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The hosts introduce their new radio program and encourage audience participation. They discuss the topic of traffic and the importance of safe and responsible driving. They highlight the need for knowledge and awareness in driving, especially for young people. They also mention the communication lines for audience feedback. They briefly mention a previous topic they discussed, euthanasia. They then discuss the different aspects of traffic management in Durazno, including urban design, road conditions, regulations, and the challenges of heavy traffic. They emphasize the importance of safe and orderly circulation and responsible behavior on the road. They mention the presence of a national road that cuts through the city and causes traffic challenges. They conclude by playing a song that reflects on the consequences of careless driving. This is Social Strategy in the air of 89.3 Diversidad Air France. Good morning. We are starting a new program. On the third time of our program, we welcome the audience. Here with us, Ismael Darío Fumero and José Luis Colmán. Good morning, Ismael. It's a pleasure to be here again. This week is exciting for us, because we are doing Radio. What do we like? To make the program dynamic, so that you can participate and be part of it. As we always say, it's a program made for and for the people. We will give you the communication lines. We are on our website. What is it, Ismael? www.diversidadfm.com The communication lines are WhatsApp 098283142 You can follow us on social media, Instagram and Facebook. The name is Social Strategy UI. There you go. The phone number to contact us is WhatsApp. WhatsApp is no more than 40 seconds. Send us what you think about the program. Today, we will talk about traffic. Let's talk about traffic. Today, we will talk about traffic. How is traffic managed here in Durazno? Not only in Durazno, but also in the national area. We have been informed about it. The new material is coming out in these days. Many media are already talking about it. What is traffic? It's a very nice topic to talk about. There is a lot of information and things to say that are valuable. People's traffic on the public road, whether driving vehicles or walking, the way the pedestrian circulates, is the confluence of two different dimensions. One is through a powerful motorized vehicle that can cause damage. The other is, as we will say in the podcast, the pedestrian with knowledge of the place where he is going. You have to be careful. I will do the podcast in a little while. You have to be careful and patient with this topic. It is a very sensitive topic. There are already talks about very important things for young people. As Social Strategy has said, it supports the youth. Remember, we talk about youth in our programs. And always for the future of young people. Yes, mainly in them, who are the ones who start this adventure of driving out of necessity and pleasure. But especially in them, who are the new generation that needs all the knowledge and prudence. Obviously, it is for all ages, but they are the ones who start, who are the ones who have to have that openness of knowledge and awareness in driving. Of course, we are doing it very carefully. It is a great responsibility of the parents, the mothers, and of the whole society to be aware. And well, Ismael, the communication lines of WhatsApp are... 098283142, text or audio message, no more than 40 seconds. We would love for the audience to give their opinion on this. This is a recorded program, but we will make it known in the next program. And we will put on air the communication that we maintain with this audience that is hooked on current and diverse topics, that we present them like this. We try to make it like this. Of course, Ismael, the topic we discussed last Friday has had repercussions, which was euthanasia. Yes, as always, sensitive and current topics, and that make our being a citizen and human beings topics that set the pattern of citizen coexistence. Of course, Ismael, coexistence is very important in a society, in a family, and well, in all places. Coexistence is a very important thing. And we all, in some way, want everything to go well, and that the family gets along well, and that, well, all those things that you already know. Well, having presented this, we will now present the part of our social manager, Ismael Darío Fumero, with his post-app, which is the transit here in Uruguay, in Uruguay, and the world. Let's talk about transit. Go ahead. We share common public places of access with different purposes. Transit through the city, by foot or by vehicle, whether it is by blood or motor, in all its variants, even those wheeled, powered by battery, small or large, are determining the way we move and move things. In some cases, we do it by walking, working, transporting supplies of all kinds. The destinations and the ways of getting there, doing it the way we do it, that is, the way we move within the city, is what makes the usual traffic simple and safe. In a city, the way of walking and the interest or the need respond to different motivations, depending on the activity we develop as individuals. The transport routes within cities have a particular design, which depends on the territories where they are located. Large and small cities have differences in the arrangement of their routes, therefore, challenges for transit that must be tackled every day. Designs in urbanization play an important role. Thus, we have cities framed with a grid with a surface of an hectare, which we commonly call Manzanas. Trinidad, the capital of the Department of Flowers, for example, just to name one, is a not-so-big city that perfectly outlines its urban area. Others, on the other hand, have irregularities in their design and a great asymmetry or disorder of lines forming irregular patterns, that is, Manzanas that have no similarities with each other. Montevideo, on the other hand, has some of these characteristics. But there are cities in the world, the old part of Cáceres, a neighborhood of the community of Extremadura in Spain, Acerenza in the Italian Calabria, or the same historical center of Siena, are medieval cities, a perfect example of an urbanistic disorder that is not appropriate for the transit of this century. There are other cities in America, such as Mexico, the Federal District, and even São Paulo in Brazil, with real labyrinths. This makes the traffic special. Among other things, this urbanistic order that we refer to brings us to the order in which people are travelling by the means mentioned at the beginning, doing it autonomously, either on foot or through any vehicle. For this, it is indispensable to order the rules that allow free movement, while maintaining strict order, so that this movement develops as agile and orderly as possible. Thus, for all the inhabitants of this country, there are specific traffic regulations for each department, and a general traffic law that regulates all traffic in the country, without distinction of places. This is said without going into detail about the interference and competences of each regulation. As we said at the beginning, the traffic of people is what we are interested in developing in this podcast, and therefore, it is the central issue, or at least, it is intended to be circumscribed to the action, to the activity of the driver and the pedestrian in this confluence. The fact of traffic responds, as we said, to personal motivations that can be planned or released at the will of the moment. There are those who work while driving, and there are those who do not. There are those who go alone, and there are those who transport more people, or objects and various items. In each case, the responsibilities are transferred to their own person, and to others, to a group of people, as in the case of a bus that transports passengers. This responsibility is associated with everything that moves in the public road of circulation. The responsibility of handling specific criteria is born, so that the traffic is safe and orderly. It is not the same to circulate in the city than to circulate in a neighboring road outside the confluence of the cities, and that is located at great distances from the populated centers. Neighboring roads, to define them, are roadways, which cross the countryside without even having a demarcation, more than the pavement, usually of ballast or soil, and a width delimited by wired slopes along the side of the road. This is the most common in our Uruguayan countryside. But there are also national and departmental roads, paved, which join great distances, interconnecting cities and towns. Many prepared for high traffic, not only in their design and layout, but also in the safety of the transit devices that are added for the best performance of the vehicles that circulate. Thus we have asphalt or concrete routes, marked with appropriate devices for high speed, roadside signage in vertical and horizontal form, and others crossing the route. Passive and active elements in all their varieties, which indicate to the driver the way to proceed in that particular place. There are those that are fixed on the pavement with refractory paint, indicating the axis of the roadway, for example, in white and yellow, for the case of warnings. There are also traffic lights that regulate intersections of roads with different directions. In cities something similar happens, having these elements for safe circulation, allowing the driver to maneuver according to where he is, and prohibiting others. It can be said that they are universal criteria for circulation, which coincide largely with others in the world. An example are the colors used for each device. Blue, white, yellow, red and green are already present in the signs, printed on the pavement or on the streetlights as traffic lights and beacons. All these indicators allow locals and foreigners safe driving. This is Picapierra. We offer quince, 5 euros, food, chicken, drinks. In general, we are in Calle Encina, in front of Plaza Artigas. Remember that we have an extended schedule from 6.30 to 22 hours. Contact us by phone 432-7230. This is Picapierra. We look forward to your kind and warm attention. Now in Durazno, the company Espacios Verdes arrived. They do jobs for state companies, cleaning and maintenance of land, parks, ponds and fruit trees. House demolition, ponds, cabins for flies, mosquitoes and all kinds of insects. Football fields maintenance. We have a tractor, chains of chainsaws, active routes. We are in Tapurro 1040, Casi de Andro Gómez. Or by phone 432-5302, 432-5660. Or by cell phone 094-359-737 or 098-850-232. Espacios Verdes. SEP, accompanying services in Durazno, with coverage of services throughout the country. We accompany you in sanatorium or hospital, with qualified and selected staff. Our scenes are in Dr. Luis Alberto, around 921 or by cell phone 095-630100. SEP, accompanying services in Durazno. In Durazno we speak about San Pedro Pharmacy. You can wait for them in 874 or by phone 432-2548, San Pedro Pharmacy. Now, in Durazno we have a clothing supply. They offer everything, items of storage, with deliveries to home. And also a pleasant wash of motorcycles and cars. We wait for you in Washington 985 or by cell phone 098-712-432. Provision, La Retina, we wait for you. All this is a description of the surrounding reality that we have to share at the time of circulating in the public road. Nothing new, although relevant for an activity that requires concentration and seriousness, especially self-control. This way of walking safely avoids sinister and all kinds of altercations that were harmful to health and human life. For that, you must have a good health and a good health. For that, you must have, first of all, knowledge and the permits that correspond to the case, driving license, when they are motorized vehicles, and for both cases, for the pedestrian also, full knowledge of the ways and manners of circulating. You can not circulate on the sidewalk with a vehicle, while you can not walk on the sidewalk. It seems obvious, but that is the core, the central. There are exceptions, but it does not come to the case now. What is known, I wonder, what is the degree of responsibility that we assume in these urban issues? I wonder if we are kind, if we are obedient, if we are fully committed to our actions, thinking about the third parties, in other people, in those who also share common spaces. Another aspect to consider is the way those spaces are arranged. If they are accessible, if they are intricate, if they present obstacles, if they are originally built for the type of circular vehicle or re-conditioned, if they were designed for the mass of inhabitants who also reside in the place. And I am referring specifically to cities, both residential, which have offices, and which have commercial and industrial enterprises. Another aspect, one that came to light, is the state of the public roads, if they have conditions, if they have breaks, if they have unfinished works, if those areas are demarcated, which are they, if they are free-circulation areas or there are excursion areas. What is the general state to achieve circulation without major inconveniences? Another aspect is the inspection and control over traffic. If the departmental and national governments are issuing that service in the required conditions. Another aspect is the volume of public road use given by the number of vehicles that are going on the increase, according to statistics. This makes the behavior of the human being have special meaning at the time of its travel, its control and the subjection to the rules that regulate traffic. The misuse of the public road implies an economic and moral tragedy when the same health is not also affected to the point of lamenting human losses in traffic accidents. All these aspects mentioned above have the same impact when it comes to measuring favorable or unfavorable conditions. Because the bad pavement conditions, the negligence of people, the lack of control or inspection and a terrible urbanization have their weight when it comes to measuring the certainty in the handling. And when I speak of handling I mean specifically the handling of motorized vehicles, which are the ones that occupy more space, which have the potential to cause damage to third parties. All these roles play an important role when it comes to measuring the degree of safety of a city. Turasno presents the particularity of two different cities in the same place and their well-differentiated contrasts. An old part, highly urbanized, with its commercial, residential, industrial center and also within its area the political and administrative where the departmental government resides. It presents wide traffic lanes in one direction and mostly with double parking on both sides of the sidewalk. A wider suburban part, surrounding the other, with residential characteristics and with larger green spaces, although with narrow streets and double traffic sense. Another particularity known to all, and I will not leave without mentioning it, is the presence of the national road number 5, crossing almost 3 kilometers of the city. And it is no coincidence that this is one of the most urbanist mistakes, in the eyes of the subscriber, ever conceived, of the worst. A crossroad that cuts the city, a national road with national jurisdiction and that, despite the residents, interrupts a total of 17 streets. 17 streets that do not circulate with the necessary fluidity. As a characteristic to highlight, which is added to the set, is the passage of goods, with heavy and very heavy transport. Here, traffic offers crossings that are happily regulated by traffic lights, but it is still a great challenge for people and for authorities. And a difficulty for all, that a transit of these characteristics has to be dealt with day by day. As well I designate a report of the country, of Anatsu Zavalsa Vyaskoa, a column that quotes the words of Pablo Zendra, says the following, urbanism encourages urban developments where it commands coexistence between shops, homes and offices. That mixture, the neighborhood of all life, had been progressively neglected in favor of a city fragmented by uses, where order deactivated the complexity of a citizen coexistence. Let us be respectful, attentive, not that by our own care we become a threat to others. Let us focus on the act of managing ourselves, what touches us, and in what possible, demand guarantees from authorities in the fulfillment of those cares that make our streets safe. Friendly cities, with a territorial order according to the population and to the own evolutions of the times that run. It may be that in summer my hands are frozen and that in the sea water is sweetly gouged. It may be that it rains in the Sahara a thousand times a year. It may be that the world no longer turns or follows. It may be that the sun does not become suicidal. It may be that the roses no longer want the spring. It may be that February has more than thirty days. That a mother denies her son the caresses. It may be that the moon is in caprice and does not want to appear again. Everything can happen now in this life. There is only one thing that will not change, dear. Whatever happens, this love that I feel today will never go away, I know. It is love, love, love when you live for and for that person. It is love, love, love when you do not have a single one left. It is love. It is love. It is love. It is love. Ay, heart. It may be that February has more than thirty days. That a mother denies her son the caresses. It may be that the moon is in caprice and does not want to appear again. Everything can happen now in this life. There is only one thing that will not change, dear. Whatever happens, this love that I feel today will never go away, I know. It is love, love, love when you live for and for that person. It is love, love, love when you do not have a single one left. It is love. It is love. It is love, love, love when you live for and for that person. It is love, love, love when you do not have a single one left. It is love. It is love. Well, we were listening to the music of Lucas Sumo. The song is about, in a way, if you can watch the video, which was called, Puede Que. Puede Que. Puede Que. Well, and that you listen to it, the evidence, because there in that video there are things that happen in the life of a singer, but they are often the singers who, in some way, bring things to life with a song, with a poem, in short, with different types of thoughts. So we did this song and well, see it, it is very nice, it is there on YouTube, you can look for it, Lucas Sumo, Puede Que. It is a video that you can be interested in, because it is what somehow leads us to reflect on what an accident is. Nothing more than that, we presented the music of Lucas Sumo here in Estrategia Social, 89.3, Diversidad FM. And we continue here in Estrategia Social with the subject, let's talk about traffic. We listened to this subject that you said, José Luis, that has to do with songs that artists express, the emotions of the human being, and this very punctually, trying to, the way of handling, after a discussion, in which he argues with the girl and goes out to drive and ends up in an accident, well, it has a lot to do with the current issue. It seems very interesting to me, because a saying goes, before starting the engine, turn off your grudge. And it has to do with the driving conditions of people, when we sit behind the wheel, we have to be serene, calm, focused, in which we are going to make a circulation, with the driving awareness, thinking about others, in the situation, in the street, this subject has a lot to do. And as you said, the video is very graphic, very strong, really, but we invite you to see it. The subject, as we said, is, maybe, by Lucas Hugo. The truth is that I found it a very appropriate choice. Of course, because there he marks, in this song, this discussion, as you said, where they fight, and then they go out in the car, and how badly the person leaves this place, that led to this moment, and well, somehow, the Piar de la Vida, in the song, is dedicated to the whole audience, to all the people who want to leave something, I also think, as a singer and artist, right? Yes, it leaves a message, right? That is very human, because it happens to all of us, that we sit down, thinking about what we have to do, what we did, how we are going to do it, with problems, of all kinds. Well, many years ago, I participated in a defensive management course, in which this was pointed out, it was said that to manage means to have responsibility for our actions towards others, more than, of course, the responsibility towards oneself, to conduct ourselves in the best way for our own good, but also for the good of others. We have to take into account that we are not alone, and that the conduct is the confluence of others who are also in the public way, and that has to do with order in traffic and security. The podcast also talks about the conditions, apart from human conditions, the physical conditions of the place, of the vehicles and of the traffic lanes, that have to have the appropriate conditions for driving. It talks about urbanization, it talks about the streets, the cities. Well, accidents have occurred, which are badly called accidents because they are sinister, and that speaks of how everything is preventable. That is, accidents are not accidents, but they are causes, it is not anything fortuitous, they are causes of mismanagement, which could have been foreseen, because they are predictable. So there was no repair, either by speed, by a bad maneuver, by distractions, all with an important human component. Of course, I was paying close attention to what you were saying, you are very right. And well, you quote Yee in one of your podcasts, you quote the roads of the cities. Let's start there, the part of the campaign, more or less, is a little more neglected, let's say, in some way, because there is a lot of heavy traffic, where Yee passes by, I have seen it, because I have traveled, I have a lot of relationship with campaigns, because we always like to visit the countryside, because, as I always say, fishing is one of the things I like the most, and well, there are places where you have to cross mountains, where you have to cross roads, roads that are neglected, that I had to go to the Andes, there, there are some roads, the road of the Alastos, as you mentioned, where there is a very narrow road, where many vehicles pass, and really, there I would have to, in some way, solve these things. Small things that seem important, or that do not seem very important, but are really the most important, because there you are going, for example, where there are boats, where they carry cattle, where they carry, put wood, put firewood, put... well, the amount of things that are transported from the countryside to the city, where we are a country of cattle farmers, of cattle farming, agriculture and fishing, that has always been characterized by those things, which are also good decisions, right? And those neighboring roads, routes that are in the middle of the countryside, that are not marked, or in most of them they are not, I know that towards Blanquillo, a route with many curves, well, the curves are marked, and one of the most dangerous to drive, carefully, with caution. Those streets are paved, but well, they are crossed, and they break easily. And those roads with bullets, which you say, I also say, they are narrow roads, stoned, it is easy for pits to form, although they have maintenance, they are not done regularly, and undoubtedly, it is dangerous to drive. And another thing to take into account, that if we are locals, and we know the place, well, we can already know what are the most dangerous points. But the case has been given of people from the other side, as the post says, foreigners, that is, strangers, strangers to the place, who do not know and do not have the precaution to drive safely. And the routes, which are paved, which have their indications very appropriate, with signposts, with vertical and horizontal signposts, that is, the one that is printed on the pavement, the demarcation lines of Banquina, the sidewalk, yellow so as not to exceed, cross, round indicators, well, that makes one of the safety conditions of the handling. Of course, Maestro, if it was there, not only with colors, it was with colors, the blue that is there, Yes, universal colors. Universal, there it is, blue, red, green, yellow, there are colors already known, obviously, by the traffic lights, too, right? Also. Red, blue, red, yellow and green, sorry, red, yellow and green, there it is, or green, red and yellow, in both ways, I understand, right? To avoid, well, that there is some sinister, right? Yes, and well, it also has to do with the conditions of the route. There are routes that do not have sidewalks, there are routes that also have crossings, many crossings, and those are transit routes in which they cannot be exceeded, but they are perfectly demarcated, especially national routes. I know, for example, the 90, the 25, the 4, well, they are routes, the 4 is very different, it does not have sidewalks, I say, in a section of País Andú, for example, but well, to cite examples, right? In the cities, it is another different issue, because there is a greater amount of traffic, and also there are different types of vehicles, we have cars, military, trucks, large trucks, big trucks, bicycles, pedestrians, motorcycles, tricycles, quadricycles, I say, it is a variety of vehicles in the cities that makes the circulation more difficult. Here in Durazno, luckily, we have in the urban part, the old part, as I say, is the part that is wider, with a wider street. For me, it should have only one parking side. That local traffic ordinance, which at one point prohibited parking in the west area, in the west sidewalk, that stopped existing, it is no longer in force, and we have crossroads with double parking on both sides, hexagonal. For me, it should have only one parking side. That is my opinion, José Luis, which can be, can be opposed, can be agreed, right? Yes, as I say, Ismael, people will not always like everyone's opinion, everyone has their point of view, everyone is human, everyone has their free will to give their opinion, right? I think that Durazno is not a very big city, 40,000 people more or less, Ismael, where there is a lot of traffic, and you were there, well, that not only one is born, let's say, only the body, the lung, as you said there, more or less, so that it is understood, walking, the tritone, the... Vehicles with blood traction or tritone. That's what I was going to say. Because they talk about bicycles, for example. Or walking. Or walking. And then you were also quoting, we already have the motorcycles, then the trucks that are distributing, the distributors, then we have trucks, then we have cars, then we have doctors, then we have, not only in the city, they walk, well, I've seen doctors here in the city, they walk, well, there have been, I don't know, how many have there been, I know, I've seen them, they've been standing there for years, in the center. Yes, the road machinery and the agricultural machinery do not have permission to circulate in the city. Ah, that one. Because they are not registered vehicles, that is, they do not have a vehicle registration, because they do not have authorization for the circulation in the city. Obviously, a motorcycle machine, a cylinder, a retro, will have to, but those are already state vehicles, from the agency, or private, hired by the agency, which obviously has to circulate. Now, the tractors, yes, it is true, you have told me, now you see less, but before it was very common to see tractors in the city, that has changed a little. Well, and talk about Route 5, what is the subject of Route 5? An incredible subject. A subject of a lifetime, that Route 5, right? Yes. I think that Route 5 is a very special route, very special. We all know why. It is a route that crosses 3 kilometers, 3 kilometers, both from north to south, and from south to north. Yes. Well, we are out there, and I say, 3 kilometers of road, let's say, that crosses a city. What is your opinion on this subject? Yes. Pesco Picapiedra offers you quinielas, 5 euros, eatables, chickens, drinks. In general, it is located in Calle Ancina, in front of Plaza Artigas. Remember that we have an extended schedule, from 6.30 to 22 hours. Contact us by phone 432-7230. Pesco Picapiedra, we look forward to your kind and warm attention. Now in Durazno, the company Espacios Verdes arrived. Works are carried out for state companies, cleaning and maintenance of land, parks, ponds and fruit trees, irrigation of houses, fields, cabins for flies, mosquitoes and all kinds of insects, maintenance of football fields, tractor, chains of chainsaws, active routes. We are in Tapurro 1040, Casi de Andro Gómez. Or by phone 432-5302, 432-5660, or by cell phone 094-359-737, or 098-850-232. Espacios Verdes. SEP, accompanying services in Durazno, with coverage of services throughout the country. We accompany you in sanatorium or hospital, with qualified and selected staff. Our scenes are in Dr. Luis Alberto Herrera 921 or by phone 095-630100. SEP, accompanying services in Durazno. In Durazno we talk about San Pedro Pharmacy. We are waiting for you in Carrera 874 or by phone 432-2548, San Pedro Pharmacy. Now, in Durazno we have a provision of clothing. We offer everything, items of storage, with deliveries to home, and also a pleasant ride of motorcycles and cars. We are waiting for you in Washington 985 or by phone 098-712-432, Provisión La Vecina is waiting for you. In Durazno we have a provision of clothing. Look, look, what a peculiarity the Route 5 of Durazno, and this to take into account that many people do not know, is a bypass, nothing less than a bypass of 6 kilometers, because we have three that pass inside the city. But imagine the following, roundabout north, Route 14, Route 5, there are two routes, a single road is formed, a single road of circulation in two directions, inside the city. It starts there, in Santa Bernardina, and ends in what we call Puente Seco. There, Route 14 and Route 5 are opened again. Therefore, we are talking about Route 5 in Durazno, has the component of joining two routes and is doubling the circulation, nothing less than inside the city. In a section that has landfills and interrupts the passage of 17 streets of the city. You as a Duraznese know, and the one who listens to Duraznese knows, and the one who is not, is finding out that Route 5 in the passage through Durazno, interrupts the passage of 17 streets of circulation of the city. That is a problem because it leaves nothing more than five intersections, barely five intersections for the whole city. And it is the main feature, and when it comes to measuring traffic issues, it is a problem. Of course, it is a big problem that Durazno has for years. We used to live here in the 80s, in the 80s, and we always looked to the east side, the eastern side. And I see that more and more cars, more motorcycles, more trucks, well, it was said that in Durazno, in the field of work, there were 3,000 trucks a day. Yes, it was quadrupled. Another thing I tell him, how those trucks with so much petrol, you can tell me, it is a source of work, obviously, it is logical, but I go. Only to the right of the pavement, how does that route look with those? I say it is disarmed, composed, it is really destroyed. And another thing I tell him, for me, I say, that route is not well done. Route 5 should have passed. I don't know, but I don't want to get into the subject so as not to cause much trouble to the neighbors. For me, the route is badly done. Yes, it was designed in the year 60, 1960, 60, 70. The city was different at that time, but already there, in the same conception, in the same layout of the route, there was a big problem, because the city was there, the houses that were there had to be expropriated. I agree that the route is badly done, passing through the city. I totally agree, and I think that most people will understand it that way, that it has to go the other way, the route has to go the other way. In addition, who speaks to you here, Ismael Fumero, manager, presented to the departmental government, to the executive and the legislative, a viaduct project. But this was in 2019, before UPM was installed, that is, long before the ROUPM contract. A viaduct project in which double air circulation was given for the entire vehicle, that did not touch the city, that did not use the services of the city, that was the one that travels from Tacuarembó, Monteverde, or from Riviera to Florida, that does not reach Durazno. Well, that was an idea, simply a project to refactor the road infrastructure. But without a doubt this route is badly done, it should not pass through here, because these large trucks, as you say, those heavy trucks, with loads, they pass all kinds of goods, because here they pass not only the goods of the agro-industry, of the forestry, they pass food, but they also pass chemical products, which can be of all kinds and which are really, because it is a route that interconnects the north of Uruguay, Riviera, with the ports, Montevideo. Look at what I'm going to tell you today. Each truck of these has about 20 or 30 tons of ice. It really is a very heavy load for the agro-industry. So every time that happens, each truck of these, you want or not, you are going to break it, break it, break it, break it. But let's say, we are working... What is the social strategy of the program? We, here in this program, are giving our point of view. What are we fighting for? The social strategy, we always propose a program for and for people, with current issues, and we do not leave aside any aspect, because we have to be objective, and many times opinions can be noticed according to the public, but we always do it. There is a topic that was recently presented in the press, and it has to do with the project of circulation permits for minors. Well, but we leave it for another time, José Luis, if you think the subject of transit is too broad and gives to talk much more, and has many sides, and offers a variety of reflections, we will leave it for another time. And also, to tell you that we will have surprises, some tension with our listeners, I think it will be very interesting, so we'll see it later. Well, Ismael, I'm going to give you my point of view on what this program was, today we had a great program, today the transit, and well, what to say about the transit, that the reflection and the farewell of this program is the point of view. Well, mainly if you take, you don't drive, and if you drive, where you are taken, it looks a bit paradoxical, but it really is like that. If you use a harmful substance to drive, don't do it. Remember that at home there is someone waiting for you, maybe a relative, who knows what person can be waiting for you, who is waiting for you to get home. Always when one travels on a road or in a city, one wants the best possible for his relative, for his friend, for whoever, that's it, there is no other. We are going to lower some changes, we will not accelerate because you don't think, and well, that's my point of view and my way of thinking. It is clear to me that there are sometimes inevitable things that in a second things happen, and to be clearer is very important. The rest, well, and a number of other things that in some way can be avoided, with police, as Ismael said in the postcard, with rudeness that is sometimes done in the address, for example, overtaking cars, going on a road, there are the flashing lights, lowering the lights, well, making changes of lights when they are, stopping the beacons, well, a number of things that can be avoided so that you don't lead to a predetermined accident, you know that if you go like that, in that way, you can make a turn at any time, it can happen to anyone, a minute of distraction is inevitable, the best happens to you or the worst happens to you, however you want to take it. My point of view is good and I bet on the young people that if they have a driving license, let them do it, but be careful, be careful, nothing more than that, respect the parents, they give advice and have the consent, let's say, the parents have in some way the possibility of guiding them, we will let you ride the motorcycle, but do things right, don't grab it for, let's say something, don't grab it for the toy, don't run, don't do stabbings, we should look for another method there for those who like stabbings, well, we will make a route for them there, in a certain place, and there they will do stabbings and play, but on the road or in the city, at least avoid doing it, they are doing a great good to society, if they are doing it, because you can have a license, obviously, you can have it in force, you can have it in order, but do things right, do your duties right, and well, be careful and make an effort, everything to make it in the best way. My name is José Luis Colmán, this is Estrategia Social. Well, friends, we have reached the end of this, which is Estrategia Social, here in the air of 89.3 Diversidad FM. Today we were talking with Ismael about this podcast, a few minutes ago we were listening about the traffic, a very nice topic to discuss, a topic that there is a lot to talk about, and well, we gave our points of view, and we leave it here for you to take it, and we hope that you will take it easy, and not to lose the parameters that are already marked in the city and in the roads, nothing more than that, as I said already. And well, we want to thank the radio station, Jacobo, Carlitos, all the colleagues who make radio here in 89.3, and we want to say a very special greeting to our colleagues at work here at Radio, to Santiago Batista, who somehow, he is somehow helping us with the program, and well, thank you very much to him, he is a colleague here at Radio, with his program, which goes on Tuesday at 4 p.m. It is a huge financial support for Santiago, a great person, really, who is recognized here in the program, who also contributes to our program, to all the listeners, and well, to you, who are the initial engine of this program. Without you, this would not be possible, because we are attached to your thoughts, to your things, to your habits, to your ways of thinking, because everything is available in life, everything can be done with patience, communication, with effort, and well, nothing more to say, it is just ready, tomorrow at 3.30 p.m. is the request, and the next Friday, there, from 9 p.m., we will be again with this, which is the social crisis. Without anything else to comment, thank you very much, and I wish you all a good and peaceful week. Transcription by ESO, translation by —

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