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The main ideas from this information are: - Presentations should be simple and easy to understand in order to motivate recruits and clients. - Too much information can overwhelm prospects and create fear and doubt. - The purpose of a presentation is to motivate recruits to join and clients to become customers. - Setting an appointment is a presentation aimed at motivating the person to meet with you. - Motivating people involves telling them what they will gain from the opportunity. - The key to setting appointments is making people feel like not meeting with you is a mistake. - The effectiveness of a presentation is measured by how many people it motivates to take action. - Building confidence in presenting skills is important for success. - Overcoming rejection and mastering the art of asking questions increases confidence and success. - Skill level determines success in sales and recruiting. - Overcoming objections becomes easier with practice and repetition. - Mastering different p Your presentation must make the new recruit and trainee feel like it's simple and easy and that they can do it that's why the more information the more scary it gets for the recruit who's watching and And it also makes it difficult for the client to make a decision because you overwhelm them with information either way It's a it's a negative thing, right? You've got to be very very careful about keeping it super super simple If your presentation is too complex with too much information It creates two problems it overwhelms the prospect you're recruiting and a client It creates fear and doubt in the recruit that they can't do Primerica and has a difficult time Understanding if too much information is presented the point of the presentation this old point of a presentation, okay? It's to motivate the new recruit to want to join or in a minute more about Opportunity and for the client to want to do an F&A and become a client. That's the point of a presentation It's to move people in a direction is to move them to action That's the point of any presentation your op night is is a point of a hot night is to move people to join our business And get involved every presentation has a purpose behind it Okay It's to move people even studying an appointment is a presentation when you are attempting to set an appointment with somebody You're you're what you're really trying to do is move the person to meet with you So if I call up if I call up Gary Cornegay, right and I and Rick Susie referred me to Gary I call up Gary, which is what this is what I would do. I'd say hey hi Gary. This is Hector Lamar We have a mutual friend in in Rick Susie. You know Rick right yeah, okay? Anyways, I was meeting with with Rick and Michelle earlier, and and I was able to help them pretty dramatic their financial situation I was able to show them how to get out of debt and in the next ten years I look like we're going to save about eighty thousand dollars in interest It looks like they're going to be able to retire five or ten years sooner They were on pace to to be four and they're just in a much much better shape They have more more more money because we reduce their debt as well And so when I talk to them about this about talking to other people they told me that you were the kind of person That if you could get out of debt really quickly much faster You're on pace to and you could save more money And you could make more money that you were the kind of person that would be motivated to do that is that true? Yeah, absolutely right well, then we need to get together. What day is better for you? I've got Wednesday or Thursday open which day works better for you. There is a five Thursday fantastic That's how I would do it so how I do it if I tell him what's going to happen what he's going to get so if I if I'm telling them that he's going to get out of debt sooner. He's going to save a bunch of money He's going to be retired sooner I'm going to tell him in advance what he's going to expect from me eating with me because I want him Motivated to meet with me, okay The way you motivate people to do anything is you tell them what's in it for them? What are they going to get same thing when you're recruiting somebody? What's in it for them joining right? Doubling their income you know having more freedom or whatever, but whatever it is You've got to the whole key to setting an appointment is to make the people feel Motivated to meet with you because they're going to get what they want That's how that's the that's the psychological part of studying an appointment with another person They've got to feel like not meeting with you is going to cost them. It's going to be a mistake You with me, so you've got to present it in such a way that it They feel like they're making a mistake by not meeting with you that that's that's all that's the trick to setting appointments So the actual presentation you use is not as it's not as important as effective as to motivate people to go ahead if you aren't Motivating a high percentage of people to go ahead, then you need to look at your presentation So if your presentation is not moving people to buy or join Then you need to revisit it take a look at it again, right see if it's really doing what I just said Is it is it inspiring them to want to move forward because it's going to give them what they want I don't know you got to make sure it does though, okay? By Improving this skill which is presenting your confidence that you could actually you primarily Succeed will soar when you feel confident. We can do something We are much more likely to put the effort forward to do that thing. It's true You know when you can do something you're more apt to do it the one thing I hated more than anything was being rejected So when I was starting this I didn't like being written. I got into sales. I didn't like being rejected I hated being rejected. It feels horrible to be rejected. I know how that feels and I didn't like it at all Okay, so what I did is I started listening to Tom Hopkins You've heard me say this a million times, but I literally did this I listened to how to master the art of selling anything those 12 tapes Two hours a day at least five days a week for three straight years So and I got really really good at doing what I just showed you asking questions and doing that I got I got really Comfortable with it. It was real easy for me right and so what it ended up happening two things happen, right? So I did that by by mastering how to overcome rejection it allowed me to become really confident right with the added benefit of a Reducing the rejection radically because I learned the art of asking questions So I didn't get very much rejection because I got so good at doing that and so I hardly experienced any rejection Very rarely what I get like rejected out of hands, okay now I might have to work and stuff like that, but it wasn't just like you know a straight-out rejection I at least I got people engaged I didn't close everybody, but I closed a really high percentage of people right and so that's the key to this whole thing That's why mastering that's so important. We would get we get rejected most often because our skill levels too low Like do you ever get calls from your people where they went on an appointment and they had cash bank insurance and everything and you go And they go up. I didn't close them that ever happened you guys huh, and you're thinking holy cow If I'd have been on that point that have been done done I would close them slam dunk no problem the difference between you and them is the skill level Their skill level causes them to lose sales and lose recruits your skill level cause you close more sales and close more recruits It's very simple right. It's not a complex issue We have here to build a big business So as you raise your skill level in anything that it gets easier and easier and actually becomes fun I got to the point where objections and the challenge of overcoming them. You know was actually fun for me I used to be like a look a game for me. I'd go in there I see one what they're gonna throw at me tonight. This is gonna be a lot of fun I saw I felt about it I didn't feel like oh I hope they don't ask me this or ask me that or you know I never felt that I just like let's go have some Fun and see what happens because I knew if they were rational people I could get them to go ahead now Sometimes you read irrational you mean irrational people and it doesn't matter what you tell me you can't get them to do anything But those are those are an aberration that doesn't happen that often it happens, but not that often right So when when you know how to do it professionally objections are merely an amusement I Tell people listen to the overcoming objections CD a hundred more times I'm really mean that over and over and over so you get you get the Kind of the the way to ask the questions the tonality the feeling behind it That's why you have to hear it over and over so you just get it And you know how to do it right because it seemed like I mean you get on a point And you know the objection it starts coming out and as soon as it comes out You're just going to ha ha and you're listening. I don't make sense and then you know exactly what you're gonna Do right you don't have to go okay? What do I say now? What do I say next you're not doing that? You just know exactly what to do, but your people are sitting there. Okay? What do I say now? How do I say this what do what I say next oh my god? I forgot I forgot on their brain freezes right and they can't close right that's why the repetition is so important right like I talked About tiger the eight the eight hours a day four days in a row versus you know the same 32 hours in 15 years big difference Okay, big difference All right until you can reflectively overcome the most common objections You will never be as great a great trainer, and you'll slow down your progress, so just commit to do it That's what you should tell people you just got to do it. How long is it going to take for you? Do I don't know how long it's going to take whatever it takes is what it takes you just got to do it though Right mass this is a fifth thing you got a master life insurance mutual funds and smart Not just life insurance judges smart not just mutual funds all of them You got to master all of them those of you that have the most well-rounded businesses you make the most money That's in prime America. It's just that simple you've got a well-rounded business, right? You kick butt your base shop you kick butt with the life and the secret you're gonna make the most money It's just it's not a it's simple right so you must know how each of these products works inside and out up and down every Detail why because to be able to teach them to be able to share the features and benefits to motivate people to buy them You have to know how they work so you can explain them clearly If you can't explain things in a clear way so that the client or the potential recruit understands it They're going to be having little doubt a little fear about going forward when people like I was talking to one of my aides I'm that Jose kid on the way. I said look when you don't close a He had a life sale where he went and he tried to close the first time couldn't close He had to come back And I asked him I said Jose if those people understood how cash value worked like you understood how it worked Would they have kept it? He said no of course not so then that's therein lies the problem You weren't able to articulate to them exactly how it works so they could understand it so they couldn't make the change They never understood it It's the same thing true with a smart loan if you you ever have people go on a smart loan that looks slam-dunk It should go ahead, but they don't close it guess what they weren't able to explain it to the to the prospective client It's such a way that the client could understand and feel comfortable to go ahead and feel like they are making the right choice It's the same thing with mutual funds when people are afraid to invest money if you can articulate how mutual funds work so that the Client feels comfortable. This is a really good choice. I need to do this. They're not going to do it So if you know the product inside and out then it's going to be easier for you to close more sales And if you can do that and you have trainees next to you, and they're watching you do that They're going to be much more apt to do that as well more importantly you're going to be a great trainer You're going to be able to train people on how to do it And you're going to get them when they're out and about closing more transactions if they close more transactions guess what they make more money Right everything works to your advantage in that way. It's just a simple thing, but you know what most people don't pay enough attention to that Okay, so you got to recruit the right people you must be able to articulate why joining us and offering the products We do will lead to helping people radically improve their financial life the better You know our products the more confident you'll be when presenting them people buy your self-confidence About what you're offering more than anything else assuming the product actually does what it says it does in our case It does people buy your self-confidence people buy that you know what you're doing that you know where you're going that this makes sense you know It's just a total different way of being you know you we follow people that are caught there's their self confidence if I was up Here going well. I think this works You're not going to follow that you're not going to get inspired by that You're going to get inspired by something to just you know Even if I was wrong if I come across like I know what the hell I'm talking about this is the way it is Right you're much more have to follow that than if I'm if I'm lack confidence The problem with most people why they can't grow teams and develop other people become rvp's is because they have such low Self-confidence the people that they're recruiting can feel it and it's hard for them to commit to that person Does that make sense so that's that's why you're caught self confidence the people self comes to your teammates is so important So that they're going to they're going to be much more Attractive the people are trying to recruit and they're going to be much more able to build a team if they have a lot of Self-confidence all of you that are doing well guess what you guys have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to prime Erica Which is why you're able to build decent Bay shops and make money and grow and do well, right? And and people that don't have it. They can't do that. They can't attract the right kind of people right So you'd be shocked at how many sales and recruits are missed because our agents don't know our products well enough I guarantee it happens so much. It's like frightening. How much is costing all of you and all of us We have so many people out there. They don't know what the hell They're doing happens every day in prime America right and another hierarchy is even worse, right? so You know as a result they can't get recruits and clients to understand how fantastic products and how to help the right people The people we should and would like to recruit want to feel that the products were offering people They care about will change their life and help them in a significant way So when you're recruiting the right kind of people what they want to know is that if you if I take you to see my brother My best friend my co-worker, you know, whatever I want to know that it's going to be really good for them and Their life's going to be enhanced by us visiting them and then we're not going to try to coerce them into buying something They don't want or need that's what that's what the new recruit wants to feel, right? They want to feel that they want to feel that this is really great Well the way you do that is you make sure they understand how this thing works, right? And what the products are and what they do for people give them some examples I think the best thing you could do the absolute best thing you do is take two or three of your very best F&A that you've done on really good clients where you've done a Decent life sale maybe a smart loan and some investments with them and then you and you take the F&A and then you do like A one-page synopsis of the F&A so you have the one-page synopsis of the F&A with the F&A You don't show them the F&A because it's too confusing right and even when you go back and present an F&A if I were Presenting F&A's I would have the F&A and I have a one-page synopsis of the F&A and I would go over it I would say this is your F&A, but that's a lot of information and it's going to confuse you Let me show you bottom line what you're going to get by implementing this F&A and then I go step by step by step and Show them exactly what they're going to get bottom line You're going to close more sales that way you're going to get people to see that More importantly when you're trying to recruit somebody if you just show them Let me just show you Jay a two or three clients that we sat down We helped look at this one right here We did this this and this and then let me show you this one this this and this now Let me ask you Jay if you could sit down with all your friends and neighbors and relatives and everybody and do this for them Can you think of any reason why you wouldn't want to do it? Especially if you could really help them in this way and then make money at the same time No bottom line if I was going to have him build a house for me. He's an architect, right? I'd want to see the plan right and then I want to see what's the budget? What's the bottom line that's going to cost me to do this? Okay, and how long is it's going to take right and pictures, right? Exact picture of the end exactly the better you could picture the end the better if you could show me That's why that's why architects do models of homes That's why they do now they do the drawings on computers with CADs where they can actually show you the finished product before they do It if you ever watch those design shows, they know they go and they show the house on computer How it's going to look after they do it. That's what allows people to go forward where they could visualize What's going to happen if I do business with you, right? What's going to happen? What's going to happen if I join your business? What am I going to get? What kind of money can I make what you know? I mean, that's what they want to know bottom line. You go to get your taxes done You don't want to know how they came up with a number. You just want to know what's the bill? How much did you save me? Right you get your car worked on, you know Go sit down with the with the with the macaque and say okay walk me step by step what you did here on my car No, you don't do that. You just look at the billions. How much is it? Is it working? See you later, right? You don't want to know every damn detail That's why really smart people struggle so much in primary because they can't get over not giving the details Right, it screws them up Totally screws them up, right? You scare people All right, six master recruiting crossing almost done here master recruiting across the kitchen table If you're going to build a business for your new recruit, you must master recruiting across the kitchen table You will lose new recruits if you do not build them a team during the field training process so if I'm recruiting, you know, if I'm recruiting mark and Sue right the bottom line is the if I can get in their market and get them talked into going on a bunch of Appointments and I can recruit three or four or five or six people. I'm gonna lock them in I mean, that's just a no-brainer if I can't but if I'm if I suck at recruiting across the kitchen table They take me on a bunch of appointments and we write some sales, but we don't recruit anybody. Guess what? They're out of here They're gone Okay, so Anybody that becomes an RVP is pretty damn good at recruiting cross-country table Or you wouldn't be one and all your people have to be get good at that too if they're going to become one It's the way you control your future is through doing being able to do that. You can't control your future if you can't do that Consistently well, you can't do it. All right. So by my mastery recruiting across the kitchen table, you're gonna inspire a new recruit They will see how it's possible build a sales force So if I take mark and then 10 15 sales and we recruit three or four or five people you're gonna go That's how you do it Oh now I can see how you can recruit people and then you get their list and you get them on the field and I can Now I can see how this actually works Instead of some op night. That's totally just a theoretical thing, right? They can see that it actually works and that's what gets a new recruit Most excited is seeing success in the home where it actually matters, right? That's what gets people pumped up That's what needs to get me pumped up I got pumped up every time I close the transaction recruit somebody across the kitchen table in anything and you got me excited Reexcited they'll learn how to recruit sell and build through observing you This will also lead to limitless appointments since each new recruit has a more market that they too will need to be trained in Right, so if I recruit four or five people and we do a good job of getting a list We can say we get 25 names per recruit That's a hundred and twenty five potential people to see if I do a great job of teaching them how to set appointments Then we're going to have just tons of people to see right? I mean, it's going to be all kinds of people But if you if you drop the ball here, then it's going to be difficult going to be challenging You'll never become a great RVP unless you become a great at recruiting across the kitchen table every appointment Potentially becomes an opportunity to grow your business when you're a master of recruiting across the choosing table Like if you're if you're really understand Prime America there the point of an appointment is not just to close sales That's that's that's going to happen if it makes sense The point is to use that as an opportunity to grow your business by recruiting them and getting excited about joining That's the point. The point is to grow your business every appointment. I want it was a recruiting a point Did I recruit everybody course not that I even want to recruit everybody? Of course not but every time I went there was the potential for that see and that's what I was thinking about. I Closing the sales the foregone conclusion for me. I knew I was going to do that if it made sense I wasn't hoping to close the sale Neal were you are you like you hope that's not even worry about that That's going to happen My more interested is this a viable recruit? Is he married children homeowner is this person have a good warm market to have credibility if they do shoot? I'm gonna you know I'm gonna shoot them with 20 barrels to get them excited about doing the business Right because this is a winner here that I could turn into something Right, so that's what it becomes every appointment becomes that that's why you as RVP should be in the field Not to write sales look you you've written enough sales You sure you don't need to write another sale But you need to recruit a bunch of more people and you need to teach people how to do that and how to grow a Business that's which that's the reason you need to be in the field not to write sales It's to teach people how to build their own business. That's the point you are trainers. You are developers of people That's what you're going to get paid big money for Chuck is to develop a bunch of Chuck Look at this you did 30 grand your baseline over 30, right? Now if you have ten people direct to you that are RVPs that do that can do you think you're doing something so Impossible that you couldn't teach another person to do that right now Okay So let's say over the next five years you find ten people that you can get them to that level of success that you currently Have right now. You're at three hundred thousand plus through first. You're making probably a two million dollars a year At this thing that's not that far away five years is nothing five years goes by like that Right, but if yet if that's not your intention if your intention is just to close sales to make money guess what? You'll never develop those three those RVPs. You'll never find it because you won't be looking for them You're looking to make money not to build a business That's the problem for most Primaricans and RVPs is that's what they do because let's think of it this way, right? If you haven't got to seven I'm almost there, but imagine you had Five six seven ten fifteen people in your base up that really actually truly master these things. What would happen? Oh my god, it'd be unbelievable On you'd be you times ten Right, which is what you really want, isn't it? Okay, so look people will gravitate to anything that they believe will allow them to get what they really want That's what we all do all of us do that, right? We gravitate to what we believe will give us what we want the more clearly you show them how great the need is for what we do how it makes a huge difference in the lives of People they meet with this will allow them to easily see the connection that through offering our products and opportunity They can build a great business that will allow them to get what they want That's that's the whole key the better you get a painting the picture and this is the key You've got to paint the picture for people you got us look You've got to be selling all the time you guys you got to be like selling selling and then selling some more, right? You're gonna sell your tail off to get people to do anything, right? So the better you get at painting the picture of how they will get what they want through starting their primary command is the easier It's going to get to recruit them People's reluctance and getting involved Frank is the result of them not believing they can do it So if I'm talking to Gary about getting involved to say Gary look I know you I know that you're really motivated You want to really a much better lifestyle than you know your industry the music business obviously you've run around or run across People that that that have been highly successful, right? I mean you talked to me about that some of the things that you've done in the past, right? You've met some people that are really successful. I'm assuming you want to be like them in terms of the success factor Is that correct course, okay? So let me just tell you if you get involved with me based on what I showed you how our business works How the product the products are phenomenal aren't they our loan products phenomenal our life insurance products phenomenal our investment products our whole F&A system Our villages help people is really an incredible thing obviously the markets gigantic is nobody's serving that that market at all I mean the middle market is completely ignored by the financial service industry I mean we got a corner on that market because nobody else is doing exactly what we're doing I mean we're really it's like it's like having the only gas station in town nobody sells gas, but you do I mean what would that be like I mean it would be Fantastical that's what America's like because nobody's doing this F&A stuff nobody's doing this for that market right nobody's offering a package like we're doing It we're the only game in town And then if you build a team if you if we like I showed you if you get those ten people where they do You know twenty or thirty thousand a month in premium like I showed you and I would maybe show them out again, right? We just see if you find those people those ten motivated people this is this is a potential million dollar plus income and you're sharp enough person and you've got enough charisma and you're a kind of Person that I know that if I talk to how to do this you could find those people and then I'll help you develop them I'll teach you what to do and I know beyond a shadow of doubt if you really pay attention and you follow my leading you do what I teach you to Do and you really are disciplined in that that over the next three to five years week I could help you get to that place where you have a potential to make a million dollars or more a year You have that kind of pain you're that kind of guy now I don't when I talk to other people I don't say that to her because not everybody has that but you are that person You do have that ability. All you have to do is decide you want that or not? Of course I do. Okay, then we need to get started in buddy. Let's get your list going Let's go now if I had a sharp person like Gary, that's how I would talk to him I would talk to him like that and I'd paint the picture of what's going to happen three or five years from now And I'm going to show him how he's going to get there and I'm going to actually show him how the process works Right, how our products are why our products make sense why this whole thing makes sense because people want this they need this We're better than what everybody else does nobody else. The fact is nobody else does what we do. Have you not noticed that yet? Huh? We're the only game in town It's incredible, right? You need to sell that feature that features amazing from a business standpoint Most businesses are competing like crazy with other people The truth is you're not competing with anybody because nobody does what we do exactly Now a lot of people sell life insurance, but we don't just sell life insurance a lot of people do loans But we don't just do loans a lot of people sell investments, but we don't do just do investments We do all of it and we put a package and a plan together. No one else does that nobody when was the last time you? ran across a Comprehensive financial plan that a client of yours had that you sat down with it never happens because it's not available other than through us Exactly, so why don't you sell that that's a huge huge benefit and feature of our opportunity That's what makes us viable you guys This it makes us special So you got to paint the picture This is why you must clearly sell what we do show how simple it is and present ample evidence of people like them even People not as accomplished them having succeeded in a big way. So you get the was it called the President's Council book? That's what I wrote. I don't know what it's called now that book that has 100,000. Okay. Well, I Okay, well I it's wrong in here but bottom I know what I'm talking about you just show the book There's people in there that aren't half as accomplished as you Gary that are making a half a million 750 a million dollars a year more and they're not they're not even as good as you a vote look Gary I know most of these people and I already know that Most of them don't have half the talent you have and they're making this kind of money and right now you're making 50 grand a Year and you're settling for that. Let's what I'm not going to let you settle for that because you're too damn good to settle For that you need to let me teach you how to do this thing. Okay That's the way I would talk to the guy Just like that Until he did it of course if he was a right person I just keep calling him Absolutely, but I would get permission I'd say Gary if he says, you know, let me just think about it if I couldn't close them, which would be doubtful Right, but if we're reading I couldn't right right now. I think Gary look I Don't say I think so highly of you. I think you're an amazing person I know that if you've ever gotten involved with me in this and let me train you you would be hugely successful You would make ten times minimum what you're making right now I just want to have your permission to follow up with you and call you and I want you I don't want you to feel Like I'm bothering you I want you to feel like the reason this guy's calling me is because I think Because he thinks I'm really really special that I could be great at this I want you to take it as a compliment not as a not as an annoyance Okay, would you would you do that for me? Absolutely? I don't care if I decide to do it. I promise I'll do with you Okay, right now. Okay, so that I'm gonna follow up with to you because I know I know the kind of business that we could Develop together. I know that I know I can help you get everything you ever wanted I have no doubt about that. You have that kind of ability I just want to have your permission to follow up with you on a regular basis. Is that okay? Okay, great. And then guess what? I'm gonna follow up. I got his email. I'm gonna send him a I get a leader's bulletin Let's say it shows my you know, what if I'm if I'm a you know Neil Gerfine 40 40. Well right now it's not done yet. But you know 58 42,000 in income. I'd send in that Highlight that area just want you to know man. That's what you're missing buddy. We got to get together I mean, I'd be doing crap like that. I mean, that's what I would be doing, right? Yeah, exactly. Rick was afraid I was gonna pass him. I was gonna leave him in the dust That's why he the real reason he got in that was it. Okay. All right Yeah, that's that's the deal okay, so but you got to let people know you got to stay in Connie If I don't close you now doesn't mean I'm not going to close you It means I'm not closing now means you don't have enough information It means I haven't presented in such a way to make you feel like you could do it yet I just got to do a better job. That's all that means doesn't mean I'm not going to recruit you ever It means I'm not I've never heard you yet Right, you guys have tons of people like that You should be calling and following up with and getting back with that You talked to a 12 months ago a year ago two years ago Three four five years ago when you just got started and things are totally different today Go back and show them your track record show them what you've done show them Look at this was even some of you don't have big businesses. You have great lives. You have your you control your life You're not answering to anybody you have your own business, right? You have the potential, right? I mean Rick you have the potential to make 20,000 or or 40,000 next month. I mean, it's up to you You get you've got that. You know what everybody you know, they don't have that potential They're there, you know when you have a job you're on a fixed income Right, so you've got it. You could show them all that Question somebody who has a wrench. Yeah As well as Especially the smaller rvps is a lineage that they're from. I mean just the hierarchy that they're part of. Yeah, I'd line Absolutely, just show that it's in the bits in the book, but you should just tab all of our people in our hierarchy I mean just have everybody that makes over half a million. It's like, you know, I don't know how many there's a bunch I mean 50 or something I don't know what the numbers a lot of people Another thing that Daryl and Connie are really teaching a lot on right now is like when you have that situation with Gary is to steam Um, let me just by the way play a little game with you and do the steam Find out who's the salesperson who's a teacher who's enthusiastic who's ambitious who's motivated now? If I could develop some of these people Into a business for you, would you consider coming on board and another thing you could add to what I would add to that? I'd say let me just tell you what this list is worst right here So you because if I could get those names from you, let me tell you what this list this this list right here It's probably worth a million five million ten million dollars. I don't know. It's worth a lot of money I know you don't understand that you don't get that because you don't understand our business I'm telling you this list of people is worth Hundreds if not millions of thousands of dollars to you if you got involved Is there any reason that you could logically present to me that would tell me why you would Disavow this list and not want that money So so let's get started dude. Come on. Come on. What what other alternative you what's your plan right now anyways? Okay, so what and how's that working out so far Yeah, and how's that working out for him Great because he's overriding you and you're a sharp guy and he knows it So the bottom line is if he's paying you 50 grand or 100 grand a year You're worth at least four or five ten times that amount minimum Minimum and it's the truth. Okay, so you needed the bottom line is close close close Okay, I mean you close Well, you know, that's what you got to do. It's all about that, right? It's about selling man. It just throws me crazy Just throws me crazy. Well, this is not a sale. It's course. It's sales everything about Prime Erica sales Nothing's every single thing Even when you recruit them, you got a you got to sell them on setting appointments You got to sell them on coming to the meeting You got to sell them on coming to the retreat like you a bunch of you aren't ready for the retreat trying to sell You to come to their tree even when you've been around, you know better. You still got to be sold Incredible you never stopped Yeah, exactly, right? So What I would ask people if you look at other people have done it that aren't as good as you Why don't you think you can do it? So Gary if you see other people that are that have done it and done it in a big way Why couldn't you do it? Of course, you could do it, right? You just let me teach you right if you just allow me to train you and coach you if you just follow my example There's absolutely no way I'll let you fail. You will not fail Okay, if you do what I tell you to do, you will not okay, you will succeed I don't know how big because I don't motivate you But if you do what I tell you you're going to have success Okay, I'll be there at your side until you're totally confident until you tell me Gary Hector. You're slowing me down I don't need you're in my way I'm gonna be right there helping you every step of the way so you don't need to be nervous about not knowing how to do Because I'm going to coach you and show you until you tell me you don't need my help anymore Right. All right, so don't be worried about not knowing how this thing, you know Maybe I'm not good at math or what are those dumb things that people say the bottom line doesn't matter I'm going to help you right until then you have my help every step of the way By the by the way, do you think what I did here tonight was so complicated that with a little effort You couldn't learn how to do it Simple right? That's it. What you saw is it that's what we do period You've got to learn how to do that and do it over and over and over again By the way, let me show you what you can earn when you do that Or you can give them an example of that whatever right and and Gary by the way Did I come across pushy or obnoxious in any way to you tonight? Do you feel like I have on myself in a you know in a professional way? Okay So when I train you Gary when you take me to see people that you care about I'm going to conduct myself with exactly the Same professionalism with the people you take me that I did with you tonight So I don't need you I don't want you to be nervous about taking me to see anybody the people that you care about the most I Possibly I would never do anything that would embarrass you in any way and I would never try to sell Anyone you care about anything unless it was clearly in their best interest. Does that work for you? Okay, let's get going And I would have that conversation with every new person because that's a stumbling block for people setting appointments there I just handle a potential objection in advance so that it's no longer an objection Right. I want him to feel comfortable to take me to see everybody. I'm not going to be pushy I'm not going to you know be overbearing and you don't need to be nervous about that You're not going to get a call saying hey mark. Why the hell did you send me this Hector idiot here? And that's not going to happen I guarantee it because if that happened you would never take me to see another person would you so it's not in my best interest To do that. So you need to tell people that Right up front so that they feel more comfortable Setting appointments. Okay, and then the last thing you got a master the new recruits warm hot market Coolest and motivate them to go on 15 or more appointments now I know most people aren't going to go on 15 appointments. You said 15 appointments. That's a lot You know, but he's ever goes on 15 appointments, but but that should be your goal All right, if it hit if you hit that fantastic if you don't hit that then you want to get somewhere close to it Okay, the bottom line if you have a high standard and you keep shooting for that high standard you know the what do you think the optimum is a Woman raising a child by themselves or a man raising their child by themselves or a man and a woman raising a child together The optimum is a man and a woman assuming there's decent human being that's the best possible situation for a child, right? Okay, but that doesn't happen all the time, right? But does that mean we should stop shooting for that as a society? We should say all this is forget it Let's stop getting married. Let's just have children out of wedlock. That's not what we do. We still have an Optimum situation right and in Prime America those 15 appointments is optimum now We're not going to do that with everybody But what you got to do is you got to motivate people to do 15 appointments because if you start getting some people to do It you're going to start seeing some amazing things happen. I some of the people like Gary McCrum and I don't know I'm going on 25 appointments with him. You know Alan Sousa. How many points we go on you think? Over 20, I mean, you know, I mean you you named the person that I trained back in those days, right? We went on a lot of appointments That's exactly right they stayed Absolutely for the most part not everybody because nothing's 100% but what we're talking about is ratios you guys Increasing the ratios having better ratios. That's the whole point of this exercise, right? You must believe that if they join you and if they listen to you and allow you to train them well that they will succeed and you and Primarico will absolutely change your lives in a positive ways if you truly believe that people will be Believe that if you believe see I believed when I was doing business That if Gary got in business with me and he was a sharp guy and he listened to me I believed it that he would be successful and he would do great things and I could show him how to make a lot more Money, I believed it now. I also at the same time knew he might not do that But that's not part of that's not in my control My belief that if you listen to me doesn't change the fact that he would be single if he did if he doesn't do it That's that's on him. That's not on me, right? But I still have that belief so I would say that to everybody did I get everybody to do it? No, but I got a obviously enough, right? I got some people to do it All right And that's that's why you got to keep focusing on the optimum the best paid Possible scenario right and tell them this is the optimum now. They may not do that like if you're training somebody like physically training Right to try to get in good shape You would give them a diet optimum diet to try to lose weight on a cardio workout and a weightlifting workout And that would be the optimum most people will never follow it exactly like that, right? They'll build they'll do one or the other or maybe they'll skimp on the weight training or the or the cardio or they'll cheat on The food or something like that, so they never do everything but does that mean you don't tell them everything they should do No, you still tell them that's up to them whether they follow that plan or not That's you can't control whether they follow the plan, but you've got to tell them. This is your best chance for success doing this Okay, and you got to be clear about it what that means. All right, so And one of those things is mastering Getting their new recruits hot warm and cool market list and motivating to go on 50 more So you've got to get the list the number one most important thing you must do with a new recruit is obtain their hot warm And cool list without that list There's no way to properly field train them And there's no good reason to recruit them and take their $99 because with a lot of list if I recruit Gary without a list What what are we going to do? There's nothing to do with him right. There's nowhere to go Exactly. Well, he's just he's just I just took his $99 gonna put in a mutual fund for him What I need what I need why would I take his money stupid, right? The list is what's going to give him the chance to build a business not my list his list Okay without a list. He doesn't know anything about the business. He doesn't have really any value at all Without a list. All right, and I don't mean that in a negative way. It's just the way it is We our business works, okay So their prospect list is who you're going to set appointments with do a presentation with Overcoming objections with explain life insurance mutual funds and smart with recruit across the kitchen table with Get their hot warm and cool market list with that's who their product that all the things I just went over is going to happen with that list that how I'm going to teach them that stuff is with the list Okay, so you need to let them know that all right in other words It's how you will teach them to effectively do Primarica so they can develop the ability to do it on their own and have a legitimate chance to build their own primary business since the new recruit Since the new recruit is making such a small financial investment $99 with the opportunity to make a million dollars a year more are you to see the financial independence book, right? Yep You know 60 million dollars now a list of 25 or more people is a minuscule Requirement for the potential to earn a million dollars a year more wouldn't you agree with that? That a 25 name list with the chance to make a million dollars a year more What is that $99 in a 25 name list with the chance the potential to make a million bucks a year? Come on. I mean, that's that's that's ridiculous That's nothing right and considering it takes but think about this it takes 1600 hours to get a license to practice cosmetology in California If you want to learn how to color hair cut hair perm hair all that stuff, right it takes 1600 hours in California to get a license with the potential to make 20 to 50 grand a year So coming up with the top 25 list and going on 15 appointments with the potential earn a million dollars a year more It's pretty reasonable. Don't you agree? So you tell a new recruit that this is what it takes All I'm saying is you got to have 25 names and go on 15 appointments with a chance to make a million dollars a year Look, you want to get your hair hair license of 1600 hours? Means you got to show up eight hours a day for how long does that take? I don't know That's a lot of days right anybody know anybody ever if you have their license or ever have their license here. So you did Okay 11 months 11 months of eight hours a day. We're basically right. We're not talking about that We're talking about 25 names going 15 appointments. It's nothing Exactly no pay while you're doing that. Yeah here you get paid while you're doing that, right? So what I'm telling you use a memory jogger or the four-minute drill or whatever method you need to help people think of you can Do the the what were you're saying earlier the steam method? It doesn't matter what you do Just get the list in order to really learn our business 15 appointments in the right market will allow you to see enough different people With different needs with different objections and concerns This will allow you to be properly trained so that when you get licensed You'll be able to see clients on your own and close sales and recruit So the added benefit of being confident enough to begin training your new recruits and helping them succeed as well I always told people I recruited that my number one goal and field training them was to get them independent of me So they could constantly go and build their own business without being slowed down by my schedule I said that's what I would tell people I said look You know the bottom line is I want you to get trained so that You can go build your business without my help you can go on your own And you won't be slowed down because you know I use an example have your guys ever done that three-legged race Well you got right. Can you move very fast at a three-legged race? No so you because you're tied to the other person I said so so you ever done that so that as long as I'm having to go with you, right? If I don't get you trained properly I'm gonna have to keep going with you And it's going to slow you down if I if I cut you loose how much faster can you run a lot faster? That's why we need to get you trained so you can do that Neil you with me so in addition during the train field training I was going to recruit I told him I was going to recruit three to ten people that I intended for them to train at least some of them assuming They were committed and being trained properly themselves, so ie 15 training points, and they so so the bottom line So if we're going to I'm going to recruit these people for you You know these three or four or five people I can't train all those people because I'm also training You know mark, and I'm complaining You know Tim and Joe and mark and all these people so I can't train everybody I have to get you trained So you can go train those people that's the reason I want you to go on those appointments, right? You can help me the last fundamental is where most people drop the ball in America They don't proactively get the top 25 list And they don't get the new recruit to see the value of getting properly field train as a result They don't retain many people and more importantly they don't develop very many competent field trainers Who have the ability to become rvps because you're not going to develop rvps unless they're your field trainers are really confident They're not going to be an rvp ever right they got to get good, so If you're disciplined and focus intently on getting a new recruits hot warm market list and explain the advantage of them getting on 15 appointments During their field training you will see a dramatic increase in the ratio of recruits to close business plus your field trainers begin to make real money and They'll grow allowing more and more of them to believe they can become an rvp if you want to retain a higher percentage of recruits If you want your people to make more money if you want to have tons of freedom Then you need to relentlessly focus on making sure that every motivated person in your base shop has mastered the seven fundamentals I have no doubt if you personally master these seven fundamentals And if you help your recruits master them you're going to build a big business And if your objective you must see how anyone who master these fundamentals it actually works I? Eat prospects at the appointments and presents can't possibly fail in prime America if are you I were you I'd be working overtime to make Sure every motivated person my base shop masters every one of these seven fundamentals I just put that because I wanted to have that on tape you know, but the bottom line is that's it I don't know. I don't have anything else to offer today. That's about it, so Thank you so much, man. We'll see you guys next month

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