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Nothing to say, yet
Hello and welcome. We are making a new website called Fables and Myths. How do you say that myth? Myths. Yeah, it's difficult for me to say. Plural, that's the thing. Many myths and many fables are out in the world today. Legends and people want to watch fantasy films. They want to watch all sorts of fables and myths. And gaming. Yeah. What people say it's from the enemy. Then TV came and Christians said it is from the enemy. And every time technology has advanced with the devices we know from the Bible as Satan's devices, Christians have said that it's of the enemy. And today it's difficult to imagine a life without a smartphone. But if you go 100 years back, maybe we had radio 200 years ago, we didn't even have radio or TV and internet and gaming and porn and what have you. All this is something we are used to today. But imagine if you lived 200 years ago and somebody told you that one day everybody will be able to search for anything and be able to get a presentation of the result. The information right at hand. People wouldn't believe you 200 years ago if you said so. But God actually showed Paul how it would end. How it all would end in the revelation. No, John. John, sorry. John in the revelation of the Bible. And he must have been shocked seeing in a vision how it would be. And of course they had no knowledge of nuclear things or electricity or anything like that in those days. But he describes wonders in the sky and on the earth and fire and all sorts of things that sort of seem to reflect that sort of action of nuclear bombs. That sort of warfare. Lohaina, yeah. Lohaina, that fire came down from the sky and just took it all. Yeah. Yeah. Those poor people. So people want to hear about fables and myths when they don't want to hear the truth. It says they will not hear sound doctrine in the latter days. Yeah, we go into the scripture now. Yeah. The second epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, verse 1 to 12. Can you read it, honey? No, we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition who opposes and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he has God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. Remember ye not that when I was yet with you, I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed at his time. In his time. In his time. For the mystery of inequity does already work. Only he who now let us will let until he be taken out of the way. And then shall the wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceitfulness. Deceivableness. I think it's deceitfulness. Deceivableness. Okay. Of unrighteousness in them that perish. Because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned to believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Yeah. And when it says in the middle of this statement that the wicked will be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. That happens after the withholding Holy Spirit is taken out in the verse before. For the mystery of iniquity does already work. Only he who now let us will let until he be taken out of the way. Yeah. And the Holy Spirit withholds that evil a little bit so it doesn't have freedom to operate in the world as it wants to. Yeah. And when the church, the true church, the bride of Christ is taken out, most of the Holy Spirit will be gone from the earth. It will only be certain people that will have an experience of the Holy Spirit. Just like in the Old Testament before Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the new believers in the New Testament. Yeah. And as we read here in the end that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. We have to ask ourselves the question, do we find pleasure in unrighteousness because it's convenient or because we don't want to face the truth? What is our motive? Are we finding pleasure in righteousness or unrighteousness? Do you enjoy dirty jokes? Do you enjoy music that states things about Satan and about evil things? Do you dance to that rock and roll music that is sort of heavy metal and talks about death and destruction and the things of Satan? I mean, where are you at? What do you enjoy? Yeah. If a person gets stuck in a situation, are you then trying to bring peace into the situation? Or are you mocking that person together with other people? Yeah. Or are you allowing that person to be attacked and don't interact? Don't defend them. We have to be peacemakers to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Yeah. The sons of God are peacemakers. Yeah. High priest after Jesus who is after the order of Melchizedek, a priest forever. He is the high priest and we are a holy priesthood under him. And we should act as though we are holy. That does not mean being judgmental of other people. It just means being understanding, patient, loving, have self-control, the works of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit and produce the fruits of the Spirit. Yeah. Yeah. Verse 2 to 4. Verse 2 to 4. As the day of the Christ is at hand, let no man deceive you by any means. For that day shall not come except the comer falling away first. That falling away has happened. And then it says, and that the man of sin be revealed. You know, there is many men of sin. Many men of sin. We all have been, if we are not, a man of sin or a woman of sin. But here the Bible talks about one specific person that the man of sin be revealed. But it also has a global meaning, I believe, that Jesus is going to separate the goats from the sheep. And everybody will... Today it is so that people that don't follow Jesus most often excuse themselves. They have excuses for pretty much everything they don't take responsibility for. And when you don't take responsibility, you might feel like a victim. But the truth is, everybody is a victim in this world. Everybody is a victim. If you are blaming your parents for a bad childhood, imagine how your parents had it when they had parents. You know, we all try to... No, not all. We try to do our best mostly as people. The Bible says the wicked man even treats his animals badly. But when you don't take responsibility, you are blaming somebody else and that's called projection. Projection. Projecting. That when you don't take responsibility, you blame somebody else for what you ought to take responsibility for. And you project it over on them. We have been accused for many things, my wife and I. And many times we could see right through it that it was just projection. That the person in front of us was not taking responsibility. And I know it can be difficult to take responsibility. I didn't know how to take responsibility. I had a rough childhood where I lived on foster homes. And went into rehab at a young age. Yeah, I abused everything. You could abuse pretty much of drugs and alcohol. And I mixed it all together. But God taught me to take responsibility because I wanted to find pleasure and righteousness. I wanted the truth. And many times when we blame somebody, we point finger at them. But when you look at your hand, your pointing finger is pointing forward. Your thumb is pointing upwards. And your three fingers are pointing back at yourself. For example, a little child that says, that's not fair. I want fairness. Or what do you call that? Justice. Justice. I want justice. But do you really want justice? Because God judges the church first. Meaning, if you are a follower of Jesus, you will be judged before everybody else. But you see, there is a wonderful thing with the gospel of... Let me just look it up, Kate. Okay, dear. The gospel. Because we are judged and found pardoned by the blood of the Lamb. Our sins are covered and we are pardoned. Our salvation comes from faith in Jesus, in his finished work. Yeah. That if, from Romans 10, 9, 10. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, meaning you make Jesus your Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness. And here again it's about finding pleasure in righteousness and not unrighteousness. And with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. So the gospel is very simple. If you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, meaning when you follow Jesus and give him your life, actually it's just, it's not a present you give to the Lord that you give your life to him. Actually, it's him giving his life instead of your life. He is trading his justice and his righteousness with your guilt and your shame and everything sinful you have done. He is trading that off and he went down into hell because every sin in the world that was covered by Jesus' blood put him in, killed him and put him in Hades. That's called the divine exchange. Yeah, and many people don't really remember or know what Jesus did when he went to Hades. But actually, Jesus, he preached the gospel for three days in Hades. And this is maybe a bit difficult to understand. If you don't understand it, maybe it's because you're not meant to understand it yet. But because Jesus preached the gospel to everybody in Hades, it means people that lived before Jesus came and people that have never heard about Jesus and dies, they will hear the gospel when they go to Hades and then they will be judged according to how they lived their life. And the Bible can be boiled down to two scriptures, two verses. Do you know where it's written that if thou believe, make the Lord, it is, I don't remember it, do you? I don't know what you're talking about. Okay, let me see if I can remember it. Honor God with all your might, all your strength and all your will. The Ten Commandments. No, it was in the New Testament. Jesus said, on these two, the whole law is, let's try to search for it. The whole law. Galatians. Yeah, 514, we go to Galatians 514. 514, yeah. So all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. That is the law. Love your neighbor as thyself. I like the verse before that as well. Yeah, you can read it. For brethren, verse 13, for brethren, ye have been called unto liberty. Only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. Yeah. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even this, even in this. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. And I would add to that, begin it with, thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul. Mind and strength. Yeah. There is another place, I think it's in the Gospels. Jesus says, love your God with all your heart, with all your mind and all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself. Yeah, these two commandments. In those two commandments, the whole law is fulfilled. That's the new law under Jesus, which the Jews don't live by. And you might wonder who we are, me, Danny, and my wife, Kate, Catherine. We are simple-minded people. We have had a rough life, both of us, in different ways. And I would not say, well, I would not say I'm a Christian, or we are Christians. I would rather say we try to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Yeah. And trust Him with everything. Yeah. That means that we try not to worry and concern ourselves for the small stuff. We're looking at, from Jesus, from a bird perspective, on the whole picture. Yeah. The big picture. Yeah. And in the big things, in the big picture, Jesus has taken care of all the details. Yeah. We can trust Him with our lives, our souls, our children, our families, our network, with everything. With our finances, with everything. Now, being a Christian was not something they called themselves when they started to follow Jesus. Actually, Christian was a name people around them gave them because they looked like Jesus. And if somebody says to you, I'm a Christian, you ought to ask the question, do they look like Jesus? Not physically, but in how they live their life. Does it reflect what Jesus did and how He lived and how He preached? What type of character do they have? Do they find pleasure in righteousness and not unrighteousness? Do they try to bring peace? Yeah. And does the Holy Spirit live in their hearts? Are they Spirit filled? Yeah. And guided by the Holy Spirit? Because if they're not, then they have no part in Jesus. That's what the Bible says. You have to have the Holy Spirit to be in Jesus Christ. Ten years ago, my wife and I, we got married. We have been married for ten years now. And as soon as we got married, we started to read the revelation of the Bible. And it was scary to read it. And if you're reading the Bible and think anything in it is scary, it's because we don't live the way we ought to. And we didn't live the way we ought to when we read the revelation. We had demons affecting our life. And we had manifestations when we tried to find out our position in the Lord and about the future. We looked into the Mark of the Beast right away when we got married. And I said to Kate that I had examined about the Mark of the Beast earlier in my life, but I had not touched it for five or ten years. And I said, let's look it up. There is something called the Veritchip. And we looked up the Veritchip and people talked about the Veritchip being the Mark of the Beast. So when we searched the scriptures for telling about the future, we actually got scared. And the Bible tells us not to be scared, but to be comforted with the Holy Spirit. And if you are scared in any way in your life, just know that God has a peace that passes all understanding. And what scares us is what comes into our mind. Things that scares us don't scare us other ways than through the mind. So the battle is in the mind, you can say. And when we don't live according to what we ought to do, we get scared. We just get scared. And the whole world is scared today. There are two types of fear. There is fear from being attacked and being accused of things by the enemy. That has no positive outcome. That just brings fear into your heart and mind. And then there is fear of the Lord God. That is wholesome and holy. And when we are convicted of something by the Holy Spirit, He always gives us a solution for that problem. He always comforts us and helps bring us to our knees before God where we humble ourselves and repent. And it says in one of the letters of John in the last books of the Bible. It says, when you confess your sin, Jesus is righteous and just to forgive you your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. And that is so comforting. That when we confess our sins to Jesus, He cleans us up. He helps us stand again when we have been kneeling before Him. He helps us carry on. And here we have it again, unrighteousness. That is what He cleanses us for. And then we should learn to find pleasure and righteousness. And it is not easy because sometimes we get stuck in a situation where we don't want to be. But we have to defend the poor, the blind, the widows and the fatherless. We have to protect people. And God teaches us to take responsibility. When I talked about being saved, I wanted to say that the moment you give your life to Jesus, He forgives you everything you have done wrong. And you are justified in that moment. But beyond that, you have to clean up your mess every time you make a sinful action. And you have to ask forgiveness. And Jesus will teach us to ask for forgiveness. But let's say, I can be honest and say, I had a problem with porn before I met Kate. And I often prayed to the Lord to take it away from me. But then when I wanted to see porn or masturbate, the Lord told me not to. And I ignored His warning. And when we ignore God's warnings, we are taking action into our own hands. And we are responsible for our actions. And you see, many people don't know they are responsible for their actions. And that's a huge problem. It's a huge problem. Because sin leads to more sin. And sin is dynamic. So you might say, well, I don't hurt anybody by masturbating or watching porn. It only hurts myself and it doesn't bring harm to anyone. And that's not true. It will develop into something more. I just saw a clip of a guy in a toy store. He was in a toy store and there was a lady kneeling down to look at some toy. And he took his smartphone and slid it under her dress, her skirt, and filmed her from underneath. And another lady filmed him when he did it. And she said, excuse me, what are you doing? And he got arrested. And he was a volunteer in a church, just been baptized, and he was also a volunteer at a school. So you see, his actions started with watching porn, but it led him down a road for being arrested and being kicked out of the school and the church. And actually that road leads to destruction. That is the broad road that the most people in humanity go on. The road to destruction, not the narrow road that leads to eternal life. And all sin leads to death. It kills, and it kills more than we understand. You might know that one word can kill a situation. And it takes many words to build up again after you say one bad word. It takes at least ten times as many good words to make up for the one word. And you cannot make up, because we will always be able to remember that bad word we said. And that's where Jesus comes in, because he erases our sins and removes it from us. And we become a new creation. And he says in his word, resist the devil and he will flee from you. He also says, greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. So as you see, when we give our life to Jesus, he forgives us everything immediately. But then as time goes by, he will teach us to take responsibility for some of the actions we have made in our life. And in some cases, we will have to go to people and ask forgiveness for what we have done to them. And it's not always enough to ask forgiveness from the Lord. In some cases, you need to go to that person you violated and ask forgiveness. And if they don't want to give you the forgiveness, God will give it to you in their place. So God teaches us to take responsibility gradually from the moment we give our life to him and onwards. Yeah. And continually cleansing us and helping us. Yeah. Helping us walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Yeah. Helping us walk in prepared works that the Holy Spirit leads us in. Yeah. And the Holy Spirit gives us strength for each day. He helps us with everything we do. And we should just continually be in prayer with thanksgiving for the things that we receive from him. Now here, I think we need to take it from verse 7. For the mystery of iniquity does already work. Only he that now led us will lead until he be taken out of the way. That's the Holy Spirit. Yeah. And then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming. Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and dying wonders. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. So you see, God, he gave us what our heart desires. If our heart desires unrighteousness, that's what we're going to get. But if our heart desires righteousness, that's what we're going to get. God only gives people what their heart's desire is. And the consequences... Well, we're all going to die, but some people will perish. They will go into... we will all be judged, but you know... They will go into the second death. They will go into the second death because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie. So after the rapture, if you find pleasure in unrighteousness, you will get a strong delusion. And you will believe the lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness. So... So you have to ask yourself the question, what do I find pleasure in, and how do I change? If you do the same thing today as you did yesterday, and expect different results, that's insanity. You will not get another result unless you change your actions. And that leads us to the next passage here, the second epistle of Paul to Timothy, chapter 4, verse 1-8. Out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, that is to encourage with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. But after their own lusts shall they heap up to themselves teachers, having itchy ears. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. This is Paul foreseeing his own death. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day. And not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Yeah. Oh, we look forward to it. Yeah, we do. It would be wonderful if we can say the same things as he says here in the end. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. You see, finding pleasure in righteousness will actually give you a crown. You will be crowned, and you will receive righteousness beyond measure. Which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day. And not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Do you love the appearing of the Lord, or do you hate him? If you hate him, you are blaming somebody else, and you are not taking responsibility. If you fear the coming of Jesus, then please review what your belief is in, and how you live your life. Because there is something wrong if you fear his coming. If you do not look forward to it, then there is something wrong. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, is a verse I have read. I do not know where it is in the Bible, but that is fearful for those who do not believe in Jesus. For us who do believe in Jesus, we are like God's little children. We are thinking loving thoughts of him, not fearful thoughts. We trust him. We trust him with everything. We can, with encouragement for one another, come to his throne of grace, and be comforted by his presence, not afraid of him. We can enjoy being in his presence. Now, we as followers of Jesus, we know how it is to have itchy ears. It will also affect us if we are not careful. Let me give you an example. A week ago, I said that I wanted to see some entertainment on the computer. We have a big screen we have the computer set up for, and we are not watching normal mainstream TV. We are selective in what we are watching. And I did an exception, and I said, I want to see something funny and be entertained for a few days. And I searched for one word, and that led to another search result. So I ended up searching for fail compilations. First, I think I searched for animals, funny animals or something. But I saw a funny fail compilation in that result, and that led me there. So you see, as I said, one thing leads to another if we are not careful. And while I was watching all these fail compilations, there was a lot of young girls that dressed unseemly. Yeah, they were in clothes that revealed too much of their skin, and they were in positions that were sort of enticing and filmed to get men excited. Yeah, and that's how the world is today, that everything is, most things are mixed with either violence or sex to get us hooked up in it. And I said after a while, I said to Kate, I cannot watch this anymore, it's too much with all these interruptions. Because there was many funny and good moments, but then all this ruined it for me. And it was not good. So this was my eyes seeing something, and I was tempted from my first search result to search another term, and that led me down that road where I had to stop it. But it's just the same with the ears, with the eye, the Bible actually talks about it, the evil eye, it cannot be fed, it will always be hungry. Oh, it will not be satisfied. It will never be satisfied, the evil eye, and that's what the enemy tries to do, he tries to appeal to our evil eye, and that one thing leads to another. If I continue watching this, it will lead to some action somehow, and we would not like that, because we find pleasure in righteousness. So sometimes we have heard things that were tempting to listen to, but something in us said, this is not good to listen to. That company corrupts good morals. And there was a time, oh, it must be about six years ago now or so, that we invited a neighbor to come for Christmas, he had no one to spend Christmas Eve with, and that's when the Danes celebrate Christmas dinner. And we invited him to come and eat for Christmas with us and be with us, and he just started telling dirty jokes, and we told some that we could remember, and we all laughed together, and it just escalated, and I saw it as ruining the whole mood of the celebration. It was no longer about Jesus, it was about worldly things and evil things. So even though we were so affecting him, he just ruined everything. Yeah, a bad apple ruins the whole bunch is what we say in North America, and it is so true. Sometimes people in churches have had to throw somebody out of the congregation because they've been bringing witchcraft and sorcery and gossip and evil into the church and have functioned to scatter the people of the church, not to have union with them, not to have good fellowship with them in Christ. They haven't had Christ in them. So I explained that with a lie. Oh yeah, there's a story a minister told once that I find very accurate in its description of what gossip is. There was a woman that was gossiping in an Italian little village, and the pastor took her up in the church tower at the top of it where the bell was, and he brought a pillow with him, and he slid a hole in the pillow, and he said to her, he said to her, now shake out the feathers, and the winds picked up the feathers and blew them all over the village. And he said to her, now go down and pick them all up. And she said, I can't do that. They are scattered everywhere. And he said, that's how it is with gossip. It just eats away at the whole village, and it spreads everywhere, and you can't take it back again. It's evil. There is even a rumor among the Jews that Jesus, he was removed from the grave by his disciples, and that lie will exist until Jesus comes back again, and justify, bring order to this world. And Jesus is coming very soon. We believe it's this year, and we also believed that last year. And the year before. Yeah, but the Bible talks about this season of Jesus coming as a pregnancy, and a marriage. He talks about the birth pains increasing in their magnitude and becoming more frequent, hurrying up and building up until the actual birth happens. And he compares his coming to that situation. And as we see things escalate in the Middle East, and throughout the world, also in Ukraine, and we see more and more earthquakes. We see more and more volcanoes erupting. We see more and more tsunamis, the foaming seas, as it says in Luke. And the Bible talks about when they say peace and security, then sudden destruction will come over them, and that will bring the end. They have, in the UN, since August to February 23-24, in those few months, they said peace and security more than 300 times in the UN, on streams from their meetings. So they're saying it all the time now, and that's where Jesus said we have to look up, because our redemption draws nigh. We don't know it's this year, but we are so certain that it will happen very soon. As we say, Kate and I, some days we say one day closer, when we finish the day, and we are counting the days. It could happen 40 days after the solar eclipse. In the UN. Even the solar eclipse was attacked. We heard a story about they are now able to make fake solar eclipses, and that would just ruin what God has said in his Bible. That the moon and the sun and the stars are made to announce seasons and signs and wonders in the sky. In 2017, there was a fulfillment of a vision, a revelation from the Bible about a woman that gave birth to a child and had a crown of 12 stars. That was fulfilled 7 years prior to this year, like a warning, and then we had the solar eclipse back then, and now we have the solar eclipse again. There are so many things you can search and look for if you need some convincing about the Bible being true. But so much of the Bible is fulfilled these days, these years, that it's easy to believe, because God has made it very easy to see that he exists. It's obvious. But you still have to choose to believe it. That's your responsibility. Yeah. You have to choose to follow Jesus. You cannot blame God for not convincing you about he exists. That's not on God's hand. That's on your hand. You are responsible for your actions and how you live your life and how you treat your neighbor. We all are responsible for our actions. And yet, even if you have been faultlessly loving your neighbor and tried to do the very best you can, it's only through Jesus that we come to the Father. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. Yeah. And that is so critical to realize that, that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Yeah. As a friend of mine asked me once, she said, are you sure Jesus is the only way? And I said, well, if you were God and you had your only son who you dearly love, would you put him through all the things Jesus went through on the cross and the beating and all the things that he suffered? Would you put him through that if there was another way? And she said, no, I wouldn't. And I said, yeah, it's obvious that that's the only way. Yeah. The book of Proverbs, chapter 3, verse 1 to 18. This is a rather big mouthful. My son, forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my commandments. For length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee. Find them about thy neck, write them upon the table of thine heart. So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man. This is one of my favorite verses. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path. This is verse 5 and 6. Trust in the Lord and not leaning to your own understanding. And then hand it over to God and listen to him so he can direct thy path. We have it after Kate's wish written on a wall in our bedroom. And that will be a scripture for those that will live in this house after we have raptured out of here. They will be able to get up every day and read that scripture. Not to trust your own understanding. And faith and understanding, they are opposed to each other. Faith takes over where the mind gives up. Faith goes beyond what the mind can comprehend. That's why we need to believe in God. Because he goes further than what we can believe being convinced about it. Well, our perceptions are sometimes false. Because of all the deception in the world. Because we're living in sometimes animated situations that are just false data. We're being deceived all the time. And people lie to us constantly. People who we normally would trust are not trustworthy anymore. No. And verse 7. Be not wise in thine own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones. Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. My son, despise not the chastening, the discipline of the Lord. Neither be weary of his correction. For whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth. Even as a father, the son in whom he delighteth. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom. And the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver. And the gain thereof than fine gold. This is wisdom spoken about here. Wisdom is more precious than rubies. And all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared to her. Length of days is in her right hand. And in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are always of pleasantness. And all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her. And happy is everyone that retaineth her. Yeah. She brings peace. Yeah, and pleasantness. And many people misunderstand what wisdom is. Many people think that plenty of information is wisdom. But that's not the case. Wisdom is to know what is the right thing to do in every given situation. And to have wisdom you have to be led by the Holy Spirit. Yeah. Simply, you must have the Holy Spirit leading you to gain wisdom. Because wisdom is from God. And lots of the knowledge in the world today is from the world. It is devilish. It is demonic. It is worldly wisdom. And that's from the Bible. Knowledge. You want knowledge. No, no, no. It is in James 3.13. James 3.13. I knew it was in James. Okay, up, down. James 3.13. For who is a wise man and doeth with knowledge among you? Let him show out of his good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion in every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. Peacemakers again. And righteousness again. Yeah, exactly, righteousness. God, he spoke to Kate and I, I think it's between one and two years ago, about finding pleasure in righteousness or unrighteousness. And since that time, we have just stumbled upon it so many times, where you can ask yourself this question in every given situation. Am I finding pleasure in unrighteousness? So help me God. Yeah. Or am I finding pleasure in righteousness? Am I doing the right thing? And God will build our character. It is Jesus that prepares the bride for himself. Through the Holy Spirit leading and teaching and counseling us, and the wisdom he gives to us through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is at work in us all the time. And as it says in Philippians at the beginning of the book, for I'm sure that God will complete the good work he started in you, till the day of Christ's coming. He's at work in us all the time, helping us and teaching us and showing us the right way to do things. There is actually a right way of doing things. God's way is the right way. And when we use our imaginations and try and figure things out ourselves, it usually doesn't work out to our benefit. My son, despite not the chastening of the Lord, neither be wary of his correction. For whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth, even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. It's only because God loves us, he corrects us. And the Bible also talks about having many counselors. Not too many, but it's good to have some counselors that has wisdom and that can discern the will of the Lord to speak into our lives. And it also says that Jesus learned obedience through suffering. Yeah. Been there, done that. Yeah. We must not be bitter over having to suffer sometimes. No. Because if we suffer for the gospel and for Jesus, there will be a great reward for that. Yeah. And we have to take it patiently. We have to not grumble and complain, but praise God in all situations. Yeah. Okay. I have to correct this. It has to be like this. The gospel according to John 8, 42 to 47. John 8, 42. Jesus said unto them, If God were your father, he's talking to the Pharisees. If God were your father, ye would love me. For I proceed forth and came from God. Neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not, which of you convinces me of sin, convicteth me of sin. And if I say the truth, why do you not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words. Ye therefore hear them, not because ye are of God. Because ye are not of God. Ye hear them not because ye are not of God. Exactly. Pardon me. It's okay. This is a measurement. Do you understand the Bible when you hear about it, or don't you understand it? If you don't understand it, then the enemy, the devil, is your father. And that leads me to say something many people don't realize. Many people say, I don't want to believe in a God that sends people to hell. But actually, God doesn't send anyone to hell, of humans, that is. Hell was made for Satan and his angels. It was never meant for humans. And you can read about that in the Bible. But God had a rescue plan for mankind, because no one sinned against God. And we would have done the same thing. Curiosity killed the cat. And Adam and Eve didn't know what death was, so they didn't take it serious. And neither would we have done. We would have done exactly the same thing. And that's because we have free will. God doesn't force us to do anything, but He gives us what our hearts desire. And if our hearts desire unrighteousness, we blame others, we demand blood. And the only blood we're going to get is Jesus' blood. But if we don't want to receive Jesus' blood, we have to pay with our own blood. Yeah. Yeah. Is that it for this? Well, Jesus said, my sheep know my voice. Yeah. And I just pray to God that He will reveal Himself to all of us and be present with us daily, that we may worship Him in the Spirit and in truth. Yeah. It is my prayer for you, all of you, that you have true knowledge of Jesus. Yeah. And He is the way to the Father. He is the way to the Kingdom and eternal life. And we want to be adopted by the Father so that we're joint heirs with Jesus. Yeah. And that is promised to us in the Bible. Please read the Gospel of John if you're unsure of who Jesus is and are unsure of if He's real or not. Pray to Jesus. Talk to Jesus and read the Gospel of John. It goes Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the beginning of the New Testament. John is the fourth of the Gospels. And it is completely different from the others. Yeah. I would recommend it as good reading. I just want to address something here, Kay. Many people today talk about the rapture. Some people, even Christians, don't believe in the pre-trib rapture. Kay and I, we don't even call it pre-trib rapture. We just call it the snatching away of the bride. And we have talked about the bride being ready for Jesus' coming. Even in a Pentecostal church, we stepped up and talked about it. And the pastor said, that's true and it's not true. But that cannot be. Either it's true or it's not. But he just deceived the whole congregation and said, you don't need to believe in what we said. We tried. But if people don't want to hear the truth, they will believe in fables and myths. And legends. And that's what they're going to get because the enemy, he's busy. And he is going to give people the fantasies they desire. And you can't just say God is the greatest God and have other gods in your life. No. Like your children, your house, your car, your friends. If you place those things before Christ in your... Yeah. Life. Yeah. Your priority has to be Christ. Yeah. And Christ alone. And even if you lose everything, if you have Christ, you have it all. So when people talk about, you need to give your life to Jesus if you want to get saved before he comes as the bride. Because if you're not taken out as the church of Christ, you will have a far worse future. Because it will be a tough time. Some people call it the great tribulation. But actually, that's not correct according to our understanding of it. It is the wrath of God. It is the wrath of God. And it is also called the hour of temptation. And God has shown us in a vision why it is an hour of temptation. Because everything will go nuts and perversion will go rampant. It will be a mass psychosis. Yeah. Where nobody acts in a normal way with self-control. No. There is no more self-control left and people will just run the course of unrighteousness in every aspect of it. Yeah. So in a way, we are saying the best thing is to be saved before the rapture happens. But this is what I wanted to address. Actually, you should not want to save yourself. You should want to find pleasure in righteousness. That should be your motive. God is righteousness. He is the righteous judge. And He is the one that is going to judge everybody and everything. So if you want righteousness, that means God, God of the Bible, He is holy. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is holy and He expects us to be holy also. Yeah. And that the only way for us to be holy is through the blood of Christ that covers our sins and washes us white as snow. Yeah. And we have to believe in the resurrection of Christ and trust Him with everything. Talk to Jesus about it and He will explain it to you through the Holy Spirit. Yeah. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and He will give you wisdom. The Bible says those that try to save their life will lose it. But those that lose their life will find it. Yeah. And that should be our motivation that we are willing to give our life for what we believe in. Those who lose their life for the gospel's sake or for Jesus' sake will gain eternal life. Yeah. And every man has to die. Yeah. The Bible is clear about that. Everybody is meant to die and that is the way to pass on to eternity no matter where we go. If we go to hell or heaven. So death is just to enter another dimension. But the question is... Where do you want to spend eternity? And do you want to be trapped in a space of unrighteousness for eternity or righteousness? One of my teachers for learning the language here in Denmark she said hell is a big party where you smoke and drink and have sex with everybody and just party. And that is so much a lie. Yeah, it is. It just is not true at all. No. Don't buy into the lie. No. If you want a good time, I mean a really good time, wholesome, happy, pure, wonderful, beautiful time, you will have that in God's kingdom alone. That's the only place you'll find it. And actually God has something better than drugs. Yeah. God has so we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. And sometimes when you're filled with the Holy Spirit you get tipsy. But way better than any drug or alcohol. Well, it's a permanent attitude adjustment. It is and it doesn't have any side effects. Yeah. And that should not be our goal either because the Bible actually tells us while we are down here we should strive to be sober and single-minded. Yeah. So. Oh, bless the Lord, O my soul, that all that is within me praise His holy name. Can we close with a prayer then? No, we're not finished. Oh, okay. The gospel according to John chapter 6, verse 47 to 54. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven. That a man may eat thereof and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever. And the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves saying, how can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. And we apply this principle to our evening meal. If not, every time we sit at the table, we include Jesus in our fellowship with each other and we remember his sacrifice at Calvary. Yeah, actually, this can be confusing if you don't know what it means. It's not cannibalism like the Catholics make it. The Catholics actually make it Jesus' physical body and his literal blood, but that's not what's meant with it. What's meant with it is that we take part in the life Jesus lived, that we follow him and live the life, that we learn obedience through suffering. That we carry our own cross. That we carry our own cross and that we identify with Jesus and take part in his life, doing his will and walking the way he leads us. That's what's meant with it, that we remember what he did and that we follow him and do the same things as he did. Yeah. That's the meaning of it. It's not cannibalism. No. And the early church in the book of Acts, the Acts of the Apostles, it talks about the early church having meals together, meeting daily for the evening meal and remembering Jesus in their communion with each other. It wasn't just a dry cracker and a sip of wine at a church. And they shared everything they had. Exactly. And there is a story about a man and a wife that said they would sell their house and give the money to the church. And first the man comes back to the disciples. He lies. He lies about it and gives them the money. He says it's the full amount and actually he held some back and kept some of the money himself and lied about it. When it was his free will to give or not give, he could have said this is 60% of what I sold the house for and I'm keeping the rest for my old age or whatever. But he didn't tell the truth. No. He deceived the Holy Spirit. And then he died. Yeah. He blew out the air and he died. And then his wife came a little later and she also lied about it. And they said, there comes the men that carried your husband away. Now they can carry you away. And then she blew out the air and died. And she was buried also. So that just goes to show if you want to follow the Lord but lies against it and find pleasure in unrighteousness but act like you are doing righteousness, there is a consequence. It was to teach us an example and have... Godly fear. Godly fear. Godly fear is not that you are shaking in your pants but it is actually that you take God really serious. And respect Him. Yeah. Don't try and deceive the body of Christ or try and deceive Christ because He knows everything. Yeah. Christ knows all of our doings and all of our lies and sins. Yeah. And He died for our sins. Yeah. So don't keep doing things like that. No. Tell the truth. Yeah. The family we get in heaven and we only get to heaven if we only become the bride of Christ if we have the helmet of salvation. Meaning we have... The Bible talks about God's full armor and part of the armor is the helmet that we have the faith that Jesus will come and save us. Our living hope. That He will come back and rapture us out. That is the helmet of salvation. And then we need to have the shield of faith that we believe God and that will make us able to have a shield. And the breastplate of righteousness. Well, these two last are mentioned in the scripture about the coming of the Lord. Those are the most important to have if you want to become the bride. That's what I wanted to point out. But if you are not becoming the bride of Christ and are left behind you will 99% sure have to be killed for your faith because the enemy will make the world worship him and if you don't worship him and take his mark you will be executed. Lose your head. So, we are not trying to scare you. We are just trying to present the truth to you So, in case you want to find pleasure and righteousness you have the option to do so. But if you want to find pleasure and unrighteousness then you know what you can expect. It's all up to you. We cannot and we will not force anybody to follow the Lord. It's a free choice and everybody has their free will. We totally respect that. Of course, we would be happy if we meet you in heaven and that's what I wanted to say with it. Our true family is those that follow the Lord when we follow the Lord and we will be with them and that will be more real than your family here on earth. It will be more real and it will be true and it will be righteousness. Of course, we pray for all our loved ones and all our network that they all should come to know Jesus. Yeah, we do. We just commit them to his care and you know Jesus loves us all so much that he really suffered for us. You have no idea of what he went through. All the physical things and spiritual things that he suffered. The mental anguish. It is incredible what Jesus went through for us all and we must recognize him as Lord. Okay. Thank you for listening and may God bless you. God bless you and keep you. God make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. God lift up his countenance toward you and give you peace in the name of Jesus. Remember to always let the Holy Spirit guide you if you want to find pleasure and righteousness. Yeah. Bye for now. Bye for now.