Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Okay, let's get started. We're just going to start. Do you want to ground a little bit or do you want to pull curves first? Let's ground. Let's ground, okay. Alright, we're going to start with three cleansing breaths. Now, do you want me to go through a full? Sure. Okay, just a quick one. So now we're just going to keep taking those breaths and I want you to begin picturing those thick gold cords coming out of your root chakra down into Mother Earth. The floor we're currently sitting on all the way down to Mother Earth's roots. And we're going to take those thick gold cords and wrap them around whatever you picture Mother Earth's cord will look like. Whether it's an anchor, a crystal, a tree, whatever you imagine. Wrap those cords around Mother Earth's core and really let her pull that energy. And once you have those cords wrapped around, we're going to start pulling energy up from Mother Earth through our feet chakra. You might notice your feet start to get warm or cold or a little tingling. We're going to pull that energy up through our feet, creating a circle, up through our shins, up through our knees, through our thighs, back into our root chakra. Cycling that energy that does not serve us back down through the roots, through those cords, pushing that energy back into Mother Earth. We're going to keep pulling that energy up back through our feet, cycling, cleansing energy in as we push what no longer serves us out through those cords. We're going to slowly pull that energy up again through our feet to our root chakra. And I want you to go through the back of your spine, up through your sacral, and really push that energy, breathe that energy into the front of your sacral. Again, releasing what does not serve us through those cords. Pulling that energy up back through our solar plex, through the front of our solar plex, the bottom of our rib cage, pulling all that energy, breathing all that energy into that space. Releasing what does not serve us through those cords. Pulling up through our heart space, making sure we're getting all the deep ends of our heart space, every aspect, pulling all that breath into the deep back of your heart, into the front, really breathing and opening up your heart space. Releasing what does not serve us. Bringing up our spine into the back of our throat, pulling that breath into the front of our throat chakra, releasing what does not serve us. To the back of our head, feel that energy and breath go through your temples, your cheeks, your face, bringing that energy into our third eye, and releasing what does not serve us. Bring that energy up all the way to our crown, into the space a foot above us, cleansing that energy, calling in on our higher self, and creating this opal white light of protection around us. Releasing what does not serve us back into Mother Earth, and feeling that cleansing protective energy coating us. Take a couple more cleansing breaths. Calling on your higher self, and that bright light of wisdom, pulling that light into your heart space. Allowing that light to shine and cleanse out what does not serve you, allowing you to ground and be protected and safe in your heart space. Speaking from a place of authenticity, a place of grounding, a place of wisdom, you know what you need. You are safe in what you need. You are exactly where you need to be right now. You are present in where you need to be right now. You express love in what you need to be right now. And if there's any other areas in your body that feel a little tense still, I want you to send extra breath and energy to those places, letting them know they can relax. It is okay to experience ease. If you need to move or rock a little bit, or stretch, just to get any of that lasting discomfort energy out of your body, letting it go, letting it release. That energy is no longer serving you. And just breathe and listen to your body. Soothe your body. You are safe. You are grounded. Let that energy flow into your hand chakras. When you touch your forehead, touch your face, send some of that reiki energy back into your body, that healing energy, into where it needs to go. And when you take one big breath in, hold it, take another small breath in, and exhale. One more time. Big breath in, hold, another big breath in, and let it all out. Let's do it one more time, Jessica. Feel better? Okay. Alright, let's hold some cards. Do we want to do three cards first? Yeah, that's fine. Also, let's drink some water. Okay. Okay. You didn't ask a question. I don't get it, please. The world. In reverse? Five of wands and the devil. Oh. This is a new deck, it hasn't been mixed yet at all. Should we take it? Are we taking this? Do you feel like it relates? I don't know. I don't either. Okay. Let's, let's, yeah. Let's just read. Yeah, okay. I don't know. Oh. The world. Well, it's better that it's in reverse and not upright. Right. And it's basically like obstacles in our way, but not the end of the world. It's a time of evolution and raising our... So we will take that. Yeah, we will 100% take that. Love that. I feel like that fits for us doing the podcast, too, because we're retaking control of our narrative. Right. Almost, in a sense, and how we talk about our ADHD and, like, everything. I love that. I could kind of see it being one of those things where it's maybe both. Yeah, yeah. Because it's just, like, the beginning. Yeah, but also, like, we were feeling at the beginning a little, I feel, past, present, future a little bit of reading. And before we started the meditation, we were definitely in this hyper fixation stagnant, preventing ourselves from getting started. And now we're slowly moving forward into something different. Right. Yeah, that energy change. So what's the medal? Let's see here. Oh, I have one. Wow, I just was on it. Okay. That's good. That is us very presently right now. I love that right now, too, because that is, this is very much so past, present, and future. Right. And we're both just kind of like, okay. Okay. Just let it be. And we're just going to see what happens. Yes, that compromise. There you go. So. Okay. We will take those. We will take those. Yes. Thank you. Okay. We're ready. We are ready. Okay. That's our music. Hello, beautiful souls. Ariana and Courtney here. This podcast is intended to share our journeys, navigating neurodivergence and spirituality as a way to inspire you on your journey. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. There is no intention here to make you feel like you're the only one. 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