Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker expresses gratitude for the prayers and support they have received. They emphasize that the service is not about them, but about serving God. They talk about the importance of preaching the words of God and seeking His guidance. They mention a text from 1 Timothy about how every creature of God is good and sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. They discuss the concept of sanctification and share personal experiences with it. They connect the sanctification of meat in the Bible to the inclusion of Gentiles in God's grace. They emphasize the importance of preaching the gospel to all people, regardless of their background. They reflect on the symbolism of sanctifying meat and how it represents God's grace for all. I appreciate everybody's prayers, and every time somebody said I've been praying, I believe it. And you've proven yourselves to be prayers, prayer warriors, even for me, and I'm thankful for it. I'm thankful for everything that's been said, and I'm not saying that because it's a common thing to say for a preacher behind the pulpit to say. I'm thankful for everything that's been said, but a lot of good things have been said already in the service, and I mean that. I'm thankful for it. I've picked up on some things, and I'm thankful for it. I want everybody to come prepared for any service, and I acknowledge that this is not my service. I'm preaching tonight, but it's not my service. Our service is to the Lord. It is our service to God, and I'm thankful that we're here. I'm thankful for this opportunity, and I give God the glory for it. I've sought the face of God for this message, and Brother Tim hit the nail on the head when he was talking about nervousness for the preacher when it is time for him to preach. It is the service where he is going to preach, and I have a reservation within myself to preach my own words. I don't want to do that tonight. I don't only have a reservation, but I will try not to. I will strive to preach the words of God, and I've prayed for that. I want to do that. I intend on doing that with God's help. Here in a little while, we're going to pray over the message, and I'm going to ask you to pray with me, and I ask that we all pray like we're about to hear a message from God, and I will pray like I'm about to preach a message from God, and I hope that it is not empty, but I pray that God will be in it, and I pray that love will be in it, because 1 Corinthians chapter 13 lets us know that without charity, that it's nothing. Anything without charity is really nothing, and love, that charity, love, it's got to be in everything for it to really be something, especially something for God, because God is love, something of God. Turn over to, well, I already forgot my text. I told you I was nervous, and turn over to 1 Timothy. 1 Timothy chapter 4. 1 Timothy chapter 4, starting in verse 4, For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the Word of God in prayer. For it is sanctified by the Word of God in prayer. Every creature is sanctified by the Word of God in prayer. Pray with me. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, I seek You, O God. I'm thankful, Lord God, for this opportunity, Lord God, so I seek You in this, Lord God, that Your words, Lord, would be preached, that Your words would be heard. God, let it not be my message, O God, but let it be Your message for Gospel Light Holiness Church tonight. O God, I don't want to preach my own words. God, this church does not need my words, O God. This church, Lord God, this congregation, Lord God, needs the words of God. We need to hear the words of God. We need to preach the Word of God. Lord, we need to live the Word of God. We need sanctification in our lives. We need the truth of the Word within us, O God. And let it be, O God, that I'm anointed with Your Word as I preach. Let it be, O God, that everything is said that ought to be said, and everything is left unsaid that should not be said. Lord, I want to glorify Your name. I want to be thankful. Lord, I want to do Your will. I want to preach Your will and live Your will, O God, I pray. Let it be in Jesus' name. Amen. I'm going to read the text again. For every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving. For it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. The Lord has been dealing with me on sanctification for a while now. Let me turn over, and I wasn't going to do this, but let me turn over to John. And it wasn't but last week or the week before that that Brother Anthony and some students had to help me find this passage of Scripture because I already forgot where it was as many times as I've already preached on sanctification. John 17 and 17 says, Sanctify them through Thy truth, Thy Word is truth. It tells us that Jesus is speaking here. Sanctify them through Thy truth, Thy Word is truth. It's telling us that the Word is truth and we're sanctified by the Word. This is exactly how God began to sanctify me when I was 15 years old. I was saved at 7 years old, but God began the work of sanctification in my life at 15 years old. The first thing that God began to deal with me about when He began to sanctify my life is reading the Word of God. The Word of God was how God began to sanctify me. And the Word of God is how we are sanctified. It is a way by which we are sanctified. You have heard me say that already, but we need to know the Word of God. And the Word of God is true. And I'm so thankful that God began to sanctify me by reading His Word. And the exact thing that He was dealing with me on was to read it daily. So I began to try to read it daily. I was inconsistent. At some point, I started trying to read 10 chapters every day and I wasn't getting anything out of it. And it just didn't work that way for me. Maybe it does for somebody else, but it doesn't work for me. And I don't recommend it. And I was trying to read the Bible every day. And I was trying to study the Word of God and the truth because that's how God began to work on me with sanctification. There's been other times that God has been sanctifying me in other ways by the Holy Ghost, by His Son. And God the Father has sanctified me. There's ways that God has dealt with me to abstain from sin and that's a work of sanctification. And I'm thankful for it. But we have a very peculiar text here because it tells us that a creature was sanctified by God. This is not the creature that is being spoken in an earlier letter. It's not talking about man. It's talking about literal creatures, literal animals, creatures. It's speaking on the food that the Jews were not allowed to eat by the law. And it's very peculiar that God inspired Paul to write about the sanctification of meat. It really kind of sounds weird to us to read in the Bible that it matters to God that He would include the sanctification of meat in His Word. But if we dig deeper into the Word of God and if we can connect some dots here, we'll really see what God is telling us here. Because it is not the sanctification of meat that God is really concerned with us knowing about. It really doesn't matter all that much that the Jews could now eat pork and the Jews could now eat other animals that they weren't allowed to before. That really doesn't matter all that much. Now there was division about it. It was a controversial subject and especially bringing it out. Anything that Christians would bring up or bring out, it ruffled the feathers of the Orthodox Jews. And they didn't like it. It was uncomfortable and they saw it as false doctrine and they saw it as against the Word of God. But it is something that God did. It is sanctified. God sanctified those animals for Jewish people to eat. God sanctified it by His Word. It's sanctified by prayer. And this is symbolism. It is really not important that Jewish people are allowed to eat more animals. It doesn't matter that much. But it was controversial in that day. And now if we just not pick apart the Word of God, but if we expound upon the Word of God and if we connect the dots as I said earlier, then we can really understand why this was inspired. Paul was inspired by the Holy Ghost to write about the sanctification of meat. And in Acts chapter 10, if you'd read that, it speaks of a Gentile man that began to pray or that was praying. He was a faithful Gentile man. He was praying. And later in that same chapter, God revealed His grace was for the Gentiles also by telling Peter to eat animals considered unclean by the Jews for centuries. Some Jewish Christians still disagreed with that grace was for the Gentiles because even in this letter to Timothy, after God had already revealed in Acts chapter 10 that a Gentile man, grace was to him and salvation was for them also by saying that the unclean animals were now allowed to be eaten by the Jewish people. So the Jewish people were now to accept that grace was to the Gentiles also. And they were to accept that and Peter, a Jewish man, was revealed that by the acceptance of meat that was banned to the Jews for many years. It is a symbolism of that. That is why it is important that the gospel continue to be preached, that Paul tells Timothy, keep preaching to the Gentiles and keep preaching to the Jews that the Gentiles can be saved as well. God's grace is sufficient to save every man. No matter what the nationality is, no matter their background, whether they're known or unknown, poor or rich, salvation is to every man, the Bible says, whosoever will. I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful that God brought salvation to the Jews and God brought salvation to the Gentiles. I'm thankful that the gospel was emphasized to this man Timothy by Paul. And I'm thankful that the gospel is being preached today that God has brought grace to the Jews and to the Gentiles and He has revealed it with things like this, such as the sanctification of meat. Of all things, God revealed it to us by the sanctification of meat. And this meat, especially so, more so when the animal has been killed, it becomes an inanimate object. It becomes just meat and the flesh of an animal. And it's interesting that God would sanctify that. He literally did. He sanctified it. He made it good for anyone to eat. And when that animal is killed, it becomes inanimate. It's not alive anymore. It's simply a dead animal. It's a piece of meat and flesh. It's bones and blood. It's nothing but a body, a carcass, and it's inanimate. There's no life in it. And God sanctified this. Now, I have struggled with sanctification. The Bible tells us that sanctification is not only a work of God. It is a work of God, but not only, it's on our part to sanctify ourselves as well. Now, I have struggled with sanctifying myself over the years since God has began to sanctify me. I already told you that I was inconsistent in reading the Bible daily. And I tried things that didn't work. And it's a fact that God sanctified meat and such as pork. And yet, I have struggled with sanctifying myself over the past few years, but God sanctified pork so God can sanctify me and I can sanctify myself. I'm reminded of John the Baptist preaching when he talks about how God can raise up a rock to be seed of Abraham. And Brother Anthony already was testifying earlier in the service that if those people that were worshiping, if they would quiet down, if they would stop worshiping, then the rocks would cry out. And right here, we have a work of sanctification done to a piece of pork and done to some pigs and animals. If God can sanctify this, or if God can sanctify that, God can sanctify me. If this can be sanctified, if meat can be sanctified, I can be sanctified. If pork can be sanctified, you can be sanctified. And I want to expound on that very thing, the sanctification of the inanimate with the title of Sanctify Your Stuff. Sanctify Your Stuff. Here in the United States, our possessions are precious and plenteous. We're blessed but greatly distracted by stuff. Christian duty knocks on our doors daily, but we've become too preoccupied by the stuff we have to do to answer. Although some stuff is sanctified, most is still condemned. 2 Corinthians 6 starts out in verse 14 where it says, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God, as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord. And touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. The end of that text certainly speaks of a people that is drawn nigh unto God. They became sons and daughters. They were commanded not to touch the unclean thing. So there are things that are sanctified, and there are things that are still yet unsanctified, things that are condemned, and we ought to abstain from these things. Some of you have set boundaries in your life in this altar. Some of you have set those boundaries at another church, a revival, a youth camp, and even at home. You have set boundaries as you have studied the Word of God and as you strove to draw nigh to God. You've set boundaries in your life over the years that God has dealt with you and you've matured in the Lord. But could it be that the boundaries you placed, although not torn down, were built to accommodate stuff that should be on the other side of the fence? Could it be that you still have things in your life within the boundaries that are displeasing to God that are unsanctified? And I will begin to speak on certain things, naming things, and this is for you personally to just ponder upon and to pray about and to meditate upon. This is between you and God whether you struggle with any of these things. You don't come to me. You do not have to come to me. I advise you to go to God and deal with it in prayer if you struggle with any of these things. And you must go to God if there are things you're struggling with. You must go to God if you desire to sanctify anything and you must go to God if you desire to purge the unsanctified from your life. Music should be sanctified. Similar to Jews that taught against eating certain animals, there are some Christians today that won't play instruments in their churches. They think that's wrong. They believe that's wrong. And I'm not going to bash them. We heard a great message on praying for surrounding churches and there is a church near us, not too far, that believe that it's wrong to play instruments in church. But in Psalm 150, and I will acknowledge Brother Zach Kordel's message at Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference this year, it was wonderful. These next two verses were in his message and he preached great and he preached on this. His whole message was a great expounding upon this point that I'm trying to make right here and I advise you to go to the Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference website and find Brother Zach Kordel's message and listen to it on music because it's beneficial for everybody, especially so for those that listen to music regularly, that play music and that sing music. Psalm 150, verses 3-5 says, Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet. Praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and dance. Praise Him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals. Praise Him upon the high-sounding cymbals. We have here a command of praise, an encouragement to praise the Lord, an imploring, praise the Lord with instruments. Praise the Lord. This is worship. This is music and it's to the Lord. Colossians 3.16 says, Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. It is good to play music to the Lord. It is good to use instruments in church. It is good to use instruments at home to worship the Lord. And I'm thankful for music and I'm thankful for singing and I'm thankful for lyrics that have been inspired by God. Music is worship. Let there be no doubting and let there be no refusal of musical instruments to be played to the Lord and that it is glorifying to Him and that we should praise Him in that way. You may not have a musical talent. Brother Marine, you were talking about this morning and I'm not saying that you don't have any talents. I believe you're a very talented man. But you mentioned that you can't do a lot. And sometimes you have mentioned that you could play the harmonica just a little bit. But if you can play the harmonica just a little bit, then play the harmonica to the Lord. And everybody that has a musical talent, do it to the Lord. And everybody that can sing, do it to the Lord. And everybody that does sing, no matter if you think you can sing well or not, do it to the Lord. And if you don't think you can sing, sing anyway because it praises God. And worship the Lord and learn how to play instruments if you are capable and if you have enough time on your hands. But until then, praise the Lord with your breath and do everything that glorifies God. Anything that you do, let it be unto God. Let it be all to the glory of God, especially so... And I'm saying do everything to the glory of God. The Word of God tells us that. But when there is something that is sanctified for worship, we should use it to worship God fully. We should put our whole hearts into it. We should do everything to the glory of God. And when it's regarding worship, we should put our whole hearts into it as Brother Anthony was already testifying about. We should give it our all as those basketball players put their hearts and their efforts. And they sacrifice things and they sacrifice meals and they don't eat certain foods because they want their body to be acceptable. So we should practice and we should strive to glorify the Lord with our breath. We should strive to glorify the Lord with our hearts and with the stringed instruments. We should glorify God. We should do all things to the Lord. We should not play country music in our cars. We should not play country music on our phones. We should not play country music with our instruments. We should not play country music in the house of God. We should not listen to these things. We should not recommend these things to our friends. It's not only country music, but it's whatever else that the world is trying to ruin the worship of God with. Whatever else the world is trying to contaminate worship with. Whatever else the world is trying to pervert and to change. Let it be to the glory of God when we do anything, especially when it's regarding worship. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. 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Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Everybody listen. You can't sanctify people that live in your household. You cannot sanctify them. They're going to have to do that on their own. They're going to have to seek God to sanctify them. And you can pray for them, and you should, but you cannot cause them to be sanctified. You can't sanctify your mom, or your dad, or your brother, or your sister. And parents, I'm sorry, but you cannot sanctify your child. For the young people, you might share a bedroom with your brother or sister. And you probably share a lot of the same things. And you can't sanctify them, and you can't sanctify their stuff. But even if you sleep in the same room, and you share the bedroom with them, and you share a lot of the same things, you can sanctify what is yours. Surely you have some of your own things. And you can sanctify yourself by sanctifying your stuff. You can sanctify yourself from departing from the things that are displeasing to God. And you should sincerely pray, God, do I have anything that is displeasing to you in my room? Adults, pray, God, do I have anything in my garage that is displeasing unto you? Do I have anything in my home that is not pleasing unto God? God, is there anything that I can sanctify in my home? God, do I need to check my shed? Do I need to check my carport? Do I need to take those things out of there that I've had for many years, and that I've held on to, and that I've pushed away, and maybe even forgot about? But Lord, reveal it to me, because I can't afford to have anything in my life, or anything in my home, or anything to take my son captive, or anything to take my daughter captive, anything that may cause them to sin, or anything that might provoke them to worldliness or ungodliness. God, is there anything I've forgotten about? God, is there anything in my life that you are not pleased with, that you do not love? God, I love you. I love your commandments. So I will obey your commandments. Show that I love you by sanctifying my stuff, and sanctifying what you have given to me, and anything that you have not given to me. It must be unsanctified. It must be from this world. So I will not have it any longer, and it's going in the trash. It's going in the burn pile. I'm not going to have it anymore. I'm not going to give it away. I'm not going to share it. I'm not going to let it sit there anymore. I'm not that man anymore. I'm not that woman anymore. I'm not that child anymore. That was the past. That was the old man. That was what I used to be. But God has redeemed me from that. I'm not like that anymore. The Lord has sanctified me. So I'm going to sanctify my stuff. Some of you will really benefit from taking another check in your closets, in your cabinets, in your dressers, in everything in your household, every nook and cranny. I think there needs to be a spring cleaning at your home tonight. And it might start in this altar. And God might just reveal things right here in this altar tonight that's at your home. I'm talking about physical objects that have a spirit behind them, things that are unsanctified, things that must be sanctified. Sanctify your stuff. You will profit from checking your phone. Parents, you will profit from checking your children's phones. I promise you that it doesn't hurt and it will not take that long at all to check your contact list and to check those names and those numbers of the past. Not to reminisce, but to purge yourself from these things. Check your contact list, young and old, both adults and teenagers, children. If you have phones, you probably don't. Hopefully, children don't have phones. Teenagers and adults, check your contact list and delete those contacts. Before you delete them, block those contacts. Then delete them so that you cannot be contacted by them anymore. You may have not heard of this person. You may not have talked to this person in a long, long time. But you will benefit from checking your contact list. I have had to do that. And I have had to delete numbers that were associated with memories that I hate. A toxic relationship is a pit that young and old alike jump into. These toxic people might influence you to become toxic yourself and they might claim to be Pentecostal holiness. To speak on phones still yet, the endless content of podcasts, videos, social media, news articles and playlists can be harmful. Most of them are harmful. Purge yourself from these. Sanctify your phones. Sanctify your stuff. And worldly entertainment is still worldly and unacceptable in the eyes of God. Please, everyone stand. In Psalm 101 and 3, the Bible says, I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. I hate the work of them that turn aside. It shall not cleave to me. Sister Carrie, you were talking about Andy when he was young clinging to you. And we have this statement, this proclamation that David's not going to let anything cling or cleave to him. David saw things in his life. David saw betrayal. David saw hatred. He experienced a murderous spirit that was against him. He experienced his own sins and his own deep regrets. And David had a terrible past. And David, if you look at all of the bad things, you've got a whole mess of knowledge. And he was a man after God's own heart at times in his life. And at other times, David dwelt where the Philistines were, where the enemies of God's people were. And David was there. And David had some bad experiences. And David made some bad decisions. And he committed sin. And he had a wife that had an image in her home, an idol. And he had many, many things that were battling him. And he constantly, over and over again in his life, he witnessed bloodshed of innocent people. He witnessed the bloodshed of guilty people. And he saw people slain. And he slew some people himself. And he slew a giant. And he killed a bear. And he killed a lion. David saw a lot of bloodshed in his life. David saw a whole lot of hatred in his life. And David saw his sons commit sin and his sons turn away and commit wicked acts. And Absalom, his own son, was a terrible individual. David had a messy life. Although many good things can be said of David's life, it was messy. But he said at some point in his life, I don't know if he said it young or old, if he was a king at the time or a shepherd, but David said, I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. He continued to say, It shall not cleave to me. But yet, what do you have in your life? What's before your eyes? What will God reveal to you tonight that's in your home, that's at your house? What will God say is cleaving to you right now? There might be something in your sights. God might reveal something that's before your eyes and you've been blinded to it until tonight. But God might be dealing with you on something already that is before your eyes. And it is a wicked thing. And it is an evil thing. And it is a thing that is cleaving to you or it's cleaving to your home. And it might be cleaving to your children. And it might be cleaving to your parents. It might be cleaving to your life. You might not know it or you might. But it needs to depart from your life. It needs to be sent in the past. It needs to be destroyed. It needs to depart. It needs to be thrown away. It needs to stay that way. It needs to be cast down. It needs to be destroyed. It needs to be demolished. That thing should not be part of your life. Get rid of it. Sanctify your stuff. Do you have something in your life that is holding on to you? Then get the determination that David got at some point in his life. And have the diligence. And have the testimony. It shall not cleave to me. I'm not going to let it hold to me anymore. And I'm not going to hold to it anymore. I will draw nigh to God. This thing has been in my way. I have tripped over it. I have stumbled over it. It has kept me back. It has been a wall in my face. I have not been able to get past it until now. But it shall not cleave to me. It's not mine anymore. But it is God's. I give it to Him. He will take care of it. God, sanctify me. Sanctify my stuff. And show me how I ought to sanctify myself. And show me how I ought to sanctify my stuff. I invite everyone in this altar. Pray to sanctify your stuff. Come on.