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Coffee Break (5 Minutes with God) Romans 15:7-10

Coffee Break (5 Minutes with God) Romans 15:7-10

Michael Meurett



Coffee Break (5 Minutes with God) Romans 15:7-10

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The main ideas from this information are: - Christians should accept and receive one another just as Jesus accepted us, despite our imperfections. - Christians should not be arrogant or judgmental towards others, but also not tolerate lukewarm Christians who don't care about sin. - Jesus fulfilled the promises made in the Old Testament scriptures about a Redeemer and an everlasting King. - Jesus made it possible for Gentiles to receive God's mercy. - There are now two types of people in the world: the saved and the unsaved, regardless of race or religion. - The speaker encourages studying the Bible verse by verse and supporting the ministry through prayer and donations. Welcome to Coffee Break Five Minutes with God. Five minutes in the Word of God. Five minutes designed to taste and see that the Lord is good. My name is Michael Moret, Romans 15, verse 7. Wherefore receive ye one another as Christ also received us to the glory of God. Jesus accepted us even though we did bad things because we're certainly not anywhere near perfect. And that's the attitude that Christians should have toward one another. Don't be a pompous Christian. Don't be a holier-than-thou Christian. I'm not saying that you have to put up with Christians who are lukewarm and just don't care that they sin and say well it's all grace and that kind of garbage. No, they need to be rebuked and the Bible says come out from among them and be ye separate. Those kind of Christians you need to break fellowship with once you warn them that what they're doing is very sinful and very wrong. I'm not talking about that. Yeah, absolutely. Because you are holier than them, at least in attitude, at least you're upright in the heart. But when it comes to Christians who love Jesus and love the Word and they're just not perfect, don't look down on them and think that you are so superior from them because you don't happen to do their particular sin. You got your own, but you don't happen to do theirs so you can be pompous about it. No sir, don't do that. And then think you're superior and act like you're superior. Because there was a God Almighty named Jesus Christ here on earth for thirty-three years who was superior and he treated us as if we were better than him and he left for us that example that we would follow in his footsteps. Verse 8, now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto the fathers. You know, all the promises that were recorded in the Old Testament scriptures about a Redeemer and an everlasting King were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. God kept his promises that he made in the Old Testament. He kept them in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why it's such a ridiculous thing to think of that the Jews missed their Messiah. Well, not really, it's not hard to figure out. They loved their sin and when you love your sin, your mind and your soul are going to be darkened and you're not going to be able to see truth because you don't want to see truth. Verse 9, and the Gentiles, that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy as it is written, for this cause I will confess to thee among the nations of the Gentiles and sing unto thy name. Jesus also made it possible for Gentiles to receive God's mercy and that was predicted in the Old Testament as well. And now Jews and Gentiles, they're no longer two people. There are still two types of people in the world, but it's not Jews and Gentiles, it's the saved and the unsaved. The unsaved are those who reject Christ, no matter what their race or religion or ethnic background might be. The saved are Jews and Gentiles who have repented and received Christ as Lord and Savior. Study all the God's Word with me at thebibleversebyverse.com. Choose, click, and listen from four complete series going through the whole Bible verse by verse. And when you take a break from studying with me at thebibleversebyverse.com, go to the front page, click the donate button, and prayerfully give as the Lord may lead. That will make you a part of this ministry along with your prayers for me and God's Word. And I'd appreciate it and I appreciate you studying with me. And I hope you'll join me next time. And in the meantime, go to the Scripture Verse by Verse website at thebibleversebyverse.com and study at your pace, at your convenience, any part of the Bible. Bring your Bible and a hunger for God's Word. Until next time, so long.

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