you feel so much more refreshed and positive, feeling that you can change negative thought patterns into positives, looking forward to your day, you are handling everything so much better, your mind is calm, there is no need at all anymore to overthink, one thought at a time, feeling calmer, getting more done, feeling so much more in control, you are assertive with people, assertiveness means that you respect yourself and other people, communicating so much better, staying calm internally, speaking your truth in a very good way, being honest, kind and helpful in how you are communicating, every time when people say something you are able to pause, using the traffic light, going first read, stopping, pausing, orange, thinking about it and green, reacting, feeling so much calmer, you don't allow people to unrail you, handling situations so much easier and better, feeling proud of yourself, from now on you are able to create respectful relationships because you are respecting yourself, you can feel that peaceful feeling inside of you spreading, that beautiful colors balancing you from inside out, the chill that you have around you is protecting you, keeping the positivity in but allowing negativity to come inside, feeling safe and secure, trusting in yourself, trusting in the process, feeling peaceful and calm, with this nice feeling I would like you to imagine that you are getting up from your chair, there is a big mirror in your room, imagine that you stand in front of this mirror and you can see yourself, you are smiling, you feel so much more in control, so much calmer, there is no need at all anymore to go into negative behaviors, there is no need at all anymore to over eat, you don't need to eat because of different emotions, you are only eating because you need to nourish your body, having your breakfast, lunch and dinner or if you are fasting you can skip certain meals, eating, chewing slowly, you are aware of what you are eating, making the right choices, loving your vegetables, proteins, feeling calm and relaxed, you are allowing your body to get healthy, eating the right foods, there is no need at all anymore to over eat or to comfort eat or emotional eat, you are not filling that void with food or negative behaviors, you are feeling peaceful and calm, making the right decisions, when you are eating, you are eating, chewing slowly, feeling full and satisfied quickly, not needing to over eat at all anymore, there is no need at all, need at all to over eat and sugary foods or those foods with the wrong fatty acids, making good choices, feeling full and satisfied because you have filled up that void internally, that void where you didn't feel good about yourself, you are able to change negative habits, negative behaviors, able to react in a much calmer way, there is no need anymore to overthink, just feeling peaceful and calm, when you have those reactions, you can just let go of stressful negative situations quicker, easier, feeling proud of yourself, trusting yourself to have good reactions, good communication, finding the right words, right things to say, feeling so much more prepared, handling all those situations easier, in the evening when you are home and you are brushing your teeth, you are thinking back of all those positive situations, just feeling so much more relaxed, happy, that you are able to handle things so much better, proud of yourself, feeling satisfied with everything that you have eaten, everything that you have done, happy internally, you can see how your smiling has changed completely, just feeling so much better, calmer, more prepared, proud, feeling good internally when you think of yourself, positive thoughts, positive behaviors, what a good feeling I would like you to imagine that you are leaving your room, you can come back at any given time, this is your safe space where you can achieve goals, where you can achieve different thought patterns and behaviors easily, imagine that you are walking up all those steps again one by one, you are walking up step number one, trusting, believing in yourself, two, better reactions, calmer mind, three, making good choices, when you choose thought patterns, behaviors, foods, going to four, feeling full and satisfied, ensuring eating your food slowly, there is no need at all anymore to overeat, no need to snack in between much at all anymore, just feeling full and satisfied, there is no need anymore to eat because of certain emotions, only eating because your body and mind need the right nourishment, knowing when to stop, knowing what foods to choose, going from four to five to six, feeling so much more in control, loving your days, loving that shield around you that is protecting you, seven, beautiful golden shield that is always there for you, you are not taking things personally at all anymore, not allowing anyone to derail you, going to eight, having much calmer, better reactions, attracting positive people, nine, having all those people that are helping you to become the best version of yourself and most of all allowing yourself to become that great version of yourself, ten, there is no need at all anymore to sabotage yourself, you are deserving that beautiful life, that balanced feeling, happiness, proud and trust in yourself, those beautiful feelings are spreading inside of you more and more on a daily basis, I am going to count from one up to ten and when I say ten you can open up your eyes again, when you have fallen asleep at night you can carry on sleeping, that is your choice, ten, one, two, three, four, five, feeling peaceful and calm, six, seven, eight, completely in control, tranquil, peaceful, nine and ten.

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