Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses recruiting tips to help grow a large organization quickly. They emphasize the importance of mindset and building a team rather than focusing solely on individual recruits. They also mention the strategy of indirect recruiting, where they ask people to refer potential recruits. The speaker shares personal success stories and highlights the potential for exponential growth through multiplication. They conclude by promoting their website for more recruiting tips and information. What recruiting tips do you have that helps you grow your giant organization and kicking off and making the big leaps from the small numbers to the big numbers in a short period of time? Well, you're going to make the big leaps once you get your first recruits on board. It's always hit or miss, and it takes time to get started, to get the first ones going. One times one is one, and then one times two is two, and then two times two is four. You get into the multiplication once you get some people and get them recruiting. The main thing is to get the mindset right from the beginning of why you're recruiting new people. Like you yourself, you're only going to have one of you ever. If you're spending all your time recruiting and prospecting yourself, you're not going to be running your organization, but that doesn't matter when you don't have an organization. Once you start to get one, two, three, four, five people in there, you're going to be working with them, training them, and if you don't have a builder mentality, all you're going to be doing is teaching sales with them and prospecting for sales, and then pretty soon, they're going to dry up, and then you're going to be back to the beginning, and you're not going to get the multiplication. You're always going to have small numbers, but if you go to the big numbers right from the beginning, you have to look at people as your future teams. I'm recruiting somebody who's going to be a future team, and when you have a team, they're like self-generated. They don't die. Individual recruits can die like a cell in the body, and a cell can die, but if you have an organism, they're going to reproduce. What you're going for is not just recruits, but you're going for recruits that can turn into teams, and little teams can turn into medium teams, turn into big teams. You've all got that potential, but you first got to get them to start turning into a team by getting that recruit a recruit themselves, so you go big by having your recruits, recruiting through those recruits, but you also go big by having it in your mind that this recruit is somebody who's a future leader of a team if possible, and so that's how you can get into multiplication in your small recruiting numbers. Every now and then, Adam, we would have somebody in the company, and you would hear the story of, I can remember now, you know, they were so outrageous. A guy went into Pueblo, Colorado, if you can believe it, and he recruited 100 people in six weeks. Well, you know, if you break that down, you can find out that probably he had some relatives in Pueblo, Colorado, or he had some friends from college, or, you know, maybe he grew up in Pueblo, Colorado, and then he moved back there, but something to get a few people on board, and then he recruited, you know, recruited through them and recruited, you know, 100 people in six weeks, you know, but you go into those kind of big numbers because you go through people. I remember Peggy Hightower came in from a guy named Sid. I can't think of his last name now, up in Washington, D.C. That sucker recruited, like, 70 people in six weeks and never did anything else. He was a complete knucklehead when it came into following through and training and everything. I mean, he could have been a million-dollar earner now, but you have people. Don't be put off when you hear these big recruiting numbers of people and doing a magic period of time. They're doing it compounding, and they're doing the same, using the same approach that you can use. So the way I went from small numbers to big numbers is I went through recruits. Now, I'll get – this is my last one. How did I get small numbers? The best recruiting technique I ever found in my life is that, you know, if you go up to someone and you're raising money, you're trying to get donations for something, well, people are going to fight you. But if you, you know, if you try and ask – if you ask them for, you know, $100 or $1,000, they're not going to be too interested. But if you ask for a penny, they'll probably listen to you, you know. They'll probably listen to you if that's all you want. And so if you're asking a little bit out of people, people don't like to be sold. And so what I – as soon as you go and start selling people, trying to recruit them directly, you find unless you know them real well, unless they're desperate for a job already looking, you'll find their defenses go up and they're really not listening. And so the way I would get past that is use a thing we call indirect recruiting. And indirect recruiting was, Adam, we're – you know, I'm expanding into the area. We're looking for – to open a bunch of offices. We got the opportunity. You cannot believe people are going crazy with us around the country. But it requires, you know, a certain unique – just like anything requires a certain unique kind of person. And actually, you fall into that category. Now, I realize you're already doing great with your job and, you know, you're completely happy where you are, but like, you know, those like, you know, people, you know, have friends that are like them. And you probably – you probably know some people that would be the kind of person that might be interested in what I've got here. And so, you know, ideally, you know, I try to talk to you about getting in, but I realize you're pretty busy. So I'd like to tell you what we're looking for and you might think of someone you know that fits that category. And if you do, and I go talk to them and they get excited, they're going to be extremely grateful to you for passing this on and mentioning it because, you know, if you're – you know, if you're dissatisfied where you are, you're looking for another opportunity, it's hard to find right at the moment, you know. And so if someone happens to pass that on to you, you're going to be very grateful because I appreciate – I would appreciate if you'd let me tell you what I'm looking for or what we – the kind of person that does really well here and then maybe a name will pop into your head. So do you have a couple of minutes for that? And that's how I would get my recruits because the people would listen and then they would say, how about me? And so if they didn't have a name, they would say, how about me? And I found that was the easiest way to get people because the main thing is we've got a great story. You start telling success stories about the people, how they turn their life around, that if people will just listen, they can't help but be intrigued. So anyway, Adam, as far as getting started with small numbers, I did it with indirect recruiting and the way I transitioned to big numbers was going into recruiting through the recruits and helping them build a team. All right. Fantastic. Thanks, Larry, for being on this morning. To download Larry's recruiting tips and more, visit our website at Just click on the big hitter link at the top of the website and enter username P-R-I-U-S-E-R and the password go, go, go, both, all, lower case. All right. Let's do our sound check with our speakers. Is Jamie Gomez on? Good morning, good morning, good morning. Larry, come here. Jamie Gomez is here. Hey. Good morning, man. How are you doing this morning? We're doing great, doing great. It's finally looking a little bit like spring here in Denver, so we're liking it, we're liking it. Now, you said you got your wife on there, were you, Jamie? Yes, she's right here. Good morning, everyone. Good morning. Glad to have you guys on this morning. We're fired up. We are fired up. Good morning to you, Larry. Hey, Larry, Coach Larry, how are you doing? Good morning, Coach. Good morning, good morning. Go ahead, Adam. Yeah, we will kick it off here in just a minute. Larry got us kicked off with our recruiting tips here this morning. We're going to get into the call and talk about what you guys are excited about right now, what you're most excited about, what you got your team getting ready for as far as going into the convention that's coming up quickly here in the next few months, and what you're focusing on with that. And we'll just let you and Janet take off this morning and tell us the things you're most excited about overall with your business right now. Absolutely, absolutely. Congratulations on that H-Timer. Congratulations on that H-Timer. Thank you so much. Thank you. Yes, we're fired up, excited to get to the million. And how long did that take you from the five, six, seven, eight diamond? How long did those take in between there? Oh, my gosh. Great question. That's a great question. That was all in the same year. So we dropped a little bit. And then when we came here, it just took me just under really less than two years, about 14. It took me to go from zero to over $300,000 in income in about 14, 15 months. And then I started doing what I was doing, which was recruiting, building districts, so income fell, then got back on it again. So started recruiting, taught a lot of people to do what I was doing, got really good at doing that. And that's how we exploded to – we went back up. And then just crossed over fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth diamond in those 12 months. Wow. That's a lot of progress. Yeah. You don't want to hear about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That might blow your mind to have that kind of income happen in one – growth in one year like that. That's, you know, you're going to have to – you're going to have to keep from losing your mind. I mean, with that much money rolling in every month, twice a month from one year to the next. Yeah. I hope you got a good savings plan going. Yes. Yes. That's the most important thing, Coach. So you say that. I feel like it was – That's fantastic. I felt it was back there. That's all I felt. Oh, this is worth it. Thank you. I like that attitude. All right. Well, we will kick it off here. Get it going. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Good morning. Monday morning conference call crew. Welcome to the Big Hitter Call. This is Adam Wiedel. It is Monday, April 1st, 2024. Let's say hello to our speakers. Good morning, Jamie. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Adam. Proud to be on here. And good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. And good morning to Janet. Good morning, everyone. It's such a pleasure to be here. And good morning to Larry. Good morning, everybody. And, Jamie and Janice, I'm going to actually be rolling through from Aspen through Denver into Colorado Springs, which, you know, I go down there a lot. And probably with all the calls going on, so I might be in and out. But anyway, I'll be listening if I don't have a signal. But proud of you guys. Very exciting what you're doing. So back to you, Adam. All right. As of today, there are over 100 RVPs and above with 30 more in recruits and over 100 RVPs and above with 30,000 or more in premium. There are over 100 below RVPs with 30 or more in recruits and 61 below RVPs with 30,000 or more in premium. The top five base shops are the Naranjos with 141 by 148, the Coakleys, 137 by 160, Miguel Elledge, 262 by 195, the Pinals, 262 by 202, and number one, Lorenzo Carreon and Daniela Almarez, 123 by 221. On today's call, we are spotlighting Jamie and Janet Gomez. Jamie received his eighth diamond and has been working towards his goal of becoming a million-dollar earner by the convention. All right. Let's get the call started. Larry, I'll turn it over to you to get it rolling. Yeah. Thank you, Adam. And again, another shout-out to Lorenzo Carreon and Daniela Almarez. It's really, really powerful to finish, you know, looks like they got a chance of finishing number one. We're pretty close to the end-of-the-month numbers. And so in a month like March, that's always a great month to win. And it's great to be able to compete in Prime-Erica, where we have so many great leaders doing so many great things. And of course, a big shout-out to Willie and Lorena Narajo with the 140 by almost 150. You know, I think they have three of the top five-base shots, Miguel Elledge, Adam, and one of the finals out of the Narajo hierarchy. Another shout-out there. Congratulations. But what a wonderful opportunity to compete against some outstanding people to help bring out the best in yourself and all of your people. And people wonder, you know, why do you keep on going? Why do you do the calls? You know, you've heard it all before, and there's nothing new under the sun. Just do what you know to do. But that's not true. You know, if that was true, they wouldn't be playing any basketball Final Fours. They wouldn't be having any golf tournaments. They wouldn't be playing the NFL, because it's the same thing. But every year, you have different teams competing and doing great things. You know, you see different styles take over the leagues, and different new people come in and be able to do things in new, more excellent ways, and then everybody can learn from them. And that's exactly the way it is in Primerica. We're learning from each other. We're inventing, you know, we're inventing quicker, faster, better ways of getting people plugged into the system. You know, quicker, faster, better ways of getting people, you know, on board through the licensing, through the training, you know, it's, you know, three to 30 people in place on their team right off the bat as districts, you know, and, you know, as fast as possible. Because speed, speed, you know, maybe on the highway, speed kills, but speed wins inside this business, because you allow people to race through the system before they get overwhelmed with doubts, and their family second-guessing them, and, you know, they're questioning themselves. You stick, you know, you help them stack up those successes fast, fast, fast, where they know they can do it, because of the success they've seen really before they had a chance to start doubting things. And that's what happens. That's why the compounding can happen in these big Bay shops, and in the people that starts to climb up the charts, and hopefully, you know, we'll hear about how basically Jamie and Janice have doubled their income up to $800,000 in the past year. And you know, they've got, you know, what a wild ride that is, and it proves to everybody out here at all levels that you can be doubling your income by pretty much doing the basics, but doing it at a high volume with enthusiasm and with special fun and excitement. And so, you know, putting your little twists on things to make it quicker, faster, better. And so, anyway, so excited to have you on and in the middle part of the country there in Denver to have this excitement happening. And you know, we could have, the great thing about it is in a town like Denver, you could have 10 more 100 by 100 Bay shops. There's so much opportunity everywhere out here that there's no reason to feel like you're left behind, because we're just still making our mark into this market, and there's so many people that need opportunity and there's so many people that need their plans organized and to get on the right track. And you know, it's heroes like the Gomez's that are leading that charge. And so, great to have you guys on, and it's going to be exciting to hear what you guys are doing that's working and the results that you're seeing. Take it away, Jamie. Well, good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Coach. Thank you so much. We're grateful to be on here this morning. It is an honor to be speaking to the team on here and hopefully giving you some value. Thank you, Coach, for allowing me to share some of the things that we're doing. You know, I'll tell you that one of the things that we did is we said, okay, let's go back to the drawing board and let's go back to the basics, right, the start of the basics, but what adjustments we could make. So one of the first adjustments is that I said, okay, we're not young, but we're not old, right? I'm 40 years old, Gadget's 32, and I said, look, we're not young, okay, but we're not old. So we're at a unique time, so why don't we do this? Let's empower some of our younger people and have them be essentially the face of our business. So we took a few of our team captains, one of them you'll hear from, Luis and Leslie, who are very young. At the time we decided to run this, this was a couple years ago, they were about, I think just 18, about 18 years old, but what we did is we empowered some of our captains to really kind of be our voice and we empowered them. So we would coach them, we would tell them, here's how we want you to rally the team, here's how we want you to talk to people, and then we said the rest is up to you. So we let them play whatever music they wanted to play, as long as it didn't have any profanity. We also, we were open to them telling us, hey, we want to change our dress code a little bit, and I said, okay, nothing too crazy, but you got it, and when we just kind of, we took a step back to see how that, you know, how that would work, and we just had an explosion of young people, which we had never experienced like that, I'm talking about we went from recruiting about 30, maybe 30, 40 people, to recruiting 30, 40 people a month to recruiting 30, 40 people a week, and we thought that was unbelievable, so we already had a system where twice a week, we would do fast starts, coach, so from those fast starts, people would go in there, we would do these game plans for these people coming in, because we had so many people coming in, instead of doing one-on-one game plans, where people would have a team of people come in, run the game plans for these kinds of people, we'd have about maybe 60, 80, maybe 100 people, almost like an op night, we would run a game plan, fast start, and then we'd get everybody going there, and a lot of times, we'd recruit more people at these events, and then a lot of people would say, hey, I want to become a client, and that's how we got another 20, 30,000 a week here, so when we did this, when we ran this, we did about 200 by 200 for about two years, almost two and a half years, and we promoted out Carlos and Gabby Guevara, so that's what came of that, but one of the main things there is that we told everybody, number one is, you're going to talk to different types of people, so that you get into different types of communities, but that's also going to help you understand how to work with different types of personalities, that was one of the things, the other thing is, I warned everybody about, look, don't chase sales, you're going to feel great making money, but a poker player becomes a poker player by playing poker, we become builders, not by writing insurance, but by building, by recruiting, and I told everybody, look, it's going to take, you know, there was a lot of people that weren't willing to be a coach, but I told them, look, it said that it takes 10,000 hours of sustained practice to become a pro in anything, so let's have fun in private entrepreneurship, let's have fun on the way to the top, and before we make any money, we're happy, so let's enjoy what's to come, and everybody was really excited about what started happening, and that we started growing really, really fast from that, but empowering the younger people was something that I think, I had never heard of coach, because I think when I talk to a lot of leaders that, in terms of adjustments, I felt that a lot of leaders like control, right, they don't like to give control, or they want to manage everything, they want to run the music, the op night, everything, and for me, I thought, you know what, my team, they're on the field like I am too, so what do they need, what do they see that I miss, also, I'm 40, they're 18, 19, 20, you know, is there something that I need to, that I need to, you know, that I maybe need to take a look at, make adjustments that I don't see right now, right, so, and that's why, I think that's one of the main things that I wanted to do is, okay, what is something I'm missing here, and in doing that, right, is, I think it really, really, really changed our life here, I think there's a few things I'd love to give, there's a few points that I think that I, that really helped me, that we will, that I started teaching everybody, number one, is one of the things I was telling our team is, you can't, you can't outwork your belief level, that's number one, you can't outwork your belief level, if you don't believe you can get to a certain level, it doesn't matter how hard you work, you're just not gonna get there, and specifically what I meant was, in Prime America, it's never been as good as it is today, and I think it's, when I take a look at it, coach, it looks like it's getting better, which is unbelievable, but, so I sold my team on the contracts that Prime America have, one time, they were like RVP contracts, you know, in a time of like, I think, coach, maybe even during your time, district leaders were making big money, a division leader was making big money, you know, so, I sold everybody on, you don't need to be an RVP to earn a six-figure income, right, we obviously have a good system, where it's very simple, it's duplicatable, systems are easy to duplicate, personalities are not easy to duplicate, right, not everybody's an A-type personality, S, a T, an R, and not that it matters so much, but it does matter what kind of system you have, that whatever your system is, you plug people into that, right, I don't know that it's important for me to tell you what my system is, because, you know, I've learned over the years that, you just, you build your system, and you work that system until it starts working again, I don't think that you need a new system for your people to work, I think you need new people for your system to work, right, but, coach, I was gonna tell you that, number one is that, so, from that, we had a few people that went to 100,000 in cash flow as district leaders, so one of them was a young man we recruited, Brian Yamas, so, Brian, he came into business, a very young guy, about 18 years old, and, you know, we sold him on the Primerica system and said, look, here, you can earn a six-figure income, as you could do it as an RVP, with a team, or you could do it on your own, you know, and he came into business, and just under eight months later, earned over $100,000 in cash, his first year he made a little bit over $150,000, as a district leader, second person to do that was, you know, Carlos and Gabby Guevara, they made 100 grand cash flow as division leaders, I think at the time they were about, maybe 20, maybe 22 and 23, then we had a, you know, ton of districts get the watch, Lisa and Leslie, who are on here today, they got up to, coach, I think they got up to about 97,000 in cash, and then, the slightly monthly submitted business, I think it was like, it was like 100, 105, I don't know what it was, but they got a charge back, so they didn't get it, you know, but, funny situation, they'll tell you this story, right, but, so we had a ton of people that started earning a ton of money, coach, a lot of people coming into business, making 10, 15,000 a month, as district leaders, I think even Carlos and Gabby Guevara, before they went RVP, they made about $28,000, because they were recruiting a lot of people, so we're recruiting, not just, you know, two, three, four directs, but recruiting for the people. One simple thing I can tell you guys, if you're, if you're like, okay, how many recruits, one of the things we ran is just, hey, take me to see your three best friends, take me to see your three best friends, okay, how about their three best friends, and those three best friends, and that's one of the things that we did that was the easiest to explain is, okay, let's go see their three friends, and their three best friends, right, and I think that's kind of old school, but it really works when you work it. I think one of the things is that, you know, there's, Primerica's so amazing that you can grow really fast, the coach, I was telling you, I felt a little bit of an income, but I went from 300,000 to almost 900,000 in just, we hit about 871 in just 12 months, so Primerica's so amazing that if you've got the people, you've got the team, the income's gonna come, the income is a byproduct of having a great trained team, so I think the desire to find shortcuts makes you unsuited for winning because players who take shortcuts get cut, you know, but what I wanted to tell you, the six points I wanted to share with you here, coach, is the biggest one obviously being you can't outperform your belief level, right, but number one is, I believe, is you've got to set up a vision for what you want, you know, setting up a vision of what you want your business to look like, what do you want your life to look like, you know, that's important, you know, I have three, we have three wonderful kids, two of them which are in the business now, you know, doing fairly well, third one is 17, so he cleans the office, right, but for me, I wanted us to run, I wanted us to run this business as a family, and I wanted to show them that this business is fun, and I think that's important because not everybody's kids do the business, and I think, you know, for me, I definitely wanted my kids to do this business because I think it's so fun and so fulfilling what we do for people, right, so number one is, you know, what do you want your vision, you know, what do you want your life to look like, what do you want your business to look like, and for me, it was always working side by side with my kids, right, I think 97% of people need proof that it works, and I think, I didn't question that, I said, man, I want to be a part of the 3% that provides that proof, you know, but second, I think there's no escaping, you've got to do it first, coach, you've got to do it first, right, whatever you want your people to do, you've got to go do, so that's what I did. Where's my, that's not going, look, it's not, coach, sorry, I'm going to do something, why is it not going through my notes, do you know? Let's see, oh, there it is, okay, sorry, coach, yeah, all right, see, I don't have my young people here to help me with this, just kidding, guys, okay, here, so, yeah, so, so that's, you know, that's a key there, but I think you've got to work like an animal to attract like an animal, right, and you've heard it before, coach, and everybody said you don't attract who you are, you don't attract what you want, but you attract who you are, so, you know, that's important, that you work like an animal to attract other people, right, and sometimes people say, well, coach, what if my numbers are not that attractive, well, talk to enough people, because the opportunity is what's truly attractive, right, so, and when I say be attractive is, is, is your numbers, right, you talk to a lot of people, or you're recruiting, or you're out there, talk to the people about the opportunity, and don't worry about you being too, you know, coach, what if I'm not good at, at, at sending the opportunity, look, that's okay, the opportunity itself is attractive, right, number three, after that is you've got to nurture your animals, right, once you find those animals that you're looking for, pour belief into them, you know, treat them like gold, invest time in getting to know them, show them that you value them, you know, I think today, coach, so many people are undernourished, you know, they haven't received enough encouragement, love, or attention from people that, that they love or look up to, and, you know, I really, I truly believe that you can't grow your business without caring about people, you know, or growing your relationships with people, I think you never gotta give up, you know, another thing is that I never gave up, even when it seemed like my numbers weren't moving, when it seemed like, you know, I recruited 20 people, and 30 were quick, right, I, I felt like, okay, you know, am I in the wrong market, is it me, am I recruiting the low-hanging fruit, okay, am I recruiting couples, and I kept, every day I would ask, ask myself, what adjustment can I make, what adjustment can I make today, what adjustments do I need to make, but, but I kept recruiting, I kept talking to people, one of the things I did is I never stopped growing myself, you know, as I look around, I see that, you know, when people stop growing, their team stops growing, you know, and, and I think that's one of the things that I was most afraid of is, is, John Maxwell says it, right, is that if you wanna grow the organization, you grow, you grow the team, well, that's what I was most afraid of is, man, I, I don't wanna stop growing myself, you know, and, and I think one of the things that did help me was I focused more, I, I focused more on growing me, how can I say this, I, I put a lot of energy and time into growing me, more than I grew the business, right, I read a ton of books, I talked to a lot of my leadership, and, and then I, I went out there to work because I felt like your mindset is everything, right, and if, if you're really, if you're really, really, really growing that, then you're gonna be good, you know, when I went out there as a coach, I would tell people, look, I'm not looking for ability, I'm looking for availability, are you coachable, are you gonna do what I wanna tell you, right, you know, are you gonna follow the system, I think, you know, I, one of the things is that I just, I changed the way I thought about it and I stopped being afraid of losing people, you know, I was afraid of losing myself trying to please people, right, and I said, this is the system, this is what we run, you know, and if you, if you don't wanna do this, you're not compatible, here's how we run this, this is what it's like, this is, this is how it's gonna work, and I think, I think it, it really got going when people were like, okay, no, we wanna do that, you know, we're with you, coach, whatever it takes, you know, so, I don't know how much time I have here, right, I don't wanna take too much time, but I don't know if I could bring up Lisa here, I'd like Lisa to share some of these things, coach, but any questions to that, coach, anything specifically? Adam, do you wanna, do you wanna, what, how do you, I'll let you run it, Adam. Yeah, you got all the time you want, Jamie, so we're happy to hear anything, we got, we got till 10 o'clock, but, yeah, on that, on that, what you're talking about, like you said, the speed of the leaders, the speed of the team, the work ethic of the leaders, the, the work ethic of the team, it sounds like you've got that nailed down and got that figured out, so, yeah, keep going with what you're doing. Yeah, so, you know, so that was one thing is, you know, the belief, the belief level has been one of the ones that I've sold a, you know, sold the team the most on is, is making sure that everybody, you know, that everybody believes that we can do something big, you know, and I think they've gotta reach, you know, I encourage so many of them to continue reading, I always say the first book they've gotta read is Coach, they've gotta understand, you know, where we came from and the struggle that our, that our, you know, that our coaches went through in the, our previous leadership, like, like Larry and, you know, just, just all the, all the leaders before us, what they went through, you know, so, so that they understand that whatever they go through now is like, come on, come on, it's, so what, right, it's not even, it's not as tough as it used to be, but Coach, one big adjustment that we, that we made, too, was when I built this in the very beginning, I went, I went business to business, I went out prospecting, I, I volunteered my kids' school and I talked to all of the teachers, I, I, I would do presentations at the school with, you know, with who we are, you know, what we do and how we get paid, and that's how I started recruiting people in Denver, but towards, towards my, my, my, one of the adjustments that I made here a couple of years ago, specifically three years ago for the change was that I, I started, I started asking my team, my young people to train on social media, and I think that's one area that a lot of people can take advantage of. You know, the problem with social media is that it's not used enough, but also the problem with social media is that it's used too much, so how do you use it the right way, right, and I think the better qualified person is definitely going to be Luis and Leslie because they are kings at social media, and I would encourage you to go on their social media so that you can replicate that to have success, right, for the scripts and, and what to do. I know there's a lot of leaders around the country using that, but that's what also changed our business because right now, I will tell you, outside of me, right, because I'm still, I still prospect as I go, right, I meet somebody that's awesome, I recruit them, you know, I recruited my, my nurse this month, and, but I met her in person, but most of my team, by most I mean 100% of the players, they're all recruiting 100% on social media, so that was a crazy, crazy, crazy thing that, that I did too that really took us to another level is that I started training on social media, and, and by started training on social media, I mean, I took the best people in my, in my base shop that were great at social media, like Leslie, and I said, okay, what, what, what, what do we need to do, and that's what we would run classes on, this is what a social media profile should look like, and then, then she would go up there and she would tell people, I had a panel of people going up there, and what we would do is we'd say, we'd say, okay, Adam, let's pull up your social media page, okay, let's look at your IG, okay, Adam, okay, you see this picture here, Adam, we know you love your dog, Adam, but look, let's put that section, let's put that picture in these categories, we want to see you, we want to see this, we want to see that, okay, oh, your profile, wonderful, we know you love your, you know, and okay, coach, Larry, Larry, we know you love your dogs, okay, we know you love your cats, but we want to see your face as a profile, just you, not your animals, or whatever it is, right, in Larry's case, of course, he's got so many great pictures, right, but, you know, so we would do that, and we would help people, okay, that's the wrong picture, that's the wrong picture, you want to add this, you want to take that away, and we would help people get better profiles, and so that they could also, in turn, attract more people, because there's a part where, yes, you're sending about 100, 200 DMs a day, asking people if they're open to make money, just like you would prospecting, but at some point, that's going to not stop, but you shouldn't have to do that as much after 90 days, maybe six months, because you should have good content to show on there that people are reaching out to you, saying, hey, Adam, man, where were you at there, I saw you were skiing in Aspen, but I've never been to Aspen, what's that like, did I notice you were in Aspen, and just two weeks prior, you were in Bahamas, and man, what do you do for work, and then, oh, that's a great question, we're actually looking for people, we're in the financial service field, why don't we get together, you got some time tomorrow, and then we sit down with people live, now, sometimes we do that on Zoom, if they're a little far, but we prefer, this is us, this is just us, we recruit in our backyard, okay, because we want to make sure that we can plug them in to an environment, okay, that's one thing I should let you guys know is that, Adam, we've got probably over maybe 150, 200 people coming into our off nights on Tuesdays, and we've got an unbelievable environment, I'll send you guys a message with a video, but it is pumping, man, when you get there, there's music, it's like you're walking into a party, right, like a Christian version of a party, but you're walking into, the music is loud, people walking around with the red cuffs, that's full of soda, right, everybody's really well-dressed, so it's like everybody smells good, they look good, and it's a party, and it's people gathering together that want to make a difference, that want to be somebody, that want to grow, that want to be a part of movement, to stand up to an industry that's ripping people off, to stand up to an industry that takes advantage of people, right, so we give our presentation is based on that, right, we do a simple how money works, but we're teaching people this, but at the same time, hey, we're looking for people, so I think the environment is the most important thing, Adam, because, you know, we can tell people all the facts we want, you know, for America, this or New York Stock Exchange doing great, and we can tell all the facts, and you've heard it before, right, facts tell, stories tell, well, that's a part of it, I think one big thing is if I walk into your office, and there's 100 people, 200 people, that environment tells me, I'm going to tell my wife, Janet, baby, I don't think all of us are going to get scammed, I mean, there's got to be a reason why there's 100 people, all these people, and you know what, I think I want to check it out, too, right, whatever they're doing, so that's important that you build an environment, and today, if I was going to start it over right now, and I was going to tell you, and I was going to tell you, what am I going to do, I would tell you that, number one, I would bring in all of my young captains, okay, like my kids, who are 19 and 21, like Lisa and Leslie, even now they're a little older, right, they're about 23, 24, I believe, something like that, and I would bring in all the young captains, and I would ask them, what adjustments do you guys think we need to do to grow, and I would listen to them, coach, I think the music that we got playing is outdated, and it's attracting old guys like you, who don't want to do much, well, thank you for that, Reese, okay, all right, anybody else, no, coach, yep, coach, can we stop wearing suits, what, I love suits, no, coach, looks like we're selling, like we're door to door salesmen, and nobody likes that, coach, that's not cool anymore, okay, what is cool, well, we want to have, if we wear suits, can we wear just a white T-shirt on the bottom, and maybe some white minimal sneakers, what does that mean, hey, look, coach, this is what we mean, okay, all right, that looks good, and I would ask my team what they need, you know, what are people saying, what do people need out there, and then I would do it, another thing is my office, which I love the old school Primerica with the eagles and the slofies everywhere, and the pictures on the walls, right, and all that stuff, I loved it, well, guess what, that seems like it's outdated and it's old, so my team said, no, coach, you want to have, it's got to be clean, minimalistic, and it's got to look this way, which I don't know what a modern minimalistic winning office looks like, but I said, let's do it, so we changed our office, too, so we painted everything, we did different lights, I'll send you guys pictures of what the office looks like, so we have a whole floor, I own a whole floor in this building, so we have a giant office, and we've sent about 300 people in that office, they throw out banks, things like that, but so we changed everything, the way it looked, just very clean, minimalistic, you know, cool, you know, just cool TVs, the lighting is phenomenal, all of those things attract a specific crowd, like, when you go to your church, for example, churches today, if you go to your church, man, churches are freaking awesome, right, they've got the best audio, they've got the best, like, when they're going to the presentation, the presentation's freaking awesome, you know, I think we've got to, you know, those are something that we've got to replicate, because that's what we did, you know, we go to a church called Red Rocks up here, and we emulated a lot of the things they had, right, from the sound system to, you know, down to the clock machine, but it was making everybody thirsty, so we stopped that, right, but, you know, I think those are things that we'll start over right now, right now, what we've got going is, what we're excited about, and I'll pass it on to Luz right now, but right now, we're excited about, let's get 1,000 people to convention, do we have 1,000 to send right now, right, right now, what do we have, okay, whatever we have, look, let's run to this convention, let's run to 1,000, now, if we recruit 1,000 from now until then, if we don't have 1,000, let's go recruit 1,000 new people, and let's get these people plugged in to convention, right, there's a lot of people that, you know, do other things that they recruit them, right away they buy, there's internal consumption, or right away they buy books or programs, or they spend thousands of dollars on going to events, why can't we do that, when this is good for people, convention changed my life, so that's something that we need to do, so let's invite everybody, let's go out there, let's go get 1,000 people, you know, to convention with us, and let's explode this thing, so our goal here, Janet, our goal is to get to a million, to cross the million here, God willing, by June, okay, I think we're recruiting right now, we have a really bad month, we're at about 70 recruits right now, right, after promoting an RVP, so we were doing about 250, about 200, 250 recruits for about two and a half years, and then we promoted a big RVP, so we're recuperating, we usually do about, we're about 80 to 150 recruits in our base shop, usually do a little bit between 80 and a little bit over 100,000 in premium, but we're really focused right now on getting people, recruiting people, and building teams for teams, so Janet helps everybody get their license, and that's the goal there, is really to work on our coding there too, so June, June is the day where we're hoping to hit a million, but the one thing I want to say is this, is that I hold the record as a company at about 872,000 in income, there's been no RVP to just do it on premium like that with no RVPs, so I got to 872,000 with no RVPs, so just as an RVP, I don't have an SVP contract, and right now we've got a few people that are about to go RVP, but we want to do it, we want to do this as RVPs because we believe the Pride America system is so amazing that can you do it with RVPs, absolutely you could do it. Some people tell us it's easier, why don't they do it? I'm like, well then do it, Chet. For us, I think the system is so great that I think the income has got to be, it's a byproduct of a team effort. I think you've got to change size more than income. I'm saying that I know we're going to hit a million by June because we're back recruiting tons of people. We've got a lot of people that are like, Coach, we don't have the money right now. No big deal. What friends do you have? Let's go talk to your friends. Let's go talk to your friends. Coach, I'm ready to do this, I just don't have the money. It's okay, let's go. We get them on a program. Look, if we go in and we recruit a few friends for you, we do a transaction or two, we'll take care of that for you. We don't get paid on your IDA. We get paid on productive players. I hope that helps there. I think when I look back here, I think I have a team here who believes right now that believes that what we're doing is unbelievable. Our goal is that we want to do every $100,000 in cash we make, we're doing a wish kit. I don't know if you guys know what that is, but for every $100,000, we do somebody. Let's say a wish kit, somebody says, I just want to ride a horse in Colorado mountains or something, and it's 10 grand for that. Then we take care of that. Sometimes a kid wants to do Disney World with his family, and it's a $20,000 experience. That's one thing we're doing right now is for this year, we want to see if we can do one wish kit every month. Then next year, we have a goal. We'd like to start a church. We've got some intentions that once we hit a certain number, Jen and I are going to put the money aside to do some pretty cool things here. We read about what it costs to build a church in certain places, and we thought, man, we can absolutely do that in our business. We're talking to our team about those things, and it's getting everybody fired up that it's not just the money you make, but the person you become in the process. What are we going to do with that, with the money? What kind of difference can we make with the money we make? Jim, I'm going to jump in real quick with these mid-call announcements, and then we'll get right back to it. First, check out Larry's latest podcast. This week's episode features Stephen Scoggins, who went from being homeless at the age of 20 to running a $400 million construction company at the age of 40. Second, listen to this week's call on our replay line or download the call on Click on the big hitter link at the top of the page and enter your user name, P-R-I-U-S-E-R, and the password GOGOGO, both all lowercase. The replay number for this call is 667-771-7907, and the PIN is 982755-POUNDS. To stay in touch with Larry Wydell, follow on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and be sure to follow at Big Hitter Club on Twitter for all your big hitter updates, and be sure to leave your thoughts and comments on this week's call. Jamie, you were talking a little bit right before the call. We actually got started on the call, but you raced to 300. You sat there for a while, and then your diamonds jumped 5, 6, 7, 8. Talk again a little bit about that, what change occurred in your mind of where you knew you needed to or you were ready to make that big leap in the race to a million after being stuck at 300 for a while. I think it's like when you start growing and you realize, well, you stopped doing the things that you were doing to help you grow. It's really as simple as that. I looked at my numbers, and I said, well, when's the last time I promoted a district? And I said, it's been a while. Okay, so I'm a teacher now. That's what I do. I'm in teacher mode. Everybody shows up Tuesdays and Fridays, and I'm going to teach you on what I did. And I think that the best way to teach people is showing them how to do it in leadership through example. So that was the biggest thing is that I really felt like I could do more. I could do more, and during that time, I spent a lot of time with family, with my kids and the school, and I felt like I could do more. So I went back to the field, Adam. I just went back to the field and found directs, and then after that, just three years ago was really when I said, okay, let me make a drastic adjustment here. I looked at a company, and I saw there was a lot of upcoming young people, and I said, okay, this is something new because I came in when I was about 25, 27, so I didn't think anybody 18, 19 was mature enough to run a business or to do that, but I said, okay, look, I'm going to focus on the couples that I do have that are winning couples that want to win, that are already married, that are 18, 19, 20, and these are people who want to win. These are people who want to self-improve, that want to change their life, that want to make better decisions. Then I said, I'm going to empower them. I'm going to be the support here. So what I did is I said, I'm going to sit down with everybody's parents. So, Adam, that's one thing that's different is that I sat down with everybody's parents. If we hired somebody that was under the age of 25, I sat down with everybody's parents. I sat down with the parents, and I sat down with maybe one credible person, like maybe the aunt and uncle who had a business or the brother and sister who maybe they were the go-to to the family. I wanted to make sure that the mom and dad knew is, number one, I sat down with them, and I would tell them, I'm sitting down with you as a parent. I know you want the best for your kids, and you want to be in an environment that's conducive to winning and learning. That's what they're a part of. These are my children, and my kids were always at the office working. Anyway, so I'd say, that's Mia. That's Mia. That's her little team. She just made me a grandfather, and I would say that's her. This is my son. This is Jimmy right here. Jimmy, he's 20, and he works with me as well. He's been with me since he was 18, and just how I treat my kids, I'm going to treat your son, your daughter. Jen's going to help them get their license. I'm going to help them do this. The trainer at the time met him, and I said, we're going to work as a team here, and this is your son, your daughter's support system. Number two, we want to show you exactly what we're doing. What are they going to do? I said, these are adjustments that might help you change your life, and then I was given the presentation, and, you know, I think eight times out of ten, you know, people would say, this is unbelievable. Can I do this with my kid? So that was my intention, Adam, is in me sitting down with the parents is giving them the credibility, but to be able to recruit the parents, right, to recruit the parents. I mean, for sure they always bought. For sure they heard what we did, and, you know, they would tell me, you know what, I think I have an insurance policy here with Prudential or this other company, and that would help them switch over. You don't want to have an old 401K, and that would help them do a rollover. You know, so the sales transaction was always easy because they would say, man, this makes a lot of sense. I wish I knew this 20 years ago. And the presentation was from a very educational, you know, it was a very educational approach, you know, like kind of like how money works. You know, and we went through that in a very short version, a simple version, that's duplicatable, you know, what is a mutual fund, how does it work, how to build your financial house, what do you want to start with, and we would tell them, what would you like to save, what would you like to invest on a monthly basis, and we allowed them, you know, to say, you know what, I'd like to start with $300 a month. I'd like to start with $200. Okay, do you want to do that once or twice a month? Oh, you know what, if I can do twice a month, I can do $150 on the first, $150 on the 25th, great. So that's how we're also able to maximize what we do with the numbers, right, is a max case. You know, people ask me, is a max case, is that your intention? And I always tell people that my intention is to give people the best I can give them for what they can afford. And I'd love to maximize what I can give them, life insurance, but I'd like to maximize their 401K as well or their IRA. You know, if I can get somebody, you know, to do the $7,000 a year, then I want to do that. Whatever is better for them. But I let them choose, and I give them choices, and I say, these are the choices, here's what, you know, we put an IRA, here's what we can do here, here's a SEP IRA, this is what's comfortable for you. And then based on that, then everybody on my team runs that same system, and it's very simple. But in me sitting with all the people, and I still do that, I was in a motorcycle accident just a couple weeks ago, so my premium kind of fell. But I usually write about 20,000, 30,000 personal from training some of these, you know, some of the younger players. You know, but I got hit. I was on my Harley a couple weeks ago, and this lady wasn't paying attention, and she slammed into me, and I flew off of my Harley, and I broke like almost here. I broke all of my ribs on my right side. My neck I messed up. I got the worst road rash ever. I had to go to the ICU. It was pretty bad. So my recovery took a little bit of time. But I think prayer was amazing. So I took about, I think I took four weeks off the field. Four weeks I wasn't in the office because I was healing. I did stem cells that didn't really help me. I took a million stem cells, and that really kind of helped me heal. So now I'm back in the office. This month I'm going to about, I think, only recruited about, I did about one direct by about 15,000 personnel. I think our base shop is going to, we should be at about, we should finish at about 80 to 100 this month, and about a little bit over 100,000 premium in our base shop here. But, yeah, that took me down a little bit. But, yeah, so just, you know, doing that has really helped us. And that's pretty much it for some of those things, right? I don't know if labels are on here, if they want to add some things. I'd like them to add a few things because, really, they're the ones that I've empowered to, you know, they do everything for us, everything. They set up the office, you know, everything, the sound. They keep the people in line. They make sure if someone's not dressed right, not dressed right, hey, you've got to go home, you've got to, you know, hey, you've got to dress how you want to be addressed, you know. They're that for me, you know. They're my primary police a little bit, right? They're the ones that tell people when they're coming in, are you excited? Well, you need to tell your face that, right? Go back to the bathroom, right? Tell yourself you're a freaking champion and come back here ready to win, right? All right. So can you hear me, Adam? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I don't know if they're on the speaker line or not. I'm not sure if they'll be able to jump in. I'm not sure who called in on what. Oh, okay. I don't think we're on here. Labus, can you hear us? No. Yo, coach, can you guys hear us? Okay, yeah, there you go. Hey, coach. Labus, you want to close out? You're the real superstar. I'm just the kind of guy that's like I just override all this, you know. Yeah, so we're super grateful, first of all, right, to begin with, coach. You killed it, coach. One more time we say, right, I think, you know, we're just a reflection of your leadership, coach, as always, right, and we're grateful to be on the call, you know, and just to kind of add on to what you said, coach. You gave out a great, you know, great points, but one that always stands out to me is your belief level, right? You cannot perform your belief level, so and, you know, because whether you believe you can do it or not, right, you're probably right, okay. If you believe you can do it, if you believe you can achieve something, you're 100% right. You probably won't be able to achieve it, but, you know, when you believe that you can, then I believe that you will, right. So I think those are great points, coach. That's something that, you know, it's always been taught in the Bay Shop, you know, and I think that's why you've broken so many records, coach, right. Almost a million dollars in income as an RVP without RVPs, right, that's unrealistic, right? But, yeah, coach, you know, we're excited to be on the call, and we're grateful, right, but I think, you know, you talked about social media just a little bit, and if we can kind of add on to that part, because I believe that that's really when things kicked off for not just the Bay Shop, but even for me and Leslie's business. That's actually how we got introduced into the primary opportunity. You know, Carlos and Gabby Guevara were our upline then, and funny story, right, we actually got introduced because Gabby Guevara posted a fancy restaurant here at the Cherry Creek Mall, and my wife simply just asked her what the name of the restaurant was. So because my wife was attracted to a lifestyle that Gabby was showing on social media, you know, we were introduced into the opportunity, right, and what also kind of goes on to that, coach, too, is the environment. You talked about environment. Environment's huge. When we first walked into the Bay Shop, we had no idea what this meeting was about. We had no idea what finances was. I used to be a truck driver. My wife was a full-time college student and worked every job you could possibly think of, so we had no experience with the finances. We had no experience with how money works. We didn't know anything about anything. All we knew is that people were extremely fired up. They were excited to change their life, and just so happens to be that we were excited to change our life, too, coach, right, so since then we haven't looked back. You know, me and my wife were in the 80 by 80 Bay Shop. We got to $50,000 in income, our first seven-month license. I used to make that barely a year, right, working like crazy as a truck driver. We got to about, you were right, coach, about $97,000 in income, you know, and then the next month before we hit rolling 12, right, we got hit with adversity, but hey, so what, right, coach, so what, so, you know, it's just unbelievable, but I'm going to hand it off to my wife, right. My wife's the real killer here. You know, I like to say I'm the King Kong, but she's my Godzilla, right, coach, so I'm going to go ahead and hand it over to my wife. She has some great social media tips that could really benefit everybody. Good morning, everyone. I'm super, super excited to be on this call. What a freaking pleasure. Thank you, coaches, but just going off more in depth with social media because honestly social media is where growth is at and obviously in our humble opinion, right, but social media is amazing just because we already use social media on an everyday basis, so what I'd like to tell our people is make sure you use it to your advantage as a free source, right, like there's, you don't have to subscribe to social media, you don't have to pay anything to use it, right, you're just on there, so make sure you use it as a tool, right. So another thing is I think as long as you're mastering your own social media, then that's when you can truly start teaching others how to use it to your advantage for this business, right, because if America's a very, very specific business, it's a unique business that social media goes perfect with, right. Like Luz was saying, because Gabby Guevara posted a simple restaurant, I was attracted to that, I was like, I'm freaking working all the time, I never see my husband because he's always working and we don't even have money to go out, right, so it was just unbelievable and I was really, really attracted to her lifestyle because she was always out, so because of that, I use that every day. I'm like, if I can make my social media look like that, then I will, too, attract other people. Something else with social media, so pretty much with social media, we focus a lot on lifestyle. Yes, we put the office here and there, but it's mostly lifestyle because that's what people are truly interested in, right. People, whether they're nosy for the right reasons, wrong reasons, whatever it is, they are looking at your stuff all the time. So as long as you're using it the correct way and posting intentional stories, intentional posts, intentional statuses, then you'll attract the right people, right. So we just use social media in that way and then we send out our messages through social media. So we send out, we have a thing where we send out 50 daily, right. So what that means is, yes, you can send more than 50 DMs messages a day, but honestly, that's where it's at. 50 is such a powerful number in Primerica. So as long as we send our 50 every day, that's where we see growth. We have to stay consistent, so we do send our messages Monday through Sunday, 50 messages a week, I mean a day, sorry, Monday through Sunday. We cannot slack off any day. We hold each other accountable. We hold our team accountable because we know that as long as you stay consistent, you will get minimum four to eight directs every month from that. All right, Coach. Go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. Just two more minutes, right, Coach. Thank you for that. But just to kind of head on to that, you know, my wife just mentioned 50 is a very powerful number, and I strongly believe in that, right? And, you know, something that kind of holds us accountable is if Monday through Saturday we send 50, and then on Sunday I send 20, I already messed up the system that we have going on, right? I already messed up for the entire week's work, right? So I already know on Tuesday my numbers are not where they need to be after off night. My invites are not where they have to be. It's simply just because I didn't do my 50 daily, right? And coming into the Bay Shop, something that Coach didn't really tell you guys is that he's a genius. Our VP, Jaime Gomez and Janet Gomez, they're a genius. I think because we have so many young people, Coach, that are 18, 19, 20. We're like veterans in the Bay Shop, right? We're 24 years old. But besides us, right, everybody's around the age of 18, 19, 20 years old, and the reason we're attracting so many young people is because I think they're easy to mold sometimes, right? Well, not all the time. I don't want to say every young person's easy to mold, but they're full of energy. They're the ones that create the environment in the Bay Shop, and, you know, sometimes it's very easy to believe a 30-, 40-, 50-year-old can make 100 grand a year, 200, a million dollars a year. But when you hear that a 19-, 18-year-old is making over $100,000 a year, that they're making $10,000 a month plus, it's, I mean, people are attracted to that, right? People are attracted to that. So I think that's something that really helps us out, too, right? And just having young people have a lot of success so that they can attract young people as well, right? But I think that's all we really have, Coach, right? Our RVP couldn't have said it any better. Again, we're just a reflection of his leadership, Coach. We always run your play, and you can always count on us, Coach, to take it to a million, Coach. We love you guys. We're grateful for the call. Back to you guys. All right, Jaime, you want to – and Janet. Janet, do you want to give your final word on the call? We're going to have Jaime give his final word on the call. Oh, Janet, you want to give your final word on the call? Come on. Yours is the best one. Yours is the best one, my love. Okay? So I'll say mine, but I think you could do one, okay? But I guess, you know, one of the things that I get called all the time about is people problems, right? Everybody calls me, Coach, how do you deal with this? How do you deal with that? And I always tell people that the bigger you get, that it will get better, but yes, yes, you will have many, many people problems. So I guess one of the things that I want to – I'll leave you with is when you do have people problems, okay, and I know people are strong, okay? I've got some strong leaders. I think one of the things that you can say, and this is what I do, is I always ask if the tables were turned and you were the RVP, you're the leader, and you're earning what I'm earning, what would your counsel look like then? I think that's something that's helped me solve a lot of problems because when I ask that, people will say, shoot, I get it. Sorry, Coach, you got it. I got to get better, okay? I hope that helps. Janet, closing thoughts. Closing thoughts. I think that one of the greatest things that I've learned while being in this business is knowing that as a spouse, you're more than just a partner. You're the other half to the bigger picture, and just understanding that you have to give everything that you have, that you have to be the best version of yourself all the time because as a partner, you're not just the back end. You're not just, you know, like the partner in the shadows. You're not just that person that takes a picture, you know, with the builder whenever we're doing stuff for the company. You're the better version of your partner when they need you to be, but then you're also an equal tower, and having the same amount of work ethic, honestly, you have to match. You have to be an equal tower at all times, and just understanding that, you know, when you give everything that you have, at the end of the day, you feel really great. There's a lot of, if I could respectfully say, there's a lot of partners in Primerica that they just kind of stand on the sidelines because they're like, oh, I'm not the builder, and I will have you know that I'm also not the builder, but I do know how to close effectively if my partner ever needed me to step into the field because he's double booked or because of, you know, whatever other reason, and I think that that, for me, has been the most important thing is just understanding that whenever he needs me to fill in somewhere, I can do that, but I also understand that I have roles, that I have responsibilities, and I have duties that I need to, you know, live up to, but most importantly, just understanding that everything that you're going to get better for is going to be good as long as you're getting better for yourself. When I came into this business, I wanted to be better because, you know, my partner was Gomez, and it's how do you not be the best version, you know, for your partner, but as I continued to grow and mature in the business and in other areas of my life, especially my faith, I understood that the best thing that I could do for my partner, for our business, for our family, was to get better for myself because in me becoming the best woman that I could be, I've already excelled and surpassed what everyone else has needed from me, so for those of you that are partners, you know, just know that they need more from you, even if they might not tell you, but most importantly, you need more from yourself, so if you think that you're just giving it everything that you've got, give a little bit more because you deserve that much. All right. Thank you. Ivy, you want to leave us with your final word? It's been a great call this morning. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Ben, I think Jen has said it all there. I think, you know, I think right now, now is the time, okay, to really, you know, I would really challenge everybody right now. We've got convention coming up. You know, what would it be like if you found a superstar? What would it look like if you, you know, if on this run from now until convention, you know, if you just went out there one more time and said, I'm just going to go out there and even if, you know, I know I said a high number, right, a thousand, but let's say as leaders, if we led by example, right, what would our business look like, what would our life look like if we went out there personal with the intention of, okay, I'm going to go find a few people that want to go to convention with, right, that, you know, just how we felt the first time we went to convention, that that feeling that we got, you know, that those emotions that we experienced, you know, what would it look like if we took just even three, five directs, you know, from now until convention, just even if we got one, two people a month to go with us, new players, what would our business look like? What would our life look like as a result of just one more time saying, I'm going to go find a few directs that I can get to convention with me? I hope that helps, Adam. Yes, sir, fantastic job this morning. Thank you guys for being on. It was a great call. A lot of great information. Adam? Yeah, go ahead. Adam, I just like to point out, it was about a year ago, I think, when Jamie got on and said he was going to renovate his base shop and redo it, refresh it, and go on this big charge. I think he had just gotten started, and that's interesting, that increased like 400,000, of having a massive motorcycle accident, breaking all of his ribs and being probably out of commission for a month. It's pretty amazing. Pretty darn amazing. Yeah, unbelievable. Congratulations, man. And thank goodness. Yeah, I'm glad it wasn't any worse than it was. Yeah, it was bad. Thank you. Yeah, it was really bad, yeah, but yeah. But I'm here, and we're back at it. Love this. The next day, I was on a call with my team, too, and this is a wonderful business. So I love this business. And you know what, Adam? I do want to say that if there's somebody out there right now that's looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking for a job, and they're looking