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Greg Alabi



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The Bible study is titled "Managing Surprises, Part 2" and focuses on the fear of unpleasant surprises when taking a step of faith. It emphasizes that challenges and unexpected situations should not discourage us from moving forward. The story of Jesus and his disciples encountering a storm and then encountering demon-possessed men is used to illustrate this point. The lessons include not drawing back or running away, expecting opposition when taking a step of faith, and standing our ground against accusations. The episode ends with a cliffhanger, promising to reveal more in the next episode about the outcome of taking a step of faith and why the devil wants to stop us. Hello, we welcome you to join the chariot for a 5-minute Bible study. This 10th episode on A Step of Faith is titled Managing Surprises, Part 2. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. I've heard some people who will tell you upfront even before commencement, before take-off, I don't want any surprises. The reason is because unpleasant surprises can destroy everything or at the very least cause setback. If we do not know how to manage unforeseen unpleasant surprises, we can quickly get into trouble leading to damage control or even loss of time and resources. This is why the fear and the concern for unpleasant surprises is the reason why some people will not take that step of faith. But the Bible says in Hebrews 10, verse 39, that we are not of them that draw back. The lesson, we are soldiers of the Lord, in the name of Jesus we shall conquer, no retreat, no surrender. We are not of them that draw back. Paul said in Acts chapter 20, verse 22, in the New International Version, And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. The lesson, a man of faith will take a step of faith because the Spirit compels him, not the voice of fear, not the voice of doubt, for the voice of a stranger we will not follow. Paul said he is going to Jerusalem, but he does not know what will happen to him there. My point, we shall not wait to know everything before we take the step of faith. Now in the previous episode, we learned from Matthew chapter 8, verse 23 to 34, that although it was Jesus himself that initiated the journey to cross the lake to the other side, himself being present with his disciples, a stormy wind arose to threaten their lives. They almost sank in the sea. The lesson, challenges are not unusual. Even if God initiated the journey and he is present there with you, challenges are not necessarily a sign that God is absent or you are doing the wrong thing or going the wrong direction or at the wrong place. Challenges are no reasons to quit. Keep going. The storm will be over soon. So finally, Jesus and his disciples landed safely at the other side of the lake. Matthew chapter 8, verse 28, guess what was waiting for them upon arrival? What did they run into? Two demon-possessed lunatics, crazy guys with maybe psychiatric or mental issues coming right out of the cemetery, a burial ground where they live. Talk about an unpleasant surprise. You just survived a storm and the next thing that you run into is this kind of situation? For some people, these are enough reasons or evidences that God is not in that journey with them. They will draw back and go and repent. But not so. Challenges are a sign that the devil wants to stop you because God has kept something great for you ahead. Now let's learn some more valuable lessons on what to do when the devil shows up with unpleasant, unexpected surprises. First lesson, one thing we must never do, never draw back, never run away. Light does not run away from darkness. Joshua chapter 1, verse 9 says, Have I not commanded you to be strong and of good courage? Next lesson is in Matthew chapter 8, verse 29. Both men cried out when they met with Jesus and his disciples. The lesson here, when you take a step of it, expect some devils to cry out. Yes, your action and your movement will shake things up enough for some people and Satan to scream at you. That's normal. Third lesson is in verse 29. They accused Jesus if he has come to torment them before their time. The lesson, to manage unpleasant surprises, expect to be accused of coming to cause trouble because your action and your progress in your journey will torment some spirit. My advice, stand your ground, nothing should make you afraid. You are here to take charge. Can I tell you something, hear this. When you stand your ground, the devil will fall to the ground, but if you run, you will be gone. Fourth lesson here is in verse 30 to 32. The demons inside both men requested to enter a bunch of pigs that were close by. Jesus ordered them to leave. They entered the pigs and all the pigs ran into the sea. The lesson, why the pigs as their choice? Why did they run into the sea? What happened next? All this we will learn from in our next episode. Then we will see the final outcome when we take the first step of faith and why the devil wanted to stop them by all means. Let us pray. Father, thank you for the lessons we are learning. Father, we pray that you put faith in our heart to do what you have asked us to do. In Jesus name, Amen. You may request for subsequent copies by sending an email to gregalaby at gmail dot com. I invite you to visit our website gregalaby dot com. You will find previous episodes and current episodes there. You will really be blessed. God bless you.

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