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Talk: 19890413-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-anapanasati_full_awareness_of_breath_series_tape_9-33812 Start_time: 00:39:09 Display_question: What am I to do about not bringing awareness to the breath for a big chunk of time? Keyword_search: progress, breath, daily life, life, day, time, awareness, problem, start, again Question_content: Larry: Anyone have any progress reports on using the breath in daily life? Does that mean you're not using it, or what does it mean? I really need words. I'm kind of dopey. I have no psychic abilities, and if you don't tell me, I just don't know. Truthfully. Do you forget to use the breath during the day? Questioner: Yes. Larry: All the time? Most of the time? Questioner: Most of the time. Larry: Yeah. Questioner: Big clumps of time, when you remember… I know you don't make a problem. But the problem that was a big three hours I didn't bring… Larry: Yeah. When that happens, include that big chunk of time along with the full history, recorded history of mankind, and just start right over again in the present moment. It just, you know, it's just part of the dinosaurs, Christopher Columbus, it's all just let him join everything that’s over with. And just start in the beginning of three years, three seconds. Oh, just start again. Questioner: Yeah. Larry: We’re constantly beginning, over and over again. End_time: 00:40:36