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thirashni, weight

thirashni, weight

Andrea Kellerman



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The speaker guides the listener through a relaxation exercise, helping them to relax their entire body and focus on their breathing. They then imagine entering a room that they can decorate however they like. Afterwards, they imagine walking through a garden and throwing away negative thoughts and habits into boxes, and then throwing the boxes into a lake. They imagine feeling lighter and in control of their mind and body. They then imagine their daily routine, making mindful choices about what they eat and feeling satisfied with smaller portions. They end by imagining feeling proud of themselves and listening to their body's signals. I would like you to find a focus point, anything that you would like to look at. Now keep on looking at that focus point and take a deep breath in, hold it, and out. I'm going to count from ten down to one, and when I say one you can close your eyes. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Close your eyes. Make sure you're completely comfortable. I'm going to relax your whole body now first. Any sounds that you might hear around you will help you to relax even more, even better. Imagine that you can feel this nice relaxing feeling going into your toes and your feet, and you can feel that your toes and your feet are getting heavier and heavier. That nice relaxed feeling is slowly going up into your calves, past your knees, and further up into the rest of your legs. You can feel how your legs are getting heavier and heavier as well. That nice relaxed feeling is now slowly going up past your hip and to your stomach area, pushing away any negative feelings, allowing you to just let go of all your stress and tension. You can feel how a nice, calm, relaxed feeling is spreading instead. I would like you to focus on your breathing and slow it down, breathing slowly in and out. You can feel how your heartbeat is slowing down, breathing slowly in and out. Now you can feel how the relaxation is going up into your shoulders, and you can feel how your shoulders are getting heavier and heavier. The relaxation is running down into your arms, past your elbows, and further down into your hands and fingers. If you want to move, you can do so at any given time, but you might feel that the movement is slow and heavy, just feeling so relaxed, letting go completely. A nice feeling is now going up into your neck, unravelling all your tight muscles. Feel how you're drifting away. Feel how you're drifting even deeper. Now the relaxation is going up into your jaw. You can feel how your jaw is getting heavier and heavier. Now you can feel how it's going up again, and I would like you to focus on your breathing, breathing slowly in and out, just feeling so relaxed. The relaxation is going up into your eyelids, and you can feel that your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. I would like you to focus on what you can see behind your eyelids. If it's black, white, or colours, whatever you can see, focus on it now, and you can feel that you're drifting even deeper down, feeling so relaxed. Imagine that you can see that there's a passageway in front of you. If you can visualize what I'm telling you, that's good. If you can't, it also doesn't matter. Imagine that you're walking past ten doors in that passageway. Now you're walking past door number ten, relaxing you even more. Going on to door number nine, drifting even deeper down. Going to door number eight, letting go completely. Going down to door number seven, nothing else matters anymore. Going to door number six, letting go completely. Going on to door number five, drifting, relaxing. Going on to door number four, feel how you're drifting even deeper down. Your thoughts can go out and away. We don't need them at all anymore. Going further on to door number three, your subconscious mind will stay alert. Going on to door number two, your conscious mind can wander now. We don't need it at all anymore. Going on to door number one, drifting even deeper down, feeling so relaxed. Imagine that you go to another door in front of you. Imagine that you go to that door and you can see your name being written on that door in big golden letters. It can be your first name, nickname, any name that you like for yourself. See it written on that door. Now open up that door and go into a beautiful room. This is your room just for you. Have a look around. You can put anything into the room. Any carpets, pictures, furniture, anything at all. Have a look around and make this room feel and look special for you. Now imagine that you're walking through the room and there's another door. I would like you to open up that door and you're stepping out into a beautiful garden. You're walking through that garden and with every step you take you're relaxing even more. Letting go completely. It's a perfect day, not too hot and not too cold. Imagine that you're walking through your garden and with every step you take you're feeling so much more relaxed. In front of you you can see a very big lake. I would like you to go to that lake. At the edge of the water there are three boxes. Now imagine that you're in front of the first box. All those boxes are empty. Now imagine that you're in front of the first box and you put all your negative thoughts about yourself. Thoughts about your weight, about your look, about anything that is not positive. Letting go of yourself, put it all into the first box now. Now imagine that you're closing the box and you go to the next box. I would like you to put anything inside that makes you feel that you need to eat more, that you have cravings for certain foods. That you need to eat more between four and six o'clock. That you have a lot of noise going on in your head when you think of food. Not feeling satisfied that you might overeat or not look after yourself when thinking of food. Not being organized enough or not looking after yourself enough when we think of food. Put all of those negativities in this box now. Well done closing the box. Imagine that you go to the last box. I would like you to put all your negative eating habits into the box. Anything that is related to eating, stress, unhappiness about yourself. All those negative habits, put them all into the box now. Well done closing that box. You have closed all the boxes. Imagine that you take them one by one and you're throwing them into the lake. You're strong enough to pick them up, strong enough to throw them into the lake. You can see how they're disappearing one by one. Nothing that you have put inside is going to come back up again. And now you can see how they all have disappeared completely. Never to be found again. You're feeling so much lighter. Feeling as if a heavy burden has been lifted off your shoulders. Feeling good, feeling light, feeling strong. This feeling I would like you to imagine that you're turning around and you're walking back to your room. Now you're back in your room and you can see that there's another door. I would like you to go to that door. Open it up and step into a room with lots of different buttons and levers. You can see that there's a lever in a low position. Push it up into the high position. Put a lock around it. On that lever you can read the words control for your mind. From now on you always are in control of your mind and body. In control of what you're thinking, what you're doing, how you're reacting, what you're eating, what you're choosing. Imagine that you're turning around and you're going back into your room. In your room you can see a comfortable chair. Go sit down on that comfortable chair. Lie back and close your eyes. Imagine that you can see and feel that you're getting up in the morning. You feel so much more energized and positive, ready for the day. See how you're exercising. Imagine that you can see that you go to work after doing everything that you needed to, wanted to do. You take time out to have your breakfast. You're eating, chewing slowly. Choosing good protein. Chewing, eating slowly. Being mindful of what you're eating. Mindful that you're eating slowly. You feel satisfied so much quicker. Feeling good, feeling energized. You can see how you carry on with your day. You feel satisfied. Not having any cravings, urges. No need to eat food in between. Now imagine that you can feel that it's lunchtime, you're getting hungry. You're loving your vegetables. Loving your lean protein. From now on you choose your vegetables, salads and lean proteins above anything else. Again you take time to eat. Chewing, eating slowly. After a few bites you can feel that you're satisfied. Not needing so much more. Able to cut down on your portions. Chewing, eating slowly. Feeling full and satisfied. Now you can see how you carry on with your day. Feeling energized, calm and positive. You managed everything so much better. If there was traces or lots of things to do, you stayed calm. Your mind is calm. Doing one thing at a time. Being so much more efficient. There's no need at all anymore to think about food. You're feeling full and satisfied. Knowing that your next meal is going to come, you don't even have to think about it. When you're home, you're still feeling full and satisfied. Between 4 and 6 there's no need at all anymore to eat. You're drinking your water. Feeling hydrated. Feeling full and satisfied. Now it's dinner time. Again, you're loving your vegetables, salads, lean meat. Eating, chewing slowly. Just feeling so satisfied, so good after a few bites. Being mindful of what you're eating. How you're eating. What you're eating. Making good choices. Eating, chewing slowly. Half a portion of what you normally ate is perfectly enough. Not needing more, just feeling full and satisfied. You can see how you carry on with your evening. And at night, when you're thinking back of your day, when you're brushing your teeth. You're thinking back of the positives. Everything that was positive in your day is popping up in your mind. Feeling proud of yourself. You ate so nicely, you made the right choices. Felt full and satisfied even now. Feeling full and satisfied. Feeling so good. It's easy to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner. You're not overeating at all anymore. Good portion sizes, better than before. In between, you don't have to think of food at all anymore. You don't have to eat in between because you're just feeling so full and satisfied. Anything in between wouldn't make you feel good at all. You're listening to your body. Imagine that you're getting up from that chair in your room. And you can see that there's a big mirror in your room. Go stand in front of this mirror. You can see yourself in that mirror having lost all the weight that you wanted to lose. You're looking at yourself and you're feeling so good. Proud of yourself. You created this beautiful lifestyle. Being mindful of what you're eating. In your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Chewing, eating slowly. Increasing your metabolism. You've lost all that weight easily. Feeling satisfied and good. Proud of yourself. You've created this lifestyle. Able to maintain it. You can look at yourself and feel so happy, proud. Looking at yourself, feeling, looking amazing. Loving what you see. Feeling happy, deep down inside. Within yourself, about yourself. You have that shield around you that is protecting you all the time. You feel shielded, guarded. Protected against anything from the outside world. What other people are saying and thinking is bouncing off that shield. You're feeling safe and secure. Feeling protected, peaceful, balanced. From now on you're allowing yourself to lose that weight. Allowing yourself to feel good inside. You've let go of those negative images from your childhood. That feeling of not fitting in, everything has gone out and away. It's not your reality at all anymore. You're feeling proud, confident, feeling happy. Feeling good within yourself. You've lost that weight successfully. From now on you carry on with that beautiful lifestyle. Easy to maintain. With this nice feeling I would like you to imagine that you're leaving your room. You can come back at any given time. You're walking past all those doors again. Walking past door number one. Believing in yourself, two. Nice, good lifestyle. Feeling strong, feeling good. Going to three. Having those small portions, breakfast, lunch and dinner is perfectly enough. Four, eating, chewing slowly. Five, feeling that you're able to maintain it. Feeling proud of yourself. Not going back into anything from the past. That has gone out and away completely. Six, from tonight on you'll be able to sleep deeply. Going from seven to eight. Sleeping right through the night. Happy dreams. When you wake up you feel rested and strong. Ready for the day. You feel that shield around you, protecting you all the time. Managing everything so much better. Not having to think about food at all anymore. Going from nine to ten. You have your three meals and you feel safe. Full and satisfied. Protected. Confident. Easy to lose your weight. Speeding up your metabolism. Feeling so much better. Being consistent. Proud of yourself. I'm going to count from one up to ten. And when I say ten you can open up your eyes again. When I say ten and you have fallen asleep at night, you can carry on sleeping. That's your choice. One, two, three, four, five. Feeling safe and secure. Six, seven, eight. Feeling proud of yourself. Nine and ten. That's your choice.

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