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Trusting in God's sovereignty can bring peace and assurance in a chaotic world. God is in control of everything and his plans are perfect. Even in difficult circumstances, we can find peace by trusting in him. Reading the scriptures and surrounding ourselves with believers can strengthen our faith. Trusting in God's sovereignty requires walking by faith and not by sight. We can find peace and assurance by surrendering to him daily and taking one step at a time. Strengthening our faith and trust in God can be done through prayer, reading the word, and surrounding ourselves with supportive friends. Trusting in God's sovereignty brings peace and assurance. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. As humbling as it may sound, we're not as in control as we think that we are or project that we are. This week on Faith Alive in 5, we're dabbling into the topic of trusting God's sovereignty in all things, highlights all things. In a world that's filled with uncertainty and chaos, trusting in God's sovereignty can bring us peace and assurance no matter what challenges we may face. You see, we're not in this thing alone, folks. Let's look at the scripture Isaiah 55, 8 and 9. It says, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heaven is higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. The concept of God's sovereignty seems to be elusive to a lot of people because we don't quite understand what that really means. Sovereignty is God in all of his power and all of his wisdom and all of his authority. He's over everything, everywhere, at all times. Even when circumstances seem chaotic, and God knows they do, or beyond our understanding, we can trust that God is in control and his plans are perfect. I promise you, they're perfect. They are flawless, even though ours cannot hold a candle to his perfect plan. When we want to understand God's sovereignty, what does it mean to trust in God's sovereignty? It means to acknowledge that he is in control of all things, past, present, and future, and that his purposes will ultimately prevail. We can reflect on moments and times in our lives when trusting in God's sovereignty brought peace and assurance, even in difficult circumstances. How many of you have ever gone through the storm, but you felt this inner peace that passes understanding? You felt like you were being held. You felt like it was going to be okay. That was God's sovereignty. It's not because you did anything good to deserve it, or you did everything perfect. You were the good Christian person. It was because God is God, and he's a good God. He is the only true and living God. Yes, that's why he said, Moses said, you go tell Pharaoh that I am, that I am has sent you, that I be who I be. I'm the living, breathing, walking, talking God. I'm not like their God. I'm the one who breathes. Finding peace in uncertainty, let me tell you, there is a peace that passes understanding when life seems chaotic and confusing and things seem like they're just caving in all around you. I promise you there's a secret place in him that you can go, and his sovereignty just begins to envelop you like the womb does a baby. He can bring you peace and assurance. Oh, amazing grace, how sweet the sound. Even in the face of uncertainty, this could be your personal testimony or your stories from scriptures where individuals found peace in the midst of trials, begin to go back and read those. You can find that peace in uncertainty. Open the book, crack the book, you'll crack the code. Open the book and begin to read it until it reads you back. I encourage you, dig deep into the Psalms and let the psalmist begin to minister to your heart in trying times. Find out the Lord is your shepherd and you shall not lack anything. Learn how to walk by faith. You will discover the power and presence of God in these changing times. Trusting God's sovereignty in all things requires you to learn to walk by faith and not by sight. The faith to believe that his plans are for your good, even when you can't see the outcome. It's a daily surrendering. It's a day by day surrendering, a moment by moment, an hour by hour, just taking one step at a time, one small step for your mankind. One small step, discuss, you know, determine and decide on practical ways that you can strengthen your faith and your trust in God. Crack the book, you'll crack the code. Learn to pray. Read the word aloud so that when you're speaking it out of your mouth, it's going back into your ear. For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Surround yourself with believers, believers of faith. People who believe in something better, someone better, someone greater, someone more than your circumstance. I promise you, your life will change when you fellowship with people who are not just like-minded but strong-minded people. I like hanging with people who know more than I do. You know, in certain areas, they know more than I do. Because if the company that I keep are people that I'm always pulling up, then I need to get another group of people in my space. Surround yourself with friends that will strengthen you, that will empower you. So just remember, God's sovereignty, you can trust in his sovereignty in all things and you'll find peace, assurance, knowing that God is in control and his plans are perfect. We highlight perfect. Join me next time. This is so good. I so enjoy spending this time with you. Until next time, remember the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. Kisses and hugs. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. 870-860-9758 or email coach at and remember the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.