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Pit stop pod 1

Pit stop pod 1




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The host of the F1 FunCast introduces a new segment called "Pit Stop Pod" for non-race weekends. He asks listeners what they root for in Formula One, whether it's a specific driver, a favorite team, or both. He also mentions the unique rivalries within teams and between drivers. The host shares that he personally roots for Mercedes but also finds joy in watching the progress of midfield teams. He invites listeners to share their thoughts and favorite drivers/teams via email or social media. He admits that as a new fan, he is still learning and would appreciate hearing about the deeper aspects of Formula One that he may not yet understand. The host expresses excitement for car upgrades and asks for input on what listeners are expecting from their favorite teams this year. He also mentions the concept of rooting against certain teams or drivers, comparing it to his experience as a Boston Red Sox fan who roots against the New York Yankees. The episode concludes with a call to message the Hello and welcome to the F1 FunCast, the only Formula One podcast designed to teach your host all the things about Formula One they wouldn't teach me in school. I'm James Messer, you're riding on board with me today, what do you say we turn those lights out and get this party started? Hello again everybody and welcome back to this non-race Sunday afternoon. So I think what we're going to do here on the pod from now on, on these weekends when there's no races, I'm going to, we're going to do what we call a Pit Stop Pod, which is just going to be a quick little podcast to talk about things that are going on this week or things that are on our mind in Formula One this week. With no race until next weekend in Australia, there's some free time here. So what I'd like to talk about today is what is it that you all root for during the Formula One season? I'd really like to know what specifically you're rooting for when you watch Formula One. I know this year is going to be a lot of rooting for the midfield, rooting for different teams and drivers to make improvements, but I would like to know, you know, are you, in Formula One, are most people rooting for a particular driver? Are they rooting for a constructors' championship for their favorite team? Is it a little bit of both, you know? I, it's tricky, and I don't know enough, I see these places packed, and I see the racetracks crowded and fans for every team there, and say you're a Williams fan, are you just rooting for points this weekend? Or if you're a Ferrari fan, are you rooting for a good constructors' showing, or do you want to see Leclerc or Sainz try to win the race or end up on the podium? When you watch other sports here in this country, you know, you're rooting for the team, to advance as far as they can, and you have favorite players on that team. But with Formula One, I find it very unique that you have a team, you have drivers, there's rivalries within the team, there's rivalries between teams, there's rivalries between drivers. So if anyone out there wants to let me know what they root for, in a year when it's going to be pretty tough to get to the front of the grid, what is it you're looking for? Is Fernando Alonso impressing everyone out there, is he the sleeper for the season? I mean, I know personally in my house, we root for Mercedes to do well, and we'll continue to root for them to do well, but I also am finding some joy in these midfield teams and watching the progress week to week, which is important, you know, for the development of any team, Formula One, Major League Baseball, Cricket, whatever it is. You have to make strides in development every week, every day, you know, but I just don't know what Formula One fans are looking for. Are you looking for your favorite team to do well? Are you looking for your favorite driver to do well? Are you rooting against other teams? These are the things I'd like to hear about. So if anyone out there wants to shoot me an email, or tweet me at F1FunCast, or email at F1FunCast at gmail.com, I'd love to hear about it, because as I've made clear here in the early going of this podcast, I'm a very new fan. I'm new to this, I know what I like and what I don't like, but there's a deeper layer here. There's another level where people are rooting for things that I can't even see. You know, when they reel these cars out onto the track, and people are showing me, look at this, look at that adjustment they made here and there, I can't even see them, if I'm being honest. I'm still at the point, I'm just seeing the times on the laps, I'm seeing the delta between drivers, and that's really what I'm watching. Unless you send me a video or a picture with specific circled adjustments that have happened on the cars, I can't see it. But I know this year everyone's excited for their car upgrades to come in, and I'd love to hear what your favorite team, what you're looking for out of them this year. So shoot me a text or an email, let me know who your favorite drivers are, who you root for as a team, who maybe you don't root for, if there's a villain in your mind or someone that you'd like to see stumble a little bit, get knocked off their high horse, that's good too. You know, that's part of sports. I grew up in the US, I'm a Boston Red Sox fan, and we hate the New York Yankees to the point where sometimes, silly as it might sound, we root for the Yankees to do poorly more than we would root for our own team to do well. And this year with a lot hanging in the balance and a lot undecided in the midfield, I wonder, you know, are we out there rooting for just your team? What would you look at? Just let me know. I'd love to hear it. Send me a message about what you look at on race weekend to get yourself through the weekend when you know Red Bull's probably going to be quite far ahead for the season. So that's our first Pit Stop Pod. Shoot me an email, text me, tweet me, at F1FunCats, and I'll see you guys, talk to you guys this week.

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