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joseph & Jothi conversation

joseph & Jothi conversation

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The conversation between two people starts with discussing the water shortage issue in Bangalore. They then talk about the church service and the sermon topic, which was about different types of people: leaf, branch, and root people. Leaf people are only there during good times, branch people use you for their success, and root people silently help you. The conversation ends with a suggestion to be a root person for someone and to find root people in your life. They plan to discuss this topic further in the next week. Hello Pastor, good to see you. Hey, good to see you Jyothi, how are you? I am good, how was your day today? Good, I mean it was a little tiring this morning but kind of feeling better now. Yeah, same here because weather is getting too hot. True, serious, I wonder how people in Chennai live or different parts of India, trust me, Bangalore is just becoming crazy. Yeah, yeah, I just heard that there are no water supplies, even the CM house did not have it. Can you imagine, even our Chief Minister does not have water, that's a big problem I think all over our city. Yeah, I was even talking to my owner today, he said that he has been living here for 28 years, this is the first time he is facing this issue. Seriously, I wonder what has happened to Bangalore and after 28 years this kind of a situation is crazy. Yeah, and how was the service yesterday? Oh, to me yesterday, the service, basically the way it was started up, I think Zeru did a great job, he was singing some amazing, some old numbers. Okay. I enjoy singing some old numbers. I mean I am not saying that I don't like the new numbers but these old numbers just you know, it tingles your old emotions, you know what I am trying to mean, right? Yes, yes, yes. And what was the sermon topic you had yesterday? Hey, I mean after the song got over, this sermon topic very interesting, I was in Dubai last year and I had been there for some work and suddenly I remember reading this one small portion of a forward message and that immediately tingled my mind to create a sermon. Aha, so this sermon, you were showing some trees, you know, you were speaking about some branches, leaves, can you just explain what that is all about? See, actually you know what happened, just a little reverse back, so when I was preparing this sermon, I was talking about these three types of people, leaf and branch and root people and I said, hey, all of us in our life have got different types of people. I am sure you would have gone through situations having good people in your life, sometimes people who don't like you and so that was the whole sermon is all about talking about three different types of people. What are those three different types? Are you trying to, you know, create an analogy between the leaf, branch and the different parts? Hey, you are asking something crazy question. Okay, let me just kind of rewind. See, leaf people, what I say is, you know, basically they are with you at good times but moment you go through a kind of a suffering, they just run away. Okay, okay. And I also was wondering, you know, when you were speaking about the leaf people, why didn't you use some other different parts of the plant? Why is just the leaf? Oh, I mean, these are visually, what do you call, people can easily understand. See, especially when you are preparing a sermon, you need to be cautious of the illustrations that you give, so people can easily understand. See, the end goal is that people sitting there have to understand. Yeah, you know, I also have this problem, you know, when you trust someone, you know, all of a sudden they leave you and go. Was there any incidents in your life like this? How did you manage to overcome? Oh, that's a good question, you know, seriously again asking you some crazy questions. Yeah, I did have one person whom I trusted and the person left me. Basically, when people leave, it causes pain and I can still imagine the amount of days that it took for me to recover, cried, but finally I was able to overcome the situation. Okay, that's good. What was the second type of the people? Second type, you know, what is about the branch. Branch people is someone, they are very strong, they are with you, but basically these guys, you know, they want to be with you because they find their success is with you. Okay. So, basically they will use you like a ladder and till the point of success, once they are successful, they will take you off. Oh, it's like they have a hidden agenda to mingle with you. Yes, you absolutely correctly defined that. But, you know, we all seem to be very careful of different types of people like leaf and branch, but the final one, what I liked was the root guy, you know. Basically, the root people are someone, you don't see them. They are like the underground workers and they don't look for credibility, names, they just want to be silently helping you and that's what I was talking about yesterday. Wow, that's so nice to hear. So, thank you so much for your time. Hey, good, good day. But listen, I liked what yesterday when we were finishing the service, at the last we were talking to the church people and I said, hey, you need to be root people to someone. And if you are not to someone, find someone as a root people in your life. Oh, wow, that's nice. See, that's where, you know, many of the people, they have friends, but they don't know what kind of friends they have. Correct. So, next week let's catch up on our series 2. We can discuss more, okay? Sure, thank you. See you then. Bye, bye. God bless you guys. Love you all. See you once again and we will meet up next week. We will talk more about it. Bye. Bye.

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