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God look at the heart not the physical 1 Samuel 7-12-17

God look at the heart not the physical 1 Samuel 7-12-17




God look at the heart not the physical 1 Samuel 7-12-17

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worship you Lord Jesus will give you praise Spend my life Spend my life Spend my life There is no one like you You are God alone God by yourself Holy Spirit Holy Spirit We go the way of the Spirit this morning again Holy Spirit Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Amen Father we adore you Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata Ekatatiata We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you There is none like you You are God alone You are God alone You are God by yourself You are God alone You are God by yourself Adonai we worship you We worship you We worship you We worship you Hallowed be thy name Hallowed be thy name You are God alone We worship you Hallowed be thy name Hallowed be thy name We worship you Adonai There is none like you You are holy Holy is the Lord of hosts God Almighty You are holy We do one thing but worship you We do one thing but come to you We do one thing but serve you We do one thing but pursue you The mind is Is accusing us Men Are saying things Against us The earth is against The things that we are pursuing In you Lord Jesus Christ Men Because of their greed and their lust The desire of their heart They are doing Everything possible to frustrate You know I came to find out That Lucifer is not a human He is a spirit being And according to the law That you Adonai Have installed on the earth No spirit has access on earth Without the approval of a man And if Lucifer Is still finding expression Is because the snake The snake has allowed Demons to access The physical realm And if men are against other men It means the greed The greed of men The lust of their heart The desire of their pride Have suffocated their mind And the only thing they are after Is what bring them benefit Is what give them relevance The name of Yeshua Mashiach Is not more the objective The name of that king That reign on high The one that approve every man The one that go after the heart of men That does not seek about the appearance Does not look about the physical appearance Of a man but search Search the heart The heart of men Because Samuel Samuel could go to Jesse's house And admire all the sons that Jesse had The first son was eloquent Poor And sick to be king And God told Samuel Samuel my son I don't look at the physical appearance Because if you look at the appearance If the credential that God in heaven Is not approving Meanwhile that physical appearance is the snake that Lucifer Is using to afflict The operation of I am on earth But being aware of These demonic forces At work The only thing we do Is call on your name That is the only thing I do We do is we call on your name Lord Jesus Christ We have no other way out Because this whole Corrupt demonic Movement are designed To quench And if demon And satan Lucifer does not Fulfill his attempt He will mix it up Because one of the most Demonic operation in the church In this particular time Is the technology of mixture Where a pastor believes It is ok to explain sin And to Adorn it with grace No father we We call on your name Lord Jesus We call Many people know that Prayer is tongue Yes at least you Exercise your spirit To step into places that you have never Moved into But the true place of prayer Is the desperation of your heart Is talking from the depth Of everything that is left of you Because as men You know no matter how You may explain it There will always be a time Where you know Your mind will say you There will always be a time You will strategize You will have all the great plan You know you will be able to do things And yourself you will be Proud of your doing You will know that ok Here I have done it But a moment will come You will find out that Even though you were that great And To make things worse men will applaud Men will You know they will praise you You know where kings In the old testament where you study them You will find out that Their lordship Was most of the time based On the applaud of men And Samuel I mean to say Saul Was one of the victims of this corruption Where men applaud him Out of his ordinances You know Saul was Chosen by God It means The heart of Saul was fit To carry on the kingship in Israel But because Saul did not understand that The snake is among men There are men That are not men you know Because Jesus was Strategizing men And he said that there are some men That are pigs There are some men That They look like men They have eyes They can talk, they are articulate Sometimes they are handsome and well dressed But Their spirit is pig And among these men Like in the time of Saul They have snake Men that were not men but they were snake They applaud him out of his throne And suddenly God Because of the applaud of men Saul You know When Samuel came and said Why have you done this If you had wait on me God would have installed your kingdom Forever and ever Now see the difference From being kicked out And what would have taken place Now it would have not only taken place in time Because when Saul Was taken out David was his dog Now David was a double time Sinner than Saul Saul Seek all the credentials that God Saw in his heart For him to be king And he was a diligent man Strategized man A man that knew all the Around of things in order to make them Excellent and perfect And indeed he was perfect Saul was one of the king That brought excellences to the kingdom of Israel But because He was not aware That you don't operate by your strategy Your knowledge is wonderful God can use it To further his plan But you don't have to depend on him Your ability Of depending on Your intellect Would be inadequate The only thing We depend on Is you Lord Jesus Christ Is you Abba Father You are the only one That is why you see I can come up on this altar every morning And I will keep saying Lord Jesus look I am not coming here because I am all gathered together I am not coming here Because I am pursuing To achieve something in time Because this one I know No matter how wonderful I look like on earth It is a time based environment At a certain moment this one will end So The obsession Of my appearance every morning here Is to Not only reach you in the bible Not only Experience you in my dreams And in my vision I see you into many other things that happen Because I have seen you in many patterns You have moved and the recent movement Was yesterday night You moved You have moved and you have done things I am after your heart I am after Your mind Your thoughts The things that you are thinking Now this one I want to be there I want to dwell there Dwell You know I am like what Peter told Jesus Now it is good that Elijah And Moses is here So we can mount up a tent You know that reaction Is a natural one Because dwelling where you are Forever and ever Is the only war that man Will succeed on earth If any man succeeds To create a tent where you dwell Now life will be sweet Because living You know The bible is talking It says that the race is not to be sweet No the battle To be strong It is not about your ability of believer It is your ability Of finding the heart of Adonai And now that we have found his heart You know I can appear here everybody I appear Because you know for over almost I mean Over 13 years now in my own case Individually I mean personally I have been used by darkness I have been doing a lot of things Now this one It is an awareness from the Holy Ghost The Holy Ghost came and said You remember this day And this day and this day This time, this area, this location You saw what you were doing This one was not part of your script Someone else introduced it And you faithfully executed it And because you did execute it Although the blood is speaking This order spirit Has a legal ground And an authority To exercise his mind To your life Even though God will be mighty And the blood will be talking Because the blood does one thing Secure you for eternity That is the main purpose of the blood You know the blood Is a strategy of God To call man to himself Now the blood Does not need your approval This is one thing we need to understand That we don't need To say yes To the blood for it to save us And I know when you say it like this Many will say what do you mean So he says that if you confess No That one is for you To secure A life for him on earth Now The only thing you can do You don't need to say yes To the blood You can definitely do one thing Is to say no to it Now saying no does not mean you talk This one They are things They are beyond the realm of man They are beyond That is why the first thing When you encounter the Holy Spirit He brings the life of God before you And that life Is showing you who you are And if you see who you are The natural progression of it And this one is spiritual is organica When he hits you in the heart The only place is Jesus Forgive me I repent Now that is the process of acknowledging his Lordship And at that moment What happens is that The ability of surviving on earth Is given to you Now you can start the process of overcoming The ease of Lucifer But don't forget That even when you said Jesus I love you Now what you have actually done Is that you have opened up Yourself to battles There are great battles to come So Put up Put up The whole armor Of God Now this armor you can only acquire it By leading Into the world of God You know I am trying to Show us that The blood Jesus did not come And said Can I die for you No My opinion was not He died over 2000 years ago And in the provision of that death And the resurrection Saving was included Now I was not even a thought Yet Over 2000 years ago That means Even though I was not yet brought into time There was already a possibility For me to be kept The Lord was already saying No Cedric you are not guilty That is why when we read the bible The bible is quite right when it says that It is only when you Confessed Now you have to believe first You believed and you confessed Now these are natural Aspect part Of your life That you are now carrying into him That one Gave Jesus legal ground To intervene in your life To stretch his mighty hand And secure you When you say Jesus I love you You are not saying Jesus save me Your salvation has already been secure Over 2000 years ago You know many times We read the bible and we don't allow the holy spirit To help us And we conclude it from our intellect Because you know there are things written Remember There are many things hidden Into the bible Hidden The only one that will open you to the reality Of what is happening in there Is the holy ghost And the holy ghost Is another creature Is a being out of a bit Now There are many things difficult to explain When you read the old testament Many times We can be tempted to think That the holy ghost was present there No Remember the holy spirit Is the holiness of God That saying that God is holy The originator himself As a creature As a being I mean to say That is the holy state of that God It means God Without the holy spirit Now this statement They will try to Bring Bible to me They will try to explain it But I will tell you that God without the holy spirit Is possible that he is not holy I am just trying to tell you that In you The power of securing flesh Is available Of telling flesh Now I will not watch that Pornography movies Many times I was there Sometimes it will be hacks I was there I knew the forces I knew the power That is at work there You will say no in your mind And you will use everything possible Now if you are not Actively Praying Engaging the holy spirit Because this thing They are as real As you being hungry to eat food You know when hunger hit Your belly Your stomach When hunger hit you You cannot but find a way To stop That oppression Because there is something about hunger Just that it put all your Being together That is the same thing that happens with Pornography With the Urge And the pressure Of causing Or of getting into Adultery Especially when that girl Is so so so hot You use that word most of the time And when you are looking at her For you to overcome Those demonic oppressions The holy spirit must Be intention Now when you are going to the place of prayer You are not going to say God help me Because help has already come Jesus died and resurrected And because Jesus died and resurrected The holiness of God was made available to man The holy spirit Has been given So because of the holy spirit He is nowhere What the holy spirit Is believing and hoping That you will do is that You will now use your mind Your flesh instead of saying no To the Urge and the thing Talk to the holy spirit Now when you are doing those Now this is what it means by Mounting up between that ego And this one Manifests himself in the place of prayer You will manifest Now when you start it Demon spirit knows this thing So well that every time when you start it They will do everything possible for you To not achieve it They will distract you with your phone They will distract you with your pot They will distract you with your bed sheet They will distract you with your floor With your children, your spa Something must be happening in order To interrupt you Being able to achieve that synchronization Because when you achieve it You will find out That you didn't have to Resist from the realm of your flesh Because the power of resisting The forces of wickedness Is in the holy spirit What we do as men Is that we give Access to the holy spirit For him to wield Our physical natural life In order to shut down The oppression of Lucifer You will find out That even when a woman opens her lap Before you, you can speak like Joseph You can talk to 45 wives I will not do this You are not talking Because you are supernatural You are Super spiritual You are saying it because there is help The holy spirit Which you are in sync And the reason why we ought Because Jesus said Man ought and ought to pray That is why prayer is beyond Just praying songs I myself, you see Pray a verse with me did not just come because You know I mean, I did say here many times That I was looking to be creative Now In that mindset Of trying to be creative The church for me To not just be making songs Because it is possible For you to pray and make songs And not do anything significant in the spirit Because prayer is designed To bring God on earth If you read the bible Where you find out that everyone that God Has worked with Every time when they step in the place of prayer The result of their prayer Is that God would move In this particular morning I want us to look at First Samuel 7 12 17 Now this particular passage is painting An event That Samuel Showcased on the landscape And because of what Samuel did Because Samuel was a spiritual man He was one of the most I would say I would say Very rugged Prophet of God When Samuel speaks The bible says That none of his words Fell on the ground So when we Engage prayer The idea is not to come Out sweating The idea Is not for men To look at you and say He is a prayerful person That is not the idea Generally when God moves Remember I told you That we have Unique DNA So this is The blueprint of God Of telling me and you that He has a unique relationship with you He knows how to Communicate with you He wants to talk to you Directly He does not want to go Through your pastor, through your deacon He wants you And him To have that communion So when you step in the place of prayer That is the goal of it Is for you Now Prayer is not the tone Is not the volume And it is not the Capital letter It is not the way you say it I have already told us that Prayer is your heart What are you looking When you are praying Until that one Is achieved You will make sound And the result is that you will pray And pray and pray And pray and pray And at the end Lucifer will put you in a cycle Because prayer No matter how weak, ridiculous it is It still strikes a chord in the spirit realm But every time when you are about to hit something Very important, Lucifer will make sure That whatever you are doing You will never hit that point That will allow you to To travel Because there is always like a Covering, and before I actually knew this I was in that place I could never post something like this one For up to three weeks I will always find out that When I start a project By the time I am getting good at it Lucifer will come And he will introduce an event Something that you know Here is another revelation This one is a breaking news for some of us Every time when satan Wants to cause havoc in your life He will always bring facts And this fact You cannot deny it Every time When Lucifer is trying to perpetuate His wickedness on earth You will always Find a nigger Logical, reasonable Understanding statement That will give you All the reason For you to do what you have done That is how Lucifer, and that is why We don't walk by reason Christianity is not by Logic Jesus said that you have to believe And every time When something is happening to you And you can't clearly articulate it Know that it is possible For Lucifer To set you up at that moment It is possible that he is Setting something When you can't explain why you are in this Situation Many times we can say I know I did my best This is what I did I did everything And you will be Accurate You will be accurate Given all those reasons But if you pause And check it closely You will realize that there was no Point for you to be in that state Because according to The provision of divine orders Jesus has already Given you, me and you All the resources we need In order to overcome Whatever Lucifer is setting ahead But because we are not in the place Of faith And belief We now go by logic Sight and reason And every time when we are there Even God Will agree with you We are physical men And God in the spirit cannot do nothing Except a man chose To depend on him And ever since I have picked up on these things I have stopped looking Why physically I am in trouble And ever since I have done it I was able to keep this Program going on For now almost a year Because I will wake up in the morning And I will have All the logical reasons Not to come online And these reasons They are legit They are legit It means many times People will be Calling me names I would rather allow them to Call me names than to interrupt What the Holy Spirit is having me do here Because this one I did not Do it because I am trying To get you Now this one The statement that I just made Many will Not really understand what I mean By saying that but the idea What I am trying to say here is that The reason why The Holy Spirit Had me set up Because in the beginning In my mind I was like No I want to do something I want to create a channel Make video, talk about Jesus And in my mind that was what I thought No you know I don't just want to be idle I don't just want to not do anything I want to at least be doing something Now my intention was Innocent and pure But the Holy Spirit Had another plan behind Because in my own personal life You know I pray I study the Bible But The ability of accessing The Holy Spirit Is another game by itself Because you can pray You can read the Bible Without the Holy Spirit It is possible and I was there And I can tell you I was praying Understanding the Bible at that moment And many times when I would be praying It would be dry Because I was not able To mount up The Holy Ghost And to allow Him journey with me In the Bible Journey with me when I am praying And when I engaged the mind Of you know doing video and everything Because the Holy Spirit When everything started operating Having me buy stuff Most of these things I bought They have been in here for almost 3 years now I recently Started using them It was just sitting there And I wasn't doing anything with it And suddenly Because you know I was in and out, unstable Like what I told you earlier The devil will always give you Logical, reasonable Understandable reasons For you not to do what you are doing And every time when you will be looking at the reason You will say yes It was worth it. Meanwhile The Holy Spirit was waiting For you to step forward And to say okay I am seeing this fact I know that From this point going forward There is nothing but I will step out And when I did that Especially with this particular platform When I decided If there are some mornings That I will look at my schedule I will look at the day I will say if I dwell here And I do this one I will not achieve this What should I do? And I will now put my phone on the ground Turn it off And I will come sit down Because normally it takes me some time 30 to 45 minutes For me to set everything up And put them in motion And I will mount up this altar And many times I will always get up at least 1 hour So that is right there In between the gap 3 hours So these things They are logical Factual reasons why you will not do it But I have Chose many of these times To say you know what I must keep Mounting this altar Because I chose to forego The benefit Of stepping out 1 or 2 hours Ahead of my time In order to cross it up there To make a point The Holy Spirit now has been building Something beyond what I was doing before With my faith I told you all before that I was reading the bible Praying And I am pretty sure many of us we are here Where you Enter The prayer closet You might even spend 5 hours here When you come out it seems like you Went nowhere And you will pass most of your time In that closet Fighting to pray and you will realize that it is dry You will realize that You are dozing off and that you are just No help No help Most of us we are here Now when I chose to Obey this prompting Even though My ignorant and innocent idea was to Do video And maybe you know strike some View and everything The Holy Spirit At the end told me that was the only way My spirit could open up Because when I am here Now I am saying most of the time things that Are not part of my syllabuses I am saying things Most of the time many times I am trying to Now like what I have just said earlier That God the Father without the Holy Spirit Might not be Holy Now this one even in the Bible if you read it Carefully you will not find it Now you will need the Holy Spirit To open the Bible and show you Why It is possible for the Father to not be Holy because the Holy Spirit Is actually what Is God Holy When we are talking about the purity That is why even in the Old Testament You will not find the Holy Spirit there Because Adam failed And he took the death And the resurrection of the Lord Jesus For the Holy Spirit now to be released Because a nigger tender Was made available before the throne of I Am for that Holiness to be released on earth That is what me and you today When God is looking at you he is not Seeing your masturbation The only problem with your masturbation is that Your flesh on earth will undergo That is the outcome Of sin on earth We will suffer Now the problem of suffering on earth Is that it is possible for you to suffer And frustrate your faith Because the only thing That can stop you from not being safe Is you saying no to God And you don't say no by opening your mouth Your action will lead you to Damnation And yes how you will go to damnation Is not that when you get to heaven We are talking about judgment everyday You know many people will say there will be a throne And everything yes all those things will happen Because these are the normal process Of how to execute a judicial process You must go through Every judge for you to see What you have done Now this one many times we see The natural idea in order to understand it And that is how God has designed it But what will actually happen Because this one the Holy Spirit has given me The privilege to see it Now you will get to heaven You will look at the life That you will have in heaven Now God will now Because in heaven you cannot hide anything All the pornography And everything you are doing behind the scenes And everyone is seeing you like an angel When you get here your whole life will be before you In a second you will see it Now you will look at your life on earth And you will look at the life in heaven You yourself you will know That if you go to heaven you are cursing Christ So many will go to heaven By themselves You will not go because you spend your time Most of the time saying Jesus I don't like you Because many times Your words most of the time Don't carry A lot of significance Like the state of your heart Or the grievance that is happening within you And that is why many times Your actions speak louder Than your words And that is why I talk here with a lot of boldness That no one Even when you are saying Jesus I love you I give my life to you First of all you cannot give your life to Jesus You know many times As believers we do things But because we have our own limitation Of understanding in the bible God is working with it The truth is that man cannot give his life Jesus was the one that gave his life to you What you are doing now Is that By the operation of the mercy And the grace of God You collide with it The Holy Spirit Overcame the level of darkness That was around you by the mercy Because that one many times I don't understand it How could the Holy Spirit Find expression In a lost and corrupt soul And cause that soul To weep and cry And cry For days Some go for weeks and even some go for months You cry and you are repenting From your atrocity That ministry only it is reserved To the Lord Jesus Christ himself And that one is not you giving your life to him He gave it He gave his life to you And again I know the bible said You believe and confess The belief and the confess Is you as a man Fleshly one Opening up yourself For that ancient spirit to come in And he is coming in To help you live the fleshly life Because when the Holy Spirit come in That is already salvation That is already salvation That is already salvation That is already salvation Check you are good to go To heaven at that moment When the Holy Spirit come in You can live in fornication You can choose to live in evil That one with the Holy Spirit in you You can choose to do it And he will not check the fact that the Holy Spirit is in you He will not change it And this one as believers We must master it Because the idea Of the salvation The death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ Is for man to bring Eden back on earth Man was not designed for heaven You know many time we believer We see heaven, we see paradise Green tree Green land And we run on flowers That is not how God Did it Holy Spirit Help me father The idea of God was man Physical man Because God has already There are many things in the spirit Again one of my prayer Upon this altar is that We should have the opportunity To have a glimpse In the spirit Just to look a little bit Now and I want some of us Read the revelation of Isaiah Read the revelation of Ezekiel And go and see The revelation of Saint John Because Saint John Is the one that depigmented The forces that Are beneath our understanding Because when John is talking About the coming of Christ He is not talking even about the last day He is revealing the true state Of who Jesus is Because many believers always see Jesus Like the lamb You know this lamb that was crucified If you could perceive the lion Because the lion Walked the streets of Jerusalem The strategy of getting Into the heart because Jesus was man He was not God And as a man he could not use His God nature to enter The heart of man The only way For him as man on earth To enter the heart of man was to come With compassion The lion There was a spirit The Christ was behind He was against demon That is why Everywhere Jesus stepped Demon Christ If you read it well you will find out that Jesus never tore any Spirit Every time Even Peter He was Always angry about demon Angry and that was The terror the one that terrified Every demonic spirit And this is the one that the Spirits have revealed to me so many times When I see Jesus moving with compassion He wants to Get into your heart When he goes into your heart And he settled there Now he will stand there and show you If you are not praying Your place will undergo trouble I myself am under process Of undoing everything I did for over 30 years And I can tell you Because I have chosen to That is why I adore The Lord Jesus Christ For giving me this environment This place where I am at Now I have told us again and again I will keep repeating it as much as I can This thing that I am doing here The first audience is me You know when I am saying this Most of the time right I am praying What are you saying I mean you are live streaming And people are watching Now you are not talking to them You are talking That is how the Holy Spirit did it Because it is only in this environment This thing that I am doing That I am capable Of Peeping into heaven When I am done here Every time when I open the Bible It will be clear When the preacher is talking Because My back is open Everything is sensible Even when I am walking Sometimes I will be walking on the street And suddenly I will know Something is wrong Things will just happen with me And this is where I drink I drink from this environment When I am done drinking here I can live outside Because there are many things that Lucifer has planned for us In my own case I adore the Lord Jesus When I am saying I adore him It is a deliberate statement To frustrate Lucifer I adore the Lord Jesus because I have known him I have found him And I am seeking him Because I am doing these three things He is securing my heart Because I have seen the setup of Lucifer Lucifer has set me up For a complete total destruction By this time around I would have not been here Talking to you Lucifer has already Strategized everything in the spirit To make sure That whatever God has put in my heart It will be quenched once and forever Never be able And many times He does not use danger No, no, no, no We always have that kind of fear in our mind We always expect Someone from nowhere that does not know you But because for some reason The person knows He will use your mom Lucifer will use your dad Your sister That your trustee You know some people call their best friend My trustee That your trustee Lucifer will use that person Those are the deliberate things He will use a certain amount Especially when you embark On the journey of the things God has deposited Because that one is a threat to Lucifer When a genuine prophet Like Moses Rises Lucifer knows that his plan is in danger And this one Is not church attendance This one is not your loud prayer Or your ability of tiring prayer for hours It takes Operation And when you are operating from there You are searching the mind of Christ You are looking for the Holy Spirit In every opportunity Lucifer will set you up And things will be worse When you have spent most of your time Dangling with him Like what I did in the past Because I dangled with Lucifer I did We are all sinners If you are thinking you are perfect God bless your soul But I did And also I went around and I tested many things Many occurred out there I looked into them I checked out Because I knew that man for some reason We are always seeking to look for something Superior to us So I did went around And in my ignorance I did not understand That there are certain things I had to Watch for and I did not So for those same reasons I was set up by Lucifer Now that I found out That only Jesus Is the true thing in the spirit Every other thing Is fake Only the Lord Jesus Christ Is the reality Now this statement I don't know if you guys Would even take it But There are some spirits out there That look like the Holy Spirit But have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit And this is why I wanted to make this statement If you find the Holy Spirit Without the Lord Jesus Christ You have found the wrong thing The first thing the Holy Spirit Introduced to you Is the cross That is the first thing That you will see For you to see the cross How he showed the cross for you For me and you, natural men For you to understand what is happening Is that he will bring your past to you You will see you That is the first encounter That you have When the Holy Spirit showed up And he will always show up When you are at your Lowest When you are there Right there in that pit He will come And he will not come there to restore you And I have the Holy Spirit I believe I believe When you are at your low You know many times when we are there We cry The Holy Spirit is not interested Of helping you there Because the power of getting out Of that pit is not in heaven It is in you What the Holy Spirit comes to do Is to bring the cross Because the statement of the cross is that All your sin has been washed away That is the statement of the cross That therefore right now You are being crucified here This crucifixion means that Nothing from your past will be imputed to you And for you to be able to Think that That took place on the cross You must now be able to see your past And the Holy Spirit Brings it in your face And he will say you did this one the other day This day, this place You will now weep Upon it and at the end When you are done doing there The Holy Spirit will now say I did it for you And you will now say Jesus I love you I give my life to you When you are now Talking like that What happens next Is now the Holy Spirit Will now take his rightful place In your heart And that is where you will not Be saved by the Holy Spirit but You will now know What it will take you to get out of that pit God will Open your mind He will now show you things that Most of the things that you were crying for The distance between your tears And the solution Was ignorant The gap between your tears And the Solution was Ignorant God will now Because God is light He will now Fit your mind With light You will now start understanding Things that you could not understand before Now when you will think about Joseph You will know that one of the power Of Joseph was his ability Of keeping purity And it will be maybe the only thing That you will retain about him You will know that Samuel Was a consecrated child He was Consecrated from birth Hannah went and Buried Samuel in the temple This may be the only thing you will Retain about the prophet And this I think that the Holy Spirit will Crystallize in you and when you Come out from there You come out like a lion Because when the Holy Spirit is done perfecting the mind of Christ in you And this one you have to It is genuine, it is not the thing that we do Now in churches Where they say you are safe Now this is the book How you do your, now these are normal stuff These are great stuff Do the breakdown book How to go along with it But this one is an Organic operation that happened Within Because when you are seeing your past Many times you will not have words To explain it to someone When the Holy Spirit is showing you You When you try to even testify You will make, if you are not Helped by the Holy Spirit you will have a lot of difficulty Articulating them But God Our Father the only author, he is in secret And he knows you better than you When you are there And you are He will appear He will appear Many times when God himself showed up Now this one Is a Breaking news for some of us One of the manifestation Of the originator himself Now I am not talking about the Holy Spirit One of the Presence of God in you Especially in desperate moments Is a joy that you Cannot explain You will be You will be in a Tumultuous situation like Joseph In the pit from the pit to the Protestant house being the manager of the whole house And from there to the prison And right there In those particular circumstances You will sustain a state of joy That nobody will be able to Explain it This is the manifestation of the presence Of God The originator himself because The true state of God When we are talking About being good Now it is not doing good to you Because many times we interpret The goodness of God because he is doing good to us No The true state of God Is good That means if God Showed up that is why I always tell some of us If you have Been healed If God has Graced you with a unique healing That healing is not for you alone Because God I have come to find out Everything he does he does in eternity Because God is not time based And he cannot heal you momentarily He cannot heal you Just for that moment When he heals you from a cancer You that is healed You are a healer Everything God does now You see me here doing all these things You know talking Now I have told you before that I have talked to myself But I know That if the Holy Spirit opened me To see the thing that I In the spirit see the thing that I That means you too By listening to me You can receive it That is why Live streaming it is a strategy To recruit men Now it is not Recruiting you to me no Recruiting you to the Lord Jesus Because like in the day of Elijah There will be 7000 Order 70,000 Order that have not bound To bow There will be order And this one Elijah have no clue Of because Elijah went And said God heal me I cannot Bear this thing and he was saying he is the only one And Jezebel have already taught him God said get up We have 70,000 That have not yet bow What are you complaining about This one you see I am doing here The idea is not for you To join a group it is not for you To join a church now if you are led By the Holy Spirit that is another game Because God in his mind God is interested In man Breaking news for some of us Look At the end of all things Man will be saved Whether You like it or not And you know Many times when this type of statement are made People will be like what do you mean It means every man Will be saved Yes Ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha Now the reason why I make that statement Because recently the Holy Spirit Obeyed to me that Angels That stay with Lucifer They are no more called angels Why Because they are not of God Man was created by God And so do Angels Angels were created by God But they say They are no more With God That means there are no more angels The same thing with man Every man that will be cast to the pit of hell Will not be man This one You will need the Holy Spirit To help you see it in the Bible Because Every man that will be cast here Will be seen here As part of those demons Because everything that will be cast In the pit of hell Will be called demons Only the man That God will call to himself will be the man Saved That is why it will be logical for God to say All man is saved And this is again where The purpose of me and you To fight to gain a spot Where he is Remember Noah Was saved with all his family His family did not find Favor with God So Your job, my job Me and you We need to fight To gain Access into him Now, what me and you We are doing Because it might sound like I am saying your works Will make you to make it in heaven That is not what I am saying What I am telling me and you this morning Is that God in his loft And his infinite grace Has opened heaven To man Now this one is spirit Because God is spirit So me and you To take advantage of that hand that is stretched We must go Towards it Willingly Because that is what God expected Adam In the garden of Eden to do To willingly go and eat Of the tree of life Because the tree of life was side by side If you read the book of revelation you will find it It was right there Where Eve Was focusing listening to the shepherd And appreciating The corruptness of the tree That was added with Evil The tree of life That was even more glorious Beautiful and everlasting was right there On the other side And this Is what is happening with me and you Every second of life Instead of fighting To take the hand Of the Lord Jesus stretched forward The hand The tree of life Because he was crucified on a tree And that is the tree that God Is expecting me and you Because the possibility Of taking that hand Of eating of that tree is given The availability of the Holy Spirit Within us, within me and you Because the Holy Spirit is there So if me and you We are not After the Lord Jesus Christ The default Operation is that we are Doing the beating of Lucifer And Lucifer His job is to distract you As long as possible For you to depart here Without grappling Of that grace And me and you We need to journey Now the reason why we need to journey Because we are men And God has prevented himself From accessing this physical realm From the Spirit And Not even God Adam was the one that journeyed Because keep saying that it is God It is not reasonable enough Because God In the Genesis chapter 2 Walk in the Cool of the day, walk And at this moment Adam was fallen And Adam even with being fallen Could hear the voice of God Could talk with the voice of God That means God Was still willing to come to man But because man already Got interested Into an apple And listened to a serpent God could not because God is Holy The Holy Spirit is God And God maintain the Holy State of God And God knew that if he keep corrupting that process He will no more be God Because The laws in God, they are rigid They are rigid And every time Anything that is fleshly Attempts to violate that protocol Even with grace and mercy And the blood talking for you Lucifer would subvert your flesh And the idea Of Lucifer subverting your flesh Is for you to be afflicted enough Not to be able to call on his name Because if your flesh Is suffering It will be difficult for you to hear the Holy Spirit And that is what one of the thing the Holy Spirit does Is that he secure your heart He comes there and put Gate around your heart And you must join the Holy Spirit In that process Because if you don't Eventually Lucifer Lucifer would overtake him Even with the presence of the Holy Spirit Because you Me and you as men We must engage The Lord Jesus We must engage And the engagement of a man One of the thing that you must do Is prayer That is the basic That is why when You find the Holy Spirit One of the thing you will do is that You will be crying Tears is a deep Expression of groaning In the spirit When you see someone In tears There are languages Communicating in the heart That only God can read them And understand and many times Lucifer cannot Because of what Lucifer does not understand The language of tears Tears to Lucifer Is a Criminal to joy So every time When you cry The only person That is excited is Lucifer I mean this thing Every time when they come in my spirit I am just like If you think about it You will find out that Every time when you are in that closet crying Because you are fornicated The one that is taking pleasure Even though he is the one that Coerced you To fornicate When you were doing it you were happy Because Lucifer was Coercing you When you are done doing it you are now crying Why the Holy Spirit is Believed and being Sorrowful with you Because you have a lot of Because every time when you sin You extend The days of your willingness Extended And this is what is happening with me And that is why I don't stay away from sin because I am strong I don't stay away from sin because I am trying to please God Now this one again Contradictory Now I am trying to stay away from sin Because I want to see Jesus That is what I am saying Because I find out every time when you sin Lucifer No He never misses an appointment When you do anything that is of the devil He will come He appears everywhere Everyone does his things And when Lucifer appears What naturally happens is that the Holy Spirit departs I remember I have told all before And I know this one is kind of like Contradictory a little bit because when you read the bible You will see that Angel Gabriel and Michael they are fighting All the time This interpretation is for men to understand What is happening in the spirit Naturally when you step in the spirit And you look closely you will find out that where God is Nothing is happening The only thing that is happening there is God By the way Even in this particular bible The scripture says that Lucifer was kicked out From the mountain of God That means where God is nothing is going on Everything is happening within man Man is the one At war Because man was designed by God And Lucifer has chose to Engage man And man is not aware that he is from God So because of that Michael has to be deployed For the truth of Israel Every time in order to defend them To protect them To help them go back to God But with us When you fornicate You do that thing Naturally the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit Allows you to get away He is there He is looking, he is crying He would not stop you From doing what you have chose to do Because everything man do You are not forced sir Men It is not forced Nobody fools you You chose to Help me Lord Jesus Help me Father Help me in the Lord And this man I learned it the hard way Many times I would say I did not want to do this thing I would wake up in the morning and say I have done this thing again I have done it again I did not want to The desire of doing it was there already While Lucifer has not done He has just triggered it He has just taken advantage of that thing That is why prayer Is a must Now this word You see I keep emphasizing And this prayer You do not have to be public with it Prayer is a relationship with you and the Lord Jesus Christ And you must do that one Today, you know many times when I wake up I have things to do The Holy Spirit will always take me In another pathway Because yesterday night when we were praying We went to this church To pray in this particular church When I was praying there The Holy Spirit gave me 1st Psalm 7,12,17 And it was talking about Samuel Raising an altar Samuel picked up his stone And raised an altar to the Lord And he called it Ebenezer My help has come And what happened after that operation Was that the hand of God God became biased Now God did not care about what the Israel Was doing as seen at that moment The Bible says that The hand of God was Perpetually against the Philistine Because Samuel understood the mystery That The children of Israel lost track of And many times We don't master it because we don't realize That prayer Is that altar in our time Because Jesus You know when you read in the Old Testament You will never see there that they truly Emphasize on prayer In the Old Testament what they did Emphasize on was the cleansing Your sacrifice and many rituals That you need to go through For you to be Accepted by God When the Lord Jesus Christ came on the scene Jesus Christ said Anyone as from this moment That I am here from the time that I will be living Anyone that will be called man Is the one that is praying If you are not a man If you are not praying I mean to say You may not be a man And the Lord Jesus was the one talking So me and you The foundation Of our faith Is your intimacy With the Holy Spirit And this one is one on one Your relationship With the Holy Spirit Your wife does not need to know about it Your husband have no reason to Remember your DNA is unique Your husband DNA is unique That means you must have Something and if you are accurate With the Holy Spirit You will be able to help your spouse You will not go by what you are saying You will go by what you are being instructed Because the Holy Spirit is a strategy From God to perpetually defeat Because the fact that Jesus Christ was telling Peter I will build my church And the gate of hell shall not prevail against it Remember the church was opened Peter That means God Jesus took the church Out of the synagogue and put it into a man That means you are the church Jesus was saying that the gate will not prevail It means that When you are perpetually in sync With the Holy Spirit You will constantly receiving Strategy from the Holy Ghost To shut down The oppression of Lucifer in every quarter Everything satan will attempt To make a big deal out of it You will have the wisdom from the Holy Spirit To shut it down This is what is Hidden in prayer So when me and you We are not praying Because in this particular passage 1 Samuel 7 verse 17 That was what Samuel did And because of that Israel Restored Many lands in their quarters God was restored Ekron was restored And prayer is the foundation of it Remember Every morning time we wake up we groan We pray We pray We call on the name of the Lord We call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ We worship Him We give Him praise There is none like Him And you know One of the things that is clear About our Lord Jesus Christ is that Every time when you are accurate with the originator When you are accurate with God the Father You will not be appreciated among men Because man by default is fallen And for men to see you You have to soar up like an eagle Fly above them And now You don't talk from their brain You talk in their spirit When they hear you They respond to you because they like you They respond to you because the Holy Spirit Will arrest their mind This is what we are Working on here Let me just go ahead and read this passage For us to see what took place here with Samuel Then Samuel took a stone and set it up Between Menzap and Shechem And called the name Ebenezer For He said Till now the Lord Has helped us My help has come So the Philistines were Subdued And did not Again enter the territory Of Israel And the hand of the Lord Was against the Philistines All the days Of Samuel Because of his Strategy in the spirit This is why we see I know That if you pray And you Master Prayer with the Holy Spirit The Bible will be sweet When you read it It will be sweet I've told us before When I started this video that Before I found about this Prayer verse with me Reading the Bible was dry Prayer was dry I would spend two hours in prayer And I would come out most of the time there sweating But I would know that This thing was just exercise I went there and flexed my muscles The whole thing was achieved But when you Pray What I did was that I started saying Jesus how can I do And that is where the idea of being creative Because when it is dry When you don't hear anything Never stop Don't do that mistake, don't stop In fact when it is dry That is the right time for you To pray harder Because when I keep pressing The Holy Spirit now That's my man, instead be creative You know David encouraged himself When you are in a place where You are desperate You find a way of being creative And you do it And when I was there starting I caught this platform And you see I can mount up here and I just Now I've told us before I don't have to preach to you I don't plan, many times I plan Like what I'm trying to do now What the Holy Spirit had me do yesterday Because when I was praying That came in my spirit and that was one of the things I wanted to speak to the congregation Because I wanted them to understand That they are altars Because one of the things that the Holy Spirit gave me About calling believers Because many call them saints You know My own is altar keepers And before that verse Came in my mind and the Holy Spirit Was helping me understand it The idea was to tell the congregation That you are altars The same way Someone needs to stop this altar And call it my help hath come The hand of God will be against Demons that are suffocating The minds of children The demons of Confucius This is what Lucifer is actually doing Behind the ground Whispering in their ears Telling them Things that have nothing to do With the nation Demon teachers Teachers that are possessed by a wicked spirit This was what Because these men Women that were in the sanctuary That was in the church Yesterday night They were altars And like what Samuel did He stopped that and the hand of God was perpetually All the days of Samuel That was what was God And I strongly believe It is to communicate that reality God Because you know many times I found out It is not about the activity of men That matter, it is about what God is doing Behind the scenes So we might come and we articulate our English We do many things that we are doing It is fine because we as men we have the ability of doing things But at the end What God is doing What will be the outcome And I am pretty sure if God has revealed that to me As I was there The mind of God is that area And I know That there is A movement in the spirit Every time when you see sin Abound, wickedness abound When you see wickedness operating The Bible says that grace always abounds Much more and if grace is abounding much more It means God, before I even Go there, before I even received That revelation, it means God is setting An altar there In the mighty name of Jesus And remember this is Christ's voice We just wake up every morning, we cry Remember this one is a groaning That is why Many times when you listen to me Either you will run To your Bible Or you will disagree with me And you will say Because something must be happening If you pay attention to this Now, there are some That you are not given to it completely When you look at it You will close it down and move forward That's also fine My own job is to beware The Holy Spirit has me And to carry it And many times it makes no sense Many times I will not understand Many times I will not even know how But I know that the Holy Spirit has me here And through this place I travel in the Holy Spirit I travel in the spirit I see things, I understand things I say things that many times I will sit down And listen to them and I will say Because you know When I will step in heaven I will not be a novice I will not be this You know Strange person that I just suddenly know I will have an idea And that is why I am here I am here to make sure that I know Him I know Him I know the Lord Jesus That I may know Him And the power of the resurrection And the power of His resurrection Thank you Father This is prayer verse with me Like always before getting up Love Jesus, like Him, share Him Comment about the Lord Jesus This is how I always like to sequence it Love the Lord Jesus Like the Lord Jesus Share the Lord Jesus Christ Comment about the Lord Jesus Christ Love the Lord Jesus Christ Like the Lord Jesus Christ Share the Lord Jesus Christ Comment the Lord Jesus Christ When you are in that comment box Don't try to exercise your brain It is wonderful, you can do it But understand that it is Jesus That you should be focusing on This thing sound rhetoric It sound repetitive Sometimes it is boring But that is the foundation Of what we are doing on earth Jesus Christ is the only reality In the spirit Everything else Is damnation That is why I was kind of like Bo Earlier to tell me and you If you find the Holy Spirit Because there are many spirits out there And they disguise like the Holy Spirit And it might be genuine But if that one is without Jesus Christ You are on the road To somewhere that is Very very ugly So the true thing Is the Lord Jesus Christ Hallelujah And above everything Subscribe to the Lord Jesus Christ And follow The Lord Jesus Christ I know many Will say all these things for their page In order to What I am trying to do Is to touch something in Christ I don't want your followership If I touch it Like John the Baptist He was in the wilderness The whole Jerusalem went to him Now they did not go there because they love him And it was a very corrosive environment I know In our own time now If you want to be successful Go to the city town I pursue the heart of that ancient spirit By the time I am done here Remember The Bible says that until the time of John The kingdom of God Suffered violence But it is taken by who? The violent So by the time I make it with the Lord Because I must undo What many things have been done in my flesh I must take care of everything And stand for my God When I am done Because it is a bridge, it is a building block I have told all before Jesus Christ is not a magician God is not a magician He does not do abracadabra Because you have said Jesus I love you Suddenly you will go through There is a path That you go with the Holy Spirit And this thing is for you to know To have experience To have something to talk about Right now I am being restrained by the Holy Spirit I have to break He is holding me Your path is to journey Journey with the Holy Spirit That is what I am doing now So follow the Lord Jesus Christ And above all The blood is the end of everything You can do many things That I have said here Perfect, excellent But I am telling you If you are not cautious The blood is the one giving you allowance Because even the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit did not come by himself The blood is the one that Allows the Holy Spirit to come That is why Breaking of the bread is Capital It is critical It is beyond important Drinking of the blood It is Something that you ought To be doing And now that the Holy Spirit is having me talking about it I think we will do it tomorrow Tomorrow morning as we will be Coming here we will be breaking of the bread And I will make sure that at least 2 or 3 times every morning We break of the bread and eat of that blood And drink of that blood I mean to say We break of the bread The body of Christ And drink of that blood Because that blood Is the true Revelation of who Jesus is It opens you To wonders, to depths And things that the mind Cannot contain Now for you to fully understand God You must be where God is Because Him alone can sustain you For you to be, to understand it If you are I cannot like going out of this So tomorrow we will be So if you will be watching me tomorrow Get ready We will eat of the virgin of Christ And we will drink of His blood This is a Strategic spiritual Exercise That commemorates The death And the resurrection Power of Christ Hallelujah And we will see you tomorrow In the mighty name of Jesus Thank you Father We adore you Adonai Thank you Adonai Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik Müzik

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