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This transcription provides guidance on how to ground and cleanse your energy. It suggests techniques such as deep breathing, visualizing a grounding cord to release negative energy, connecting various organs to the grounding cord, clearing the mind, cleaning and filling the aura, channeling healing energy, and affirming self-worth. These practices aim to promote relaxation, release negative emotions, and restore balance and positivity. While in a comfortable seated or lying position with your spine straight or erect and arms and legs comfortable and relaxed, take a nice deep breath in through your nose and release it through your mouth. Send a grounding cord or tube down from the base of your spine to the center of the earth. Tuck the grounding cord nice and wide and use it to release the excess energy of the body. Feel the tension, anxiety, worry, and concern leave your body. Let go of the energy of anger, disappointment, grief, and depression. Feel the joy and happiness flood your body. That is your natural state. Enjoy it. Men and women create a line of energy from your male and female bodies to the main grounding cord and set your organs to release. Let out the excess energy. Feel the release as that part of your body relaxes. Move up to the adrenal glands. They sit atop your kidneys an inch above your waist and two inches from your spine. Create another nice wide line of energy from your adrenals to the base of your spine to join with the main grounding cord going down to the center of the earth. It's important to keep those adrenals clear to allow your whole body to go into a relaxed and healing state. Let go of the fight or flight energy, stress, worry, and anxiety. Feel your body come to a calm, relaxed state. Continue to breathe in deeply and slowly exhale, feeling the relaxation take over your body. Attach the sciatic nerve at the base of your nervous system into the adrenal glands to form a profound connection so the entire nervous system can clear out through the adrenals. Your entire network of nerves is slowly draining out from top to bottom through those adrenals down the grounding cord that goes to the center of the earth. As that happens, your nervous system quiets, becomes calm as it transforms to an electric blue color. As it quiets, the body transforms into that restful parasympathetic state, very relaxed, peaceful, and at ease. You feel lighter as your load lifts. Know that you are in exactly the right place for you at this very moment. The universe is lining up for your highest good and success. Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly, letting out all your nervous energy. Connect your liver and gallbladder with a line of energy to the main grounding cord. If you don't know where they are, be assured that your body knows exactly where they are. Release all the emotional pressure due to anger, bitterness, guilt, resentment, all those dark, hot emotions. Just let them all go down the grounding cord, releasing them and bringing in a bright golden light of healing and peace in its place. Connect your kidneys and bladder to the main grounding cord with a line of energy. Release the energy of blaming, dread, fear, horror. Release the terror, the insecurity, and the conflict, the anxiety. Let all those emotions flow down the grounding cord. Let them go. You don't need them anymore. You can now move forward with confidence that you will succeed at whatever you are working towards. Connect your lungs to the main grounding cord with a line of energy. See all the sorrow, the grief, sadness, and discouragement leave you. It's draining off bit by bit. You no longer need it. Your lungs are now clear from top to bottom. Take a deep breath and feel how free your lungs are. Let it out slowly and feel the relaxation. Every time you breathe in, you breathe in the golden energy of healing into your lungs so it fills every corner of your lungs and moves into the rest of your body. And now, connect your heart to your grounding cord with a line of energy nice and wide. Let go of the heartache. The feelings of betrayal, feelings of abandonment, and unreceived love. You are never alone. You have been accompanied your whole life. Let your heart be filled with joy and love as your higher power has given you the gift of life and love. Accept it into your heart. Let it fill up with that warmth glow of it. Now move to the center of your head, which is your control center. As you sit and look around the center of your head, find any excess looping thoughts or more visually, papers, spiderwebs, or old boxes. Go and clean those out. You can wash them down an opening out the back of your head. You can use whatever you need to clean it all out, water or air, with whatever spiritual device you find handy, such as a fire hose or an air blaster. As you clear it, let it go out that opening and down the big grounding cord at the base of your spine all the way to the center of the earth. Once your head is clear, go ahead and close down the opening and come out the top of your head, pulling your entire energy field or aura into 18 inches around your body. It should feel snug and may cause your skin to tingle a little bit. Make the outside edge of your aura sharp and defined, and make sure that it is completely filled and evenly, both front and back. Smooth and fill out any dents or holes, then use either a vacuum or a rose, a figurative rose that collects dust like a duster, and move it around you from top to bottom. Collect the dust, haze, and dirt, and then throw it down the grounding cord when it's full. Grab another clean rose and repeat it until the process is complete, and then another, and then another if you need to. The dust, haze, and dirt represent the things you've picked up during your day, including what you pick up by walking through other people's fields or auras. You're going to clean out starting at the top of your head, down the neck, shoulders, torso, then around the waist, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, feet, and then under your feet. You can also use the divine golden vacuum and let it clean everything out. When you're done, you can throw everything down the grounding cord, taking all the excess energy and dirt to the center of the earth where it's purified and recycled. Don't forget to continue to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly as your field or aura cleans all that unnecessary excess out. As it clears, you feel lighter, more energetic, and more centered. Open the energy channels or chakras on the soles of your feet to earth energy, which can be a vibrant green or a rich brown. Let that energy come up through the feet, then through the ankles, the shins, your calves, your knees, thighs. Let it go up to the hips and then down the grounding cord. As you open to earth energy, you're clearing out those important energy channels. Let your feet represent your soul understanding and your legs, your ability to take your next steps in life. Find the place in the universe that you are happy, such as a beautiful beach, a majestic mountain, or a glorious forest. It can be a star or a constellation. It brings you peace and joy. From that place, bring a line of energy to you. Bring that beautiful energy into the back of your head, one inch above where the spine meets the skull. You're going to run that incredible energy through your channels, clearing them out and recharging all the cells in your body. Let it enter at the back of your head, right above the spine, then pass down through your neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, hands, through your fingers and out your fingertips. You are clearing out your creative channels and your ability to give, grasp, and receive. Your burdens and responsibilities are being washed away as the energy leaves your fingertips. Breathe in golden healing energy, bringing it into every cell of your body, then exhale all the darkness and burdens, feeling your body become freer and freer with every breath you take, bringing more of that energy down your channels, the spine, and the energy channels or meridians on either side of your spine. Even if you don't know where these are, your body knows exactly what to do. You are channeling that energy right down into your hips and looping it back up through your belly, through your chest, neck, head, and out the top of your head, gently raining out across your energy field, bathing and cleansing your field or aura. This process is called energy running, and you can let it continue for several minutes if you'd like. Breathe in more golden healing light deeply and feel your body clear further as you exhale. To protect yourself throughout the day, you can put a big, beautiful protection rose in front of you, about three feet out. A rose is the symbol of love and purity, and it serves to collect any negative energy as you go about your day. Let it be about two feet in diameter and ground it to the center of the earth through its roots or grounding cord. After it collects enough energy, imagine it turning to dust and dropping down its root hole or grounding cord so the earth can take it, purify it, and recycle that energy. Grow a new rose in its place and start that cycle over again. Now that your energy field or aura is clear, move yourself to the top of your head. Bring an enormous golden sun of healing energy to the top of your head. It can be enormous, as big as a house or an apartment building. Let all that energy sink into your body, filling every cell and all the spaces that we've cleared, filling what was dark spaces with a beautiful healing light. Gold is the healing energy of the divine, and it will continue to heal, soothe, and calm as you go about your day. Put another golden sun atop your head, this time a golden sun of validation to affirm your divinity and your beauty. You are capable, competent, intelligent, beautiful, loving, lovable, and a perfect divine creation. Bring this incredible golden sun of validation into your body and let it fill all the cells of your body, filling them until every cell in your body is singing with joy and happiness. Place one more golden sun on top of your head, and while you sit there, as a handsome or beautiful being, bring yourself back into your body with this golden sun. Use that golden sun to bring yourself back into your body better than ever before. Pull your spirit out of all the creative projects you're working on so you can be mindful and present for yourself. Let you be clear and focused with your spirit in present time and your body in present time, synchronizing them, clicking them into place with one another like you're snapping a buckle into a seat belt. You're snapping your spirit exactly right into your body. Make sure you're all the way down to your fingers and toes. Wiggle them, feeling yourself fill out your body better than you ever have before, spirit and body together, present and in sync. Take three deep breaths in, deep cleansing breaths, and slowly exhale. Come back into the room, open your eyes, feel refreshed and relaxed. This healing meditation is now complete. May you feel the blessings of the Supreme Being as you go about your day.