Beginner Friendly meditation. Connecting with your breath.
Beginner Friendly meditation. Connecting with your breath.
Meditation can bring about positive changes in our lives, such as increased awareness, compassion, and fulfillment. Emi Haeri will guide us through a focused meditation practice. We start by settling our bodies and finding a comfortable position. We focus on our breath, observing it without trying to change it. We notice how our bodies naturally breathe, directing our attention to the inhale and exhale. If our minds wander, we simply come back to the breath. We continue this practice for three minutes, and then slowly bring our awareness back to our surroundings. Meditation helps us find the gap between action and reaction. Meditation has changed my life, and it has the potential to change yours. Connecting to the stillness and silence within us, allows us to live a life of expanded awareness, deeper compassion and greater fulfillment. This is Emi Haeri, and today I'm going to guide you into a focused meditation. In almost all mindfulness practices, we witness our breath come in, and we watch it go out. Observing the present moment, allowing our attention to be fully focused on the present moment. Simply keep coming back to the present moment, becoming a silent witness to ourself in every moment. Let's begin by taking a moment to allow your body to settle. Find a comfortable position that allows your spine to be long. You may close your eyes and let your shoulders relax. I'll guide you through a focused attention practice, focusing on the breath. Before we start, take a full breath in to the count of two, and a long breath out to the count of five. Now allow the breath to find its natural rhythm, in and out. Do not try to change it in any way, just breathe. I want you to take this time to notice how the body breathes itself. You may feel the breath as it passes underneath your nostrils, or in the rise and fall of your body. Choose an area to observe the breath for the next few minutes. Whichever you choose, direct your attention to noticing the inhale and the exhale. And whenever you find the mind has wandered, just come back to the breath. Notice whether the breath is warm or cool, whether it's deep or shallow. Keep following your breath for the coming three minutes, and I will alarm you when they are done. Slowly start feeling your weight on the mat, the chair, or the ground. Bringing awareness into your fingers and toes, and slowly open your eyes. Remember, there is a gap between the in-breath and the out-breath, a gap between action and reaction. See you in the in-between.