Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is talking about the second coming of the Lord and the need for preparation. They share the parable of the ten virgins, emphasizing the importance of being ready for the Lord's return. They urge listeners to live a life that honors God and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They highlight the need for genuine faith and dedication, as mere attendance at church is not enough. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of having oil in our lamps, symbolizing readiness for the Lord's coming. I know, I know, He's coming, He's coming soon He's coming soon, He's coming soon With joy, we welcome His return He's coming in the morning, He's coming at night or noon I know, I know, He's coming, He's coming soon He's coming soon, He's coming soon With joy, we welcome His return He's coming in the morning, He's coming at night or noon I know, I know, He's coming soon Matthew chapter 25 please The book of Matthew chapter 25 I'll be reading from verse number 1 Matthew chapter 25 We'll be taking it from verse number 1 Then saw the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lambs and went forth to meet the bridegroom Five of them were foolish and five were sensible Take note, five were what? Sensible When the foolish took their lambs, they didn't take oil with them But the sensible ones took oil in their flask with their lambs Since the groom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep In the middle of the night, there was a shout Here is the groom, come out to meet him Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lambs But the foolish one said to the sensible ones Give us some of your oil because our lambs are going out The sensible one answered, no, there won't be enough for us and for you Go instead to those who sell and buy oil for yourself When they have gone to buy some, the groom arrived Then those who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet And the door was shut Later the rest of the virgins also came and said, master, master, open for us But he replied, I assure you, I do not know you Let's read verse 13 together everybody Therefore be alert because you don't know either the day or the hour May the Lord bless the reading of this word in Jesus name For those of us who know the song I sang earlier, I want you to sing it again He's coming soon, He's coming soon With joy we welcome His great coming In the morning, in the evening, I adore, I adore He's coming soon, He's coming soon With joy we welcome His great coming In the morning, in the evening, I adore, I adore He's coming soon Amen This morning by the grace of God I will be talking about pressing forward In our preparation for the coming of the Lord In preparation for the second coming Pressing forward In our preparation for the second coming The way the church is going this day Is a signal that many of us are not prepared for the coming of the Lord any longer I repeat, the way the church is going today Shows that we are not prepared for the coming of the Lord any longer But I want to say here emphatically this morning That if you are a member of assemblies of God You don't believe in the second coming of the Lord This is not a rightful place for you Because as a church, it is one of our cardinal points That we are expecting the coming of the Lord And I know it will not be long He shall come And when He comes, the question for you and myself to answer Is whether we are ready for the coming And I pray that the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus Today's church, today's believers Are living outside the understanding of the revelation of the coming of God While Jesus was here The scriptures say He went about doing good And in the book of John chapter 14 He said, I am going to prepare a place And after I prepare this place, I will do what? I will come back here to take you to myself How many of us believe that very one? And inasmuch He made a promise And He has never failed in any of His promises This very one also will surely come to pass Now the question is Am I prepared? Are you prepared for the coming of the Lord? Like the illustration I was given In this parable of 10 virgins It is a story of a man that was preparing for marriage And some of us have had weddings And some of our younger ones are still having weddings When a man is ready to marry Or a lady is ready to marry You will see all kind of preparation That will be put in place Am I communicating? The young man will be going to ministers Inviting guests He has for himself or the family to be doing one thing or the other All in preparation for what? For the wedding On the day of the wedding you see all the family members Friends rejoicing Because a wife, a sister is coming to join their son in what? In holy matrimony Joy will be everywhere Because a sister and a brother are getting what? Married And if you look at the young man's face Look at the young lady's face Joy will be all over Because what? They are getting into marriage And they have made a serious what? Preparation A serious preparation A serious preparation Now this preparation is limited to this very earth But what we are saying this morning is How prepared are you? For the coming of the Lord And I pray that the Holy Spirit will help us this morning In the mighty name of Jesus My own translation of the scriptures says There were two groups of peasants Five were foolish And the remaining five were sensible That is the way my own translation put it They were sensible Can I have other translations of that very scripture? If you have it media Can I have other translations? If there is anybody in the congregation If there is anybody in the congregation that have another translation Different from the ones I have read Can I have it please? Ok And Preparation says Five of them were foolish or thoughtless Without forethought And other five were wise Sensible Intelligent And prudent The issue of the second coming Is not an issue that we need to toy with But the scripture also make us to understand That Jesus is coming For a church without sport or war or wrinkle The Lord Jesus is coming And He is not coming for everybody He is only coming for those who are what? Who are prepared How prepared are you? How sensible are you? How thoughtful are you about the coming of the Lord? The life that we live here Will determine whether we will go or what or not And that is why we will always encourage people To live a life that bring honor and glory to God And the scripture we read says Five were reasonable Five were not reasonable And they were there everybody was busy Doing whatever they were doing But eventually They were waiting for the bridegroom to come And as of the time the bridegroom was alerted They were alerted that the bridegroom was here They woke up and lo and behold There was no oil in their world In their lamp any longer And the scripture make us to understand That be alert Because you don't know either The day or the hour The Lord will come And the Lord will help us In the mighty name of Jesus How prepared are you? In your way of life How prepared are you? Are you in the consciousness Of the coming of the Lord in your office? Are you in the consciousness Of the coming of the Lord in your house While you are fighting? While you are abusing people? While you are quarreling? Are you aware of the coming of the Lord? Press it forward For us to press forward In our preparation For the coming of the Lord There are a lot of things that we must put aside Listen to me child of God We are men in this world But we are not of this world And because we are not of this world We need to prepare ourselves For the coming of the Lord himself Listen In the church setting The pastor can say you are good The deacon can say you are good The woman leader can say you are good The Sunday school superintendent can say you are good But it is only God himself That has the final say Mass evangelization Is not what is required For us to go to heaven Pastor's evaluation Is not what you need To go to heaven Because the angels of God They are watching over your life You know there are people who deceive themselves Their Christianity is only in the church Not even in their house Their Christianity is only where? It is only in the church The moment they leave their church on the street You will never know whether they are Christian or not The moment they are in their houses The moment they are in their houses You will never know whether they are Christian or not The moment you see them in the offices You will never know whether they are Christian or not But hear me today God is watching And is waiting To take on those ones Who are ready To serve him And serve him to the end We must make a good preparation And one of the best ways To prepare ourselves Is to accept Jesus As our Lord and personal saviour If you are here this morning You are asking yourself How will I prepare myself For the coming of the Lord The number one preparation You need to do Or I need to do Is to acknowledge that I am a sinner And accept Jesus As my Lord and personal saviour To have control Over my life When the Lord Take over the leadership of your life To surrender your will To him will never be Difficult And I pray that the Lord Will help us in Jesus name I pray for you That you will never be regarded As one of those Foolish ones Or carry lamps But five Were without oil When the master came The alarm Couldn't work They went in search of oil They went in search of oil And before they returned The door was already was Shut I don't know what you are looking for Up and down I don't know what you are looking for That have not allowed you To have surrendered your life Totally to the Lord All can go to church But yet They have never given their life to Christ All can go to church But not all are sincere In their worship of God All can go to church But not all are faithful Not all are dedicated Not all are committed To the assignment of the kingdom When these ones came back Before they came The door was already was shut And the scripture says What did they do They started knocking Master we are back And The master Couldn't open for them Any longer The master couldn't open for them Any longer They said no It was because we didn't have oil I think we used to sing that song Give me oil In my lamp Keep me burning Give me oil In my lamp Keep me burning Give me oil In my lamp Keep me burning Keep me burning For you For you Give me oil In my lamp Keep me burning Keep me oil In my lamp Give me oil In my lamp Keep me burning Keep me burning Can I ask you this money Can I ask you this money Do you see I am oil in your lamp Are you burning for the lord We have had three weeks Of evangelism Let men come Let women come How many of us Had ever one day Attended this evangelism Is your lamp still burning The lamp of evangelism Is it burning The lamp of soul winning Is it burning The lamp of faithfulness Dedication Commitment To the service of god Is it burning When the lamp is not burning Some of us we just come This enlargement campaign Just to write our names After 7.30 so that they will throw And if they do not write your name Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning Is your lamp still burning And as the Holy Spirit awakens Our spirit man We will get ready For the coming of the lord In the mighty name of Jesus Let's look at the book of Matthew chapter 7 I will be looking at some scriptures This morning together with you And thereafter we will pray How prepared are you Matthew chapter 7 Verses 21 to 23 Matthew 7 Verses 21 to 23 Not everyone Who says to me Lord Lord We do what Not everyone Who says to me Lord Lord We enter the kingdom of heaven But who Those who Doubt the will of my father In heaven On that day Many will say to me Lord Lord Did we prophesy In your name Drive out demons In your name And do many miracles In your name Verse 23 Then I will announce to them I never knew you Depart from me You law breakers Can I ask you this morning We are talking about The coming of the lord And the lord is coming to rapture who The saints Is your name written in the book of life Can heaven hear your name And respond Is there many who say Lord we do this we do that I don't know you You can prophesy You can sing, you can preach You can do anything in my name Inasmuch your life Does not align with my word I don't know you It is only those that do My will that I know That they are children of God I have told us in this church Again and again No matter the title that you carry Whether as a pastor, whether as a deacon Is nothing before God What is important to God Therefore are you a child of God Are you a child of God I will sing some old songs this morning As a way to awaken Our spirit man Because the way, like I said earlier The way the church is going today We are no more conscious That we are strangers there We are no more conscious That heaven is our world I don't know you And I pray for everyone of us That as we are hearing the word of God this morning God will minister to us In Jesus name We are prophesying in your name We have driven away demons in your name We have performed miracles in your name Jesus say I don't know you What will make me to know you What will make me to know you To do my will You law breakers Depart from me You that will never take To the cancer of God Depart from me Oh If all the churches that we are having In Nigeria today We have children of God In spirit and in truth Then we will know that We are in another community entirely But unfortunately We have a lot of mixed multitude Among the gathering Of God's people And God is not coming for the mixed multitude He is coming for those Who have surrendered their lives Unto the Lord And I pray that as we keep on Pursuing our desire Of meeting and knowing God The Lord will help us In Jesus name Let's look at the book of Luke Chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 From verse 17 To 20 The servants will return with joy After they have ministered the word of God They say Lord Even the demons submit to us in your name He said to them I watch Satan Fall from heaven Like a lightning flash Luke I have given you authority To trample All snakes And scorpions And all over the power of the enemy Nothing will ever Harm you Amen Everybody raise 20 now How ever How ever How ever Don't rejoice that the spirit Submit to you But rejoice That your names are written In heaven I am rejoicing My name has been written I am rejoicing That I am born I am born again I am rejoicing My name has been written I am rejoicing That I am born I am born again I am rejoicing My name has been written I am rejoicing That I am born I am my father I am rejoicing My name has been written I am rejoicing That I am born again I used to say to Dickens And some of my friends Like Evangelist De Gogo That it doesn't bother me Whether you raise the dead It doesn't bother me Whether you can say to Viper Or Scorpion To enter inside this What do you call it Ceramic and the thing will just obey you It doesn't bother me What bothers me so much Are you a child of God Are you living Are you a child of God And that is what concerns heaven We have a lot of miracle workers today Who are using diabolical ways Of performing their miracle A lot of people can do such But God is saying to you this morning When I saw the way The disciples cast out all the demons I rejoiced But the question Must be answered However Don't rejoice That the spirit submits to you But rejoice That your names Are written anywhere in heaven This would what Carnival would mean Any moment I begun For I have laid My consecration This would what Carnival would mean Any moment I begun For I have laid My consecration And I have My wedding Garment on And I have My wedding Garment on And I have My wedding Garment on And I have My wedding Garment on And I have My wedding Garment on And I have My wedding Praise God The scripture says Rejoice not That you can heal the sick You can lay your hands Praise God Hallelujah I am praying that God will give all our Decades anointing in such a way That even when Passover is not around They will lay hands on the sick and every sick will become what? Healed All evangelists We have evangelists here We have evangelists this way Evangelists this way Oh hear me If you heal the sick Raise the dead Call the lame to walk And your name is not written in the book of life You have no part In the kingdom of God And I pray That will never be our portion in Jesus name Amen Let us also look at the book of Revelation Preparation Preparation For the coming Of the Lord Revelation chapter 20 now Verses 11 To 15 Then I saw a great white throne And once seated on it Earth and heaven Flared from its presence And no place Was fine for them I also saw the dead The great and the small Standing before the throne And books Were worth And books Were worth Another book was open Which is the book of life And the dead Were judged According to their works By what was written In the books Hello Another book was opened Which is the book of what Life And aside from the book of life And the dead were judged According to their works By what was written In the books Then the sea gave up its dead And death and heaven Gave up their dead All were judged According to their works Death and heaven Were thrown into the lake of fire This is the second death The lake of fire And anyone Not fine written in the book of life Was thrown Into the lake of fire Where you will spend your eternity Depends On the decision you make here On earth If you read that book Or this scripture The bible say another books It was plural Another books Another was books Another was book Which is the book of life And the dead were judged According to their works By what was written in the books In the books How many of you have sat on the school register before? Is it a book or paper? Talk to me now If Another books or those books Will be opened Those books If they are opened on the school register Will your name be there? Or you don't know that on the school register is a book If the open bible study register Will your name be there? In our days now In those days you go to some of our churches They will hang a name When you come you pick your tally They will just mark your name But even though we don't do that The angels are here Keeping records Of everybody If the open bible study book Bible study register If heaven open bible study register Will your name be there? If heaven open prayer meeting register Will your name be there? We encourage everybody in assemblies of God If you are a woman you join women ministry If you are a man you join men ministry If you are a youth you join youth ministry If all these books Of department Are being opened in heaven Will your name be there? It's a question you must answer This morning In our church we have a church register Your name may be there But it's your name In the books Books Books Aside from the book of life Which is one There are other words Books There are other books Beloved brothers and sisters I want to challenge you this morning That the type of life we live Should go in line With the word of God Why? Jesus is coming For a raptureable world Church Jesus is coming For a raptureable Church Now For you to go to heaven Or for you to wait for the second coming What can help you To know and to wait For the second coming of the Lord Number one Personal relationship with Him Praise God Come on somebody talk to me Praise the Lord You need a personal word Relationship with Him John chapter 3 verse 3 Can I have John chapter 3 verse 3 John chapter 3 I assure you Unless someone is worth Talk to me Unless someone is worth He cannot see the kingdom of God You must be born again That is number one Requirement for your worth Preparation for the coming of The Lord Number one requirement To show That you are prepared You are preparing yourself For the coming of who? Of the Lord Number two Obedience to His word 1 John chapter 2 Let me have 1 John chapter 2 Verses 3 and 4 Book of 1 John chapter 2 Verses 3 This is how we are sure To know Him Hello This is how we are worth That we have come to worth By what? If you claim to be a child of God You can't keep His command Sometimes I ask people When God says A girl must not commit fornication And adultery Does God has wives Obedience to His word Eh It's for your own good It's for my own good Ask those people Who engages in fornication and adultery They will tell you what they suffer Was it gonorrhea or AIDS? Before gonorrhea or AIDS Spread all over If you talk to some men About fornication and adultery Say pastor you cannot understand It's just because you are a pastor You cannot understand What we are enjoying But there are many men Who didn't stop fornication and adultery Because of God They stopped it because of fear of AIDS And gonorrhea When they heard That somebody has carried AIDS And the man is just like penguin They say I don't want to die now And they They make up their mind Never to engage in Fornication and adultery Give me that scripture back again My brother 1 John chapter 2 This is how we are sure That we have come to know Him By keeping His word Are you keeping His command? The one who say I have come to know Him His command is who? And the truth is no words Which of His command have you kept? Which of His command Have you kept since you gave your life to Christ? Which of His command are you keeping? Which of His command are you ready to keep? You are rebellious to God Rebellious to His word Rebellious to the leadership of the church And yes you are a child of God Watch your life When you have Watch your life You will know Whether you are prepared or not Number 3 Way to prepare ourselves For the second coming Yes for the second coming We must fear Him We must do what? Fear Him and respect Him Fear Him Fear God If you cannot fear man Fear who? I didn't used to hear that word from people If you cannot fear men At least fear who? And your fear of God Will make you to have respect for Him And respect for who? For others The Lord will help us in Jesus name I just want you to go home with this question How prepared are you? For the coming of the Lord How prepared are you? For the coming of the Lord In your business places Do anybody around you know you to be a child of God? That is preparing for the coming of the Lord Do anybody around you knows That you are a child of God That you can be depended upon But this morning God is asking me to let you know There is need for you There is need for me To get our self worth Prepared To get our self worth And as you get prepared May the Lord help us in Jesus name Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Say again Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Say it five times Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Say it five times Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Are you in that number? Say it five times The book of Titus chapter 2 Verses 11 to 13 Or lets read it to 15 For the grace of God has appeared With salvation for all people Verse 12 take note Instructing us to deny Godlessness And worldly lust And to live in a sensible Righteous And godly way In the present age Take note To live in a sensible Go back to there Righteous And godly way In the present world Age 13 Why We walk Why we walk Why must we live godly Because we have a hope There is greater hope And we are waiting for the appearing Of the glory of our great God And Saviour We must live godly We must live a life that brings honour And praise to God We must show unrighteousness We must show worldly lust We must show nothing If actually we are preparing ourselves Today is appalling That we see believers We are Paul was encouraging the Corinthian brethren He said there are things that should not be worth Mentioned among us as believers But today Are we not mentioning those things among believers today Are we not mentioning those things Among believers today And we pray that the Lord Will help us in Jesus name Why we wait For the blessed hope And the appearing of the glory of our great God And Saviour Jesus Christ Who did what He gave himself for us To redeem us from all Lawlessness And to cleanse for himself A special people Eager to do Good works Praise and encourage And rebuke with authority Praise God Praise the name Of the Lord Paul was talking to Titus And he was telling him To teach people This godly way And he also Empowered him and encouraged him To do what To rebuke with authority Where necessary Rebuke is very difficult In the church But Paul told Titus to do what To rebuke with authority Rebuke Cancer Discipline Correct people according to the will And the purpose of God And when you are able to do this You have fulfilled the purpose of God Upon your life And when you are able to do this Heaven will rejoice Over your life I want us to stand to pray this morning I pray at this morning Lord Put in me The consciousness Of your coming Last Sunday our dears Was here And they talk about making A profitable Person what? Profitable And I don't know whether you have Asked yourself this question Whether you are a profitable person To the church And to the society He's coming soon He's coming soon With joy We welcome His return It may be In the morning It may be Night or noon I know He's coming soon Coming soon He's coming soon He's coming soon With joy We welcome His return It may be In the morning It may be Night or noon I know He's coming soon If you know that Jesus is coming soon How prepared are you? I want you to pray for yourself this morning Lord, create the consciousness Of your coming In my heart That is all I want us to pray this morning Lord, create the consciousness Of your coming In my heart The life that I live The word that I say The attitude that I display Lord, create the consciousness Of your coming In my heart When we all have this understanding Our life will be better than what we have now Young man, how are you living your life? Young ladies, how are you living your life? Mummies and daddies, how are we living our lives? We will all give account of our lives Even if you cannot give your account to pastor But you will give to God If the pastor cannot give his account to members He will give to God If the deacons cannot give their account to members They will give to God All chants Sunday school teachers Praying for We are not giving up But we want to pray for In preparation For his coming Because we are sure he is coming back He cannot lie He is coming back The time, the hour, the moment I don't know, but I know he is coming back Because the word of God has told me That he is coming back And I believe that he is coming back Madam, are you prepared for his coming? Is the joy of his coming still fresh in your memory? Is the joy of his coming still fresh in your mind? Pray for yourself this morning Lord Create in me the consciousness of your coming The consciousness That is all I want us to pray this morning Create in me A consciousness of your coming Create in me A consciousness of your coming If you know that Jesus is coming You will not be cheating people You cheat You cheat You deceive You commit all kind of atrocities Because you never had the mind That the Lord is coming But I am here this morning to remind you That the Lord is coming The day, the time, the hour I don't know But the scripture says His coming will be like a thief in the night When no man is ready When no woman is ready The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear The son of man will appear Sing that song again with me He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one He's the one For in Jesus name I pray