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The speaker welcomes the audience and expresses excitement about teaching the program. The program was created based on conversations with one-on-one clients. The program will cover key elements of being a successful mentor. The program includes nine calls, with interactive calls in the third, fifth, and sixth weeks. The Facebook group is for connection and support. Every call will have assignments. The speaker encourages participants to be themselves and not compare themselves to others. The speaker explains the difference between a mentor and a coach, emphasizing the importance of personal power and going first. Participants are asked why they want to be an incredible mentor, with responses including making more money, serving others, and fulfilling their soul's mission. Here we go. Welcome, my loves. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I just need to take it into gallery view for a second here so I can take you all in, feel your energy, feel your excitement. I'm truly so excited to teach this program and to be here with you for six weeks. It's been a long time. We have a good while to really drop into this work and to make the most out of this container. And I just want to say that I have this space really jam-packed for you. I have built out the next six weeks in a way that feels so juicy and deep and full, and I'm just so excited to bring it to you all. So thank you for trusting your goal sets always to be here and to deepen yourself. And obviously you're here to become a kick-ass mentor and then also to blow up your success. This program really was created from the space of the conversations that I have with my one-on-one clients. These conversations are so rich and so full that it's like every single time I'm taking notes and then I'm like, where does all of this go? And all of this goes inside of this program. So we're going to be going into some deep places, and wherever you're at in your journey, just trust that you are receiving at the pace that you're meant to. So before we dive into today, which we're going into, the key elements of a wildly successful mentor, all of the things, the energetics that build you up so that the strategy that I teach inside of this space has a foundation. That's what we're going into today. But before we do that, I'm just going to give you a really quick welcome into the container so you know how to get the most out of MetaMentor, okay? So obviously we have our nine calls. Now there are going to be three calls. These are happening on the third, the fifth, and the sixth week where there's two calls that week. The second call of the week will be interactive, which means that this is interactive in the chat, but these calls will be, you're going to be using your own leadership. So it's going to be bringing all of the skills that you're learning here to the table and working with other women inside of the space to embody these pieces. So please make it to these calls if you can and be present, have your video on for these calls, and also remind you inside of the Facebook group before they happen. That being said, the Facebook group is here for your connection with each other. The Facebook group is clearly full of incredible humans who are up to some really epic shit in the world. So thank you all for hearing the call to be with each other because so much of our growth as women is through relationships. And so use the Facebook group as much as you want to bring your leadership, to bring your questions. It's something where you get to be together and use together. Every call, you're going to have an assignment. So in this call alone, I think you have three. And these will be something that we'll also post into the Facebook group, but I would say come to each call live if you can. You'll get the vibe, you'll get the energy, you'll get the assignment, you'll feel it in real time, and you'll be able to implement during the week. And last but not least, if you want to ever, inside of our calls, inside of the transmission, if something is feeling epic for you and you want to share it to your story, I highly invite taking a little snapshot of a video because oftentimes people will take a screenshot of me sharing in the transmission and my face will be like, and then I don't want to share it on my story, but I want to share what you have to say and I want to see you all in that way as well. So if you do want to share, I just invite you to share a little video because usually it comes out a bit better. Okay. Hi. Hi, Carrie. I see you. Okay, my love. So let's dive in with what is a meta mentor. You know, the word meta means extremely self-aware, right? Extremely self-aware or self-referential. So if you ever said or heard someone say, that's so meta, right, what does that mean? It means that it's like you're speaking about the thing that is happening. And I believe that as mentors, we are so meta because we live and embody the thing that we talk about. That's meta, right? That's so meta. To be like, I am the living, breathing example of X, Y, and Z. Yeah. And now the meta mentor that I'm going to tap you all into inside of this container is the part of you that is so unique. Like nobody can be the meta mentor that you have inside of you, right? Nobody can be that because it's meta because it's you transmitting and being the placeholder on the planet for the energetics and the depth of wisdom that only you have, that only you have embodied. And I know everyone here has been in the space of like, what is that person doing? Comparisonitis, or how do I get to be more like that? Or should my message look more that way? And welcome to the party. Like, it's so beautiful. I can look and see this screen of gorgeous souls. And I'm like, every one of you does this because I do it. I've been there. We do it. But this program, like one of my deepest intentions is to drop you into the space where there is no comparison at all. Like you are going to get that from this container because of the space that I'm going to drop you into of like how absolutely unique your gift is and how that's the only place to focus on. You know, the wrong questions to ask are, what did I do wrong? How could I be better? How many people are liking? Is this working? The right questions to ask are, am I being deeply myself? Am I coming alive from my work? Do I keep feeling enthused about what it is that I'm bringing to the planet? Yeah. So being this meta mentor, the mentor in you, the leader in you that is so dropped into your way, to your uniqueness, to your message, which we'll dive into, we'll talk about, it happens from a space where you are that mentor first and foremost for yourself. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. So a lot of people, and I want to talk about the difference of what I see between a coach or a mentor and why I chose to use the word mentor in this program. Now, I call myself a coach sometimes as well. I'm not against the word coach by any means. But the difference and the place that I'm going to bring you into inside of this container is I believe that a mentor leads whereas a coach teaches. And we all have a teacher energetic in us, right? Like right now I'm in more of a teaching energetic, so to speak, because I'm bringing you something, teaching you something. But throughout our business, throughout the containers that we hold, the different kinds of one-on-one clients or group programs or just the way that we're leading our own life, it really requires us to think about ourselves deeper than coach level, right? Because the mentor is the one that leads through every action, right? Every action or non-action is leading or not leading. And the way that we bring ourselves to the work itself, to the way we transmit the wisdom, to our content creation, to the backend, to our team, which are all pieces that we're going to dive into here, that it requires our power, right? The mentor in you requires personal power, emotional intelligence, strategy, and the courageousness and willingness to go first. And this is something that can be really scary. Going first looks like being the first in your family to speak about X, Y, and Z. Going first looks like being the first out of your friend group to have a six-figure year. Going first looks like trying out a new modality with clients, not knowing if it's going to truly land but being willing to bring your magic to the table. What does going first look like to you? Because that's what a meta-mentor is all about. It's like I have the awareness, I can see who I am, what I'm here to do, and I'm willing to go first. When I started years ago doing sensuality and sexuality coaching, I would share in my stories on my wall photos of these big crystal dildos, right? Crystal wands, right? And my mom used to call me and message me and be like, do you have to share these dildos on your page? And I was like, yes. In fact, I do. I do. It's part of my thing and my message, and I need to share what is so deep for me. I need to share what I have. I need to share and guide and lead in this way. And I was willing at that time to go first. I didn't see anyone else doing that. It was just, it meant something to me. So inside of this program, I want you all to be dropping into that space of what is so meaningful to you. What is so deeply meaningful to you, okay? Okay, and now, okay, so we have the idea of what that is, what that MetaMentor is. And then I want to ask you all, why do you want that? So why do you want to be an incredible mentor? What's underneath that for you? And we're just talking about the first things that come to your mind. I want to be an incredible mentor because it means I make more money. I want to be an incredible mentor because it means that I'm serving the world. I want to be an incredible mentor and blow up my business because it means that I'm impacting people and serving. Type in the chat so we can get a feel for where you're at. Like, why do you want it? Because before we go into the key elements of having it, we have to ask ourselves why. Yes, Carrie. It means that people are receiving true transformation and healing through my work. I want to be an incredible mentor because it means the full expression of my soul and my mission on this planet. Yes, right? Like, deep soul urging for that dharma to be fulfilled. It means I'm better able to help people have greater transformations. Yes. Sorry to be considered an expert and send shockwaves. Oh, my gosh. Shockwaves through my audience and any room I step into with my aura. Yes. These are so beautiful. Okay. So, in feeling this, right, in feeling these pieces, I just want everyone to take a moment to feel what came through for you. So, right, we have adding more depth to my life and my clients' lives. We have authorizing myself fully and therefore other women to get back into their power. So, take a moment to feel that in your system because the place that I want to guide you into right now is the place where this is what it is all about. So, you know those moments where you're launching a program, you're bringing something to the world, and you're like, but only one person has joined so far, and I don't know if I want to do it because only one person has joined, or only two people have joined, or I don't know if I should do it. Is it a waste of time? Am I overcommitting? Like, those moments where fear arrives or when you go, I don't know if I should do it because I don't know how many people are going to join. Is it going to be worth it financially? Is it going to be worth it? I want you to drop into this place of this is why because this is where I grow by doing it. Every single time I am in a launch, and I, like, I'm not kidding you, still to this day, and that's why this is so important because at this point, I know people are going to be in my programs. I know I'm not going to have a problem, and yet, still to this day, when I open something, I tell myself, even if nobody joins, I'm doing it for this. Even if nobody joins, even if one person joins, even if I whatever, it doesn't matter because I'm doing it for this. The reason why you want to be an incredible mentor is it's going to save you. For me, it's like I've always wanted to be an incredible mentor. I've always hired mentors and worked with people and created the skill set to be that because I felt not enough. I felt like I didn't know my medicine, that I wasn't powerful enough, that nobody would listen to me, that my voice wasn't loud enough or strong enough, and for me, at the beginning, and as I started to work on that, it was, like, great. Like, I don't care if nobody joins because this is me healing those wounds. This is me in this launch believing in a different reality. And so, so much of what we do as a mentor is healing our own wounds. And if you can wrap yourself around that, like, oh, this journey with all of its complexity because there is so much complexity to this journey, this journey is me healing my own self. This journey gets to be a deep spiritual practice. This journey gets to be me coming home to myself. There's so much freedom in that, so much freedom for that. And it's all about what it is we're offering the world, what it is we're serving, who we're serving, but even deeper than that, it's about who we are becoming by leading that way. You're so welcome. Yeah. So who you become by creating X, Y, and Z content, speaking about something that you're afraid to speak about, launching a program, running your first mastermind, it's who you become in the process. I've always been committed to who am I becoming, and that will be the thing that will take you out of all the fear because this is a journey where you need to learn how to walk with the fear. Every time I have a client that's like, this is my fear, I'm like, awesome. Great. Let's dance with it. Let's work with it. Let's play with it. Let's welcome it. Let's embody it. But let's not believe it because it's not real. What's real is who you're becoming and the reason why you want to become that in the first place. Yeah. Okay. How are we feeling so far? Doing good? Okay. Amazing. Amazing, my love. All right. So we're going to, I'm going to ask you a series of questions that will get you, yeah, we're going to talk about your deep why. Now, this is something that will change over time, but it was pretty impossible for me to dive into anything before going into your deep why because the why is our flame in the chaos. The why is the way through the complexity. Our why is so much. So, and I think that it's a piece that people struggle with because it's also something that changes over time, like it doesn't stay put. Mine has changed over the years. And it's important that in this journey together for the next six weeks, you feel, and I'm going to give you an assignment so that you feel so deeply enthralled about your why. I want your why to be lighting you up and waking you up at the crack of dawn and you feel it and you're like, this, I get to be this. So, before we do that, we're just going to, I'm going to play a little song. You'll hear it in the background and I want everyone to close your eyes. I'm going to take a moment to guide you so that you can feel it before you think it. So much is available in that space. So, start to close down your eyes. This little meditation is just going to be for a few minutes here. And as you close your eyes. Take a moment to ground into your body. Feel the energy, the current, the ripples coursing through your body, your skin, your blood, your bones. Finding comfortability in your feet, wherever you are. Feeling your heart soften. Your shoulders relax. Your eyelids get heavy. Your awareness centered in your third eye. Relaxing down, grounding your sacrum down into the earth, into the chair. Taking a big exhale, releasing something. Taking a deep inhale, filling your body with oxygen. Holding it at the top. Exhale, release. I want you to draw into your mind's eye, allowing your body to move and sway if she wants to or remain stable and still, listening. I want you to draw into your mind's eye the first moment you knew that you were here for something more. See yourself there. In that mini or major awakening, that first moment, maybe as a baby, a child, a teenager. See yourself in that moment where you knew, I'm here for something more. Maybe it was through deep, deep pain or wild ecstasy. Letting that image fall away. Coming back to a space of stillness. Letting it dissolve, knowing it will come back. Letting one more image come to mind the second time that you knew that you were here for something more. You knew you were here to serve, you knew you were here to guide, you knew you were here to heal, to help, to shift, to awaken. As that image comes in, take in what was the energy? How did you know? What were you shown? And then let that image start to fall away like it was connecting, riding the wave of a cloud. And I want you to draw your attention to your heart, feeling into your heart space, saying out loud to yourself, you are on mute so nobody can hear you, I am here for more. And then again, I am here for more. And again, I am here for more. Feel it in your bones. Feeling in your heart space. Why? Why are you here for more? What are you here to experience? What are you here to give? Tap on your heart, breathe into your heart, animate this vision that you have throughout your, and through your body. Letting it come in through image, through sensation, through emotion, you might not get a word, you might not get an image, you just might feel like, I feel the feeling. We all receive it in different ways. So take this last moment here to take a breath into whatever it is that you received. You can exhale your air out, and then collectively taking a breath into the heart, into whatever you received here, holding it at the top, letting that come through your full body, letting it feed you and fill you, and then exhale, surrender, letting it all go, and coming back to the room, coming back to the chat, coming back to the Zoom. Oftentimes, you're a deep lie. The reason why you're here, the reason why you're here right now, because like I said, this will change over time. Oftentimes, it's connected to both your pleasure and your pain. So the reason why I am here, it's so deeply connected to the deepest of my pain, physically, emotionally, mentally, and it's also so connected to my liberation, to my free, to my depth, to my joy, to my activation, to who I am, to who I've experienced, to the incredible joy that I know, to the incredible ecstasy that I know. But it's both. It's both pain and pleasure that our why is connected to, and so through the journey of being a mentor, we will meet the complexity of both pain and pleasure through our own lives. The meta-mentor that you are is so able to handle that complexity. If your why is connected to both your pain and your pleasure, then this life will bring that to you. And the way you speak to your audience, to your clients, to the world, will be speaking to both their pain and to their pleasure. Oh, this has landed so deep for me. I'm so glad to hear that. You know, my deep why used to be to be used to serve humanity. Simple, right? Super, super simple. It doesn't have to be big. It can be small, you know? At the beginning, it was like, I want to help people feel good. I want to help people feel good. Because I didn't feel good in my body, and I knew what it meant to feel good. That was a baby ache at the very beginning, yeah? And so it changes over time. It changes over time, but based on what you got in that moment of being with your heart and seeing those times in your life where it was like, I know I'm here for more. I know I'm here to give something more. I know I'm here to experience something more. And sometimes we don't even know at that moment what it is, right? The moment of awakening, the moment of, like, deep pleasure, deep pain, we don't know exactly how it's going to look. We don't know the route. We don't know sometimes why, but we know and we can feel there's more for me. There's more for me to be. There's more for me to have. There's more for me to give. And all of you are here to experience that, to experience more of your power coming through your transmission, to experience and receive more money coming through that gift for the more of life. Yeah, we're here for the more of life. I'm going to read these comments. I get to be here live because I just had a massage vision canceled. Oh, amazing. There was such a grounded feeling toward the end. This grounded feeling gives me such permission. Beautiful. Okay, so when I ask you the question, type or write in your journal the first thing that comes to you. Why are you here? Not a meta-mentor. Maybe a meta-mentor because it's connected to it, but why are you here? This is something that you will refine. This is something that you will get to work on this week. Your why for why you are here will keep the flame inside of the chaos of your life, inside of the chaos of business, inside of the complexity of holding space for people. Inside of this container, we'll be diving into those complexities like refunds and team and high-level containers and clients paying high amounts of money. I mean, we're going to go through it all. And throughout it, my experience is the more grounded I am in that deep why, and again, it's just why for now. The more I can be that stillness inside of the storm, because it's like, so my deep why is to empower women to come alive as love. And so anything that I offer, as long as it's connected to that, I can sell anything. So when people say to me, Ashay, you can sell anything, I hear this. Like, literally, you can draw a tree on a paper and sell it. If it were connected to that, I would not do that, by the way. And I'm an incredibly awful, I won't say artist, because that's not true. I cannot draw for the life of me, but that's besides the point. I do feel that I can sell anything if it's connected to my deep why, if it's connected to that space. And so when we ask this question of, like, do I need to niche? Well, no, we do need to have a very clear outcome for people, very clear outcome for people, people when they work with me, they want, personally, money and love and sex, right? These are the outcomes. And then I can teach anything under the umbrella of that because I'm connected to that deep sense of why for myself, for why it matters for me. So your first assignment, my loves, and what I want you to do this week is I want you to ask somebody in your life who knows you well. So this could be a friend, this could be a mentor, this could be somebody who is in a program with you that you've taken, maybe a mastermind, a family member. You're going to ask someone for a reflection on what they see in you, who they see you to be. The reason why I want you to do this is because we can only see so far. When we're looking at ourselves, we can only see, I mean, a fraction of it. Every time I get a reflection from a deep friend, from my partner, from somebody who knows me and sees me deeply, it's like another click, another land. And, right, metamentor is all about being, you've got to be so self-aware to know this is who I am to then project that being out. Yeah? So what you're going to do is you're going to ask someone to be with you either in a Zoom call, a phone call, some place with you live, not text, where you ask them, what do you see about who I am that maybe I don't see? Or how do you see me? And make this person someone that you feel sees you. So if you're like, I have a funky relationship with my dad, but you know what, I'm going to ask my dad this question. Probably not the best idea. Ask someone who you feel sees you. And then ask yourself, do they see you in a way that you hadn't seen yourself? And how can their perspective deepen your why? How can their perspective deepen your why? And the second part of this assignment is to come back by next week and have your upgraded why statement. So this stuff always changes. I say, you know, Instagram bio, you know, just all the things, like they're upgradable. Nothing is static in this world. You're creating as you go. You're creating your programs. You're creating your offers. You're creating your sales. You're creating your title. You're creating your why. And it's a constant evolution. We're constantly reinventing ourselves to be more. So you're going to come with it, like, you know, my name is Aria, and I am here to blink. Yeah? You're going to come with that next week, and then we will be doing a practice with it, okay? So that's the first assignment we did. I'm really excited for all of you in this one because reflections are so key. We can't do it alone. We are not meant to do it alone. And others' views of us remind us who we really are. There are times where I don't feel like myself. There are times where, you know, those days where something's just off, and I get a reflection from someone, and I'm like, oh, my God, yes. I remember. I remember, hallelujah. This is who I am. Yes. So some other prompts for asking for reflection. So it's what do you see in me that I don't see? What, like, how do you see my – where do you see my best gifts are? If you gave me a title, funny or real, what would you title me as? If you gave me an archetype, what archetype would I be? What do you see me the queen of? All right, these are some examples. And, again, be with someone who you find is going to enjoy that process with you. And as you're there, my invitation is to receive. Like, receive yourself through their eyes. Okay, so let's go into – we're going to go into now the three key elements of a wildly successful mentor. And this means success internally, internal inside of your containers, inside of the groups and the one-on-ones and all the faces that you offer, and then also successful in business itself, in the external, in the money, in the growth, in the expansion. So these three energetics are three pieces that I want you to be with during these six weeks. If you did nothing else but focus on these pieces, you would get so far. You would get so, so far. So they will – when I name them, they will probably seem like, well, obviously, but we're going to expand into them, and I'm going to share with you why. So the first key, first key in a wildly successful mentor is, what do you think? What do we think? Let's hear from you guys. What do you think that first key is to be successful in your mentorship? Okay. We have embodiment. We have awareness. We have presence. We have truth. Fully yourself. Embodiment. Okay. So the first one, and the first one houses some of these other ones. The first one is enthusiasm. Enthusiasm. So the first thing that I want to say about enthusiasm is that it's the joy for the work itself. It's the joy for you and your purpose, your why. It's the joy for life itself. Enthusiasm houses the space of devotion because here's why. It's not easy to stay enthused. It's really – I mean, if I gave you all a challenge and I was like, your challenge is to stay absolutely enthralled and enthused by life and by your work and by everything for the next seven days, how many of you would come back being like, I didn't falter at all. Like, I got it. Right? Exactly. We go through so many waves. Yeah, I would be exhausted. So we go through waves. But what I have learned, and I went through a phase where I was like, you know what, I don't even have to be excited about this stuff anymore. Like, this is chill. This is just my business. This is just what I do. But in that, the energetics dropped. The momentum dropped. The sense of clarity for my transmission, which is something we're going to talk about next week, dropped. Enthusiasm and the devotion to it, because it's not going to be there all the time, but the devotion to constantly come back to that space and constantly ask yourself, am I enthused about this, will be everything. The clients that I serve, the ones that I see who are like, I love my work so much. I love my – like, I'm so enthused by this path, by this industry, by what I'm offering. Those are the people that go so far. And so how do you get enthused, right? How do you get to that space of I am enthusiastic, I am in joy about what is coming about? And that's the other thing is, like, you literally don't know. Literally, in this moment, you could be making $1,000, $10,000, $20,000. Who knows? Right? We don't know. Enthusiasm holds this space where there is no balance. There's no limits. And an enthusiastic person is magnetic. Now, it doesn't have to look like I'm just being in joy all the time, but there's – in my experience, there's a deep devotion that comes. It's like if I am going to be enthusiastic about my work, I'm going to be on top of my game. I can't let things slide. I can't – not I can't, but if I want to be enthusiastic about my work, I need to be in my work. The other night I sat – I turned on my fireplace. I lit candles. I love nights like this where I sit and I meditate and practice. I was home alone, and I was just in a space of being with the work itself, a meditation, a quantum space where it's like I rise out of my own human experience into more of a quantum energetic, a quantum field of possibility. And it was these moments in my life, and I try and bring them in as much as I can, give me that space of enthusiasm. And this is – it's really all about bringing aliveness to your life, you know. It's the knowing that we weren't brought to this earth to experience life that's just okay or getting by. And so it's asking yourself, how can I be thrilled every day? Is there anything that I do that I tell myself I have to do that I am dreading? You know, if you are going to be – if you're going to have enthusiasm about your work, you're probably going to need a team member or team members that are holding enthusiasm. You're probably going to need to deeply enjoy the different processes that you do as a business owner, as a mentor, right? Like the difference between – I've gone back and forth personally with my one-on-one packages where we do one-on-one calls on video versus one-on-one calls on audio. Just switched it back to audio, and I'm like, oh, my God, I want like 10 more clients right now because personally I feel the screen a lot. And when I'm in my live calls, I love being here with you, but I can serve so many more people when I'm enthused about everything about it, all parts of it. And so our business will shift over time, how we set up our calls, how long they are, right? How long they are, how deep you go, how much you give. And it all should be coming back to a phase of, I feel thrilled that I get to do this because you're creating the rules, right? And I want to know for some of you, like, is there anything right now that's already coming up that you're like, I still call it out? I'm not super excited about X, Y, and Z. Or, you know, content creation, I'm just like – and, you know, there are lots of rules. Sorry. There are no rules. There are lots of roles. That was such a, like, blooper. There are no rules. There are so many roles, right? There are so many hats that we wear. We wear, you know, social media magic queen. We wear CEO. We wear mentor and coach. There are so many roles that we wear, and the question is, which ones, if anything, do you need to hire out? Do you need to bring someone onto your team if you really can't get behind them? But then there's also, is there a way that I can shift my perception of this role? Because there were definite roles in my business that I was like, I just don't like this. But as I switched the perception of it, I started to fall in love with it. Like, I thought that email marketing was something that I really didn't like. I was like, I just – I don't like this. It felt market-y to me. And then I was like, wait, this is a space where I could be really intimate, where I could write long form, right? Instagram or Facebook, usually it's short. This is a space where I can let that writer in me connect to my audience and really love them up. And so, sometimes there's just a perspective shift that gets to happen around the things that we are doing. And other times, it's like, no, there's no perspective shift here. This is being hired out, period. Like, emails for me, not email writing, but responding email, can't do. Great. There's no problem with that. You don't have to do it alone. You are not here to do it alone. So, again, this is you coming into ownership and clarity around all the different pieces around becoming induced with your work. This has to do with the type of person you're working with or allowing into your containers. This has to do with the way you're setting up your life, how, like, what times of the day you work or don't work or you're available or not available. So, this is deep, right? This goes into self-care. This goes into so much in yourself. So, yeah, and quick story about this, about the enthusiasm piece. I was just this past Sunday out on a date with my man, and the whole entire date, we were going back and forth. This is what I feel excited about this week. This is what I feel excited about this week. This is what I feel excited about this week. And it was such an epic moment where we were both, like, throughout this date, throughout this night, we both had this experience of, like, getting more and more energized, more and more energized. And the first ones, it was like, I'm excited about, hmm. And then by the end, it's like, oh, I'm excited about this, and I'm excited about this, and, oh, my God, we're doing that. And I saw how at first it was like, yeah, I'm excited about this, yeah, I'm excited about that. But as we, like, let ourselves have it, as we let ourselves into that date, into that moment, it was like the enthusiasm, the excitement, just got so alive. And so I want to invite you to do that, and do that either with a friend, with someone in this group, with your partner. Come into the Facebook group on Sundays and say, here's what I'm excited about for this week. Get yourself pumped up. The more excited you are, the more magnetic you are, the more joy you have, the easier it is to say yes. So I find that also there can be a sort of normalcy that happens inside of our lives when we're riding in a good space for a certain time. Like, if you're in a space where you're like, cool, I've got five clients, things are rocking, cool, this is what I'm doing, I think, and you're just riding it out, you can normalize to that space. Cool, I have 10K a month, da-da-da-da-da, you can ride it out. I noticed for myself, and there's a part of this work where you get to normalize it, it's like, cool, I have 50K a month now. Cool, I have 100K a month now. Cool, this is just my new normal. I noticed for myself that there was a time where I normalized it too much, where I stopped feeling that enthusiasm and gratitude and things just felt off. They were still, you know, I was still doing my thing, but, you know, so much about this work is momentum. The momentum of riding your own energy, the momentum of riding your own aliveness into your offers, your sales, your clients, your containers, and enthusiasm will bring that in. So we want to look at, is there any place that I've normalized? The amount of clients that I have, the amount of money I'm making, have I normalized to it? Is this just like a part of, okay, this is just the way that I do life, and how can we blast that open with gratitude? How can we blast that open with enthusiasm? Like, wow, this is not normal. I get to create my own schedule. I get to work with whoever I want. I like the fact that all of you are here. The fact that we get to do this is incredible. So we're bringing that back, okay? Now the second piece, the second key for any wildly successful mentor is deep care, deep care for them, for your client, for the world, for humanity, like the truest sense of I fucking care. I really care. You know, I worked with a mentor for a year and three months last year, and one of the deepest things that I received from her is that she loves me. And through that love, it was like breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough, money after money after money. Like, wow. And I felt like, oh, this is how I grow. Because this person who has been there before, who has embodied what I want, who has the results that I want, they have all these pieces, but she also deeply cares and knows that I'm going to go there too. She knows I'm going to go there too. So when you deeply care about the world, about your client, about your potential client, and it is the whole world because anyone could be your client. Anyone could be in your program, even though you have, you know, the specific person that you work with, the specific person that you talk to. But when there's this deep love, like I'm going to love you, I'm going to love you into this work, I'm going to care for you into this work, I'm going to care for you into your greatness, there's so much available there. And this is beyond conditions, right? So it's not I only love you if you pay me. It's not I only love you if you say yes. It's I love you. It's I care about you. It's I care about your life, I care about your body, I care about you. It's so simple. It's so simple, but it's something that people can feel. Like when someone really deeply cares, it vibrates off of them. And we all want that. We all need that. And so if it's not I only care once you pay me, it's also not I only care when I feel good. We all have been there in a place where it's like I am only going to make content when I feel good. I am only going to show up when I feel good, and I am not feeling good, so I am not going to show up in my business. Maybe I'll just move my client call back a week because I feel blah, blah, blah. It's like no. Can you care through whatever condition that is that's telling you no? Right? Like, you know, this morning, I won't get into the details, but I woke up last night at 4 in the morning, had like an hour-long moment, and this whole morning I was in, I was just in physical pain. I'm not going to tell you the details, but I took a supplement that did not work well with my body, and it was so beautiful because I had two client calls before this call. And I remember the time where I used to be like, oh, my gosh, if something's off in my body, in my life, if I feel like I did something wrong, then I am not the right person, or I can't guide, or I'm not perfect enough. But it was this moment where I was like, God, I get healed through this, and right now I feel fucking amazing. It's completely gone. I have nothing going on. The first client call was like, I feel a little bit off here, but through that call and through the day, it's like, sheds off of me. And so your care for your word, your care for your client, your care for your transmission, your care for the world, your care for showing up is not when everything is perfect. It's not when you're no longer feeling X, Y, and Z. It's not when you have everything figured out. It's not when you make more money than the other person. It's not any of those things. It's just now. It's just now and then now and then now and then now and then now, and that will shift also your relationship to writing and emails and content and sales. It will shift everything. So you know those moments where you are wondering, like, what's the next step of the sale, right? What's the next step? Like, should I invite them into a call with me? Should I tell them the price? Should I put it on my story? Should I make a post? Should I send an email? Like, what's the next step? Come back to this place. How do I deeply care? If I deeply cared about this person, because this person who's going to join my container, who's going to pay me lots of juicy money, has a heart, has a body, has a belly, has a womb or a cock, has something that is pulsing and beating and real. So that person wants to feel that you care. And it's so self. It's so, so self. Yeah. And, you know, one more piece of being deeply caring is, and I realize, so we're at the hour. We're going to go a little bit longer today. So one piece of being deeply caring is also seeing them as capable, whole, already there, not broken. If we put ourselves on a pedestal and it's like, I have and I am everything that they're not, we're distancing ourselves. We're separating ourselves. We're making ourselves better or more. And if instead we can see our clients in the world from a space that they're already whole, they're already complete, and they have access to this money, they have access to this, yes, they're there already. And then through the containers themselves, when our client is going through it and they're like, I can't see myself and I don't know what I'm doing and here's all my stuff. Can you experience that? Can you experience all of that but still see them in their power, still see them where they're going, not keep them stuck by having a view of them as lacking wholeness? So so much of a container itself, like so much of me being in this container with you is deeply caring and also knowing that the results that you want are absolutely available without any shadow of a doubt. I trust you enough to be present here. I trust me enough as a guide. And that has developed over time. But it was through deeply caring and having the intention that it takes place. Yeah. Okay. So let's go into the third, and then we'll wrap up for today. The third key for a wildly successful mentor is direction. We've got to bring some of the masculine in, right? Got to get some of that fierce energy coming on in. So if I had no idea what was going to happen inside of this program, if I showed up today and I was just like, hi, everybody, what do you want to do? Hi. Like, what do you want to do today? How would that feel? Right? It would be like, I thought I was here for you to, yeah, exactly. Wouldn't it feel too good? It feels good when a mentor has direction and can keep us in that direction, can keep us going in that direction, right? There was one time I was on a phone call with a mentor of mine, and I was moving through a breakup. And I was telling her about how heartbroken I was and what was going on. And she was like, do you remember what you told me three months ago? And I was like, no. She was like, you told me that you felt like this was not your person. You told me, and she just reminded me of all these things, right? And I was like, oh, you're right. I did. And she was like, do you remember where you were in your business at that time? And I was like, in a deep flow. And then during these three months I had, like, dropped the energy and I wasn't really rocking things. And she was like, do you remember where you were? And I was like, yes. And she brought me back to that space. It supported me so much in that moment. I, like, moved through that heartbreak within an instant on these coaching goals. Like, oh, right, okay. And through her direction, because she had seen me, she knew where I was going. She knew what I wanted. She knew what I wanted in relationship, in business, in life, in my own self. And so it was so easy, right, for her to guide me into that moment. We no longer want to ask our audience even, hey, what do you want from me? What program do you want me to teach? Because what does that teach them, right? It's that same piece of if I came in here and I said, hey, what do you guys want to do today? Like, wait, there's no direction in that. But a mentor is like, hey, world, this is what we are doing today. This is what we are doing next month, right? So throughout these six weeks, as we start going, there will be opportunities for you to learn about how I plan for the weeks and the months to come, so you can plan for the weeks and months to come, so that it's no longer this space of like, hey, world, what do you want? Hey, let me take a poll on my story and see. You know, doing that can be fun sometimes to just see where people are at. There's nothing wrong with doing that. But if you're basing your business off of what people want, you're not being that leader. You're being like somebody who's almost taking orders from them. And part of leadership is it is a dominant energy. It is an all-knowingness. This is a dominant energy, a leader. Oh, Erin, I'm so glad. And so there's an opportunity for you all to play into that big time. All of these pieces, there's an opportunity for you to play into that big time. Where am I not being directional with my own life? Like do I know where I'm going? Do I know where I want to be? A really amazing question that I love that I have received from various places is like if I only got three outcomes for the rest of the year, what would I want them to be? Because you want lots of things. I know that. But if you can choose three, you have direction. You have the direction there. And when we are directional, it means less work because there's efficiency in that. If we have no idea where we're going and we're just blowing in the wind, I'm like, oh, I'll do what you want, and I'll do what you want, and I'll put that price because you asked, and I'll split that payment up into six months because you asked, all of a sudden we are this flimsy, flowing thing that is just being walked all over. And who can trust that? When people are in your DMs being like, hey, where did you get your outfit, and how do you do this, and how do you do that, and you're responding to them all the time, and then you're complaining to your mentor being like, I wish people wouldn't message me so often and ask me all about these things when I'm not doing my program. Well, what are you doing? What are you engaging in? What are you supporting? What are you leading? And how are you directing them? So everything that you post on your social media is directing your audience into something. So you want to direct them into themselves, as for one. You want to direct them into a place where they know that you know the way, a way. And this happens simply through being directional. So if you're wondering, how can I be an expert, or how can I be someone that people trust, just be directional. So it's like, why are you posting what you're posting? Anything that you share, what is the intention behind it? Why do you make your moves? Why did you join this program? Was it to – what was the intention behind it? Are you here to grow, to expand, to enliven yourself, or are you here to make money? Are you here for a single result, or are you here for many different results? If you know why you make your moves, you're directing your own life. You know, you're – and it could be, I just trust, right? I just trust my intuition. I felt the calling, and I'm there. That's how I make moves. I'm like, oh, I want that. Cool. Done. Very, very simple. So the directional energy is important because, again, it's like there can be that lean back and that trust. When my man is directional in the bedroom, I'm like, surrender. Here I am. Pleasure, yumminess, goodness. Well, same in my containers. And, you know, this is not all about knowing what's going to happen. For example, in my one-on-one containers, I am – it's the place where I'm the least directional because one-on-one containers are very intuitive, and the client is coming. Like, I don't have a plan. For this program, I have a plan. I am very directional. Like, I know the arc. I know what's going to happen week by week. There's going to be places where I don't know. There's going to be places where I'm like, ooh, I forgot I was going to talk about that. Amazing. Let's dive in there. But for the most part, it's very directional. I know what's happening. I know what's coming. And so you're going to want this in your containers, especially group programs. You're going to want this in and with your audience. Like, saying, for example, click here to buy, click here to join us, is very different than maybe if you want to send me – maybe if you want to disresonate, you know, reach out. That's very not clear. It's like, what does reach out mean? You want to be clear. If you're going to say send me a DM, it's like, send me a DM that tells me exactly why you want to be in this space. Or send me a DM that shares your number one fear. You're directional. You're telling people what to do. You're bringing your clarity. You know, a lot of this work is languaging and expression online, which we're going to dive into even more so in week two in a big way. The more directional you are with your language, the more people are like, cool, and we hop on that boat. I am here. I got it. I can hop on that direction. I know where we're going. And, yes, when we become more directional, it means less work. It's like, you know, we need to do more when we have less direction. It's like we need to write more, we need to post more, we need to do so much more because we don't know what's happening. We don't know what's coming. So these three pieces around a highly successful mentor, enthusiasm, care, and direction, I want to invite these pieces to be like walking meditations of your life for the next six weeks. Check-ins with yourself. Am I enthused? Am I deeply caring? Do I have direction for my day? Even having direction for your own day could look like writing out in your journal exactly what you're going to get done the next day. That's also direction. It's like, cool, I have two client calls. I'm going to make a post. I'm going to record this video. I have one left. Like putting it out there, giving yourself something that you can sink into. The days where I do this, it's like, great. I don't have to think about it the next day. I look in my journal. I can cross off. You need to know that we actually get a dopamine rush when we can cross something off a list. It's actually a high for humans. Like it does something in the brain. So I like making this huge list where I'll be like, have the best day ever. Embody the pleasure money queen and all the actual things I do, like calls with this client and that's mine. But I'll also write these other pieces that are fun, that get me enthused, like make the best content ever or, you know, have the most delicious meal with my man so that at the end of the day I can go cross, check, check, check, check. Yay. And it brings me back into that enthusiasm. And like I said, we have challenge, pain, shadow, discomfort, like death as part of this life. And so it's not like we're going to be like dancing on stage at all moments, but that's why the devotion to enthusiasm is so important because the moment we lose it, everything falls flat. And it feels like we got to like work ourself to it when it could be this like fullness of expansion. Okay. So your next assignment is to make a Facebook post inside of the group and share where you have some work to do on these three elements. So give yourself the opportunity to reflect on which pieces out of enthusiasm, care, and direction. Give yourself the opportunity to reflect on which piece, or all three of them, but where they could use some more oomph, where they could use some more integrity so that you're calling yourself forward. And what's cool about that is that I almost like I have no doubt at all that by the end of this journey, or even by one week out of this journey, you're going to look back at that post and be like, wow, that shifted fast. I think that in my containers, things shift quickly because I hold that space and that knowingness. So expect people to message you asking how they can work with you. Expect new sales to come in. Expect new ideas to come in. Expect content to channel through you. Expect these pieces to land because I'm holding that. I want that. This gets to be an accelerator for you. This gets to be an expansion for you. This gets to be an alignment for you. Every time you plug into this space, and also remember that on our live calls, we're really in it, right? We're really in the energy, but it's always happening. So you have this container holding you for six weeks. So if you're ever walking down the street and you're not feeling quite there, just tap in to the energy of this space alone, to the women you've seen on this video, to the vibe that's being transmitted here, to the pieces that are coming alive in you, and something will shift. Yeah? So you're getting a reflection from someone in your life. You're creating that deep why statement, and then you're making a Facebook post reflecting on these three key elements inside of your life. And reflection could be where you have to grow. It could be where you're excited to deepen into. Okay? And that's it for today. That's it for today. I am so excited about this space. This has been a long time coming, and I just have so much here for you. This program is such a vibe. The investment's a little scary, but it's somewhere in Santa Fe. So worth it. I love that it's worth it on call. What a loan. Aw, thank you, Kristen. I'm so excited. I have so much in store for you. I have, like, surprises and exciting pieces. Yeah, it's just going to be a fun time. Yeah? My intention for you is that this container re-engages your thrill for this work, for the work that you do internally and externally, and for all that you're here to give and receive and create. Oh, my gosh, this is so fun. I need to screenshot some of these messages because they're just amazing. And why don't we do one thing before we leave? I'm going to take a little video because life just says to. So you're all on if you want to be on. I'm going to bring up this epic chat box that's happening, too. We are just finishing up the first call for MetaMentor. I have the queens in the room. We had so much fun. Woo-hoo. Yay, my loves. Well, I so look forward to this whole journey with you, sending you all the vibes, all the love, all the excitement. I'm so excited to just track this journey with you and be here. So thank you for showing up, and I will see you next week for call two, and I look forward to reading all of the magic that happens inside of the Facebook group. You're so welcome. Bye, everyone.

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