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Brian Manuel



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This is gonna be fun. I apologize in advance if I hurt you. I warn you, I've been trained, I'll blow him away. Point me at him. Bustin' the bend. I'll be okay. I'm alright. I'm good. This is not a very warm reception. We were told you were friendly. You were gonna give us an escort to Omashu. I can't just turn it on and off, you know. I'm not ready. I need to learn earthbending first, then firebending. I can only do it when there's real danger to myself or my friends. I don't want to fight you people. I don't even want to be fighting. You're really starting to bug me. You're a strange man, General Thong. It's not your city, Governor. We can't lose. We only respect Bumi's authority. This is the hardest plant I've had to fight. Why is the swamp attacking us? Those vines really pack a punch. This thing is creeping me out. You're a funny guy. Oh, we're pretty bouncy. Ha, you're pretty funny. This guy's quaking me up, Sokka. I don't even want to fight you. Dancing hurts where you come from. Actually, I'm starting to enjoy myself. The place is collapsing! Look out! I've got a bridge's gap. I can earthbend a bridge here. It's caved in! Stone warriors, look out! This way, quick! There's a crack in the wall! We weren't abusing. You don't understand. You don't have to do this. You're right on one count, Longfang. Oh, we're so much more than that. We'll be finished pretty quickly. You're a fool for trying to get away with it. I'll die an old man before that happens. You're right. Never have, never will. You might have to wait a little longer, Zuko. Stop fighting and we'll all be spared. We'll start with you. The war will follow. Imagination is a wonderful thing, Azula. You're easily amused. Careful of those rocks, Katara. Better avoid those rocks. We gotta keep moving. Sokka, you're a natural. I'm feeling a bit weak. Yeah! Take us higher, Sokka! Watch it! Sokka, drop altitude! Yeah! This training's paying off. I'm feeling better now. Yep, yep. Fighting you is harmless fun. Follow me! Hi there. We should get moving. Ha ha ha! Well done, Sokka. This is gonna be fun. I'm back. Now that was some fancy flying. Hey! I sense some danger looming. Careful. My health is dropping. One for the Avatar! We should be careful here. I apologize in advance if I hurt you. Take cover, everyone! We're out of health potions. This isn't good. You're slow. It's funny. Hide later. We need to fight now. I'll be okay. We need to collect more of these. That's exactly what we're after. Let's grab it! Well done, Jet. I'm alright. I think we need to destroy these. Looks like an airbender job. Great shot. You scared me there. I don't understand. Why didn't you free yourself? Why did you surrender when Omashi was invaded? What's the matter with you, Bumi? I think we should talk to her. Chuck went up for the Avatar. I'll blow him away. Look out! There's more incoming! Avatar power! I can use this. I bet a strong warrior could do this. That didn't work. Let's try again. Hey, you're okay. To the right, Sokka! Get ready for some fancy flying, Appa. There must be a way out. Let's look around for something. We'll need to be quiet here. Nice shooting, Sokka. There's more below! Enemies above us, Sokka! Hey, we did it! I'm out. We'll need both of us to solve this. This looks like a job for an earthbender. Impressive. Hello. Come on, Katara. Let's find my friend. Too late to hide now. I love finding stuff. We'll have to find a different way. The Avatar strikes again. Welcome back. Enemies dead ahead. And deadly. Let's go. I was hoping we'd come across one of those in our travels. Okay. I'll play with you. And I'll win. Let's get moving. Let's do something already. We're wasting time here. Feels so good to win. Sokka, they're coming in fast. This I like. Are you ready? These look breakable. Can't take anymore. Greetings. Hey, you're good. No more health potions. Uh-oh. Not feeling the best. Okay, Boomy. I'll trust you. Take care, old friend. We should walk slow and quiet. I wonder if you could swing here. I feel like a new me. Oh, no. We're out of health potions. Stay low, Appa. There's a sandstorm about. Glad to have you back. Run! We should work together on this one. We'll be fine in this. As long as we look for the path through. You're funny. Well handled. Well, let's move on. We make a great team, Appa. This looks like a keeper. I'll take the lead from here. Another Avatar victory. That's the spirit. We can't go back that way. You mind moving from that spot? I'm losing too much health. Bustin' the bend. Target's on your right, Sokka. I guess I need someone else to teach me earthbending. Let's be careful here. You okay there? I don't have what I need to do that. We should break these, I think. Look on the bright side. We're getting somewhere quicker. Much better. Let's try that again. I can't do that right now. We should destroy these. Not gonna happen. Couldn't help me out on this one. Don't feel bad if the Avatar beats you. Whoa, we've got trouble. Keep running. Hi, Jeroen. The barrel has spoken. I think we should talk to that guy. Sokka, target's to your left. Let's collect more of these. Ow! Leave it to us. We need to find Bumi. But we have to get everyone out of Omashu first. We'll get the pentapion supplies and meet you back here. I'm sure it'd be fun, but find your own barrel. We should take care. We're low on health potions. Yeah! Point me at him. I think we need to work harder to find a way out. All that Avatar training is paying off. A waterbender could do this. I think we'll get it if we try again. That's why you're the teacher, Toph. Whoa, this ground is really unstable. Um, he has pentapox, sir. It's highly contagious. Hey, we're not both gonna fit. I'm waiting. Sokka, left a little. I'm done. I warn you, I've been trained. You know, there's another alternative. You could leave Omashu without fighting. You should try swinging. This is a great workout. Thanks. I'm good. Are you tired? You wanna rest? There must be more fun things to do. And lots of pentapy. Be careful not to go in too deep. What are you talking about, Bumi? You're standing where I need to move this. Are you even trying? Not bad for a 112-year-old. Ugh, I'm getting too tired. Nice. See if you can keep up. Nice, Katara. We should go back and tell Gido we found the voices. Let's see if we can find those voices. The palace. Let's go. Katara, we fly in the clouds almost every day. That was fun. Let's find a way into Omashu. Stink or stink worse. Hey, I think I hear something. We gotta keep moving. I'm feeling a bit weak. Yeah! Katara, did you mention Jet? Take us higher, Sokka. Watch it! Sokka, drop altitude. Yeah! This training's paying off. I'm feeling better now. Yep, yep. Come on. Fighting you is harmless fun. Follow me. Hi there. We should get moving. Haha, well done, Sokka. Hello. This is gonna be fun. I'm back. Now that was some fancy flying. Hey! I sense some danger looming. Careful. My health is dropping. One for the Avatar! We should be careful here. I apologize in advance if I hurt you. Take cover, everyone! Yeah! We're out of health potions. This isn't good. You're slow. It's funny. Hide later. We need to fight now. I'll be okay. We need to collect more of these. Well done, Jet. I'm alright. I think we need to destroy these. Looks like an airbender job. Great shot. That's exactly what we're after. Let's grab it. You scared me there. I think we should talk to her. Chuck went up for the Avatar. I'll blow him away. Look out! There's more incoming. Avatar power! Not gonna happen. I can use this. I bet a strong warrior could do this. That didn't work. Let's try again. All that Avatar training is paying off. Hey, you're okay. To the right, Sokka. Get ready for some fancy flying, Appa. Katara! We need to be quiet here. Nice shooting, Sokka. There's more below. They're going to trap Appa? We have to stop them. Enemies above us, Sokka. I'm out. We'll need both of us to solve this. This looks like a job for an earthbender. Impressive. Too late to hide now. I love finding stuff. We'll have to find a different way. The Avatar strikes again. Hey, we did it. Welcome back. Enemies dead ahead. Let's go. Katara! Sokka, you're a natural. I was hoping we'd come across one of those in our travels. Okay. I'll play with you. And I'll win. Let's get moving. We're wasting time here. Feels so good to win. Sokka, they're coming in fast. This I like. Are you ready? These look breakable. Can't take anymore. Greetings. Let's do something already. Hey, you're good. No more health potions. Uh-oh. Not feeling the best. We should walk slow and quiet. I wonder if you could swing here. I feel like a new me. Oh no, we're out of health potions. Stay low, Appa. There's a sandstorm about. Glad to have you back. Run! We should work together on this one. We'll be fine in this. As long as we look for the path through. You're funny. Whoa, this ground is really unstable. Well handled. Well, let's move on. We make a great team, Appa. Point me at them. This looks like a keeper. I'll take the lead from here. Another Avatar victory. That's the spirit. We can't go back that way. You mind moving from that spot? I'm losing too much health. Bust in the bend. Target's on your right, Sokka. Let's be careful here. You okay there? I don't have what I need to do that. Don't feel bad if the Avatar beats you. We should break these, I think. Look on the bright side. We're getting somewhere quicker. I'm getting too tired. Much better. Let's try that again. I can't do that right now. We should destroy these. Can you help me out on this one? Whoa, we've got trouble. Keep running. I'm good. Find your own. The barrel has spoken. I think we should talk to that guy. Let's collect more of these. I'm sure it'd be fun, but find your own barrel. We should take care. We're low on health potions. Yeah, I think we need to work harder to find a way out. A waterbender can do this. I think we'll get it if we try again.

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