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FAF 9252022 How To Apply The Bible Everyday pt4

FAF 9252022 How To Apply The Bible Everyday pt4

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The speaker emphasizes the importance of applying the Bible to daily life and understanding one's place in its teachings. They highlight the power of God's Word and how speaking it can bring about what God has for us. They also discuss the significance of Scripture in guiding and equipping believers for good works. The speaker encourages listeners to abide in God's Word and ask for what they desire in alignment with His will. They mention that God desires prosperity for His followers and discuss the process of manifesting His promises. The speaker emphasizes the transformative power of God's Word and the benefits of obeying it. They conclude by inviting listeners to reach out for further discussion. Are you applying the Bible to your everyday waking walking talking life? Do you see how you fit into these pages? Can you put yourself in these shoes that Scripture is speaking to? I hope that you can and that is the reason that I continue this series and as we go through this final teaching today on this series and the end of another month right here on Faith Alive and Fine I want to recap just a couple of scriptures and then we're going to continue. In Hebrews 4 and 12 it states for the Word of God is alive and active sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Ladies and gentlemen that is some kind of power. When the Word of God comes out of your mouth you're making it alive because the words that you speak are spirit and they are life. So when you're speaking what God speaks about you listen closely don't miss this moment when you speak what God is speaking about you you will have what God has for you. Let me say that again for the folks in the back. When you're speaking what God is speaking about you you will have what God has for you. That's how that aligns with Scripture. All Scripture in 2nd Timothy in 2nd Timothy 3 16 and 17 one of my favorites he says all Scripture is God breathed. All Scripture is God breathed and it's useful for teaching this is what I'm doing today rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be fairly equipped for every good work. Are you a servant of God? Then it will take Scripture to help perfect those things that concern you. You see God desires so much for us but He cannot deny Himself. He cannot cancel out His own Word. He wants us to abide in His Word. If we abide in Him and His Word abide in us then we can ask what we will. That's a powerful promise there ladies and gentlemen. We can ask what we will and listen to this piece. It shall be done. It's done when we ask in His will because we're not asking out of our own religious beliefs and doctrines and out of our own fleshy desires. Don't you know God does want you rich? I did an entire series on that already. God does want you rich. Why? Because He is. He's as He is so are we in this world. It doesn't take me to spend a hundred thousand dollars on a coaching program to know God wants me wealthy. It's His design. It's His desire. The question is how do I get from the prophecy to the promise? How do I get from God desiring it for me to my manifesting it? Manifestation is something that many people have never been taught. How to go inside of the house get the treasure that is on the inside of you and extract it so that it can be in your everyday waking, walking, talking life. You can handle it with your hands. You can see it with your eyes. Your senses can experience it because you have brought forth that which was hidden in an earthen vessel. Yes indeed. Psalms 119 and 105 says the word, your word, your word is a lamp for my feet and it's a light on my path. This is the word of a living God. When we read the scriptures the word of God becomes alive on the inside of us. We will begin to experience peace in the night season. Restful, peaceful sleep in the night season. You'll wake up happy. I wake up happy. I don't need any... I wake up happy. I wake up full of joy because I make sure that when I close my eyes at night that I go to sleep with peace. Yes and Luke 11 28. Oh my goodness time is wrapping up already. Jesus said blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it. How can you obey it? If you don't open the book you gotta open the book. Hashtag it somebody. Hashtag open the book like you do in social media. Do that in your mind. I'm so glad you joined me again for this series. How does the Bible apply to you? I'm so glad. Contact me at Pastor Coach at 501-521-1381. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks everybody. Have a blessed blessed day.

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