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Tate Debate




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all right all right our first podcast first podcast baby we're back for the first time what color is your Bugatti is my question the coolest car I've seen in real life is you bite you bite it off well yeah it's a little monkey right now though it tastes gross you actually technically you're supposed to use a tool I know that for all of you cigar enthusiasts out there you're supposed to use a tool to cut this off but we're not doing that today yeah anyways the topic topic is Andrew Tate Andrew Tate yeah the man the man but is he a man is he a man to look up to one of those people huh one of those liberals well here's the thing okay what makes a man what makes a man what makes a man right let's get into it all right tell me what makes a man what makes a man here's my opinion on what makes a man he's born a man his body his chromosomes bone structure okay certain genitalia so that's a biological man biologically okay yes but what when does a boy become a man here's the problem that I think we get into is I think we get really deep into what makes a man and I think we should be getting more into what makes a person and I think going into that like what's a human being and how should a human being act and conduct themselves yeah exactly right but I think today there's a lot of boys that are in their 20s and their 30s and their 40s and their 50s I mean some some some people don't ever become what they're supposed to become right I agree with you um and so what's the standard right so what are we basing it off and so what is Andrew Tate basing manhood off of what's his religion so I think definitely I think if you're asking in that way this doesn't make you a man and a Bugatti doesn't make you a man either I think that goes into a little bit of what Andrew Tate talks about okay a lot of what Andrew Tate believes makes you a man is power dominance I agree yes prestige wealth well I think that I may not agree being what makes a real man I don't think wealth makes a real man no no that's something that anybody can decide I mean a boy could become wealthy absolutely a child could become wealthy woman could become wealthy it doesn't necessarily make them a moral person no anyway I think it depends a lot on what standard you consider a man being so everyone has a different idea of what makes a man so let me go over some of the points that I have that I agree on with Tate's what would you call it worldview worldview of manhood okay and just for a little and tell me and correct me if I'm wrong because you might know a little bit more I just want to let the audience know right we came up with five reasons that we agree and five reasons that we disagree with Andrew Tate and we want to just talk about them see if we are similar in views or dissimilar okay so men are natural leaders that's something that Tate would agree with right yes natural leaders are natural leaders men men well some men are okay but a man should always be the lead over a woman they should know how to what would you say rule their household that but also just in scenarios in general they should know how to protect their family right but they should be the wise one in like a situation like this like leading because a leader needs to be wise and they need to strive to be wise to understand things so some men are natural leaders I believe and we get that from Scripture we believe that because it's in Scripture and you can also look at history obviously of what happens when a man falls from a place of leadership and what happens to a society it collapses it's the strongest societies were ruled by men so history is a good thing to look at okay women should not lead men what do you think about that I that's something that Tate would agree with I think Tate would definitely agree with that I think that the Bible also would agree with that I don't believe that women should be ruling over men and neither did Paul especially in the church now he would preface it by saying in the church a woman shouldn't lead over a man I don't say I don't think that that means that a woman can't rule over a man mothers rule over their children until they're out of the house and even then women still have a large influence over their sons and well yeah everybody has their place and so a woman has her place a man has his place we have our responsibilities and that's laid out throughout Scripture it's not laid out in you know atheism or you know I don't know much about Buddhism obviously or but I know Islam has a laid out way that a woman should be and a man should be and so I think that's a big part of the divide between Andrew Tate's take on men versus women and us Christians take on men versus women definitely I think Islam views women as being almost lower I mean maybe not modern-day Islam as much but even modern days well the thing is here's the thing with modern day or it's like Christianity like there's so many different sects of Christianity there's different sects of Islam so what is the true Islam now what there's certain Islam is kind of like the Catholic Church in a way it's like they have their temples they have their big gathering what is that called Ramadan or something okay um that is to me the true Islam the one that goes by the Koran that goes by the other book that they go by a lot the Torah the Torah or something one just like Catholicism they get a lot of their views from at least the Bible to some degree the old Bible and they kind of build off of there too and they go into their own ways in their own different places and yeah the other problem yeah they have had their problems they're not they don't actually stick to the old original Scripture exactly so they're kind of a lot of them are not all of them a lot of them do follow pretty strictly to their religion so okay women should respect men yes I agree with that men should stand up for women you agree yeah the we should find some scripture that talks about where an example of how a man is supposed to stand up for a woman and protect men like their household and such one that really stands out in my mind is Ephesians 525 of the husband's love your wives as Christ told the church and gave himself for it to make it belong to God exactly so that's the thing what is marriage okay and what is Andrew Tate think about marriage he's not married he's never been married although he has had nine children okay nine children and he's never been so here's the thing with me okay his fruit is not good okay and so for us men or boys who are not men to look up to somebody like this to give advice on something on the topic of marriage or women or how men are supposed to be you got to be careful because his his actions don't really prove he talked to him to be wise yeah that's what I found too is that he says a lot of things he talks about how a woman and a man should be together and yet he goes out and has all these different partners and has all these different children he talks about how he likes the family and here's the thing but then he that's disrespectful to women that's not respecting women at all so even if the woman's okay with it it doesn't respect womanhood in general yeah I mean among a lot of problems with that too I mean if he talks about how there should be families and families should stay together and then has families with all types of different women then is he really practicing what he preaches yeah and if you're a true Muslim Islamist you wouldn't be living that lifestyle all right so men just don't be lazy that's something that I like that Andrew Tate talks about not being lazy that's that's a big thing that I admire about his this platform I guess that he's been spreading I think the world today in the generation today especially is taught in school even to be lazy I don't think school teaches necessarily to be what would you call it like an entrepreneur mind set right kind of teaches you just go along yeah walk along well and it teaches you to go with a system a system the matrix right which is a system and the system that the world system if you're a Christian there's not a system you want to abide by and some people okay here's a thing it works for some people some people that's what they want to do some people want to have a job where they're in a system they feel like they're a part you know and that's fine you know college and that and all that but it's a lie I feel like people think that they're gonna be you know super super rich and successful doing what the matrix kind of guides them I mean you can but here's the thing are you free there's a difference just being rich is not it's valuable is like in money it's not as valuable is a lot of things in my opinion like being free for one is much more valuable I feel much richer being free then just have a bunch of money or making a bunch of money because sometimes I mean like if you lived in a you know even our country you're limited to how much you can buy there's certain things you can't have you know so not to mention those who seek after riches are awesome yeah exactly that's not something you want to have your mindset directed on and that's something Andrew Tate kind of promotes is get rich get rich get rich it's like Rockefeller Rockefeller said when he was asked by a reporter how much is enough he just said just a little bit more yeah it's never and that's the thing like in the world we live in it's and everybody everybody kind of learns this I feel like especially successful people that they're never satisfied non-christians realize that they're never satisfied but what satisfies them is the constant game the constant new this new this new this but that doesn't last because the world is limited so and your life is limited so that's actually that was the first thing I agreed with Andrew Tate on his desire to be that's why that's what I admire most yeah yeah right I like that he and I like I think it's interesting that the Matrix hates that that type of message so much they want you to fit in they want you to go through high school they want you to go through college they want you to be in debt they want you to buy that car that you can't afford and buy that house that you can't afford so that you can pay them until you die yeah be a slave yeah they want you to be a slave matrix and that gives the power to somebody see someone someone or a group of people like the government or whatever you know they they create the system that we all live under banks you know banks are that way basically to where they're getting the upper hand no matter what and that's something that very few people escape but see escaping it is freedom and that's kind of I guess Andrew Tate does talk about you know the freedom and I think he kind of I don't know maybe he does kind of give the message that freedom is worth more than riches because he talks about you know he gets bored with cars or awards and things this and that and it's you know but I think he would say a lot to that freedom can be bought by riches as well so that's one of the things that I think that he believes that riches are the thing that unlocks his freedom he can do things that he wants because he's rich he doesn't have to be swayed by people because he's rich but I think that ultimately and it kind of you kind of get that feeling from the podcast that he thinks that you know riches are kind of it's just it's a it's kind of a number for him it's like this is how powerful I am and I think it for him is the ultimate like I need to be as powerful as I possibly can be I need to be as rich as I possibly and that's what he tells young men he says you need to be rich and as powerful and as handsome and as strong as you possibly can be and that's gonna be your happiness but ultimately those things can be oftentimes the biggest and flavors of your life because if you continue to strive for those things you're never gonna be satisfied because there's always more that you can achieve agree or disagree I agree so what's what's the big thing to achieve in life salvation exactly can't achieve that though Calvinist am I right we can't achieve it what well you can't you can't do yourself that's what I'm saying no no I agree well maybe not you can't achieve that here's the thing that's a little you don't achieve I mean Jesus achieved it so yeah so the big the big thing that Tate's missing is salvation and Jesus and what the world always replaces with that is riches and remember Jesus talking about the rich young ruler oh yeah you know the eye of a needle a camel going through the eye of a needle like it's impossible that's what it means and so I think as a few are born again basically let's say you're born again and you become really rich you're already saved I mean you're already so you can be rich and go to heaven but I think Jesus what he means is when you already have so many distractions and so much freedom to do whatever you want and live however you want why would you want to give it all up kind of a thing who would you know for something they don't even believe in so if you believe it though you would definitely I mean if you if you believe the reality of the punishment for sin you would definitely give up everything but the reality is nobody actually knows the extent of what sin is and how bad it is well it's like Timothy says the the root of many evils is the love of money not the root of all evils but the root of many evils is the love of money yeah and if you would love money you're gonna be weighed down by a lot of snares a lot of lusts you know a lot of people who are interested in you for only your money and not for who you actually are they care about your money and they don't care about your actual being I basically read all mine off do you read the five agreements and the five I didn't write down disagreements okay but I can just come up with some cuz you agree with me I mean I kind of holy no I actually was I mean I discussed some of my disagreements you know as long as you did yeah well the other one I had was don't be a beta which is don't give it goes along with don't be lazy I you know it's funny it's actually have a lot of what you say it's just very different but right I think I'll start off with the five dislikes so I wrote five dislikes of Andrew Tate and five agreements I would say that although I think I told you that I was more 60-40 agreement like I agreed to 60% with what Andrew Tate right now that I'm starting to read what he says maybe I agree with the root of a lot of what he says but then he has a lot of solutions I don't agree with so I think I'm starting to agree with him maybe less like 30% or 40% well you know I agree with about 30 or 40 percent of what he says but 60% 70% seems like solutions that really aren't going to bring any actual solutions so one of the dislikes that I have is kind of what we had talked about he he is he talks the talk he you know he he tells people that this is how you must be one of the big things he has said is that he believes that men shouldn't be happy we shouldn't look for happiness you know we shouldn't desire to be happy he's like what I haven't been happy since I was 12 I think he said something like that and but you know he says that but then he also goes and he buys the finest cigars he buys the finest drinks he you know looks for the most beautiful women he can he buys the coolest cars he goes on all these pleasure cruises and travels you know I think that part of what he says is he's saying you happiness shouldn't you shouldn't dominate your life but I think when he says oh yeah men shouldn't be happy that's also incorrect I don't think that men shouldn't be happy I mean partly you being unhappy is a way to like it's it's telling you there's something wrong you know if you're in sin and you're a Christian you will be unhappy you know at some point God will bring that sorrow that repentance into your heart and you'll be like okay something's not right and if you are happy you should be a little concerned about where you are with your sin you know I'm not saying questioning your salvation but I'm saying you should be concerned that if you're in continual sin and you're happy and you're fine that might be a problem and so I think that it's and not to mention what did Jesus say you know Jesus talked about joy and Jesus talked about peace you know these things are real in the Christian life we don't have to live as Christians being unhappy and sad and what's the source of joy for a Christian it's it's being Christ yes it's what it's what Jesus you know accomplished for exactly and Jesus being our life obviously which you know if you you know as a Christian you have Jesus in you right and you're learning to live as Jesus well it's one of the one of the fruits of the Spirit I mean you know we're both Christians here we both have the worldview of life according to Jesus life according to Christianity life according to the Bible but one of the fruits of the Spirit which is something that should be coming out of us if we're saying is joy okay so when you see all these you know and I'm not saying that Christians are always gonna be happy-go-lucky people there's a lot of problems you know in this world but to say that people shouldn't be happy first of all I don't think that people should just be unhappy miserable you know life would be horrible you know life is hard okay and to just put yourself down because you think that you're gonna achieve some wisdom by being a sad person all the time a negative person yeah it's like I'm not doing that I don't think I need to do that you know and so for him to say that when he's pursuing all these joys in life you know I think that's a little hypocritical yeah you know and that goes along with like one of my disagreements is that he he promotes family you know we kind of talked about this he promotes even promotes like having one wife you know taking care of her taking care of the children the offspring but then he lives a life of fornication and promiscuity he has sex with all these various women and it's like okay you're telling people to do one thing but you live the total opposite now with Islam I think that Islam is kind of I think they're really lax on like I think you can have multiple spouses at least that seems like you know sure with like Muhammad you know I think there's a 77 virgins or something that he promises you and yeah in the afterlife and so I don't know where they stand with promiscuity but I think that I mean at least he he has children with all these different women I think that that is it's telling people to do one thing and then walk in the other way here's a good point I heard Andrew J say someone asked him you know why did you why did you decide to follow Islam and his answer is basically because it went along with his worldview already and that's something you need to be careful of and I see most the world does this basically they grow up they have experiences they see things they see things the way they want to see things right they have their opinions and opinions are not facts so it's it's a trap people fall into all the time where they look for what suits their and it's that way with Christianity because I believe Satan has used even Christianity like insanely amount to divide us and to confuse us and Islam is just another one of those confusions and so he what I see is there's there's something for everybody everybody's opinion this so like let's say Catholicism some people have a proper like have a problem of faith in Jesus dying and taking all your sins basically right he has a problem some people have a problem with you know faith and you know Islam is a little bit that way too where they believe in works Mormons Latter-day Saints same thing works but they also have certain things with diet with let's say like Hinduism or Buddhism like the meditating or something that goes along with that it goes along with the there's like the spiritual there's atheism no God agnostic you just don't know so there's there's I think Satan has created pretty much every single route for someone to go down to send them to hell when in reality there's one truth and there's always one truth to everything you know if I drop this cigar I'll let go of it what's gonna happen it's gonna fall okay it doesn't matter if you think oh it's gonna it's gonna fly it's not subjective that's gonna fall you know what I'm saying right so that's that's reality and there's reality to every aspect of life you just dropped my $500 cigar you gave it to me dude I'm not gonna buy you another thing it's crazy I totally agree though people treat truth being subjective nowadays but there is actual factual truth yeah and everybody everybody really knows that but it's people choose not to believe things and people choose to believe things they want to believe I think Andrew Tate his view on power it's an interesting kind of concept because for him through his life he's wanted to be the best he's wanted to be the strongest he's wanted to be the most powerful person he can be and I think that that means that he wants to pursue after you know dominance and I think it's interesting that he comes to the conclusion and he also talks about like you say Islam being he has his ideas I want to be powerful I want to be strong so I want to go for it Islam at one point he was an atheist and then he became a Muslim and so he wanted to find like you say a religion that fits around his worldview and Christianity doesn't fit around his worldview because what is Jesus calls to do he calls us to deny ourselves and to pick up our cross and that sometimes means giving up your desires you know if they're sinful that means giving up a lot of your pursuits if they are leading to evil actions you know we're I mean that's not to say that we give up everything but you know you should be willing to not to mention what Jesus was meek he was humble the God of the universe came down as a man and he was an ugly man he wasn't like anything to behold okay he wasn't like super tall super muscular he wasn't like riding on a big gigantic horse you know with a kingdom behind him of you know angels taking over everybody beating everybody up what did he do he died on the cross that doesn't sound like the Arnold Schwarzenegger that a lot of us men look for nowadays he used to love his blood right that's not what you see in other religions you don't see their God coming down and dying for them what can we for their evil deeds you know it's all about serving serving serving oh am I good enough am I good enough you know that's what Satan likes to eat you trapped him well that's why did the devil fall the devil wanted to be like God the devil wanted to usurp the Lord's throne and God wasn't having that you know and I think that I look at that and I look at us human beings you know if you're of the world you're of your father the devil and so I mean you're gonna follow after him and everyone in the world they seek after the same thing they want power they want prestige they want fame they want recognition you know they want to be you know walking around saying look at what I got look at who I am you know and and that's the message that Andrew Tate talks about and I think that's the philosophy he holds you know this is Frederick Nish's view on being the dominant one being the one who the Superman you know it's the Nazis being the Superman saying we're going to take and beat up the small ones and the tiny ones and we're going to conquer the world I mean you know it it may not be dangerous at this point now when Andrew Tate's just on podcast but the view of like let's dominate let's control let's let's get as much power as we can was in the idea of the Nazis I mean they were seeking total world domination they were seeking after that and so you see that type of mindset of like I want to control I want to be over others in that you know in that party of the Nazi Party and it led to some serious problems I think there's a boundary to like being the desire to be dominant you want to be dominant in certain things in life as a man especially let's say you have a goal you want to lose weight yeah is you know what would you say just going after it without much of a effort or much of a motivation is that is that a good way to achieve something I would say definitely not you want to go with dominance you want to go with confidence you want to go with everything you got and you want to grow that now you can it just it depends on what your goal is basically if your goal is good go at it with everything you got if your goal is not according to what God if it's simple basically then it's it's it's you shouldn't even go after it for sure I mean that's one of the things that I record in the agreement with Andrew Tate is that I agree with his view on you know I like the aggressiveness I like the aggressiveness that he has on viewpoints and old yes I admire that but I just the points you know he needs to have he doesn't have a good base for certain things and then his actions don't support his points when he resonates I think with our I mean he was the most googled man of 2023 so I think the reason that he resonated so much with the whole world was because he was so counterculture you know everyone was watching what they said they didn't want to say anything that offended anyone and he was like no I'm here I'm now this is what's happening this is how it is and I think a lot of his message you know I like I read what I disagree with but like you know like what you say about the fitness I agree we need to be working on our fitness it's not just some tiny little micro topic John F Kennedy one of his biggest wants as in his presidency was to make sure that the American people were fit you know and you look at the old days and they were fit they were bought their muscular you know they were like jacked and it's like now 70% of Americans are overweight and and that's a problem yeah the the idea that the desires I guess have changed and what's valuable has changed what people see people see value and people's view of value can be blurred basically like someone might look at a man who decides they want to be a woman and they will praise him for that for transitioning you know degrading himself he'll be praised for that in this world today by some not everybody obviously there's but it's definitely a growing trend to praise men and women that go against what they're supposed to be and that that's a problem and so that's what Andrew Tate kind of goes against is you should not be praising these people for their actions of you know sin and that you should but his his obviously his points on what a man should be is not always right no but yeah I mean and you know that's one of the matrix as we speak about the matrix that's one of the ways that they what is a keto how do you know I don't know it's a state of mind I thought it was a fighting thing probably a lot of those are like a weird religious like mixture the matrix the matrix wants to control sparkling water you know I've got a drink water I'm always drinking water that's top cheese I can't do that I got a beard oh yeah I can't grow beard yet no no because you're taking all this testosterone steroids oh yeah boy the guys are so trend this guy that actually I got some right here I show you guys the secret to games my major mystery bag juice and left and right it's terrible absolutely below me that's what they that's how they get you they get your fat they get you playing the video games for four or five hours a day we get you watching the pornography if that you just lose all willpower and just watch that video watch that online picture look you know look at your computer stay out of the world don't get in our way we're controlling you that's how they control you they don't control you with chains they control you with all these fun little games all these fun little toys strike the distractions absolutely yeah and that's how they get you that's how they get us I mean we fall we both are not like perfect guys we have serious problems don't don't don't mistake us for perfect man okay just because it looks maxing right now does not mean we're perfect we're close okay but no I think that fitness is a huge problem in our world today you know and I think it actually affects I mean ask this guy I was a big boy okay I was a big kid and I didn't feel nearly as happy as I do I'm a little bit overweight right now I'll be honest when it's hitting me hard but I don't feel nearly as happy as when I do when I'm in shape I'm you know at least putting some level of exercise in and I'm not sitting around you know feeling like a major pile of here's the lab the ideology today is to go how dare you call me fat how dare you call me skinny how dare you accuse me of this or that and make me feel like belittled like people can't take criticism you know and the society today now is like how dare you criticize anybody how dare you help somebody you know how do you help somebody today can you even tell them their flaws because to help somebody you have to show them their flaw they have to see what's wrong are you disagreeing with me are you going on saying you can't do it oh I thought it was like no you're wrong you're wrong don't be so judgmental okay Christians can't be judgmental you can't say whoa Christians can't do that I'm joking of course I'm sorry for those of you who cannot understand sarcasm yes I think well here's the cycle weak men make hard times hard times make strong men strong men make good times and good times make weak men and we're right there okay we're right there we're joking but it is what's happening right now we are in the weakest time probably America's ever faced because we have been in the most plentiful time that America's ever had so look at the Roman Empire when they started getting plentiful when they started having everything go easy for them that's when they fall and that's when any country falls because the men stop being you know men of character they stop have suffering trials and tribulations and you know living a life that you know that's ultimately what happens look at David David got rich he got powerful and he started spending his time at the palace you know and then he saw this nice-looking girl on the rooftop named Bathsheba and he's like oh and then look at Solomon Solomon got he got rich he got plentiful he got fat it's like an animal you know I'm not I'm not saying that you know they're they're in of God but that's I think God sometimes helps us by bringing trials into our life to give us character and to you know keep us sharp because a lot of times frankly when we don't have that adversity we tend to go soft yeah you know that should be a topic yeah yeah I think basically pretty much covered the basics of Andrew Tate we're not experts on Andrew Tate obviously we're not but here we are we're pretty much just like the rest of you guys did see what social media pushes out what YouTube pushes out and what Andrew Tate has been on podcasts and such and interviews and such and I've watched you know a few of those and got an idea kind of his worldview and basically come to the understanding this is this is what I might I conclude with Andrew Tate is not somebody as men that men should look up to I don't think I think he's entertaining I think he's fun to watch and I think it's interesting to hear what he has to say but I don't think it's someone to look up to as a great philosopher or a great teacher at all okay but he's very funny his content is very funny when he the way that he brings his content to us it's a lot of a short form because he goes on a podcast they turn it into YouTube clips and those make millions of views okay and that's it he's partly benefiting off of a new medium of YouTube short short content which has only been around for about 10 years I mean YouTube's already been around for like 20 years now and this YouTube short content actually I'd say five years it's only been around for and it's you're just seeing a lot of it exploding now now I think that's also speaking to the society's interest in a bold character like him but like his views on women you could say that some of his views at least what he says out of his mouth are fine but the way he acts he a lot of times disregards women and he goes and has sex with all types of ladies okay and there is truth in what he says in the sense that yes we need to be as men leaders and confident but I think he also turns a little bit into a tyrant you know God calls us to love our wives as God loved the church now how much did God love the church to the point that he would die for the church and so that's what we're called to as men to do is die for our wife if we have a wife we need to love her and that means not treating her like a cattle or a sheep you know God listens to our complaints God listens to our problems God doesn't you know he doesn't just go around and say you better listen to me or I'm gonna beat you up you know he's loving he's caring he's gentle he's meek okay and that's how men are supposed to be with their wives and I think the family you know he talks about the importance of family it is important those are the two big things you know family and how a man chooses life at least in the family issues that he talks about ultimately I don't think he's a good role model but I do think that some of what he says is you know counterculture and that's why it's interesting and you know we're just seeing a really an interesting surge of people like him Jordan Peterson David Goggins you know these people who are speaking about a different type of man than we're seeing right now the 20 the 21st century man is a very interesting character and we're seeing we're seeing a lot of different alternations of downfall of man downfall least American man yeah the Western world and that's why we're here you know and maybe we don't have a lot of wisdom on different topics but we're here to kind of be you know like brothers you know we're here for you guys we're going through the same thing we know those struggles we know the problem you know pornography is a serious issue out there you know being lazy you have so many distractions we get it okay you know of course we want to see all of us be more strong-willed more disciplined more fit making more money you know providing for our families but we fall sometimes you know and that's a true fact you know men can cry okay men can cry he doesn't think so no no I just cried I know Jesus wept that's shortest yeah Bible we should probably end it we can talk about men crying after but yes Jesus did cry so don't but there are scenarios where you should not anyway all right so don't cry over a frozen movie okay yes don't cry over any movie all right right yes how we end it as the host you should come up with a new outro well this is your channel I guess I guess maybe I don't know all right bro feast I can't if you have cameras so far away that I can't do that all the time what is your channel called it's a one take on one take that one take thought so let's let's let's go thanks for watching one take thoughts with Ben and Will or Bill Bill okay that's right yeah Bill Gaines not will I don't know who's will right thank you all for watching Ben with one take thoughts here with Bill Gaines the amazing fitness influencer check out his channel check out my channel peace

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