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05-12-24 A Woman Who Revived A Nation (Minister Carol)

05-12-24 A Woman Who Revived A Nation (Minister Carol)

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Deborah, a woman who revived a nation, is the focus of this message on intercession and revival. The book of Judges shows the cycle of serving God, embracing sin, and oppression by other nations. Deborah, the only woman judge mentioned, is raised up by the Lord to deliver Israel from King Jabin and his commander Sisera. Deborah, a prophetess and judge, calls for Barak and gives him a battle plan. They gather troops and prepare for the battle at Mount Tabor. Sisera hears about it and gathers his troops at the Kishon River. Heber the Canaanite, related to Moses, is mentioned briefly. So this message I can understand why the Lord gave it to me I think it's very appropriate and we're going to be studying a woman who revived a nation Deborah this is Mother's Day but I want you to think I want this is like a dual thing the Lord told me he wanted me to do this message because of intercession because of his desire to see revival a woman who revived a nation a woman who was a mother for Israel he is looking for intercessors and you're going to see it's not just the women there's a place for the men too and we're going to cover that today let's go to the next slide now if you have ever read the book of Judges which I hope you have it's a sad book it's a very sad book and this comes out of Judges chapter 4 and 5 the story of Deborah and her reviving the nation but it's a very sad book because it shows what happens to men when they're not really sold out to God but we can't really kind of fault the Israelites because this really is a book showing what the cycle of all men are what happens we serve the Lord we get into his word we follow what he has to say but then what happens we embrace sin and false gods so this is the cycle you can see it around there the cycle of Judges then we become an oppressed people it says in Judges that the Lord would allow a nation to oppress them and you can see this cycle over and over and over again in the book of Judges in Judges 17 6 and the book ends with this same verse in 21 25 everyone did what was right in their own eyes does that sound like today this cycle we see this in the church we're not just talking about the world we don't expect the world to live that way but we're talking about the people of God we go through cycles the Lord sends a revival and a church gets back on track and everything's good and then we start like my husband says it's Jesus then it's Jesus and then it's and Jesus and then it's just and okay that's the cycle of the church so the Lord is the one that allows another nation to come in and oppress his people when you exchange the real God for your own thing you're really receiving Satan you realize that don't you there's only two masters in this world it's either Jesus or the devil I mean the Jewish leaders of Jesus's day he told them their father was Satan that's pretty radical but it is the truth of course the people of the world don't want to accept that even the people in the church don't want to but so the Lord sends that too because he's merciful and loving and he wants to draw people back to himself so then the Jewish people would cry out and we're sorry Lord please help us please help us God would send a judge he called them judges in the book of Judges to deliver Israel and then they would be faithful to the Lord as long as that judge lived next slide so this is going to show you a list of the judges that are mentioned in the book of Judges there was Ahniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah which we're going to talk about today Gideon we've all heard about Gideon's 300, Tola, Jeir, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elan, Abdan and Samson the strong man we've all heard his story there's a few of them that we really come up with actually the very last judge he's not in the book of Judges he has his own book is the prophet Samuel he was the final or last of the judges and as I said really the theme of the whole thing of judges as everyone did was right in their own eyes but we're going to change that theme today and talk about revival those who revived the people of God and got them back on track so let's go we're in the time of Deborah we're in her time and of course the people were not serving the Lord and it says in Judges 4 1 & 2 after he had death the Israelites did evil so he had was one of the judges the Israelites did evil in the Lord's sight so the Lord turned him over to King Jabin and Hazor was his capital he was a Canaanite king and Sisera was the commander of his army so Jabin's the king Sisera is the commander of this huge army it says that they had 900 iron chariots so those would have been drawn by horses they would have had very experienced people pulling those so that's Israel didn't have that he's severely now I looked at different translations he's severely cruelly and ruthlessly oppressed the Israelites sounds pretty bad so I looked up what the word in Hebrew oppressed means and everywhere it's used in the Old Testament oppression means bitter slavery it's compared to the type of slavery that they have or under in Egypt under the Egyptians and you know how that was so now they have endured 20 years of slave-like oppression now finally why did it why does it take so long for us to learn after yours why does it take so long 20 years of slave-like oppression and they call out to the Lord so the Lord raises up next one Deborah Deborah he raises her up this is the only woman judge ladies we're there we're making a difference I've only been one of us in the book of the judges but there's the woman right there hallelujah next line her name means be in Hebrew if we could push that over a little so we can see that the words bees are industrious yes there we go bees are hard workers bees pollinate our plants so the way they can produce fruit they're very important to us bees they say the bee population has gone down we better take care of those bees bees make honey for the hive to eat and we know we we kind of steal from the hive for us that we enjoy it and bees though if you get in their way and bees have a job to do and I think you're going to see as we unfold Deborah that this is a very appropriate or they would have called her Deborah Deborah in Hebrew but it was a very appropriate name for her she was definitely a bee hallelujah next slide so we're going to look at Deborah she was from Ephraim from the tribe of Ephraim and you know when we read the Bible this is only two chapters in the book of judges in our finite thinking we always think this was a quick deal but really her tribe where she met she met she was a judge of Israel can you imagine all the people of Israel came to a woman judge okay some of you I heard today were are into the legal system so she was like the legal system of Israel at that time she had to have known you know the Word of God and because she judged everybody she was a married woman though the wife of Lepidus and the very fact that it mentions that she's married says something let me get in there she was a leader and her husband allowed her to be that says something about what kind of wife she was and what kind of man he was especially in that day hallelujah she was a prophetess there were only two of the judges that were ever mentioned as prophets and that was Samuel and Deborah but that shows she had a close vital relationship with the Lord she must have been a praying woman because she heard from the Lord and she brought the son listen prophets are not going to be people that don't pray how on earth are they going to hear God if they're not staying in that close tight fellowship with him praying and then God's going to begin to prophesy and declare it so she was a prophetess and she was from Ephraim and I point that out because Ephraim was not close to where this battle was fought so we kind of think it's a quick deal and she was far away from where this battle took place we'll go to that later so a prophetess the wife of Lepidus and she was a judge of Israel hallelujah go ahead God gives Deborah a battle plan to set Israel free so she calls for Barak he's from Kadesh and Naphtali now Naphtali and Zebulun are far north from her but she calls for him and he comes to her I'm sure it was not a short trip but he comes to the prophetess to the judge Deborah and she tells him the Lord commands you now get this Barack this isn't coming from me the Lord commands you this is straight from him this is his battle plan the Lord said take 10,000 men from Naphtali and Zebulun and go to Mount Tabor so this is the battle plan then he says I'm going to lure Sisera the Canaanite commander to the Kishon River this is very strategic and you'll see as we get into the battle and he said the Lord says I'm giving you the victory you will have him he'll be given into your hands now that ought to spark some faith in Barack but he says you know if you don't go I'm not going if you go I'll go but you gotta go with me and she said okay I'll go with you but because of the way you're going about this the victory is going to be given to a woman ah-ha women it's Mother's Day mothers of the land hallelujah let's go to the next hallelujah so they are preparing for the battle so Deborah goes with Barack and they gather up the troops from the two tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun and they go to Mount Tabor okay and guess who hears about it Sisera the commander of the Canaanite army he hears about I wonder how he heard about the Lord said he was going to draw him there right to the Kishon River so he gathers his troops to the Kishon River now I'm going to show you this look how far this is this is Mount Tabor that's where Deborah and Barack and the Israelite army is going to be and here's the Kishon River and that's where the Lord draws Sisera and all of his troops and the 900 near the Kishon River so that's the the plan but I'm just trying to point out to you that this was not an easy feat it wasn't a quick feat okay it took some some legwork and they didn't have you know cars they probably I doubt that the Israelites had any horses when you hear how bad it was in Israel at this time okay so then the next slide we are taking a little break here because the Bible does and there's a reason for it it talks about Heber the Canaanite okay he has gotten away from his tribal people for some reason and he's pitching his tent in this area well he was related to Moses he was from Moses his brother-in-law's family his wife's family so they are related with the Israelite people yet he isn't dumb he's a nomadic man he has a good relationship with King Javan because when you're a nomad you really usually pitching your tent on other people's land and so you better be nice to everybody and get along with everybody so he is there in the area where the battle is going to be and this is significant let's go on so Deborah who is a prophetess makes a prophetic declaration women mothers make prophetic declarations mothers of God who are over a territory they are making prophetic declarations next thing oh and judges 414 then Deborah now remember she's a prophetess she's got the battle plan she is hearing what the Lord says you better be he can't go ahead of God he can't go behind God he's got to be right on time with what the Lord says so Deborah says to Barak go get ready this is the day the Lord will give you victory over Sisera for the Lord is marching ahead of you now that's an impartation of faith that's an impartation to go we're going to get the victory that's encouraging hallelujah hallelujah next one now you notice that she said the Lord is marching ahead of you this is not just sweet poetry guys this means that God we know has an unseen army and he says I'm sending my army ahead of the Israelites the natural earthly warriors so we have heavenly and earthly warriors going forth into this battle hallelujah hallelujah so the battle plan comes from the Lord Deborah's there at Mount Tabor she's sending Barack and the troops out at the Lord's command but she stays there listen mothers of God she stays as a prayer warrior and a prophetess supporting God's earthly and heavenly work she sees that there's a heavenly army out there that God is ahead of this he's doing this here they were out numbered they only had 10,000 troops Jabin has this mighty army with Sisera thought they were way outnumbered but not when you have the heavenly army with you I don't care how big your army is the heavenly army is always going to be bigger than your army I don't care do you hear me China do you hear me Russia did you hear me Iran hallelujah the Lord has a bigger and stronger army that is unseen doing things you just don't even get hallelujah hallelujah so the physical army was outnumbered but not the armies of heaven next one okay so they are fighting fighting fighting and God throws Sisera and his army into a panic into fear and we know fear is crippling panic is crippling and so it doesn't matter how well they're fighting if they are full of fear and they're full of panic then they're not going to be affected there's no way and that's an awesome weapon the Lord uses when he sends the panic and the fear to these ungodly warriors somehow Sisera slips out we know that God was behind that he flips out of his chariot and he takes off leaving his army behind trying to hide so the weather fought at God's command the rain started pouring and this caused the Kishon River to flood and overflow so the Lord was fighting them through all the elements that he had because they all belong to him so Barak and his soldiers fought and it says in verse 16 until not a single one was left he killed everybody the heavenly and the earthly army killed everybody but Sisera okay where is Sisera okay next slide okay JL I'm sure you've heard of her she's the wife of Heber now Heber is over this particular group that is camped out there in their tents and JL is the wife and even though her husband has a good relationship with the king it doesn't matter these are her relatives and they're distant relatives and she probably didn't like how the Canaanites were treating the Israelites so she invites Sisera into her tent she covers him he asked for her to give him some water I'm sure he's very thirsty but she's smart she's a smart lady brave lady she goes and gets milk for him why because she knows this will relax him more she's not just going to refresh him she's going to lull him to sleep so she gives him some milk to drink he falls into a deep sleep because he's exhausted he's been fighting I don't know how many hours at this point that he's been fighting but he's exhausted and then she what a wise lady she takes a hammer and a tent peg and she drives it straight through his temple into the ground and he's dead so that's why the Lord remember the Lord said he was given the victory to a woman the credit to the woman okay so it was no accident that he ran away from his men what would an army commander especially him that had been accused of being such a cruel guy to the Israelites why would he run away from his soldiers and leave them to fight the battle without him the leader that had to be a God thing so he's running he's so full of fear he must have been shot with more fear than the rest of them by the Lord so then Barak comes to try to find Sisera and she says come here come here and she shows him a dead Sisera on the ground and so she was a wise brave and strong woman and she killed that commander hallelujah let's go to the next one so it says in verse 23 on that day Israel saw God defeat Jabin the Canaanite king now the battle was won but not the war okay that was one battle go to the next it says and from that time on so that was the battle they won the victory in that battle but from that time on Israel became stronger and stronger against King Jabin until they finally destroyed him guys were not just in a battle we are in a series of battle because we are in a war and we must continue to battle till we have complete and total victory now I'm going to be real with you I've been here for almost 34 years been praying for revival a long time seen some good stuff but unfortunately seen far too much bad I don't know about you but sometimes I feel like I am not just fighting against a brick wall a stone wall but like a 20 foot metal wall what do you guys feel sometimes we keep praying and praying and praying because I think sometimes we get a victory in a prayer battle but we then don't continue to maintain it till we get the full victory we've got a battle to victory we know that ultimately Jesus Christ defeated the enemy on the cross we know the battles already we know how it ends but what happens in between we are all called to be warriors in battle battle battle to victory so too often we get victory in a battle and stop it's not just a battle we need to win but the war we need to keep praying we need to keep declaring we need to keep fighting hallelujah all right next now they had this awesome victory and they break into a song okay in judges 5 it's called the song of Deborah you can read it it's the full chapter 5 the song of Deborah but Barack sings with her too it was a great victory we're going to go through the things you learn from this song I hope sister your wife is coming back shortly because I got something for her okay all right let's go to the next slide okay this is a song of praise and gratitude to the Lord they're excited they've won the victory but you learn a lot more about this when you read the song of Deborah she goes into much more detail than what judges chapter 4 does okay in verse 9 let's see yeah in verse 9 hold on skip the page all right here we go here we go verse 2 it says when the Israelites turned back to the Lord they finally saw who they were in him and then they followed the battle plan that's what that verse teaches us they were not seeing who they were in God they were not seeing who the Lord was and so therefore they wouldn't battle but once they saw who the Lord really was I think Deborah exemplified that when they saw her a woman come in there with great courage and with a word from the Lord then they saw who they were in him she's saying you've got the victory you got the victory if you follow the Lord then they follow this plan and then in verse 3 the Lord says you pay attention mighty rulers I don't care who you are God is bigger than you this little country of Israel doesn't have an army near what the Canaanites had that's okay God is bigger than you are and then it starts giving us specifics about the unseen army in verses 4 and 5 it says the Lord's unseen army marched they shook the earth caused rain to pour and mountains quake okay the earth is the Lord's the fullness thereof the world and they who dwell therein it all belongs him I got a feeling he caused some earthquake tremors and then the mountains started quaking I believe earthquakes took place and then he caused the rain just to pour but I'm going to tell you natural armies do not control the weather the Israelites didn't control the weather the Canaanites did the Lord God himself he controls the weather and he used his creation against the enemy okay it says in verses 6 & 7 that things got so bad under King Jabin now remember he's oppressing the Israelite people because they weren't serving the Lord this says the roads were abandoned and village life ceased that means no weddings no funerals no parties nothing village life ceased and they were fearfully hiding they couldn't even go out and travel on the roads that's how bad it was but then praise God in verse 7 Deborah arose a mother for Israel and I'm telling you women today today the Lord is looking for women to rise up and become mothers for our land you're hearing Palm Beach County Palm Beach County is on fire Broward County is on fire I'm in Miami-Dade County is on fire the Lord is looking for mothers to be a mother for your land just like Deborah was for Israel okay then it goes in to verse 8 how did it get so bad Israel because Israel abandoned God and chose new gods there are no new gods Jesus said I'm the way the truth of life no one comes to the Father except through me there is no other God but they chose new gods boy our country is full of all those new gods but they're not really new they're ancient but they're false and then war erupted and as they started to fight with the Canaanites their weapons disappeared it said they hadn't had a weapon in 40,000 men their weapons disappeared I don't know what they fought with that day but they got the victory because God his unseen army was with them and they were defenseless they were completely defenseless these guys had our insurance they obviously were iron workers but the Israelites as they wept as they kept fighting with them they would take all their weapons away to where they had nothing guys nothing next slide hallelujah okay in verse 9 it says Deborah's heart is with the commanders and the volunteer army we need intercessors that have a heart a heart for God's ministers a heart for God's people a heart as y'all were saying to the lost we need those kind of intercessors and then in verse 10 and 11 it says that Deborah says we must speak of the Lord's victory because that will stir up our faith and then we can march guys when it gets bad just remember what God has done the good things look back on all the victories you've had in your life listen I'm going through some things this past two years that especially this past year they've been very heartbreaking I've cried a lot of tears but I I've got to remember the good things God has done because that stirs up my faith and then I can march forward towards the victory hallelujah then it says in verse 12 Deborah wake up wake up Deborah arise Barack March this is the call for intercessors and warriors we must wake up we must rise we must march hallelujah thank you Jesus and then in verses 13 through 15 she recounts the troops of Israel marching against mighty warriors they admitted they're mighty warriors but we marched against them with the Lord hallelujah but then this is sad but this is a state that our church is in today still when I go to prayer meetings they're never very large I haven't been to a really big I mean when I'm gathered with people to pray it might be a couple of people it might be a dozen might be 20 where's the church and that's exactly what she says in this in verses 16 to 18 the other tribes did not join the battle and it says why is there great indecision why sit at home why others fight guys we need more praying people can you imagine if the Lord's house became a house of prayer and Jesus you know cleared the temple in the beginning and the end of his ministry and said you've made my house a den of thieves and robbers but my father's house is supposed to be a house of prayer for all people we need more praying people and you don't have to wait to come to a prayer meeting because you're a great prayer warrior oh I'm somebody praise all the time no calm wherever you're at even if you're not somebody to praise much calm and as you get with other praying people you'll be amazed at how much prayer you will and you'll learn from them how to really become a warrior guys when we signed up with Jesus we signed up to an army to a military we really did so there is no excuse to say well I don't have time for this oh you've got to make time you've got to make time and I really do need sister Ewers here if she can come I've got something for her the last slide this is the last slide the heavenly army and the Lord's creation fight in the battle okay this is next to last sorry the heavenly army and the Lord's creation were fighting in the battle it literally says the stars which we know stars a lot of times in the Bible represent angels and planets thought so I don't know if the Lord sent a meteor shower on him the Lord sent a rain and flooded the Kishon River now we know why he told them to go to the Kishon he drew them to the Kishon River because it swept the army away and made their iron chariots ineffective and then it gives the story of JL killing Sisera and it says she's blessed and she was given credit as Deborah prophesied so the result was 40 years of peace 40 years of peace guys what a result we would get I hope you guys are taking seriously the things that are going on in the earth right now you know that this battle with the Palestinians in Israel is not just about the Palestinians in Israel and Iran's part of it Jordan's part of it Syria's part of it Yemen's part of it China's part of it Russia's part of it they just met with China and China said they're going to give them everything they need to defeat Israel we are on the verge of a world war and seriously okay NATO has been practicing Russia's practicing with their nuclear weapons and that's just one of the things we're facing we're facing so much more just in this nation we need praying people we need praying people so where are the mothers of this nation who will awake arise and march where are the Barak's that will battle with her men you've got to stand by these women these mothers of the nation and fight with them I want sister pastor Deanne to come up here please I brought you a necklace today of the state of Florida I have on my Florida necklace I have on my V earrings and so I brought you one because I'm going to ask you I'm asking you to become a mother a mother over Florida mother over Palm Beach County oh wow a mother over the land so sometimes I'll wear my Florida necklace here caught up you got so many today I brought I went through all my prophecies guys I went through all my prophecy books if you know anything about me I'm always writing down prophecy some of you have gotten emails from me with your prophecies I have prophecies books from the 80s 90s 2000 22 to 2020 and all the way up to today I went through all of them looking for revival prophecies the Lord told me that we had to parallel this with intercession and we've got to keep believing him for revival we've won some battles but we haven't won the war he still wants to send revival I have been here for almost 34 years he sent us here because he said he wants to send revival here in southeast Florida now I consider southeast Florida Palm Beach Broward Mighty Dade and Monroe County and I've gone through all four of those counties praying on location and with other people doing the same you've got to start taking this seriously first of all start gathering and praying more but then let the Lord lead you to go on location we go to schools and pray we go to the city governments and pray we go to police departments and pray go to all different places the Lord can show you where we've gone to Muslim mosque and Hindu temples and Buddhist temples and Mormon and Jehovah Witness Jewish all of it Catholic we go to all of them and pray we've done this over and over again we have got to keep winning the battles because we have a war to win and the goal here for southeast Florida for Florida is revival now I brought these okay I'm going to give them to you I went through and what I did is I pulled out general things about revival use the things that God has promised you how much how many do we know that you make sure you file that's not first the people are really going to pray guys please don't take this if you're not really going to pray then prophecies for Florida prophecies for South Florida and that's what's on here okay I kind of condense it it's not huge all right this is yours I believe you have one do you have one now let's look on here if you know me I'm a teacher as you see but I'm also a very practical person if there's any left yeah thank you all right now I'm going to show you how this works okay I don't know if you pray scriptures or you pray prophecies but the Lord says my husband can quote it for you what's the Lord saying in Amos surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his promise. The lion has roared, who will not fear? The sovereign Lord has spoken, who can but prophesy? amen the Lord tells his prophets so that we can get praying okay in 1992 I had a dream I was fighting evil in the name of Jesus when I woke up I heard you didn't think you were going to take it without a fight that was the Lord telling me okay that's the way it goes Carol you're going to be fighting evil you're going to be fighting in the name of Jesus it is going to be a fight guys we're in a battle we are warriors now I'm going to show you how I would pray over this the first ones are revival I didn't put the people some of them were local people some of them were well-known prophets some of them were our own people and all different people here but I only put the ones that I really feel a witness to that are really real those are the only ones I really keep you know not all prophecies are real you need to test the prophets test the word okay Lord you said in this revival that we're going to be delivered from religion delivered from tradition delivered from prejudice delivered from customs and culture Lord do it Lord we pray please deliver your people from all of these things and you said there's going to be a greater glory like on the mount of transfiguration oh Lord how we need an outpouring of your glory a mighty transforming outpouring of your glory and you said that this revival is going to bring repentance Lord we need deep repentance we need forgiveness of sins we need people that are going to be serious about repenting and they're going to make restitution and you're going to fill us full of righteousness your character and holiness Lord do this I pray in Jesus name amen so do you see how to do that okay you can also open up your scriptures the Lord they have given you know a rhema word is when the Lord has a word just jump out at you you can write all those down I've been in the word and Lord says hey that would be a good scripture to pray over your husband that would be a good scripture to pray over your daughter that would be a good scripture to pray over the homosexual community you know and I write them down and then you take them to your prayer closet and you pray those scriptures you can't get better than praying the word number one and then number two true prophecies that come from the Lord they aren't going to just automatically come to pass you've got to pray them through I'd like to go through this is this helping you all is it helping okay these are I kept them shorter condensed some of them my house shall be called a house of prayer always pray for revival a great awakening is coming to the earth a third great awakening is coming to America the revival will be a prophetic move the Lord is releasing an unprecedented move of the Holy Spirit like we have never seen in our lifetime Oh Lord do it the holiness of God is coming how we need that the Lord is cleansing his house to make way for his glory to be revealed miracles his presence and a demonstration of his power in our service the Lord is jealous for revival hallelujah that's why we cannot give up I get discouraged I get to where God how long Lord we've been waiting for 34 years but we got it like Jefferson we got to stir ourselves up we got to stir ourselves up with the word and with the things that God has done to stir our faith up so that we will keep marching on until we see this one the youth the youth revival massive much more than the Jesus movement of the early 70s which my husband and I were a part of that children are God's shout Pastor Dan there you shout make the children of America become the shout of God hallelujah a new breed of youth rising with greater passion than their fathers they will speak with great power touching the nation he's raising up another generation that's going to be fierce mighty powerful temperance of suffering but patient and courageous the youth will be visited it will take a miracle that he loves them the Jesus generation will be a prophetic sign to the church in the world with signs wonders powers the Lord is coming after a generation of young people that has never even been in church Florida upside down God is preparing a major move for Florida the rain is coming revivals coming to Florida Florida is a forerunner state Florida is the trumpet of God a visitation is coming to Florida Florida the Lord loves you a mighty move is coming to Florida Florida is the tipping point state Florida is the Lord's battle-ax and weapon of war there will be a movement of the Holy Spirit again out of Florida there'll be a new unity in the church of all races Miami is crying when Lord is your glory gonna be revealed the Lord says soon Miami is an epicenter of revival whose ripples will be felt around the world I will not give South Florida to the devil is a strategic place and South Beach also the glory of God is coming to South Florida Miami a citywide and statewide Jesus blast is coming Miami your light has come South Florida is on God's radar to bring awakening the vision the arms of Jesus reaching around the city of Miami correcting it Jesus is coming your way Miami joy is coming in the morning and Satan cannot stop it the door of revival is about to open and Jesus will not give up until it does Miami must bow to the chief cornerstone the nations will say have you seen what is happening in Fort Lauderdale God will invade the homosexual community and set them free by the power of the Holy Ghost he left the Lord is releasing a mantle of mercy on you a harvest of souls will be taken out of that city Miami I have ordained a harvest of souls of masses to come out of Miami there will be a harvest to come out of that whole region and territory Miami will be raised up as a city of prayer for all nations Miami one United Church from many streams many flows a church of diversity a church of power and might Miami will be a place of breakthroughs the Lord is sending revival fires to Miami Fort Lauderdale Daytona Beach Jacksonville Tallahassee amen amen amen now take these and start praying can you do that bring them I kept them short sweet so you can do it the one that I heard about God is still jealous about revival and determined I just heard from a prophetess I used to know personally here she's still in southeast Florida and I said you're still jealous for revival you're still determined you're going to pour out revival here in southeast Florida let's praise him and then I want to hand over to my husband hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus do it again Jesus brings fulfillment to these prophecies the thing I want to really well the thing that hooked me there was so much content in this message I don't know if you got hooked with the same thing the fact that the Lord was a prophet but that wasn't the thing you need in those days I mean there are lots of prophets just like there's lots of prophets today but that doesn't mean that every prophet is effective why? because if a prophet is speaking to delusions of his own mind his words will fall to the ground and do nothing but listen to this Pastor Kira Shea she already mentioned this verse 14 then Deborah said to Barak go this is the day the Lord has given to Sirah into your hands now listen if you're going to prophesy something so specific as that you better have heard from the Lord why do so many prophecies never come to pass because so many of them are not from God there's a big difference between a declaration and a prophecy a declaration is what you want to see come to pass but a prophecy is that which God says is going to come to pass and when you get a prophecy you get it straight from the mouth of God that means you have been at the throne you have heard the Lord speak and then you give voice to him now this list that my wife gave these were prophecies and listen my wife is not one that jumps on the bandwagon of everybody she'll listen to what you say the Lord says and then she'll she'll bring it to the Lord and if there's witness with her and of course if it is in sync with the Word of God itself there's witness with her spirit and she says okay Lord I take this as coming from you doesn't matter what what vessel it came through but Lord I'm taking that this came from you that's a prophecy that's not just a declaration that's not just a hope so but this is a word from the Lord whoa we take those and listen we miss God if we take a prophecy and then just say okay well God says it's going to happen and it's going to be done but not necessarily so the Lord reveals his words and prophecy that they can declare it so that we can do what with it what do we do with it we pray we pray that thing's true and that means that there are many prophecies that are still way and I want you to just take this

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