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Episode 3

Death & Dating



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Shelby and Loki introduce themselves and discuss their weeks. They apologize for missing an episode and mention their new microphones. Shelby shares a spooky story about whistling at night and how it attracts spirits. They discuss their beliefs in the paranormal and mention other boogeyman-like creatures, such as the El Cucuy and Chupacabra. Shelby concludes the story about hearing someone whistling outside their window and the fear it instilled. They end the episode by thanking their listeners for their support. Hello and welcome everyone to Death and Dating. I am Shelby. And I'm Loki. And we're about to talk about the paranormal and sinister as well as the hardships of dating today. And we'll introduce ourselves and talk about us a bit and let our viewers get to know us. And how was your week? It was great. I worked like 60 hours now. Oh shit, that's a lot. A lot of overtime now. She even straight up told me today, through text, that I'm okay with you having overtime. But are you okay with that? Yeah, we actually texted about it, so funny enough, I wasn't. So guess what, I slept until 2 in the afternoon like a responsible human being that I am. There you go. And then I did my thing, but you know, how was your week? It was good. You know, I'm at a new location and I like it. I like my boss. I like all that. Sorry we haven't released an episode. I kind of had a little mishap. And Loki was nice enough to be accepting of that and let me get my mental health in check and all that. Oh yeah, because if something happens in my personal life, you do the same. Absolutely. So yeah, sorry about missing an episode last week or even, I think, two weeks now. Yeah, my apologies, y'all. Sorry. Yeah, but we're back and we're going to do it and this episode will be pretty cool. Because we got the new mics and everything else. Yeah, that's sick. Thank you. Yeah, so hopefully this becomes a thing and you guys like us because this sounds great, I feel like. But today we have some stories. We have some funny ones, but Shelby's going to start us off with a spooky one today. All the time, I feel like. So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This one is by Nokunonu. I hope I'm saying that right. This is a 10-year-old story, actually. But something happened the other day while I was on the phone with Loki and I started looking into some things and this popped up. So I was like, oh, this would be perfect for the podcast. So here it goes. So I'm relatively new to NoSleep and Reddit in general, but I thought I would share something that I experienced as a child. I'm a somewhat believer of the paranormal, but the analytical-slash-rational side of me always begs to differ slightly. This story, also very, very true. My grandmother isn't one to play around, especially about something like this. Not sure if this is good enough for NoSleep, but this has scared the absolute shit out of me and still does. So, I thought I would share. I apologize in advance if I don't format my story properly or it isn't as eloquent as another NoSleep story, as this is my first story. Anyways, I was about 10 or 11 years old at the time of this story. My mom wasn't home. Can't remember exactly where she was, but it was just me and my grandmother on this particular night. It was around this age that I had discovered whistling, how to do it well, I mean cue Star Wars theme, laugh out loud, and how to do it, and I would do it quite a lot. No problem there. At night time, though, my grandmother didn't like me doing it and kept telling me not to whistle at night, and how it wasn't good. Despite her countless warnings, I couldn't stop. It was a bad habit, and I found myself doing without even thinking. So, I'm not sure if you guys know already, you probably do, but apparently whistling at night is really, really bad. My grandmother said that when you whistle at night, it's basically an invitation for the spirit. Oh my god, yeah, I remember now. You were talking about this whistling stuff. Yes, yes. How is it that I've gone my whole life being Native and never heard about this whistling stuff? Well, I mean, I didn't grow up traditional either, but I think it was a friend of mine, actually. We were at a party, and I don't know if it was me or someone else, but no, I don't think it was me, because I whistle, but it's the fucking bare minimum. Okay, I guess I don't want to spoil it and say what exactly, blah, blah, blah, end of it, so I'll let you finish your story on that, but we'll talk about it afterwards. Go ahead, sorry. Okay, you're good. Anyway, so back to the story. My grandmother said that when you whistle at night, it's basically an invitation for the spirits to come to your house or something like that, around that definition. Now, my grandmother is a firm believer of the paranormal and knows that stuff is not to be taken lightly. She's experienced a lot of shit, which she won't tell me, but being young, I obviously didn't know that. Side note, she has this thing with mirrors at night and avoids them. It's really bad, apparently. I'm pretty sure it stems from the deep cultural beliefs, one of which I have almost no knowledge of, as I was born in another country, so not subjected to their cultural beliefs. After the whistling incident and realizing my grandmother doesn't do certain things for no reason, I inherited a deep fear of mirrors. Even though I don't really know why, I know it's kind of stupid, I might ask her one day. Moving on, being the dickhead that I was at the time, I didn't listen, probably due to the fact that I didn't really believe that such a thing was possible. This night was no different. I was whistling to my heart's content, much to the dismay of my grandmother, as usual. Everything was going good as normal that night, and I slept in the room in the very back of our house. My grandmother was in the room just outside of mine. It was kind of like a sitting room, I'm not sure what Americans call it, the lounge? On the computer, it was all good. I was sleeping away until my grandmother shook me to wake up. I'm a very heavy sleeper, but when she began to wake up, I got up straight away. That never happens. As soon as I woke up, I could see the fear and shock in her eyes. I will never forget the way she looked at me. She told me I couldn't sleep in that room, and instead made me sleep with her in one of the rooms at the front of the house. Our house had a long corridor, so the rooms from the front and back were pretty far away. Initially, I was confused, like why couldn't I sleep in that room? Why did she look so scared? She didn't tell me that night, but the next day, she asked me if I heard anything that night. I said no, then asked why, and she told me that while she was in the other room, she heard someone standing right outside my window whistling. I always wondered what would have happened if my grandmother wasn't there, or if she hadn't heard it. Thanks guys for the most positive feedback. I love reading all your comments and stories you have to share. With this being my first post, I appreciate all the love that I'm receiving. It's a good feeling, thanks. Spooky, but I guess there was not really a conclusion, was there? Mm-mm, nope. I guess just the Nightwalker or whatever is accumulated or attracted was outside their window whistling, like waiting, I guess. Did you say Nightwalker? Or I said Skincrawler, or whatever they are, or Skinwalker, whatever the fuck they are. Oh, I was going to say, I immediately thought Game of Thrones. Oh, what did I say? I don't know, now that you say that. I was like, what? I think I said Skinwalker. Oh, okay, okay, I was like, Nightwalkers? I'm sorry. What the fuck? Um, yeah, no. But yeah, I sincerely believe that shit happens like that. So I'm like, don't do that around me. Like, stop it. I don't want, because I don't like shit like that. Because being by yourself, you have nobody to like, did you hear that? Did you see that? Did you fucking, you know what I mean? Like, it's just me, so it's like, did I just fucking make that up? Or did I really hear that? You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. So, I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I only know like, the Honka. Have you ever heard of that? No. You're like, you're a native, so I thought you might have. It might have just been the one tribe that I'm a part of. I don't know. That's like, Honka is like, I think it's like Choctaw? No, it's Creek. It's Creek, for like, the boogeyman. Oh, okay. Yeah. So like, the one that like, lives under your bed? Or is it like, a different kind of boogeyman? It's just, I guess, it's funny. It's funny enough that like, so I'm Mexican and native. Okay. So we have two. You know, like my dad and my grandpa was the El Cucuy. Oh, okay. Which is also like, the boogeyman. Is that like a Chibacabra? No. Oh, okay. Chibacabra's like a dog. Oh, okay. It's like a, I don't know, a dog shape. But I guess essentially, the boogeyman, I guess. Okay. I think it's like, translates to like, a goat sucker. They're usually like, long, hairless dogs. Ew! Yeah, and they have a weird face and snout. Ew. So, videos pop up on like, YouTube about how it's like, you know, people are like, Oh, you know, a real Chibacabra found. And it's usually like, a dog with mange, no hair and shit. And then it's like, a weird breed. Spooky nonetheless. Yeah. But, I mean, Chibacabra's been around for, I don't know how long, a long time. But, no yeah, we always heard the El Cucuy's gonna get you. Which is, you know, it's like, you know, comes out at night or whatever, you know, under your bed. I guess it could be under your bed as well. Scary nonetheless, because it freaked us out until I was like, ten years old. I was gonna say, what, so like, your grandma would like, scare you with that? No, my grandpa. My dad, on my dad's side, his dad was Mexican. He's from Mexico. So, he was all about it, you know. He was like, we'd be at the grocery store and if I asked for something, funny enough, he'd be like, oh, you know, if you don't listen, the El Cucuy's gonna get you. Because if I want something, he'd be like, no. And if he told me no, I'd be like, I still want it, I'm not going anywhere. You know, stand in the aisle and pout. And he'd be like, no, if you don't leave now, the El Cucuy's gonna get you. Oh my god. So, I was like, oh, you know, but I better listen. Eww. Gilly. Um, but yeah, no, I recently heard about the honka, weirdly enough. Like, my whole life, I've gone without it until I was like, 14, 15 years old. And they would scare my nephew with it. Like, my aunt, her kid. Like, they were throwing that at him. Oh, and you were like, what's that? Yeah, and they were like, it's the boogie man. That's like, from our culture. We never said that. And I guess, like, I guess not. I guess I haven't been around you enough to really think about it. You never threatened me with that. Yeah. Oh my god, you were a bad kid, so, you know, the honka won't come after you. I was like, what the, isn't that, like, the whole point? Like, you're bad, so, you know, the honka comes after you? I guess not. Oh, okay. So, you were a bad kid, so he didn't ever come after you? Like, I guess he wants pure, innocent souls or some shit. I don't know. If anybody knows about the honka, you know, let me know. Because, apparently, that's what I've been told. Wow, that's kind of crazy. Okay. So, um, next, I have, I have a story that's, uh, I don't, not necessarily funny, but more of a, more of a, I guess, just a question, I guess. They edited it, so I hope I'm reading at the, where it's needed to start to be. Um, okay, so this says, it is by LongJumpingTiger853. It says, trying to clear something up, male 21 and female 18 year old virgin were both at a party and both drunk. The female had been crushing on the male for years and at the party they ended up upstairs in his bedroom and began hooking up. Completely drunkenly, consensually, in parenthesis, between both parties. The female asked the guy to use a condom. The guy said he would, but didn't. Now, someone told her that since she consented to sex with a condom and he didn't use one, it's considered rape. Was he just an asshole for not using said condom, or was this rape? If so, how should they proceed? Is it more like something he apologizes for, or would this be something that he should be reported? He did pull out. I don't know why that was needed, but he did pull out before finishing and there was no STDs from either person. Though I'm not sure what the point of that info, okay, so they, they, they cleared that up at the end. What do you think of that? Okay, sorry guys. I guess she couldn't hold her bladder, baby bladder, Miss Baby Bladder over here. Um, so, I guess my thoughts on it, kind of, or more or less, I don't know about rape, and I know that's a very, like, touchy subject and, you know, nobody wants to go through that. We're not gonna victim blame here. We're not, we're, you know, we're not gonna do that. Sorry, I'm back. Did you hear the whole story? Yes. Okay, so what is your thoughts on that? I don't really know if I would clarify that as rape. I mean, kind of, but like, I don't know. Would you report it, is my point. Oh. Or do you think if you had a friend that she told you the story, would you tell them to report it? I mean. I understand that there's always these stories that come out that are like, you know, a woman doesn't want to report these things, even if it happened ten years ago because they're scared to see them face to face. People are gonna call her a liar or face, having to face her, her rape, her, her, assault her and that's just, you know, reliving the trauma to, you know, the trauma over again. I get that. But would you tell her to report it or would you just be like, he's an asshole and just, you know, shake it off? Um, well, I mean, like, that's all, also, like, well, I can't really make her do anything, you know, like, or him, whatever. Or, I mean, yourself. Yeah. Put yourself in the situation. Um, would you feel that he's just an asshole and never talk to him again or would you just, or would you. This has actually happened to me before. Okay, so would you. Yes. I mean. Did you or did you not report it? No, I didn't. And I, I mean, I. Do you feel like that person should, though? If this happened to them? Say she's, I think you said, yeah, 18 years old. Oh, wow. She's 18. This was like a couple years ago this happened to me. So, like, I mean, 18, that's really fucking young. Yeah. I didn't know. She's, she's a virgin. Oh, maybe. Oh, it says both are virgins. I'm sorry. Oh, okay. Well, maybe he didn't know, though. Like. Didn't know. It says the female had been crushing on him for years. He, they consented and then he asked him to use a condom and he said he would, but did not. So, I feel like he knew what he was doing. Oh, okay. He just didn't wear one at all. I thought he took it off before he, okay, that's because I've had somebody like put it on mid Oh. And then, like, when we're done, it's like, where the fuck did it go? And it's like, did you lose it inside me or something? And they're like, oh, I took it off. Didn't you? And I'm like, you didn't ask. And he's like, yeah, I did. You said it's okay. And I'm like, oh, my God, you never fucking asked. Okay, whatever. But, yeah, they're like assholes when they do that. But, like, I don't know, like, if he just didn't attempt to put it on, yeah, I would definitely report that because it's like, if you guys both consented and you guys both like agreed to, like, wear it or, you know, use protection, whatever it may be, like, and they didn't, like, follow X, Y, Z. Okay, yeah, I feel that. Yeah, that's like, you're not like. Absolutely. Okay. You're, you're not, you're breaking boundaries or the rule, like, rules, essentially. Yeah, you both agreed to something. And in said, in said rules, you both stated that, yeah, he's going to use a condom, agreed, and did not. Yeah. So, but would you consider it rape or would you just consider it like, wow, he just did something to me, not good, sexual assault, blah, blah, blah. I don't think I would consider it rape. Because I guess sexual assault can, is the general term for just everything that's in that, in that field, I guess. Oh, okay. Well, then, yeah, I would. No, I, that's, that's what I think it is. I have never really Googled the term sexual assault because I know they don't use the term. Terminology? I don't know if they necessarily use the term, like, every time I've read a story about anything considering rape, they haven't really used that term, like, as of late in the last year or two. They've always just called it sexual assault. Yeah. Now they say, like, S.A. Yeah, S.A. Yeah. Or, like, they, like, bleep it out or something. Like, I don't know. Yeah. I was going to say. I agree with you, though. Like, I would say it was like an assault. Like. A sexual assault, yeah. Yeah. I guess that's just an umbrella term for, like, all of it. I was going to say, because I feel like it's not rape because you consented to the actual act, but, like, he. There were things that, in the agreement, were broken. Yes. Like, almost like if you had an open relationship and you don't, like, you have, like, X, Y, and Z laid out as rules or, you know, like, hey, don't do this, don't do that, you know, that kind of thing. And then they do it. Like, I mean, like, that's breaking, like, I mean, breaking trust, too, obviously. So, I know this is asking into your personal life a little bit, but aside from this story, how did you, did you figure it out during or after? After. Like, and it was like, where the fuck is it at? Because I wanted to throw it away, so I had proof, like, okay, he, you know, wore it the whole time. Are you okay with sharing the information of where he finished or no? I don't know. Honestly, I was really fucked up. That's what I'm saying. Like. Oh, okay. Like, when I, I was so, like, pissed off in the moment. I think I made him, like, get off me, because it was like, where the fuck is the condom? Because, like, I think I even, like, felt around, like, you know, like, checked it, because, like, I. Oh, because he didn't say anything immediately. No, and it was like, where the fuck is it at? And he was like, oh, I took it off, and I'm like, get the fuck off me. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Like. Took it off, bro. Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't just start swinging on him, bro. But, like, we were by ourselves, so it was like, I hate, like, being in those scenarios. Fuck that. He was in a state of euphoria, bro. You could have knocked him out. I, yeah, I don't know. I just don't like being in those scenarios anymore. Like, and it, I was older, too, you know, and it's like, I, it was just me and him by ourselves, and it was like, I felt so uncomfortable. Yeah, I would have, too. Did you leave immediately after? I wish I could have, but I was too drunk to drive, and I had a blower in my car. You just, like, said fuck it, flipped around, and just went to sleep? Mm-hmm. Damn, dude. I'm sorry. That's a lot. I mean, I couldn't sleep, but I mean, I just lay here. That's real heavy. Yeah. You start scrolling on your phone because you're just upset? Oh, man. Mm-hmm. I didn't have anything to do with that. You said that was recent? Mm-hmm. Man, your, your life seems more interesting than these posts. No, I'm not talking about anything else. I need to shut the fuck up half the time. All right. Well, that was my story and our thoughts on it. If any of you have your thoughts on that specific story, how you feel about, you know, if, if you consider it rape or sexual assault, I'm sorry. Mm-hmm. If that's the more PC term on it. I'm not the PC police, so I'm not sure if you want to correct me on that. Okay, yeah, let us know. Yeah, because I would like to be, I would like to be politically correct on that, especially if, you know, we're out there and giving advice to people. I don't want to, you know, just throw out the R word real hard to somebody who does not like it, you know, if we start interviewing people or whatever the case is. So let us know your thoughts on that. If you want to, you know, I always plug my Instagram at the end so you can throw it over there. But next story, you have a spooky story, another one for us. Yeah, I do. Okay. All right. So Shelby, it's your turn. All right. And this one is by The Atlas Odyssey, and it was four days ago from when I saved it, I think. So I don't know when that was, but. Okay. Children can often be cruel. A kid picks up a toy and suddenly her hair is being pulled. She accidentally chose the wrong toy, one which was already claimed by someone else in the sense they're very territorial little critters. And some researchers theorize that it's an evolutionary trait. Figure out where you belong in the pecking order early. I don't know exactly how a green toy tractor would be beneficial for one's survival, even if it is a perfect replica of a John Deere, something about project parts of yourself into onto an in a. Oh, my God, if Shelby could read, that'd be great. Intimate object and therefore extending your survival to that of the object, I guess. I'm proud of you. Thanks. God, this is second mouthful. I feel like I have a fair amount of experience in this department. I grew up in a world without sound, even if my condition was invisible to the naked eye, draping me like a ghost made out of thick blankets. The other kids knew. Of course they did. This made me a very easy target. Early, my parents made sure to give me all the tools I would need to take on the world. Sadly, it wasn't really enough. One would think being deaf is a shield from the words of others, but words are never the worst part. Disgusted looks after I miss a cue during P.E. being admitted from band, even though I love the feeling of guitar strings against my fingertips. Teachers not bothering putting subtitles on during movie time. Those were the worst part. The day I met Anton was cold. I remember dragging my feet towards school, brown puddles were scattered on the pavement, and my previously white shoes soaked up the water a little too well to be made out of leather. As I arrived, the bell rang. Walking slowly, dreading another day of ableism, I noticed a red-haired boy sitting by his lonesome under the bleachers next to the football pitch. Something about him gave me an impression of inherent kindness. I don't know what gave me the courage to actually be conversational instigator. Probably the freckles. He gently mouthed something back. After we spent a lot of time together at the start, we would wait for other kids to finish playing their games before swooping in afterwards when no one was around. Two silent, stealthy ninjas on our quest for world domination through hopscotch and basketball. Anton picked up sign language quickly, and suddenly I had someone who wasn't my blood to talk to. However, did my tormentor. Did she preface any of this before? Like, who's deaf? No, it's just her. She's the only one that says. No, I'm saying, did she preface it like at all? I feel like I've listened to this whole story and didn't think, didn't hear it at all. Oh yeah, she said she was deaf, like, but not at the beginning. She said it in like the middle of this. Oh, okay. Before the, like, school thing started, I guess. Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah. Nice kid. Okay, good to know. Yeah, apparently teenagers are cruel too, and they're more determined. Soon I heard, pun intended, every insult in the book. But the words I got vile, I would follow advice Anton gave me. Close your eyes, that's your superpower, he signed. Now, I think I might have made it clear how much this person means to me, and why it hurts so fucking much to think about his fate. Fuck. In university, we both picked up hiking together. The scenery in Sweden is absolutely breathtaking, if you know where to look. Anton's favorite part about nature are where the sounds mine the smells. I remember the morning in vivid detail. We woke up in the same tent just before the gilded rays of the sun pierced the trees of the coppice. Some particles of pine aroma made their way to my nose, yelling at me, no screaming that they were ready to reproduce. Get off your phone. I had to repeat the signs three times before I got his attention. Fine, not many gay dudes on Tinder in a homophobic city anyways, he replied, referring to the nearby water town where they stayed. So he said he was gay? Yeah, she's Sarah, he's Anton. And they're like best friends. Yeah, I mean I heard all that, but I didn't realize that he's like our... No, go ahead. But she's deaf, and he's learned sign like when they were younger, and so like he's the only one she can talk to. That's what I'm saying, nice kid. Oh, okay, yeah. Yeah, because you said Sweden and the university. Did it say prior to that how old they were when they met? Mm-mm, no. I mean I think eight or nine, I'm assuming, since they were in like grade school, and they were talking about mean kids and that was the first time they had met, maybe. I don't know. That's honestly the cutest thing I've ever heard. Yeah. Continue, sorry. Okay. We did what we usually did, started wandering the forest aimlessly, enjoying the many impressions the forest offered. Every time a squirrel scuttered up an oak tree, we spotted a plant we'd never seen before. We stopped. I could mistake these small moments for anomalies in the space-time continuum. They seemed to last just a little bit longer than all the unpleasant ones. I was inspecting a particularly cool rock, probably some kind of granite, when I noticed Anton stopped moving on the spot. This was indicative of something I could never experience. He was listening for or to something. It kind of looked like he was in a trance of some sort. I made it a game to try and guess what bird he had that enchanted. I made a noise to get his attention, but it wasn't futile. In the end, I walked up right in front of him. Is it a blackbird? Is it a species, a blackbird? I guess, maybe like a crow? I don't know. I was going to say, wouldn't you just say that? It's a crow, but I guess sign doesn't have... Yeah, I was going to say maybe they are like limited. I don't know. I only learned animals, and it wasn't like that. Did you ever watch the show Switched at Birth? Mm-hmm. That's literally the only sign I ever learned, and I thought they were pretty, I was going to say not limited, but like they could say some real detailed conversation. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was going to say blackbird and crow. Yeah. Maybe. No, continue. Okay. It is a violin. At first, I thought it was a nickname. I didn't recognize for one of the local species, so I made him clarify. There we go. Wow, I should have just listened and kept a mouth shut. No, someone is playing the violin, his hands told me. Eventually, he was moving towards the sound, or so I assumed. I kept asking him questions, but he wouldn't stop answering in few words. Magnificent, stunning, almost magical. We entered a small grove, a tiny lake placed in the middle was the centerpiece. It's funny because I can just imagine like, you know, he said he was just doing one word, or he was just throwing up gang signs. It's just like one word. It's not even magnificent. I have to think like it's super quiet because they're not talking, you know. Oh, yeah, I thought about that. I didn't think about that. Nature sounds like, I guess, violin because like you don't talk when you're deaf. Yeah, I get that. I mean, that's wild now that I think about it, yeah, because there's no sound. He didn't say he was deaf. He just picked it up to talk to her, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bro just out there in silence. There's a guy that comes to the store. Have you met him? He's deaf. He went to my pawn shop when I worked there, and he would throw up signs, but some things come out of his throat, you know. Yeah, yeah. That sounded really insensitive. Wow. Continue, sorry. Oh, my God. He's like, I'm going to shut the fuck up. Okay, hold on. We entered a small grove, a tiny lake placed in the middle was the centerpiece, and on the water there was a rock. On that rock sat a man hunched over completely naked with a violin and bow. There was something off about the way he was positioned. Yeah, he's naked, so I would say there's something off about that. In the middle of fucking nowhere where you're not normally. I wouldn't say that because he's hunched, he's somehow, that's off. Yeah. No, continue. I was going to say they're in the fucking middle of the forest, like anything with somebody else involved is fucking off. Like, oh, my God, he's naked in the middle of the forest in the middle of nowhere. We've never seen anybody in here, but guess what? He's hunched over, so that's the off thing. Yeah, this is the weird part right here. Like, what? No. I think all of this is fucking weird, but whatever. Okay, but off about the way he was positioned, almost like he had been waiting for a long time. How do you even put that into words? I guess this is like, hmm, I'm trying to think of how to word this, but think about, okay, a deaf person is limited on their vocabulary because if you've ever seen them spell out something, they don't have the, and I mean they do, because the is how you sign that, but they don't. Stanley, you know sign language? Remember my ex-husband was deaf, so yes. For real? That's cool. I mean, I know very little. He taught me conversation and I love you and all that, and I know the alphabet. Maybe if I ever get a deaf girl, you're going to teach me how to say I love you. Oh, okay. It's just I, and then love, and then you. It's really easy. Or you can just do the I love you. I was going to say, I think I learned bullshit, but I don't know how. That's not really that. Is it not really that? My ex-husband used to think that was so fucking funny, and I was like, dude, everyone does that. This is going to be funny enough. I learned that from Switched at Birth. I'm a man child, I'm sorry. It's not really that, but yeah. Do you know what it is? Do you know what shit is? Yes. What is shit? Do you have to spell it out? That's shit? Yeah, because that's poop. You got to poop. For real? Mm-hmm, I got to poop. Okay, so you just sort of figure out what bull, and then I guess everything is. Which I don't know bull, so. Okay. Okay, well thank you for that knowledge. Yeah, you're welcome. Now continue. Now if you don't want anybody to know you're taking a shit, you just do that. I'm just going to poop. Yeah, but I mean, either way, the person that I'm signing to is going to know I have to take a shit. Okay, well, I mean, hey, you're telling somebody. I don't tell anybody that I'm taking a shit. Oh, okay, I do. I'm like, I am going to poop. Oh, because I've been here like, what, seven, eight times? Not one time have I pooped in your bathroom. That's true. Because I'd rather not. Oh, okay. Think about that, yeah. Well, you can poop in my bathroom. You never have food here, so. Yeah, sorry. I don't ever eat, really. Unless I'm out in the world, I guess. Well, that was sad. Continue. Okay, sorry. I'm going to split this story up into like four parts. Okay, as if he or it could hear my thoughts, he stood up and straightened himself. I'm not going to lie to you. He was beautiful. Long, blonde hair falling down his chiseled body, which was almost glistening in the sun. I would call him the epitome of beauty, but his smile was crooked. So, dick out. Oh, yeah. I think he's completely naked. Yeah, yeah. He said that. She said that. But, dick out. And we're just like, bro's so chiseled. I just want to... What was that about? I mean, like, I wonder what Anton looks like. Because, like, I mean, like, I feel like this dude learned sign language for you. Like, wouldn't you be like at least like a little bit attracted to him? But I guess he's gay. I guess. So, never mind. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, you're good. Keep going. Something wasn't right. Anton had stopped to take in the scene, but was soon on his way towards the man. I began to calmly ask him to stop. Walking backwards in front of him, soon my gestures were getting more and more frantical as I realized he wouldn't slow down. He had stopped responding to me and seemed completely enthralled with the music the man on the lake was playing. Anton was much stronger than me, so I could never physically stop him in normal circumstances. He set his mind to something, but now I couldn't even slow him down. Wow. Sexist. That's cool. You never stop him because he's a man. All you women out there... Well, and she's, like, deaf, so she can't, like, say anything to, like, snap him out of it, you know? So, it's like, what do you do? Like, hit him in the head? Yeah, I mean, you tap on his leg, like, yo, or walk in front of him and make him... That's what she's doing right now. Yeah, that's what I'm saying, bro. I don't know. I mean, all you independent women out there, you can, you know, there are those out there I feel like you could... That will say something. Yeah, come on now. All right, go ahead. It was as if he turned into a machine, dead set on reaching his destination. As I started shouting, I think, he would just glance at me with content eyes, not even when he set his foot in the water would he flinch. I started screaming at the man to stop the music, but he just looked at me with dead eyes. He wasn't so pretty anymore. A subtle desperation has entered his expression as Anti moved further into the pond. He licked his lips, this... Sorry to keep interrupting you. Content or contempt? Those are two different words, right? Those are two different words, right? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Contempt is, like, mad or angry or hate, right? Yeah, he would just glance at me with content in his eyes. Is it content hate? Is it, like, happy? It's just, like, you're just chilling. You're content with what's going on right now. Yeah, yeah, you're cool with whatever. I never really understood those two words, my bad. Contempt, I think, is like... Like hatred, right? You're in contempt of court. Like, you're defying or... Okay, okay, okay. I think, shit, I don't know. I don't think, because I always hear, like, the judge going, I'm going to hold you in... Like, the definition... Yeah, because I always hear, I'm going to hold you in contempt if you keep, you know... Yeah. Your outrage is making me want to hold you in contempt or some shit. Yeah. I don't know. I want to make sure... They look similar, yes. That's why I wanted to make sure, like, is he looking at her with hate or, you know, just, like, he's cool with the situation. I was just butt naked in the woods. And playing the violin, like, that's fucking normal. Alright, my bad. Go ahead. He looked at me with dead eyes, wasn't so pretty anymore. A subtle desperation had entered his expression, and as my Antoine moved further into the pond, he licked his lips. I felt this awful feeling like that thing carried a hunger so intense it could only be described as starvation. I let go of Antoine's arms and started crying. The man would just look at me and back at my friend, brandishing an awful smile. I didn't stop crying until Antoine's shoulders disappeared, then his head. The pond was deeper than I thought possible, and soon I could barely make out the shadow of the submerged Antoine. I tried going after him, but he was determined to keep sinking. Soon I got lightheaded and swam back upwards. Before I breached the surface, I looked down, and the last I saw him was his kind eyes and gentle smile. I feel like he wanted to tell me something. Just close your eyes. I gasped for breath. I started making my way back to the shore. Dripping wet, I sat down on the warm grass. The man on the rock looked at me with a certain confusion. I started screaming at him. I don't think I used any discernible words, any angry sounds, primal sounds. He just looked at me. The confusion was gone. Now he was looking smug. He then started to change. The color of his skin started draining. Soon, the perfectly bronze skin was more akin to the grays of a boiled chicken. His limbs started elongating to lengths deeply unnatural. His smile grew from something lightly wicked to something nightmarish. Weirdly, I couldn't see the increments of the transformation, yet he transformed nonetheless. The end result was fucking terrifying. I couldn't move. It stared at me with large oval black eyes. Earlier, I mused on the fact that pleasant moments seemed to last longer than unpleasant ones. But this was different. It felt like forever. Then it slowly raised its thin, sickly arm and waved a slow goodbye. The audacity of this fucking thing. It crouched and started climbing down the rock at the path of a sloth, never breaking eye contact with me. When it broke the surface of the pond, it did so quietly. I could tell. The water barely moved, and then it was gone, along with Anton. I had to get this off my chest, and now people will know where I went. Even if that thing still occupies the darkest corners of my nightmares, the force seems to be calling me. Even though my lungs got damaged to the point of permanent remembrance of the dream, fluttering water, even though I can't hear his music, I feel something tugging at my sleeves. I imagine the music was competent of something far more sinister, something ancient. The beauty of it, however, is that I won't have to be wary of every crevice, nook, and cranny on my crusade. I know where it will be, on that same rock, in that same lake, hunching over the same terrible fiddle. And that's the end. So, he killed her friend just by looking at him? No, by playing that music that, like, drew him to that thing. So, the dude is like a harpy? I guess, yeah. Or like a siren, I guess? Yeah, yeah. Basically, because, like, it was... The thing didn't attack Sarah, because she couldn't hear. So she wasn't, like, enthralled with whatever the fuck Anton was. I was gonna say, are the sirens, like, drawing them to them so they could eat them? Yeah, and he drew the other one, too, and that's why she couldn't, like, break his concentration. I was gonna say, she didn't throw or draw... He, like, walked into the water until... Yeah, until he was gone and died. And then he was, like... She was down there with him, like, she went in the water after him, yeah, and she said the last thing she saw was his eyes and his smile, and, like, him telling her to close her eyes. I'm gonna say, sorry, guys. I am in the middle of drinking, so if I sound like I'm slurring... I apologize. I apologize. I was gonna say, I kind of wanted to make it, like, a... Like, I wanted to make it a, kind of a segment that we drink something crazy at the beginning and kind of talk about what we have, but we'll see if that ever, you know, comes to be. I'm drinking one of those, like, the Vibe by Vengeance. It's like 12%. It's crazy. But I have my story pulled up here, so I'm gonna wait for her to use the bathroom, and then we'll do that. Oh, yeah, I was gonna say, Shelby's not drinking. It's just me, because I feel like every time I do one of these or we start an episode, I feel like I'm a little not loose, and I just don't want to feel that way this episode, I guess. I don't know. These are really good, though. It's, like, it's peach flavored. As I said, it's 12%, so it's kind of... It's gluten-free, though, so anybody who wants to try that... Yeah, I was making the same thing. Wow. But did you hear that, though? What? I was thinking of having, like, a 10-minute... Really? Not even 10 minutes, but five minutes, maybe. Like, I was listening to a podcast one day about how at the beginning of every episode, they're all drinking something crazy, and they just kind of talk about it for a couple of minutes. Oh, that's cool. That's what I was thinking, too. I was like, I kind of like that, because... But they were all drinking, like, mixed drinks and stuff, so... And Shelby doesn't drink right now. I'm on probation until July, so just want to throw that out there. Yeah. I was gonna say... I'm completely sober. I was just trying to loosen up a little bit for this episode, and... But that would be fun. I would be down for that. Okay, cool. We'll see. We might be able to do that in the future for another episode. But I was gonna say, I was gonna loosen up for this one by drinking, and I not only just loosened up, but I'm pretty up there, so... I was gonna say, you're very talkative tonight. Normally, I'm the one that's like... That's a good thing, though. I was gonna say, that's a good thing, I think. Yes, I like it. Good. Good, good, good. I have another story, though. Okay, go for it. Is it my turn? Okay. So, it says... This was posted by Astaroth1602, I think it's a Final Fantasy character. No, it's not. I don't know. Okay, I was like, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, so... I wouldn't know. You're old, that's okay. Yeah, I am. One day I'll get you into it, and we will do a whole episode of me teaching you about it, because... Oh, okay. All right, I'm down for that. I feel like I want some anime fans on it, or some gaming fans on it. I was gonna say, I told you, I've never watched The Godfather, or Star Wars, or any of all those long-ass... Okay, first of all, I don't even know where that came from, but yes, we need to do that for sure, but that had nothing to do with anime and... Oh, anime, okay. No, okay, well, this is a video game. Final Fantasy is a huge video game for me. Okay, I was like, I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Final Fantasy. I thought that was a football thing. Sorry, is that a football thing? That's weird, where have you heard that? It's like an app I thought that they bet on, and it's like Final Fantasy 4 or something. No, that's fantasy football. Oh, okay. Fantasy football. You make your... Right. Yeah, you make your teams and stuff, and you bet on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's that thing. A lot of people do that. Yes. I don't know enough about it. I mean, I played video games as a kid, but I don't know enough about it to bet money on it, so that's never gonna be me. I gotcha, okay. But I'll take one at a time. We'll take an episode one day, maybe 15, 20 minutes of an episode, and I'll educate... Sorry. Oh my god, my cats are fucking freaking out. Stop it. There's a ghost in here. No, she's playing with a hair tie. You have Satan in here. Oh my god, stop. Sorry. Shelby's native, like me. And I just made the sign of the cross on my Catholic side. I was gonna say, Shelby's native like me, and she is way more into the spiritual side, so we'll have a lot more of, you know, I guess on that side of our episodes, you know, here soon enough, because I'm sure she'll want to talk about it. Yes. We'll have a lot more of that side as well. Yes. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. 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