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1 Worship J Chaney 6.19.24

1 Worship J Chaney 6.19.24


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AI Generated Summary (There may be errors.) The speaker thanks everyone for joining and encourages them to study God's Word. They discuss the importance of worshiping God and following the New Testament pattern. They look at examples from the Old Testament, such as Leviticus and Chronicles, where God punished disobedience and lack of reverence in worship. They also examine Malachi, where God expresses his displeasure with insincere offerings. The speaker emphasizes the need to regard God as holy and follow the pattern in all we do together in worship, . They conclude by highlighting Jesus' actions in the temple, where he drove out those turning it into a marketplace. AI Generated Transcript (There may be errors.) Well, thank you everybody for joining tonight and the encouragement that gives all of us to be together and study God's Word. I just want to pick up a lesson Charles just wanted me to do, Mike, for singing along the lines where Charles has been studying with us. You know, he covered the Testaments and giving and, you know, worship to God and how important that is to follow the pattern. So tonight we're going to, we may not get to all of it, it may wind up being a two-part because I want to try to stop at five till because it is late, but I want to look at worship to God and I want to go back to the Old Testament because God is the same today as yesterday. He hasn't changed. As our brother pointed out in the lessons, yeah, we've got different covenants and those covenants have different things, right, but God hasn't changed. So with that in mind, I'd like to look at worship beginning in the Old Testament and some of the things we can learn from that in regards to how God looks at worship. So if our first reader would turn to Leviticus 10, and I want to read one through, if you could read one through three, and what I'd like everybody to do is ask yourself a question. After Sylvia reads that, ask yourself why did God do what he did and if someone wants to answer that, because I want it to be kind of interactive, but I don't want to spend a lot of time, just that simple answer. Why did God consume them with fire? So Sylvia, you want to read that for us? Leviticus 10, chapters 1 through 3. Thank you, Sylvia. So why do we see, what was the reason? Disobedience. Disobedience, because if we're coming to worship God, what did he tell Moses? If you're coming to worship me, you have to recognize that I'm what? He's holy. He's holy. You know, I know we've probably got a number of parents on the phone, and as parents, we can get mad at our children when they don't obey us, right? But, you know, we're not perfect, right? God is like, he's our father, but he's holy. It's hard for us to understand that, but when we come to God, we have to respect him as who he is. He's holy, and that's so important when it comes to worship. We have to reverence God. God's the same yesterday as he is today. Today is yesterday. God's still holy and will always be holy. So when we're going through these and talking through these scriptures, think about that and think about worship, right? And I know we're going to eventually get to singing and that pattern in the New Testament. So when it comes to that, you know, we still have to think of God as holy, right? Could our next reader read 1 Chronicles 13, 5-10? Okay. 1 Chronicles 13, 5-10. And this is going to be about, yeah, 5-10. And this is going to be about Uzzah, and we're going to see something that happens. And there's something that I'd like for us to look at this, or like for us to answer a question. The people before Uzzah struck dead are rejoicing and happy and fine with everything that's going on. But ask yourself, why did God strike Uzzah dead? Go ahead, brother. Okay. 1 Chronicles 13, 5-10. that is, from Shadrach, which belonged to Judah, to bring up this, the ark of God, the Lord that dwelleth between the cherubims, whose name is called on it. And they carried the ark of God in a new cart out of the house of Benedab. And Uzzah and Ahuah drove the cart. And David and Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalms, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets. And when they came unto the threshing floor of Shadrach, Uzzah put forth his hand to hold the ark, for the ark had stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah. And he smited him, because he put his hand to the ark. And there he died before the Lord. Amen. Thank you, brother. So what we see here is we see, and this was ordered by David, right? But they were carrying the ark in a way that God had commanded them, not commanded them to do. He had told them how to carry the ark. They were to carry it with staffs and on their shoulders. And it was supposed to be the priest, right? So they have a cart. They built a way to carry it. They're all rejoicing. They're all happy. The ark is, the cherubims, is where God would be, where God would sit, at the holiness of God, right? So we look at this example, and it's how God is, right? They're not treating God as holy. They're doing what they weren't supposed to do. And because of that, the ark goes to tip, and Uzzah just reaches up to do what is a good thing, right? And he gets struck dead because of it. We can ask ourselves, and this example of Uzzah is in here a number of times. And a good preacher friend of mine has always said, and what I've come to find out, when God puts something in the Bible a number of times, it's for a reason. It's a lesson that he wants us to learn. God's holy, and we have to respect him as holy, right? And I know Brother Charles has told me this a number of times, and I appreciate it. God isn't someone to play with, right? We don't play with God. We have to recognize who God is, right? And we'll see that in these examples. Our next reader, if you could read Malachi, and it's going to be Malachi 1, 10 through 14. And what we'll see here, I'd like us to ask this question. Notice what happens in these scriptures. God would rather not be worshipped than to be worshipped wrong. Why? Ask ourselves, right? Do we regard him as holy? When he tells us what to do, and we do what we want to do, are we regarding him as holy, right? No, if not, then yes. If not at all, then that's what's for us. Is that Malachi 1 through 14? Oh, that's Micah. Sorry. My computer's jumping. I don't know why it's jumping. Malachi 1, 10 through 14. Okay. The oracle, the word of the Lord, is Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, says the Lord, but you... 10 through 14. Oh, 10 through 14. Sorry. Oh, that they are one among you who would shut the doors that you might not kindle fire on my altar in vain. I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord of hosts, and I will not accept an offering from your hand. For from the rising of the sun to its setting, my name will be great among the nations. And in every place incense will be offered to my name and be pure offering. For my name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts. But you profane it when you say that the Lord's table is polluted and its fruit, that it is to food that may be despised. But you say, what a weariness this is, and you snort at it, says the Lord of hosts. You bring what has been taken by violence or its lamb of sick. And this is you bringing us as an offering. Shall I accept that from your hand, says the Lord? Cursed be the cheat who has a male in his flock and vows it, and yet sacrifices the Lord what is blemishes. For I am great king, says the Lord of hosts, and my name will be feared among the nations. So we see here, God's telling them they were bringing sacrifices that were lame, not what God had told them, the best of their flock and all of that, right? So they weren't regarding God as holy. And when you look at how God looked at that as far as worship, God said He wished somebody would shut the doors, not even come in. Don't even attempt to come worship me if you're not going to come and regard me as holy and who I am, right? God's the same today as He was yesterday. So when it comes to worship, it is so important that we follow the pattern. And it's not that it's any righteousness of mine if I do that. And Brother Charles has brought this out a number of times, right? So everything we do, we're not worthy, right? But God is. God is holy. And when it comes to worship, when it comes to giving, when it comes to when we do it, all of these things, and when it comes to what we'll talk about, singing, right? We have to do it by the pattern. And we'll read the Scriptures that tell us that, right? And other Scriptures. So recognize it, right? Recognize that God hasn't changed from this Old Testament. He would rather us not come to worship Him. Close the doors. Don't come to me and do what you want to do, right? And there's a comment in there about they thought it was wearisome, right? God deserves our best. It don't matter if it's hard for us. You know, I've heard different stories of people coming to worship. I remember my grandma or my father telling me how they used to go by wagon, right? And they would stay in town because they had to, you know, it's a long ways to go back, right? People have had a lot more hardships than we have today. We're so blessed, right? And we find different people find it hard to follow God the way God wants, right? That's all on us, right? Our next reader, could you read? I'd like to look at some Scriptures in the New Testament. Let's look at John, verse 2. And I'd like you to read 13 through 17. John chapter 2, verse 17. Yeah, John chapter 2, 13 through 17. And I think it's Ms. Tye. Ms. Tye? In His discipleship, remember the prophecy from the Shroud Scriptures. Passions for God's house will consume me. But the Jewish leaders demanded, what are you doing? If God gives you authority to do this, show us miracles, signs to prove it. I'm sorry, Tye. Tye, is that John chapter 2, 13 through 17? I think I started early. It was near time for the Jewish Passover celebration, so Jesus went to Jerusalem. In the temple area, He saw merchants selling cows, sheep, and doves for sacrifice. He also saw dealers at tables exchanging foreign money. Jesus made a hit from some rope and chased them all out of the temple. He drew out the sheep and cattle, scattered the money chains, coins over the floor, and turned over their tables. Then going over to the people who sold doves, He told them, get these things out of here. Stop turning my Father's house into a marketplace. Thank you, Tye. What we see here is we see Jesus coming into the temple, and they were turning the temple into a marketplace, right? They weren't supposed to do that. But you see Jesus' zeal for He said His Father, right? It's our Father, too. When we look at worship and we look at how we worship God, it's important that we don't do it wrong, right? We're supposed to be, if we consider ourselves a follower or a Christian, we're supposed to be a disciple. A disciple follows the Master, right? We're supposed to have that same zeal for the truth and the same zeal for what we're supposed to do, right? Jesus is our perfect example, our perfect Lamb sacrifice, and we're to follow that example, right? In fact, God hasn't changed. We saw the Old Testament. We see it coming into the New Testament. No change, right? Our next reader, can you read Luke 6, 46 through 49? And I think that's Miss Beth. Okay. Luke 6, 46 through 49. Well, why do you call me Lord and not do the things which I say? Whoever comes to me and hears my things and does them, I will show you whom he is like. He is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently, and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great. Thank you, Pat. So what we see here, it's back to, if we truly believe that God is holy and He's Lord of our life, You have one minute remaining. we can't call Him Lord if we don't respect what He said. And here Jesus tells us, you know, if we call Him Lord, we're going to do, we can't call Him Lord, Lord, and not do the things that He says, because we're not recognizing Him as Lord, right? Because if He's Lord of our life, we're going to submit to Him. And then He tells us, He compares that person who does and the person who don't, right? We can either build on the foundation that's going to stand, or we can build on the foundation that won't stand, right? But we can't call God our God, our Lord, our Christ, or whatever we want to call, that's right, if we're not going to do what He says, right? Because we're not recognizing what we're saying, right? Let's look at our next reader. Thank you for using Global Teleink. It's going to be 2 John 1, 8 through 11. I think it's Sylvia Wood. Okay, 2 John 1, 8 through 11. Okay. And if Charles calls back, maybe a blank spot with me real quick, but I'll be back. Yes, sir. Sorry, go ahead. Watch yourselves that you might not lose what you have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have God. The one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not give him a greeting, for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his people's deeds. Thank you, Sylvia. So we see a pretty strong message here that John says. If we don't abide in the teaching, meaning follow it and do it, right, we don't have God. The importance of following that pattern, right, and it's not our righteousness. God's told us what to do. We're just being the servant that we're supposed to and following. That don't forgive us sins. I know a lot of people in the world today will say, well, you're trying to find your own righteousness. No, you're not. It's only through the blood of Christ and our faith and what God's done and the pattern that our brother's gone over with everybody these past few weeks so well, right? That's what forgives us sins, but yet we're still to follow the pattern and do the things that God has told us to do. And if we don't, we don't have God, right? I mean, we can't call him Lord. We can't say that he's holy if we're not willing to follow what he says. So that's the importance of the pattern that our brother's been talking about and what God says in his Word, right? We want to be pleasing to God, and we want to treat God holy, make him Lord of our life, right? We have to respect what he says, and we have to follow those patterns. So our next reader, if you would read, and we read this the other night, but I'd like to go over it one more time. 2 Thessalonians 2.15, and that's Charles. Okay, 2 Thessalonians 2.15. All right, it states, Therefore, brothers, stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word or all epistle. Amen. Amen. So as we talked about the other night, and I'll say like Mark, our preacher says, it's above my pay grade, it's Greek. But that word traditions in the Greek actually means ordinances, right? So it's the things that God has put down and put down through the apostles as well on what to do, right? And here Paul eloquently tells us we have to follow those patterns, those traditions, those ordinances, in the Word that they were given and the epistles, the letters that we have today, right? We have to follow those patterns, right? If we regard God as holy, we consider Him Lord, it don't matter how it may make us feel. It made the people of David today feel great, right? They were singing, happy, and all of that. But when Ezra reached up to grab the ark because it was falling, he thought he was doing a good thing. He was struck dead, right? He wasn't regarding God as holy, right? And that's us. If we're not following God's patterns, we're not regarding God as holy. And I truly believe, I find it hard to believe anybody on here don't consider God holy. You may not know and follow things, but hopefully if you understand it, you want to submit and follow it because you do want to consider Him holy and you want to be right in His eyes, right? Does our worship in the New Testament matter to God? So when we look at this example, we know it does. And we look at the Old Testament examples, we know God hasn't changed. So when it comes to our worship to Him today, it's no different. We'll probably, I'd like to stop there if it's okay.

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