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Crazy_ Stupid_ Love




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This is a discussion about the movie "Crazy Stupid Love" from 2011. The hosts disagree on whether they like the film or not. They talk about the different relationships in the movie, particularly focusing on the main couple, Cal and Emily, and their divorce. They also discuss the character development and makeovers of Cal and Jacob, played by Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling. They express their dislike for certain elements of the movie, such as the creepy relationship between Robbie and Jessica, the babysitter. Overall, the hosts have different opinions on the movie and its various storylines. Hi, everyone. So today we are talking about one of my personal favourites. Spoiler. Crazy Stupid Love from 2011. And Jay, this is your first time, isn't it, watching this? Yeah. Yes, yes, it is. Yes, my first time ever. And my last time ever as well. So that's I was thinking today, actually, before we recorded that this is actually I think it's the first time that we disagreed on a film. Yeah, to be fair. I think mostly we've agreed on every film, but this one I'm like, you love it. Yeah. I hate it. No, my heart just broke. Sorry. Oh, dear. So we're going to be going back to our kind of usual format. We haven't done it for a bit, have we? No. Brief rundown of the film now, but then we're going to talk about specific things that we want to talk about. Yeah. So in this film, we've got loads of star-studded cast. So we open up with Cal and Emily, who are played by Steve Carell and Julian Moore. And they're having a dinner and basically Emily asks for a divorce. And she tells Cal that she's slept with someone else. And we also see Robbie, their young son, and he's confessing his love to his babysitter. And we also meet Hannah, played by Emma Stone, and we see her at the bar, find out she's becoming a lawyer and she has a boyfriend. Cal goes into a bit of a depression when they break up and he meets Jacob, played by Ryan Gosling. Nearly said the wrong Ryan then. I was literally thinking Ryan Gosling. And he basically helps him get his confidence back. And there's just a bunch of different relationships throughout the whole story. And they kind of all become entwined. And then at the end, there's a kind of a big reveal, which I won't go into detail because we're going to talk about that in quite a bit of detail. Yeah. But that's the basic gist. It's a romantic comedy. And yes, here's the trailer. Okay, so shall we talk about... Who do you want to talk about first? Which couple? Um, I want to go into what is supposed to be the main couple. Yeah. But Emily and Cal. Okay. Yep. First of all, they're in the middle of a fucking... they're in the middle of a restaurant. And he has no idea about, like, what she's feeling at this point. Like, literally, they have a car, you know, I mean, you said it, she asks for a divorce. They're in the middle of the restaurant in front of everyone. Then on the way home, she literally turns around and says, like, I've been sleeping with another man. And sort of words it that he's to blame. Yeah. And I'm like, I'm sorry? How? The more gaslighting move is this. This is not the case at all. Oh, like, I like Julianne more. Like, I don't know, she's brilliant. Yeah. I hated her character in this. Hated her. Wasn't, like, my favourite out of all of them. But yeah, I think it's more that they've been together 25 years, and it got stale, and they probably, like, weren't trying and... But yeah, not that that's any excuse to go sleep with someone else. My argument with that, and I mean, yeah, not really arguing, because you're agreeing. But it's like, she's, like, saying pretty much what you were just saying. Like, oh, you know, things have gone stale. We'll then talk to him, Mary. Like, what are we doing here? Like, you have a husband of 25 years, you've got two kids. And she's just like, I'm not going to talk to my long life husband about my feelings and how I'm feeling. I'm just going to go off and sleep with someone else. Fuck it. Yeah. You would have thought it would have come up in conversation before now. Right. Right. Oh. And he was such a slave. Oh, my husband told him. He literally didn't see it coming. No. But this is the thing, because it's, like, it's called communication, people, is what you need in a great relationship, communication, literally about everything. It's just... and then the audacity, because I wrote notes of this, we're, like, going through just in case. But the audacity of this woman to turn around when she finds out later on that he slept with the school teacher. Yeah. She gets pissed. I'm like, I'm sorry, literally a couple of, you know, you asked for a divorce, you communicated, you probably slept with someone, Kevin Bacon of all people, just to clarify. I'm angry about Kevin Bacon being in this as well. And I'm just like, immediately, no, love. Yeah. No. Of all things, no. Yeah. OK. But I think being apart as well, I think that's what it took to make them realise that they actually wanted to be together, like, because Carol said, like, she was the only person he's ever been with. So I think him going off and being with other women and dating and things like that made him realise as well, he doesn't want that, he loves her. Yeah. And I think, obviously, Jacob, you know, the whole makeover thing, you know, got him a whole new wardrobe, a new look, excuse me. And can I just say, this was the first time I ever thought Steve Carell was hot. And I was like, really? Yes. In this film. OK. Let's unpack that for two seconds. OK. It's funny, because I was watching this, my good friend came round and we were all, I was like, I need to watch this film. We meant to be having a movie date, but I need to watch this film before Tuesday, because, like, I'm doing it for a podcast. And she was like, what is it? And I told her, she was like, I love that film, so we sat down and watched it. And I was sort of saying to her, ironically, I was like, Stephen Carell is not an attractive man in this. Like, in the earlier days, for me, personally, he's like, I was like, ew. But I don't know if you've seen the TV show Morning Wars? No. Oh, it's so good. It's basically like Good Morning America, but it's a drama, not a comedy drama. It's like a dark drama about, you know, you can look up later if you want. But him and that, he's got, like, salt and pepper hair, a bit like mine. And I'm like, yes, like, here's good hair. Like, Stephen Carell, like, now, I'm like, yes. Oh, yeah, it's definitely got hotter as it's got older. Yeah, so he aged, like, my mind. But him then, now, in this film, I'm like, gross. I've seen it. I thought he's nice in this, but if you go back a bit, like, 40-year-old virgin. Oh, yeah. Yeah, because I've seen him in stuff like that before. But obviously, I watched this the first time, probably way back, you know, when it came, nearer to when it came out. Yeah. But yeah, I still think he's nice when he's had his makeover and had his hair did. Can we talk about the makeover as well? Because this is hilarious. So he does this, like, um, he does this thing of, like, you know, a bit of a montage they have together. And he steps out into this, he steps out in his final big makeover. And I just sat there and went, that's awful. He looks horrible. Like, the outfit does not look good. Yeah, it was like a thick sweater and... Yeah, I was like, he looks... ...baggy to go over the top, yeah. Didn't look, I was like, he looks... He looks better than his... ...baggy jeans and trainers, didn't it? Yeah. And then, what was the other bit? Um, Jacob turns around and goes, never ever wear New Balance. And I'm like, I'm sorry, what's wrong with New Balance shoes? Like, I feel attacked right now. What is this? I don't know. I mean, they're quite expensive nowadays, aren't they? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, back when I was growing up, it was, like, on call to shop at Tesco's. It was like, oh, God, you're such a tramp if you shop at Tesco's. Whereas now it's like, nobody cares, isn't it? Yeah. No. But, um, so were you mad, talking of Emily and Calvin, were you mad that they kind of, I guess they stay together in the end, don't they, I assume? Um... And they profess their love to one another? So, this is the thing, and I can say this now because you're asking, I don't really care about any of the other relationships. The only one I was invested in was Hannah and Jacob. Yeah. Like, so, to put it politely, I could, literally, I could give two shits if any of them stayed together. Like, I think, like, it tried, I was going to say this when I ground up, but I'll say it now because it's relevant, but this movie tried so hard to be Love Actually. And it didn't. What, with all the, like, different stories and whatever, it's like Love Actually. No, Love Actually is problematic in itself, I'd like to say that for a second, but at least Love Actually does it, it does, tells each story, at least successfully, that you're not... Yeah. You're not bored with one, and you're like, oh, I don't care about them. Yeah, yeah. You're like, oh, okay, well, that's interesting, and that's happening, and different things, whereas this is like, I was like, why, why are we fighting? And then, like, the kids, I don't remember his name. Robbie. Robbie. Creepiest little, creepiest fucking kid ever. He's so creepy. So fucking creepy. And then, can we talk about the problematic ending between him and whatever this girl's name is, Jessica? Do you want to do it now, or when we talk about the end? But yeah, I've got that image. Okay, we'll talk about that. I sat there with Izzy, and I was like, did she just give to us? Okay, what? Why, why, why? I'm just so confused and grossed out. Yes, I would agree with that. Okay, sorry. So, as we're talking about, let's talk about Robbie and Jessica. So, Robbie is the, Cal and Emily's 13-year-old son, and Jessica is their 17-year-old babysitter. And he clearly has a major, he's head over heels in love with her, and he's constantly, like, he is not shy about it. He is constantly professing his love to her, telling her, I think the first, in like the opening scene, she's babysitting, and he literally, she walks in on him, obviously touching himself, and then he even tells her that it's okay, because he had a picture of her he was looking at, or he was thinking of her or something, and I was just like, oh, it's just, no filter, he's 13. Oh, it's just so creepy. Like, the fact that he, like, she turns around to him multiple, fucking times. Like, literally, she could not say, no, leave me alone, enough. And it also maybe makes you think, if he's not understanding, no, what's that going to go with when he's older? Like, if he doesn't understand what a girl is saying, no. I mean, if I was in that position, I would stop babysitting, but obviously, she was also madly in love with Cal, as we find out. I'm guessing that's why she never quits her job, and is always going around. Robbie might kind of take that the wrong way. He's adamant, always adamant that the age doesn't matter. I think he sent her a text, didn't he, saying, Demi Moore is 15 years older than Ashton Kutcher, and they seem to be very happy. See, I thought he was really cute and hilarious. Um, there was a moment where I was like, do you know what? That moment is amazing, and I love that. He gets, I think he gets called into the office, and his mum comes and gets him. Yeah. I can't remember why. I think he stands up and does this big speech about being an arsehole, if you're in love, basically. But then she's like, OK, you know, you're going to come with me. We can't go home yet, because I've got to go to the office. And the only reason that I like what he does here is because I really don't like him. But he's in the office, and she gets called into a meeting, and for some reason, this, I think his name's David, is it David something? David Morgan. Yeah, that's a funny joke. But he comes in for, he stays in there, because, you know, he goes in to say to Emily, you know, when you're needed, blah, blah, blah. But then he goes in, because he's to stay there, and, like, try and talk to the kids. And, like, he, this, Robbie basically stands, just sits there, and just completely reads him. Absolutely reads him. And I just stood there, and was like, like, round of applause. He says something about, you're the guy that broke up my family, or something like that. Yeah, he goes, I can't remember, I didn't write it down. But he literally just goes, you know, he says a lot more, but I'm like, I love that, I love that, it's so brilliant. He's got, like, a super confidence, hasn't he, that kid? Yeah, yeah, definitely. But I did like that, to give him some credit. I love that, and the fact that he's like, you are, he basically is like, you are nothing. Like, my parents are going to be together, that's it, end of, you are nothing. Yeah, you're the mistake. Yeah, it's, honestly, it's really good. Yeah, I did like that. It was a bit cringey, the bit where he reveals his love for Jessica in front of the whole school. I was like, oh, poor girl. Honestly, how embarrassing. And then I think that's when Jessica reveals that she's in love with someone else. Obviously, it doesn't say who, or that it's his dad. But it kind of does, he backs off a little bit, doesn't he, knowing that actually she has feelings for an older guy. And she says, like, this has to stop. And then we'll talk more about them at the graduation, how that all ends. We'll talk about all their endings. Yeah, the graduation. The graduation is sort of like a big scene, one of the big scenes I wanted to talk about. I might go into a slight rant with it, I'm not going to lie. Okay, so let's talk about Cal and Jacob. Oh, okay. Cal, the dad, their little friendship. Yeah. I like that. I like that. My notes on this bit is quite long. So basically, when Cal gets told by Emily that he wants a divorce, she wants a divorce, he pretty much leaves straight away. He's like, I'll just leave the house. I'll be gone. And he's basically going to this bar every night and drinking his sorrows away. And he's constantly talking to the girl at the bar or the bar person, anyone who will listen, constantly going on about his wife, his kids, David Lindhagen. And then just one night, Jacob notices him and that he's drunk and basically making a bit of a fool of himself. So he calls him over to talk to him. And that's when he says like, I know all about your wife. How do I know about David Lindhagen? And I think Cal says something like, did he sleep with your wife as well? And he's like, no, you've been telling your story to everybody for the last two nights, I think he says. And he's basically saying that you're sad and you're a loser. He is quite harsh with his words, but also that's how like, when he's showing him how to talk to women, that's also what he does with women, isn't he? He almost puts them down. He's very demanding, like he assumes things. Yeah, I mean, I think I probably would if he was stood in front of me. Oh my God, wow. Just quickly, my first reaction when watching that scene, like specifically that scene, when he calls Cal over, he basically just, he doesn't say it in this way, but I'm going to summarize it for people that haven't seen it. He basically calls him over and says, your life's a fucking mess. Nobody gives a shit at the moment. Do you want to sort it out with me? Are you in or out? And my first reaction to that was respectfully, fuck you. And then I walked off. I'm like, you do not know me. You don't know my story at all. But in the end, it's like, so I had a bit of a gripe with this friendship at the beginning. I was like, no, because I didn't see it as realistic because if he said that to someone in real life, I feel like he would have got a drink thrown at him or punched. Punched, yeah. Like, but I do like the way SJ and the fact that Cal actually does, Cal and Jacob do have formed this friendship and it is a nice, it is a good friendship to see. Yeah, yeah. So he points out his hair and his clothes and stuff and he, I think that's where we get the line, I don't know if I should help you or euthanize you. And basically telling him he wants to help him find his manhood again. And that's when we go to the mall and we get the whole makeover scene that we mentioned earlier. And I have written that Jacob was looking hot in his suave suit and when he turns up at the mall and then throws his, makes Cal take his shoes off, the new balance, and then throws. And we get the, and it's, I mean, it's constantly insulted, isn't it? We get the little montage. Yeah. Through that, on their little shopping and, yeah, constant little insults like your face is starting to look like Hugh Hefner's ball sack. I love that line. Doing this little slap, which I like. Slap on the face, which is an ongoing thing. Yeah, in my notes I wrote, he has his hair cut and he looks good. I definitely would. Oh my god. Oh wow. I think the hairdresser that did his hair called Tiffany. And she, that's basically what, he says he comes out from behind the curtain and like, trying not to call him right, and Jacob is saying to this hairdresser, Tiffany, like, you know, would you? And she's like, yeah, I would. And then he starts, Cal starts talking. And then Jacob's like, no, this is the problem. As soon as you open your mouth, Tiffany doubted that she wanted to sleep with you. And he's like, Cal's like, that's the meanest thing anyone's ever said to me. And Jacob comes out with, no, this is, your wife cheated on you because you lost sight of who you are as a man, a husband, and probably a lover. And then Cal's just like, you're right, that's the meanest thing ever. And I was like, it's mean, but it was probably kind of some truth in there, I imagine. Yeah. Yeah. I was just trying to think of, like, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that, that line. Like, I get that it's like, it's supposed to be, um, oh God, like, you know, tough love, if you will. It's meant to be like a you need to hit us because you need to change. And like, well, she could have, again, this is just to me, going back to actual talking conversations. Like, she could have turned around and gone, the spark's gone. We need to work together to get it back. Yeah. Rather than go, well, he doesn't look good anymore. I'm going to go and see my co-worker. And I feel like there's a lot of, there's a lot on this film that's painting him out that it's his fault. And I'm like, well, no, it's not. I don't think he helped. Don't get me wrong. But it's not his fault. Because I've been in relationships before where I have literally communicated, this isn't working. I'm not happy. Yeah. Like, like you say, the sparks kind of go in. We need to do something about it. And literally nothing has happened. And it's just gone on and on. Or there might be a slight change and then it'll just go back to where it was. And then it's just been like, I broke up with him. But then I'm shocked that I broke up. Like, I was like, how did you not see this coming? Like, we've been back and forth about this for months and months. I mean, I don't think Cal was with his face in this. I don't think they'd ever talked about it. No. No, I knew we were talking. I can see that that happens. But yeah, again, sleeping with someone. I do not like cheating. Cheating is my big hate it, hate it. Yeah. You cheat, we're gone. Like, no, hate it. This is it. It's like, bouncing off what you just said, it's like, Emily, like, she could have. She, you know, we don't know because we literally saw the end of their relationship. She might, she might have turned around and said, you know, this is what I feel, this is what I feel, blah, blah, blah. But then if nothing's happening, like, end it. Like, if you're not happy, then put yourself first and just, yeah, and just sort of say, I'm sorry, but this isn't working anymore. And then, yeah, and then maybe have it turn around and go, he might turn around and be like, oh, shit, I need to wish her back. And we could still have the same story, but it didn't come across like that. And I think Cal needed this, he needed all this, this relationship with Jacob and stuff. Yeah. To help him find himself, get his confidence back. And yeah, so I think it was definitely good for him. And maybe it gave Emily a bit more of a, oh, hello, there's a man I've been missing kind of thing. Yeah, I weirdly didn't, okay, I didn't want them to get together in the end. Yeah. To be honest, think about it now. Yeah, it's either way for me. I wouldn't have minded whichever way it went. I think she's definitely better than her. Yeah, 100%. What I would have preferred is that he sort of found this new confidence. You know, he had, he goes through a storyline. So those of you who haven't seen it, he goes through a bit of a storyline of being a bit of a player for about a 20 minute scene, if that. But have him realise that's not me either. And then Jacob has just helped him realise that he wants to be, that he, you know, helps him be the better man that he can be. And then he goes off and he's happy with, on his own or maybe with someone else. So not go calling back to someone that's just cheated on you. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Yeah. I'm a bit like you, I'm like, cheating, no. So like, that, I'm like, you've done that, that's cool. Yeah. I can forgive, but I can't forget. That's my problem. Yeah. So I could get to a point where I could forgive that that happened, but I'd never forget it. Entirely. In my mind, and I just couldn't carry on. Yeah. I mean, we're entirely the same on that. Because like, if I was him, and I'm like, okay, let's get back together. The moment she's on her phone, I'd be like, what are you doing? Yeah. And that's not healthy. No, no. So, I don't know, I think you've, I think you've dealt with that. Yeah, yeah. Sorry, we're getting... Sorry, that doesn't happen, folks. No, they get together, it's annoying. I do like all the stuff where he's trying, like, he's learning from Jacob, isn't he, watching Jacob? Because obviously, this plays a big part as well. Literally, he's every night in the bar, they go into the bar, and he's seeing Jacob take a different woman home. I mean, I don't know if this is a nightly thing, but every time it's happening, he is going home with a different woman. Yeah. Which obviously, so he has this perception of Jacob in his mind that will come into play later. Yeah. And then trying to watch Cal hit on the women, you know, that's quite comical until it actually works. And that's where, oh, what's her name, Marissa Tomei is her name? I can't remember who plays Kate, the teacher. Oh. She ends up taking a crazy lady home. Yeah. Marissa. And again, that comes back around later, because it turns out to be Robbie's teacher. Yeah. So, when he's hitting on her, it's cringey, but in an actual funny way, you're just like, oh, this is, literally, I was like, this is so bad, but like laughing and kind of enjoying that it's so bad. Because he is being honest as well, isn't he? He's saying, I've only ever slept with one woman, and she's just loving this honesty, like, oh my God, tell me something else! Yes, it's actually quite funny, because it's like, he goes in with basically like a script from Jacob of going, right, this is what you need to say, stick to these. And the way he says it, I mean, the way Jacob says it is fucking awful as well, but women seem to fall for it. But the way Cal says it, it's just even worse. And she's just starting to like, excuse me, what are you saying? And then the moment he's like, I'm sorry, my life's a mess, this, that, and the other, she's like, oh my God, tell me more, and just basically jumps on him, I'm like, what the fuck? Oh, it is funny. But yeah, I think it comes up that Cal actually sleeps with nine other women in this time after this one. I don't really know, we don't know the timeline, do we? I'm guessing it's going to be a few months. And then Jacob goes a bit quiet. Again, we have another mini montage of Cal leaving him voicemails, because he basically needs advice. I'm guessing maybe he's not liking this life of sleeping around and things like that. I don't know. But it is actually here from Jacob, and this is because we find out he has met someone. Which, if that, you want to talk about Hannah and Jacob? Yes. Yeah? Okay. Look, it's like a myth to me, Hannah and Jacob is the only relationship that I was invested in. Yes, anyone you cared about. Yep, literally. Yes, she was my favourite. Yeah, entirely. And just a quick side note about Hannah, and I want to make it known that the one character I thought was so underrated in this film is her friend Liz. Yes, yes. Like, brilliant. Have a friend like Liz. Everyone needs a friend like Liz. Oh, yeah. I love the scene where they're at this really pretentious fucking dinner. It's awful. Oh, yeah. And her boyfriend is this really stuck-up lawyer already. He's fucking awful. And Liz, I can't remember what she says, but it's something along the lines of, Ridge, like, you're going to be with him. Ridge, literally him. And then he starts laughing, she goes, ugh. That was the only scene. Yeah, I'm like, honestly, I love it. And then when she's at the bar later, and I think Hannah's at home or something. And she's like, she rings him and basically is like, hot guy's here to hit on you. You need to come down here and, like, get on it. And this random, like, big guy comes up to her, doesn't even talk, and she goes, in what world would that work? Yeah, he just points his face in the other direction, doesn't he? Yes, and you are correct. Wishful thinking, mate. Yeah, that is so funny. So yeah, Hannah and Jacob. Yeah, we first meet Hannah. So Hannah is played by Emma Stowe. We first meet her when she's with her friend at the bar. And they're basically, they've been talking about, I think, Hannah's boyfriend being a bit boring. And I think they're having a conversation about Conan O'Brien being sexy. No. Jacob's Conan O'Brien, I was like, ew. Yeah, sorry, Conan. I like a ginger as well, but no. No, I'm not sorry, Conan. No. So Jacob was in the bar, and he's been overhearing, so he kind of comes rolling over and starts with the cheesy lines. And he basically says he hasn't been able to take his eyes off her for the last however long. He's very forward, very confident, sure of himself, kind of cocky, but in a suave way, not in a really put-you-off, in an amusing way. I'd be like Emma Stowe in this first one, like in our first interact. Yeah, I would be. I wouldn't know. But I would have found it very funny that he was trying that hard. It was a little offensive to me. I completely agree. I think, yeah, I would be exactly the same as Emma Stowe. I'd be just, sort of, my eyebrows raised, like, really. Yeah. And then I'd be like, yeah, I'm going to go home, not with you, kind of attitude. Yeah, that would have been me. You can kind of see that she likes it, but she leaves. And then we've got a lot more of the story happening with other people before we even see Hannah again. And then when we get what you just said about her friend Liz at the bar, and she's Jacob's bones are up. And then we don't see, again, we don't see, considering I feel like her and Jacob are, like, a main part, we don't actually see her very much, do we? No. Really? Yeah. We don't see her again until, again, we're having this party. I think it's, she just passed the bar, I think. And she's got into her head that Richard, her boyfriend, is going to propose to her. And he doesn't. He makes this toast and basically offers her a job at his lawyer firm. So, and then he's, she's embarrassed because she basically says, like, I thought you might be proposing. And then he's, like, completely, like, whoa. And saying that he needs time and things like that. And then she gets really pissed off and basically dumps him. And we see her walking in the rain, goes to this bar. I love this bit, because she's soaked through and she just goes, you! And then she just kisses him. So they have a lovely smooch. I love these two together in all their films. Yeah. They do have great chemistry. Yeah, yeah. So they have a lovely kiss. And then she's, like, remember me? And he's, like, yeah. She said, you still want to take me home? And he's, like, nodding. Yeah. She's, like, let's go. And then as soon as they get to his apartment, she's, like, a completely nervous wreck, isn't she? Like, down in the drinks. And she's, like, in the PG-13 version of Tonight, I pass out from drinking too much. You cover me with a blanket and nothing happens. But she's, like, I want R-rated. Like, what do you say? I'm here to bang the hot guy from the bar. And then she tells him to take his shirt off. And he's, like, oh. I love this bit. He takes it off and she's, like, oh, it's like you're photoshopped. And then he's, like, well, take your dress off. And she's, like, no, no, I haven't seen that. What I love is she covers her, like, she sort of puts her hand so she can't see his face. Yeah. And she keeps doing that. She's, like, god damn, it's like you're photoshopped. And I actually thought the same. I was, like, you're actually photoshopped. I was, like, brilliant. And then her saying, no, no, no, I'm going to keep mine on. I was, like, honestly, same. Like, I was, like, no, no, no fucking way. Which was, like, is there any, like, dim switches in here? That would be me. And then they get into the conversation and she's, like, you know, watch your big move with the ladies, you know. She knows he does this often. This is just what he does. You know, she's not come for anything more than sex. And she's, like, watch your big move. And he's, like, oh, I don't want to tell you what it is. And she gets it out of him. And it's basically the Dirty Dancing, the lift scene in Dirty Dancing. So he sticks on Time of Your Life and he can do the lift. It's kind of eye-rolling, I'm not going to lie. Yeah, I thought that was a joke for me. When he turned round and was, like, oh, I can do the Dirty Dancing, and I was, like, oh, fucking hell, here we go. Yeah. Maybe lots of women just find it really romantic. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that film, but I don't think that would make me go weak at the knees. It'd be fun, but I wouldn't be like, who would take me to bed now? No. Spoiler alert, I don't like Dirty Dancing. Oh, well, we're not reviewing that one. I can't watch my favourite film, can you? We've seen him do the Dirty Dancing lift. And obviously, you feel the sexual tension. And then she's basically like, you know, where do you usually like to do this? Go to the bedroom. But we get, again, a montage. They're basically up drinking, laughing, talking, like, literally all night until he falls asleep. She puts the blanket over him and nothing happens. Yeah. So, at this point, there's only one note I wrote on this, and it was, so, this storyline right here, Jacob and Hannah, why are we not focusing more on that storyline? Yeah, yeah, because this is always C, isn't it? Yeah, like, it's literally this, and then the barbecue scene, and that's, like, 10 minutes towards the end, and I was like, what? Yeah, you'd think they were the main two, but yeah, you're right. Yeah, and their love story is my favourite. She's so goofy and normal, and I think he finds her quite, kind of, humbling, and he's obviously not just taken a girl home, and then not slept with her, and she's really goofy and, like, relatable, isn't she? Yeah, kind of, yeah. So, yeah, I like them together, and then, yeah, like I say, we don't see them again until the barbecue. So, we might as well talk about that. Yes, let's talk about the barbecue. Okay. As a first-time viewer, and I am normally really good at spotting twists, air quotes twists. And things I can go, okay, well, that's going to happen. I'm really good at it. I did not, weirdly, I didn't see this coming, so. Yeah, and it's quite a lot. Like, you get quite a few little things, don't you, just before leading up to this, which is quite fun. But yeah, this is basically when it all becomes... Clear. It's, yeah, crazy, where everything's revealed. So, it's Emily's birthday, and I think Cal, by now, Cal's realized he still loves her and wants to be with her. So, they're throwing her, like, a birthday party. And so, Robbie's outside, and when Emily comes home, he blindfolds her and takes her out into the back garden, where Cal and Molly, the little daughter, are waiting. And he's basically set up a mini golf set in the back garden. Just like, not the whole course, but just, like, one. One course. They don't actually mention it, do they? I'm guessing it's a date they went on once. I don't know. I think it's a... I see, weirdly, I thought exactly the same thing, and I asked Izzy, I was like, what the fuck is... what's this? Is this relevant? And she's like, yeah, it's the first date that they went on, with ice cream and golf. Oh, ice cream and golf. I got the ice cream part. Yeah, and I was like, oh, I didn't get that. I think it would be. But, yeah, because it's a bit random, otherwise, isn't it? Yeah, a little bit. And so he starts, Blindfold's still on, they start, and he starts going into this speech about how they first met, went for ice cream and stuff. And then we get Hannah, their other child, who we didn't know. We didn't know Hannah was their daughter at all until now. And she shows up with Jacob. Yes. And Jacob and Cal see each other. And Cal completely flips out, like, no, this is not happening. I am not going to allow you two to be together kind of thing. And he's literally like, break up right now. And Hannah's like, confused. And they're all like, well, how do you two know each other? Like, you obviously know each other really well. And then we get Jessica's dad, I think he was called Brian. I might be wrong. But for now, I'm just going to call him Brian. We'll call him Brian. And so just before we saw that, he found some naked photos of Jessica, the babysitter, that she had taken to give to Cal because she's infatuated by him. And in his head, he thinks Cal's doing stuff with his daughter, like, the charge is there, Jessica's following him. So as this is happening, this back and forth is happening with like, Cal and Jacob, we just get Brian rugby tackle Cal. And again, they're like, nobody knows what's happening. And then Cal, sorry, Jacob stops Brian from hitting Cal. But then I think, Brian punches Jacob. And then Jessica has to reveal that, you know, nothing's happening with Cal, but she's completely in love with him. And it's in front of Robbie as well. So breaks his little heart. Sorry. And then, and then who shows up, but David Lindhagen. I think Cal and Jacob are like, David Lindhagen. And then Jacob just like, takes his rings off and goes and punches him and all the women are just like, what the hell? What's going on? Like, what is happening? And then Cal attacks Jacob, like, because he's like, you know, you got to stay away from my daughter and all four are tussling. And I think it's just hilarious. So it comes together a lot better than how I just explained it. But yeah, I think like, you did pretty well. And no, I, yeah, I like this thing. For me, it was like, the twist of like, because they say in like, halfway through the film, Cal comes off, comes out and says, I just spoke to Nana. And me, I was like, that must mean like, his mum, because I think the kid was in the room. So I was like, oh, that's his mum he's talking about. And then you don't put two and two together. And so the barbecue and you're like, Hannah, Nana, right, okay, makes so much sense now. And it was just like, oh, like, boxes were getting like, ticked, shit was getting like, together. I was like, oh, okay. And I really, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a really good thing. And obviously very comical of like, you know, Jacob turns around and is like, that's just me with my friend's wife. And then Cal goes and punches Jacob and was like, that's the baby, my daughter. I was like, Jesus fucking Christ. And it was funny. Yeah. And yeah, that's my favourite part, I think, of the whole thing. I think it's just hilarious, especially on a first watch when you don't, because I don't think I saw any of it coming either. No. But they all did really well in this, that scene, I think. So Cal basically tells Hannah that Jacob's a lowlife and a womaniser and she can't see him anymore. And he tells that she refuses and he tells them to get out of his house. And then Emily's like, this is not your house anymore. And then Cal replies with you made damn sure of that, didn't you? And then basically everyone's fallen out of Cal, even Robbie, because Robbie's mortified that the love of his life is in love with his dad. Oh my God. Okay. So Robbie, I'm sorry, you need to grow up, you're 13. We've all had that, like, is puppy love the right phrase? Is that right? We've all had that. And then you look back at it and you're like, dear God, like, that's, it's one of those moments, you're just like, I have no time for it. I have no time for it. Emily, I'm going to, I'm going to drag her a little bit. Emily can off to be quite, honestly, her character was the worst. I hated her. Like, her turning around going, this isn't your house anymore. And him turning around going, yeah, you made damn sure of that. I was like, yes. Like, literally stood up, ran off, was like, yeah, you fucking did. And like, I'm like, you did. Like, you definitely made sure of that. And this is why I was like, I don't like the fact they ended up together. Yeah. Because that's, no, no. But true, true love prevails. Well, guys. And then our next big one is the graduation. Robbie's eighth grade graduation. Yeah, just, I'm intrigued. So I didn't, obviously, I don't, I don't know if they're American, obviously. But I don't know if you knew this, Becky, or if any of our American listeners can chime in here and message me about it. But do they do a graduation for every year? Or is it like, because he's, I think in this film, he's in eighth grade, which is meant to be middle, the end of middle school. Do they just do a graduation from, like, elementary to middle and then middle to high? Like, what's the... That would make more sense. Yeah. If they just did it for that last year, that we're going to be leaving the school completely. Yeah. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know how it works, because in my mind... We don't do that over here, do we? No. No. They're like, like, piss off. You finish school, get out. No, I was a bit... I don't know. I wasn't confused. I was like, it's just, it was just a question in the back of my mind. I was like, so do they do that every year? Like, do they make a big deal out of, like, going from seventh grade to eighth, and then the eighth and ninth and tenth? Like, do they do it every year? If so, what's the point? Yeah. Maybe someone will have to tell us. But it'd be more special if it was, you were completely leaving that school to go to a new school. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. My question was, why was the babysitter and her parents there? Yeah. Why? Because I was like, where would you go? Because they have their cameras and everything. I was like, is there another child they have that we've not seen? Oh, hold on. No, they did, actually, when they were around the dinner table, there was a young boy there. I wonder if maybe he was... The same age. His graduation as well. That would make sense. Okay. Well, if she's not there for Robbie, I mean, if she went, why would her parents go? But yeah, okay. Maybe they haven't. I thought they were. I didn't realise they had another kid. I was like, why is she there for a 13-year-old kid? That's a little bit weird, no? Yeah. Okay. We can scrub that. We can scrub that. I'd say they definitely, they definitely had a son around the table. Okay. Well, they needed to make it... Yeah. They needed to make it clear, rather, that they had a... because I didn't know that either. Yeah, because there's no interaction with him at the graduation, so yeah. No, they needed to make it clear, because I didn't know that either, so... No. That makes sense. I was like, I had the exact same question. I was like, why the fuck are the babies sitting there? Why are there two parents there? Yeah. I was like, I understood that, like, they were meant to be friends, that the two parents were meant to be friends. I was like, Emily and Cal, answer that. But still, you wouldn't go to your friend's son's graduation. I'm not an alphabet thing today. No. Sorry, I am that bit. Sorry. Oh, dear. Yes. So, Robbie gets to make a little speech at his graduation, and he starts talking about, you know, he always thought it'd be so good. He's always wanted to grow up so people would take him seriously, things like that. He says, but basically, it's all a scam, and love is the biggest scam of all. I was in love when I was 13. I used to believe in one true love for everyone, and if you fought hard enough, that it would always work out, that there's no such thing. And then that's when Cal is like, no, no. And then he's like, shit, shit, shit. Like, walking down towards Robbie at the front of the stage, like, as in a bit like, crap, why did I do that? Why did I say that? What am I going to say? Do you know what? It's so unnecessarily dramatic. Yeah. It's so dramatic. And what I found funny is like, so he's meant to be, so Robbie, I think the right word is valedictorian. Okay, yeah. So I think he's meant to be that, and like, make the speech. And correct me if I'm wrong, but you're meant to make a speech to do with the situation, like, to do with going to high school, education, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, whatever. And he completely bypasses that, makes it all about himself. And then... Heartbroken. Because, I'm sorry, but you've got like, got those how many other kids that are just that, they're like, yeah, okay, this isn't our day as well. Like, and then to make it worse, the battle steps up and goes, hang on, I want this to be about me. I'm like, what are we watching? This isn't Jerry Springer. What the fuck are we doing here? Like, I'm so confused. Like, this is a graduation, maybe pull him aside and go, no, no, no, this isn't, like, this isn't the way, like, this is what happened, blah, blah, blah, like, feelings got hurt, etc, etc, etc. But talk to him aside. Don't do it in front of the entire fucking hall. Like, no. I think he wants to make an exclamation. Oh, God. It was lovely to hear it. He did make me laugh, though, as he was coming down, and you see the teacher that he'd slept with, and I was like, pushing at the finger. But she's angry. But yeah, Cal basically gives this speech about how his real son, as in, you know, what Robbie previously believed, and he believes in soulmates and grand gestures. And he says, it's very easy to look at a 13 year old and say, you don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, I met my soulmate at 15. And he's looking at Emily. And I've looked at every day since, buying her that ice cream. I loved her, even when I hated her, and only married couples will understand, and they will laugh. I don't know if it's going to work out, but I will never stop trying, because when you find the one, you never give up. And Robbie shouts, I still love you, Jessica! And everybody laughs. Okay. So he's saying it in front of everybody, even when you came into my room that night, under the covers. Yeah. I'm not ashamed. You should be ashamed. Keep that to yourself. But, so he says that big speech to Dad, Cal. So Cal does this big speech about his love life at his son's graduation. And like, really, like, this is not the time and the place to do it. Like, I'm sorry. Like, I would be thinking, oh my God, like, I feel bad for my son, he thinks that that's what he thinks. I've got to do something and make sure he knows that's not true. That's not the case. But not let's stand up in the middle of everyone, all the teachers, all the students, all the parents and the families that have gone there to watch their own kids graduate. Let's make a big deal of it and have a big conversation about my wife. Yeah. And now everybody knows that true love, all those children know. No, no, no. It works for Emily. Well. Women like it in Manchester. Emily has her own buddy, has she? When you're outside, and I don't think we mentioned, but Cal and Jacob had kind of already made up before this graduation. They had a conversation and Jacob had said that he loves her and he basically spent all this time trying to make Cal like him when he actually needed to be more like Cal. And they basically have this conversation how Hannah's too good for him and they both agree. But yeah, they're like out in the gardens at the graduation, the school gardens, and Cal jokes with Jacob that he's bought a firearm from a shady internet place and he's not afraid to shoot him in the face. It's just that Ryan Gotland's face when he's just like, this look on his face is funny. But then they shake hands and then Cal slaps him. And Hannah is like, this is going to be fun. What I do like is the scene in the bar prior to the graduation. I do like the fact that they sort of come together and he turns around and says, I, you are like, I'm never going to be okay that you don't come up dressing. I'm never going to be okay with it. Yeah. And I'm like, do you know what? Fair. Like, I sort of wanted to argue against them. Like, oh, but he's changed. He's a good guy now. I'm like, but that doesn't change the way he treated women in the past. Yeah, yeah. And he knows that that could possibly happen to Hannah and he's just being protective. So I completely get that. Oh, yeah. But I do like the fact that he's like, let his guard down a little bit and was like, fine. But he does the typical dad thing and was like, if you hurt my daughter, you'll have me to answer to. Yeah, I shoot you in the face. Well, yeah. And this is when we get the Jessica and Robbie interaction. Oh, Jesus Christ. Because for a little graduation gift, she gives him one of these naked pictures of herself to see him through high school, which I was a bit like, eh, a kiss on the cheek would have been just fine. Right? Literally. Or just like a little hug. Oh, just like the things he could do with that picture, like the amount of mates he's going to show, the amount of people. Yeah, he's only 13. You know, look at this. And like, this is my baby. I don't know. It's a bit creepy. There's like, she's 17 and she's given a naked photo to a 30 year old. Like, that in itself is beyond fucking creepy and wrong. Not to mention everything you've just said as well. I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, they could have cut that bit out and just give him a kiss on his cheek because that would have made him very happy. Yeah. And I like the fact he's saying, you know, he's okay with it now. He's at peace with it all. And basically, he's okay because this is when I'm older, I'm going to look like my dad. So then I'm going to come and find you, which I thought was really cute and funny. Yeah. I thought that was a nice moment because it's like, you know, he understands now the whole situation. Yeah. Um, but what, like, yeah, I just didn't like the way it ended at all. I think, like, it would have been good for her to turn around to him and be like, this isn't going to be a thing. I just want you to know that. But you're going to find someone else. And like, give her a bit of a pep talk, if you will, and go like, you're going to find someone else that's going to be, like, the person for you, but I am not that person. That will, like, love you the way that you love them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That could have been nicer, other than this really creepy fucking ending. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, to us, it's weird, but I mean, to him, it probably would have been, you know, any 13 year old boy would find that the best present in the world. Oh, I mean, of course, but for us, we're a bit better and we're like, um, what the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Very weird. I guess she was just like, well, I've taken them now, so somebody might as well enjoy them. So that's, um, anything else you want to talk about? Oh, just a very small, minor one. So I feel like a missed opportunity, and this has nothing to do with the film in general, it's more to do with the credit, but remember when Cheryl Cole came out with that song, Crazy Stupid Love? Yeah. Um, maybe vaguely. You wouldn't have heard it. I'm not saying that. But she came out with this song, Crazy Stupid Love, and it's a banger, to be fair, it's a good song. But I was expecting, I was like, what a wasted opportunity, because it has literally that playing. Because it's really like an upbeat, dancey kind of song. Yeah. And they could have had that playing as, like, the credits roll. I wonder if it came out. I wonder if it came out at that time, 2011? Oh, no, maybe. Maybe. Maybe. I don't know, that could have been it, actually. Could have been. Might not have been. It could have been, like, the timing. So, yeah, good point. Yeah. Okay, then. So, before we move on, we are just going to take a quick break. So, who was your favourite character? Oh, Liz. Oh, yeah. Sorry, she... For a minute there, I was like, who's Liz? Who's Liz? I was like, who the fuck is Liz? Who's that? No, Hannah's best mate, Liz. She has very little airtime. Like, I think she's only in, like, three scenes, or two scenes. Yeah. But to me, she was... I don't know, to me, she was just brilliant. I was thoroughly here for her character. Yeah, yeah. What about you? Mine was probably Hannah, just because I think she's the most relatable, and I liked that she did fall for his silly charm at the start, and she was just like, no. But I also liked that she was the one, you know, we all dream of that love story, don't we, where we change the person, we make them better. Yeah. Because of us, because they fall in love with us. So, yeah. But, yeah, I also love Emma Stone, and she's just goofy and funny and pretty. Yeah, she is. She was my favourite. And like you say, not in it enough, really. No, no, no, I completely agree with that. I think she is my second favourite. Yeah. But I completely agree. I do think that... One of my biggest issues with this, I don't... I haven't said it, but I think people have probably got what I'm going to say, but I think what could have been... They didn't need to focus solely on so many... To be honest, I would have been quite happy with the storyline of Jacob and Hannah, like, literally just being those two. Yeah. Like, I didn't personally... I didn't care about Emily or Cal. I didn't care about the storyline of Jessica and Robbie, I forgot his name. I didn't care about them. I was like, the one story, the one love story that was like, oh, that's really interesting, I want to see where that diverts and how it goes, were like, we saw two scenes of. Yeah. I was like, what? Yeah. I don't know. I felt like it could have gone that way instead, like, more Hannah. Like, we could have gone with the storyline of, like, Ryan's character having the storyline of, like, your typical player, like he was playing, and then have him come across Hannah, and she just, like, sort of laughs at him and goes, because that's what she does. Yeah. And then he has the sort of... he has sort of an infatuation with her, like, wow, like, she's different, she didn't fall for it, like, all that kind of typical shit. And then just built from that, they didn't need to have, like... I don't know. I disagree. I agree. Because I feel like then it would just be like every other romantic comedy out there. Yeah. But I like the... although I didn't like every character. I think mainly the main characters were Calla and Jacob, really. Yeah. And everyone else was just, like, a bit part to their friendship. But yeah, I don't know. I think all the entanglement of all the different relationships, A, made it actually funny. It wasn't just all romance. But yeah, just made it that bit different and stood out a bit more for me. Yeah. But now I know where you're coming from, and, like, obviously talking to you about it through this today has made me question a couple of things which I never even thought about. But yeah. Yeah. We're probably gonna... I feel like we're gonna say the same thing for favourite scene. Probably. Barbecue. Barbecue. Barbecue. Barbecue scene. It is the best. Exactly. It's just a giant, hilarious catastrophe, isn't it? Yeah. To be honest, it's quite easily the best scene. Yeah. All comes together. Yep. OK, then. So do you want to play a little game before a roundup? Oh, yeah. We'll do a game and then we've got... Sorry, that was my ring. We'll do a game and then we've got the list of those reviews. We've got a few. Yes. OK, then. OK. Game first? OK. Let's do a game first. Stop, Marry, Avoid. I didn't go with Kill, because, you know, it's not... We're not going to be more harsh on horror films, but... Shall I give you my choices for you? Yes, go on. We've got Cal, Jacob and David Lindhagen. Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. OK, well, obviously I'm marrying Jacob. The thing is, I don't like either of them. I don't even... Like, I don't like Steve Carell. I think he's annoying. I'd probably have to snog Cal, then. Because Kevin Bacon just irritates the living shit out of me and I just couldn't. So I'd avoid him. Oh, there you go. OK, I'm going to change one of mine. So, Emily, Hannah or David. I originally had Cal, but obviously I know where you're going to go with that one. I get the girls. Emily, Hannah. I would marry Hannah, because she's fun. I would snog Emily, because I don't like her personality that much, but she is beautiful and has lovely long red hair. And I would avoid David Lindhagen, because I also am not attracted to Kevin Bacon in the slightest. I'd rather go to the other side. Oh, yeah, I mean... And avoid David. I mean, it is Kevin Bacon, so it's understandable. Oh, I like him in some films, but no, I don't think he's a good-looking man. No, that doesn't mean it. They're the same about me. No, I mean, yeah, I'm sure, you know, Kevin Bacon sort of thing, go for it. But personally, no. I mean, we sort of had this thing a couple of episodes ago, like you playing around saying Brendan Fraser's more attractive. And then I was like, excuse me, Imhotep was. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

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