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TCA Wed08May24 - Prayer - N Shongwe

TCA Wed08May24 - Prayer - N Shongwe

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Mr. NS Shongwe emphasized the importance of praying in the spirit as a key strategy for overcoming invisible battles. He discussed how spiritual weapons are effective in pulling down strongholds and how prayer with understanding and in the spirit enhances effectiveness.


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Make it a prayer this morning. O ki isu e mati isu e kukusili. A matolo, a matolo e lili. Ma wako e ma wako, ma wako e pambi wako. Sikezi, sikezi e kisoki. Ilimi, ilume, iluseni oloa. A matolo, a matolo e lili. Ma wako e pambi wako, ma wako e pambi wako. Sikezi, sikezi e kisoki. Ilimi, ilume, iluseni oloa. Ka lako, ka lako ni kake. Ipu niso lewe lako, ipu niso lewe lako. Udeu, udeu si buzelele. Iwe ina niso, iwe ina niso ea. Ka lako, ka lako, ka lako si singa te. Singa e kere ipu niso, ipu niso lewe lako. Udeu, udeu si buzelele. Iwe ina niso, iwe ina niso ea. Ka lako, ka lako si singa te. Ipu niso leve lako. Udeu si buzelele. Iwe ina niso ea. Come on, let's give Jesus the praise this morning. It's so worthy. Amen, amen. Good morning, good morning. And welcome as we continue to say. Amadolo. Let us continue indeed to kneel before the Lord in prayer. As we start the day. We welcome you all. And thank you for tuning in. As we gather together before God. To acknowledge Him as we start our day. To acknowledge Him and make Him the first. As we start our day. We are going to continue indeed to encourage one another. In the word of God and to pray. And today. Ntate Shonwe is going to share the word of God with us. To encourage us. We continue. This week as we are in the middle of the week. Tomorrow is Ascension Day. So we are going to continue in this week of Ascension. To say Lord you are the first one in our lives. And indeed our knees are bowing before you. Over to you Ntate Shonwe. Thank you. Good morning. Pastor Oscar and Pastor Joseph. Good morning. Dear believers. We are taking also continuing on the subject of prayer. That we have been on it for some time now. This morning I want us to share. Potions of scripture. That Apostle Paul. Has shared with us on the issues of prayer. The manuscript that we all know. Is Ephesians chapter 6. That talks to the whole armor of God. Firstly without going too far. Basically we need to know as the children of God. That there is no church success. Without prayer. When we see the body of Christ. Continued throughout the years to be a successful case. It was not because Paul was educated. It was not because Peter was from the background where he was in business. It's not about the wisdom that they had. But it is the subject of taking prayer. To be the ones that bring the benefit of church success. We read in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18. Paul is exhorting the church. That it must verse 18. That we need to pray always. With all prayer and supplication in the spirit. Being watchful to this end with all perseverance. And supplication for all of the saints. To pray always with all prayer. And supplication in the spirit. When we look at the current age. This day the body of Christ in most cases is full of. Giving motivational teaching or preaching. But this morning I want us to look at the benefit of praying in the spirit. After concluding on the whole teaching on the armor of God. Apostle Paul felt it in his heart. That he has to emphasize. And teach on this whole armor. But he wants us to focus on praying always. As a weapon that we must put on. Always can be defined as not once in a year. Always cannot be defined to be weekly. In a week. Or once in a month. But always is always. But he's exhorting us that we need to pray with all prayer and supplication in the spirit. He has reasons why he wants us to see the benefits. One of the portions of scripture. Where he's emphasizing. Praying without ceasing. Is in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5. Verse 16 to 18. Where we are living today. Unlike in the olden days. A lot of us. We are depending on other issues except prayer to survive. In the olden days every activity or task which was at hand. Was meant to be for the survival of the family. Yes. They prayed. Jesus said to them. When he released them. When he's leaving. He said go ye into Jerusalem. And go and wait for the promise of the father. And they all went and waited in the upper room. For their kingdom success. Was entirely based on prayer. They prayed with no medicine for the sick. For a crop. If it dies. They knew that they would be starving. And everywhere around their lives. Life was full of alarm. Today we are confronted with an alarm that is all over us in social media. But we still need to put on. The spirit of prayer. So that we put our minds on God. Now. He is mentioning quite a number of benefits. By praying in the spirit he says. That we may be able to withstand. In the evil day. The days are evil. But the call is made that when we pray in the Holy Ghost. With all supplications and prayer. We must do it in the spirit. We know the scripture that says. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Carnal simply means that. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual. And because they are spiritual. They pull down every stronghold. Praying always. With all prayer and supplication in the spirit. Helps us to pull down every stronghold. Jesus knew that they needed the passport of the baptism into the Holy Spirit in the upper room. To be able to deal with the strongholds. Paul continues to teach in 1 Corinthians. Chapter 14. He says. I will sing. I will pray in the spirit. And I will also pray with understanding. I will sing in the spirit. And I will also sing with understanding. Either way. When we do it with understanding. The effectiveness is much more when we do it in the spirit. He says. I pray in an unknown tongue. Because in an unknown tongue. There is spiritual depth. That gives us spiritual commands. What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit. And I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit. And I will also sing with the understanding. Children of God. Our depth spiritually. Requires us in most cases. To be able not only to do things with understanding only. But also to switch in the spirit. Pastor Joseph spoke to it. Earlier in the week. But for today. We need to check the devil out. Some verses that we are fighting. They are invisible. And they need us to be imparted. The area of praying in the spirit needs impartation. And this impartation. Is clearly evident in the life of Elijah. And Elisha. In the life of Jesus. And his disciples. They became very effective in their lives. Elisha himself because he begged. That he being a vessel. He needs a double portion of the spirit that Elijah had. So for him to be established and be able to sustain the new destiny. When the first order. The first order is taken away. God is establishing the second. He needed the impartation. So. We need to replicate the work of God. Throughout all generations and therefore. Prayer in the spirit. Is very effective and therefore. As children of God and servants of God. We've got to impart these gifts. Upon the people we live with. Every child of God on earth. When we get born again. God has given us gifts. Inside our lives. By the fact that he brought us back by redemption. We remain the salt of the earth. We remain the lives on the hill. That cannot be hidden. We remain the city on a hill. That can't be hidden. And God has made this promise. That we need to be very effective. For us to be able to be effective. In the kingdom of God. Some three years ago. Our main teaching. In the church. Was based on 1 Corinthians chapter 16 verse 9. If we could also read it. It talks to. The fact. That. Paul is saying. For a great and effective door. Has opened to me. And there are many adversaries. Children of God. We are fighting. Many invisible battles. And these adversaries must be dealt with. And for us to be able to deal with this. We need the spirit of prophecy. That Paul is talking to us. Here. That this door is great. This door of praying in the spirit. Is not just one of those doors. But it's a great one. So it is open for you and I. It's not closed. For you. If you are not the servant of God. Thinking that you are a convent. This door is great. And very effective. And it's opened. But in the midst of all these things. We have many adversaries. And therefore. By praying. With all kinds of prayer in the spirit and supplications. We need to know. That we are already free. Because the door is opened. Many adversaries. That we fight throughout. Our lives. We experience them in the darkness. In the night. Many fights we fight in darkness. Because witchcraft. Thrives in darkness. But saints of God. We are born free. For we have a great door. That is opened. God has given us light. Against the rulers of darkness. And this light is the power of the gospel that has penetrated our lives. The light. Has been given to dislodge. All these adversaries. But we need to put on the armor of light. And this armor of light. Against this darkness. We need to understand. That we need to be in an activity. Which will assist us. To know that the light of God has been shown in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. In Psalm 119 verse 30. David is declared that the entrance of thy ways. Giveth light. A life. So it is the seal of authority against. The adversity of darkness. This great door of praying in the spirit. We pray with understanding. But we also pray in the spirit. But as we pray in the spirit. The word of God is the light. We have got two sides that we need to fight our adversities with. The word of God and pray in the spirit. And therefore we know. That once we get born again. We are already seated with Christ in heavenly places. Far above principality. Far above the rulers of darkness. And therefore when we search into the spirit. We rule in life by one Jesus. We rule in prayer by one Jesus. Our spiritual depth in prayer in the spirit. Will give us the results that we need. Jesus says. Understanding is also important. We don't only pray in the spirit. But we also pray with understanding. Because our understanding needs to be increased. He says you shall know the truth. And it is the knowledge of the truth that will set you free. So as we approach this prayer this morning. The benefits of praying in the spirit are many. But I want us to know. That in the conclusion of this letter. In Ephesians chapter 6 we are called. That prayer is the weapon that is not carnal. And is pulling down the stone walls. Pulling down the stone walls. So. Paul is saying. That we also need to pray unceasingly. He is exhorting men to pray everywhere. To pray everywhere and also to pray in everything. When we are looking for or believing God for. A breakthrough in money. Most of us we run to the bench we don't pray first. We also have to pray in any project. That God wants us to be faced with. To pray in everything. He is also making a call. That to pray everywhere they need to be instant in prayer. So praying without ceasing. Requires that we do it. Guided by the Holy Spirit. It can be in your car when you go to work. It can be in your office when you are doing other chores. Find time to pray and allow the Holy Spirit to guide. Paul is a man of God. Who led through. The life and many revelations. Because he was guided by the Holy Spirit. He spoke truth. At all times because the Spirit of God revealed himself to him. His epistles. Are portions of scripture. Which we call the Word of God. And this Word of God has been given and revealed to him. By the Holy Spirit. So let's continue to pray. And as we pray we do it unceasingly. Praying always. Not once in a day. Not once in a week. But always. With all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. We therefore want to thank God for this particular morning. As we encourage the saints that for us as a church to succeed. We will not succeed without prayer. We are therefore exhorted that as we pray. Let's also consider the benefits. Offering in the Spirit. For prayer in the Spirit. Is a weapon given by God. Elish. 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