Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Shelby and Loki discuss their personal lives at the beginning of their podcast episode. Loki was sick with alcohol poisoning but is feeling better now. They talk about the importance of eating and taking care of oneself. Shelby has been working a lot and finally got two consecutive days off to clean her apartment. They discuss how a clean environment can positively affect mental well-being. Shelby mentions a potential date but is hesitant due to a recent traumatic event. She doesn't feel emotionally ready for a relationship yet. Loki reassures her that it's okay to take time to heal. They discuss the challenges of comparing new partners to past loves. Shelby expresses her need to talk and overshare, while Loki encourages her to embrace her authentic self on the podcast. They discuss the importance of men being emotionally available and expressing their feelings. They acknowledge societal pressures that discourage men from discussing emotions. Welcome to death and dating I am Shelby and I'm Loki and we have decided that like we've spoken up about ourselves we're just gonna like update you on like our weeks and like what's been going on in our personal lives at the beginning and then go into our stories and all of that so Loki how was your week it's fine I'm I was sick at the beginning of the week I don't know if I told you I was off two days because I was sick I think I had alcohol poisoning because your boy drink too much but it was okay I just laid in bed and drink water but aside from that it was all right all right did you eat cuz I know I kept telling you you needed to eat like you were not the only person that said that actually I was gonna say soaks it up funny enough I was just too tired it felt like crap to really just get up and eat anything so it was like 2 or 3 a.m. when I actually did eat anything but gonna say yeah you need like energy to like eat so so yeah I mean no it's fine I was only gonna be off the one day and then my boss called me at 5 a.m. to tell me well you were sick yesterday so maybe not take a COVID test which I feel like is super irresponsible but don't take a COVID test because I don't want to know and just stay home today and come back tomorrow so I was like that and that's exactly what I did but yeah I mean aside from that it's been kind of the same thing you know getting prepared for this episode and you know working playing video games hanging out with my kid and you know try not to be lonely type of thing yeah what about you I've just been working a shit ton because we have like an opening so it was like 10 days straight of no days off until like this week and I don't even think about that I've been texting you've been like working yeah like every fucking day dude and now it's like I got my two consecutive days off in a row and I was so excited got to clean the apartment all of that and yes she did say that when I came in here is like did it does it look nicer I haven't noticed but if you did then that's good oh yeah it makes like because I've you know have you ever heard the saying like your mind is only as clear as your surroundings so like if your apartment or where you live is like cluttered and like full of shit that's like how your brain is gonna be and so like that's like stuck with me to where like I feel better and like mentally and like I have mental space when I clean and it like I don't know like there's no it's not all cluttered in my brain after I clean because it's just like oh that's a relief I got that out of the way like well that's very Play-Doh esque of you but I have heard that first thing yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that maybe came from my therapist I'm not really sure but yes that's true get in my brain and figure out all this fucked up shit I mean aside from the work I mean have you you know added anything to your personal life no not really I am I've just been keeping to myself I was supposed to go on a date with someone and I don't I'm your closest friend in the world you didn't tell me that well because like I've been pushing him off like I've been like you know is it like you mentioned name anywhere no there's just a number you just popped up or like snapchat and he a weirdly enough lives in Oklahoma City anybody on my snapchat was like how did you would you don't just get random people on your snapchat how did that happen like I can see added me from like people you may know I guess cuz he's in Oklahoma City which really I'm like unless I like grew up with you and know your snapchat it's always like faraway people you know like oh I'm in North Carolina or oh I'm in Florida you know no people that are friends with me so yeah okay so like that was like a red person right though no and that's why I'm like I keep pushing him off because it's just like just hit him with like the Craigslist ad you know meet a crowd of people like after this whole thing that started like the whole like me having that mental breakdown because someone that I loved got murdered like I just don't know if I'm like I don't know so that's yes we did I think you just said we just said do you have a mishap always had and then you went into detail and I was just like I miss him he's sweet like oh okay you didn't post that okay well sorry y'all that's what happened and I didn't know if you wanted to talk about it yeah sorry okay no you're good but like I know a lot of people didn't know it happened in like February so like I don't know if this is too soon and like I just feel like I would like think like oh my god this is something he would do or I don't know yeah you know I wouldn't think about it that way it's just like you know your body better than anybody else you know your mental state better than yeah so if you think it's time and I know I don't think that's fair to the other person yeah I'm gonna be stuck in that mindset you know I'm like you're out on this day with this person and you know all you're thinking about is him yes and I don't I don't think that's a key like yes like automatically back with a fork and you're just like just picking eggs out because it's like yeah it's just like I'm gonna pick eggs out and then just like shove him to the side and I rather not even me if I know I'm going to do that do you know what I mean like no I get you I mean it's unfortunate but I've had a couple of loves in my life specifically not couple just one yeah and it's unfortunate that you know you continue to new people you date you compare them yes yes yeah cuz you don't know them and it's not fair to them but you do it you know subconsciously and I feel bad and I would not want somebody I don't know and he seems like a really nice guy and I don't want to do that and so it's just like maybe when I'm ready I will like pursue that but right now I know that like I can't be in like an emotional yeah like I'm not gonna be emotionally available and like I'm okay for that okay but aside from that you're like you're okay I don't have to like come over here and like chill with you because you're emotional it's just like no I haven't cried in a while well you also told me you haven't cried for like ten years until recently so yeah oh yeah I don't ever cry no probably not too much I just feel like that's not the healthiest thing to do it's not I'm not so when you just throw it out there like I haven't cried like that shouldn't be the thing you tell me because that just makes me feel more like you should need you you need a friend in this time of need yeah well yeah but like also like after not crying for ten years and then like having something traumatic happen like so just kind of and like you would be with like somebody I would like confide in about those kind of things like just to like discuss cuz he was so laid-back so chill like didn't let things like that affect him so I feel like if I had like I don't know so I feel like I lost that part so it's just like I needed like two months of crying for holding a bunch of shit in for like ten years and then like wishing you know like I wish I could have fucking told him that like oh I wish I would have the balls to say it while he was here you know like what I mean so I don't I don't know there's just like a bunch of stuff that goes through my mind and I feel like if I went on a date I feel like it would be a betrayal you know because it's too soon and I would like to his memory type of betrayal kind of because I feel like two and a half years almost three of like us being together like I feel like that would just to like February to now like that's not even two months like and I feel like that's not enough time to like mourn him and get myself back to where I need to be to like have a healthy relationship maybe yeah no I said maybe you're right two months is I feel like isn't nowhere near enough no you said three years yeah we were yeah that's a long time you know in your life in general and all I would I just you know once want you to be happy as a friend yeah so I want to see you out there and having fun you know and if you're not ready then you're not ready yeah but you know we're doing this and doing this thing and I hope this brings you some like I feel like if I don't get it out oh no yeah I was editing the last episode I was definitely feeling that I was like I need to shut up I was gonna say I needed to shut the fuck up because like I overshare but like that's just how I am like when I get in situations I just have to like overshare because like I feel like I can't do well with silence I think we'll get an audience to the point to where you know they'll love that side of you so that won't be an issue okay good because like I just feel like some people are like she talks too much she needs to shut the fuck up what the fuck you doing on a podcast then I yeah I guess I yeah that's true what do you listen to us for we're just you want to listen to silence cuz no aside from that that's what you're gonna have to hear yeah exactly we talk about relationship shit you know and sometimes feelings because you know valid yeah yeah or you can just fucking get 15 seconds every until we're over it until you pass that point feelings probably every 10 sentences so you're a dude and I feel like that's very rare for them to do and I feel like if we're gonna get people on this podcast to listen and I feel like males should listen because you're a nice guy and most men are assholes and if they want to get like a good girl in their life then they need to fucking be nice and have emotions and because like I grew up in the generation of where oh men don't fucking cry men don't talk about emotions I mean that makes you weak you I mean you say growing up in your generation I mean that's been kind of mine too that's just fairly recent in the last like what 10 years yeah like you know you didn't get called a pussy for talking about your feelings yeah I still can't really do with like my friends like my dude friends because it's you know are you gay well I do think that like if you're a man I feel like it's more of a weakness that you can't talk about your emotions and you can't voice them because I'm like that makes you more of a pussy than actually having the ball and talk about it yeah I mean I do that but like I bottle it up into like explode it's constantly yeah it's constantly thinking about like you know you know my feelings are minuscule to what's going on I said that to somebody recently they're just thinking of like I have a friend you know and she was telling me that all of what's going on in her life and stuff and all I could think about was like I've been stressing for weeks over what's going on in my life for her you know her issues to be times five yeah yeah and I'm like wow I sound like a complaining whiny bitch I there's no way I must I mustn't feel like that because I'm over here venting to her and then you know she hits me with her issues and she's powering through it like a fucking champ yeah you know one of the strongest people I know and I've you know just recently started hearing about you know her personal life and her issues yeah wild yeah and I'm taking like a bitch but you know we all need to start somewhere and I feel like this is also my health as well sit there and you know throw out those bottled-up emotions but otherwise you know and I feel like that shows like that somebody's strong enough to like go through like horrible things and still like walk around and have a smile on your face and like I mean I do that it might be the fakest shit ever because like I'm trying to hide like what's going on in my mind and at home I get it though cuz you want to feel that you're not burning anybody else yes trauma dumping as my generation says yeah because I feel like it's like you're not you're just gonna like pity me and not like it's gonna make it worse so why I talk about it to them true because I mean it is like almost instinctual and I hate it because I'm the nice guy as you said mm-hmm I started a new relationship and I want to make sure everything's out there yeah you know and I don't want to hide anything and that might not be the greatest thing to do in a first date no but I think it is because then like you say so but then when I you know the whole point of our my generation usually women make up that use the term but they're like you know I don't like guys that trauma dump you know like we're here to have fun like I get that you know I'm trying to have fun too but I mean maybe not on the first date but like I mean like once they get to know you they're gonna be like oh my god wow I didn't know that about you like but it's because at that point if I like that person I don't want them to know anything about me because then you know I don't want to ruin anything but yeah well I get that because like I used to do that when I first got with somebody would tell them something and then they'd use it against me later on like you know like to hurt you and I didn't like that and so now it was like when I would get like start over with someone new it was like okay you're not gonna tell them any of that because I don't want that used against me later on even though and I hate to say that because it's like you're bringing your old baggage into a new situation but it's like I have had people that sat there and said oh you can tell me anything I swear I won't use it against you and then five seconds later they use it against you and they're mad at you every woman that I've ever been with you know they're like you can talk to me about something you know whether it be about my past or something that's bothering me and if it's a response that they don't like they'll use it in the future yeah anytime we get in an argument like you remember that time you did this yeah that you know like I'm not over it even though I said I was like what's that about yeah and and then like that takes you back to the moment of the whole fucking scenario of it happening because you're like okay now you're acting like that bitch that did all this shit to me you're bringing me back to fucking square one with it you know it's like we're supposed to like like each other love each other yes it's a partnership why would you use my feelings and my past yes like ammunition yeah I know that's like a constant thing and that's you know I've seen an old couple yesterday oh they are though they came into the store and they were like I think I think he said he was 82 bro so either they just found love surprise I doubt it because I don't know how many eight-year-olds are you know searching for love no because I was just giving them a pizza um but you know I just talked with him for like 10 seconds you know just like and he was like he was like you know I come through here all the time and he's like all your pieces amazing you know you know if you're the one that's cooking it then you know you know give it a good work I need to talk to your boss by getting your raisins I appreciate that man and he was like yeah this is my wife blah blah blah and he was like yep and I was like hmm well maybe next time you know you guys come through and I'll see if I can get you discount cuz they're just super nice yeah he was like yeah he was like I can't eat very much pizza nowadays cuz you know I'm 82 and I was like wow he may maybe looked in his late 60s yeah but I'm just in there I'm just thinking like being 80 years old and still running around with you know the woman or the person you love just getting a piece on like a you know Thursday night I think it's just dream to me yeah I've never had that you know yeah I get that but that's good at least you're meeting like older people they're like I mean they came from a completely different generation where you marry somebody you fucking fight for that like you fight through whatever yeah no matter what it is you know you're just like even if we're unhappy right now we'll be happy yeah like we'll work through it and then now it's just like oh there's a problem cut it off like run you know like my no attempt my friends say that you're not good for me yeah and it's normally the single ones like we talked about last week like they take advice from single friends and it's like okay don't do that because and then it's like I used to do that like where if I had an issue with somebody like in a previous relationship like share only the negatives with my friends and never the positive and so like it was always like you need to get away from him because he's in this this and this and it's like well you don't never hear the fucking amazing because what you know you'll see him around me whenever you know all that everything is going great I'm only I'm not gonna talk to you about him if he's being positive because you see all the positive things about him yeah or her or whatever yeah you know so when I tell you these negative things you know don't tell me to get away from him don't tell me to run away yeah like that constructive criticism and I want you you know to just listen to me not tell me to in my relationship I was gonna say and that's like normally what they'll tell you to do because like they yeah like forget about him let's go party yeah I think yeah because it's for their benefit like they're like oh I'm missing my friend like I want time with me yeah they want you to get rid of the block that's keeping you from hanging out and so yeah yeah like they want you to share the unhappiness with them and I feel like those are the friends that you don't really keep close yeah I didn't think of it that way it was just like you know I'll be hanging out with somebody like yeah I gotta go I gotta go early or playing video games I gotta go early cuz you know I'm meeting with my girlfriend like bro say 30 at night tell her you can hang out with her tomorrow that's probably not on a bigger scale like that you know yeah but those are little things and I feel bad thinking about it now yeah anyway okay you ready to start story yeah I think we can throw some stories out do you want to start you want me to start um you can start okay well I have some I haven't read any of these I just titles and I was like who jump on it okay so I think I have like this one let's see this one so this one was posted by main underscore socks fan two days ago okay it says we've been married for nine years together for 11 Wow congrats when we've when we first started talking we were very open about sex we were both out of long-term relationships and wanted to be completely open and honest so we weren't wasting each other's time she said at the time that she was she really liked to giving DJs and would want to do that without me even asking at times okay so just you know what's that term spontaneous yes yes yes those are you know you want to do that yeah so just you know I mean try to keep your relationship alive I like that things that do step differently so it says all sounds great right question mark well I've been never received one from her not one oh that is literally it Wow okay so but the title says am I am I male 47 the only married man to never get a BJ from his wife female 45 and now do you press it obviously but they're saying it like normal relationship wise normal relationship that they consider to be very sexually active no but there's some people that don't do that at all but she but she preface that she did so maybe there's something wrong like maybe he's not cleaning it properly or she needs to be more vocal about what she's not liking because you can't that's like feelings and but it's that's like start she's saying that she would have done that but that's like starting the situation like the relationship with a taking out on dates buying flowers and then all of a sudden it stopped like you can't start something like that and then cut it off halfway you said that I seen this thing that was like do men who get married do they do more cleaning and house chores and stuff when they get married no versus if they're single no I'm sorry not single versus if they're a boyfriend yeah wait no because like my ex-husband never did jack shit okay but he do any more when he got married or no he didn't do anything it was the same yeah and that's what I say like have you ever heard people say that when they get married nothing changes it's just a piece of paper that changes like you're the government side of things change nothing else like in your relationship or anything going on changes it's literally the same it's nothing feels different after you get married and that's why I'm like I don't think I would ever do that again because it's just like well get married yeah because it's just like if you're not gonna make the effort to like be make things work then why the fuck would I even take that step to like share it half of my shit with you in the end when you know you're gonna do a B Y C whatever the fuck to me I don't know if that's saying but sure we'll go with you know I see no I get it but but the study showed no 80% gets worse 80% of men versus as a boyfriend gets married they get comfortable they do less than what they were as a boyfriend yeah but they originally when I was a boyfriend they clean up their own shit clean up their own stuff yeah the very few mind you the ones that are not mama's boys who'd let their mom do everything for ya is the very few that clean up their own stuff when they got married got comfortable not even necessarily had kids but decided to let the wife do all of the housework which I thought was wild because I've been there and I've done that and I am a horrible person for that but you know you grow I think it all depends also what they did when they live like have they lived alone have they had to do everything by themselves have they had to take the trash out every day do the dishes by themselves make the bed do the laundry but have they had to do all of that like it's that's the love that's love right there mm-hmm you know aside from the physical part and telling your significant other that they're beautiful they look good today you know all the little things they need you know reassurance on but it's what did you do today did you have a hard day you know so let me do this and let me do that for you yeah and I think that's like something you talk about like over dinner like also you know but I know I don't cook for anyone like because it's just like that's girlfriend shit and until you and me are to that title or to that step I'm not doing girlfriend shit for you and and then like they're like why don't you do this for me and it's like yeah and it's like um because I'm not doing girlfriend shit for you when I'm not your girlfriend like until we make that step in that decision then yes all for it I'll have dinner waiting for you when you come over or whatever while to just be asking of a girlfriend anyway you know like I didn't vacuum my apartment when I was at work wild yeah yeah yeah and it's like I you don't see me as your girlfriend so why would I go out of my way like you're already you're getting something out of this so why would I do extra shit for you when you haven't even taken this step to like make it official or make it how you feel about public that you know we're together tell your parents yeah have me meet somebody your friends your family like whatever until those points have came across or we haven't discussed them I'm not doing extra shit like you know what I mean like that no because I never asked they just kind of yeah yeah and if I like you I proclaimed that no like nobody we're going out yeah we're dating yeah you know I see I need somebody to like do that like right off the top like hey these are the works lucid these are the rules these are the boundaries I expect or else I will leave you know and same for me like hey I'm glad you can set those rules down like in the mid like you've made you're just more blunt as a person than I am yeah I can't do those things I get scared you know like if I like this person I'm like you know you think it's gonna push them away yeah not even I mean I don't know just like but if it's something that you like seriously want and you think that's gonna push them away wouldn't you rather want to know early on so if it's something that's gonna push them away you don't get even close remote feelings involved before you know that maybe but cuz I feel like that would like help you out to like weed out the ones that aren't for you because if that's something that you need emotionally mentally whatever and you don't find that out until you're what fucking a year into the relationship or whatever you want to call it that's gonna hurt way fucking worse than doing it from the beginning I mean I mean there's a lot of times in my life I feel like just walked away from that you're kind of a coward ain't you and I think in my mind like I don't think you should look at it as cowardly because if you grew up in a generation where you're supposed to like stuff that down and not talk about it you're just doing what you were raised to do guys are the ones that you know initiate the guys are the ones that do this and do that but I'm unfortunately fragile emotionally so but I feel like you're pretty open about that like when you get meet someone you're like I'm I'm very emotional like I get hurt my feelings but I don't know in my mind it's like it's very uncool I feel like you should because like then I'll be like oh that's cute you're emotional like I want an emotional guy like I want to connect with you probably think that all women want that I promise you I would be married by now with kids if that was the case you have a kid half that yeah but I'm not married with the person I love because guess what they didn't want emotional guy well see if you would have told them that in the beginning you wouldn't have wasted eight years of your fucking life like 14 okay no I wouldn't as a baby human being yeah I was learning who I was and even now still obviously don't know I'm sorry if that shows up on the audio okay oh yeah speak to the people I mean I was snapping at them and yelling at them in the last one because they were being fucking rambunctious okay well okay enough on my emotional state let's continue on with whatever you have okay my next or my first story is by Hexen Rector it's my scariest ghost story here oh my god he always says my apartment's hot and it's 70 a hoodie too and I'm gonna I'm so well and I haven't please pull your fucking face oh my god I'm also yeah you're drinking and I'm burning the fuck up but I'm so sorry I needed to let you know how much I'm sweating my pores are just okay I'm looking so sorry okay all right I don't know what this attempt is but I've been trying to organize all the information in my head for too long the events I will talk about in this post happened about three years ago I'm from Madrid but the that year I was living in LA north or I was living in a Caruna northern Spain for work during the carnival holiday some colleagues and I decided to rent a house in a village about a three to four hour drive away I don't remember the exact name of the village but it was in the middle of a forest with lots of paths and trails to walk amazing views and weather was quite mild for the time of year the small village was ideal like place for anyone who likes to be in nature or simply enjoy peace and quiet until nightfall it's probably just suggestion but when the night fell the atmosphere in the village changed the air became dense and temperature dropped drastically and the silence became sinister I can't explain it but from the first night we understood that we shouldn't leave the house after sunset the first night passed without incident some strange noises here and there but it was probably due to the age of the house the second day passed the same way without much to tell but the second night was where something weird in quotes I was sleeping on the sofa on the ground floor of the house with another friend when I was awoken up by a noise at the window like little rock I don't know yes I think so the past tense when I was woke okay so when I was woken up how about that okay when I was woken up by a noise at the window like little rock I didn't pay much attention to it and tried to go back to sleep but my friend woke up too because the knocks after a few minutes of debating whether to go and look or not I ended up going I got up from the sofa and walked towards the window I couldn't see properly but I thought I saw a shadow like an animal after all we were in the middle of the forest it was the most normal thing after checking that there was nothing I went back to bed the sound came back neither of us got up and eventually we fell asleep the next morning we mentioned it to the rest of the group but it wasn't given much importance the third day was completely normal nothing to report we went for a walk in the forest and got lost but hey it can happen to anyone when night fell we were all around all on the ground floor playing cards with him and hanging out we heard knocks from the previous night again but this time we did see something we all thought it was a man short with a thick unkempt beard wearing a cap and an old coat which we couldn't see his face properly but he was there knocking on the window two of the groups went outside to look but found nothing no footprints no man no nothing just the deep darkness of the night the next morning we got out of there as soon as we could that's her ghost story so creepy I guess yeah maybe or like a little Tom peeping perv that's true homeless man yeah yeah or trying to open up a door yeah about that you you probably checked if it was unlocked before he like threw rocks at it well like I mean if he checked it if it was unlocked so he could crawl in and be creepy but it might not have been rocks though it might have just been him like clicking on something and trying to get something open jimmying something oh that's true mm-hmm cuz they just described it as it sounded like little rocks you know yeah um also stupid but unkempt I thought it was unkempt unkempt no saying that my whole life wrong mm-hmm thanks you learned something every day apparently mm-hmm that's why you read okay I do read okay I read animated things but I read okay well they need to teach you more words hey that's how I learned the term negotiable and that's how I learned yeah yeah and I learned the term um what's that I can't even think of it right now what's that term whenever you're like nostalgia didn't know what that word wasn't like two years ago yeah that's why I read cuz every new book I read I learned three or four different words that I have to like get on Google and find the definition do you like wait all week to like put it in a conversation no I like I like like retain it like oh hey that's a new word and then if it comes up in a conversation I use it because you know like in grade school they taught you like hey we're gonna do dictionary words you know and then like you would have to use them in a sentence like or write them in a sentence you know what I mean and so like that's just like ingrained in my brain like oh hey you learned learn because you're a responsible person okay I know I just like to fucking read and everybody thinks I'm a nerd for it no I just finished what happens in the woods was it creepy actually yes and it was good do you really read hard like like hard like cover books like the actual books books yes yes yes I like the smell of them and I like like having them physically in my hand we're the only time I do but the only time I read on my phone it's like if I'm in an airplane and like I've already previously downloaded a book but sometimes like I'll bring I'll put books in my bag and have these so because like I read too fast for it to like last more than a whole flight so I get done with it pretty quickly okay well no yeah your turn my turn okay so throwback to this morning when I was just scrolling through reddit and I got the most unhinged perverted and disgusting message oh okay yeah it was some guy begging me to be my human toilet and if I can create a group chat with my friends just so we can bully him mercilessly and make fun of his small penis oh super cool any normal person would block such a person but no curiosity got the best of me or us I sent my friends this message and they agreed to actually create a group chat with him and see where it goes okay I don't know if that like is a cool thing to do is that like do you feel like it's bullying just because he wants it like it's a fetish but it's for the wrong reasons right yeah I don't think that's also because he's like weird and just throwing it out there but I don't think people with fetishes like I think they fetishize weird things like wow yeah but like I've had people like come up to me and be like oh hey you're a white girl and I have white girl fetish and I'm like okay cut the fuck off because that's weird like don't fetishize me like maybe in that way yeah that's a little weird to fetishize a whole race yeah but I mean but it's a fetish you know I'm saying that those things that can't be helped and you know I guess you know but there's an end to it so it's just like oh you're gonna just like use me yeah physically like one time and then that's your fetish like I don't know I just don't like it in that way if you think about that way I guess yeah gross yeah it's disgusting okay so yeah okay sorry go my friends this message and they agreed to actually okay I already read that well at first he would stop talking about he wouldn't stop talking about how much he loves piss shit and farts and he eats this or like he just has it in his mouth you wouldn't talk about how much he loved his shits and farts okay that's just which is kind of a wide wide range yeah cuz usually you know I listen to a podcast at one point you know they talked to somebody about who liked farts but they didn't talk about shit and piss you know yeah that's for a woman who liked scat poop shit yeah but didn't care for piss or farts so he just likes kind of just everything he just likes gross shit but hey we're not shaming him for it even confessing to us that back in his school days he would sneak in the girls bathroom just to smell it and he would beg us to just bully him but neither one of my friends actually was able to be mean okay so maybe I'm a little more on their side now cuz they they couldn't even do it Wow yeah it is to the side of curiosity okay and I was like really thinking about that but it's then they're like weirded out and they're like yeah I'm done with this but then he confessed to something else more serious okay he was talking about how his very small penis Wow very okay so he wants them to like degrade him about the size of it well yeah but okay very small penis and told us that when he was a child he had some accident and had to do a surgery down there which went wrong and eventually got him to be neutered so like a large I hate this word but clit mm-hmm that are you sure he's not transgendered cuz that's what happens to the men like that stop taking testosterone and so I would love to have this conversation but I have no idea and I would I don't even I don't even well I'd like watch the podcast of like they're like on YouTube like women that are transgender women that have like stopped taking testosterone and like taking their hormones and it shrinks their dick into like a big clit I don't know to say about that continuing okay so he said we didn't believe him at first we thought this was a way to get us to believe him but then he actually sent us medical record Wow okay weird crazy and a photo of his neutered and deformed penis then he kept on going by saying how he never has any sexual desires that has nothing to do with your penis no yeah like your mental like a hormone like right yeah it would be testosterone in his case cuz he's a male he needs to get his testosterone checked yeah this is and that he cannot feel anything and him wanting to be human be a human toilet is nothing sexual okay sure okay because he can't actually feel anything but it just made him happy all right no that's it it's a sexual thing whatever he also kept venting or maybe it's a way to get us to bully him that he cannot be a man and will never satisfy a woman yep no that's definitely to try to get them to bully him because it's a fetish my friends and I got so emotional wait yeah especially that we didn't believe him at first but then later we felt so bad and apologized to him saying we can't continue in doing this that we're sorry this happened to him I'm still thinking about it and I wish this guy find some peace in his life someday well well yeah I just think he's I didn't read that so is he like paying them for this no I think you should start paying him I think you should start paying people because like I feel like that would motivate them more to be like mean and not care about like oh am I gonna hurt his feelings because if he like goes the extra mile like I'm being dead serious like I will give you this amount of money to do it like I feel like they would do that I don't know it's weird I was reading the like edit which is not really any new information it was just just him like confirming or that people I guess in the comments were coming to a conclusion that it was his fantasy weird I don't know a human toilet so does that mean he likes him to sit on him I guess well and piss shit and fart on him because I know a lot of guys who are into like getting their face sat on which is like it's fine it's not something I go yo that's what I'm looking for sit on my face that's not one of the things that I'm like yo I need that right now you know I'm saying yeah I don't know about pee on me that's a little crazy yeah like I'm not vanilla by any like means but this is something we need to be talked about if it's like on me yeah like we need to be in the shower yeah with no clothes on if we're gonna pee on me yeah and then I'm only doing this if I really like you because if there's so many things that can come into that like my pee stings sometimes you know I'm saying yeah so you know and I have a you know have a good sniffer so well I'll gag and I don't want that you need to know these things at front so like when you do meet them that way like you have drink enough water that day or pineapple juice or whatever you know what I mean cuz I won't you know put anyone in that situation like I yeah like you don't want to have my weird fetishes I'm gonna piss on you I've had people ask me if they get if I could pee on them you know so you know I've had the same thing but it's normal when a guy asks the girl I feel like more than a girl asking a guy people have fetishes let's not majoritize them you know I mean like I am not guys guys are very guess I never hear it from guys are very out there if they look if they if they look a certain way if they think that they look good they're very open to their weird fetishes well and I feel like if you meet the right person like in the bedroom like you do things you wouldn't normally do with other people because like you're like I would go out of my way or out of my shell just to like have fun with you and like yeah and do different things no yeah no I would I would pee on a lot of people before I would fart or shit on them yes like I feel like those two are like very like intimate things like you know what I mean like but no it's intimate with you like you go in another room and fart and then walk away like so you're not like fucking with other people's senses or like you know what like what I mean like you take a shit when nobody's around like would you be more inclined if you were clothed or does it matter no I know do you think it is it you can get E.coli you can get like all kinds of shit from shit shit from shit yeah no I'm saying so you think it's just as bad if you were to bare cheek somebody's nose and fart aside from putting out having clothes on and farting okay well have you ever seen them strippers that like do like dances and they think it's just a fart and then they like spray shit someone in the face okay well that will happen and so I'm saying like okay I'm just saying once in my life and I think you're gonna get pink guy first of all listen I've had a whole lap dance one time in my life and guess what that exactly happened to me they didn't shit on my face but bare cheeked my face and it's all like shit no okay don't ruin it okay well you know can't hold it in are you doing that situation they spray shit on your face you get the fuck out and they don't get the tip or the fucking pay for the dance cuz you just shit on me am I wrong just to like how do can uppercut them I mean I guess if I just shit on my nose I mean you might get carried out by a bouncer because you touched him but like I'm gonna be like I'm getting your name because if I have to go to the second hospital and get this shit checked out you're gonna pay for it I don't know how I feel about anybody shitting on my face yeah spray dude that's wild anyway enough spray shit on people's face what's your next one okay well I just haven't ever asked you about this but I just wanted to know okay so this one is by empath T vessel I'm gonna read it and then I want to ask you some questions because I don't know how you feel about this but okay it says I was I wish parallel universes and shifting aren't real if shifting was real and you can really go into an alternate reality where things are like you want them to be it would mean there are infinite possibilities alterations and combinations and if all of these was real it would mean every thought is really happening right now in somewhere in existence and that includes my intrusive thoughts shifting being real would mean infinite sufferings being real infinite hell's infinite versions of your worst fears happening somewhere to someone and you can't do anything to change it so my question is do you believe in the shifting to parallel universe or a different you and a different timeline I mean I've heard it in passing you know from like what's that what's that dude's Tyson Tyson something something Tyson the black dude that the fro he's like super smart intelligent guy he's like on like Big Bang Theory and stuff super smart knows about space oh the shelving guy no the black guy Oh Rob Raj Raj Indian not black um no the he's like an actual person like he's with NASA and stuff I don't know what you're talking about the black dude that always talks about like the universe and like anyway dude's super smart so in passing I don't know if it was like factual or was it just a theory that he said that you know there are infinite like universes there are millions of you and me and you know we're all doing the same thing or doing the same thing or all doing the same thing or doing different things at the same time and that's why there's infinite number of possibilities as to what we're doing okay you know we've already had this outcome in a different universe okay well I've already died a hundred thousand times I know I've also been successful a hundred thousand times you know I don't know if I necessarily believe it because I wish I was one of the successful ones yes because like I mean there was a girl that had posted before this talking about how her dad died and she wanted to jump to a alternate reality where he still was alive but somebody said that like if he died he died in all pairs like oh okay so maybe it is just a theory now that I think about it because there's there's like the back to the future where if you go back in the past something changes yeah but in the Marvel Cinematic like universe you know our different parallel universes but if you change one timeline it'll change it somewhere else and won't change the timeline that's already happening for you okay you know so she could jump back into the past and like change something there's no way to know but I guess whatever one that you decide is like the truth yeah is it one that you could go back into the past or in the future and change something yeah just everything drastically or do you change something and it changes it elsewhere in another timeline yeah so that's weird that you know if you're somebody you know dies and they die in every other dimension or timeline yeah but I mean like also there's no way talking about those we're gonna let you know why I was joking oh just hurts my brain okay well I was just thinking because like there's those people I don't know because I it scares me I was gonna say I've watched this tick-tock video somebody sent me of this girl talking about how teaching people how to jump timelines and I'm like I don't know if I would want to do that because then I read another reddit story where they jumped timelines and the the person in that timeline that was them kept telling them you're not supposed to be here you need to leave because they look alike oh yeah okay so there was just like two of the same people yeah it was like your doppelganger popping up in your timeline where they said that somebody else in the world looks like you oh I've heard that 30,000 times since I've moved here you look like this girl from IHOP you look like this girl from this place and I'm like you look like a generic white girl I've had a ton of people especially when I worked at that was like a common question like weren't you just over there at that restaurant I'm like no are you sure your name's not blah blah blah and I'm like my name tag says Shelby like I don't know what you're talking and he was like yeah she looks exactly like you like crazy like I just had to ask and I'm like okay that's fucking weird like maybe she's not supposed to be in my timeline you don't have any crazy features that like make you stand out in a bad way like you know you don't have like a you know Duran Duran earring or a crazy scar on your face that like you know sets you out from the rest you know I'm saying so generic cuz you know I think you're just you know you don't first of all you're like 10 years older than me you should know who Duran Duran is like the band yes okay but what are you talking about the lead singer of Duran Duran made it like famous to have the weird stupid long chain feather earring it just makes you stand out you know I'm saying okay so I need to change something to wear a standout I just mean something that doesn't make you as generic as looking as there you know cuz I see you have piercings and you are not piercings but you have holes in yours that your ears have been pierced right three times okay cuz I'm allergic to metal and they always fuck up you know like a crazy tattoo on your face or you know Mike Tyson stands out from everybody else right because of this giant tribal face tattoo exactly my point okay I'm not ever gonna fucking do that thing just anything you know what makes you look different just from first glance from all these other white girls with glasses okay name Shelby probably 14 of them and they stayed alone sure which I like because then like nobody can like specify who I am but you know we'll get there one day sure when I have the balls to like come out so is it my turn yeah okay so this one is posted by spider girl 3000 I knew my girlfriend we'll call her s Oh sold private content a few years ago she told me within a few weeks of dating and it took me back but I was fine with it she assured me that everything was deleted and she wouldn't do it again there was some lying about how recent it was but this is forgiven and forgotten okay you know give me boyfriend cool yeah relationship communication it seems like recently though I came across a lot of her content in all caps a lot recently though it's all over multiple multiple different sites some clearly pulled from reddit and Twitter while other videos were sent privately to people who didn't reupload them elsewhere there are photos videos original captions etc the works this obviously isn't directly her fault and I'm aware it's completely out of her control that doesn't change the fact that it's an issue we're having to face when I found out I had a conversation about it with her and explained that I'm going to need some time to process and I can't do it alone I don't want to talk to my friends or family about it because they love her and I just need advice it's just the kind of thing I should even want to get over it's still very fresh in my head and my head's a mess any help would be massively appreciated and I do love her deeply thanks in advance no so he's asking if he should contact her or move on well it's the fact that he doesn't know what to do like how does he supposed to process the fact that you know she told him that there was some NSFW content that was out there and well did he know that when they first started talking okay so if he was okay with it okay and he found out it wasn't okay well if he okay so he knew about it at the beginning thought it was deleted found out it wasn't is if he's upset about it not being deleted he needs to bring that to her attention she can't do anything about it she deleted everything from her phone these are just reuploaded pictures and videos so I guess just this the bottom someone stole her videos and then reuploaded them oh that's not an uncommon thing you know if you post a video on Twitter of you getting fucking railed people are gonna save that even if it gets deleted they're gonna reupload it later on for other people to see oh but you don't make money off that no oh well that's stupid she needs an OnlyFans then well that's what it was she sold private content but then she got in a relationship and he wasn't okay with it she deleted it all okay well people liked her these people liked her videos and pictures so much that they decided to reupload it for everybody else okay well he he can't get mad at her for that because it's not her uploading it was directly not her fault he understands that but what is he what does he do about his feelings I mean you just kind of have to eat it unless he wants to get into like a legal battle of like coming after those people and like saying hey we're gonna sue you if you keep posting these because she took them down because she's in a relationship now and she obviously doesn't want them out there and you're post you are posting her content and stealing like whatever revenue she's getting yeah pathetically though do you think you could blame him if he decided to break up with her over it no because like well I would say yes because like he he knew about it I put it deleted it in the way of he got with this girl they weren't comfortable with it so she deleted it all because she he wants this woman to meet his mom someday yeah if his mom starts seeing weird videos of her getting railed by some random dudes yeah and that's what I'm saying they need to take legal matters because it's like she deleted it this is 24 male and 24 female there's no way they have the ability to do to pursue legal matters against 30 or 40 fucking reddit users but I get what you mean that's not the case right I'm saying do you feel for this person do you think oh yeah it's a shitty situation like that fucking stuff but he's like I don't want any of my family to see you naked and you know fucking around with some random people we should break up keep blaming maybe he should steal all of his family phones and like block the fucking read it off of it but I mean it wasn't just read it said Twitter it said other social media platforms yeah he needs to find all of where it's posted what the names are so he can go to every app and know how moms are though I know if my mom was found out that I was dating a girl yeah I know but why is that needed to be said like because if she's already handled it and gotten rid of it I don't feel like that needs to be said to anyone mothers are like you know why did she do in the first place yeah you know but I mean my native family like do you have any self-respect you know you sold naked pictures of yourself and I'm like 20-24 you know let us do our thing yeah yeah but also I feel like if the parents are gonna get mad like it's not her posting it like she took it down somebody else stole it and reposted it maybe the parents could have some advice family members give them advice on how to fucking go about it if they're understanding yeah yeah maybe you shouldn't be with a harlot oh yeah but maybe he's not gonna be fucking a family member so what's the difference like why why care what they think they're gonna love you regardless and if they don't then they're not family I was gonna say yeah if they if they cut you off for that then they're not family and you don't need them in that negativity in your life yeah so I accept you for the choices that you make even if it's a mistake yeah not really family yeah because everyone makes mistakes they've made mistakes and if they're willing to judge you off of your own mistakes that you want to learn on your own then that's on them like fuck that I like that insightful yeah continue with your story okay so have a have a lovey-dovey one though okay so this is my plastic flounder 1608 and I kind of related to this so when I told you that I loved you I meant that I loved your soul the way you felt around me the way we fit together physically and emotionally and the metaphysical and in reality I love you for your bad humor and your good humor oh for how you saw me and tried to protect me unnecessarily from you from the time you took me from the time you took to make me feel safe for how much you wanted to be my friend and when I say I love you now it's with the caveat that I know this won't fade there will always be a flame inside my heart with your name scrawled across the kindling I want to grow to cultivate this into my greatest love story or my greatest new friendship and that's why I want your honest reply so badly for my sanity but also for how much I want you to be in my life every day has been a struggle on its own 100 days now no more of this and I still love you I feel myself lashing out more and more with the growing silence between us and I know you see that too what do you need me to say for you to know I would cherish your heart even more than my own for we share the same scars and how I accept all of your apologies because I felt it all too and I would never ever hold that against you for even a second I only ever want you to let me in I want you to I want to let you in I want to share my life with you and be there for the hard times and the best times for a for a selfish girl I would surprisingly selfless if you could only offer me your love as a friend but I have so much love to give to you and it aches and aches until I break too stubborn to let you go to hurt to reach out even if you could keep me unblocked for longer than five days you added so much to my life I didn't even realize was missing and now you're gone and all I feel is your absence I would sell all of my tomorrows to get to do this all over again but right this time so please please please let me get what I want so all my tomorrows sweet huh I was like oh that's so cute like and but I also get where she's coming from because like you don't know how good you have it until it's gone and then that's all you crave you know what I mean and there's never there and there's never anyone that's gonna give you that you know ever again true yeah I guess yes but not always I feel like hey you know I mean I've had multiple loves in my life but all of them were fucking fucked up and then the one good time I fall in love I fuck it up I did the same thing self sabotage like a motherfucker I do that with every relationship no matter if it's love or not yeah but it happens yeah because we're afraid to you know yes drop it down to zero oh yeah because you don't want to get hurt yeah if you do you know drop it down to zero and then you you live like this comfortably for three years and then all of a sudden you find out that they did something that completely messed with your boundaries completely messed with your mind and hurt your heart yeah you I guess saved yourself from heartbreak in the end a little bit but it's depressing to live that way oh yeah I currently do it oh yeah I know that's what I say I'm like I have like how I protect my heart is like I have like a fucking forest with a gate that they have to get through and then there's a moat with alligators surrounding a castle and then you got to get over that into the castle through like 50 different walls just to like start chipping away at a wall around it you know what I mean but half half the men don't even make it to the forest cuz I'm just like nope you're done like cut off you did something fucking weird that I don't like like you know what I mean yeah it's I want love to the best of my ability because I want to be part of those tik-tok trends I want to be part of those Instagram trends where we're doing dance together where yeah like you see those cute little captions that are like you know but I feel like half of those are fake fake or not they're still adorable and I want them to have yes okay okay I get that I just I want that you know I think it's like having a best friend is what's nice having best friends great yeah but it's and like having your yourself in it opposite sex is amazing because like they get everything about you okay yeah sure absolutely I feel that I'm you know I have you have quite a few others you know that are you know the opposite sex being friends you know that's awesome but it's the fact that it's almost primitive at the end of the day yeah but that's just to procreate maybe it's not about their personalities clicking with yours but yeah I like that I wish that I wish more people were sweet like that I wanted you know sorry but yeah I wish it was more common for people to like want to want to be in a relationship and want to like pursue something and not give up on it the first time it gets hard being told and thrown out there like I want to I want to I want to I want somebody to love me for me yeah and be with me but then it is a being that when there's somebody right there in front of you it's like oh but you're not six foot two oh but you're not shredded wheat you know I'm saying yeah you know girl you have a really bad sense of like fashion yeah but we're all like that cuz I'm like that yeah there is shallow ways to look at it but at the end of the day don't want it as hard as you are yeah like don't don't want it as hard as you you say you want it for you to turn down every single person that comes to approach you that's trying to have that with you yeah I just thought I'm not ready for it though I mean so I probably am not but I want it ready so you want just someone to feel fill the time it's gonna take you are ready no I've continuously said that maybe that I've continuously said maybe that is a thing but it's my parents split up very young like I think I was 10 or 11 and I thought there were a great couple but at the end of the day they weren't and it just didn't work out between them and I just thought to myself whenever I seen my father leave I want a family I want you know I want a kid I want kids you know and I want this person to be at home waiting for me when I get home you know a boring but happy little white picket fence thing you know and that's not everybody's like prerogative I guess you know but at the end of the day I want a boring little life I want a nice two door or two car garage two-story house pool blah blah and then be the cool hangout spot for my kid and their friends yeah yeah I want like a country home with the white picket fence wrap around for wrap around porch where I can watch the sunrise read my book and then also I have also wanted like I knew that like if I ever got into a relationship with another person I would want to duplex like they we buy a whole duplex I live on one side they live on the other and we cut a door in the middle of the walls so like because I like my personal space but I feel like when I that was an issue with the last guy that was so sweet he like I wouldn't need time to like re-energize my energy and like be alone watch my shows clean my apartment do all of the things that I needed to do and I felt like he thought that I was doing something scandalous and it was like no dude I just need time to really recharge because like being around you like I spend so much energy because like what I usually do yeah yeah yeah like I'm literally the same person on that yeah because there are two or three days out of the week that I really want to do that yeah and I want to do with the person that we're talking about yeah I'm gonna do with you yeah I need time to charge up yeah and it's not like I don't want you to like come in on my side or your side and like sleep at night or you know at the eat dinner together it's just like doing things yes I'm exhausted and I want to do my things now yes and I'm OCD like I don't want people touching my shit moving it you know like it's like just leave my side alone and I won't fuck with your side but like we're both welcome on either side like you know what I mean like I just don't I just think that would be the best like because like it's like you have your own separate living quarters but yet you're together at the same time I like it to a certain degree I'm very clingy though so yes yes but then I guess then again it was a couple of times or you know it gets to that point I feel like that's just in they get to know you stage like the first like three years of like date needs to be done the point of my story though at the end of the day was just I want those things and I'm tired of hearing people that they want those things for it not to happen I understand people are going through shit and they have their careers or their families or an ill you know ill one that they're caring for or just are not ready yeah whatever their personal whatever their whatever their personal reasons are but don't constantly tell me that you're you know you're wanting love but in reality you're trying to know what you want right now because I do I would just say they need to like word it differently like hey I want love but not right now like I'm not emotionally and mentally prepared don't don't lead me on in that way because then I'm I'm working and pushing for all this effort to go into a relationship that's I'm full 100% and they're just 60 yep I get that yeah yeah it's a partnership it should be 50-50 and if one day you're having a bad day and they're out of 20 you need to be having 80 like it needs to be a partnership like and that's why I don't like cheating because like it's like if you're in a partnership you're gonna like that makes you the most unloyal lying person I've ever met if you can just like do that to your partner like this they should be open and exactly that that person you've told them you love them right yes you've told this person that you care about them and vice versa what in your mind feels that it's okay for you to hurt that person exactly and and then on top of that if you are alright with it do you feel anything after you do it these people who do so do they feel anything no no most of them don't because they're narcissists and don't have feelings towards anybody but themselves but then they lie and tell you that you know I'm with you and yeah that's just a mimicking a fucking emotion it's just it's a lot yeah I'm just you know I'm 24 and maybe you know a lot of people probably including yourself probably tell me that I need to you know have fun blah blah blah I don't need to get into something crazy yeah but I have an eight-year-old yeah and that means I want something serious yeah and he's the dude and you need to like show him like do do things and like but I don't want to constantly introduce people to him in his life yeah I want somebody that's gonna be there for you know I'm not asking for them to be a mom he has a mom yeah his friend though be his friend yeah you know and don't don't let me introduce you to my kid for you to you know step out of my life because of something you know something trivial yes yes like I'm gonna be traumatizing later on I worked for this point for you didn't for me to introduce you to my kid which is my priority in life yep but uh you know he is my priority in life yes but at the same time I want to be happy and maybe some people believe that your kids should make you happy 100% yeah which is true but unfortunately a different kind of have a different kind of exactly happiness and it's like my baby mom's does not understand that oh yeah it's a different kind of happy should be fulfillment in your whole life and you shouldn't want anything else and I'm like yes and no okay so you're she she's in a relationship so that's like yeah yeah yeah cuz her the other part of her is fulfilled already she doesn't if she was single she wouldn't be fucking saying that because she would be looking for that exactly so she needs to fucking shut the fuck up she's in the wrong on that one no she's cool sometimes we're super cool and we well that's hypocritical but I can never tell her that to her face because well hopefully she listens to this and she can I don't know eat her words I hope not I hope that she yeah you know she we talk about her and then you know she decides to be something pettier well maybe we can name her something to where she won't know what we're talking about I used her name so probably not oh well we can start saying okay okay okay let's go normally I'm the one that does scary so I like this okay so it says let's go back a few months when I started noticing my food going missing and I live alone and my family hasn't visited in a while that's happened to me did you find out somebody's like living in your house yes yes my first apartment when I moved here that I think it was a maintenance man he like figured out my work schedule and I would come home and there would be like clothes I'd never seen on my fucking floor and then my my weed would go missing like everything smoking your shit yeah and like if there would be shit in my like a trash in my trash can then I have a did you ever meet this person face-to-face to confront them I mean I've met him because he was the maintenance man but I never confronted him but I like made the lady like on the ring she had a ring doorbell that lives like across like across from me and she'd be like dude the fucking maintenance man just went into your fucking apartment I'm like okay so you knew for sure yeah and I'm like dude I didn't fucking ask him to come over like it was just weird and then like he got fired because I told the office yeah I was like you need to send them that video and tell them that like I had no maintenance requests and he's fucking going in my apartment washing fucking taking showers leaving his dirty ass clothes and stealing my clothes and leaving in them that is so weird I know dude one day while watching the news I heard about a break in around my neighborhood and I thought this person that this person has to be the one taking my food maybe he's homeless or something but they're really only taking my food or nothing else but just in case I added a chain lock to all my doors my food is still went missing and then blankets and pillows homie was living in his house that's my prediction but I'll just in case I had it oh there was a neighborhood wide power outage and there is a generator in the basement so I took my little flashlight and went downstairs and I saw empty bags of my food that went missing and my pillows and blankets I screamed because I didn't want these things in my basement someone else was in my basement I felt someone grab my hand and cover my mouth excuse me and luckily my neighbors heard my scream and called 9-1-1 he was arrested last night that last what he was arrested arrested last that night okay miss bill I guess I still get scared whenever I have to go back down there yeah no fucking way dude what is that movie where the guy like lives in this bitches apartment and she has no idea and he lives in her walls don't think I've ever seen that oh my god he has like his own little room with like a little TV and he like has like little people through all the walls like where he can watch her through the people so she has like a young son you know no it was like oh it was like a ten-year-old movie I'd watched on Netflix no I don't think it was on Netflix but it was you'll have to it was like man in the wall or something okay guys so we haven't done our categories for top five yet but I have an idea for the ending of our podcast if you guys want to keep us doing this I bought a let's get deep after dark experiences questions for couples and we're not a couple but like I it's ice breakers there's an ice breaker one a deep and deeper or you can just pick one and then do that ice breakers seem to be like the worst but I'm gonna I'm gonna draw a card and answer the question and that's how we'll end this podcast about that okay it says choked or spanked my personal preference would be spanked because choking I've had people do that to where like I think I'm gonna die and it's like I don't know you well enough you could fucking murder me right now and that freaks me out so I don't that freaks me out a little bit cuz I don't know if I never wanted to learn that information about you but yeah I'm sorry well then then oh you want to do ice breaker okay go okay what is the best time to have sex morning afternoon or night it's a big thing for me that I am NOT shredded I am NOT ripped I am NOT the greatest looking I feel like so definitely not the morning because I feel like there's a lot of light at that time which I've done it and I just I feel icky afterwards and I'm like yeah I'm like gross this morning especially morning breath oh my god morning breath is fucking disgusting oh yeah no no no you just wake up and start kissing each other oh you don't just kiss I've done it and it's disgusting okay I don't know I don't know if there's like a really a time of day like you would say night probably because you get tired and then just go to sleep yes and yes and no maybe middle of the day then yeah I was gonna say the thing is is like in general it's just a spontaneous intercourse for me I think it's just cool yeah that's the best doing it just randomly you know yeah in a movie theater it's not planned or you know yeah yeah it makes it boring speaking like a true nerd I said $40 to first to watch this movie we're not doing yeah I'm gonna keep my vision in a library I feel like that'd be boring cuz you have to be quiet no that's not boring at all that's awesome I can shove her like just almost fucking suffocate her ass by holding her face the cool thing is it not where you have to be quiet I guess kind of you just kind of have to stop but then you're like am I doing a good job cuz she's just fucking dead fish right now and not making any noises like no we already have this conversation about being quiet I feel like that's just not a good thing you know you like this one okay all right you want to keep doing ice breakers or you want to do deeper deeper whatever we want to do that's fine all right ask your partner is there anything during sex that you would like okay well that's not for you okay well okay how did you learn to give or practice giving head how did you learn yeah I mean I guess over time I guess over time and experience and what being married like they will tell you like don't do that do it this way or don't do that do it this way you know what I mean like you and people have their own own specifics that they like and that they don't like you know what I mean better one okay okay my god and lingerie or no clothes at all I would say no clothes at all because because lingerie you're gonna take it off anyway and normally them bitches are so intricate it's like okay well I gotta spend 45 minutes taking this bitch off now because we just spent an hour getting it on like do you agree do you okay so do you think lingerie is the same thing as like cosplaying kind of yes yes like it I feel like it has to be like stratchless or something for it to like get to the point otherwise you're gonna spend 45 minutes taking it off and you're gonna need their help and then that's just a mood killer cuz it's like yeah you know what I mean like you know I can't you know we can't dress up like cosplay look like Harry Potter yeah I was gonna say like I feel like just sports bra and like a matching set of underwear or something would be way more attractive and easier to get off then or just be completely naked like the other option was but yep icebreaker who do you talk to about your sex life you guys Shelby and everybody else apparently yes and the podcast is made public yeah we're back so yeah we're gonna have another episode next week yeah it'll be probably off the rails just like this one was I feel like yeah and tell us if you like this icebreaker game or if you want us to do it next week we'll do the top five and you guys can tell us if you like which one you like more or if you want us to keep doing both or whatever it's up to you guys you're the listeners we want to know and have feedback about what we can improve and what you guys want us to do if you have suggestions on like a game you want us to like have at the end of it I feel like once I'm done with probation we'll do the truth or drink game yeah so we'll try to do our best with games because I'm a game player and he's a video game player so it just works anything else you want to add before no I'll let you take us out all right so that was probably it for this episode if you guys have any like she said anything you want to submit any kind of stories anything you guys don't even want to be on the episode maybe we could do that I preface that on other on our other episodes you can send your submit your your stories at Loki Loki at Instagram it'll be in like down below on this episode so I think that's it do you have any socials that you want to put out there no I think you said no on other ones so you yeah no no I haven't made our own email or social but when I do I will plug in next week okay that's fine um so yeah would that Instagram just plug in your stories there if that's what you want to do however you want to do it I think that's it though this has been death and dating with Shelby and Loki you guys have a good night yep have a good week bye guys