Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nouar. So this morning we continue in the book of Revelations and we will read from chapter 2 from verse 8, Revelations 2 from verse 8. It is of course the revelation of Yeshua to his servant John and in part 1 to 4 we looked at is there a millennial kingdom according to the scriptures and we have determined yes there was or there is or there is going to be. When is the great day of Yahweh, is it at the end of the 6th day or the end of the 7th and clearly it is at the end of the 7th day and we then look at what will befall Jacob at the end of the age, at the end of this age where he will be gathered to the land of Goshen and ultimately be taken back to the promised land to the Zion that Yahweh will create and then last time we looked at the book of Ephesians and we saw that the tree of life is paramount to our eternal life and then this morning we want to look at the church or the congregation in Smyrna which means anointed and to the messenger of the assembly in Smyrna write this says the first and the last so we know clearly who is talking here, who became dead and who became alive. I know your works and your pleasures and your poverty and the blasphemy of those who say that you are deem or jews and are not but they are of the congregation of Satan do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer see the devil is about to throw some of you into prison in order to try you and you shall have pressure 10 days be trustworthy until death and I shall give you the crown of life he who has ears let them hear what the spirit says to the assemblies and he that overcomes shall by no means be harmed by the second death ok we determined that the book was written the book of revelations was written before AD 70 that it is the revelation which is only given to the born servants of Yeshua and today we are going to look at Smyrna Smyrna of course is currently known as Izmir it's a very big port on the west coast of Turkey and of course as you can see it's quite a modern city now with a big minaret to Allah right in the middle of it there it is located right on the corner there Smyrna with the other teeny lot scattered around right the born servants in Smyrna they had the following issues and as we spoke about last time these issues have been around right through the ages you can apply these issues to Adam and Eve and you can apply them to us today I know your works and tribulation and we're going to have a look at the word tribulation your poverty and then in brackets which means in the original text it's not there it says but you are rich I know the blasphemy we're gonna have a word look at that word blasphemy of them we say they are Jews and they are not but they are of the synagogue of Satan and then fear not of those things which thou shalt suffer and behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison we'll have a look at that word prison that you may be tried and you shall have tribulation ten days behold be thou faithful until death and he will give you the crown of life Revelations 2 verse 9 and 10 I know your works I know thy works and tribulation and this word tribulation is the strongest word two three four seven meaning I know the pressure that you are under I know the anguish and the burdens that you are going through and if we apply that to the days of Adam and Eve Eve of course was the first woman who understood and repented from her sin she repented from her sin and she was the first one to to grasp the concept of salvation via Moshe Moshe and she was under a lot of pressure there is no two ways about it but we can't go all into all that but it's very relevant and we are today also under a lot of pressure all sorts of corners are pulling at us and all sorts of information comes at us and and if we read and apply this to today's events you know the pressure is enormous we have decisions to make you know we get all sorts of information saying that you know the economy is going to fail and the money is going to fail and what do we do and people are anxious and all this right so that's what this word tribulation means it's not to portray okay if you are not part of the rapture then you must go through the tribulation see because it says it in in Revelations chapter two no you are going to go and be under enormous pressure and anguish and burdens that's what this word means and then we have this whole paragraph about the blasphemy of those which say that they are Jews but they are not and this word blasphemy is the Strong's word 988 which is vilification and evil speaking you see blasphemy is more to do with blaspheming against Yahweh that doesn't in that it's not indicated in the word the word says so I know the vilification and the evil speaking of them which say they are Jews but they are not and vilification has been going on right through the centuries for example here we have in the book of Acts and certain men came from Yehuda and they were teaching the brothers unless you are circumcised according to the practice of Moses you are unable to be saved right that actually happens to be false testimony because Moses never taught circumcision circumcision was taught to Abraham but the rabbis had a whole system and a whole modus operandi how you had to be circumcised according to their rules and their interpretation so then and very much depended on how you were circumcised could you be saved or not now we know that this this is false and this is false in relation to to what is being spoken about today I mean here is a manifesto from the union of messianic jewish congregations defining a messianic judaism right and that's what they put out and you know there are various passages in here which are very questionable you see if you read all this then what's very important is according to this organization that messianic jews and gentiles must be kept separate they make it very clear in here that they have their messianic congregations and you are christians right and you must stay in your camp and we will stay in our camp you see this is exactly what for example Naomi was told by Ruth Ruth says I'm going to go back to the promised land right I'm going to go back to the house of bread but you can go back to Moab and stay with your gods and your friends right never a train shall meet that's exactly what they're saying here you know we we will stay in the house of Yahweh right if you like and you can stay in your church right which is as much of Moab as it is today because I don't know if you had heard the latest news about the the comments of the world council of churches the world council of churches are saying today that the state of Israel as it is today right is is it or or is sin and you should identify with the palestinians right so how can these people say well we'll stay in our messianic congregations thank you very much and you stay in the church which says that they are sin right it just doesn't make sense does it and so you can go through this whole thing and you know they are very keen you know to be more jewish than actually true to the biblical facts their aim is to become part of judaism and to acknowledge you know the the orthodox jewish leadership right and you say no sorry we we we have Yeshua as our leader right we don't want to be part of anything other than being part of Yeshua and his his congregation now I'm not saying that these words are here in the book of revelations for you to become anti-semitic right and that has been used in this context that would be wrong because juda is our brother and we have to show him the correct way of what the scripture teaches that Ephraim does not stay in one house called the church and that the messianic jews stay in the messianic jews stay in another house called messianic judaism no they need to become one you know and they have equal rights as men and women have equal rights on the Yahweh right there is no some sort of elitism about messianic jews being here and those slightly smelling gentiles they'll remain in their church because they still smell a pig a little bit you know what I mean that's not what it's about okay and then of course the most important thing what it says in this passage to this particular kihila do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer and what we are about to suffer is if we have our timing right quite significant in relation to what's happening in the world today and we will have a look at the seven years of famine and then we'll have a look at jeremiah 25 verse 15 to 38 ezekiel 34 verse 1 to 13 that is particularly for the shepherds and then we look at psalm 83 the confederation of the countries round about israel today who are setting up for war and then finally we look at isaiah 17 verse 1 to 14 which is the destruction of dimescus which will give us a pretty good idea that if these things unfold that we got our timing right okay number one genesis 45 to 47 we have briefly gone into this when we spoke to what jacob is going to go through in the last age and we saw from genesis 45 that jacob said to his sons look we've run out of food again please go back to egypt or and and and to the pharaoh and get us some more food to eat and we saw that you know that joseph was testing judah and he was testing judah in relation to benjamin has judah changed or has he not and he found that he did and for us today it is as clear as it was or would have been to joseph that we can see the actions by our brother judah in the land for us to be able to identify with whom are true judah and who are on the wrong side if you like and in that regard it is benjamin which was the youngest son we know that jerusalem is in benjamin's land and we can see today that they are going to divide this this land and they want to divide this city and you can already see very clearly which jewish parts if you like are quite happily going to divide the city of jerusalem and give it to the palestinians you know and they are in the what i would call islam christian jewish apostate camp right who are forming this now the whole new religion we have now uh chrislam right you know this big chrislam movement right and they are right in there yeah i sent you the picture where the rabbi was there and everybody was there and they're doing their bit right and they couldn't care less if the thing gets divided but the people in israel who are standing on the covenant made with abraham and therefore are standing on the land and said no this is the this is the city of yahweh where he's put his name we don't want to divide this that's judah who's standing up for yahweh there is no two ways about it and then we see that when when they were in the house of joseph that joseph said to the egyptians will you please all leave because this whole reunification of the two houses of israel is a private meeting between yeshua and his brothers the world is excluded and the world has no idea i mean the world has an idea that something is not right it might be global warming it might be whatever it is we might have a financial crisis you know they know all these things right but that it is the signs of genesis 45 to 47 they have no idea and why should they because they couldn't care less about joseph and his brothers and then we see that when joseph reveals himself to his brothers that he promised them to keep them in a place called goshen and we went into that goshen meaning a place to draw near which is in the desert of the nations it could be your little potty where you are planting your vegetables and have your little house and do your thing and that's where yahweh is going to keep you and i've been aware for quite some time that a dutchman there in in in holland close to rotterdam has built the life size ark of noah exactly in the same measurements exactly the same and they're going to sail this thing up the thames river next year when you have the summer olympic games right because yahweh always gives you warnings in the natural right can you imagine seeing a whole noah's ark you know on tv and everything else right because it shall be like as in the days of noah you know and he gives us floods natural disasters famines and diseases right so the times are very clear so joseph says don't worry he says here in this goshen i will take care of you and your family but you have to come here you can't stay in egypt proper you have to come in this place called goshen where you draw near to yahweh and that's where i will protect you you and your family and so on and then we saw from uh numbers 19 and so on that there the the two houses will unite and that's where the cleansing will take place because yahweh is the same yesterday today and forever and the rules for israel today will be the same as the rules for israel then that before they went into the land all males were circumcised and they were all cleansed so that they're all cleansed from their uncleanness and we read this in ezekiel chapter 36 so that then he says i will give you a new heart now i will cleanse you i will give you a new heart i will give you a spirit i will give you a mind that will understand my commandments laws and the decrees and you will be filled with the ruach and then we saw that when we return to the land that we will be maintained through this tree of life that the water comes from the altar of yahweh and goes out to the mediterranean sea and to the dead sea so whilst the world is suffering yahweh takes care of his people there is no two ways about it and the world is suffering and you only have to look around and about you people are really getting deeper and deeper into trouble and we see that the right through the through the united states you know i have friends in the united states who say don't worry we have plenty of this and we have plenty of that now from texas up here to north and south dakota up there right through the middle of where the grain belt is the place is under water it's a it's a disaster and it's getting worse and worse and don't forget that according to genesis 45 and 47 joseph test says to his brothers when he reveals himself there are five years of famine left and the famine really takes hold in the fourth and the fifth year so as you see it getting worse and worse and worse at his words is getting in the fourth and the fifth year and according to our calculations and they are ours and you have to do your own we are moving into the third year next aviv one so that would be the year that yeshua reveals himself to his brothers in the wilderness of the nations but don't be afraid what is about to come upon you because joseph says don't worry here i will protect you and there you have to get your comfort from and in that in that you must put your faith because i can hear i hear people say well i'm very scared about this and somebody stayed with us the other week and he was very scared and i said scaredness shows lack of faith you must trust 100 in the promises of Yahweh because without Yahweh whatever provisions we make and we must make provisions because noah also made provisions Yahweh came to him and said he must build an ark in this size that size and so on and i will put the animals in and we'll put the food in and i'm convinced that noah didn't have enough food to feed everybody for all that period of time but Yahweh multiplied it unto him right so therefore we do the same yeah you must get some provision and make sure that you have something which Yahweh can multiply and take care of you and in these promises you must rest and find your comfort therefore don't be afraid it's the words of him who was the alif taf he says to us do not be afraid or what you are about to suffer so that's genesis 45 to 47 because joseph said to his brothers Elohim sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant where in heaven no here on the earth right so all these people are saying that they are going to be preserved in a bus and go to heaven that's not what joseph says to his brothers joseph says to his brothers the remnant which Yahweh has set apart will be maintained in the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance so our lives are going to be saved by a great deliverance from goshen back to the land of zion which Yahweh will create that's the message of joseph so today you hear lots of people saying look when you see this this and this you must go to israel right people are i can see messianic leaders getting very annoyed with their flock saying you know i have put all this up to you we are going to buy farms in israel and in jordan but you people don't give me the money and you must do that because you have to make a decision to go back now that's not what i'm saying joseph says i'm going to protect you in the wilderness in egypt the protection is in egypt the cleansing is in egypt the restoration yeah of the renewal of man before of israel before they go back to the land is in egypt you are not restored in the land you are restored outside the land so we must also see judah coming into goshen in the wilderness of the nation and we will see this when we when we go to the book of jeremiah this is genesis 45 verse 7 so it is clear it is clear that the preservation is in egypt in the land of goshen and from there will be the deliverance do not be afraid what you are about to suffer and a week or so ago i was looking through all this and i came on to the book of jeremiah verse 25 and i read it a couple of times and i looked up a lot of words and i sent these words to a friend of mine and because i wanted him to check it to make sure that what i got out of this was in fact correct jeremiah chapter 25 but i'm not going to read you the whole chapter i'm going to give read part of it but you must read it for yourself it is the vision that jeremiah gets about judah going into captivity in barbelonia and when he gets this vision he also gets the duration of judah's captivity in barbelonia that they were going to be there 70 years and this is exactly the scripture which daniel remembered and read whilst he was in barbelonia and then what did daniel do he did two things he repented from his own sins and he then repented from the sins of the nation and we spoke about this last time when we dealt with leviticus chapter 24 and then and then he gets this vision and he gets these instructions you know that ultimately he has to bring the cup of wrath of yahweh of punishment to all the nations you read that in verse 15 for does say it yahweh elohim the elohim of israel to me take this wine cup the cup of wrath of my hand and make all nations to whom i will send you drink it now don't be fooled that this is not going to come down to us because it clearly even mentions the place of the coastlands verse 22 all the sovereigns of seor and all the sovereign nations of zidon and all the sovereigns of the coastlands which are beyond the sea right so this is going to go everywhere and later on it says to the ultimate ends of the earth right and then it says in verse 33 does say it yahweh of host if these nations are not if they don't want to drink it right does say it yahweh of host you shall drink right there is no way of escape then it says in verse 29 for look i am beginning to bring evil upon the city which is called by my name which city is that that's the city of yerushalayim right so the city of yerushalayim judgment always comes to the house first is also going to be judged and punished why should they who are all organizing gay parades and who are organizing all sorts of uh things against the torah why should they escape yahweh says no way and he says if i'm going to bring judgment to my house why do you see the nations think that you are not going to be punished you are not going unpunished for i am calling for a sword and all the inhabitants of the earth uh declares yahweh of host so he says i'm calling for a sword so people think oh we're all going to be knifed right now when i looked up this word sword and i said to rob rob i need you to check this if i've got this right and he did and he came back with the same answers this word sword is the strong word 2719 and actually is drought and i can prove it from jeremiah uh his letter itself in chapter 42 chapter 42 of jeremiah in verse 15 that says then hear the word of yahweh oh remnant of yehudah thus saith yahweh of host the elohim of israel if you indeed set your faces to enter mitzrayim or egypt and shall go to sojourn there then it shall be that the sword the same strong two one two seven one nine that the sword which you feared overtakes you there in the land of mitzrayim and the scarcity of food of which you were afraid clings to you there in mitzrayim so this word sword should be translated drought drought by devastation that's what it is drought by devastation the strongsword 2719 so he says to the ends of the earth right i'm going to send you this drought and this drought will be devastating this is exactly conforms with the story of joseph in genesis 45 to 49 and then he says in verse 11 tumults shall come to the ends of the earth well if there's no tumults coming at the end of the earth at the moment there are riots in greece there are riots in spain there are riots in portugal there are riots in holland there are riots in england there are riots everywhere tumult and and and we're only starting at this we're only starting at this because the other day you know i heard layton smith talking about you know our electoral decisions should we have mmp should we have a curse pastor post now i never ring these people up but i thought i'm going to send them an email so i sent them an email saying it's all irrelevant whatever system we adopt in new zealand in relation to maybe mmp or pastor post it's all irrelevant look at greece uh portugal and spain right the greek people elected to the government right and here came the boys from above and said to the government you will sell all your assets you will do this you will do that you lose and if you don't do it right we will pull the plug and bankrupt you so what's the point there's no point and they're doing the same in spain and doing the same in portugal now they're just they're just uh made their made their government points bonds junk points bonds right so they will be excluded from the capital market and therefore the imf and the european central bank and all these fellows will come in and say you must sell this this to us of course or to our banks or to our buddies right yeah and so they take all the assets and the people go under austerity measures because they have to deliver in part of their pension part of their salary part of this part of that and the woman is screaming in front of the television let the prime minister of greece come here and i will ask him if he can live off 300 euros a month he just made 20 uh 20 billion dollars because he he cashed in his credit default swaps on his own economy they're gangsters these people right and the people are paying dearly and this is happening in holland also the government belgium hasn't even got a government and they are also deep in trouble all these countries are deep in trouble and the thing is going to blow up very very shortly yahweh says don't be afraid because i'm going to take care of you and you have to trust in that because ultimately if he didn't we will all suffer and there'll be big trouble and then he says this tumult coming to all the ends of the earth and then he says for yahweh has a controversy with the nations and if you check out this word controversy it's like a legal case yahweh has a legal case against the nations what is this legal case we know what the legal case is the legal case is according to the book of joel right in that day they will divide my land right and then i will put judgment on the nations that's the controversy that's the legal case that yahweh has against the nations and even the world council of churches is now saying forget about this israel that's that's all sin you must support the palestinians you know and i i i showed you all this is this christian palestinianism right where they are now saying jesus was the first palestinian who suffered right so you can see where all this is going right it's just a big satanic mess right and he says and he says in verse 34 how your shepherds now he's talking to the leaders and cry enroll yourself in the dust your leaders of the flock for the days of your slaughter and the days of your scattering are completed so the day of the days of the scattering of the people of israel is completed so this this this point at the end of the completion of of israel's scattering so he's talking to the shepherds here and he's saying this is all happening at the end of the completion of the scattering now this conforms exactly with the book of ezekiel and chapter 34 and i want to read this to you because it's important ezekiel 34 of course is in front of 35 and is in front in the back of 36 right because 36 we looked at last time where we see that yahweh is going to take his people out of the nations and he says i'm going to give you uh i'm going to clean you and i'm going to give you and i'm going to give you a new heart heart of flesh and so on right so 34 is just in front of that and 34 starts off and the word of yahweh came to me saying son of man prophesy against the shepherds or against the leadership right of israel prophesy and say to them thus say it the master yahweh to the shepherds row to the shepherds of israel who have been feeding themselves the shepherds of israel have not been feeding the flock but the shepherds of israel have been feeding themselves you also see that for example in christian circles you know all these teleprinters or as i call them these tele evangelists right i only look them up for number one right and i couldn't give a monkeys about the flock and most of them most of the big ones are 33 degree freemasons for example you take this robert schuler and all these characters are masons and they are taking care of themselves and of the flock verse 3 you eat the fat and you put on the wool you slaughter the fatlings and you do not feed the flock you have not strengthened the weak nor have you healed the sick nor bound up the broken nor brought back the straight nor sought what was lost but you have ruled them with might and harshness right unless you do this and unless you do that and unless you don't come here twice a week and you don't pay 10 of your thing you are not going to make it blah blah blah blah blah so bring us the money so we can buy the next cadillac right and you are scattered because there was no shepherd and you became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered my sheep wandered through all the mountains and on every hill and my sheep were scattered over all the faces of the earth that's where they are today and Yahweh is about to change this and re-gather them back to the land of Goshen where he's going to sanctify his nation and no one was seeking or searching for them verse 11 for thus sayeth the master Yahweh see I myself not Don Esposito and not Boaz Newhoff and not anybody else right I myself shall search for my sheep and seek them out as a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his scattered sheep so I shall seek my sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered in a day of cloud and thick darkness so he is going to do this gathering you know when things are looking pretty grim right and the grimness is setting in and it's getting darker by the day and I shall bring them out from the people and gather them from the lands and shall bring them to their own land and I shall feed them on the mountains of Israel in the valleys and in all the dwellings of the land in good pasture I shall feed them and their fold shall be on a high mountains on the high mountains of Israel they shall lie there in good fold and feed in rich pastures on the mountains of Israel verse 20 therefore thus sayeth the master Yahweh to them see I myself shall judge between the fat and the lean sheep because you have pushed with flank and shoulder and tossed all the weak ones with your horns and scatter them abroad therefore I shall save my flock and let them no longer be prey and I shall judge between sheep and sheep and I shall raise up over them one shepherd my servant David and he shall feed them and he shall feed them and be their shepherd and I Yahweh shall be their Elohim and my servant David a prince in the midst I Yahweh have spoken so the situation is very clear when we come to the end of the scattering Yahweh says I have a case a judicial case against the nations and that case is that they have departed my land Joel chapter 3 and therefore I am going to judge the nations and you don't want to drink you shall drink right chaos will be on all the ends of the earth from one place to the other because Yahweh is to go and judge the nations is that the final judgment no that is the final judgment is at the end of the seventh day this is the judgment in relation to parting the land of Israel and giving that land to the Palestinians that's what this is about and why is this so because Yahweh has or is bound by covenant to Abraham Isaac and Jacob that this land belongs and is given as an inheritance to his people Israel so therefore if he does not act he would not be true to his word so therefore action has to come and here he's making it very clear and he's warning the leadership right that you guys you have scattered the flock all over the world it's wandering all over the place it has no idea and I am going to be the one to bring them back to the land I am going to be the one who's going to have judgment and I will set over them a shepherd called David who will take care of them and then if you read in Ezekiel further in chapter 35 you get the judgment against Mount Seir which is Moab and that judgment against Moab is because of verse 5 of chapter 35 of Ezekiel because you have had a continuous enmity and handed the children of Israel over to the power of the sword at the time of their calamity at the time of of the crookedness of the end of the end of this age Israel has been handed over to calamity and to swords we had bus bombings we had all sorts of bombings and carry on going on in Israel by the Palestinians and whatever to the degree that they build a wall all around the place to the disgust of the United Nations who said you should not have a wall although they build one themselves in Berlin but that's besides the point right but when it comes to Israel you just should have yourself killed by bus bombs and what have you you know and here Moab is going to get judged for all this that's a whole other story we are going to turn to what is befalling us in our time now where they are gathered be in my name i'll be with them although you are scattered i'm drawing you back to love you again so come unto me my child and i'll give you peace then you will be b'nei shalom b'nei shalom children of peace b'nei shalom and Yeshua will feed b'nei shalom b'nei shalom children of peace b'nei shalom through Yeshua will be b'nei shalom love one another as you have seen me love you my sister my brother to that side i command you and come unto me my child and i'll give you peace then you will be b'nei shalom b'nei shalom children of peace b'nei shalom and Yeshua will feed b'nei shalom children of peace b'nei shalom through Yeshua will be b'nei shalom children of peace b'nei shalom children of peace okay so we continue we blame Bill Gates for the for the failure here and we are now going to the book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 17 and after Isaiah 17 we go to Psalm 83 the question is don't be worried but what's about to happen to you Revelation chapter 2 although the world is going to go to turmoil and the world is going to have all this upheaval because Yahweh has a case against them and as we have seen from Isaiah 25 that this famine is going to take hold and it will cut like a sword you don't worry because you will be protected by Joseph in the land of Goshen another significant sign is in Isaiah 17 verse 1 the message concerning Damascus see Damascus ceases to be a city Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the world and according to Isaiah 17 this city is going to be destroyed Damascus shall become a ruinous heap verse 4 in that day it shall be that the esteem of Jacob weans and the fatness of his flesh grows lean so Jacob is in a state of poverty if you like well the poorest church mass really if you go there it's terrible and it's getting worse and worse and worse so this is Jacob's low point that this is going to happen and in verse 18 you can read the whole chapter for yourself nations rushing like the rushing of many waters but he shall reboot them and they shall flee far away and be raised like chaff of the mountains before the wind remember this whirlwind and this chaff because it comes also in Psalm 83 and these whirlwinds and chaff are like tornadoes and big storms if you look up the words I'm in Isaiah 17 verse 13 and even tight look alarm before the morning is it is no more so this is going to be a war against Damascus where the city is going to be destroyed you go to bed in the evening in the morning it's gone and we see that the whole Syria is being shaken at it's core at the moment and they are preparing for this war and therefore and therefore if one day you see that Damascus is not there anymore you know hey we've got our timing right you know I am not claiming that I have the timing correct for myself yes but you must figure this out for yourself you must you must study this out for yourself and don't take my word or anybody else's word for it the responsibility for your salvation rests with you this is how I see it at this point this is what I have gleaned from the scriptures myself then of course we have the famous Psalm of Psalm 83 and Psalm 83 is a confederation of countries which are around about Israel at the moment who make this confederation who are preparing for this war Psalm 83 verse 1 O Elohim do not remain silent do not be speechless and do not be still O El for look your enemies make an uproar and those hating you have lifted up their heads they craftily plot against your people and conspire against your treasured your treasured ones they have said and they have come and let us wipe them out as a nation and let the name of Israel be remembered no more these cries are going up everywhere right Ahmadinejad and his friends are saying we are going to wipe this place from the face of the earth and we don't want nothing to do with these people they are going to go and we are going to take over their land and these people who are quoted this morning the world council of churches are going to are saying you know that that Israel really has no place in the middle east that it should be a place one for Islam and Christianity its in the declaration its unbelievable they have said they have said come and let us wipe them out as a nation and let the name of Israel be remembered no more that is the whole objective of the world today there is no two ways about it antisemitism around the world is in Holland for example its worse than it was before Hitler or in Hitler's days its worse now really is you know and people are being Jewish people are being encouraged to return back to Israel ok here are this configuration of the countries that are mentioned in Psalm 83 the tents of Edom the Ismaelites Moab, Hagarites Giebel, Amon, Amalek the Philistines Tyre and Assyria and then you see who they are, Palestinians and the western Roman Christian nations that's who they are and they just made a declaration in the world council of churches to say Israel should be moving out of the middle east this is for Christians and Islam the Saudis well we don't need to go there the Palestinians and the southern and central Jordanians that's Moab the Hagarites is Egypt Giebel Hezbollah and northern Lebanon Amon the Palestinians and northern Jordan Amalek the Arabs of Sinai Philistia, Hamas and southern Lebanon, Tyre Hezbollah and southern Lebanese and Assyria is Syria and northern Iraq here they are and the one that's excluded is Turkey Turkey has now also joined the fold there they all are and if you look at all these places and if you read what they are saying and what they are doing it's exactly what Psalm 83 says so we are not looking at Ezekiel's war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 we are looking at the war of Psalm 83 because to me Ezekiel 38 and 39 is at the end of the seventh day where Israel according to Ezekiel 38 lives in peace Israel lives in unwalled cities the nations come and put their gold at their feet well I haven't seen any of that but through the millennial kingdom Israel will be at peace Israel will live in cities without walls and the scripture tells me that the nations will come and put all this at their feet and at the end of that seventh day when Satan is released the whole thing turns to customs again and we are going to go through this whole cycle once more because as we said you know we are thinking Hebraically in cycles Yahweh says what has been will be again and there is nothing new under the sun so this is all going to happen again is it possible for you to send that yes I can email you the whole thing yah no problem do not be afraid of what is about to happen and what you are about to suffer see the devil is about to throw you or some of you into prison is isolation Satan is going to isolate you if you stand up in this world today and say I am a believer in Yeshua I am not a Christian and I am not an Islam but I am this that and the other you get shunned and you get isolated right therefore be on your guard keep your eye in be aware of what is going on and what the signs are in order to try you and you shall have pressure ten days be trustworthy until death and I shall give you the crown of life ok so this is not literally be put into a jail this is that you will be isolated and you can see it you can see it happening if you come out for what you really are people say these are funny people we don't really want to know them I mean let's keep them at arm's length right you are going to be on your guard then he says you know you are going to be under pressure for ten days and I have been thinking about this this ten days and I came up with with the days of awe here we have this prison the strongest word see isolation that's what it means watch out be careful you know be on your guard do not be afraid and this ten days I want to spend a little bit of time on this the ten days of awe I don't know if you have heard about this this is rabbinic teaching but I went through the scriptures to find to see if I could find scriptural examples of this ten days and I have the ten days of awe are the ten days between the festival of Yom Teruah which is the festival of trumpets which is the one we are waiting for probably September I think it's going to be depending on the new moon of course ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur and the whole month of Elul which is the month before Tisray one is festival of trumpets the month before Tisray is the month of Elul is the month of repentance according to the rabbis we must repent every time not just only in the month of Elul the month of Elul specifically because Yom Kippur is near we must repent and we must set ourselves right with our brothers and our sisters so that there is nothing between us so that at Yom Kippur the whole nation can be cleansed by Yahweh so then you have between the festival of trumpets and the festival of Yom Kippur there is ten days and they call those the ten days of awe and in the ten days of awe is the ten days when the books will be opened and we are going to go into those books the days of awe start on or immediately after the feast of trumpets when historically the temple doors were left open until the end of the day of atonement or Yom Kippur these days of awe picture the days that are set aside for repentance and forgiveness for those who are not in the book of life I am telling you this is a rabbinical teaching but I am going to give you some biblical passages that tie up with all this those who will have the experience those who will have to experience Elohim's wrath before they are motivated enough to turn to Elohim in deep felt repentance we saw last time about the tree of life that repentance is paramount and Leviticus 24 says unless you repent you will be lost in the nations and when you repent you must repent from your sins and from the sins of your fathers and then I will remember my covenant so repentance from us comes first and this repentance was particularly emphasized in this month of Elul and particularly in these last ten days between the festival of trumpets and Yom Kippur. Now if you take it in the context of the last judgment at the end of the seventh day then this is the picture you know cause that's the last chance if you like you know because are you going to be found in the book of life because Yahweh keeps books so here we have the autumn festivals the festival of trumpets on Tisray 1 Yom Kippur, Tisray 10 and festival of tabernacles at Tisray 15 and then these days of awe fit right in between these ten days between trumpets and Yom Kippur so in these ten days you have to make sure that you are right before Yahweh and before your fellow man you see those who are not in the book of life says the rabbis now is there such a thing as a book of life yes absolutely the scriptures are full of books the books of Yahweh and Yahweh said unto Moses whosoever has sinned against me him will I blot out of my book so Yahweh keeps scriptures so Yahweh keeps score in books Exodus 32 verse 33 Yahweh will not forgive him but rather the displeasure of Yahweh and his jealousy shall burn against that man and every curse that is written in this book shall settle on him and Yahweh shall blot his name out from under the heavens Deuteronomy 29 verse 20 so this book pertains to the Torah all the curses written into the Torah of Yahweh will be against that man and I also ask you true companion help these women who labor with me in the good news oh you see this is from the Brit Galatia this is from Philippians 4 verse 3 Paul says that he had women laboring with him to spread the good news were they preaching these women or were they just standing there as nice statues when Paul doing all the talking they just stand there because women should be silent and not allowed to speak right no no Paul says these women they were actively laboring with me in spreading the gospel this Olimus also and the rest of my fellow workers whose names are written in the book of life so if you feel the urge to go and preach the gospel right ladies then please do because you end up in the book of life and don't let any man tell you that you are not allowed to say anything right and one thing you should do is you should all and I have told you this before ladies and gentlemen read this book God's word to women it will liberate the women and it will sort out the men Philippians 4 verse 3 whose names are written in the book of life ok more books he who overcomes shall be dressed in white robes and I shall by no means blot his name from the book of life Revelations 3 verse 5 and all those dwelling on the earth whose name have not been written in the book of life Revelations 13 verse 8 are in double the beast that you saw that was and is not and is about to come upon all of the pit of the deep and goes to destruction and those dwelling on the earth whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world shall marvel when they see the beast that was and is not and yet is and will be again so Yahweh has very very precise book keeping and I saw the dead small and great standing before the throne and books were opened now we went into the resurrection will it be at the end of the sixth day or at the end of the seventh day and yesterday in manga we spoke about this in some more detail because some people were confused and perhaps rightly so because there is yes there is a resurrection before we go into the millennial kingdom but it is not apostate christianity that lived from Adam to that day right it's not because I have not given you all the details of that that doesn't come until Revelation 20 verse 4 Revelation 20 verse 4 says and I saw thrones and there were judges sitting on them and then there were those who were beheaded for their faith for their testimony in Yeshua and for keeping the word of Yahweh beheaded I think I mentioned it briefly the word beheaded is again a word which is shunned they are shunned from society excluded right persecuted for what they believed their heads are not being cut off they are being alienated if you like and those alienated and persecuted for their testimony of Yeshua and the word of Yahweh that crowd don't ask me who is included in that because I don't know they will be raised it says and they will rule with Yeshua in that millennial kingdom that's Revelation chapter 20 verse 4 but it is a specific crowd it is not as Christianity teaches all the Christians who have lived on our you know and who will then be raised and they are all going to no it is a specific group that has been suffered persecution alienation whatever you like to call it right that group you could call them you could call them martyrs I would call them martyrs for their faith great people but I don't know that's all it says Yahweh knows so don't worry about it right that group he says I am going to raise up and they are going to rule and reign with Moshiach for a thousand years that's the first resurrection it says those who are part of the first resurrection will not suffer the second death it says and then it says but the rest of the dead he says they are not raised until the end of the thousand years and then this comes Revelation chapter 20 I think it is from about verse 13 it will come up in a minute and it says and I saw the dead small and great standing before the throne and books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life so you got books and other books right this is the book of life and the dead were judged for what was written in the books according to what according to their works ok but doesn't christianity teach that the only thing we need to do is believe in Jesus and we are going to be fine works is jewish they used to tell us works jewish works they do all the works they are going to be judged according to their works doesn't say according to their faith according to their works Revelation 20 verse 12 I was only one verse out it's not too bad right and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy so if anybody takes away of the word of Yahweh this confirms what is said in the book of Deuteronomy is very important because men have been doing this for generations if you study the position of women if you see how much they have changed in the scriptures right it's unbelievable but this applies and if anyone takes away from the words of this book of this prophecy Elohim shall take away his part from the book of life and out of the set apart city which are written in this book so if you deliberately go changing the scriptures to suit your particular agenda right you are not aware of the punishment because this is what it's about now you know every teacher in the world who busies himself with the word of Yahweh has to realize this so therefore I am saying to you this is my position this is what I have worked out I am not saying to you I am not being dogmatic and saying this is how you have to believe it no no no I am sharing with you the possibility of your salvation rests with you because I tell you right now for 50 people who agree with me there might be 150 who disagree so be it that's fine and I say don't worry about it let's not go and fight about how long our seat should be should we have kippahs on does the Sabbath start in the morning or in the afternoon don't argue about this let us get ready for the coming of Moshiach and let us get ourselves sorted out with our Goshen and be right before Yahweh last time I told you I have been going back to my childhood finding out all the things I have been doing wrong also to my wife I have been the nicest guy I used to be very frustrated and I get angry I got my problems too but finally he sorted me out he really did and I am very grateful for it because that's the issue because he is going to come and he says in Isaiah chapter 2 all the nations will come to Mount Zion and there I will teach them the Torah so we all got it wrong somewhere somehow so that's the way but the way is to interpret the scriptures as accurately as we can and move away from all our hobby horses because it says if you go and alter the scriptures to teach and to bring forth your position and you make this very dogmatic unless you are circumcised according to the customs of Moses you cannot be saved that's one that's changing the word of Yahweh because salvation says is only through Moshe right and then what we have to remember is what is said in the book of Galatians in the book of Galatians it says the apostle Paul says it he says if you go out and teach another gospel other from the one that we have taught you you stand accursed so if you change the word of Yahweh and say the supper is no longer necessary the biblical festivals are no longer necessary you don't need to be circumcised and on the end of the day the only thing you need to do is believe in Jesus and come to church on Sunday twice you are going to be fine that's changing the gospel and then Paul says these people stand accursed I am not saying it he is saying it that brings responsibility so if you have friends who are in that boat right you need to testify to these people and I will show you in a minute why so can I find anywhere in scripture anything about this 10 days right and if you go to the scriptures and you find the account of David running from Saul in the book of Samuel no I was going to give you the text the scripture but it is in the book of Samuel and he is running from Saul and he is sending messages to Nabal and these messages say to Nabal listen David is very hungry can you send him some food and he says paraphrased what about this son of Esai I don't know this fellow how do I know it is for him I am not going to give you anything he was very rich this Nabal so these messages went to his wife and they told his wife look you know David is very hungry and he is asking for some food but your husband Nabal he don't want to give anything and what's the story and she says don't worry my husband is very mean and I am going to send him the food and she sends him all this food and then she went to meet him and David was very very thankful to her because he was going to kill Nabal but the Torah says thou shall not kill if Graham doesn't give you food that doesn't give me the right to go and kill him that goes for David as well right and he says to Nabal's wife thank you for doing this otherwise I would have violated Yahweh's commands and then this account comes it used to be in about 10 days that Yahweh smote Nabal Nabal had 10 days to repent but he didn't and he died and David heard that Nabal was dead and he said blessed be Yahweh who has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal and has kept his servant from evil you see because he was going to kill him and he was very thankful to Nabal's wife so much so he married her right so there is one there are other examples but I have given you this one the days of awe or the days of repentance and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors remember this is in the context of the letter to the congregation in Smyrna right that you are going to go in a period of 10 days of testing therefore make sure that you have forgiven all your debtors because the scripture teaches that if you do not forgive the debts that you have against or with your fellow men Yahweh will not forgive yours either Yahweh is not slow in regards to the promise as some have found slowness but is patience toward us not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so that is what it is about repentance from what ok so we have to look on what road we are going right and that road doesn't confirm with the word of Yahweh then we have to get off that road and we have to get off onto the road of the Torah and we see that it is always in the context of famine where did Ruth and Naomi Naomi went with her husband because there was famine right the prodigal son sits by the pig trough because there is famine there is nothing to eat right and there he comes to his senses Yahweh is going to bring us to our senses hopefully because of all this nonsense that is happening in the world right and this drought is taking hold and then he says you must repent because if you don't repent I will not remember the covenant that I made with our fathers 2 Peter 2 2 Peter 3 verse 9 to 11 therefore I judge you O house of Israel everyone according to his ways declares the master Yahweh repent and turn back from all your transgressions and let your crookedness be a stumbling block and let not your crookedness be a stumbling block to you Ezekiel 18 verse 13 when I stay unto you the wicked right because people say to me well you know it's not my place to go and judge my brother no that's not your place but we are not talking about judging your brother we are talking about putting your brother straight right there is 2 different things Yahweh judges our brothers but if our brothers err the scripture is clear if your brother err you leave your offering don't bring me your offerings right but go and sort yourself out you with your brother if he listens to you you have gained your brother if he doesn't you bring witnesses to sort him out right and the scriptural principle is when I stay unto the wicked O wicked man thou shalt surely die if thou does not speak to warn the wicked from his way yeah that wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will be required of your hand right so the leadership those shepherds right when their flock errs right have the responsibility to go and put them straight if they don't right it falls on their head so that brings great responsibility so therefore if you have situations sort them out before the festival of Yom Kippur let the wrong forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts let him return to Yahweh who has compassion on him and to our Elohim for he pardons much you see Yahweh's will is that all men will be saved therefore he has sent Yeshua to pay the price of the sins for all men not just for Messianic Israel no Yeshua paid the price for all men so Yahweh has reconciled himself unto all men in Yeshua but now men must reconcile themselves to Yahweh that's the point that's Yahweh he is there to pardon if we change our ways he will greatly bless us and pardon our sins but I say to you that whosoever is wrath with his brother this word wrath in other translations is angry right so I put this one in for me that's my one right if you are angry with your brother because you have to start your husky grass cutter and it won't work right and you get so frustrated and angry and you take it out on your wife which I used to do right yeah because you take it out on those who are close that's wrong anger towards anybody is wrong but I say to you whosoever is angry the other word says with his brother without cause shall be liable to judgment right these things when you find when he hits you around the head that starts to look at you you have to change your ways because it's not fair and it's against the word of Yahweh so if we have anger and frustration and all this type of carry on right deal with it right and you just leave the grass cutter lying there and say I will deal with you tomorrow right ok you don't want to go today because this thing is so temperamental you cannot prime the thing you pull it twice and then it goes and you must quickly put the choke in and it will run but if you are a second late it will just stop and say we're not going any further until I'm lying here for four or five hours cause then the petrol has to sort of over flood it oh man this will drive me nuts but not anymore not anymore because I do not want to be under the judgment of Yahweh taking out things against my wife which is not fair and not right Matthew chapter 5 verse 22 he who overcomes all that he who overcomes all that which is about to befall us right and the only way you can do that is to trust Yahweh and his word because if you try to do it out of your own strength even if you have generators and you have all this other stuff and you have the best provisions in the world you're not going to make it he has to protect us and take care of us and he says I will do that you and your children you come here in the land of Goshen but you must go where he wants you to be in the place where you draw near so you separate yourself from Egypt and you go into your land of Goshen and when all this is happening the book of Isaiah says you close your door you go into your closet for a little while and it will pass and you wait for Yeshua to come and he will reveal himself to you there is no two ways about it don't follow any other people you follow your Messiah he is going to bring you to the promised land you know why? because he is the only one who can cleanse you and the cleansing as we saw is in Egypt is in the nations there I will cleanse you there I will give you a new heart there I will do this and there I will do that and then I will take you into the promised land because you cannot walk into the promised land all unclean that is not the picture the picture is that Yeshua came with the whole of Israel at the river Jordan and he says righto guys we are going to do some circumcision here and some cleansing and then we can go into the land also our fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob when they came to the land they came to the big oak tree at Mamre and there they stopped and Jacob said to his ladies come on take your idols and all your stuff men all your rubbish we are going to bury it here before we can proceed and Yahweh says I will cleanse you from your idols because we still might have a few in our saddle bags which we couldn't sort of let go of he says I will sort them out don't you worry but you cannot just say well I am going to go and we fly to Tel Aviv and here we are totally unclean in our own strength because you will perish because he says do you think that when I put all this punishment on my city where I put my name Jeremiah 25 that you lot are going to be unpunished no way everybody is going to get their fair share so therefore you repent from all your evil and all your wrong doing and you make sure that you walk clean before Yahweh no more arguing about the seat is not long enough and the kippah you should have on and that's over now turn to your own heart and do your own thing and cleanse yourself before Yahweh and walk before him righteously and prepare for what's ahead then when you overcome all that then shall by no means he who overcomes shall by no means be harmed by the second death, when is the second death at the end of at the end of the thousand years reign the millennium because if you are a live thing and you can be you will be changed in the twinkling of an eye and you will become like angels, Moshiach said I don't say it, we went through all this right so if you overcome all this he says the second death will have no hold over you anymore that's the promise that's the promise and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire that is the second death right and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire at the end of the seventh day when the books are opened those who are in the book of life will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye those who are not are going in the lake of fire and then you see that the lake of fire is no more that's why they are all eliminated annihilated if you like all this you know burning in hell for forever is NATO Platonism right we don't even want to go there today Revelations 20 verse 14 and 15 and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and he says he who overcomes shall by no means be harmed by the second death right that's what he says to this church to this congregation in Smyrna you must hold on to the end because if you hold on to the end and overcome then this is your reward you get the crown of life you go into the eighth day he that has an ear let him hear what the spirit or the Ruach said to the assembly Yahweh we thank you for your word we praise you for your faithfulness and father we thank you that you have shown us our sin our violations and that you have cleansed us and that you have changed us so that we may walk before you righteously and father we pray that we may be found worthy to escape when the time comes will you humble our hearts and will you give us a clean heart and clean hands because only those who have clean hands and a clean heart in other words their actions are clean and their thoughts and their heart is clean those you will bring to your holy hill. Father I thank you for the people here today will you greatly bless them will you install in them a faith that is unshakable and a trust in you that is unmovable so that they can stand in the days that are ahead father we honor you and we praise you and we thank you for Yeshua that he is the clean man that will come and cleanse us and that he will bring us via Goshen to the promised land the Zion that you have created and the citizens of this Zion amen you have written in your books praise honor and glory be to your name now and always amen you have been listening to let us reason together a weekly radio program hosted by Boaz Nuov please do contact Boaz by email at the following email address Boaz that's Boaz at B E I T hyphen E L dot org also if you would like to make a donation to cover the costs of this broadcast please do so on our website at www. that's B E I T hyphen E L dot org also you can download this program and the programs hosted by Rob Moore entitled In That Day at