The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker mentions a great end-time revival prophesied in Scripture. - The book "Discerning the Day of the Lord" by the speaker is recommended for reference. - The Day of the Lord will be a terrible day for those who are not right with God, but a great day for those who are. - There is a YouTube channel with messages from the speaker on all 66 chapters of the book. - The darkness that will come upon the people of God at the beginning of the Day of the Lord will not be the same as the affliction that came upon them when Jesus came the first time. - The end-time harvest is taking place under adversity and persecution. - Repentance is emphasized as a game changer in the Scriptures. - Corporate repentance from the people of God is important for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the end-time revival. - Peter's quote on the day of Pentecost was taken out Someone mentioned to me that I had said something about a great end-time revival prophesied in Scripture, and they wanted to know if I could give them a reference for that. And so my suggestion was that you take a look at the book that I wrote on Isaiah called Discerning the Day of the Lord. As we get closer to the Day of the Lord, it's going to be pitch black darkness for people that aren't right with God. Just like in Egypt, the whole place is full of darkness, but there was light over in Goshen for people God are living. And so it's going to be a terrible day for anyone not right with God, but it's called the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord because it's going to be a great day for anybody that's right with God. So let me just read the back cover of this book and see if you'll get interested. If you don't want to read the book, you can go on to YouTube. There's a Russell Stendhal channel, and there's messages of mine through all 66 chapters. The darkness that will come upon the people of God at the beginning of the Day of the Lord shall not be the same as the affliction that came upon her when Jesus came the first time. The end of the age of grace will not be as dark as the end of the age of the law, because the Gentile people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. Those that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined. Yes, it's true that great apostasy has engulfed much of Western Europe and seems to be making quite a bit of headway in North America, but what about places, to name a few, such as China, Iran, Egypt, Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Colombia, Africa, and even India, where the gospel is surging? The end of the end-time harvest is taking place under great adversity and persecution. So for now it can be said, as thou hast multiplied the nation, that is, the people of God, thou hast not increased the joy. But the Day of the Lord will be the biggest game-changer ever seen in human history. For those among the people of God who have clean hearts when Jesus returns, they shall rejoice before thee as they rejoice in the harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil, even as all the kingdoms of this world crumble and come down. So we've had the devil persecuting God's people ever since there have been God's people. But he's running out of time. A lot of what we've been told by prophecy teachers isn't the truth. And when God moves on the Day of the Lord and brings down judgment on the world and on the world system and on the unrighteous, one of the things about God and His judgment is He never destroys the righteous along with the wicked. He always protects and preserves the righteous. He blesses and multiplies the righteous, even while the wicked are being destroyed. There's a lot in the—okay, but they're both marked. So, if we go to the book of Proverbs, chapter 1, verse 20, wisdom cries without, she utters her voice in the streets. In Proverbs and in other places of Scripture, wisdom is personified and wisdom is typed as a woman. Now, isn't that interesting? Because God's people are typed as a woman. The bride of Christ is a woman. How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and the fools hate knowledge. Return at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. The end of Revelation boils down to two witnesses. The Spirit and the bride say, come, drink of the water of life freely. God has been working for a long time to have a bride that's in tune with the Spirit. And it's powerful when the bride and the Spirit are both saying the same thing. Return at my reproof, where is this coming from? From the bride, backed up by the Spirit. Return at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my Spirit upon you, I will make known my words unto you. So God wants to bring the witness of the bride together with the witness of the Spirit so that he can pour out his Spirit in a way that we've never seen before, except for the Spirit on Jesus when he was here the first time. And what's the consequences of rejecting this? Because I have called and ye refuse. I have stretched out my hand and no one responded. In other words, wisdom, the coming to the bride is really the voice of God calling. For because ye have disregarded all my counsel and rejected my reproof, I will also laugh at your calamity. I will mock you when fear comes upon you. When what you have feared comes as destruction and your calamity comes as a whirlwind, when tribulation and anguish come upon you, then they shall call upon me, but I will not answer. They shall seek me early, but they shall not find me, because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord. They rejected my counsel, they despised all my reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own counsel. For the rest of the ignorant shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them, but whosoever hearkens unto me shall dwell safely and shall rest from the fear of evil." Friends, we're right in the time now where this is happening. There's people claiming to be people of God right now that are suffering great defeat at the hands of the ignorant, and the prosperity of fools, which is running rampant across America and Europe, is destroying Christian people because it's caused them to lose their focus on God. The biggest game changer that is shown in the Scriptures is called repentance. If we study the prophecies pointing to the second coming, and the Old Testament is full of them, it's clear that repentance changes everything. People can be headed straight for destruction as an individual, as a family, as a tribe, as a nation, and repentance will change the future. And Christians around the world, but particularly here in North America, tend to want to preach individual repentance. In other words, if we've got somebody here that's in pornography, or if they're into some other blatant sin, well, they need to repent, and that's true. But we don't hear much preaching about how the whole congregation, the whole church needs to repent. And that's what it's going to take in order for us to be a part of the end-time revival that's prophesied. We can, as this comes to a head, it's either going to be light shining from inside us by the Spirit, or else pitch-black darkness out there in the world. There isn't going to be any in between. These places and individuals that are lukewarm, that have opted for different shades of gray instead of black or white, that's going to all come to an end. God's going to make sure that it comes to an end in the events leading into the Day of the Lord. If we go to the book of Joel, in Joel chapter 2, that's when the army of God gets let loose. It goes right over everything and can't be stopped and can't be killed. But when he gets done describing that, in verse 12, he says, Therefore also now saith the Lord, turn unto me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning, and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God. For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, great in mercy, and he does repent of chastisement. Who knows if he will return and repent and leave a blessing behind him, even a present and a drink offering, unto the Lord your God. And it's talking here about not just individual repentance, but corporate repentance from the people of God. And when we get done with the consequences of corporate repentance, that's when, in verse 28, he sums it up and says, And it shall come to pass after this. After what? After corporate repentance from the people of God. In the phase of the tremendous events of the day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass after this that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And even upon the slaves and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And I will show wonders in the heaven and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall escape. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be salvation, as the Lord has said, and in those who are left, to whom the Lord shall have called. While on the day of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, Peter quoted the central verse here out of context and changed the reference, didn't encode it exact. He added a word. He left out all the reference to the day of the Lord. He left out all the reference to corporate repentance. He left out all of the reference to what's coming. He just took a piece out of the out of the center of it. That the Holy Spirit applied to what was going on right then. Acts two seventeen, and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith the Lord, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh. He added an out. He didn't say, I will pour out my spirit. He said, I will pour out of, in other words, a portion, a limited portion of the spirit. Not the fullness of the spirit. Paul goes on to talk about this as the earnest of our inheritance, not the fullness of our inheritance. Well. In the end time revival, it's prophesied we're going to see the fullness of the spirit poured out. Not the earnest, but as we spoke about yesterday. In order to be given more, we have to be faithful with what we've already been given. So anybody that hasn't been faithful with the earnest of the spirit can't expect to receive the fullness of the spirit. Well, let me put it a different way. Seven and when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth animal, which said, come and see. Now it seems that these animals, and the reason it's translated animal here in the Jubilee Bible is because it's the Greek word bias, biological. It's not talking about a spirit, it's about a biological being that's not human. Which is most likely the cherubim, which the cherubim can present themselves in biological form with virtually any face they want. Satan is a cherubim, and he presented himself to Eve in the garden as a serpent. But of the cherubim described by Ezekiel, some of them had four faces. There's cherubim described in Scripture with two faces. There's cherubim described in Scripture with different faces. They can have the face of a man. They can have the face of a lion. They can have the face of an eagle. They can have the face of an ox. And all of these symbolize different things that God is doing. In fact, the cherubim can be described as having wheels spinning inside of wheels. In other words, the fiery chariots described in Scripture could actually be living biological beings called cherubim. And God said he could ride on a cherubim. So that's what is linked to the unsealing of the scroll that only the lamb that was slain could open. And the scroll is written on the outside and on the inside. When they were going to make a deal or, you know, mortgage a property or, you know, whatever, the deed, the description of the property was written on the inside of the scroll. But the description of the transaction was written on the outside of the scroll of how much it was going to cost and how it was going to be paid and so on and so forth. And then it was all sealed. And Jesus' death and redemption for us redeems us as fallen humanity. But it also is the redemption for all of creation. And this is all being unsealed. And it's going to be completely unsealed on the day of the Lord. And as we go through the horses, horses in the Scripture typify human endeavor. They're linked to the flesh. The kings of Israel were not to trust in horses or in chariots. But when David captured all the horses and chariots of his enemies, he left 100 horses. He left enough 100 horses for 100 chariots. And 100 is symbolic of the plan of God. In other words, God does use people according to his plan. He does institute government according to his plan. The symbols and types in Revelation are described elsewhere in the Bible. They're not just thrown cold into Revelation. And if we want to go to where these horses start, it's in the book of Zechariah, where they have different colored horses. The first three horses described by Zechariah are in a different order, but at least at the same color as the ones in Revelation. That's an interesting study, but it's that fourth horse. That's a different color. In Zechariah, that fourth horse, symbolic of death, is an ugly mixture. But in Revelation, the fourth horse turns completely, and it's such a change that the translators couldn't bring themselves to translate it accurately. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth animal, which said, Come and see. And I looked, and behold, a green horse. And he that was seated upon him was named Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." You see, with Jesus' death and resurrection, he turned that around, instead of death being this horrible thing that would hold everyone that died in Hades, until Jesus came and led captivity captive, and took those who were his and ascended on high, it says, high above all heavens. And Ezekiel saw the throne of God above the heaven. And it's interesting, because all authority in heaven and on earth, everything's given over to Jesus. But the Father's throne is above heaven. Isn't that interesting? With Jesus' death and resurrection, and victory that we can participate in, that gruesome horse representing death got turned into resurrection life. The translators of this, they translated it as a pale horse. But they lost the essence when they didn't call it green. Because green, in Scriptures, can symbolize righteousness and life. And that's God's plan, is to use death in order to bring forth life. So it's through the death of the old man, the old nature, and friends, even with Jesus' Even with all the promises of God, none of us can still escape physical death. We have the promise of resurrection life. We have the promise of resurrection into eternal life. We have the ability to taste eternal life, even now, through the Spirit, by the life of Jesus working in us and through us. But we are all physically going to die. Oh, but you might say there were some people that didn't die. Really? Yeah. Enoch didn't die, did he? Yes, according to Scripture, Enoch died. If you look closely at Hebrews chapter 11, it gives the list of all those who pleased God by faith, starting with Enoch, and at the end of the list it says, And these all died without receiving the fullness of the promise. Well, how come it says he didn't see death? Well, yeah. He didn't go to Hades. The devil wasn't able to trap his soul. Enoch walked with God and was not because God took him, but he died. The only way for us to get into the presence of God from here is death. But there were a number of cases of people, three in the Scripture, that are with the Lord and didn't go to Hades. Moses was in perfect health. He was 120 years old. It says his eye was not dim, his natural strength was not abated, and God said, Go up that mountain and die. And then it said Moses was the only one that had spoken to God face to face, but it also says that if anybody sees the face of God, it will kill them. And there was a fight not just for the soul of Moses, there was a fight for the body of Moses. And prior to Jesus' death and resurrection, when he took captivity captive and took those who were his and ascended, and when that was going on, it says the rocks broke and people came running out of the tombs that had died and were running around Jerusalem. But before all that, on the Mount of Transfiguration, Elijah and Moses showed up in bodily form with Jesus. In his own life, Moses was prohibited from entering the promised land because of a failure that had taken place. But in a resurrected life, when he and Elijah and Jesus were all transfigured, transformed, there he is inside the promised land. Before Jesus' sacrifice. Isn't that interesting? Well, what about Elijah? Well, the Jordan River is a symbol of death and Elijah walked right through it without any consequences. He went right through death and it didn't affect him. And God took him up to heaven in a whirlwind. A whirlwind is a symbol of judgment in Scripture. We just read about it in Proverbs, about the whirlwind coming on the unrighteous. Well, when the judgment of God hits the righteous, it just takes them to a higher realm. But the Scripture is clear, it says that the appointed unto man was to die and then the judgment. So that's why there's something the matter with the secret rapture theory that's so prevalent. Or they think that Christians that have prayed the sinner's prayer, it doesn't matter if you're living victoriously or not. Before anything bad happens here on earth, you're going to be miraculously raptured off to heaven for three and a half years or seven years. Now some of them are saying 70 years because they can't fit all the judgments into three and a half or seven years. And the devil is going to be given free reign here on the earth and on and on. That's not going to happen like that. Yes, we're going to be caught up to meet the Lord. But the word that is described to be caught up to meet the Lord is the same word as when the lion dismembers its prey. In fact, in Old English, the word rapture means. To be torn apart by violence. They say that's archaic, not. Not valid anymore. But if you get an old dictionary, that's what it'll say. It's obsolete, obsolete. But when Jesus comes back and we're caught up to meet him. It will literally tear us right out of our flesh and blood existence because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. And when we see him, we shall be like him. And when we see him, we shall be like him. So I don't think that it's going to be very good experience for anyone who's not clean. I don't think they're going to survive it. And it says he's going to take the wicked out from among the righteous. So there's going to be the removal of wicked from among the righteous, and then there's going to be the catching up of the righteous. To meet the Lord as he's returning, he's not going someplace. He's returning and we're meeting him and he's going to overthrow the kingdoms of this world. That's what's going to happen. And there's some veiled events that are going to take place before this. That scripture hints are going to be. Tremendous game changers. It talks about something that God's going to do. That's compared with the miracles when he took his people out of Egypt. Except it's going to be greater. It's compared with the days of Noah. It's compared with the days of Lot. What happened with Noah? It said God was so upset with the heart of man being wicked continually. That he decided to destroy man from off the face of the earth. Genesis six. And then it says, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. That's the first use of the word grace in scripture. And if grace is what our theologians are telling us, it's unmerited favor. That doesn't fit perfectly there. Because it was something that set Noah apart. Because it was something that set Noah apart. What did Noah do differently so that he found grace and nobody else did? Well, God had mentioned the part about him not liking them taking just any woman they wanted. Or as many women as they wanted. And Noah had one wife and his sons had each one wife. And it says Noah was righteous in his generation. Apparently Noah stopped and wasn't doing what everybody else was doing. And he was doing what he thought God wanted him to do. Starting with only having one wife and raising his sons to only have one wife each. And that's all that was saved out of that whole unrighteous generation. Eight people total. Plus, Noah spent a hundred years building the ark to God's exact specifications. If he wouldn't have built the ark the way God said, it might not have made it through the storm. So was Noah saved by faith or was he saved by works? If he wouldn't have done the works, he wouldn't have been saved. But he did the works according to the will of God. According to God's instructions. And he did that by faith. So when James comes along and says, faith without works is useless. And he did that by faith. So when James comes along and says, faith without works is dead. The faith and the works had to go together and it had to be God's work. And friends, as we come into the last time here. Joel says the last days. And Peter repeated that part. About the last days. He repeated it two thousand years ago. But look at it this way. If God's prophetic plan is for a prophetic week. Both Moses and Peter both said that for God a day could be as a thousand years and a thousand years could be as a day. So the last days would be the last three days of the week. And Jesus came four thousand years into human history. That's when he was born. And so when Peter quoted that verse. They were entering the fifth day. And there would be the sixth day and the seventh day. Those are the last days in Scripture. The last day is the day of the Lord. But the last days are the last three days of the week. So they were already in the last days. But. If you literally translate Daniel 12 where he's talking about a time. Times. And it gets translated half the time. But it doesn't literally say half the time. It says this is going to take place during a time. Times. And the division of time. It didn't translate it that way because it didn't fit their theology. Because they wanted to have this three and a half year period that they're looking forward to at the end of the age. Which may or may not be discernible in advance. Probably won't be. Because that's why so many people are going to be caught by surprise by the Lord's return. So they were still in the time of the Jews. That was still. In that time. And then they were going to have the times of the Gentiles. The 2,000 years of the church age. Which are coming to a close. And after that comes the division of time when Jesus comes back. Man has divided time between before Christ and after Christ. And yes, there was a huge difference. But nothing like the difference that there's going to be before and after the second coming. That is the real division of time. And it's close. In order for the prophecies to be fulfilled. The scripture says the man of sin has to be revealed. And the man of sin will be destroyed by the brightness and splendor of Jesus' return. We read that in Thessalonians. It's also known as that wicked one. But the Greek is ambiguous in both cases. Because the man of sin can be an end time individual antichrist. Or it can be. Everyone that's caught up in sin. It's not clear if the translation of that wicked one. Should have been translated as an individual like that wicked one. Or the wicked. Or the wicked. And if it's the wicked, the wicked one is going to come down too along with all the rest of the wicked. So it would help if we defined sin. In the Old Testament, the concept of sin seems to be going against the word of the Lord. In other words, God told Adam and Eve, don't touch that tree. If you eat the fruit of that tree or even touch it, you're going to die. And Satan told them why. And they didn't believe God. And they went and did it. And they went and did it. And that's gone down as original sin. With extremely serious consequences. I mean, of all the things in the garden, everything was out there. There was only one thing they could do, and they had to go do it. They could have partaken of the tree of life, but no. They had to do the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The knowledge of good and evil. And once they did that, God cut them off from the tree of life. And his whole plan is how to get us back. And he's going to do it in an even better way. In the beginning, Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden. But the presence of God was external. Jesus walked with his disciples, but his presence was external. They didn't want him to go away, but he said, if I go away, I can send the comforter. It's going to be a lot better because he's going to be able to put the presence of God inside each and every believer. And when he put this presence inside of us, yes, we can be filled with the spirit. But we're not given the unlimited power and authority that Jesus had when he walked here. We're given a down payment to see what we're going to do with it. And we're each given different gifts. And if we want the fullness of the spirit, we have to work together as the body of Christ. There's not one of us that can claim to have the fullness in and of ourselves. But the whole body does have the fullness available. And right now we've got a problem because the tares and the wheat are going together in the same field. And the world looks at it and they see all these awful examples mixed into the Christians. And before Jesus comes back and brings judgment on the world, he's going to clean up his people and remove the wicked from among the righteous. So that's something that's going to happen prior to Jesus' return or in conjunction with Jesus' return or on the eve of Jesus' return. Another thing that's going to happen is it says that those who have gone on before says that without them, we can't come into the fullness that God has for us. We can't come into the fullness of our inheritance without those who have gone on before. So the dead in Christ shall arise first. And then we'll all be caught up to meet him at his return. But as you read it in Thessalonians, it seems like maybe the dead in Christ will arise and then a split second later we're all caught up to meet him. Not necessarily the case. There's a lot of different types and shadows in scriptures that indicate that there could be a couple weeks or maybe even a couple months in between those two events. If you look at the difference between the resurrection of Lazarus, say, and the resurrection of Jesus, there was about six weeks in between. And other types and shadows. And God handling at something. And we think of Jesus returning with all of his saints, and yes, after we're caught up to meet him, he is going to be returning with all of his saints. But before it says that those that are in the graves are going to hear his voice and live. The dry bones are going to come together. And it might happen literally. Can you imagine if people start coming out of graves all over the world? And be like Joel's army that nobody can kill? That's got some really tremendous surprises on the way. It sums it up like this. Eye has not seen, ears not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, but God has in store for those who love him. It's beyond our wildest imagination. It says we're going to be like someone waking up thinking they're dreaming. And God starts doing this. And God starts doing this. In fact, the whole destruction that's prophesied doesn't even have to happen if there's repentance. God can pull the plug on the whole thing. Malachi said that before, in the last verses of the Old Testament, that he's going to send Elijah the prophet to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. Lest I come and destroy the earth completely. In other words, if this reconciliation takes place, the earth doesn't have to be destroyed. And Elijah is a play on words. It can mean God himself, the spirit of God himself in fullness. The spirit of God himself in fullness. And yes, there's going to be a first resurrection. And actual Elijah is going to be there. Along with David and everybody else that God has chosen. All these prophecies about what he's going to do with the servant David. And people try and say, well, that means this or that. And it's got to be, you know, some kind of interpretation there. Well, not necessarily. I think David is actually going to show up. And so is Elijah. And so is Moses. And so is Enoch. And so is Abel. And God's been selecting people from the beginning. And at first he made really slow progress. In the first 2,000 years or so of human history as recorded in the Bible, there's only five honorable mentions. Of people that pleased God. And there's others that we could infer, you know. Like maybe, you know, could add Noah's sons and his daughter-in-laws, you know, and stuff like that. But there's only five people mentioned in the first 2,000 years of human history that God trusted. And when he got that friendship going with Abraham, that turned into a whole nation. We had a friendship with Abraham. He had a friendship with Isaac. He had a friendship with Jacob. Changed his name to Israel. And then he had children of Israel. And even today, if we're part of the people of God, we're part of the Israel of God. Because a true Jew is someone with a circumcised heart. And he made a huge change because the sign of the Old Covenant was the circumcision of the flesh. The sign of the New Covenant, some people say it's water baptism. But I don't think so. I think, according to Scripture, the sign of the New Covenant is a circumcised heart. Look at Colossians chapter 2, for instance. I used to teach that there were three baptisms. Baptism in water, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and baptism in fire. And it made for a great message on three different levels. But then I got into Ephesians chapter 4. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. And that threw a monkey wrench in my nice message. So if there's only one baptism, which one is it? Somebody gave a guy my phone number. And he was one of the head directives of a group that's known in Columbia as Jesus Only, or United Pentecostal. They believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all the same person. And that leads to some complications. So he called me up and he said that he was intrigued with our radio ministry and with our messages, but that I was making two really bad errors that he wanted to point out. And one, we were using neutral and positive value secular music to draw in the audience, because we were dropping these radios on drug traffickers and guerrillas and paramilitary and soldiers and druggies, and had to have something to hold their attentions and then start giving them the message. And then there's a button on the radio that if they got converted, they could push that button and then the other channel was all preaching and teaching coupled together with segments of Christian music. But he didn't like that first channel. And then that we weren't emphasizing the water baptism in the name of Jesus only. So how's anybody going to get saved listening to all this wonderful message that we were putting out over the radio? And he was Mr. Water Baptism. He knew exactly how to do it. And you had to do it exactly his way and you had to... You know, I said to some of these guys, you know, I mean, if you know what you're doing, you know, I mean, you claim to be Jesus only and unitary, you know, how come you dunk them three times, you know? Well, anyway, I had to say just the right words, said the wrong words, wouldn't work. Just wouldn't work. Well, I said, well, brother, I'll make a covenant with you. Let's take this to the Lord. You take it to the Lord, I'll take it to the Lord. And we'll ask the Lord if, you know, either one of us or both of us need to be straightened out, that would you please proceed, you know, and straighten us out. So he said, yeah, yeah, okay, we'll do that. So a couple weeks later, I get a phone call from him again. And he says, you're not going to believe what happened to me. And I said, what happened to you? And he said, I had this very vivid dream, more vivid than reality. And he said, and the Lord was upset with me. And the Lord said to him, I have an issue with you. And he said to the Lord, well, what could that be? And the Lord said, I have a big problem with you because you're not baptized. This was Mr. Baptism. What do you mean, Lord? I mean, I know exactly how to do it. No, you're not baptized. The water is a symbol, but the real baptism is the one that only I can do in the Holy Spirit and fire. And you're not baptized because I've never baptized you. And that took him right off his high horse and into profound repentance. And he did get baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. And within very short order, he got kicked out of the United Pentecostal denomination. But he's still on fire for God out there. So when I see evidence that someone has a genuine Holy Spirit and a genuine fire of God dealing with them, it's no longer worth it to me to fight over how they were water baptized or even if they were water baptized. And there's evidence in the scriptures of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire without any water. I mean, the day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit came on the 120 Nephilim, no mention of any water. And there's times when people were water baptized and they didn't. I mean, we've water baptized people and had them come out of the water speaking in tongues. Without having anybody ever telling them about it. But we've seen an awful lot of people get baptized in water and not get the Holy Spirit. And their lives don't change. Yeah, yeah, they could have used the water to put out the fire. Yeah. So let's not get caught up in discussions and in controversy that doesn't lead to anywhere edifying. And let's stay focused. Someone who has the real Holy Spirit will manifest the fruit of the real Holy Spirit. And I don't care what prayers they prayed or what hoops they jumped through or what kind of baptism they had. If there's no fruit of the Holy Spirit, something's horribly wrong. And we need to go back to square one, which is repentance. So now, repentance from what? Repentance means that course reversal. 180 degree course reversal. It's a total change of our motivation and goals. It's a change of what we're actually seeking and pursuing. It's a change of our way of thinking. Coming into the mind of Christ instead of the mind of the natural man. So I'd like to go to 1 John and share some thoughts about sin. Because unless we understand sin in the way that it's portrayed in the New Testament, we're going to keep making serious mistakes and not even realize what it is that we're doing. And not even realize what it is we're supposed to be turning from. And not even realizing that we can walk in victory, and we may already be walking in victory, and the devil's still bombarding us with guilt. In the Old Testament system, which is symbolic of the New, you had to sacrifice not a sin offering. That's not what the Hebrew originally says. It says sacrifice the sin. And the animal became the sin. That's why Jesus became sin for us. So that we might be made the righteousness of God. And it wasn't enough just to sacrifice the sin, which you had to get the help of the priest to do it, because the sin had hooves and it had horns. And it could kick you and it could gore you, and it could mess you up really bad, even while you're trying to sacrifice it. And so you had to have help to get the thing bled to death and run through the fire of God on his altar. Especially all the inward parts. And then the next sacrifice was not something offered instead of our guilt. It's offered the guilt. Because unless the guilt gets killed along with the sin, the enemy will keep bringing it up and we won't feel worthy, or we'll try and use guilt as a weapon against somebody else. So guilt is a terrible thing. It's a two-edged sword. It has to be killed if we're going to be victorious in Christ. And this all involves sacrifice. In other words, giving up our own way. And then there's a third sacrifice, which can be called the burnt offering. This is where holocaust comes in there. And that is the peace offering. And that is when sin and guilt has been dealt with, we can choose to offer ourselves. And Paul sums it up in Romans 12. Present yourselves a living sacrifice, which is our reasonable service. So after all that God has done for us, the most reasonable thing we can do when we get the mind of Christ is offer ourselves continually to God. But that one's voluntary. It's not obligatory. Because if God made it obligatory, it would wreck the relationship that he's trying to develop with us. Because he wants our love and our trust and our confidence because we're willing. It wouldn't be much of a marriage if the woman, after she got married, just had to flat out do whatever her husband said, do whatever her husband said, no matter what her feelings are. It would end the loving relationship. That's there when husband and wife want to do what's right regarding the other person. So here in 1 John chapter 3, this word sin, which in Greek is hamartia or hamartanum, depending on if it's a verb or a noun. And this has been developed in the rest of the scripture, particularly in the Gospel of John. That's why in the commentary that I wrote on the Gospel of John, I included 1st, 2nd and 3rd John, because the terminology gets clearly defined in the Gospel of John by the time you hit here, but we don't have time to go through the trajectory. Just to say that I firmly believe that the definition that our theologians have put on the word hamartia is very, very, very wrong. Sin is not to miss the mark. Let me just go through this. Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law, for sin is the transgression of the law. That definition might hold up through there. Whosoever misses the mark also transgresses the law, for missing the mark is the transgression of the law. You get there. And you know that he appeared to take away our sins, and that there is no sin in him. Whosoever abides in him does not sin. Okay, well put that one in there. Whosoever abides in him does not miss the mark. Whosoever abides in him makes a perfect bullseye every time. Do you think that's true? Whosoever misses the mark has not seen him or known him. If you miss the mark even once, you have never seen him or known him according to their definition. Do you think that could possibly be right? Verse 8. He that misses the mark is of the devil, for the devil misses the mark from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God appeared, that he might also undo the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God does not miss the mark, for his seed remains him, and he cannot miss the mark because he is born of God. Do you see where this is taken? So they're forced to either think that they're fine when they're not, that they can't sin when they're still in trouble, or else they put this into the future and say, this is going to happen in heaven but it can't happen here. Now let me tell you what I think comitia really does mean. It doesn't mean to miss the mark. It means to shoot at the wrong target. It means to aim at the wrong target. It's an archery term. In other words, if you were in a battle and there was somebody on your side, in your company, in your army, that you didn't like, and in the heat of the battle, you decided to take a shot at putting an arrow in their back. That would be comitia whether you hit them or not. Just the intent to shoot at the wrong target. And if you were shooting at the enemy, and you missed, it wouldn't be comitia. Because you were shooting at the right target. And so when we're born of God, our goals change. We're aiming to please God. We're no longer aiming to displease God. And whether we're hitting the bullseye or not depends on practice. The scripture says we need to be exercised in righteousness. In other words, God is training us so that our aim and our accuracy will improve. But if we're attempting to please God and miss a little bit, that doesn't mean that we're of the devil. It just means we need a little more practice. Somebody else put it like this. If you fall, it makes a big difference which way you were pointed when you went down. Because the scripture says a righteous man can fall seven times and God will lift him up. Because a righteous man is seeking to please God and seeking to live righteous. And yeah, you can stumble in a trap, you can get tripped up somehow, but God will pick us up and help us keep going. But if somebody's turned their back on God and they go down, that's a whole different story. If somebody's turned their back on God and is knowingly, willfully doing things that they know displease God, they might not get back out of it. I mean, God may give them another chance, but it doesn't have to. Especially if they keep repeating it. We've seen people that just played with fire one time too many and couldn't get back. Ministers of the gospel that ended up being possessed in an insane asylum. Trying to kill their own family. They had powerful anointings, built stadiums, miracles, prophecies. But they didn't pay attention to their personal life and they kept doing stuff that they knew was unclean. And it came to the point where they couldn't recover. It is possible to go past the point of no return. God was working with King Saul and giving him opportunity after opportunity, and he could have turned it around, maybe even right up to very close to the end. But he kept going against the word of the Lord, and then when he went to the witch instead of the Lord, he couldn't recover from that, wasn't able to recover from that. And the scriptures pointed out, doesn't mention a lot of awful things that he did, like killing all the priests and like all of his persecution of David. But in Chronicles, when it sums up what happened to Saul, it says because he refused the word of the Lord and went to the witch. And he had a tremendous anointing from God. Judas was sitting there at the table at the Last Supper. And the problem was that he already had 30 pieces of silver in his possession from selling out the Lord. And he didn't get out of it. Jesus himself dipped the bread in the wine and put it in Judas's mouth. And it says after the devil entered into him, he got possessed by Satan himself at the Lord's Supper right after Jesus personally gave him communion. He got possessed by Satan himself at the Lord's Supper right after Jesus personally gave him communion. I mean, talk about taking communion unworthily. And that's why the scripture says that God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. You can't plant one thing and expect to reap another thing. If you're planting the wrong thing and you know you're planting the wrong thing and you keep planting the wrong thing, there's nothing that's going to save you from harvesting the wrong thing. Harvesting the wrong thing. And Jesus says we shall know them by their fruit. So no matter how gifted someone is, no matter how eloquent they are, no matter how much they can wow an audience, and I've seen some real spellbinders. Because the only problem is they weren't clean. And they weren't willing to give due diligence to being clean. See, the only way for us to stay clean, friends, is to stay in the fire of God. In the fire of His dealings. And He'll make sure we stay clean. Well, there's a lot more I could add. But there is going to be a tremendous end time revival. And it is possible for us to be part of it. And the only real requirement is to stay clean. If we want to really truly be used to God. There's no age requirement. Doesn't matter if you're male or female. Doesn't matter how much training or lack of training you have. It all depends on being clean. And in God's sight, there's no in-between. From the beginning, He wanted to have priesthood and Levites that would teach the people the difference between the clean and the unclean. And there's no half-ways clean. Or three-quarters clean or nine-tenths clean. You're either clean or you're unclean in God's sight. And in the Old Testament, there were lots of ways to be unclean. Somebody was unclean, just sat in a chair. You didn't even know they sat in a chair. You came and sat in a chair, now you're unclean too. And you've got to be purified again. Or you ate something that was unclean. Or you touched a dead body. Or something happened and you get unclean. Through virtually no fault of your own. But the remedy was almost always the same. You had to wash. You had to wash your clothes, you had to wash yourself. Sometimes you have to come with a sacrifice. Once you got yourself unclean, it could take you a week or two to get out of it. Even if it wasn't your fault. Even if it wasn't your fault. In the New Testament, Jesus tells His disciples. He didn't say, you're clean because John baptized you. He said, you're clean because of the Word that I've given you. He said that His bride is cleansed by the washing of water by the Word. What cleanses us and what keeps us clean is being in communion with Him and hearing from Him. There's a lot of unclean situations in this world. You can be out there in the world and go someplace and somebody's got a pin-up poster in their shop. Or some awful song comes out over the loudspeaker when you're in the bus. There's a lot of unclean stuff happening out there. And as long as we remain in communion with the Lord Jesus Christ, we stay clean in the middle of whatever's going on around us. No matter what unclean thing somebody's saying, no matter what unclean thing is happening, we're walking through. And it doesn't take weeks to get cleansed again. It's instantaneous. Because as long as we're in tune with the living Word of God, which is Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, that keeps us covered and clean. Scripture says, woe unto those that seek a covering that's not by my Spirit, saith the Lord. So you can't be effectively covered by submitting to some elder or some apostle or some... no. The only effective covering is submitting to the Lord Jesus. And He puts His Spirit on us. And we're covered. And He puts His fire in us. And if anything unclean starts happening in our hearts, boy, He tears into it. And if we're a little bit stubborn, then the discipline of God starts to fall. And it can be really heavy. But it'll make sure that whatever it is that we're harboring or doing that God doesn't like, we're going to have to either quit doing it, or else, if we keep on, we're going to have to stop. God will start to withdraw, and the Holy Spirit will start to be quenched. It doesn't happen immediately, most of the time. But people that repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly go against what they know is the revealed will of God, and what the Word of God is impressing on them, they keep doing that. And they can end up not being covered. And people think that they're covered by some doctrine, or by some system that they belong to. But Isaiah says, in that day, when that happens, he said, the bed's going to be too short. You're never going to be able to rest. The covering is going to be too narrow. You won't be able to be covered. He says, your covenant with Sheol, with death, will be annulled. Your doctrine about how it's going to happen won't be able to save you. Because the only one that can save us is the Lord Jesus. And we have to be in contact with Him. There's an interesting study, we don't have time today, but to go through, the rocks. The rocks. It starts in Job, about the rocks. The rocks that Job's comforters were referring to were the oral doctrinal traditions that they were passing down from the patriarchs. And they were trying to prove to Job that what was happening to him went totally against their established doctrines. In other words, if you were righteous before God, then all your kids shouldn't have died. All your belongings shouldn't have been stolen. Your health shouldn't have been affected. They're just going over it. You know, you've done something awful and you're refusing to admit it. And this is according to the rocks of their established doctrine. And God uses that book of Job to totally shoot that down. And that's where the written word of God, that's the oldest written book in perfectly developed Hebrew. And all of the other Hebrew writings follow the exact orthography of Job. This wasn't something that happened out in the middle of nowhere someplace and didn't have bearing. This is something that's central to God's writing things down. Well, the theme of the rocks goes all the way through Scripture. And it ends in Revelation 6. Well, when the heavens are opened, the dwellers of the earth seek cover under the rocks and in the caves. Isaiah mentions this too. In other words, they're seeking cover from the presence of God that's going to destroy them. That's the whole reason there was a veil in the temple, so that the presence of God wouldn't destroy unclean, corrupt, fallen man. That's why the holy place was a place of preparation for hopefully the high priest could be brought into condition where he could once a year go into the presence of God and not get killed and hear from God. But the dwellers of the earth are seeking cover under the rocks and in the caverns. They're seeking cover under their doctrine of once saved, always saved. Under their doctrine of we're predestined to be saved, then we're saved. Whatever the doctrine is, but it's not going to work. And so they've made up all kinds of explanations of how to get out from under this problem of what's going to happen when the direct presence of God hits the earth. And they think it would be nice to be raptured off to some remote corner of heaven and not be there on the earth when that happens. They've missed the terminology. In prophetic scripture, there's three possible places you can dwell. There's the dwellers of the sea, which the sea represents lost humanity. After the final judgment, Revelation chapter 20, the next verse of Revelation 21. There is a new creation. You can't even find the old creation. And there no longer is any sea, no more lost humanity. That's all been dealt with. So you can dwell in the sea of lost humanity. But that's not where God's going to start the judgment. He's going to start the judgment in the religious earth. And those are the people that live, trying to use God to get what they want here and now. And those are the people that live, trying to use God to get what they want here and now. They're after the things of this earth. And they want to be in covenant with God. Dwellers of the earth, in the original, it could have been the land, as in the promised land. But the earth in Bible prophecy, in the Old Testament and the New, is not the same as dwelling in the heaven. It's the heavenly Jerusalem that's the mother of us all. And we're citizens of heaven. But Jesus said, it's where our heart is that determines where our treasure is. So the citizens of heaven can be walking here on the earth, but they're seeking heavenly treasure. They're seeking to use, by the Holy Spirit, to figure out how to invest our time and resources here on this earth into lasting heavenly reward. They're not trying to get God to help us man up a whole bunch of worldly wealth. And as God, I mean, God can bless us and give us all kinds of things here in this world. But then it takes true wisdom from God, from the Holy Spirit, to know what to do with it. Because otherwise it'll all be lost in the end. We'll either die and we'll have to leave it here, or it'll be squandered, or something will happen. It needs to be invested in the kingdom of heaven. And we are not even capable of coming up with good ideas on our own that would do that. If we want to invest our time and our resources into true heavenly treasure, it is absolutely essential that we be led step by step by the Lord. Otherwise, what we're doing isn't going to turn out to be good, and it won't be heavenly treasure. I mean, look at all these do-gooders with their foundations and everything, and what they're doing, and how when it isn't God, they're just making things worse. People putting great big fortunes into foundations when they die, and having their posterity just absolutely do abomination after abomination in the face of God. And they think they're being generous. So the only way to make an investment that's going to turn out for good for all eternity is if we're led by God. Let's close with Ephesians chapter 2. Verse 4. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great charity with which he loved us, even as we were dead in sins. In other words, we were all going after the wrong target. And it's sin whether we were hitting the target or not. Just the fact that we were going our own way and trying to feather our own nest and try and get whatever we can for ourselves. That's dead in sins. It's not going anywhere. He has made us alive all together with the Christ by whose grace we are saved. And has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. In other words, when we're saved by grace, we become citizens of heaven. And it's the heavenly Jerusalem that's the mother of us all. And God is our father. That in the ages to come, he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. So he's going to demonstrate this by his kindness towards us. And his grace, as we mentioned before, isn't well defined if we think of it just as unmerited favor. It's his power. It's his glory. It's his ability to change us, to transform us, to make us into a new creation that's got the right goals. Where the target that we're aiming at is to make him happy. And friends, by our conscience inside, we can know if God's happy with us or not. If we've got any of the Holy Spirit at all in us. And sometimes even before we have the Holy Spirit in us, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction and show us when we're not pleasing God. That's why people go into depressions. And then they try and solve it with psychiatric medicine and a bunch of stupid counseling. They try to anesthetize their conscience and they can end up becoming completely bipolar. For by grace are you saved through faith. And that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. So friends, the grace is a gift of God and the faith is a gift of God. And the gift of God is Jesus. And when Jesus comes and reigns and rules from our heart, he leads us in the way of faith. Of hearing and obeying God. And we're able to do this by grace because he provides the power and the change in motivation. Not of works, lest any man should boast. So our own good works can't save us or anyone else. But look where this goes. For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared that we should walk in them. So if we're saved by faith, by grace, then we're going to be walking in the good works that God has already prepared for us to walk in. And what are those good works? It's the will of God. It's the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Righteousness in Greek and Hebrew and Spanish is all the same word as justice. In English, we have righteousness, we have justice, and you know, they're not exactly the same to us. And in the Bible translation, we couldn't take out one or the other. We had to leave a shotgun between the two terms because it's been established tradition for so long. And because we have these two words and we use them in our spiritual vocabulary, so there's no way we could fuse them back together again. This just isn't possible in the English language. And there's a number of other places where that happens, like with the word perfection and the word maturity, which is also the same word. So in other words, as we mentioned yesterday, we are saved and empowered by God and transformed because God's interested in us, but he also would like to have some gain for the kingdom. In other words, when he saves us and when he empowers us, when he gives us the equivalent of that minor and that talent, he's expecting a return on his investment. He's expecting us to bear good fruit. And the fruit comes only by the Holy Spirit. So it isn't something that we can take the credit for, but it is something that happens in us and then through us. God begins by working in us, and as he works in us, it comes to the point where easier and easier for him to work through us. But remember that he's already done a lot of work for us. He's done the work for us that makes it possible for us to be given grace and faith. It's not of ourselves. But his grace and faith, in order for it to operate, we need to be willing to repent and yield to him. And it's been pointed out that we can't even repent properly on our own because it takes his power to be able to turn us. It takes his power to be able to change our appetites. It takes his power to be able to change our appetites. And people say, well, don't go by your feelings because your feelings will get you into a lot of trouble. But that's only half true. Yes, our feelings can get us into a lot of trouble, but the whole point is God wants to change our heart, put his heart in us. He wants us to start feeling his feelings and his feelings won't get us into trouble. In fact, it'll be the exact opposite. When we start feeling the way God feels about sin, that will have a tremendous effect on our behavior. When we start feeling the way God feels about the lost, that will have a tremendous effect on our behavior. The key to being led, you know, I mean, God can lead us many different ways. He can apply a given scripture and show us something when we need to make a change in our course. He can use somebody else to help us see what we really ought to do. He can use circumstances to stop us or to move us in different directions. But the way that God most consistently leads me is through putting his feelings in my heart. There's time after time after time where I just know in my heart what God wants me to do. And a lot of times that's not in accord with what's going on in my mind. My mind's telling me, we only got enough time to do this or I don't really feel good today. I don't feel like doing this or we haven't got the money to do this. Or, you know, it'd be too dangerous to go do that. There's all these thoughts. But if it's God's conviction in my heart, it's better to go with my heart. And God works all the rest of it out. You see, when it's his heart in us, the devil really doesn't have access to our heart anymore. After our heart belongs to God and it's been transformed and it's really his heart. And look at all the things that Jesus did. He said, I didn't come to speak my own words. I came to stay with the Father's saying. I didn't come to do my own will, only do what the Father's doing. And then Jesus would go ahead and do stuff without seemingly consulting the Father. He didn't have mercy on somebody. He'd do this or that. He didn't, you know, he didn't make a point of making a big prayer to the Father first. Well, why? Because the Father was living in Jesus. Jesus was the temple for the Father and he was living there in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus' heart and the Father's heart were one. And the Father's heart were in tune. They were one. So what Jesus was feeling in his heart was what the Father's feeling in his heart. And God can bring us into that type of relationship with Jesus. So that the heart of Jesus is something that's part of us and that we're aware of. That only works properly if we've given up our own way. And if we don't have an ulterior agenda that we're trying to pull towards. But if our heart is to please God and if he's blessed us with putting his thoughts and his feelings, the devil may still be able to bombard our minds a little bit, but he'll never be able to make it into our hearts. Because our heart is set on God. And that's the opposite of harmony. We've got the right goal and we're moving forward. And our goal is to please God in everything we do. Not just please God in terms of the overall plan and program, but please God in the way we're going about it. A lot of people get tripped up. They get a good idea. They think they've got a vision from God to do this or that or the other thing. And then they slip back into their own way of doing things and displease God. Whole organizations do this. And ride roughshod over individuals even while they think they've got a wonderful program. And a lot of them do things in the name of the organization or in the name of the movement that they're doing that they would never do as individuals. They do bad things to people in the name of the organization that they would never do on their own as individuals. Well, God wants us to please Him every step of the way. And we can know when we're pleasing Him because there's joy and peace from the Holy Spirit. That's the truth of the Holy Spirit. And it's not dependent on circumstances. It's not dependent on if we have enough resources. It's not dependent on if we feel good. It's not dependent on as far as our health is concerned. It's not dependent on what opposition the enemy might be putting up. If we're in the center of the will of God and if we're doing things God's way and He's happy, we'll have joy and peace no matter what. No matter what. That's why He says it's peace that passes understanding. When someone is first touched by the Holy Spirit, one of the first things that we see in one of these guerrilla commanders or one of these killers or drug traffickers or bandits or whoever, when they receive us because of what we stand for, because of who we stand for, one of the first signs that we see is supernatural joy in our lives. And that comes from the Holy Spirit. And if they keep yielding to the Holy Spirit, they will be totally transformed. Without having to take part in any religious activity. We've seen them transformed. In those guerrilla areas, one guy, the Lord got a hold of him and transformed him. And he went 40 years out there as a guerrilla commander. Never went to a single church meeting because there weren't any. Because the guerrilla organization burned down all the church buildings and ran all the pastors out or killed them if they wouldn't leave. There wasn't any meetings. You couldn't find a meeting. And he spent 40 years out there. And every time I'd come through, I'd give him another book. And he'd collect all these books and just go over them and over them. And then he'd be listening to our radio programs over and over and over as we're preaching to the Bible. And he couldn't leave because if he left, they'd kill his whole family. Parents and his brothers and sisters. But finally through the peace treaty he got, he was able to leave. And now he spends all his time distributing Bibles over in Venezuela. And all he does all day long every day is go to church meetings and distribute Bibles. Every kind of church meeting you can imagine. And he has really interesting discernment on what's going on in this church or what's going on in that church. It's a scream. And his wife is with him. And the church people, the pastors and everything, they're trying to figure out who he is and where he came from. Because they can tell he's not got normal trajectory. But he's bubbling over the Holy Spirit and he's got all these Bibles that they desperately need. So they're trying to get him to tell them what is his gifting and what's his calling and what's his ministry. And he says, well, my ministry is providing Bibles for you guys. He knows how to do it. You can't just walk into Venezuela and do Bibles. There's all kinds of Cuban intelligence. There's Chinese intelligence. There's colectivos that are armed and run around and shoot anybody that disagrees with the government. They'll kneecap them first and if they keep fighting off, they'll shoot them in the head next or run them out of town. And if you want to distribute Bibles in these places, you've got to go find the Cuban intelligence and the Chinese intelligence and colectivos and the secret police and all these guys. You've got to get them first or you won't be able to keep going. And these guys know exactly how to do all that. Somebody sent me this picture and it looked like the strangest church I ever saw in my life. It was all made out of marble and there was red carpets and tapestries and great big days at them. And there's all these people and they're waving their Bibles. And this guy up in the front is preaching. And he said, no, that's the state legislature. Those are the state senators and that's the governor if they're preaching in a communist country. See, so God can get a hold of these people. God can get a hold of these people. It doesn't happen by indoctrination. It doesn't happen by religious ritual. It happens when God gets a hold of their heart and they yield to him. And it can all start just as simple as them receiving somebody like us that comes in there in the name of the Lord and being kind to us. That's all it takes for God to get his foot in the door. And yeah, there's going to be some struggles and they're going to have to make some tough decisions along the way. But if they keep going, I mean, every time I go out there to see him, you know, it would be a big adventure because we're going in the middle of a war. Active war. And finally he'd just sit there and say, this has got to be God. This has got to be God. This has got to be God. There's no way this could be happening. You know, they try to do stuff, you know, going back and forth and lose half their guys half the time, you know. And I kept, you know, making it through and back and, you know. And flying in there with the airplane and dropping stuff on them, you know. And I mean, it took months for me to realize what that funny noise was that I kept hearing. I kept hearing this funny noise. It was like a zipping. I thought it was a parachute got caught in the tail or in the landing gear or something. It took months before I realized that was the sound of the supersonic blip of the bullets going past the airplane. I didn't even know that's what it was. And we never got shot down. I did get three airplanes shot up, but didn't get shot down. People out there praying. One guy prayed for 10 years for a Bible. And I dropped one on him and he caught it in the air. It didn't even hit the ground. Doorstep. We went out there and dropped them at night with night vision. Fun that the commanding general of the Colombian Armed Forces said he didn't want me doing that anymore. He'd been giving me special information, but he said, you're going to get killed. He said, come over here and here's our Black Hawk helicopters. Here's our pilots. Train them. Tell them what to do and send them out there to do it. I don't know. It's a little past noon. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions. I don't know if anybody has any questions.