Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a radio program called Finding Emet, which focuses on understanding and living the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The program is led by Brother Daniel Rindleman of Emet Ministries. They have a website where you can find more teachings and resources. The current teaching is about going for the glory and praying for the right things. They discuss the significance of Yahweh's glory and how both Moses and David prayed to see it. They emphasize the importance of seeking Yahweh's glory in our lives. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rindleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program or submit your prayer request. That's or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rindleman, as he helps us find the Emet. This teaching is called Go for the Glory. Go for the Glory. Say it with me. Go for the Glory. Try it again. Go for the Glory. That's what we're talking about. Go for the Glory. You know, someone doesn't run a race to get in second place, do they? You don't run a race to go to second place. You don't get a NASCAR to finish last, to finish third. To do it for what? To be number one. To win. We've got to go for the Glory. We've got to see it, or we've got to believe it, or we've got to pursue it. Pursue it, amen. Go for the Glory. I want to start with a little story about little Johnny. Little Johnny had been misbehaving. You would have thought he was one of my kids. And little Johnny had been misbehaving, and he was sent to his room, and he came out a few minutes later, and he informed his mother that he had thought things over. He had even said a little prayer, and things were better. So the mom was happy, of course. And so she said, well, tell me, have you asked your Heavenly Father to help you not misbehave? You know, He will help you if you pray for it. Of course, Johnny said, oh, I didn't ask Him to help me with that. I asked Him to help you put up with me. You've got to be careful what you pray for, right? Sometimes we've got to be careful what we pray for. And I'm telling you, it matters what we pray for. It matters what we pray for. So I want to ask a question right now, and it is, are we praying for the right thing? Because I believe that Yahweh answers prayers. Do you believe that? Does Yahweh answer prayers? Yes, He does. So the question is, are we praying for the right thing? There's one prayer that I'm going to challenge you to utter every day for the rest of your life during this teaching. This is a life-changing message if you apply it. I'm going to ask you to pray this every day of your life, for as long as you shall live, till death do you part, for richer or for poorer, all right? Every day. It's the exact same prayer that Moses said. Pretty good guy, right? Rabbeinu Moshe? Yeah? How about David? King David? The man after Yahweh's own heart? The Savior repeated the same thing. So what do you think could be so important that the Prince of Egypt, the King of Israel, the Redeemer of all mankind, would pray for? Turn with me to the book of Psalms, Tehillim 63, as we're going to read this, because we're going to see that he didn't ask for a bigger kingdom. He didn't ask for more friends. He didn't ask for a new car. He didn't ask for the things that we sometimes pray for when we get to doing our prayer list. David's petition was different. Psalm 63, Tehillim 63, verses 1 and 2. Make this your prayer. Oh, Yahweh, Thou art my El. Early I will seek You. My soul thirsts for You. My flesh longs for You. In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water, I have looked for You in the sanctuary to see Your power and Your glory, or Your honor. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live. I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied, as with marrow and fatness, and the mouth shall praise You with a joyful lip. Here he prays. First, he tells Yahweh, he says, I'm dry, I'm parched. I need You. And then he says, I want to see Your power. I want to see Your glory. David knew how significant Yahweh's glory was. That's a good word, significance. Because that's a synonym for glory. His glory is His significance. It's what makes Him special. It's what makes Him different, powerful. Now, we think of this term glory. What do we think about? Was that movie, wasn't there a Civil War movie called Glory a couple of years ago? Or what about the preamble that the winner gets after victory? In the Hebrew, there's a specific word used for glory. Over and over and over again. And it's the word kavod. Say this with me, kavod, kavod. Kavod. Kavod. It's equal to the number 26. Now, if you were to go to a dictionary and look up the word glory, what does it mean? It means His weight, His heaviness, His attributes, His significance, His praise, His power, His perfect character, His visible presence, His honor. Sometimes the kavod of Yahweh is the fire. Remember the fire? That would burn and lead to Israel. The cloud of smoke. Sometimes the kavod was praise to Him. It's a manifestation of who He is. There's another Hebrew word we'll hit on as well. For glory, it's called teferet. It means beauty. But the word mostly translated in the Hebrew to the English for glory is kavod. Don't take it light, because it means His heaviness. It means His weightiness. Turn with me to the book of Exodus in Hebrew, Shemot chapter 33. And here we see that Moses goes to pray for this. And he says, oh Yahweh, show me Your glory, show me Your kavod. Now most of us would like a faith like Moses. Speak to the rock, boom, here comes some water. Speak to the frogs, here they come. Heart of the Red Sea, look at these things that Yahweh used Moses for. What's amazing about what we're about to read is that it happened after the burning bush. It happened after the plagues upon Egypt. It happened after the parting of the Red Sea. What we're about to read occurred after all those things. Now I don't know about you, but if I would have seen a sea part, and I could walk through on dry land, I would have thought that was pretty awesome. The death angel passed through a bush that burns? I would have thought that was His glory, but yet Moses longed for more. Let me tell you something, when we get a glimpse, when we get a taste of His kavod, it makes us hungry for more. That's what we need today. We're dry and parched and thirsty, and we need that fresh anointing, that fresh touch from Him. That's what He's giving us today. It says here in verse 19, And Moshe said, Moses said, Please, show me Your glory. Verse 18. Show me Your glory. Show me Your splendor. In the Hebrew, it's show me Your kavod. Then Yahweh said, I will make all My goodness pass before You, and I will proclaim the name of Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh before You. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. I will have compassion on those whom I will have compassion. You cannot see My face. And Yahweh descended in the cloud and stood there with Him and proclaimed the name of Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh. And He passed before Him and proclaimed, Yahweh, Yahweh, El, merciful, gracious, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin that will by no means clear the guilty, bidding the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the children's children, until the third and fourth generations. And Moshe made haste and bowed his head towards the earth and worshiped. He said, I'm going to pass before You and proclaim My name. And then what did he do? He said it twice. Yahweh, Yahweh. Study that out. That's for another day. He said, please show me Your glory. And He said, I will make My goodness pass before You. And do you know what's amazing here? It says that Moshe bowed his head and worshiped. That is the only place in the entire Bible you will see the Scriptures say that Moses bowed and worshiped. That's it. When Yahweh passed before Him with His glory, and notice what His glory was. It was His name. It was His character trait. So what's Yahweh's glory? What's His goodness? In John chapter 1, verse 14, it says, The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld the glory. The glory is of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Do you know that when people saw Messiah, they saw the glory wrapped in skin? Don't forget that. We're coming back to that. We're coming back to that. His glory was wrapped in skin. And they beheld the glory. And what was the glory? It was the Word made flesh. What Word made flesh? This Word. The New Testament wasn't written then. It was the Torah made flesh. The Olivet made flesh. Both David and Moshe, they cried out to see the glory. Do you know why? They understood its significance. So what's this teaching called? Go for the glory. When was the last time you prayed to see Yahweh's glory? You just said, show me your glory. If you're like me, if you're like David, sometimes we get in those dry places and parched. Do you know what parched is? Think of it. When you're so thirsty, it's like your esophagus is crackling. Like out in the desert, have you seen it? It cracks when you step on the sand. How often do we cry out for His glory? The story is told of this lady who goes into a Ben & Jerry's ice cream store. How many love Ben & Jerry's? My wife keeps threatening to run off with these two men. One is named Ben. The other is named Jerry. Anyway, this lady goes into this Ben & Jerry's ice cream store and she gets her ice cream cone. She's real nice. She's real excited. Big old three scoops, you know. And she turns around and she sees face to face with Brad Pitt. Woo! Brad Pitt is right there. He's in town filming a movie and his beautiful face, guys, all that good stuff. She just, you know, her knees begin to buckle a little bit and she manages to pay for her cone and she kind of walks out heart pounding. She gains her composure back and she realized she didn't have her ice cream cone. She's like, I left my ice cream cone. So she goes back in and guess who was at the door? Brad Pitt. Yeah. And guess what he says? Are you looking for your ice cream cone? Brad Pitt. Just start talking to her. Are you looking for your ice cream cone? She says, yeah. Yeah. She could hardly speak. He said, oh, it's your purse with your change. Put it in your purse. I don't know if Brad Pitt does it for you, but when was the last time that Yahweh quickened your pulse? That's the question. It's not People Magazine's most beautiful person. It's when was the last time Yahweh did that for us? When we were surprised by Yahweh's glory? Let's be honest. Many of us sometimes lose the hunger for the glory. Here's what happens. It's like a, what do you call this? Like a flow chart. Here's what happens. We get into a dry place. We lose the hunger for the glory. We don't cry out for the glory. And guess what happens then? We don't see it. We don't experience it. So today we're going to stop that cycle to where we're in the dry place and we cry out for the glory. And then what happens? We experience it. We feel it. We know it. Moshe was amazed when he saw the burning bush. But he worshipped when the kavod passed by. You know, we can be religious, right? Burning bush. You know? We can be religious. We can go to church. We can go to synagogue. We can go to whatever we call it this week. But it's when we get that fresh glimpse of His glory when things change. And I'm guilty sometimes we get these other ideas that we think are really important like Hebrew roots or evangelism or missions or doctrine. You read that book, Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life? Great book. I read it. But I'm going to challenge you today to live a glory driven life. Make that your purpose. How about that? Because here's the problem, Matthew. The problem is that it's our natural inclination to rob Yahweh of His glory. We want it. So what we try to do is we take it for ourselves. And sometimes we think we exist for us. I exist for I. We exist for me, right? We exist for ourselves. And the truth is His glory should be the motivating factor behind everything we do. I'm going to say something. I suppose to you today that the main theme of this Bible, the purpose of creation is this. To glorify Yahweh. To give Him glory and honor and significance. Revelation 4.11 Thou art worthy, O Yahweh, to receive glory and honor for Thou hast created all things and for Thy pleasure, for Thy glory, for Your kavod they were created. So why were things created? For His glory. Why were you created? For His glory. We think it's so we can, you know, enjoy Haagen-Dazs or Ben and Jerry's, right? Those things are good. But it's for His glory. The creation account teaches us a lot about Yahweh's glory, kavod. In the beginning, Yahweh spoke the world into existence, right? What language did He use? English? Hebrew? So, so. Very good. He said, Let there be ore. Let there be light. And there was light. The universe and everything He made contains sparks of His glory. Colossians 1.13 All things were created by Him and for Him. Everything that came, came from Him. Amen? Right? Psalm 72.19 Psalm 72.19 says, Blessed be His glorious name forever. The whole earth is filled with His, what? Glory, His kavod. But what was the crown of His creation? What did He wait until the end to make? Mankind. The monkeys were fun, I'm sure. The giraffes, the long neck. You know, that elephant trunk. Shark's teeth. That was fun to create. But it was man that was the crown of His creation. And when we were created, when Adam and Kabba were created, we were like Yahweh in that we were crowned with His glory. Turn to Psalm 8.5 Tehillim 8.5 We were meant to wear the crown of glory. We were meant to walk around in His kavod. Psalm 8.5 says, For thou hast made man a little lower than the angels, and has crowned him with what? Glory and honor. His kavod. He crowned us with it. So Adam was crowned with glory, honor, splendor. He had this perfect relationship with Yahweh. He walked with Yahweh with fullness of love, acceptance. But what happened? What does it say in Romans 3? Come on, we all know it. All have sinned and what? We're short of the glory of Yahweh. Because of sin, we were separated from that glory. You see, we were created, Adam was created, crowned with glory, a little lower than the angels, with power, with might and perfection. In the fall, we lost that kavod. We lost that glory. Sin drove Adam out of the garden and drove him away from the glory of Yahweh. Isn't that right? It was broken because of disobedience. That is a pattern in Scripture. Hosea 4, verse 7, I'll read it to you. It says, So they sinned against me, therefore I will turn their glory into shame. What happens when we sin? Our glory is turned into shame. What about, ever heard the phrase Ichabod? King James? The glory had left? Do you know what Ichabod is? It's a transliteration. For Ich kavod. Ich kavod, the glory has departed. That's where Ichabod comes from. Not Ichabod Crame in the Legend of the Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod. In 1 Samuel it says, The glory has departed from Israel. The ark of Yahweh is taken. Hear that. The ark of Yahweh is taken, so the glory departed. Sin separates us from His kavod. So what did Adam try to do? He sinned. He fell short of the glory. So he tried to replace Yahweh's glory with his own. That big old fig leaf. His own works. He tried to take over there and sew up and said, You know what? I've lost my glory. I've lost my crown. And he clothed himself with that fig leaf. Did it work? No, it didn't. Man cannot earn the crown of glory lost in Eden. Let me say that again. Man cannot earn the crown of glory lost in Eden. Only the King of glory can give it back to us. Amen. Now here's what's amazing. It teaches us in the Hebrew that when Yahweh created Adam and Kava, that of course, they were created in glory. And there's a phrase called Kol Kavod Adam. Kol Kavod Adam. Kol is Hebrew for all. Kavod is glory. And Adam is Hebrew for Adam. Kol Kavod Adam is a Hebrew phrase that means the glory, all the glory of Adam. That is a phrase that is found four times in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In one pattern it says, one passage it says, Yahweh will instruct the upright with knowledge of the Most High and teach wisdom of the sons of heaven to the perfect of way. For those Yahweh has chosen for an everlasting covenant, to them shall belong the glory of Adam. Let me read that again from the Dead Sea Scrolls. It's in the Manual of Discipline. It says, For those Yahweh has chosen for an everlasting covenant, to them shall belong Kol Kavod Adam. The glory of Adam. It's ours. It's interesting that some rabbis teach us that when Adam and Kavod were created, that they were beings of light and not necessarily human beings as we think of them, like with skin. But they didn't have this type of epidermis that they were beings of light that their body was made of ore. That's the Hebrew word for light. The rabbis teach us that they were beings of light, but more appropriately beings of glory, of kavod. And when they fell, then they were given this skin that we bruise and blister. Well, it's interesting because in Genesis chapter 3, verse 21, it says, Unto Adam, also and his wife, did Yahweh Elohim make coats of skin and clothe them. Genesis 3, verse 21, Unto Adam, also and his wife, did Yahweh Elohim make coats of skin and clothe them. The word there for clothed, this is after the fall, is the word for light. Ore. That's the word for light. But it's misspelled. You see, in Hebrew, the word ore can mean light or it can mean skin. It can mean light or it can mean skin. If you spell it, aleph vav resh, it means light. If you spell it, ayin vav resh, it means skin. Here, the ayin was used. Earlier, guess what? The aleph was used. And what does that mean? It means that Adam was created with this glory, with this preeminence, that we looked like Yahweh. When creation saw us, we were just like him. When creation saw Adam, oh look, there's Yahweh. They walked together in the cool of the day. Listen to this. You have the word ore that means light and you have the word ore that means skin. One is spelled with an aleph, one is spelled with an ayin. One is spelled with an aleph, one is spelled with an ayin. Let me show you this. Is that okay? Aleph vav resh. That's the word for light right there. Aleph vav resh. Ayin vav resh is the word for skin. The only difference is that first letter. Aleph and ayin. A little bit of gematria here. You ready? The difference between these two words is 69. 69 is the Hebrew number for sorrow, for poverty. What was Adam cursed with? Sorrow and poverty, right? Listen to this. In Genesis chapter 3 verse 21, it says, And Elohim made for Adam and his wife garments of skin, and He dressed them. Written in the original scroll, but it did not have vowel points, right? So you could read things differently. And He dressed them could be read, which means, And He clothed them. Now listen to this. What if it would have been, what if it would have been translated this way? Instead of, it was, same Hebrew letters, just pronounced differently, means this. Woe was their garment. Woe was their garment. What if it would have read, And Elohim made for them garments of woe, garments of sorrow. Isn't that what we have? Garments of sorrow? I don't know. It's a little deep. When we see here in the Hebrew, it could be pronounced either way. It says, And He clothed them, garments, woe was their garment, garment of woe, because of our skin, because we lost the glory. We lost the glory when Adam fell. And it can only be replaced by Yeshua. Remember when Yeshua came down, when He was born? What did the angels say? Glory to Yahweh in the highest. Right? Peace. And good will to men. Yeshua came in the midst of glory. And guess what He was coming for? To restore the glory. To bring back the glory. Luke 2.32 says this, That He was a light to bring revelation to the goyim, the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel. Yeshua didn't come to start a franchise chain of bookstores. He came to bring back the glory. What Adam had lost when he fell, Yeshua was going to replace. Don't minimize that. You know, sometimes we minimize what Yeshua did. He took that crown of glory that He had in heaven, and what did He do with it? He traded it for a crown of thorns. 2 Corinthians 4.6 It says, For Yahweh commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh in the face of Yeshua. Where is the glory? In the face of Yeshua. What happened to Moses' face as he went upon the mountain? And he came back down. His face shined with the kavod, with the glory. We can experience this glory, but only through Yeshua. We can be changed through this glory, but only through Yeshua. Wasn't Moses different? I mean, he wore that veil, but it faded. It faded. How about this verse? 2 Corinthians 3.18 But we all, with open face, are changed into the same image, from kavod to kavod, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of Yahweh. We are changed when we come face to face with this glory. How many want it? Do you want it? I want it. Do you want it? When it says that His whole earth is filled with His glory, that means this. This is powerful. You hear me? It says in Psalm 82.9, the whole earth is filled with His glory. If you don't hear anything else I say, hear this. Psalm 82.9. If you don't hear anything else, it says the whole earth is filled with His kavod. Do you know what that means? The whole earth is filled with His glory. It means that His presence is as close as our realization. It's not just in the sanctuary. It's not just at the church. It's not just at the synagogue. It's not just while we're there praying. It's as close as we'll realize it. Yahweh is that close to us. Yahweh's glory is as close as our realization. As soon as we can realize it. It can be revealed through a beautiful song, a prayer, a good doctor. Think about it. A loving mother. That's His glory. It's all around us. How many of you are familiar with C.S. Lewis? C.S. Lewis once wrote, If there lurks in modern minds the notion that to desire our own good and earnestly hope for the enjoyment is a bad thing, I submit that this notion has crept in from the Stoics and is no part of the faith. If we consider the unblushing promises of reward, the staggering nature of rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Yahweh finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. C.S. Lewis says, We are half-hearted creatures fooling around with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased. We need to seek His glory. That's powerful. Then we think this is it. We go to worship service for a couple of hours. And that's it. We listen to a CD. That's it. No, it's so much more. How often do we recognize it? Do we see it? Because it's there. Turn with me to John chapter 17, I hope. And in John 17, John 17, Yeshua is speaking. And in John 17 verse 5, and then I'm going to skip to 22 and verse 30, verse 23. John 17 verse 5, He says, O now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory which I've had with You before the world was. Verse 22, And the kavod which You gave Me, I have given them. Did you hear that? And the glory which You gave Me, Yeshua said, I have given them that they may be one just as We are one. I in them, You in Me, that they may be perfect in one that the world may know that You have sent Me and that have loved them as You have loved Me. And the glory which You gave Me, I have given them that they may be one just as We are one. I in them, You in Me, that they may be perfect in one that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me. How does the world know that we are His disciples? By how we love each other. Here's the problem. We try to love each other, but we get the cart before the horse. We've got to have His glory first, then we love each other, then we have unity. We've got to be seeking after Him. I can love you as a brother, but if you're not going after Yahweh's glory, it's only going to go so far. I can only help you so much, right? I can't force this walk down your throat. I've tried. Believe me. I've tried to beat people with the Torah scroll. It doesn't work. We've got to go after His glory, be one with Yeshua, then we are one together, then the world knows that we are His disciples. So is it only we should seek His glory when we come together for worship? How about while we're driving the school bus? How about while we're taking care of people as a nurse? How about while we're changing diapers? How about while we're eating dinner? Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the kavod of Yahweh. 1 Corinthians 10.31 That's the verse to know. We think that it's got to be religious activities that gives Yahweh glory. Let me tell you, it's not. It's not. You are to be the best machine operator you can be and do not work as under man, but as under Yahweh. And whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of Yahweh. And as you do that, you know what's going to happen? What happened to Joseph? He got promoted. He got moved up. The problem is we do it for the glory of us or we don't do it for the glory of anybody. Oh, he's got to do it. He's got to go to work today. I've just got to take care of kids today. I'm going to take care of these kids for the glory of Yahweh. And it's different when we do that, isn't it? It's different. It's to be our prayer, our focus, our solution. What does it say? Let me tell you, Yahweh's glory is this. If all we can do is seek His glory, everything else falls into place. Do you believe that? My Yah shall supply all of my needs according to what? His riches in glory. We've got to go for the glory. That's the purpose of creation. And that's how Yeshua's coming back. And He wants us to be ready. We've got to be walking in His kavod. Not in depression, not in moods, not in all this other stuff. Sickness and pain. But the Son of Man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels and then reward every man according to His works. Matthew 16, 27. How's Yeshua coming back? With His glory. How did He come? In glory. So we've got to get ready for it. We've got to cry out like David and Moses did. Rabbi Azriel of Gerona once wrote, The totality of the commandments is the glory of Yahweh. Do you know what that means? It means that the purpose and goal of following this Word is to bring Him glory. It's not to get you stuff. It's not to bring you blessings. It's to bring Him glory. We said that the word kavod, tavet, dalet, equals the number 26. Anyone else equals 26? The name of Yahweh. Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh. 10-5-6-5. 10-5-6-5. That means that Yahweh is equal to His glory. So when we're seeking after His glory, we're seeking Him. So how do we do it? How do we tap into His glory? That's the question, right? We just pray like Moses? He's just going to pass before us? Cleft of the rock? Do you know any clefts? Do you know any rocks out there? Do you know what the Bible calls someone who experiences, who encounters Yahweh's kavod? It says that they are anointed. It's not just some charismatic catchphrase. It's the glory of Yahweh manifest. Let me prove it to you. Colossians 1.27, one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible. Colossians 1.27. It says in English, Christ in you, the hope of glory. Can we break it down? Let's break it down. Christ in the English Bible is from the Greek word Christos. Christos in your dictionary in Greek means anointed or Messiah. That word is similar to the Hebrew phrase Moshiach, which is translated as Messiah, right? Messiah or Moshiach means the anointed one. You follow me? Christos means the Messiah or the anointed one. Moshiach means the Messiah or the anointed one. So let's read it that way. The Messiah in you, the hope of glory. Let's read it again. The Moshiach, the anointed one in you is the hope of glory. Let's break it down a little more. The anointing in you is the hope of glory. When Messiah lives in us, we bring forth His glory. We bring forth His kavod. When He is in us and we are in Him. In ancient times, Yahweh would anoint certain people like different kings, priests, prophets to do certain things. What did Yeshua say? The Spirit of the Sovereign God is upon me because He has anointed me to preach good news. To bring the gospel to the poor. To heal the brokenhearted, proclaim deliverance to the captives, recovery to the sight of the blind, to set in liberty those who are bruised, to proclaim the acceptable year of Yahweh. Yeshua was that glory made manifest. And then what did He say? He gave us that same glory, John 17. As we walk in the kavod, we have that anointing. And here's what we've got to learn, and this is tough. When we pray for His glory, He's going to reveal it. Wow! Boy, that was a revelation, huh? But we think it is. We think we've got to beg and plead and all this stuff. Oh, Yahweh, show me Your glory, show me Your glory, show me Your glory. Throw in a couple Hail Marys, whatever, and just pray for it. No Hail Marys, right? My ex-Catholic over there, no Hail Marys. All you've got to do is pray for it. And more than you want to receive it, Yahweh wants to reveal it. He wants to show you His glory. He wants to manifest it to you. And when we walk in the glory, guess what it does? It disables the flesh. 1 John 2, verse 20. 1 John 2, verse 20. Claim this verse as your own. Believe it. It says, You have an anointing from the Holy One. You. Turn to your neighbor and say, You. Turn to your neighbor and say, You have an anointing from the Holy One. Who's the Holy One? Yahweh Yeshua, right? What's the anointing? It is Yeshua in us, the hope of glory. It's not some goose bumps we get. It's His power in us. How many know Psalm 23? Yahweh is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. It says, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall what? Fear no evil. Why? Why do you not fear evil? Yes, for thou art with me. And then what does it say? You write and I have comfort me. You prepare a table before me in front of my enemies. You anoint me with oil. You are anointed by Yahweh. In the valley of the shadow of death. That's where His glory is. Yahweh will use the hard times. The disagreements. The problems. The pain. The frustration we have to bring about His glory. He will use it. But I don't believe that He punishes us with problems and pains to teach us lessons. Otherwise we'd be sick all the time. And be having pain and problems all the time. Amen? I think He allows these things to occur. So that we can learn. For what does it say? 2 Corinthians 4.17 Our light and tiny afflictions, which is just for a moment, prepare us for a greater and limitless glory. What you're going through right now is just for a moment. It's just for a moment. And it's preparing us for His glory. So, got that big problem? Who's got a big heavy problem? Y'all can think about it right now. It's nothing but light and weightless compared to the kavod of Yahweh. Everything that happens, is allowed to happen, occurs in order to bring Him glory. What does it say? We figured it out. It was Psalm 72.19. The whole earth is filled with His glory, right? Does that mean the mountaintops are filled with His glory? Yeah! What about the valleys? What about down low? What about under sea level? What about your house? The whole earth is filled with His glory. I'll finish with a few verses. Isaiah 10.27 says, It shall come to pass in that day, His burden shall be removed from your shoulder, His yoke off of your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of what? The anointing. The anointing breaks the yoke is what this verse says. These yokes that are upon us, these burdens, are broken by His glory. He wants to bring many sons to glory. As I'm sharing these verses, don't they all just kind of fit together? We've heard all of this before. I get really frustrated sometimes when I hear about the restoration of Israel. You know, we have these two house teachers. We have people teaching about Israel coming back together. And these Torah teachers who teach, Oh, Yahweh's restoring the Law of Moses. And He's restoring us back to the times of Moses. And, you know, restoration of all things has got to occur. We've got to get back. Moses, Moses, Moses. You've heard it before? I've heard it. That's not quite right. Because the restoration of all things, I believe, is not going to be to the glory of Moses, to where it fades, but back to Adam, to where it's permanent, to where there will be no more sin, there will be no more sorrow, there will be no more pain. That's what Yeshua is bringing us back to. Moses wore that crown that Adam lost, but it faded. Yes, the Torah is the restoration. And the Torah is going to help us get there because it helps us with our relationship with Yeshua. Yeshua, Yahweh, is restoring glory, not back to the days of Moses, where they had problems. Didn't Moses have problems? Didn't Israel have problems? He's taking us back to Eden, to perfection. That's what He's doing. That's what I want. Is that what you want? That glory. And it's going to come. It tells us in 1 Peter 5, verse 4, And when the chief shepherds shall appear, you shall receive a crown of glory that does not fade away. Better than what Moses had. Hallelujah. Better than what Moses had. It is a crown that shall not fade away. He wants His glory to be experienced and proclaimed. So as we await His return, some people want to store up food. Some people want to be scared. Some people want to wait for the rapture. Some people want to hide to the hills and go to Petra. Whatever we're doing, wherever we are, you know what we need to be praying? Show me Your kavod. Show me Your glory. That's what it needs to be about. Like never before. It said in 1 Corinthians 10.31, Whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we should do it all for the glory of Yahweh. So let me ask you, can you do it? Can you go for the glory? Can you go for the glory, Dean? Think about it. Tomorrow when you're in a conversation, when you're reading an email, when you're talking to somebody on the phone, you need to ask yourself, is this bringing glory to Yahweh? If the answer is no, what should we do? Stop doing it. That would keep me out of a lot of trouble. Amen. Can I get an amen? A hearty amen from my wife over there. Hallelujah. The Torah says, As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. If we think about his kavod, his anointing, his glory, guess what that's going to bring about? It's going to bring about his anointing. It's as close as our realization. But how many know it's hard to control your mind? Isn't it? Oh, my goodness. My mind, woo, woo, woo, going here, there, and everywhere. That's just in the past 30 seconds. So I want to give you a hint on how you can watch your mind and base it on the glory of Yahweh. Can I give you a hint? Yahweh gave us feelings and emotions that tell us what we're thinking about. And if we're feeling bad, down, depressed, upset, frustrated, angry, then that's probably not the glory of Yahweh. So we can use our feelings to gauge what our mind is set upon. If we're feeling down, are we focusing on Yahweh's glory? Because I submit to you today that it is impossible to feel down while you're thinking about Yahweh's glory at the same time. Put some music on, get to singing a little bit, maybe dance a little bit, read the Scriptures, read the songs. It's impossible. But it takes effort. And that's where most people fail. We say we want His glory. Oh, it sounds good. You're preaching now. Yeah, you're doing good. It sounds good in the synagogue. But when we leave, and we have to say, show me your glory, and then we have to get up and think about it, that's when the rubber meets the road, amen. Got to go for His glory. That's what He wants. That power in us. Isaiah 60, verse 1. Study the Scriptures concerning His attributes. Pray and ask Him to show Him your glory. Watch your feelings. Watch your emotions. And take Isaiah 60, verse 1, and take it to heart. Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the kavod of Yahweh has risen upon you. For see, the darkness shall cover the earth, the gross darkness the nations, but Yahweh shall rise upon you. His kavod, His glory shall be seen upon you, and the nations shall come to your light, and the kings to the brightness of your rising. This is a life-changing message if we leave here and change our life. Too many people just want Yahweh, boom, to change you. We got to change ourselves. And it starts by just saying that prayer. Yahweh, show me your glory, and then believing you're going to see it, and you will see it. Amen? And then as you go throughout your day, do everything you do for the glory of Him. Let us pray. Father, we pray and we proclaim, show us Your glory. Pass before us this day. Reveal Your greatness to us. Give us a revelation of Your love. Give us a revelation of Your kavod. We pray like Moses. We pray like David. We pray like Yeshua. We could be one and we could walk in the anointing, that it would break the yokes. Father, I know that there were those here that were sick today, that were hurting, those with worries and cares, and I'm believing that this Word, as it was being shared, it was just breaking those yokes. And prayers are being answered right now as we rest in You, as we trust You, as we believe You. Father, we pray that You would quickly quicken our pulse, that we would be excited about Your kavod, that You would reveal it to us, You would show us, and we would walk it out. That whatever we do would be for You, to bring You praise, to bring You glory, to give You honor. Father, we give You that glory. We give You that praise. We lift up the name of Yeshua, the name above every name, that His name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to the kavod, to the glory of Yahweh our Father. We pray that You would crown us with glory like Adam, for we were created just a little lower than the angels crowned with glory, but we sinned and fell short. So restore it and help us as we walk out this message tomorrow and the next day and the next day. B'shem Yeshua we pray. Amen and Amen. Hallelujah. Search the Bible. Submit your prayer request. Or read an article on various subjects. The website is That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at EMET Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. That's EMET Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding EMET with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the EMET and may the EMET, may the truth set you free. Find EMET. Find