Aries Moon Crystals WRNJ Sept 2023
Aries Moon Crystals WRNJ Sept 2023
Aries Moon Crystals in downtown Hackettstown is launching a monthly grief support group to provide a space for people to share their stories and find community. The first meeting will be held on September 21st, with licensed therapists and other resources available. Grief is a personal and non-linear process, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. The support group aims to help individuals navigate their healing journey. Interested participants can RSVP via email or Instagram. Aries Moon Crystals will also have a tent at Oktoberfest on September 30th and October 1st. One of the businesses in downtown Hackettstown, a really kind of cool place if you've ever had the chance to visit there, they're doing some very special gatherings, first of which is going to happen a little bit later on here in this month. And if you've ever had the privilege of shopping at Aries Moon Crystals Main Street Hackettstown, you know exactly the place I'm talking about. Just a great special shopping destination, downtown Hackettstown. And they're going to be launching a special gathering group opportunity. And with me live in the RNJ Main Studio, it is so great to welcome back Amanda from Aries Moon, who is with me back live in the studio. How are you doing? I am doing amazing, Bert. Thank you for having me today. Good seeing you. How have people been handling? You know, there's been a lot of activity this summer with different moon phases. And we had this moon and that moon. And I know you're very sensitive and you're very observant about how that impacts people emotionally, spiritually, physically. How did we do this summer? Did you notice anything going on with people? We've had seven retrogrades planetary. So, yeah, a lot of heightened emotions, a lot of stress. But I feel like we have a lot of opportunities, too, to help really balance what's been going on with the moon phases. But Mercury's been in retrograde. So for what that means, just being in that planetary shift, it is really common to see, you know, like I said, heightened behavior, more emotional energy. But we're coming off of it September 15th, so tomorrow. So I think we're almost in the clear, is all I want to say. We're getting there. Okay, good. I did want to have you back in today because you and I had a chance to chat recently. And you're going to be hosting a special group gathering a little bit later on this month. Probably something that maybe a lot of us, we don't really need to necessarily find a reason to take part in this. Because if you don't have to look too far in your life to maybe find something that you're having some difficulty with, maybe it's a loss of a loved one, a pet, a job loss, financial hardship, just an opportunity to kind of get together and have some conversations. And that's what you're going to be hosting and hoping to accomplish? Yes. So our intention is to host a monthly grief support group at the shop. So it's going to be once a month, about an hour or two, just depending on the flow. But we really want to be able to support our community because especially over the past couple of years, there has been so much loss on so many different levels. And we each deal with loss very differently. And one thing I really want to highlight is grief is not linear, right? There's something called the grief cycle, but we all grieve differently. So when you really think of that, it's not linear, right? And we're all going through our healing. So I really wanted to create a space where we could have some guests come in and provide educational support. Myself also offering Reiki to help with grounding and calming. And then also hold space for those who, you know, want to share their story. Hold space for those who want to maybe just listen. Maybe they're not ready to share their story yet, but they really are seeking community. And people that experience loss of different levels, Amanda, you know, my heart breaks when someone loses a child. I mean, I can't imagine the grief that a person is going through. And sometimes just being able to share that grief, maybe with people that are going through something similar. You do find maybe just a little bit of solace and a little bit of inner peace when you have the opportunity to talk to like-minded people. I think you're going to get a very interesting turnout for this of people bringing different life experiences all to a group setting. I think it's going to be a pretty special and pretty uplifting event that you're hosting. Oh, thank you. Yeah, and we already have people that are very interested, that are planning on attending, as I mentioned, having some guests. So we do have a variety of licensed clinical therapists that will be support. We will also have Denise, I mentioned as well, from McGuire Funeral Home as a support system that will be coming. So there are going to be different resources available. I'll be there too as a holistic support as well. So we really, again, just want to bring that community together during this time. And when is the date and time of the first one? So the first one is next Thursday, a week from today. So it will be September 21st at 7 p.m. at the shop. And I just ask that, you know, you reach out and let us know if you're interested in attending. And then our second one is anticipated for Thursday, October 12th, same time, 7 p.m. Gotcha. Okay. Amanda's here from Aries Moon Crystals, Main Street, Hackettstown, these very special support groups. You heard the first one is going to be happening next week. And people grieve so differently, Amanda. I'm often criticized, unfairly, I think, but uncriticized because people say, I'm never sad about anything. I endured the loss of both my parents. I had a terrific mentor in this radio industry pass away earlier this year. And people just said, well, you don't seem like you're all that sad about it. And I said, but trust me, these are people that were special to me. And I feel bad in my own way. You know, maybe just because I don't show a lot of emotion on the outside. I'm an emotional person. But maybe people, when they see me, they're like, well, you're not even like, you're like, you're just, you're in this zone. You don't look like you have the emotions that other people have. Maybe it's just because of what I do that I have to be locked in so many hours in the day and just so matter of fact about things. But trust me, when bad things happen to me, I feel sad. I just don't show it on the outside. That's normal. There's nothing wrong with that, right? No. And some people keep it closer to the heart. You're honoring your loss, their loss from the transition of being earth side into the spiritual side. You're honoring them the way that is most aligned for you. There's no right or wrong when it comes to grieving. Thank you. And you can experience grief for two months. You could experience it for 20 years, right? Yeah, it's something that we learn to ebb and flow and shift and heal and adapt. And sometimes those wounds reopen, too, right? So the way that you are managing your grief, that's how you process it. So again, we can't say, oh, that's right. That's wrong. That's just how you process it. And that's OK. I hope I don't have in the next six months to six years, all of a sudden, this avalanche of grief that just comes out of nowhere. That it's like, you know what? I never took the time to feel bad and miss the people that I've lost along the way. I don't think that's going to happen. It could, right? But I don't think it's going to happen. No, I mean, anything's possible. But also for you, there is support here, right? And I think, to be honest, I was so inspired by creating this group because a friend of mine from youth passed away unexpectedly this summer. And you mentioned child, his mother, right? It was just so unexpected. So really, with that loss, it was kind of like, wait a second, so many people are grieving. Like, his transition kind of unlocked something in me that we need these supports right now because there's not enough resources. Right, right. So this is an opportunity to just talk and share stories and get to know people that are maybe going through some similar issues. And this will be next week at your place. And just reach out on RSVP. Just let people know that they're coming to your place. Yes, yes. So if you can reach out, it's ariesmooncrystals at You can reach out via email. If you're on Instagram, I'm at ariesmooncrystals. You can also reach out through the DMs. Just because the space is a bit smaller, so we want to make sure that we're holding appropriate space for those who are truly interested. Gotcha. Well, best of luck with that. And did you want to mention what you're doing for Oktoberfest while you're here today? Oh, sure. Yeah. So we will be having a tent. It's through market space events. So Oktoberfest, it's going to be September 30th and October 1st. We will have a tent for Oktoberfest. And the shop will also be open. So you'll have two spaces to come to see and visit. Great stuff. Amanda from ariesmooncrystals, always great to see you. Thanks so much for being here. And thank you for what you're doing and helping people deal with different levels of grief. Just to be able to provide a little support, a little bit of an uplift, I think really goes a long way for people. So thank you for doing that so much. And I hope we get a chance to talk again soon. Thank you. It's a true honor to serve our community.