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Ep1: Sleeping Naked

Ep1: Sleeping Naked

The Self ProclaimersThe Self Proclaimers



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The speakers discuss the topic of sleeping naked and the pros and cons associated with it. They mention finding information on how to transition to sleeping naked, including advice on showering before bed and keeping a robe nearby. They also mention reading an article from Forbes that cites a supposed sleep expert, Dr. Audrey Wells, who recommends against sleeping naked for hot and sweaty sleepers. However, one of the speakers mentions being a hot and sweaty sleeper and still enjoying sleeping naked. They also mention the potential need for products like cooling sheets to prevent excessive sweating. Is it recording now? It is now recording. I managed to find the record button last time. Click play again. Look, okay. Anyway. It's non-issue. We're getting it sorted. I will learn how to use this recording software. Learn to click the right button. It's more difficult than it looks. It is. Anyway. Hello and welcome back listeners. Working title so far. That could be a title actually. Working title could be your app name. That's too sort of... Down the nose. A bit edgy. Getting into the... We don't want to give the impression that we like what we're doing. That's true. Or that we think it's valuable. Let us be very clear from the get go. This is a complete waste of your time. A complete waste of our time. We should do something else. I have a degree to do. So do I. You're nearly done. I'm not. Hello and welcome back. Today's all important, all interesting, all encompassing episode is Sleeping Naked. And the perks. The pros, the cons, the good, the bad. Apparently why you shouldn't or why you should. And the culture surrounding it. Because there is a culture. There is! We've discovered a thriving culture online. And it's a swirling debate of emotions and science and facts. There's certainly some opinion in there as well. About 99% opinion. But we've found some interesting things for you. We've found some interesting things to share. Unfortunately you are stuck with us. We couldn't get Morgan Freeman. We reached out to David Attenborough to narrate. He'd be fantastic at this. He's a writer of history. Any kind of narrating voice. We don't really possess that kind of... We don't have the gravity. No, not at all. We'll get there. That could be something we could try. Voice acting. We should do that. We're getting distracted. I was going to jump right into it. For those who don't know. This is when you take off all your clothes and then go to bed. No, it needs explaining. Let's be clear. There are no clothes in the bed at any time. You can cuddle your clothes if you want. No? Okay. Probably not. I don't know what that means. I did look up the wiki. It is important to set out a good level of standards. You know what's going on. It started out with method one. Making the transition. In big bold letters. Then it showed a very graphic cartoon. Someone's butt. Ricky in red pants. Very red pants. In front of a curtain. Doesn't even look like the person's on the bed. I was quite scarred. I love the fucking drawings. The drawings are... They get taken so seriously. So seriously. It was saying slowly move away from pajamas. Keep extra sheets and blankets on hand. I had a picture of someone showering. Take a bath or shower before you go to bed. Which is important. Yeah. That sums up a lot, doesn't it? Make sure you're clean before you go to bed. Before you sleep with no clothes on. We'll get to that, I'm sure. The most horrifying thing I saw was keep a robe nearby in case you have to get up. Yeah. A trusty robe. A robe for covering up quickly. I said to you, Wikihow, wouldn't it be better for an intrusion to have a robe? Right, yeah. What is more terrifying? A man with a shotgun or a man staring at you from the kitchen with no clothes on? Yeah, exactly. You've come to just steal his piercing. Man or woman. Well, anyone standing naked, glancing at you, saying not a word. That is truly horrifying. So I think there is something to be said. There's something primal about it, isn't there? Something sort of urgent. Oh, you didn't have to say that. You didn't have to say that. I mean, it lets you know what kind of household you're fucking with once you intrude on that premises. That is so true. I mean, why get guard dogs? Why can't you do all the work yourself? Yeah. Props if you can phone with a mouth on command. I can. I can phone with a mouth on command. I'm not going to do it because you won't get the true hearing experience from me. Listeners will only be able to hear you frothing. Just picture me foaming at the mouth as I do this. I do have trigger words. You can get that out of me. But yeah, I mean, all seriousness aside, the trusty robe to put on. Yeah, when you need to. Okay, so this is the thing. We should actually place ourselves in context, shouldn't we? Yes, of course. So I have slept naked for years now. Every night. This is true. And then you're a convert, aren't you? I am one of those people making the transition. I do every now and then. I do quite a lot to prepare myself for this. I need to get in the right mindset. So I did, of course, a few nights in the lead up to this episode. Preparation. I take this podcast incredibly seriously. Good, at least one of us does. Okay. But yeah, I've started to quite enjoy it. I can't do it every night, but it is quite nice when I do. There's something very... I enjoy the breeze. It's freeing. I think it's freeing more than anything else. But my point was, by putting us in the context of the wikiHow's instructions, I have never once, I don't think, needed to... Robe up? Yeah, robe up in the middle of the night. And, yeah. Patrol the... Patrol, yeah. I don't understand why you wouldn't want to be caught without it, but it is also quite... terrifying. Yeah. If you don't have the robe. It's the fear factor. You want to strike fear into the people that you live with. Constantly. Just weird food combinations isn't enough. You need to be able to terrify them emotionally, not just mentally. Agreed. Another thing the wikiHow does mention, since you're sleeping naked, you want to get into bed to go to sleep. Disagree. Again, patrol the... Do a loop, yeah. Do a lap of the local neighbourhood. Remember to fall asleep. The last thing you do before you fall asleep. Key hint for sleeping naked, sleep. Otherwise that's just nudism. Food of fucking thought. You'd be surprised. You see, wikiHow was very enlightening, so I was confused beforehand whether to sleep first and then get naked, or get naked and then sleep. It's kind of like a chicken and the egg kind of situation. That is so true. That is so true. Kind of. They're not related at all. Not at all. What did you discover? I tried to find the most prestigious stuff that we could look at. Not that I am discrediting wikiHow's immense reputation. I should hope not. But I looked at some actual professional articles that people have written for some godforsaken reason. The first one being Forbes. Forbes magazine. Forbes, I was surprised when I found it, have done an article on sleeping nude. For anyone who doesn't know, Forbes is like a business sort of magazine. It's a business magazine. They sort of like celebrate things in good old USA. Yes, it's very business. The height of casting. What did you want? Being on the cover of Forbes magazine is like a thing, isn't it? It is. Is there a picture of you sleeping naked? No, no. There better not be. I will talk to my non-existent team of lawyers. We can get you some lawyers. This is what you're funding, viewers. A team of lawyers to take down Forbes for when they finally get rid of those nudes I sent you. Take down Forbes for the hell of it. Anyway, what was nice to see in their article is sort of an attempt An attempt? An attempt to sort of make it seem nice and academically sound. We're talking citations of so-called medical practitioners. What reference style? I'm curious. They don't really do it like that. They have like a kind of like a bibliography at the end, but not really. Yeah, no. They'll just name drop people and expect you to know them or to go away and to Google them, which is exactly what I did in this circumstance. Really? Yeah, I'm not sure Forbes probably wanted me to because the first name drop that we had was Dr. Audrey Wells who is the self-proclaimed sleep expert of America. She is called the super sleep MD. That sounds like a very important position. That sounds appointed. Are there tryouts? I feel like there's tryouts. No, no. I think the opposite. It's such a niche field that no one else can be bothered. Ah, of course. So what's cool about Dr. Audrey Wells the thing that Forbes credits is that you sort of have to spend two minutes to find out that there's a problem with this academic source. For one thing, her qualifications are not obvious. It's not clear where she got her medical license because her entire website is kind of structured in a it's hard to describe Use your words. My great words It's kind of like a subscription based sort of it seems akin to more like meditation and mindfulness sort of training, like those kind of things. But then also has links, as does the Forbes article I might add, to all kinds of products that you can buy dear listeners, if you're planning on making the transition to sleeping naked. Things like cooling sheets It's quite funny, the article would say, here's our favourites for 2024. They have a nice long list of Brooklinen's classic core sheet set and they're supposed to wick away moisture and promote more comfortable sleep. Which is nice, isn't it? That's a boon. I like the sound of that. The reason that we want to wick away all of this moisture, all of you sweaty, naked sleepers out there is because apparently the reason we wear pyjamas is to absorb, this is according to the reputable source of Audrey Wells Pyjamas are effective at absorbing body oils and fluids. Yes, we do sweat during sleep. So sleeping without means that the bed sheets take on that job. So yeah, who knew pyjamas were the first line of defence when it came to our bodily fluids? Although I suppose we could have answered that question. If you're a hot and sweaty sleeper the last thing you should be doing is sleeping naked, she warns. So don't do it. But for the record also, I am a hot and sweaty sleeper, and I do it every day. Don't you just slip out of the bed? Yeah, it gets really slippery. There's too many body oils. Sort of like a sardine in a can. That's the image that comes to mind. Sardine in a can. So as far as I understand the point, and I do appreciate that, it doesn't seem to me as though that should be the reason that we shouldn't sleep naked. That just sounds like your covers are probably going to get slightly dirtier. Now bear in mind the sweat doesn't stop at the pyjamas, right? Like pyjamas don't capture that whole bit and leave your covers spotless. No, that's true. That is true. But I'm sure if Audrey were here she would tell us that it decreases the frequency in which you would have to wash your covers. What a perish the thought of having to wash your covers more than we... It's either that or wash the pyjamas more. Yeah, it's a loser's thing. Yeah, you're going to have to end up cleaning something. Well we did try to reach out to her but then we realised we couldn't be bothered. We did reel actually. It does sound like a fake name. I'm sure she will but she does look like a stock image on her own website. Yeah. I'm sitting here foaming at the mouth at the thought of this. Cut that out. Because I'm terrified by a sleeping naked specialist with no real qualifications. But to conclude the point on Forbes, surprise, surprise, the business magazine ended up trying to sell me some stuff. So we learnt nothing. We got the pyjama point. But yeah, it was interesting to me as to why they would even bother writing this article. And then I scrolled down and saw all the products on offer and I was like, that's the reason. I found a lot of similar articles. Essentially just a vehicle to sell more bedding. The worst one I found was from Ayila. I think I'm saying that right. Do you sleep naked? Here are seven reasons why you should. And there's always seven reasons. That seems to be a very inconsistent amount of reasons. It is a magic number. Good old prime number. But the worst description I've ever read of bedding is this. Eucalyptus silk is super soft, wrinkle resistant, and wicks away moisture. Just wait, just wait, just wait. So you want every inch of your naked skin touching it. I'm not even joking. That's actually what it says. And naked was in brackets, just so you know. Why? I don't know. Couldn't tell you. We prefer to be able to not know why. I think that's for the best. Because that gives the horrible image of being cocooned. Cocooned? I mean, when I sleep I am a cocooner. Oh, you roll up? I essentially go into hibernation. Covers over the head. Oh God. I need to be immensely warm and immensely comfortable. That is optimal. You don't want your feet hanging out there. No, no, no. People who do that should be stopped. That is psychotic behaviour. Psychotic behaviour. Yeah, you cover your head. Yeah, no, but I just look like a little hood. Again, to be fair, having every inch of my skin covered by bedding doesn't have to be naked. No, no. Brackets make it good. That is a very comforting thought, but when I read it like this, it's just a horrible sentence. I wouldn't mind some silk sheets, to be honest. I'll give you a birthday next year. Silk sheets. Yeah, some silk stuff. Silk's fucking expensive, isn't it? Oh, yes. Extraordinarily. But I just want to see what all the fuss is about, you know? I want to feel like a king when I sleep. And you felt. Yeah, that's because you are a king, James. You're always a king. There's no what to say when we're talking about Stalinism. Yeah, that's the only time I know what I'm saying. But, putting this in a wider context, we should discuss how many people actually do sleep naked. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. And YouGov did do a survey on that. YouGov, which is the main UK government survey. Yeah, well, there's two, aren't there? Oh, yeah. Ipsos and YouGov. And those are pretty much the only two pollsters that are worth anything in the UK. But, yeah, what does YouGov have to say? The statisticians were foaming at their mouths to tell me this. Yeah, well, it's a lovely image, isn't it? There's a lot of rabies going on. It's a problem. Maybe there's a link to sleeping naked. We don't know. Do you want to be able to... Do you want to guess how many people sleep naked? Oh, fuck, you told me and I forgot. Well, that's even worse. It's even worse than... Go on. Was it, like, a third or something? Okay, no, that's a little bit high. Be realistic, James. Take this seriously. Fifteen to twenty percent. Yeah, it is actually twenty percent. You actually have a better memory than you think. One in five sleep completely naked in Britain. Okay. So if you're in a room full of five people... A room of five people, you better watch out. You have to have that thought in your mind that one of those people will go to bed, throw all their clothes on the floor, and just completely dive into bed and just lay there. Yeah, you don't even know if they have a trusty robe next to their bed. Well, exactly. Lest they need to get up in the middle of the night and confront intruders. Obviously. Or confront housemates? Yeah, yeah. Spouse, pets. All these things. Landlord, maybe have a nightly visit. All confrontations better solved when naked. It is that you have an authority in dominance when you have it. Yeah. When you don't have it. I should say. But yes, the thing that surprised me and scared me a little bit more was obviously people pet on the bed. People do that all the time. Fair enough. That in itself is a very contentious debate. Some people don't. A lot of people don't. That's probably episode worthy. Although neither of us have pets. So that's a bad idea. We'll get pets and then we'll do an episode. But 29% of Britons do allow this often and 20% sometimes. So a fair amount of people allow their pets to sleep on their bed. But the worst thought is what proportion of people have pets and allow them to sleep on the bed and sleep naked. Because imagine just de-robing and getting into bed and just saying Tiddles! Jump on! Isn't that a scary thought? You wake up, nothing on your cat's just staring at you straight in the eyes. I want food. Yeah, but they do that anyway. Yeah, but I think there's a fear factor because you don't want to know how it works. You get exposed. They're the experienced ones, aren't they? They are. Unless it's one of those weird naked cats. That's a whole separate thing. We need to find it. We need you to do a poll on the proportion of people who own those naked cats and sleep naked. Because I'm sure there's at least one motherfucker out there Yeah, there's a correlation. There's definitely a correlation. This is an important area of research. We don't have an understanding. And that's on us. We should have done that research for you. But yeah, you got something that was genuinely interesting. How many people did they poll, does it say? It's in the thousands. They got a lot. I don't remember. Political poll levels of numbers. Not nothing. It was only conducted two years ago. I have found the number, actually. 2,512 British adults. Not a small number. Not a small number. There's a bar for these things. How credible you're sources. Of course. Yeah. Experiment. And it's more common among men than women. Sleep naked. There's a quarter of British men. That's one in seven British women. Wow. Yeah. Big difference. That is actually quite a big difference. It's not nothing. I wonder why that is. Well, yes. They do sleep naked. But yes. I don't know, actually. That is something I haven't considered. Yeah. Again, more research required. And if you listeners want to find the answer to that, ask the women in your life. Why aren't you sleeping naked? I think that's a bad idea. We should not be promoting that. We should not be promoting that. That's a weird question to ask. I'm not saying you bring it up in conversation unprovoked. Don't start a conversation like that. I'm not saying abandon all social norms. You've got to build up to that kind of question. That's true. Here's an idea. Listen to this podcast. That's true. Good talking podcast. Casually bring up. Hey, I listen to a really good podcast. I listen to a podcast. Okay. Yeah. Might as well actually. It is a podcast. Even then. Maybe even then. Next on our... Agenda. Oxford Mail. The science-y part of our... Well... Well... Oxford Mail. Different article, I found. Its angle to try and convince people to do or to not sleep naked was to delve into the endless realms of science and to try and use those oh-so-important facts to control our lives. Oh, good. Okay. No, no, no. Oxford Mail liked to credit the Sleep Foundation, which is a thing in the UK that looks at essentially the science of sleep and sort of like the health concerns around that and whatnot. Everything from insomnia to... I don't know. Sweat. Okay. The important issues in our lives. Yeah. Well, sleep is... Sleep, unsurprisingly, is actually fairly important. But anyway. I should say, first of all, the link on the Oxford Mail article for the Sleep Foundation doesn't actually take you to where it claims to take you. It just sort of takes you to the Sleep Foundation website. I had to find the actual page talking about the circadian rhythm on my own. That's a good start. Yeah. It's... You know, people fuck up when they write these articles. But anyway. So the circadian rhythm. Do you know what the circadian rhythm is, dear Oliver? I'm stretching back to my biology. GCSEs, I'm stretching back to my... No? It's the cycle of heating and cooling patterns within our body. Oh. I thought it was just regular patterns in our body. No, that's the heartbeat. That's something else. Please go on. Yeah. Anyway. A good, nice little rabbit hole for anyone who does want to look up more about it. The wiki page on circadian rhythm is actually a really good read. It's nice and extensive and long, and there's some good diagrams and things to look at there. But anyway. The point is, the ideal room temperature for sleeping ranges from about 18 degrees C to 21 degrees C. And I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit. So, fuck you, I guess. If you want it. All the Americans. Drink your salty tears. Anyway. If we become too warm, brackets, for instance, by wearing clothes in bed, you could risk disrupting your circadian rhythm. And that's really bad if you do that too much. Because that means you'll be slightly more lethargic and tired. You don't want to knock yourself out of the cycle. It's one of the main reasons that people's sleep schedules get disrupted. So if you find that you're waking up slightly later or struggling to get to sleep earlier, your circadian rhythm is being damaged. And if you do that too much, you die. You die. Okay, yeah. Technically. I mean, yes, that is true. But no. Before death is things like insomnia. So there is a sort of general lethargy. There is a mental graph, yes. But yeah. Maintaining body temperature is essentially how you need to keep your... well, maintaining constant sort of nice sleeping temperature is how you keep your circadian rhythm intact. And yeah, obviously the Oxford Mail article sought to link that to wearing clothes in bed. So if you're too hot by wearing clothes in bed, surprise, surprise, take off the clothes. Yeah, big silly. I'd have never thought that. Well, some people don't. Some people just sit there and sweat. Suffer in silence. Yeah. Yeah, don't do that. Don't do that to yourself. Yeah, you have to take that big step into the unknown. Because this is a frontier of science. We don't know a lot about it. And sometimes the listeners need to make that next big step in your lives. The reason why we don't know much about sleeping naked, from a scientific perspective, is because no one... no one gives a hoot. Okay, yeah. Well, that's why we are covering the truth. That was precisely the inception for this episode. We cover the things that society chooses to ignore, willfully, I might add. It's the unimportant, important things. The unimportant, important things. The things that make our lives. I like that. Yeah. That's very meaningful. Thank you, James. Yeah, well, that's why I'm here. Meaningful... Meaningful bollocks. Okay. Well, thank you for that. That's my nickname. Is it? Yeah. Meaningful bollocks. School must have been tough. Yeah. No, that's... Thank you for that. I feel a little more enlightened. Another interesting angle to look at that is whether or not it's acceptable before marriage. Oh, okay. It's an interesting thing to look at. Yeah. We've talked about science. Now we've got to go to religion. Yeah, now let's talk about, well, you know, the social. The social side. We'll link it into the social side, don't we? Yeah. That's what society expects. You know, not acceptable to go outside with no clothes on. Yeah. Most people agree to that. Most people. Why are you looking at me like that? You're giving me a look. Most people. But it's socially acceptable in the company of your own home. Yeah. So, kick us off. Obviously you should check with whatever company you have present before you do this. It's a bit of a show. Whether it be a pet, a cell phone housemate, let them know in advance a lot of the key information. But before marriage, well, that's a different thing. It's still frowned upon and it is still not allowed when you're more religious, obviously, and more orthodox religions. Limited bodily contact is always the way to go. We're talking Epiranes here. Yes. Die hard Christians. Yeah, yeah. But also other factions as well. Everyone sort of frowns upon it before marriage. It is unacceptable to enjoy the embrace of another person. Which is interesting because everyone knows about the no text before marriage. That's never been laughed at about before. But more importantly, you can't be naked before marriage. Which I think is strange. To me, it's... Or even alone. Well, alone, that's fine. But with a partner that you've proposed to. Which I think is a bit strange because being naked is a holy thing. It was... It is! It is! Everyone remembers the story of the Garden of Eden. The butt-naked running around. But they had leaves! They had leaves after they ate the fruit of knowledge. And God was very unhappy about that and they got banished from the Garden of Eden. Yeah, it's a whole thing. We'll put it in the cited sources. Old Testament. Please see Old Testament. Genesis. Very near the beginning. But, I see... They say that's a holy thing and then they get taken away and they say, but you shouldn't do it with another person before marriage. So, I don't know. I see that as quite conflicting. I mean, is that because we've fallen? I don't want to get into great theological debates here, but... That's why we're here. I mean, that's why they put on the leaves. It's why they ended up putting on clothes, isn't it? Because we have fallen. That's why we don't walk around naked anymore. If we believe... If we believe the Bible. But, yeah. So, is that why? It could be. It was supposed to be to cover up your shame. Yeah. It was a shame thing. To be ashamed of your body. I don't think you should be. Well, yeah. No one should be ashamed of their body, but God sought to prove a different point. Yeah. I'm a pretty low-hanging fruit, God. Okay. I see what you did there. Well played, James. Well played. I mean, that's something that's always confused me about Genesis. Really? Yeah, why did he put the tree there in the first place? It's sentient. You kind of got to see what he's going for, you know? Yeah. He's paranoid. He's sort of insecure in that relationship. He needs to see if they will cheat on him with the fruit and the serpent. Yeah. The serpent probably sleeps naked. Well, it definitely did. It doesn't sort of slither into a sock or something, does it? What a terrible thought! I don't like that! I don't know, I kind of like the image of snakes sleeping in socks. You'd have to cut the other end, wouldn't you? Because this is a tube. Yeah, it's just a little snake warmer. My snake sleeps in a Pringles can. Cut the end of that. Anyway, we're getting distracted. Yes. Stay on topic, James. Isn't there a social aspect to all this? There's a great internet. Ah, yes. We've looked at articles. We've looked at polls. But now it's time to see what the people out there and their silly opinions say online. Shall we go to the wonderful realms? Well, actually, which one do you want to do first, Quora or Reddit? Let's start with Quora. I want to hear it. Okay, so Quora thread, obviously, the site of fierce intellectual debate. Of course. There's all kinds of stuff going on here. What have the great philosophers said on that? Let me see. Ah, this is interesting. The Ego Poll. So, yeah, in answering the question, is it bad to sleep naked? This person's replied, no. Quite the opposite. It is far healthier, especially for boys and men. And I was not allowed to wear anything when sleeping as a boy. Not allowed? I have never owned any pyjamas. And I cannot, to this day, sleep other than naked. Well, actually, rare exception on occasions when camping and retaining body heat was more of a concern. That's pretty much it. Is that... Kind of, like, illustrates all of the points that we've made. Did you write that? No, I did not. It does sound like something you write, James. This is... Would you write full sentences every time? So this person, I'm not going to read out their name, but their description is raised nude as a child, raising my own family nude as a dad. Oh, okay. If that isn't a family motto, then... We raise nude. We raise nude. They should get that plastered. Or tattooed. I think that's a good way to commemorate that. Other responses, no, actually very healthy. Just make sure to wash your sheets every week. There we go. Another point that we made, you know, if you're not going to wear the pyjamas, then be prepared to clean those filthy sheets. Because it's the body oils, I tell you. It's the body oils that are going to corrupt your... Corrupt your body. No, your bed. Oh, your bed! Yeah. Yes, been sleeping... Ah, right, so we have contrary opinion. It is bad to sleep naked. Yes, been sleeping naked since I was 12, and nothing bad has happened. Well, that's confusing. Okay. Got caught by my mum a few times. Was embarrassed at first. But she would just say, whatever you feel comfortable wearing, and not wearing, was up to me. That's nice, isn't it? You see, that's the kind of sort of enabling relationship. I am trying to find the... Well, I guess there is nothing against it. Maybe that's just the case. But it all bears... It just says everyone should sleep naked, full stop. People do get quite heated about this. Is it bad to sleep naked? No, it's not bad. It's in fact, it's quite simple, natural, and comfortable to sleep that way. Why on earth would it be bad? Both my wife and I have been sleeping naked since we were teenagers, including long before we met each other. Anyway. What a wonderful thought. Well, I went to Reddit. Yeah, I know. I bet you did. To ask slash marriage to see whether couples sleep naked. Which is, again, an interesting point. My favourite comment, I will say, is very... It comes from a certain angle, that's all I'm going to say. Would you like to hear it? Hear it. We both sleep naked. It's funny because I corrupted my husband. Which is one way of doing it. My husband was very anti being naked before I moved in. I never saw him nude outside of sex because he was self-conscious. He was the type to put on clothes as soon as sex was over. I, on the other hand, am basically a nudist. I want to know what comes... When do you graduate into being a full nudist rather than basically just a nudist? Is there a trial? Is there an exam? I think it's left as an intentionally grey area. I don't think nudists are particularly rigid people when it comes to how to live your life. I think that's part of the appeal, isn't it? But anyway, continue. Then the user goes on to say I convinced him that he would be better naked and ever since then he hasn't had the same hang-ups from being naked. There you go then. That sounds like a reasonable compromise. Sleep naked. I corrupt my husband. That is compromise. Corrupting the other person into doing your bidding. What is a healthy relationship if not that? But yes, I think it's interesting to see how people feel on the internet. It provokes strong opinions of either what the hell or yeah, actually, it feels really good. We're not bashing these homes of sites because they're opinion-based sites and it's important to see their opinions, see the opinions, including the batshit crazy ones. Especially the batshit crazy ones. Sorry, I'm looking at a Reddit thread now. I'm on r slash unpopular opinion. Anyway, arguably the most dirty part of your body is your hands as you touch everything. Are you wearing gloves to bed? See, I love this. This is like the logic of the Reddit deduction. If I follow this simple logic chain, then I must be right. You know, if we wear clothes to cover our dirty bits, why aren't I wearing gloves to bed? Riddle me that. Riddle me that. Because that sounds incredibly uncomfortable. I can't think of anything worse than sleeping in gloves. No, I can actually, sleeping in jeans. Sleeping in jeans, that is the worst. Oh god. I've only ever done it once and I was very drunk. And I never want to do it again. I woke up in the night, felt terrible. I can wash sheets, hun. Sorry. I'm just reading replies. It goes off unsurprisingly on r slash unpopular opinion. Does it? I am shocked. I am very very shocked. This is my shocked face. So yeah. Well yeah, just a final thought, just to wrap up. I think it is a preference at the end of the day. No matter what Forbes tells you about buying important bits of wool in it. They would have you believe that it's an expensive lifestyle to live. Probably nothing is quite the answer because you don't need pajamas. Whatever. Not more bedding. Okay. Thank you Forbes for your infinite wisdom. But I think there is something to be said for trying it out, giving something new a go. I think that is important. I think that is a good attitude to have in life. Yeah. Experiment is the thing. With all of these things. And I would say, from a personal point of view, not to take this too much with a personal bias, but like, we would never. I don't think I don't think I could ever go back to sleeping with clothes on. Really? I can do underwear for the sake of if there's someone else in the bed or a pet, mind you. He pointed at me when he said a pet. So I'm not sure how to feel about that. I gestured vaguely. I don't want any gestures at me concerning pets. But, you know what I mean? I can do underwear. Yeah. And I can understand, like, to a certain point, that is essentially just the final layer. I can understand if you wouldn't want, like, you know, take your underwear off. You're a bit flown about. So I can understand that. But I would urge everyone to just try it. Just once. Because, yeah. It might change your life. It might not. It probably won't. Hey, we only talk about unimportant things here. So, you know, it's one of the little things that you could potentially add to your life, I think. It might improve, it might not. You might discover a little bit more about yourself. Oh. A self-discovery journey. I like that. Yeah. Through the wonders of sleep. Of course. I totally agree. It's a preference thing. Yeah. I think that wraps it up. Thank you very much. If you've gone this far, I'm very impressed. But also, what are you still doing? You should be doing other more important things. We did tell you at the beginning to go do something else. And we stand by that, I think, even at the end. Well, we're going to go do something else now. But, yeah. Thanks for listening. And we'll see you next week. Well, yeah, next time. Should we tell them what's still next time? Or leave it as a surprise? Nah, yeah. We can give a hint. How's the weather? It's very good, thanks. How are you? You know, I'm good. Been up and down. Oh. Downs or ups? What are the double forces? Here and there. But, yeah. This particularly small talk will be stuff that we'll get to enjoy next time. Brimming with excitement. Oh, yeah. I think we should just try and do small talk for as long as possible. We don't have to do that. No, please. Okay, that could be a cool challenge. Yeah. So's running around naked. That's not a challenge I want to do, though. Well, one's illegal and the other one's tedious. Yeah, can you imagine running naked? That's so tedious. Yeah, boring. Been there, done that. Anyway, we will end it there. Yeah, so small talk next week. And, yeah. Yeah, well that's because we barely know each other. Barely. Yeah. Goodbye.

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