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episode 12

Brenna Reed



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Alrighty, let's put a bookmark in it so I can welcome you to the Fiction Corner. We are your hosts, Brenna and Marissa, and we are going through part one of Queen of Shadows. This first part is longer than the second part, but we were just saying, holy shit, so much happens. It starts off strong, like, just right away. Yeah. I love your notes on this section, when you say, like, fucking starting off strong, it's like, oh yeah. Like, oh my gosh, because I feel like all the other books kind of had like a slow burn or a slow build to them, and you know, that the ending was pretty strong, pretty intense, and this one just, right out the gate, was like, okay, this is going to be a lot. Yeah, it was like one thing after the next with this book, for sure. It was just like, you know, there was no slowing down. And yeah, you're right. It was very different than her other books, like, that I'm used to, like, it just being kind of like, easygoing, you get to know some people, chill, and then the last, like, 30% is like crazy. No, like, this whole book was crazy. Yeah, I agree. I agree. All right. So, starting off, we immediately are jumping into Dorian's Mind. This is the first chapter. So, we know, obviously, he's been collared, he's possessed at this point, is how I would kind of word it, or sharing his mind with someone. We don't yet know what he's doing kind of outside of his body, or what's going on there, just that, you know, this valk prince is with him, in him as well. And we do know now, for sure, that valk princes require a collar, and kind of just valk soldiers have the ring, and that kind of binds them. So, like I said, starting off very strong, then we see Dorian's Mind, and then immediately going into meeting Erebon again. Like, I just... I know. I know. I mean, we knew he was going to come up again, right? So, like, yeah, we knew he was going to be a bigger thing in this one, because she, you know, like, that was her goal, to go back, like, Aelin was going back to Richel to try and get the word key from him. So, you know, we knew that this was going to be a bigger thing, but I did not, and I was not looking forward to seeing him again. Yeah, and he's exactly the same. Like, throughout this whole part, he's just super manipulative. He plays against her weaknesses, which he's still able to find, and knows a lot of information about her. I just think Aelin is much better equipped at kind of, like, handling it, because she's like, oh, no, I knew he was going to play that card, or, you know, stuff like that. So... Yeah, she's just much less afraid of him in this book, so, like, I think she's just kind of grown so much, too, like, and kind of come into her own, and much more confident. So, like, he doesn't faze her as much, but then, obviously, Kale is, you know, meeting with him secretly, and she is very, obviously, wary of that, because she's like, Kale doesn't know this guy at all, like, he doesn't know him like I do, so... And she's, like, warned him about him, too. She's warned him about him, too. At least, like, told him some of her past on him, and it's like, ah. I know. I just don't think Kale really, like, fully grasped it, because, obviously, he wasn't in her shoes. So, like... Yeah. Yeah, she can warn him, but, like, obviously, he does not know the full extent of Erebin's wrath, so... Yeah. No, that's super true. And this is, so, like Marissa said, this is when we see Kale meeting with Erebin. She meets with Erebin very briefly, just to kind of get a general feel of where he's at, and, you know, as we talked about in the last book, she's specifically going after him for the amulet, that that's her primary goal here. Working on just kind of bringing him down in his entirety, and that's the, I would say, the biggest thing for part one is her really going after Erebin, so I wrote this down. I thought her, like, conversation with Erebin was very good, that, like you said, she's definitely more mature, she's not scared of him anymore, she's able to handle everything really well, and she's led guards specifically to the vaults, or the new guards, to trash the place, and she does that on purpose, but I'd written down, I love this part, that one of the valg, you know, guards or whatever comes down, she's fighting with them, she's like, yep, he ran into my knife, repeatedly, so it's like, he he he he. I know, yeah, yeah, she makes some funny comments during some of this stuff, but yeah, I mean, I like this part, I mean, obviously we kind of find out the king's plans in this part too, like Erebin actually discloses to her that the king plans to execute Aedian on Dorian's birthday in three days, and she's like, obviously like, oh my god, Aedian, like, Aedian's alive, she had no idea, you know, so like, that was a huge reveal for her, and so now she kind of knows that, oh, so I don't have to just have to go after the amulet, now I have a whole new plan. And she's like realigning, I can't even say realigning, but like, making a new deal with Erebin to help get, yeah, and she immediately says like, there's going to be more to it, there's going to be some sleaziness to it, that, you know, he's going to be Erebin. Right, yeah, what did you think about when, like, he, like, offered her, like, his help in exchange for, like, knowledge on the bell creatures, and to, like, actually capture one, what were you thinking when you heard that? I, I definitely thought, like, he's trying to get them to use them for his purposes somehow, I thought he was going to try and figure out how to control them in some way, obviously it went kind of a little bit of a different route, but yeah, I didn't trust him with that. Yeah, my thought was the same too, I honestly thought that he knew he had the word key, and that he could manipulate it in some way, but he wasn't sure how, so like, he wanted her to capture it, but obviously we didn't know at this point, kind of what his intentions were, he doesn't say anything, but I was really nervous for her, because I was like, oh my gosh, don't agree to that, like, I don't know, like, you have no idea what he's going to do, and he is, like, one of the keys, like, he could know, like, I don't know, so yeah, that was, that was, like, scary, but. Every interaction with him, I was like, oh god, this is not going to go well. I know, I know, because you just know how bad he can be. Yeah, yep, so then she meets more of Nesrin, I think is how you say her name, who I love. Nesrin, yeah. Yes. Yeah. I love her, like, so much. She is just so badass to me. Yeah, she's cool. She's awesome. We learned that, you know, Kale and her have been framed prisoners, and that's, like, where we really get introduced to her is down in the sewer system, she runs into her, and they're framed prisoners that are, you know, magic wielders, or have magic in their blood, because it turns out they're being shipped off to Morrith, but, you know, they all kind of start working together, and runs into Kale. What was your initial impression of their, like, new relationship? Oh my god, okay, so I hated this, to be honest with you. I'm just going to say it for, like, the whole book, like, I was not a fan of the two of them. Like, they actually really pissed me off during this, like, first part here. I guess, like, the first interaction, I was like, okay, like, they're both pissed at each other, they both have some bad blood that they need to work through, like, but I felt like nothing that they were saying was really real, and they were just, like, making excuses to be pissed at each other, honestly. I thought they were just, like, being super immature, like, him thinking that she was going to burn the city. I was like, dude, that is so fucking traumatic. Like, she's done some bad things, but she's done bad things to bad people. Like, she doesn't hurt innocent people. Or to keep herself alive. Like, it's not just like, oh, I'm going around burning people. Yeah, I'm just going to unleash my power on everyone. Like, come on. Like, it's like, Kale, you know her better than that. Like, seriously? Like, I don't know. So that pissed me off. I also feel like he kind of blamed her for leaving, but I was like, you're the one who sent her away. Like, I mean, it worked out, but I was like, Kale, come on. I know. And then, yeah. And then her, like, I was pissed at her, too. Like, I felt like she wrote off Dorian immediately when she found out he was a Choleron. She was like, okay, he's dead. Like, we're just going to kill him. Like, I was like, dude, you, like, had feelings for him at one point. He was a close friend, so you claim. Like, and now all of a sudden you're just like, whatever. I don't care about him. All I care about is Rowan and Adian now. I was just like, like, I know they are closer to you in a way, but, like, at the same time, like, Kale and Dorian were very close to you at one point. Yeah, they did get you out of Endover and, like, all these other things. I know. And she just completely writes him off. And I was just like, you're not even going to maybe think about, like, options, especially for Kale. Like, I felt like that was just a purposeful dig at him. Yeah. Especially when she was like, oh, like, oh, well, you fled the castle and just left him there. Dorian literally sacrificed himself so that Kale could do that. Like, for Kale to just, like, hang out behind them. It's like, yes, I get that he feels guilty. And she's, like, specifically aiming at that. But I was like, what other choice did he have? If he would have stayed, he would have been captured and dead, too. I know. He would have been murdered on the spot. Like, I don't like, like, it's better for him to have left and to try and come up with a plan to stay with Adian versus dying and then there's no one left to help, you know? Yeah. Yeah. So, like, yeah, their interaction really pissed me off. It honestly, like, made me stop reading the book a couple times. Like, just their petty thoughts about each other in common. Yeah. Like, oh, you guys are fighting on the same side, finally. Like, get it together. Be mature. Like, figure your shit out. Like, move on. You are adults. You're starting a war. Oh, man. Okay. Enough on that. I'm done. I'm very bad. That was our soapbox on that. They were both immature. We get it. But they took it too far. Yeah. So we go over to Manon in verse 13 and we finally get a better glimpse of Kaltain, who I loved in this book. I know. Me too. Oh, my God. I felt like this part one was, I don't know, it was just such a redemption for her. Like, seeing her struggles and what actually happened to her. Because, like we said, we knew she was in her world of hurt. And it's just so much more brutal than what I was expecting. I know. And, yeah, obviously she's wearing a collar now, as we kind of expected. And I just feel terrible for her. Because, yeah, in these first couple sections, you know, Manon is really, like, focusing on her. And it's like, this girl, like, she is, like, so gone. Like, she's not reacting to anything. Like, you know, obviously, like, she keeps mentioning, like, the scar on her arm and the bruises and, like, all this other stuff. Like, so, yeah, I feel really bad for her. Yeah, I am curious about the scar. Because I know later it kind of talks about the, like, kind of blood ties that Araben kind of, you know, assumed that it matched. And I am curious if that does end up being true. Like, oh, she has this huge scar. And because she's more powerful, maybe it helps kind of connect it. Yeah, and the Duke, like, keeps, like, touching it. Like, and, like, I don't know if it's, like, a way to, like, control her, too. Like, I don't know. Yeah. Being like, hey, like, you know, you're in my control kind of thing. Like, this is like... He's very possessive of her. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, he's creepy. He's so creepy. Yeah, no, I agree. I think the only other thing I kind of got from that part, you know, as we said, Altaïn now has this collar on, which means she is pretty powerful. And that she specifically has a Vow of the Prince. And that when Manon goes to leave, because this whole, her whole kind of thing right now is the Duke keeps giving her demands and orders. And it just really pisses her off. When she's storming out at this point, she walks by his personal chambers. I don't know if you remember this at all. But I wrote this down, that his specific room, it had like two guards outside of it. But it was different than the rest of Morris. That it was designed differently. That it's completely like a black stone. So I was kind of curious about that. I was like, is something... I don't know. It was just like one of those things I wrote down. I think I do remember that section, but I didn't really think much of it. But yeah, that's a good point. Like, why is it different? Like, what does that actually mean or symbolize? So yeah, we'll find out later on. Because yeah, that was... Yeah. Now that you say that, that is really weird of like Manon to just mention that. Yeah. Yeah. I was just like, hmm, you keep talking about this. Better make a note. So from there, Hedda jumps back over to Rifthold. Which I would say we spend most of the time in Rifthold. It's very brief, like interactions over with Manon and the Thirteen. But, you know, Erebin and Ellen have had this talk now. And so Lissandra comes kind of both as... Like a messenger and a helper. Yes, exactly. Thank you. I really started liking Lissandra. I didn't want to. I really didn't want to. I know, you had such hate for her originally. So much hate. So much hate for her. I know. Yeah, she really grows in this section too. Yeah, we kind of hear more of her backstory of like her and Wesley, which I thought was just heartbreaking. And like she actually loved him and they had a relationship. And Wesley ended up writing Ellen a detailed letter of basically everything that happened to Sam, which was just, oh my gosh, like it got punched. I was like, oh God. So like he, you know, he wanted to hear like Ellen to hear it from him, which was nice. And like just details about her imprisonment in Endover and like Erebin's plan and plot to do all of that and have that all kind of written down for her. Yeah, which I do mention later, just because I don't want to forget it. But that Erebin keeps saying like, oh yeah, I tried to break you out of Endover. And we're all like, no, did you? Yeah. Flipping her a piece of cheese does not count as helping break her out. So again, showing how manipulative he can be. Right. Yeah. And like if he does like one even small thing, he thinks like he will like make you think it was like a much bigger thing than it actually was. Like his effort was minimal. And, you know, but he'll make you think he, you know, was risking his life to do something for you. Life, limb. Yes, exactly. Exactly. But, yeah, I do like their initial talk, actually kind of, you know, getting to see this other side to Lysandra, but at the same time being very cautious of it. Because the whole time I was like, oh, is she, you know, being honest? And Aylin's like, I do really want a girlfriend. Right, I know. And they're like, oh, be careful. I was really back and forth with it, too. I was like, oh, my gosh, yes. Like, like, we heard like good things from Keltain. Like, you know, when even in the last book, too, like Keltain kind of grew a little bit. And then I was like, oh, now this is going to be the redemption arc for Lysandra. But then, yeah, like you said, I was still a little nervous. I was like, is she being manipulated by Erebin to kind of say these things to get Aylin's trust? Or is this real? So back and forth on that. But, you know, we do hear from Evangeline, too. Yes, oh, Evangeline. Like that made me trust her a little bit more, too, for her. And that like Lysandra actually saved her, you know, again, Lysandra is very misunderstood. Character and, you know, just written off kind of. And yeah, it's like, I agree. More of a background to her. Yeah, it definitely showed more of her background and her actually history of like what she went through. And like you said, with Evangeline, at first, you know, Aylin's kind of like, why does she have these huge gashes on her face? Because Evangeline was so pretty. But it turns out and Lysandra is not the one who tells her this. Evangeline is, which, like you said, is huge that she did it specifically to protect her, even though it put her further in debt, like she was almost free. And she gave that up to protect, protect Evangeline, which I know that was awesome. Yeah, yeah. And I like this part, too, for Aylin, too, because like it definitely shows like how Aylin can also write people off really easily and just judge people very easily, especially when she's younger. So I think it kind of shows her growth to like realize, oh, yeah, maybe I shouldn't just like, you know, judge people based on their profession or whatever. Yeah, I think it was like a nice mirror to herself. So I did like that. Yeah. So then jumps back to, you know, meeting Dorian again, that I do think throughout this whole part one, we see him kind of, I don't want to say become a lesser, but become less himself over and over again that, you know, he's like, Oh, I've got this wall up. And now part of that wall is broken. And now it's this. And so, you know, I think that Valprince is like taking over more of his soul almost, and he's like, like losing all memory of like what he was, which is just so sad. I felt so bad. And like, you know, he just he gets more and more like, depressed almost as, as like this like part goes to every, every interaction between him and the Valprince is like, he just becomes more like reserved, essentially. Yeah. So we know that, you know, he goes down, he sniffs the wound on Aideon, gets him healed, because they're like, No, we are going to execute you. You are not going to die. Prior to, you know, our show. Yeah, exactly. And that's, I think it was now like two days out. And so they're, you know, prepping and, and planning for all of this. Prior to going to free Aideon, that she follows Cale into the shadow market, which is there for a different reason, which we find out later. You know, she follows Cale there and specifically tells like his guards who he's meeting with, like, hey, put a red flower on your lapel during the birthday celebration to make sure that you're not attacked in any way that I will leave you alone. And, you know, while over in Morrith, so the Duke starts requesting covens. This was so gross to me. And so like, crazy and messed up. Oh, I have like, I almost like have no words. Like I wrote in my notes, like for some of these, for some of those, like, I have no words for this. Like, what? Oh my gosh, yeah, it made me sick to my stomach, like reading that. Yeah. And he's so specifically asking, and he words it as like, oh, this is such a, like, It's an honor. Yes, exactly. That you get to breed with the Valg again. And that's kind of his reasoning behind it to them to try and get them to say yes, is that, well, your ancestors did, so you should too. Right. And they like, they obviously value witchlings, like, like really, really high. Like, yeah. So of course, like some of them, like, I understand, like, some of them are like, oh, yeah, we would be honored to do that. Like, yeah, I guess I didn't realize was that, like, how a witch is born is that I don't know if they talked about it much in the other books, but that it's like a fey and a Valg that existed and birthed the witch. I didn't realize that that was how witches were born, essentially. It sounds like that's how, like, the initial witches were born. And then from there, obviously, there's no Valg. So it's like, oh, they start mating with humans or yeah, humans, which it I was curious if they ever had, like, give birth to a male witch, but it sounds like that just doesn't happen. I know, yeah, because they talk about it like all of their, like, offspring are females. Yeah, that's why I was I was interested about that. But this is where, oh, I'm going to say her name wrong. The second in command, Astrin, Astrin, Astrin, we're going with Astrin. Sorry, Lily. Her second in command starts really questioning her, like, aggressively. And this is super abnormal for the witches. And Manon, Manon, I got it. Manon brings that up constantly, like, you don't freaking question me. That's not an option. If I am higher up, you just do whatever I say. And so I definitely I was very intrigued by that, because that made me like, Esther Moore, I was like, OK, she's actually fighting for these other people and fighting for what she thinks is right. So I did like seeing that as this went on. But I know that. Yeah, I definitely liked that, like, you know, that they're finally maybe realizing that there's like right and wrong here now. Like, OK, maybe we shouldn't be following these people. Like, what are we even doing here? Like, what is this kind of thing? Yeah. Especially when it's so, like, just blind, like, OK. But I definitely like that. But unfortunately, Manon starts, like, bumping her down her ranks. So she moves her to her third at this point. And Sorrel, I think, becomes the second. But I will say none of the other 13 are, I would say, as important during this part one as Saren is. That she's kind of the other big witch player. Right. Yeah. We hear a lot more from her just kind of really bumping heads with Manon. So, yeah. So any said. So then back to Rachel. So is this when Ilin goes to the fighting pits? Oh, one other thing before we get there, actually. So Elide was introduced. Yes. Shoot. I kept forgetting. OK. I was like, who is this girl? And then I looked it up. I was like, oh, crap. This is Marion's daughter. Like, yes, this is huge. And she's like Manon's servant girl. And so we hear from her. And so she's like, you know, that's when she kind of reveals she's like daughter of the Lord of Parents. And then there's some mention at the end of that, like, little very brief section about her bloodline. And I was like, is she a witch? Yeah. And I was like questioning that because I was like, Manon mentioned that, too. Like something about her bloodline or something to her. Yeah. That she kind of like smelled it on her. Yeah. We also start learning about Vernon and what a absolute piece of shit uncle he is that he was it that he like pushed down the stairs. Anyway, he got her injured so that she's completely crippled and she's walking like a clubfoot that she's walking on the outside of her ankle and her foot. And then was like, you can't have that healed so that you're crippled for the rest of your life and then locked her away. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Yeah. Really awful. Obviously, her uncle is absolutely terrible. Yeah. Not who I'd want to hang out with. But no, no, thanks. No, thanks. So back in Rifthold, quite a few things are happening at this point, because one, she meets Irvin down in the pits and kind of shows off her skills because the vault is gone now. So the pits kind of take over. So he's like, well, I want to invest in this. And so she has to help them let him invest is kind of the key of that. And she fights a Valg with that. But I forgot to mention that she uses Ansel's name. I don't know if you remember that. So that's from the Red Desert. That was like her good friend. So I thought I was wondering when they're going to bring her up again and what they were going to say. I wonder if she's going to be kind of in this or in the series later on. I'm not sure. I am curious. Like, I wonder if she'll come back to fight the witches or help fight the witches because that's his whole family. So I am curious about that. But, you know, it's at least a nice little callback. And we've learned, you know, Irvin is going to help sneak her in as a dancer into the castle. And yeah. And then also, like, Aylin and Lysandra are now plotting to kill Irvin, too. Yes. And this is like when I was like, oh, man, I have a feeling that Lysandra is going to die. Irvin, like, if she's like plotting this, like, I like was like, really nervous. I was like, I just don't have a good feeling about like Lysandra's end at this point. That was like Irvin always knows. He always knows. Yeah. Something is happening, like, for whatever reason, like that, and which makes him like so much of a threat, too. It's like, yeah, he has eyes and ears everywhere. He's always one step ahead of everyone, which so like, I don't like that they're getting together more because I'm like, please stop meeting. Like, he's like, oh, no, like, and I don't like it. So I was worried about that. But yeah. And then during this part, too, Kaylin or Kayle finally tells Aylin how to free magic about, like, removing the towers, too. That was like a big thing that he did. He, like, threw her a bone, I guess, and gave her the information. I know. But then it's like immediately like, yeah, but if you free it, we're going to have to restrain you. And it's just like, I know, it was just like, oh, my God, Dorian has magic, too. Like, calm your tits. But yeah. So again, this is where we get into, like, the actual night of the rescue. Yes. So like we said, a lot of little things happen to get to the night of the rescue that she's sneaking in as a dancer under her previous dance master, who I do like her. And how she gets in is using, she pretends to be in training and throws this whole hissy fit and starts crying. And they bring her a bucket of water. And she uses it to wash away the word marks, because they're pretty much sensor systems that are set off. One of the big things that I noted here was I was surprised how many guards now are under the Valk control, that it's like pretty much everyone except a few of the original guards that Kayle worked with. Right. Yeah, because we only heard about like a couple, like with new uniforms and everything in the last book. And then all of a sudden now it's like all of these people are like under this control. So, yeah, very scary. They're definitely building the army up for sure. So, yeah, I was like, oh, OK. But like I said, she's able to get in for just, you know, using the bucket of water that Florine, who's the dance master at one point, acknowledges that she knows she's the queen and that once this is all over, she needs to understand how important the arts are and that she will come find her and put pretty much all her money towards rebuilding music and the arts. And I really like that. I know, I love that. I was like, oh, and like, you know, we obviously already know from like previous books that music is like something that Ailyn is like really loved. So, like, I think that was really nice. No, I agree. So, you know, she sneaks in with the dancers behind them and then goes off to kind of, you know, quote unquote, watch them perform. And the big things that they know during this performance is they keep throwing, well, one, they have these like glass black roses and two, that they keep throwing this like black powder. And they're like, oh, it's just representing like the ashes of the fallen or whatever. Not true. Something different. But this part, I was a little confused on her like kind of stealth sneaky mode here, which they do explain later in the chapter. So I'm just going to go through it now. What happened was she went and kind of like flipped her cloak or flipped her costume and made herself look like it was one of Aribn's clients, I think. And so when she did that, you know, she even like waved at other people and was like, oh, yes, I'm someone else and made sure they saw her then like going up to the stand and everything. And yeah, so that was really big to be like, OK, they can't necessarily blame her. So they start again going after Aribn that she, you know, keeps whittling away at him. But, you know, she breaks Adian out during this big frenzy of we find out that the ash they were throwing or the powder they were throwing was actually flammable. So they start like a whole just kind of panic, which I thought was really cool. I thought they were going to die. I thought they were going to catch the dancers and kill them all. Yeah, same. Yeah, I was I was like, oh, no, which they kind of expected that to happen, which I was like, that is just that's huge. But they do get away safely, which was nice. But she gets Adian. They're running through the garden and they run into Dorian. This part was like heartbreaking to me. I know. Oh, yeah. And this is yeah, this is when she kind of like attempts to kill him. Those were marks to protect herself, like that she had painted on her body so that he would be kind of frozen for a couple seconds. And that was going to be her chance to like, right to, you know, take off his head, essentially. But she can't do it. And then Nezarin actually ends up saving him, too. And she like, yeah, I don't know how she gets away. That's actually impressive. Afterward that she she's able to escape him. But yeah, she just kind of like appears and disappears. I know. But yeah, no, that was like, that was sad. I think she, you know, in that moment, she realized, like, yeah, she would have regretted it if she killed him. But it does even say, like, later on, when we're back in Dorian's mind briefly, that he was like, I wanted to die. Like, no, I was ready and wanted that, which is just so sad. But back to the nun, like you had mentioned, we learn more about Elid. Is that how you say her name? I kind of lied. I don't know. To be honest, I didn't look this one up. I know. I just said it in my head. I was like, oh, that's right. Most things. But the biggest thing for this kind of little section, besides learning more about her, was that the yellow legs coven that's there does, and this does not include Iskra, the, you know, leader that the coven offers themselves. And like you had said, that it could be seen as an honor. And so that's how they're taking it at this point. Yeah. I mean, that's, gosh, I know. It's like, I hate that. Like, I'm like, oh, man. Like, because, yeah, I mean, that's how the Duke's trying to play it, too. Like, he's trying to make it seem like it is like this great honor. And oh, you're going to get a witchling. Like, don't you want that? And of course they do. So it's just like, oh, yeah. So that was, like, heartbreaking because, you know, it's not going to go well. You know, it's not going to be a good thing. Especially how he describes it to her. They're like, oh, we're just going to make a small incision and put this little pebble in you. And you're like. Because, like, I'm like, what? What are you doing? I know. I'm just like, oh, this is not natural. This is not right. Yeah. And then also, like, it also gives, like, that letter to Manon from her grandmother. And her grandmother is, like, behind the scenes, like, telling, like, Manon not to disobey the duke. Like, you have to do this. You have to pick someone. Blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Which continues because then she just starts, like, ignoring the letters later. But yeah, just terrible. And this is, yeah, this is when we definitely find out that Eliza's, like, witchblood in her, right, too. Yeah, exactly. Or when they, like, talk more about that as well. And Abraxas also, like, sees Alliance, like, change and empathize. You know, and he's like, you're my friend. He's so sweet. I really want him. Big puppy. Over in Rifthold, Nesrin is, I love this speech that she gives to Kale. Because I do feel like Kale is kind of wallowing at this point. That he is just letting, like, self-pity and despair just run everything. That he's. Yeah, he's losing it. Yeah. And he's like, well, no matter what, even if Dorian's terrible, he's still going to be king. Like, it was just, you know. And she literally just looks at him and she's like, you need to be ready for whatever option. If he's not the best option, you need to, you know, go in a different direction. And she was like, if he can't be a good king, I agree with Aelin that someone else needs to be chosen. And I do think that was, like, the initial kind of kick in the butt that Kale needed. Like, hey, you need to come up with a second, like, a backup plan. Yeah, like, he's definitely, like, in full denial. But I'm not going to lie. I was in full denial at this point, too. Like, I was like, I do not want to see Dorian killed. I like him. I don't want him to die. Yeah. Like, I, you know, I, like, I get, like, he's, like, that was his oldest friend. So, like, that trauma. He's just, he doesn't want to admit that, like, they may have to kill him. And yeah, I definitely think, like, seeing more of Dorian's interaction with the demon inside him, like, also, like, helped to, like, kind of think, okay, maybe this does need to end it for Dorian. But I didn't like hearing that either. I was like, oh, I was like, I don't want him to die. Like, I get it. But I don't want it. Yeah. But yeah, I agree. I think this definitely kind of, like, like, Kale does need to kind of think a little bit more clearly, too, about, like, the possibility of that happening. So, you know, we've seen Kale and Nezrin's, I don't know how to say her name. I'm sorry. Their relationship. And then we finally get to see Aelin and Adian reunite and actually, you know, start to have a conversation and see each other for who they've become, which I love their interaction. I thought they were very sweet together and very just, you know, this new little knit family that they created. And so I did really like that and them being, like, completely open about their past with each other and both of them accepting it because they kept being like, okay, they're going to see me as this or this. And once they got through everything, they were just like, I've just missed you. I've just missed you so much. So I thought it was very, very pure. But I did think it was interesting that Adian mentions at one point when they hug that Aelin smells like a male as well. I know. I was like, okay, so he's smelling Rowan, obviously. And I was like, so does that mean they're mates? I was like, I think it's going to have to be. But they haven't, like, obviously, officially said anything yet about it. Or maybe it has a bully kicked in. I don't know. Yeah, I think it's either the blood oath that Rowan already swore, which he does not tell him about, which I feel so bad about because he brings it up multiple times. And I'm like, girl. Oh, yeah, this part was, like, a little too much for me to let him down. Or if it's, like, some mating bond. And then the other thing, this is where I had it written down. But that Erebin finally tells it where Sam's grave is. Sam's my heart. I know. I know. Which I was glad it wasn't in the keep. That I think that would have just been a bigger insult. But for Erebin, he thought burying him somewhere else was an insult. So. I know. Yeah. Yeah, they bring up Sam a lot, I feel like. And, like, you know, she, like, thinks about him a lot, too, which is, like, sad. I mean, even, like, some of the things, too, like, where she's, like, you know, in her old apartment, and she's, like, pulling out his clothes. And she knows that his clothes are in the bottom drawer, essentially. And I'm like, oh, my God. I agree. I'm honestly surprised that they buried him. I was, too. I thought they were going to. I didn't think Erebin would even do that. Yeah, at least he had that decency. But, yeah, still not great. But then Kael ends up bringing news of the Shadow Market being burned down. Again, he's just angry and bitter at everything. You know, has really lost general hope and is still clinging to that little shard of, okay, well, you know, Dorian can maybe, you know, perhaps. But, like I said, I think he just wants to stay miserable and is letting it kind of drown him. But Aedian has been rescued and all of that. That they block off the Shadow Market, kill everyone in it, and then, like, burn it to the ground. Aelin is off kind of surveying the land and goes down into the sewers because after Aedian was free, they moved all of their nests, the Valk princes. They had nests in the sewers. And so she's going back down because she feels kind of responsible for these nests being moved and finds out there's these new, like, word hounds down there. They're almost like a giant serpent. And they're speaking, like, with the king's voice, though. Yeah, she shows that Valk commander who reports to, like, a gargoyle. So it's like the Valk gargoyle that she saw in the clock tower. And it responds in the king's voice, which is super creepy. So the king is somehow able to watch all of them and, like, kind of speak through them and see through these other creatures as well. So not only... So, like, his power is crazy, right? So, like, he has, like, you know, power to control everything, but also to speak through one of these creatures and be in a different place, even though his physical body is elsewhere, which is nuts. So that, yeah, that was crazy. And also before this, too, which I thought was important, is that Aedian actually suggests that Kael make himself king of Ardalen. And I was like, oh, shit. So is that where this is going? Like, are they going to kill Dorian and Kael's going to become a king? Yeah. Yeah. So I always thought that was very interesting, too. And I was like, oh, shit. Kael's got a long way to go to kind of wrap his brain around that one. Seriously. But he definitely does not want it, obviously. But... Yeah. Then ends up running into Rowan at this point, which is such a sweet little... Yeah, Rowan returns! Yes, it's such a sweet little reunion. And the one thing that I noted at this point, like, they have their reunion, they go back to her apartment. She's, you know, telling everyone to piss off that he's going to stay in her bed again. And everyone's like, that's kind of sending the wrong message. And, you know, she doesn't care. But it specifically says that she lets him use or she gives him her lavender soap. Oh, yeah. And I don't know if you remember this from The Assassin's Blade. Like, Sam used it once. And she, like, lost her freaking mind. And she freaked out. I know. She's like, that's my expensive soap. Like, that's mine. You can't use that. Yeah. That's really funny. And so I just made a note of that. I was like, okay, we're growing up a little bit. I did not make up on that, actually. That's, like, really cute. Like, oh, my gosh. Yeah. But yeah, the big thing with his return is him and Adian are, like, really bumping heads. And I'm like, Adian, you need to back off. Like, I know you're her cousin. But, like, obviously, like, the two of them have, like, a different kind of relationship. Yes. And then when she finds out that Rowan got the blood oath. Oh, my gosh. All shit breaks loose. I thought he was going to kill someone. I really did. I know. I was worried there for a second because I was like, man, is this, like, all he really cared about was, like, kind of being, like, more powerful, more on the throne, kind of more in charge of things? Like, I was, like, worried that, you know, that's kind of all he cared about. And he, like, maybe he didn't really care as much for Aelin. I don't know why. I was just, like, a little bit, like. That's fair. I can see that. Yeah. So I don't know. I was a little worried about that. But, yeah, I mean, even, like, what Aelin mentioned, she's like, we can start new traditions. Like, you know, he doesn't have to be the only one that swears the blood oath to me. You can also do that. Like, even though the old tradition was that there was only one blood oath in Tarison. But she's, she's, uh. She's the queen. Times are changing. She's starting new shit, so. But we do find out that Rowan didn't just come there to see her. Yeah. It's because Lorcan is tracking her. And we don't yet know, you know, why specifically. Just the, my guess was what they said in the book that, you know, maybe send him to kill her. But. Revenge or something. Yeah. I wanted to get the word key because, you know, she, she wanted those things anyway. Yeah. That, you know, Maeve at least knows that Celaena knows where a word key is. So, so then a quick jump back to the mountains. Kaltain is ridiculously strong. But she shows off her shadow fire as she just kind of stands there. That's kind of like creepy little fire comes out of her. And it tortures people without actually harming them. It's how it sounds. It reminds me of the Cruciatus curse. Yeah. Yeah. Like, it's not actually like physically damaging you, but it's making you think that it is kind of thing. Yeah. And torturing you in a different way kind of thing. So, yeah, that was crazy. I was like, what the hell is she doing? I was like, what is that? It was insane. So we can see now, like, why they wanted her so badly that she had some type of firepower. And then we see her without the Duke at one point with Vernon. He just, I did not, he's just gross, but he's like all up on Kaltain. I thought he was going to rape her. So I was happy that Elid showed up and, you know, kind of gets her, her out of there. Yeah. Yeah. Then something else, too. The Duke actually mentions to Menon, too, that her grandmother's been making weapons for him. And we don't know what these are at this point. I was like, very curious. I was like, what more weapons could you need? You have all these crazy bell creatures now. You have the wyverns and the witches. I was like, I don't understand how many more you could need. I was like, what weapons is he talking about now? Yeah. I know. So still haven't heard about that. Also, something we forgot to mention, too, like Elid officially decides to be a witch. Yes. Told Menon that she wants to join the Thirteen. Yeah, I would like to. That was a big thing. And then Menon tells her that, okay, fine, but you have to spy on the Yellowlegs for us to figure out what's happening with the whole, like, breeding thing. So that's kind of Elid's next task. Which I feel bad for her. I feel like people just kind of keep using her and she's just like, I just want to leave. I was like, this girl's like, so like, I mean, one, she's crippled. And two, she like, has like, no power. And like, she's crazy, too. She's a cripple. And I know, I know. So I was like, and you're going to make her try and spy on this? Like, and like, obviously, like, the area that the Yellowlegs are held are obviously super creepy, hard to get in and very well monitored. I was like, how's she going to do that? Oh, and something else we forgot to mention as well is we find out that Gabrielle is Aidean's father. Yes. Oh, shoot. Yes. That's like the first thing Rowan says to Aidean. He's like, oh, hey, man. Hey, aren't you Gabrielle's kid? And we're like, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we just forgot to mention that. So yeah, that was just something else. There's so much. I apologize to the people listening, but this is all over the place. There's just so much. It's a lot. Like, we're going to miss stuff either way. So kind of her whole initial court, quote unquote, is finally met. That Lysandra meets, you know, Rowan and Aidean, and Rowan and Aidean start getting along a little bit better. And they have this whole talk on being the backbone of the court and not just being like blindly loyal, but that they want to create something better, which I did like that talk. And that, you know, not only are they there to protect Aileen, but they're also there to protect each other. So I did. I like that. Yeah. Yeah, I liked that, too. I was like, OK, good. Like, everyone needs to be on the same page here. And now we just need to get Kayle there, too, so that we can all be happy. Yeah, he just continues to, every time they meet, he just continues to blame her for something like now it's, you know, because Aidean was free. Now all these other people are being transported out of, we briefly mentioned, the valganests have moved and that they're transporting tons of people to Moreth. And, you know, he just keeps blaming her for one thing after another. And it's really like, OK, yes, this happened and it kind of elicited this. But I would say it more just sped up the process that it was going to happen either way. But, you know, they do find out about the valganest people being moved out of the city that are going to be taken to the mountains. And, you know, we can kind of guess being experimented on or put under control. And so, you know, Kayle's going to go after them. And then we see Aelin showing Rowan the city, which I thought was like a sweet kind of just calm for part of this that, you know, she's showing him all these old areas that she's loved and the parts of Rifthold that she did enjoy. They come across the flower girls at one point, which was really sad. And she's like, oh, why don't you buy me a flower? And you're just like, Aelin. I know. Wrong sentence. I know. Yeah. Yeah. No, I like this kind of sense of normalcy, too. Like she's showing her like her boyfriend for the first time, her hometown, you know, kind of like a cute like, oh, this is where I grew up and this is where I murdered this person. And this is the spot where this person stabbed me in the back. And it's a little different than normal. But let's have some chocolate. Yeah. It's still cute. And I did like them sneaking into the theatre together, you know, going in through where she used to listen when it was just her and Sam. And, you know, this was the box we sat in and then she played music and Rowan like felt and actually understood, you know, how she felt about music. Yeah, that was like a very intimate moment. Like, like she was really like showing him something very, very personal. And I really liked that part, too. Yeah. So it goes from that to kind of meeting Lorcan. So she had this very well set up that she sneaks out in the evening and she does this quite frequently that she's like constantly sneaking out at night. Yeah, absolutely anyone her plans, like no one knows. She's just going off on her own. And for this specific plan, she's like, hopefully Rowan follows me. And I'm like, I know. But she sneaks off, goes into the sewers specifically to have Lorcan track her to the warthounds because her plot that we learn later is she wants his scent to be picked up by the valgs and they go after him. So he takes out as many as possible, which is very clever. Yeah, smart, uses strength and power to like overcome those things so she doesn't have to deal with them. Yeah. So that was very, very clever. You know, he grabs her once he gets out of this sewer system and they kind of have a little chitty chat and then, you know, Rowan shows up and we do learn, you know, he Lorcan is more so after the keys to destroy them himself so that Maeve doesn't get them. But we're like, I know I was, I was hit or miss on this. It seems like because like, even Rowan at this point was saying, like, well, the blood oath to Maeve, like, wouldn't allow him to, like, go against her. Yeah. So like, but he was saying that, like, oh, well, I'm doing this for her because I don't want bad things to happen to her. And like, you know, so like, yeah, so I don't think it's like kind of, you know, a kind of a kind of a workaround almost in a way. Yeah, he definitely twists it like, well, actually, but yeah, so I'm curious how much of the truth he's actually, actually telling there. But so then it's kind of starting to wind down a little bit for this part one that she has made this deal with Erebon. He's held up his portion that he would help her free Adian, but now he wants one of the Valgs. And so, you know, we're getting to that point of, okay, we got to get one of these creatures. We're being invited to dinner, all those kind of stuff. And then Lysandra, you know, comes in again to have dinner with them one day. Rowan, I just, I feel like he doesn't really have like a filter. No, he just does whatever he whatever he's thinking in that moment. And it's just like making observations about people and they're like, yeah, you're this person. And they're like, wait, what? Yeah. So like big life revealed. So like with Gabriel and Adian. Super secret. Yeah. And then Lysandra's at dinner and he's like sniffing her out. And he's like, hey, you're a shapeshifter. And you're like, wait, what? I know. I thought that was awesome. That was so cool. I was like, yeah, she's way bigger than I expected her to be. But actually, I thought it fit her character very well that she like takes on these personalities to protect herself. And we learn her background at this point that, you know, her mom found out she was a shapeshifter. So she was thrown out. And then she shapeshifted for a couple years to just stay alive until she shapeshifted into someone pretty because she found that that was more useful. And that's when magic was cut off. And so she was kind of trapped in that body. And I felt this was really sad for me because I was like, she's like, I don't even remember what I looked like. I know. That was crazy. I was like, can you imagine like, you know, not remembering what you look like? Like, yeah, that was a wild part to me too. I was like, that's crazy. Especially because you're like, and I can't go back to that either because I don't remember it. And I'm older now. So I, you know, I don't know what I would have become. So that was sad. But then she goes, you know, I want to be something that's wild and free with fangs and teeth. And I was like, oh, okay, Lisandra. Yeah, she's really into that row in there. She's like, yes, I want to be you. Yeah, I was like, okay, get it girl. Yeah, I think her at that point. Yeah, I was like loving her at that point. You're cool. You're cool. I can't wait to see magic go down so that you can. So they catch one of the Valk creatures, I think his name is Steven, and are kind of learning more about him. And I made a note of this. I think that Kane did have a Valk in him. And that when he ran into Selena, because we had this whole talk, we were like, why was he so normal up until that one single moment with Selena? And I think it's because that's the one moment that he was able to break free for a little bit. And he was like, help me, someone needs to help me. And then, you know, it kind of took back over. So like I said, they caught one of these creatures. And this definitely gave an insight on to how these creatures, you know, how a person can kind of switch back and forth between being controlled and not being controlled. But, you know, at one point, Steven comes out and he's like, my name is this. My family is dead. I want you to kill me. And they're like, we'll make you a deal. And yeah, that was crazy, too. Because like, obviously, we definitely see the same thing with the prince inhabiting Dorian. And sometimes Dorian will get a little bit of an upper hand and then the but then the prince kind of like smothers all of that. Like, Dorian is still aware of what's happening, like can see around him, but he doesn't remember things. And I think the reason, you know, that is because the bell prince is more powerful, right? So it has more control, whereas this guy, he's it's just a commander instead of a word caller. It's just a ring. So like the bells inside him isn't as strong. So he could still come out a little bit more for himself. Yeah, no, good point. Good point. So the final kind of things that happened prior to dinner party that Araben's invited them to, Nesrin and Kael go and free these prisoners, that we go and see Sam's grave, which I just thought this was so beautiful. I thought it was such a well done moment. And that she at one point says she still loves him and probably always will in some way. And actually says that he would have been a really good king. And I was like, oh, my gosh, even though you have Rowan and all these other like he you had thought of him as that. Yeah, so I really liked that. I just thought it was like I said, I thought it was really touching and really beautiful. But we also see very briefly going back over to the mountains that Elid sees the birthing of these demons, that it is not a good process. She sneaks in from getting the laundry person sick, goes down there is switching out the sheets, specifically says a golden haired male, handsome male answers the door, which I think will be brought up again later. But I don't know who this is at this point. Yeah, but that she you know, again, anytime they kind of linger on specific facts, we see something later. But that it like she's like vomiting afterwards that they have to like find her and bring her back up to the room. And like seeing these like the yellow legs are like chained and they're like crying and like they're like begging to die. Right. And they have like, was it they had more than one kid. It was like that kid and then they immediately like reopened and stuffed. Yeah, yeah. And so like they're just oh my gosh. Yeah, I like I wrote down I have no words for this part. It was disgusting. Yeah. And this was the part that was really heartbreaking for me because, you know, the 13 learns about this. And Manon still isn't doing anything. Oh, I know. And I love her. But I'm like, oh my gosh, like at some point, something's got to give you got to stand for like something. Yeah. You know, yeah, this is rough. And she just keeps demoting. Yeah, I'm like, oh my gosh, they like you poor girl. She's like trying to fight for these people. But no, it's just, you know, and like we said that Manon has been writing to her grandma, but like, there's no response. And she at one point is like, well, maybe she just isn't getting it. And it's like, no, your grandma is just a piece of shit. So one other thing to add real quick, actually, when Manon and Alive finally have a conversation and Alive reveals that her mom actually saved Aylin. Oh, the hope conversation. Yeah, I thought that was really sweet. Because Manon also asks her at the end too, and says, do you believe monsters are born or made? And I think this is kind of when Manon is just really, really struggling with like, she just thinks of herself as being evil. She thinks she is evil, inherently, like that there's no choice for her for that. And I think she's really struggling with that idea. Because and she keeps going back to the kroken witch and killing her and just like that, you know, kind of thing. So I thought that was like, really important. Because like, Manon's finally starting to kind of think about that a little bit. Like I could be something different. Yeah. And so I feel it is like, you can be either but then it's kind of your choices. And, you know, the one thing that keeps us from kind of going down a bad path is this just general hope that you try and hold on to. But it was a, it was very neat, because I do think you're right, that this is where Manon really starts like questioning everything that she was still kind of following her grandma before, but now she's like, something's up. So dinner time. Yes, the Aerobin dinner. So they bring him the valg, and he specifically just brings Aelin down into the dungeon to help him kind of torture this thing and cuts off the ring on its one hand that pretty much he learns there's this blood tie between the valg and who's ever in control of it, which we were talking about this before would explain, you know, why Kaltain has such a huge gash on her arm that they use blood in some way to kind of tie them together. To pull them, yeah. And so, you know, he questions it for a little bit, which I honestly thought the questioning was going to go a little bit longer. But me too. And like, obviously the beginning, I thought that he knew he had the word key and could somehow control it. So I thought he was going to try and use the amulet to try and control the demon, but he didn't, obviously. So they have this whole weird, awkward dinner together. Aelin slips something to Lysandra that we don't learn about till a little bit later, but then she goes into Erebin's study, just her and him, just Aelin and him. And they start just having a general conversation, and she comes out and very subtly is like, look, I don't care anymore about the rest of this stuff. I want my family's amulet. And she does make it seem like it's just a family heirloom. I just want it back, that, you know, it's a good representation of my family and all of this. And, you know, he starts talking to her and then gives her the amulet, which I was surprised, I thought there was going to be more to that. But then he like cuts her hand and puts the ring on her. I did not see that coming at all. No, I didn't either. I was like, I was kind of shocked by this too. I thought the amulet thing was going to be a bigger deal. I thought, weirdly, he didn't really know what it was. And I think you kind of talk about it later too, like, you know, she can really feel the power. Like reverberating off it. Yeah. But because he's not a magic birth, he must not feel it. But yeah, yeah, this is crazy. Obviously, you know, he like pretends or he tries to control her in a way, and she goes along with it and pretends. But obviously. It's so gross about it too. Oh, yeah, he's sleazy. He's sleazy. It's like he doesn't want to just use it to keep her as like an assassin trophy, but it's like a sex toy too. And I'm like. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he basically wants to get rid of Rowan and everyone else, their little party. Because he's not good at sharing at all. Nope, nope. But yeah, obviously, we find out that it was a fake ring. Thank God. So they did kind of plan for that or kind of plan to that he might take the ring and try and use it. That was great that they were kind of a step ahead of them. I agree. Also, too, at this dinner, we like Aylin and Lissandra, we find out that they wrecked Arobin's investments. And yeah, I love this. Which is a great like stab. But yeah, like brought down the vaults and set up all of his clients and like just one thing after another. Right. And that was like the whole thing with her disguising as the client, the party to go rescue Adian. I think he like she ruined his reputation in a way. So I thought that was pretty cool. So then the night gets a little crazy after after they leave. You know, Arobin thinks that Aylin is under his control, that they watch them leave. He has spies on them throughout the night. She does kind of make a move on Rowan. And he's like, no go girl. Yeah, pretty aggressively. I was like, okay, I know you want it, Rowan. You've told everyone this whole time. I was so nervous during Lissandra's chapter. Like I thought I was going to be sick. I was so, so nervous. I was like, she's dying. She's going to die. Arobin's going to find out and kill her. But he killed him. And it worked out. I was like, holy shit. He's actually dead. I know. I was like, oh my gosh. And Lissandra's only regretted. She's like, I wish I could have taken a little bit longer. But I know. I know. I don't think she had the torture in her though. I feel like nothing would have gone wrong if she didn't just go for the kill. Huge cheer for her. That was amazing that Aylin gave her that kill for Wesley, for Sam, for everyone. It was really good. So the ending, just to wrap it up, because really I thought Lissandra killing him was the big end for part one. We find out Aylin had switched out the wills that she'd been visiting the bank repeatedly and switched out his will so that everything was left to her. So she got just a crap ton of money, enough to supply her army. Because it's mentioned over and over again that Erebin has enough money that's equal to a kingdom, which is great because now she has it. And then she personally goes downstairs and is like, just in case, and cuts his head off. I know. I love that part. I was like, yes, finally justice. She definitely needed that. I'm glad she gave Lissandra the kill. But she definitely needed to do a little extra something herself too, for herself. I agree. And then we also find out too that Lissandra's jeweler made a replica of the amulet too, just in case. Which is important, I'm sure, later, because I'm sure someone will try and steal it. So that is part one. Like we said, so much happened. We were all over the place. We apologize. But just so much happened. If we forgot something you felt was major, yeah, we're sorry. Let us know. Let us know in the comments that don't exist. But for this upcoming week, we're going to read part two, which is shorter in nature, but I'm sure is just as dense. And we'll go from there. But until then, go read my little bookworms.

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