When one door closes another one opens. Season 1, Episode 1.
When one door closes another one opens. Season 1, Episode 1.
The speaker introduces a new podcast called "When One Door Closes" and discusses the concept that when one door closes, another one opens. They emphasize the importance of having spiritual beliefs and not falling for anything. The podcast will explore the speaker's personal experiences of doors closing and opening in their life, including relationships, friendships, and career changes. They mention a specific episode called BNF, which will delve into a significant life-altering event. The speaker plans to release episodes every Friday and hopes that listeners will enjoy hearing the stories that have shaped their identity. They encourage listeners to be patient and open-minded when new doors open in their own lives. Hey, what's going on everybody? It's Clayton and Clay Williams. Welcome to When One Door Closes. This is going to be a podcast for the ages, I feel. So when one door closes, we all know that when one door closes, another one opens. So for me, that was, I just heard that shit until I was like 20, 19, 20, 2001. And I was like, that's not how it really goes. So in all these years, it's kind of taken a little bit for me to really realize that when one door closes, another one will open. It won't be in our timeframe. We might not like the timeframe that it happens, but there's always a door closing and a door opening. I take it from a real spiritual view because I'm not religious, but I feel that like you have to be spiritually on point. I've always said that you got to believe in something. If you don't believe in something, you will definitely fall for anything, which is what I preach to my kids. You got to believe in something, otherwise you'll fall for anything. And that's not what we do as Williams. Anyway, so when one door closes, I decided to do this because a lot of times in my life, I haven't had a real outlet. I haven't talked about like what's happened, like what spurred this change, what door closed to make me open another one or how did I forcefully close a door so that another one can open in my favor. And I've kind of learned over the last couple of years that doors aren't always going to close. You're going to have to be the one that closes them. And so it's going to be a real deep dive into that, like that thought process. So I would say over the years, multiple doors have closed. And there were times where I thought one door that should open would, but that just wasn't in the card. So it kind of leads me to now, like the first episode where it's going to be called BNF. If you know, you know. So if you're listening to this and you know me, you know what BNF stands for. So in BNF, we're going to go over a lot of situations that happened over a year and a half, two-year period that really led to me slamming the door closed. What's a little bit more convoluted about that is like right after I decided that I was really going to close that door and, you know, operate off a blind faith. So if you know me too, blind faith isn't something that I normally do, but I did it in this situation. I was going to operate off a blind faith. Like what really, really set in is I got COVID and I was down for like three days. So that really helped me slam the fucking door shut and not take the options that were out there. So yeah, so that's a little bit about that. I will go through, there's going to be, there's a lot of doors that have opened and closed in my life. So I will go through like the most meaningful ones to me and the ones that in reality were kind of life-altering. So we'll talk about relationships, friendships, things that some doors should have closed sooner rather than later. And there was a couple that were forcefully closed. And one of them, it's a feel-good story because it's like we had fallout. The door was definitely closed both ways. And so now like I call the guy once, once a week, once every other week, and we just bullshit. We both moved to the right side of the country, the East coast. So we're on the same time zone and whatnot. So yeah, so in, when one door closes, you're going to hear a lot of what I got going on. This isn't necessarily about anybody other than me. So if you're offended with what I say, then I kind of feel like it's your problem. So let me, let me say that again. If you're offended by what I say, I kind of feel like it's your problem. Just because there's times that you don't get to tell me what my feelings should be. You never get to tell me what my feelings should be actually. So let's just set that right there. So if you're offended by what I'm going through or feel that it's inaccurate, then I want to hear about it. But I can tell you that I'm going to stand firm. I'm going to stand on 10 toes, as some people say. I'm going to stand firm with what, what I said, because I'm not here to bullshit or fluff. You know, it's, it's my interpretation of situations. So yeah. So we'll have BNF. We'll go through, a real tough one for me is like when my dad passed. We'll, we'll go through that situation because I felt like a lot of doors closed. And then doors that I got told would open never really did. So it's like, we're just out here in South Carolina Island. And then we'll go through a couple of previous employers where those doors closed. And they closed at the right time. Like looking back at it, everything that has happened in my life is a timing thing and it's happened at the right time. So I will give it that. Fridays is when this is going to drop. Fridays at three, if you want to be more specific. I'm going to try and get on every platform. So whatever platform for podcasting you listen to, it will definitely be there. The goal is to get like half an hour to an hour. I know BNF is probably going to be a three part series because I can't just go into that until when the door closed. So I've got to give the backstory of like my whole tenure at BNF, you know, so that's, that's going to be a good one. And now that I sit here, like different situations go through my head. Like one of them came up, but I've been chuckling at because it was, it was just bullshit. So, so yeah, so that's where we're at. Definitely, definitely tap in, tap in on Fridays, Saturdays. I think it'd be great for if you got like an hour commute, just to listen to what's really going on. So personally, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for listening, taking the time out to actually listen to this. If you've gotten this far, I really look forward for y'all to hear the stories behind what makes me who I am. My bad, I'm at home. And as you heard, the really loud truck went by. Hopefully I can edit that out. But anyways, so it's going to go through who I am and what I do as a person and my thought process. So when one door closes, another one will open. It might not be the one that you want to open, but another one will definitely open and you got to receive it with patience. And that door could just be a placeholder door. That too, you know, so that placeholder door could be a door that's going to lead to greatness in the long run. So thanks for listening. I hope that you come back for episode number two.