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cover of flesh verse spirit 2
flesh verse spirit 2

flesh verse spirit 2




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The main ideas from this information are: - The topic discussed is the contrast between the flesh and the spirit and how the flesh keeps us from God. - Fasting, prayer, and reading God's word are important in overcoming the desires of the flesh and pleasing God. - The Holy Spirit is a free gift from God to believers and is essential in growing closer to the Lord and living a godly life. - The Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God, leads us in truth, and brings forth the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. - The flesh and the spirit have opposite characteristics and effects on our lives. - It is important to choose to be led by the Holy Spirit and surrender to God's will rather than giving in to the desires of the flesh. Welcome back everybody it is amazing to have you listening in to the Rise and Shine show on Cornerstone Christian Radio with me Charlotte Charles and I just want to remind you that all are welcome, you know all are welcome to hear God's word today and we have had an awesome topic that the Lord has given us and this topic has been flesh vs spirit and how the flesh keeps us from God and the only thing that the flesh loves is itself. We spoke the dangers of the flesh and how our flesh is one of our biggest enemies and how the flesh invites demons to come in. The flesh loves to do everything that is not good for us. The scripture that comes to mind is where it says we must worship God in spirit and in truth. We could never please God in our flesh. We could never overcome the enemy in our flesh. There is literally no good thing that comes from our flesh. But yet so many Christians struggle and the reason is because fasting hasn't become part of their lifestyle. Prayer has become when you require it and reading God's word isn't happening on a regular basis. So what do we expect? Truthfully what do we expect? If we're not praising God, we're not reading his word, we're not praying, we are not fasting, putting that flesh under subjection to Christ. What do we expect? Do you think we're going to move in the signs and the wonders and the miracles? Of course not. But the problem is mankind don't want to put their time in. They just want everything easy and that's not how it works with God. We want to serve God in our flesh. Let's be honest, a lot of people have served God in their flesh. If we do this, we will never reach the goals Jesus has for us because we cannot please God. We cannot do the things of the flesh to please God, praise God. The only way that we are going to overcome the desires of the flesh and put that flesh under subjection is by God's amazing Holy Spirit, which we are going to talk more about now. Praise be to God Almighty. He loves us so much that he never left us alone. Can you imagine that? He knew we would need a helper. He knew that we would need the comforter. Praise God. And you know what I love about God is how he is so thoughtful and the love he has towards mankind. He never left us alone. He never abandoned us, but only wanted us to be close off to him. Glory be to God. So he gave us his amazing spirit, the Holy Spirit. This is a free gift to every believer. And trust me, as a believer and a person with the Holy Spirit is the best gift that I have ever seen and ever received in my life. And it is free. Yes, it is 100% free. There's no charge. There's no discount. Praise God. It is free to every believer, every person that believes and takes Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In God's amazing word, it says he's left us the comforter that will lead us into all truth. Jesus also said that the Holy Spirit would bring back to remembrance the words of Jesus. The Holy Spirit changes people from the inside out. If you take heed and allow him to, the Holy Spirit's job is to grow us closer to the Lord, to help us, teach us his amazing word, and that Jesus can get the glory from us. Without his spirit you're none of his. You see how important the Holy Spirit is in our life. God connects with his spirit. Like I said earlier, we must worship him in spirit and in truth. We see the Holy Spirit has many things it holds. And when you have the Holy Spirit and have him in relationship, you will only ever desire to draw closer to God Almighty. The Holy Spirit can pray. We are given a prayer language. And when we are given this prayer language and we speak in our heavenly language, God understands. It's the Holy Spirit interceding on our behalf. And it connects, basically the Holy Spirit connects with God. Hallelujah. And we even see people singing tongues. And our people have written songs from the words, The Holy Spirit is a revealer and will reveal the hidden sin areas that the enemy is trying to attack. He will reveal what's to come. The amazing thing is that the Holy Spirit will only ever lead us to the right way. The Holy Spirit will have you calm in situations. The Holy Spirit will be gentle and have you approach that situation the right way. Isn't the Holy Spirit amazing? It brings so much goodness to our life. And if you don't have the Holy Ghost, I encourage you to receive this amazing gift. We can see why God had to send his spirit to us. Because he knew if there was a mass amount of people filled with his spirit, then his work in the earth would be on a greater scale. Look at all Jesus did through the Holy Spirit. And Jesus said, greater works ye shall do. Why? Why did he say this? Because he knew the Holy Spirit would move in mankind on a massive scale. Praise God. This wasn't just one believer. This was millions and billions of believers being filled with his Holy Ghost, walking in that power, walking in that authority, casting demons out, healing the sick, baptizing in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. This is just so beautiful. To think that God never left us alone. That he just had a purpose and potential for mankind. That he just wants to teach us and bring us closer to him. Praise God. So let us take a look at God's awesome word to see more about the Holy Spirit. So 1 Corinthians 2.10. For God has revealed them unto us by his Holy Spirit. For the spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. So this scripture is clearly saying God's spirit speaks, that the Holy Spirit will reveal the deep things of God. These things can't come from flesh, but only through the Holy Spirit. And it's amazing when we let the Holy Spirit in and allow the Holy Spirit to lead. What the enemy sent for evil, God will always turn it for good. It doesn't matter what we may be facing, God's spirit has an answer for every situation we may be facing right now. Now we are going to look at Galatians 5.22-23. Praise God. And it says, But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such there is no law. This scripture is mighty beautiful. It really does show us how beautiful the Holy Spirit is. And how beautiful character the Holy Spirit has. And how we really need the Holy Spirit in this day to day life. And how much the Holy Spirit is packed out with so much goodness. We can have love that never dries out. We can have joy that gives us strength through our trials. We can have peace in our minds. We can have patience, learning to wait upon God. Faith that moves mountains on God's awesome goodness. And we gain self-control and meekness. So as I was saying earlier, the Holy Spirit is the complete opposite to the flesh. You see how much good the Holy Spirit brings. It's totally free. And as we grow our relationship with God, His fruits will only ever begin to grow juicier and juicier. Remember, it's the fruits that we look for in a believer. It's the fruits that stand out in a believer. And the more we surrender, the more we submit, the more the fruits will just flow. We really see how much the Holy Spirit is needed in today's world. So why settle for a life given into the flesh when you can be led by God's amazing Spirit. It doesn't cost you nothing. It's not expensive. It is free. And it will be the best gift that you will ever receive. So let's weigh this up. The flesh vs the Spirit. The flesh is toxic and wants to be its own God as the Spirit is all about the Lord and wanting us to die to self, die to flesh, die to sin so that we can be a vessel for Christ. The flesh will always want to hold us back, delay, hinder what God has for us. The flesh will only ever overindulge on the things that are not good, that lead to sin and draws us only from God. The Spirit, on the other hand, will only ever convict us of our sins so we can repent and move forward in our journey with the amazing Lord. The Holy Spirit is patient, kind, understanding and do and only ever draws us closer and closer to Christ. The flesh will have us hate on people, get angry, love one minute, hate the next. The flesh will have us in our emotions, in our feelings and act out to how we feel. Where the Holy Spirit will have us think before we speak, think before we say them words because once we project them words then words hold power. It is going to build somebody up, it is going to tear somebody down. When in the Holy Spirit we will not take people's words to heart. So when we are in the Holy Spirit we know that when people say things to us we are not going to take them to heart. But we will only ever have love for people because we must always remember as a believer that God loves souls and that is every soul. He loves the sinner, he loves those that are not even his children yet have given their lives to him but he loves them, he loves everybody praise God. And the flesh will have us anxious, it will have us worry about situations. Whereas the Holy Spirit will have us pray and walking in faith, walking in proclaiming God's word, knowing that God is taking care of our problems, knowing that the scripture that comes into mind is that says we should be anxious for nothing. And this is totally true because when we are following the Spirit and we are following God, God's Spirit, the way in submitting and yielding and listening, we won't be anxious. We won't worry because we know that God is going to take care of all our needs because it says you shouldn't be anxious for nothing. He will take care of all of our needs. So if you have a need today, Jesus can meet that need. All you have to do is wait, be patient and let God lead you and direct you in whatever problem you may be going through. The flesh will have us complain. How many of us have complained? How many of us moaned? But the Holy Spirit will have us be so grateful and give thanks in all situations because that is what the word of God says, give thanks. It doesn't matter what we may be going through, we give thanks. There is somebody always having a tougher situation. But once again, when we're in the flesh, the flesh is just thinking about the flesh, my situation, my household, my problems, me, me, me, me, me. Whereas the Spirit is focusing upon God. Hallelujah. And the main point is drawing us to trust up in God, to trust that God has a plan. God has already met them needs, praise God. The flesh will tell us, lie down a little bit longer, stay in bed, don't get up, don't pray, you know, turn snooze on that alarm. Whereas the Holy Spirit will lead us to pray, it's time to get up, it's time to pray. The flesh will have us look at others, it will have us compare what others have and why we think we should have them. Whereas the Holy Spirit will help those that don't have much and that we will be the iron in somebody's life. That encouraging word that they need right now. So now we have a better understanding on the flesh and spirit. And I know what side I want to be on, praise God. So let the Holy Spirit in. My advice is let the Holy Spirit in and do what it does best is lead, let it lead you. Because when the Holy Spirit truly leads you, it will only ever lead you closer to Christ. But this has been an amazing topic. And I've really enjoyed this topic, praise God. And I hope that you will feel encouraged and blessed by it. But time surely does go quick, praise God. And we're coming to an end of the show today. Well, I hope that you'll come and join me. I hope that you can join me again soon on the Rise and Shine show. It's awesome to be back with you guys. You can join me here on Thursdays and Saturdays. But before we go, let me finish off with a prayer. Lord Jesus, I just want to thank you for every single believer, every single person that's listening into this radio station today. I pray, Lord God, that you will touch them, Lord God. I pray, Lord, that your people begin to surrender, that they begin to submit to you, Lord. I thank you, Lord, that you have given them the Holy Spirit, that they can be drawn closer to you, Lord. And all those that don't have the Holy Spirit, I pray, Lord God, that, Lord, you will show them, Lord, that you will reveal yourself to them, Lord, that they will get hungry, Lord, that they will want your Holy Spirit, Lord, that they'll want to be transformed, Lord, by your Holy Spirit, that I pray today, Lord God, that every person listening, Lord, that their lives will be touched, Lord God, that they'll begin to grow in you, Lord God, that their eyes will begin to open, Lord, that their mouth will be used for your glory, oh Lord. And I pray, Lord, that every flesh will be put under subjection to you, oh Lord. Lord, I pray that you will touch the heart of every person today. And Lord, I pray for your will and your way to be done today in Jesus' mighty name. Stay blessed, everybody. And I hope that you will all join in again to the Rise and Shine show. But for now, be blessed, take care. Amen.

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