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03-31-24 Faith and Prayer

03-31-24 Faith and Prayer

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Carol announces that they are on page 97 of the Bible study book "His Name is Jesus" by Jack Hayford. They are studying the topic of Faith and Prayer. They discuss the importance of faith in prayer and how it builds a relationship with God. They explore the concept of the synoptics, which refers to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They read passages from James and Matthew that emphasize the role of faith in prayer. They discuss the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree as a parable about Israel's lack of fruitfulness. They learn that effective prayer is based on faith and trust in God. They also learn that even a small amount of faith can move mountains. The conclusion is that in prayer, one must believe and have no doubt in their heart. Carol, if you could tell us what page we're on. Yes, it is 97, like she said, under Faith and Prayer. All right, this is Disciples Ignited Bible Study. Thank you for joining us. We are studying out of Jack Hayford's Bible Study book, His Name is Jesus, and we are on page 97. Now today we're going to start with Faith and Prayer. Who wants to lead us out in prayer, asking the Lord to speak to us today? Janai, go ahead. Amen. Okay, now, Carol, why don't you start us out in reading Faith and Prayer in the next paragraph. Okay, so we're in Matthew still, right? Yeah, James is quite clear. Oh, James is quite clear about Faith and Prayer. Let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts is like the wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. So I guess that's James 1, 6, and 7. So, Jesus' teachings on prayer in the synoptics reflect the same truth. Now, let me stop. What is the synoptics? What is he talking about here? Okay, which one? The first four. No, three. Three. Janai is right, there you go. First three. Why isn't John counted in the synoptics? Okay, Jayden, why isn't the Gospel of John included in the synoptics? Well, John focuses more on the latter end of Jesus' life and is more personal, where the synoptics really start at the beginning and give a lot of information about his early ministry. John's not so much. John is more focused on, really, the last week of Jesus' life on the earth. All right, so the synoptics. So, whenever you see synoptics, that is the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. All right, Carol, continue. Okay, so the synoptics reflect the same truth, Matthew 21, 22, and whatever things you ask in prayer believing, you will receive. Let's examine a couple of passages on the role of faith in prayer. Okay, word wealth. Rudolf, why don't you take that? Faith means conviction, confidence, trust, belief, reliance, trustworthiness, and persuasion. In the New Testament, faith is the divinely implanted principle of, in a word, confidence, assurance, trust, and reliance in God and in all that he says. In this specific reference to prayer, faith is a relationship of practical trust with the one to whom you are praying. This trust stems from understanding both the nature and will of God. Let me ask you, why has the Lord based the effectiveness of our prayers on faith? Okay, someone else. Why is it all about faith? Trust, like trusting. Okay, trust. Carol? I think it makes it more personal, that it shows respect and honor for the Lord himself. Okay. It's of a personal relationship. I think that's what he's looking for. I think that's the key, is because faith, as Rudolf just read us, the Greek is not talking about just a mental sense. It is talking about a reliance, a complete trust. I always picture it like I'm leaning on a lamppost so much so that if that lamppost were to move, I'm going to miss it. I'm going to fall. So I'm relying upon him. What is that building in prayer? What is that building? It's building a relationship so it's not just getting your prayers answered, but the greater outcome is your relationship with the Lord is being built and strengthened. Plus, he's able to use you to get things done in prayer that he wants done for his kingdom. Can I give an example here? Yes, please. I think back when I was a little child and my dad took us to a park and there was a swing set. When you're really little, if you really trust your father and he says, jump. I mean, I would love to. I mean, I swing really high. I love the swings. And if he said, jump into his arms, when I was really little, I did because I completely trusted him. I knew my dad wasn't going to let me fall. I knew he was going to take care of me. So I just sprang out of that swing. I was probably only about three years old and he grabbed me and got me. But as you get older, you get to that point where you don't trust like you used to. You're not about to jump out of that swing maybe at six or seven and think your dad's going to still get you, unless you still really trust your father. And I think that's the way of understanding sometimes faith. That's good. Now, a couple of weeks ago, I encouraged everybody that in their prayer time during that week, instead of focusing on getting what you wanted accomplished, to just really focus on relationship. Now, that's what we need to do until our relationship with the Lord is really just everything that it should be. That we are really tight with the Lord, that we're walking with the Lord, that we're serving Him. Now, there are times that you're going to start praying, that the Lord gives you an assignment in prayer, and you're really focused on getting that taken care of. And so you're not really so much focusing on deepening your relationship. But that's because the relationship is already there. But until you know that that relationship is everything that it should be, your times of prayer really need to be where you're realizing that this is really more about you building a relationship with Jesus and not just getting your prayers done. Because until your relationship is what it needs to be, your prayers are most likely going to be faulty. They're going to be tainted. Because what are you wanting? You want your will done, right? But God says that we are to pray His kingdom and His will be done. And that comes out of relationship. So let's talk about having faith in God. Why don't you take that, Jayden? In Mark 11, 12-14, Jesus curses a fig tree and it withers. The fig tree is used here to designate Israel of Jesus' time, whose religious system and heritage appeared to hold promise of satisfaction. So the curse extended not only to the tree but also to the nation of Israel. An enacted parable showing the judgment that was to come upon Israel's false profession. Okay, before you keep on going, why don't we read Mark 11, 12-14. Who wants to take that? I have it. Okay. Mark 11, 12-14. The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree and leaves, he went to find if it had any fruit. To find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, May no one ever eat fruit from you again. And his disciples heard him say it. Okay, Carol, give your, kind of sum up what we just, what Jane just read from this author. It's saying that this is like a parable. And it was representative of where Israel was at as a people. They didn't have fruit. They were a tree without fruit. So what was their purpose? And when Jesus cursed it, he is saying that this was a curse that came upon Israel for their false profession. Okay, so that means that God was anticipating, he was expecting to find what when Jesus came? Fruit. Fruit. He was expecting Israel to be bearing fruit, but he found just a bunch of show. There's a bunch of leaves, but it was no fruit. Wow. Oh! Wow. You know, I've never thought of it that way before, to be honest with you. How could I have missed that? I really just thought it was such a demonstration of his power. And I thought, wow, if we can do what Jesus does, if we have that kind of faith, you know, but I never really thought of it as being a parable. I mean, I have to be honest. He was expecting fruit, didn't see any, and so what did he do? He cursed it. Okay. But he was really giving it over to that which it was. They were unfruitful, and he says, all right. Go ahead. Read the rest of it. Jesus does not interpret the significance of the event itself. Instead, he uses it to teach a lesson on releasing heaven's resources into life situations. Read Mark 11, 20-24. Okay, so who wants to take that? Okay. Mark 11, 20-24. Okay. All right, what prompts Jesus' teaching on faith and prayer? Verse 21. Carol? I guess because Peter drew attention to it, to the Lord? No, go ahead. Yeah, right. All right, so it came from Peter. Peter remembers that he had cursed the first fig tree, and so he mentions it to him, and that's what prompts Jesus to teach further about it. So really his teaching was based on the results. Yeah. Okay, they saw results, and so that gave him an open door to teach them. So that's what prompted his teaching on faith and prayer. So what is Jesus' immediate response? Janiah. Janiah reads 22. Mark 11, 22. So it's all about faith. When we pray, we are to pray. Did you know that you can be praying and really be totally ineffective? You can spend hours in prayer, totally ineffective. It is all based on what? Faith. Faith. Are you believing the Lord? Are you trusting in Him? Are you relying upon Him? So how does Jesus illustrate the point that he just made? Jeremiah, read Mark 11, 23. Where's your Bible? You're coming to Bible stuff. Here, bring out a Bible. It's verse 23. Read it. I tell you the truth. I can say to this mountain, may you lift up and throw into the sea, and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen, and have no doubt in your heart. Very good. Alright, so how does Jesus illustrate the point that he's made? That if you have a big faith, like a mustard seed, like those mustard seeds that they always talk about. If you have a big faith, they say you can move mountains. Yes. Even if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can do those things. So even what we think is a little bit of faith can move mountains. Alright. Mountain here symbolizes any type of great difficulty and hindrance. Who wants to look up Zechariah 4, 7? I'll do it. Please. Zechariah 4, 7. What are you, my divine? Before Zerubbabel, you will become level ground. When he will bring out the capstone to shout of God bless it. God bless it. Okay. So mountain here symbolizes any type of difficulty, but by faith we can do what? Mountains. We can level them, we can move them by faith. So what is Jesus' conclusion in verse 24? Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours. So that is his conclusion, that faith gets your prayers answered. Edwina, why don't you read the next paragraph? God is always ready to respond to resolute faith that demonstrates self in prayer. The following quote summarizes the importance of Jesus' teaching here. From Jesus' own lips we receive the most direct and practical instruction concerning our exercise of faith. Consider three points. Number one, it is to be in God, faith that seeks is first faith that seeks. That's good. The almighty one is source and ground of our faith and being. Faith only flows to him because of the faithfulness that flows from him. Number two, faith is not a shriek performed with our lips, but a spoken expression that springs from the convictions of our hearts. The idea that faith confession is a formula for getting things from God is invisible. But the fact that the faith in our hearts is to be spoken and thereby become active and effective towards this result is taught here by the Lord Jesus. And number three, Jesus' words, whatever things of life, is central to every aspect of our lives. The only restrictions are, A, that our faith in God, our living father, in alignment with his will and words. And B, that we believe not doubting in our hearts. The seeking to the mountain is not a vain or superstitious exercise or indulgent in humanistic mind science. But instead becomes an applied reading of God's creative word of commons. That is so powerful. Oh my goodness. That comes from Jack Aperin's Spirit Filled Life Bible. We've learned some commentary from that. You know, I used to work with somebody that was more into the new agey kind of thing. And they believed that you could get whatever you speak. She would come into work sometimes and say, I confess, I'm going to find $100 on the ground today. I confess, I'm going to find $100 on the ground today. Things like that. And she really believed it. But of course, it didn't take place. All right. So he's asked us to read Isaiah 65, 24. So Carol, could you lift that up? Isaiah what now? 65, verse 24. OK. I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers. Yay. Things like that. All right. Now, so Jack Aperin is starting us out with an understanding of faith. But what I really get from this, that Edwina just read from his commentary in the Spirit Filled Life Bible, is faith really comes out of a relationship. We are releasing that which He has put in us. And so it's not just that we're just speaking a bunch of words, but it is a release of the life of God that is in us. So that is relationship. So before we have any faith, what do you have? A relationship. You have a relationship. If you have no relationship, you're really just falling into the New Age mumbo-jumbo, mind, science of speaking what you want to materialize. But in a relationship, true faith kicks in and then you speak and mountains are moved. So first you have what? Relationship. Relationship. Then you have prayer that is full of faith. Now we're going to go into prayer and the demonic. Jeremiah, why don't you read that verse paragraph for us? In prayer and the demonic. Of the many mountains encountered, you're in prayer, on confrontation. Yeah, confrontation. That means you're coming up against something. Confrontation. Confrontation. With the demonic is perhaps the most pointed demon. Demons or unclean spirit would move in Satan's authority. Hence power. Let's try that again. Hence. Go up a little bit. You were looking at the wrong word. Hence encounters with them for in fact. Entrance with Satan and his power. See releasing the demons. Demonized. Demonized in chapter four. From one must. From one such encounter. Encounter Matthew 17 verse 14 through 21. We learn how to pray when dealing with the demonic. And what hinders effect. Prayer. Okay, now I'm going to read Matthew 17 14 through 21. When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. Lord have mercy on my son, he said. He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him. Jesus responded. You unbelieving and perverse generation, Jesus replied. How long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me. Jesus rebuked the demon. And it came out of the boy. And he was healed at that moment. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked. Why couldn't we drive it out? He replied. Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed. You can say to this mountain. Move from here to there. And it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. There is your mustard seed. Alright. Now. One of the first things that I noticed in this is. What was this man asking for? Faith? Nope. Deliverance? Nope. What did he ask for? Oh. He's fun to be delivered. Nope. Oh. What did he ask for? Relationship? Praise? He asked for mercy on his son. No, he asked for healing. Well. That's the same thing. He said. Lord have mercy on my son. Yes. But. He's asking for healing. So his thinking is. Not all that this is demonic. This is. My son just needs to be healed. Alright. But. Jesus immediately delivers him of the demonic power. But it says. And he was healed. So there are times that healings. Are the sicknesses. Diseases. Whatever. Are linked to the demonic. That's not always the case though. You can't. Whenever you pray. And you're praying for somebody's healing. The demonic may be present. But not always. Alright. But. You just have to be sensitive. As Jesus was. To know. When. That is the case. So the father thought that his son. Probably was epileptic. Which we call today. He had seizures. And it causes him to fall in the fire. And stuff. And. So he didn't really know. That his son had a demonic power. He was just asking for healing. Alright. Let's. Describe the situation. Janiah. Why don't you. Describe the situation here. It's found in verses 14 and 15. What's happening? This guy is asking for mercy for his son. Okay. I guess he thinks he's sick. But there's actually more to the problem. Right. Okay. And. What's happening? What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. 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