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In this radio program called Social Strategy, the hosts discuss the role of social managers in Uruguay. They explain that social managers work on social issues in a practical and hands-on way, focusing on the needs and problems of the people they serve. They differentiate social managers from sociologists and social workers, highlighting the importance of fieldwork and direct interaction with individuals. The program also touches on the social and economic conditions of Uruguay, highlighting its egalitarian society, strong social protection policies, and challenges in achieving sustainable development goals. Hello, hello friends, we are starting another edition of this, which is Social Strategy. Here, in the air of 89.3, we are going to share an hour with what is Social Strategy, which is the first cultural program in the center of the country. José Luis Colmán is speaking to you, and we are already giving way to our colleague. Good morning. Good morning José Luis, good morning audience, it is a pleasure to be here again at this work table, sharing these minutes of culture, as you say, all for our listeners and the citizens, to reach them with varied topics of great importance for all. We want to remind you that we are in Diversidad, in the air, connecting the headphones on the cell phone, or if not, tuning in through the internet, on the page So, well, with the pleasure of always being here to present to everyone this work that we do with a lot of will, a lot of desire, a lot of commitment, and doing the best we can. Well, I hope it is to everyone's liking. So, go ahead. In Uruguay there is a new way of working on social issues, that is, a new way of addressing pertinent issues to the problems that people have every day. A vision from the perspective of the same need, that is, with the clear idea that the problem is part of the worker who faces the same problems of other people in his environment. And we are not talking precisely about sociologists or social workers. We are talking about the social manager, as we all know that in this program, Social Strategy, it arises with the creative inspiration of a social manager. It is then that, between sociology and psychology, and between sociology and social psychology, we place social managers with space gained because it is field work in the territory. We include ourselves not only in social problems, but in the midst of people of flesh and blood. We are very close to an area that is predominantly of professionals, such as that of the social worker, already receiving a university degree in his legacy. The same as the social psychologist. We, the managers with social tools, according to each particular case, when the social fact is not limited to theories but to permanent action, and deserves immediate intervention, we are making the social issue, as living conditions of the inhabitants, transcend with true simplicity and total objectivity. A particular case cited in the manuals of the social manager, not yet published, and which has a luxury of details through arguments and examples, is the phenomenon of the culturalization of a neighborhood in the city back in 2011, when the management was made to install in the school Sandu, number 35 in the city of Durazno, a center of the technical school of Uto. That social fact, the phenomenon of the educational discontinuity that the neighborhood presented at the time, was immediately addressed with specific actions. It left in the annals of educational history a famous page with all its rivets. That is the icon of genius, of personal imprint, of the vision of a trade that feeds on creativity and spontaneity. But here, this time, we will focus on a central issue, not on the social manager, that agent that everyone has already had the opportunity to know through the programs broadcast. This time the program will focus on the official version of social work as science. We will have in a few minutes, nothing more, the words of a sociology student. Remember that in the universe of social activity, today in Uruguay, you can also undertake together with these professionals, from the trade built from improvisation and vocation. That the task of the social manager can coexist with that of the sociologist, and therefore not be compared to practice, either by antagonism or much less by superposition of interests. We clarify that here a thin line separates us, because the social manager tends more to social psychology. While this has its very marked points, also points of encounter with that. As well as, given the generic character and its social nature, the management works and points to the social environment as a whole. In order not to take away the merit of all those who dedicate their time to the social issue, go to this new chapter of social strategy to emphasize the relevant tasks to life that we have to share within our communities. For that, we give the floor to the professionals, to the tertiary students, to know their position, their work plan, their technique and their life. We will arrive at the concepts of sociology, central theme of today's program, but first we will talk about our country in context, to locate ourselves in the reality in which we live. In this sense, we will have a screenshot of the socio-economic and political conditions of our dear Uruguay, from the hand of the data provided by the World Bank in its latest update of October 3, 2022. Uruguay, general panorama. Uruguay stands out in Latin America for being an egalitarian society, for its high income per capita and for its low levels of inequality and poverty. In relative terms, its middle class is the largest in America and represents more than 60% of its population. Uruguay's economy grew 4.4% in 2021. For 2022, it is expected to grow 4.8%, driven mainly by the opening of borders to foreign tourism last summer and an increase in agricultural production. For 2023, there is expected to grow 2.7%. This deceleration will be driven by a huge growth in the main Mercosur partners, the global economic slowdown, the worsening of monetary policy and the end of extraordinary investments related to a new cell plant for 3 billion dollars, in addition to complementary public works. Uruguay's strong economic advances, particularly since the crisis of 2002, added to the solid social pact that characterizes it, support the path towards the reduction of poverty and the promotion of shared prosperity that the country has transited. The country has a strong vocation in social protection. Historically, social policies, including those of the state, have focused on increasing coverage of programs. For example, around 90% of the population over 65 years is covered by the pension system. This is one of the highest coefficients in Latin America and the Caribbean, along with Argentina and Brazil. Today there are a series of structural limitations that can hinder the progress towards sustainable development goals. On the one hand, the country is in an advanced phase of the demographic transition and is in the process of reforming its social security system, which currently generates large fiscal costs. In addition, Uruguay faces challenges to improve its long-term competitiveness and growth. At the same time, Uruguay faces challenges to find women in economic activity and transform education and labor institutions to take advantage of the technological change in order to boost investment in infrastructure, integration and global value chains. Finally, despite the fact that the incidence of poverty in Uruguay is relatively low in the regional comparison, there are still significant disparities in terms of age, sex, region and ancestry that could have been deepened with the pandemic. The strong institutional commitment in other areas, such as trust in the government, poverty, corruption and a political approach based on consensus, as well as a great commitment to strengthen institutional arrangements, will give the country a firm foundation on which to continue to renew its social contract and establish policies to tackle the current limitations. We look forward to your kind and warm attention. Now in Durazno, the company Espacios Verdes arrived. Works for state companies are being carried out, cleaning and maintenance of land, orchards, ponds and fruit trees, houses, ponds, cabins for flies, mosquitoes and all kinds of insects, football fields maintenance, tractor, chains of chains of chainsaws, and the road and road, active, is in Capurro 1040, Casi, Leandro Gómez, or to the phones 4132-5302, 4132-5660, or to the cell phones 094-359-737, or 098-850-232. Espacios Verdes. In Durazno we speak of San Pedro Pharmacy, we wait for you at 874 or 4132-2548, San Pedro Pharmacy. Almacen La Escuelita offers a wide range of merchandise offers. We wait for you at your door at 775 Almacen La Escuelita. Reparaciones EMG, Gustavo Godoy, reparaciones de bombas, inyectores diesel, inyección electrónica, reparaciones de inyectores electrónicos. We wait for you at Circunvalación 267 and Barrera, or to the phones 4132-7733, or to the cell phones 098-849-954. Reparaciones EMG, Gustavo Godoy. Doctor Nicolás Irazábal, lawyer, attends all cases except for criminal law. Contact us to coordinate a visit or consultation through the cell phone 099-359-670, or in your studio on General Estigas Street, 482, Office 03, Uruguay. Doctor Nicolás Irazábal, lawyer, attends all cases. Doctor Nicolás Irazábal, lawyer, attends all cases. 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