Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this 5-minute gospel message, Dr. Faye encourages women to embrace their calling and step into their purpose. She reminds them that they are not behind in life and that they have the power to make choices to fulfill their dreams. Dr. Faye also announces the launch of Kingdom Women Rising, a program dedicated to helping women become more visible and showcase their talents. She invites listeners to contact her for more information. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, The 5-Minute Gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Women, listen to me, lean into this. Women professionals and leaders, housewives and moms and wherever the term housewives came from. I think that's from the industrial age. We're not there no more, girls. We are out of that box and we are in the age of technology and innovation and creativity. You can truly be who you have been called to be now. And let me tell you something. We need you to step forward and step up. All hands on deck right now because you have been called to serve and we need you in this marketplace. 2024 has called you into it. You're here because there's a purpose and a destiny for you today. Today, darlings, this is your moment. This is your time to shine. Some of you are feeling like you're aging out of your calling, you know, you're aging out of your dream that's on the inside of you. I had someone, a member of the family that was only in their 20s and said, I feel like I'm missing so much that I should have been farther along by now. And of course, I looked at them with my eyes probably rolling around like, what are you talking about? You just got here. You're just 20 plus and you're thinking that you're so far behind and you're lacking something. See, because that's an energy, a spirit that is released in the atmosphere to make people think, especially women, think that you have missed out on life. Now, I want you to lean in with me right now. You have not missed out on life, honey. Life has called you forward right now. What is it that you want to do this year? I'm not talking about some flippant New Year's resolution. I'm talking about you declaring and decreeing that this is your moment. This is your time, that you are finally waking up as a sleeping giant that's been asleep for far too long, but I'm here to shake you and wake you and tell you that you are called out now. I'm calling you out, girl. Calling you out. Even you guys. I'm calling you out. Some of you are laying back and you're waiting, but let me tell you, the wait is over. It's time for you to make the choice to move forward. You see, I've discovered that life is about choices, right? And you can go ahead and do what you've been called to do. You don't have to be perfect. Just do it. Don't take imperfect action just to move the needle in the direction that you have been called. I'm so glad you tuned in to listen today, and I'm excited about all the things that I see that are happening. And I know the other news, but I'm talking about the good news. The things that excite me and excite you when you realize that the power that is resident within you is making an appearance through you right now to allow you this great space called Earth to fulfill your dreams, to fulfill your mission, to fulfill destiny. And you can be of greater service when you're fulfilling your destiny and your purpose. It's okay to be you. It's okay to say yes to the calling. I look forward to serving you all year long. Those of you who know my part of business as a pastor coach, I coach women professionals and leaders. And this year, we have launched Kingdom Women Rising, helping women to become more visible, more visible, spotlighting their talents and gifts on our program. So go ahead, contact me at, at, and let's get you in the spotlight. Until next time, this is Dr. Faye, your pastor coach. Remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. See you then. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.