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FAF 9182022 How To Apply The Bible Everyday pt3

FAF 9182022 How To Apply The Bible Everyday pt3

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The speaker discusses the importance of being born again through the Word of God. They mention a book called "Our Father's DNA" that can help define what it means to be born again. The speaker emphasizes the need to apply the Bible to everyday life and not just have head knowledge. They talk about the importance of growing spiritually and how without the Word of God, people remain immature. The speaker encourages the audience to receive the Word of God as the words of God and not just the words of men. They emphasize the importance of making the stories relatable in order to retain and apply them in life. The speaker also mentions the confusion that can arise when people twist and misinterpret the plain language of God. They assert that the answers are within individuals and in the scriptures, and encourage the audience to seek understanding through God's perspective. 1 Peter 1 and 23 says we have been born again not of perishable seed or corruptible seed but of the incorruptible Word of the Living God. We've been born of Word and since we've been born of Word it is up to us to get to know the Word within. We have a brand new book I have a brand new book called Our Father's DNA that is posted on ourfathersdna.com and that book is an intro well as a Bible companion book the number one Bible companion book and it helps to define what it means to be born again as a child of God in oh just enveloped and immersed into God into his presence we grow up in that and realize that we are no longer children but mature spiritual beings that we can discern our left from our right we can discern who we are from the thing that others told that told us we were. Our series this month will help you and to discover how the Bible applies to your everyday life it is an app it is a teaching on application it's one thing to have head knowledge it's another thing to have walking it out knowledge if you know what I mean you actually wake up being what you have read it is no longer Logos it is not just Rhema but now you have become a living epistle known and read of all men Christ is now manifested through you it's not just on a t-shirt and great t-shirts we do have not just on a t-shirt but Christ is now manifested in and through you because you have awakened to who's on the inside of you first Peter 2 and 2 says like newborn babies like newborn babes or infants like little bitty babies long for the pure spiritual milk so by it you can grow up wow that's huge that means without it I can't grow up I can think I'm mature that's why we still have CEOs that battle it out in office and grown-ups that do childish things you know want to hurt each other kill each other destroy each other because they lack the Word of God we can only grow up in him anything else is immaturity it's not grown up folks it's not talk it's not using the language of mature people it's not impactful it's not successful and first Thessalonians 2 and 13 reads it this way we thank God for this when you receive the Word of God when you that you've heard from us the Apostle Paul is talking to the church of Thessalonica he said I'm thankful that you receive the word that I brought to you you accepted the word that I talked to you about and not as the words of men but as the words of God I'm paraphrasing here because I want again to make it relatable because if the stories are not relatable they're not retainable and they're not doable in your life so we want to make them relatable so that they can be retainable and then you can do it you can walk it out because it's extremely important we don't want to waste our time we don't want to waste our money we don't want to waste your time because it's a value here that we want to bring to you on Faith Alive and Five. 2nd Peter 3 and 16 paraphrasing that sort of he does Paul writes it so eloquently not Paul it's Peter's writing this letter and he writes it so eloquently that it's hard for ignorant people to understand plain language of God they twist it they turn it around they make it to fit themselves rather than what God intended for it to say and that has confused a lot of people because they run and go about life still trying to find answers even though they're in church and they can't find answers because they're dependent upon the leader the pastor the minister to always do it for them to bring them the answers I'm here to tell you that the answers are within you and in the scriptures when you begin to get the script that's the prescription get the prescription of scripture you will begin to grow you will begin to see through God's lenses and not through church culture or religious tradition not through societal culture not through social media culture but through God's eyes you'll begin to see who you really are and the scriptures is the only thing that can take you there I'm so glad you want me today for another Faith Alive in 5 I'm Dr. Faye your pastor coach and text me at 501-521-1381 until next time

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