Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this episode of Faith Alive in 5, Dr. Faye discusses courage and the importance of taking action. Courage means having guts, nerve, and bravery to do what is necessary, even when feeling intimidated or afraid. It takes courage to be a parent, teacher, leader, or politician. When taking courage, it's not about our own strength, but relying on the Lord's power and joy. We should not be afraid or ashamed, as God is with us and supports our decisions. It's important to pray and align our will with God's, even if things don't always go as we ask. Jesus promises to give us peace and encourages us not to be troubled or afraid. Studying the word of God can transform our hearts from fear to courage. Visit for more information. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Welcome back to part 3 on courage in this series, Closing the Gap Between the Prophecy and the Promise, or From Vision to Reality. The manifestation of all the things that you've been dreaming about, all of the things that you've been talking about, all of the things that have been prophesied to you, aren't you ready for the manifestation? Everybody in the back say, yeah, it's time for the manifestation. So today in part 3 of this series, Closing the Gap Between the Prophecy, not more than part 3, but part 3 of the series, courage, on the topic of courage, I want us to take a look at the definition of courage so that you can take courage because you now know what it is. Some of you assume that you know, and it means just a man up, a woman up, and do what you got to do, but it means to have guts, it means to have nerve, it means to have prowess, it means to have a heartiness and be just dogginess about a thing, to be brave and to go in anyway, even though you may feel intimidated, and you may feel afraid, like going to the boss and asking for a raise, or going to the boss and letting them know that there's a problem in the business, there's a problem in the camp, having to man up or woman up to go in to do the thing that you don't want to do, but you know is highly necessary in order to do it. Pastors have to do it, business owners have to do it, people that are trying to help other people have to do it, missionaries have to do it, we all have an opportunity to man up or woman up to go do the things that nobody else wants to do, but that are highly necessary. And as I think about that, it takes guts to be a parent, it takes guts to be a teacher, it takes guts to be a leader, it takes guts to stand in a political arena, it takes guts for the mayor and for the council people, it takes guts to just stand out there because you become this moving target for every criticism, anything that goes wrong, let's blame the leader, right? So, those of you who are fighting for leadership, just know that it's going to take guts and it's going to take you to do some things, make hard decisions when other people are afraid to do so. Ephesians 6 and 10 says, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. So, when you're taking courage, it's not your strength that you're trying to get because we're weak in ourselves, but the joy of the Lord is our strength. Knowing that we're celebrating him, knowing that we're in his presence, knowing that he's leading and directing, guiding our steps, that's why politicians need to pray like everybody else. There is no, you know, politician excuse to excuse do not pray or whatever that may be. Everybody needs to have a prayer life. I know there are people who say they don't believe in God, but eventually they will. So, I don't even deal with that. But what I'm saying to you is that when it's even uncomfortable and you know it's something you need to do, that's courage. Isaiah 54 and 4 says, do not be afraid and you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace. You will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. When it's time for you to stand, God is saying, I got your back, I got your back, I'm there with you. You're not alone in making these decisions. When you pray and talk to God, let me tell you something, he hears you and answers. I know some people say, well, I prayed and it didn't happen, but did you get in alignment with his will? You may have been praying opposite of his will, right? And you should be happy when God does not do everything just because we ask him to. I know I am. Let me see a show of hands in the room. How many of you are happy that God did not do everything that you willed inside of yourself for him to do? And John 14 to 27, Jesus speaking to his disciples, he said, my peace I leave with you. I'm going to leave some peace with you. My peace I give you. Grace, gift, peace. I do not give to you as the world gives. I do not let your heart be troubled and don't let it be afraid. So guard it. Don't let fear be your guide. Let courage begin to arise up and it will arise when you start studying the word of God because it will definitely change your heart from fear to courage. Listen, thanks so much for listening. I love each and every one of you. Visit me at, so you can keep up with the happenings. Around our virtual church and also what we're doing to change the lives of women all over the world through Christian women, professionals and leaders webinars. God bless you until next time. This is Dr. Faye. The calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. See you soon. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.