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EU’s Digital ID regulations set to start on 20 May 2024

EU’s Digital ID regulations set to start on 20 May 2024

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The European Union is implementing digital ID regulations that will require big tech companies to comply by 2026. The new rules aim to create a digital identity wallet, but there are concerns about privacy, discrimination, and hacking. Some believe this is a step towards the fulfillment of biblical prophecies about a mark of the beast and control of buying and selling. There are also discussions about the connection between digital IDs and central bank digital currencies. The world is changing, and it is important to pay attention to these developments. This is the Bible News Prophecy Program, bringing you news and analysis of world events in the light of Bible prophecy. The following program is brought to you by the Continuing Church of God. Greetings, friends and brethren around the world. This is James Martinette for the Bible News Prophecy Program. EU's digital ID regulations set to start on 20 May 2024. May 11, 2024. We are getting closer and closer to 666. Notice the following. EU's controversial digital ID regulations set for 2024, mandating big tech compliance by 2026. May 10, 2024. The EU's new digital ID rules, the Digital Identity Regulation, ELDAS 2.0, are about to come into force on May 20, mandating compliance from big tech and member countries and supporting the EU Digital Identity, EUDI, wallet. However, work is not complete on the EUDI wallet as several pilots are planned for 2025 to consolidate the process of the implementation of the rules. According to the framework, the European Council passed recently, which has now been officially published, the deadline for the digital ID wallet to be recognized and made available is 2026. As things stand now, that deadline means that while the wallet scheme must become fully functional by that time, it will not be obligatory for citizens of the EU's 27 members and protection against discrimination is promised to those choosing not to opt in. Digital IDs can also be used to control access to essential services, potentially manipulating social or political compliance. The extensive data collection involved can lead to profiling and discrimination. Furthermore, these IDs are susceptible to hacking and identity theft, placing individuals at risk of financial and reputation damage. Often, citizens are coerced into participating without genuine consent, and the lack of transparency and oversight in these systems increases the risk of misuse. From reclaimthenet.org, yes, people will be forced to opt in, and eventually pretty much forced. This past January, at a World Economic Forum, WEF-related event, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands took to the deva stage to declare that digital IDs are necessary for nearly every aspect of social engagement. From 0122224. From www.armstrongeconomics.com. We know that the coming European 666 power will control buying and selling, Revelation 13 verses 16-18, and more and more leaders in Europe and elsewhere are pushing for something that could be used to do so. Secular sources, and not just people who are familiar with biblical prophecies, have concerns about the use of a digital identification system as well. Consider the following from last November. EU pushes CBDC-linked digital identity for all citizens. November 9th, 2023, the European Union, EU, is advancing plans to introduce a new digital identity that will be directly linked to a central bank digital currency, CBDC, a top euro official has revealed. The plan was exposed Wednesday on social media by Dutch member of the European Parliament, Rob Roos. From EU Commissioner Breeden said. Now that we have a digital identity wallet, we have to put something in it. Suggesting a connection between CBDC and EID. As far as financial controls, we know that they are coming to Europe. The Apostle John was told by Jesus to write the following. He was granted power to give birth to the image of the beast. That the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads. And that no one may buy or sell except the one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666. Revelation 13 verses 15 to 18. The above prophecy suggests that there will be enforcers of the mark of the beast as well as for the control of buying and selling. That technology did not exist when John penned this, but is here now. Plus, we are seeing steps being taken to set the stage for this. Much is happening in privacy, financial and otherwise, is being lost. Related to some of the plans, we put out the following video. World Economic Forum, CBDCs and 666. Are there concerns about CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies? The summer meeting of the World Economic Forum, WEF, was held from June 27 to 29, 2023, in China. The WEF speaker and Cornell University professor, Eswar Prasad, warned of CBDCs could take us to a pretty dark place. What did the European Commission say about the future of digital euro and various protections the same week? Is the tweeted statement, no one will be able to control how you use your euros, false in the long run according to biblical prophecies such as Revelation 13 verses 16 to 18? Is there a real ability to program a CBDC with an expiration date as well as restricting what it could be used to purchase? Has monitoring of purchase transactions been proposed by various European leaders? Does the EU already have a potential enforcement arm of 666? Has the European Central Bank said that cash was not fit for the digital economy? Are we moving more towards a cashless world? Are things really changing towards that? Steve Dupuis and Dr. Thiel discussed these and other matters. Are you paying attention? Things are changing and will not remain as they have. We are getting much closer to the end of this age. Remember to pray, as Jesus said, Matthew 6 verse 10, for God's kingdom to come. Some items of possibly related interest may include Benjamin, Norway, Iceland and Israel. Could some of the tribe of Benjamin be found in Iceland and Norway? Asia and prophecy. What is ahead for Asia? Who are the kings of the East? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, Indians, Nepalese and others of Asia? China and prophecy. Where? Who has the 200 million man army related to Armageddon? Claude Schwab of the World Economic Forum has proposed a societal change that has been basically endorsed by the Vatican and many world leaders. Does the Bible prophecy a major reset? A related video, will there be a great reset? The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. This free online PDF booklet has answers to many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. It is available in over 1,000 languages at ccog.org. We also have four Kingdom related sermons. The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The World's False Gospel. The Gospel of the Kingdom. From the New and Old Testaments and the Kingdom of God is the solution. Europa, the Beast and Revelation. Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about the Beast? Is an emerging European power the daughter of Babylon? What is ahead for Europe? A video title, can you prove that the Beast to come is European? Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do Biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days and the 1260 days, the time, times and half a time of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? Two related videos, the King of the North is alive, what to look out for and the future King of the North. Preparing for the short work and the famine of the word. What is the short work of Romans 9 verse 28? Who is preparing for it? Will Philadelphian Christians instruct many in the end times? A related video sermon title, the short work, and another preparing to instruct many is available at ccog.com. Lost tribes and prophecies. What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English speaking peoples? Do you know about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references and commentary to address those matters. Related sermons, lost tribes, the Bible and DNA. Lost tribes, prophecies and identifications. 11 tribes, 144,000 and multitudes. Israel, Jeremiah, Theotokai and British royalty. Gentile, European beast, royal succession, Samaria and prophecies. Asia, islands, Latin America, Africa and Armageddon. When will the end of the age come? Rise of the prophesied king of the north. Christian persecution from the beast. World War III and the coming new world order. And woes, World War IV and the good news of the kingdom of God. Sermon, Early Church, Jerusalem, Rome and Apostolic Teachings, May 11, 2024. The Continuing Church of God put together this sermon on its Continuing Church of God channel. Early Church, Jerusalem, Rome and Apostolic Teachings. The original Christian church was founded in Jerusalem on the second chapter of the book of Acts. Could the faithful have been warned to flee to Pella before Emperor Vaspasian had General Titus begin a siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD? Who were the Church of God leaders in Jerusalem? If they were faithful, what are some of their doctrines that most professing Christians do not hold to? What caused the split in Jerusalem circa 135? What did Emperor Hadrian decree about Aelia Capitolina? Did most who professed Christ accept compromise so that they could stay? Or as a persecuted minority, a faithful had to flee to another land. Were the Christians in Rome prior to the Apostles Peter and Paul? Were early Roman leaders like Linus, Titus and Clement faithful? What about Simon Magus and his influence? When did many who professed Christ turn away from the Sabbath and the Biblical date of Passover? Did Irenaeus teach that it took someone with the status of Polycarp of Smyrna to denounce heretics such as Marcian and Valentinus? Did the Greco-Roman churches adopt any of the teachings of the apostate heretics? Are there any similarities about what happened in Jerusalem and what happened in the worldwide Church of God after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters. There is a list of sermons directly tied to the beliefs of the Original Catholic Church book. 1. Original Catholic Church of God 2. Original Catholic Doctrine 3. Liturgy, Baptism, Passover 3. What type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna? 4. Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, and Celibacy 5. Early Heresies and Heretics 6. Doctrines, Three Days, Abortion, Geminicism, and Meats 7. Tithes, Process, Destiny, and More, Saturday or Sunday 8. The Godhead 9. Apostolic Laying on of Hands, Succession 10. Church in the Wilderness, Apostolic Succession List 11. Holy Mother Church and Heresies 12. Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs This book and the available sermons are intended to help us to instruct many and answer many who have a professing Christian background. This is James Markinette. This Bible News Prophecy Program was sponsored by the Continuing Church of God. For more information, including access to our free literature, visit BibleNewsProphecy.net or www.ccog.org.

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