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CTG 12323 Prayer Simplified

CTG 12323 Prayer Simplified

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Dr. Faye wraps up the series on closing the gap between prophecy and promise. She appreciates her listeners and hopes to provide a takeaway for them. She believes that when people come together globally, they have a greater impact. Dr. Faye encourages listeners to pray in their own language and not feel inferior in their prayer life. She also advises being kind to others, even if they are unlikable. She emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and surrendering one's life to Jesus. She ends with holiday blessings and encourages listeners to contact her. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. As I continue the series and wrap it up for this time, closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise, I appreciate every one of my listeners. Kisses and hugs to all of you who tune in every Sunday at noon right here to hear this Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. I am praying that what I say and that I always say something that will give you a takeaway, a golden nugget, a moment and to think about your life in the direction that you're headed. We have truly been blessed to be able to share these moments over this year with you and in this atmosphere and we expect to continue to build and to grow, to expand and to reach many marketplaces with a message of hope, with a message of love, with a message of peace around the world. You see, I personally believe that you and I, when we team up in a global perspective, that we have a greater impact. The Bible says one can put a thousand to fight and two can put ten thousand to flight. I believe that you are so powerful that when you walk into the room the atmospheres change, shifts take place and momentum is gained because people can travel lighter. The Word of God says to lay aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. You see, when we all really truly get on the same page in the book of life, really get on the same page of celebrating what Jesus has done for us, then worlds are changed. Our personal world, the world around us, our academic settings, our school system changes, our political system changes, everything changes when people begin to fall in love with the lover of our souls. Don't you believe that? Of course you do. So as we move forward and closing the gap, we've covered prayer, praise, worship, we cover getting clear, we've covered removing barriers and it seems like the one on barriers and prayer seems to be more important to many of you as you lean in on those messages of removing barriers and in prayer. Many of you for the first time heard that prayer is just talking to God in your own language. You don't have to use the Elizabethan English language. You don't have to quote every scripture when you're talking to God. Some of you have felt inferior because when people, many people pray who are veterans of scripture and God bless veterans of scripture and are able to quote scripture and give you dates and give you references so that you can go and look it up. But you know, with the blessings of Google, you can look up anything on your own. But you still feel inferior in your prayer life and I've encouraged you to just talk. Just talk just like you're talking to your friends. Just like you're talking to anyone. You just talk to God and tell him your heart. The most powerful prayers I have ever prayed have just been basic everyday conversation. My God, you know, I don't know what's going on with me here. I don't know why this is happening and if you don't want to give me clarity on this right now, I understand. But would you just help me get through it right now? That's all. Just help me get through it and if you help me get through it, then I can keep moving. I just need your strength. I need your presence. You know, that kind of prayer. That was a prayer. And maybe it's in your workplace. You just don't like your job and you feel guilty about not liking your boss. And I'm going to tell you something. Lean in. It's okay not to like your boss. It's okay not to like your job. But it's not okay that you're miserable doing it. That's not okay. That's unacceptable. We want you happy in whatever environment you're in. There are people that you just don't like and that's okay. But that doesn't mean you be mean to them or ugly to them or hateful toward them. We've been called to love. That's your calling, darling. And as long as you allow God to love through you, even the unlovable people, then you will still maintain your peace, maintain your joy. We beat ourselves up. You beat yourself up over things that you should really just lighten up on you. Lighten up on you. Give yourself a life break. Just decide, you know what? I'm going to lighten up on me and stop beating myself up and stop condemning myself and hating on myself and not liking myself and just know that I was worthy enough for Jesus to give his life for me. Therefore, I give my life to him. And if you haven't done that before, my prayer is that you would do that now. Give him your life and so that you can continue to close the gaps between the prophecy and the promise. I've got to sign off now, but I want to say celebration to every one of you as you move into your holiday season. Know it is a holy day that we honor. God bless you. Until next time, this is Dr. Faye, your pastor coach. Remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. Bye-bye now. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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