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Ep21 In The Shadow Of The Mountain C.L.Knox stories

Ep21 In The Shadow Of The Mountain C.L.Knox stories

Chris KnoxChris Knox



Everybody wants to know the future. This gizmo can tell you the future! NO LIE! You just have to be stoned on acid and have a con man in your midst. Oh well everyone has to eat so pay the man...

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A group of friends had a strange experience while taking acid and MDA. A guy passing through claimed to have a magical lava lamp that could predict the future. They tested it and it seemed to work, but when one of the friends bought the lamp, it turned out to be a disappointment. The narrator reflects on the incident and discusses the importance of wisdom and discernment. They also touch on media ownership and geopolitical events. They mention a biblical prophecy but conclude that current events are not its fulfillment. Hello, everyone. This will be episode 21. Theoretically the second week of January 2024. More stories about with Chuck. There's this one story, it's one of the most bizarre things I've experienced. Tom, Don and myself and Chuck and there was the guy from the house, the radio guy. I don't know, there was probably six or seven of us. And there was another, like I said, the house was kind of a commune, kind of a house, it was open to people. There was this guy that was passing through, he was coming from, I don't know where he was coming from and going, I don't know where he was going, but he was passing through and while he was there, we all ended up taking acid. But the thing about that was that Chuck and I, I don't remember who else, but Chuck and I had also done some MDA. So it was like MDA and acid. And it seems like Tom did MDA too. I can't fully remember, but that's what it seems like. Anyway, so once we got into this body rush, mind rush, expanded reality, this guy that was there that was just passing through, he said, Oh, I got this really cool thing. And he pulled out this lamp. It was, you know, about, I don't know, just over a foot tall, maybe, and full of oil and different colors of water, I think, you know, and you plug it in and you turn it on and it bubbles and everybody now would know that's a lava lamp. It's a lava lamp. It was a new thing. It's a lava lamp. None of us had ever seen one before. But I can't remember. That's a bizarre thing to me to think that there was a time before lava lamps. But anyway, while we were sitting there looking at this lava lamp, the guy said, Yeah, well, this lava lamp, it tells you can tell the future you can see into the future with this. He says it's actually it's got a lot of magical powers. And so he was he was like, we're like, What? What are you talking about? This can tell the future. Okay, like, what do you mean? He said, Well, just right now. And he said, somebody's name is right now somebody's name. This person is walking up to the door. And they're about to ring the doorbell. And they're looking for a place to stay tonight. So and then also in the doorbell, right? Like, you know why? And the guy said, I'll be done. And so the radio station guy goes down there and answers the door. And it's like, yeah, he's looking some guy looking for somewhere to stay tonight. Okay. The radio station guy comes back up and says, Oh, that's right. That's right. He says, Oh, you know, like it's the end of the future. Like if, if you see what's what's in store for you, you know, Chuck's like, What do you mean? How can I do that? Like, well, show show us how that works. And he says, Okay, Chris, I need you to go down to the kitchen, get a knife, and a I can't remember a flashlight, whatever he said, get these items down in the kitchen. So I went down in the kitchen. And while I was looking for the knife and the flashlight, and whatever the specifics were, I could hear his voice. Like I was they were upstairs, and I was downstairs. And I could hear his voice as he was talking to the other guys in the room and saying, Oh, he's, he's picking up the knife. Now. Wait a minute. He's standing there, listening. And I could hear him talking. And that's what he was telling those guys. Anyway, you go through this whole process of, you know, do this, that he can, and I can hear him tell them what that exactly what I'm doing. And he's right. And then I and then he goes, and he's now he's coming back up the stairs. And he's just about coming to the room. And here he is. And just as he says, and here he is, I walked into the room. Like, it was astounding. And we're all just like, Whoa, I got to get me one of these, you know, like, this thing is amazing. Like it was it went on for a couple hours where stuff like this was happening. And he was telling us stuff. And I remember those two things, because the one was the first one, and the other one involved me directly. So anyway, in the end, the guy, he says, you know, I really could use some money like, um, I, you know, if somebody's interested, I really I'll sell the lava lamp. Because I need some cash. I got to move on. Right. And so Chuck buys a lot of it. Right. So he buys it off this guy. And then later that night, we're all sitting around and we're stoned. I don't think we were on acid. We're just smoking dope probably did MDA again. We're sitting here looking at this lava lamp. And freaking nothing's happening. Nothing. We weren't, there was no future. There was no excuse me. There was no there was nothing. It was just a lot of languages kind of cool. But it had no magical powers. And you know, it's like, Chuck's going like, Oh, man, you ripped me off. And so, you know, we're so we're thinking this guy is a salesman. And that's what he does. He goes around and sells these lamps or whatever, or he's a con man, how he did it. I don't know. I don't know. It was just one of those bizarre, bizarre things. He come to expect the unexpected. The interesting thing about that story, and then the other stuff that those other stories, like the story I told last week, and just the other stories that, you know, I said before, there's like a thread that runs through everything. But looking at that incident, and internalizing it, and bringing out maybe a lesson, you know, from it, I think there's probably more than one lesson you get for something like that. You know, even then I had a somewhat philosophical mind. In fact, that's probably when it was started when I was 12. And you begin to think about like, okay, so this guy ripped us off. So or rip Chuck off. So how do you, how do you figure like, how do you figure that stuff out? How do you see? How do you see that coming? How do you prepare yourself to deal with that? I don't believe at that time, I would have associated that to being wisdom, like having wisdom. Yet, as, as I matured, probably when I was 17, or 18, or something like that. And I, you know, I recall that story. And I think I began to understand that to avoid that required wisdom. So 1718, I'm living, you know, as a backslidden, what they would call a backslidden Christian. And that means somebody that kind of turned their back on the faith. It's not that they stopped believing necessarily, but they turned their back on it. And they walk away because I wanted to be God. I wanted I wanted to fulfill my flesh. I wanted to fulfill my ego or whatever. And yet I never I never stopped. I never stopped reading and praying. I never stopped believing. I just stopped living it. That introspection there, right? So, but when I mentioned it before, there's these bedrock passages of Scripture, or there's what else you could call them anchors, they're high watermarks or watermarks, or, you know, they're, they're things that stick out to you and impress you in, in your living, and you remember them. And the one from James was let patience have her perfect works. Now I said that one once before. But the thing about that, that particular Scripture is that in my life, that was one of the first things I remembered, that that would take me if I had an issue, some whatever, and that could have related, it would take me back to James, and I would read James again. And I would read that passage, wisdom, or let patience have her perfect works. And I said wisdom is because the portion, the portion after that, you know, read that. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him who asks, ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. When you ask God for wisdom, believe God can give it to you, first of all, and then believe that you're going to get it. Believe he can, and believe you are. And then you're, you become aware of that. You become, you're looking for it. You're looking for the ability to look through something and say, this is wisdom. This is how I apply this to this situation here that I'm experiencing right now. To discern not only what you're hearing, but where it's coming from and the point of view that that is presented there, you need to do a bit of research. You need to look at who owns what and does what. And now all the mainstream media providers, now they're all owned by BlackRock and Vanguard. They're all, you know, those are the majority stakeholders. So, you know what, they're there to make money, but they also seem to have some kind of an agenda besides making money. Because they're big behind the whole woke ideology that's being pushed in the West. And you know, the rest of the world looks at us and thinks we're freaking nuts. No other army is trying to be inclusive. They want to fight. They want to be able to fight and win. That's China. You would hope Russians, but I don't know after what's going on with the Ukraine, I don't know that the Russians were trained on that whole Russian-Ukrainian thing too. I don't know. Hey, did any of you look at that Ezekiel 38? I mentioned it last time. If you look at that, you can see that never in the history of the world, as far as I can tell, have the people of Russia and the people of Persia, Persia being Iran, been in any kind of affiliation, allies. They've never been allied with each other. And yet this Ezekiel 38 is saying that's what's going to happen and that Jerusalem will be attacked from the North. Israel will be attacked from the North. So when you look at that, you got to realize the thing that's happening right now, while it could be pointing to a fulfillment of that prophecy, it's not. This isn't it. It may bring a precursor to it, but this isn't it. What's going to happen is, well, first of all, Hamas has admitted that Iran financed and basically directed what happened. The thing that happened where they attacked that music festival and slaughtered everybody there. So that gives a link to Ezekiel 38, but it's not the final episode. There's still stuff to happen. I don't know. If you didn't read it, again, I would suggest you read it. The reason I suggested reading out of something like The New Living is because it's paraphrased. So easier to understand. I read New American Standard. Yes, English Standard. I read both of those. The one I just read was called English Standard Version. I try to read different translations for the same reason I look at different news sources. I think there's stuff that may be missed by one translation over another, and that's not taking anything away from the work of the Holy Spirit, which is where you get the faith to believe and to not doubt that James was talking about when you pray and believe and don't doubt. That's the work of the Holy Spirit. Working in you to show you, to give you wisdom and to show you what whatever scripture means. If you're seeking God, you'll find it. You'll find it. That's the thing. Even though I failed in my life, backslidden, I failed a ton, a ton in my life. I think my heart, if you look at yourself, I don't know how, if any of us really know ourselves. We think we do, but God knows us better. But I think my heart was pure. I think in looking at scripture and my desires, not my physical desires, but my desires for truth and life, I think my heart was pure, as pure as a man's heart can be. I thank God, who is my friend and my Father, Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit. I think they work in me to lead me, to put me on the path that I need to go. That's one of the things I want to share with people. It's attainable. It's attainable. You can know God. You gain so much. You give everything you have and gain way more than that. That's what I'm learning about. Anyway, that's this one. The next one will be 22. There's one more thing I wanted to add, and that has to do with the last two episodes, this one and the last one. I talked about Ezekiel, the prophet, and today I talked about wanting to know the future, so telling the future. They're not the same thing. Prophetic utterances are not the same as telling the future, or going to get your tarot cards read, or having someone read your palm, or seeing a psychic. In the Old Testament, God pretty clearly warns the people of Israel to not get involved in that kind of stuff. He, through his prophets, says that being involved in trying to predict the future is getting yourself involved in demonic activity. So there's a difference. Typically when a prophet says something or prophesies, gives a warning, and then gives what will happen if you don't listen to the warning. So in Ezekiel, the warning is about the people of God not paying attention to the commands of God, the laws of God, the rules of God. And these last days prophecies, they relate to humankind. After Christ, the church are his people, and the church is very broad, and in the last days it says that everyone on earth will have heard the gospel. That's a prophetic utterance that all of the earth will know of the gospel. The story of the Savior coming, the Son of God coming as a man to save humankind, there is now this onus on humanity, to all of humanity, to acknowledge that they have strayed from God's laws, which, as I've said before, are just an acknowledgement of God's character, his essence, who he is. And by continuing to resist that, or ignore that, or to seek power for yourself, or praise for yourself, then this, on a global scale, will usher in these last days prophecies, which are in Ezekiel, and Jeremiah, and Daniel, and Isaiah, and actually Joel, and the book of Joel, and all of these prophetic books, the book of Revelation, and there's also some in Thessalonians, one of the letters. There's prophetic utterances from Christ himself. So the onus is on us as individuals and us corporately to seek God's face and to to do what we can to regain relationship with him, to strengthen our relationship with him. So when I say look at a prophetic book, it's a call to examine yourself. It's a call to examine your city, your family, your town, your city, your province, your country, and your culture, and realize that where we sit in relationship to what God has called humanity to, how he has called us to live, so to some people it's daunting, to others it's nothing. Just ignore it. It doesn't mean anything. So that's where differences in beliefs and faith come in. Anyway, I just wanted to add that. So say that you're not happy here, you said I think I'll try the coast, you live in cities and you live on farms, you still haven't found what you want to know. Don't you talk to the Lord, he'll hear you when you call his name, he'll never leave or forsake you, no, your life will never be the same. I was there in this wandering mind, seeking, looking, trying to fill my heart with desire, for on my own I was a dying, crowded man. I did my best, I said I'd do the best I can, even then I knew that wasn't quite enough, something else inside of me had to change. I felt like a jewel, I felt like a diamond in the rough, but God told me how long in my little life he'll reign. I said I'll talk to the Lord, he'll hear me when I call his name, he'll never leave or forsake me, no, my life will never be the same. That's why I'll sing praises to my God, oh, the light and the life of the world, who was and is and is to come, the Father, Spirit and the Son. There in your heart's despair you've heard the wordless say, there in the truth you know there's healing for your pain, but out of fear you stop and won't go any farther, and as you wait, my friend, it only gets much harder. Why don't you talk to the Lord, he'll hear when you call his name, he'll never leave or forsake you then, he'll be your very closest friend. I said why don't you talk to the Lord, he'll hear when you call his name, he'll never leave or forsake you, no, your life will never be the same. Thank you. Thank you.

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