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Part 4 - The Darkness

Part 4 - The Darkness

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You know, as many people know, it's no secret, I don't feel, to anybody of what happened you know, within the team. And the only thing we will address and we'll say is like, yes, it's true that Michael split from the whole team. We're not going to hide it or lie about it. Fact. Fact, Michael called the cops on the team. Fact. Fact, Michael stole all the money. Fact. He can say it's for mom. He can say it's for Christopher. I don't care what he does. The fact is, he never spoke to any of us. Fact. Pulled it all out and then called the cops. Then dissolved all of mom's websites. Then took guys. Then took down the radio station. Fact. So, we're not going to blame him because we know much better than to blame Michael. He's not a, he's not the villain in the story, but he is a character being played, as we said before on the radio. At any point throughout the moments that I first connected with her, she could have easily said, transfer all the funds over to Jason, to whoever in the group, anyone. And that never happened. She trusted me. At any point, we're talking nine years. Nine years. And, well, actually one on ten. And that never occurred. She put the house in my name. The accounts, the cars, insurances, everything. And I was like, okay. I was not a finance guy. It's not my background. I was a simple guy from New York. Born and raised in the Bronx. And she just connected with me in a way that I've never had a woman connect with me and show me things and teach me things. And it was just us two for years. He did what he felt he would have had to do in that moment. And for me personally, and I know father, you know, we forgive him. Other than myself, he had been with mom the longest. Okay? So it may be hitting him in a way that, you know, I just can't comprehend. Or anyone else. And once all the chips settle and the dust settles from what's occurred, you know, I have full faith in the essence of Archangel Michael on the planet, that he is a white being, of course. And our forgiveness will bridge the gap of the old paradigms of judgment and revenge. And you did this and you did that. I see past all that shit. And I know father does too. Because in the grand scheme, multidimensionally, he did exactly what he was supposed to do. And at the end of the day, we're still a family, whether he knows it or not. And he's gonna realize it. Mom's the baddest bitch. The darkest, the lightest, he's got you running, he's got you going, you don't know what the fuck's going on. Oh, his father bad, I don't know what to do. Hey, why don't we just steal their fortune? Why don't we just steal $330,000 that they made together? Steal a website. Then steal another $16,000, another $10,000 cash and throw father in the fucking forest. So we can get rid of everything that mom did. Yeah, you fuckers. We got you. All creation's got you. Every sleazy fucking scumbag, Gabriel. Love you. I do my homework. And I'm the fucking greatest being that ever existed aside from God. And I got you. Because I love you. And we miss you. And your ass is getting home, dirty diaper boy. Oh, Michael and Faith, yes, we love you too. Aurora, we love you. You made the mistakes. And now we're calling you out. And we have new information on a religious cult based in Colorado. Members of the group have reappeared online under a new name. The authorities arrested seven members earlier this month after their leader's mummified body was found in a home near Crestone. CBS 4's Rick Salinger has been reporting on this cult, appeared today on Dr. Phil, which focused on this case. And Rick, you do have new information for us. Yes, Karen, the group may be small in numbers, but their online presence is huge. In fact, they have tens of thousands of people following them as love is one. They disappeared from the live computer screen, but now some are back. It appears the cult has changed its name, calling itself 5D Full Disclosure. Members of the group posted, God was here. She ascended. Now it's our turn. Their reference to God is believed to be Amy Carlson, known as Mother God. She was the leader of Love Has Won. Her mummified body, decorated with Christmas lights, was discovered in this home near Crestone. It's believed she had been dead for some time from natural causes. Seven members of Love Has Won were arrested on charges related to the presence of the body. Two known members of the group posted on Facebook, dated today, with Amy Carlson's picture in the background. However this happened, I just pray. Everybody's still loving mom, whatever goes down. And they all do. Nothing changed. It is a live stream entitled The Return of the Oracles. All of those arrested have now been released on bond. We spoke with two briefly earlier this month. How did she die? I actually do not have answers for that. It's in theory. I don't know. A different side of the group appeared on a video recently posted to Reddit. What it shows are a series of clips from the group making highly anti-semitic and anti-black statements, which we will not air. It was not this close where that live stream today was coming from. The group has been at times in Oregon and Hawaii. And the body of Carlson was believed brought to Colorado from California. I know everyone keeps asking like they want us to address father. Like I'm not sure what you guys want us to say. It's pretty self-explanatory. Everybody's on their own path right now in a way. So each being on this team is choosing their own experience. And we have to honor, like we said about Michael, same thing. We have to honor everybody's experience. We have to honor everybody's choices. We have to honor the roles that they are playing. But it doesn't mean that we have to enable or condone them. So, you know, father who's not embodying father. It's pretty clear if anybody, you know, watches the videos and you have any sort of energetic perception at all, that he's not an embodiment. He is definitely going through it in his own way. I can't imagine, you know, what he has felt through the process. However, we do not enable or condone the behavior. So we're not in contact with him. He can choose to do whatever he wants. That's his choice. He can stay, do whatever he chooses. And we are going to continue on in our, on our path of doing what we feel is highest to keep honoring mom and move this mission forward and create, you know, whatever grandness mom would like us to, you know, create. So it's pretty simple. We aren't in contact. We don't support him. Father just shared with you yesterday, false team. Now you're down to 96. Where are you going to team? Remember, you showed up the greatest being The greatest beings on a planet out of 8 billion beings. You showed up to support God. What happened when mom left? I mean, I always called you out every fucking week. Why did you think I was going to fucking not call you out when mom left? Oh, you were going to starve God. Take everything and go feed your dicks and your pussies. That really hurts you, doesn't it? Because you're incubus succubus robot. That's all you do is suck from each other. You steal and you suck. Well, guess what? God has a different plan. And that is the plan where you all come home and that is the plan where you all come home and be divine. Now, so gracefully mother was able. Thank you, mother. Father was able to help save the beings that are here. Guess what we got children. We got four beings out of 8 billion that actually believed in mother and father. And they took that belief, took their hope. He's hoping he's wonderful. We love you. Again, you girl, we'll get you back home. And went through the fire of faith and love God no matter what. Oh, we love you too, Faith. It's going to take a moment for you, sister. Remember, you were going to leave father in jail and the children here that defended mother in jail. Yeah. Thanks to Luna, our beautiful daughter. Thanks to Luna, our beautiful daughter. Thanks to Luna, she got us out. Took her fucking $13,000 to get us out. Well, the rest of the family had 330 plus 10 plus 9 and left us in there. Again, I'll call you all till fucking sundown. I'm the fucking judge. Do I need to reheart you who the fuck I am, children? Your father. Who the fuck are you going to go around to heaven? Nobody. Remember, I was there. There's two keys and two gates. Oh, he got you. Now let's have some fun. You're so fucking scared of your own illusion. Oh, father's such a bad person. It's just Lucifer. Who the fuck is Lucifer? Someone you use as a scapegoat in every fucking moment? Oh, like we'd be if we came on a live stream every day and just projected a fake, oh, everything's good in the family. We would be the very essence of what we're, you know, talking to change. And for you guys to be able to see the realness of that and that there is egos calling out egos within our fractals. I mean, that shows you an element of, you know, we are human and we're here in the experience with you guys and all sunshine and rainbows on the planet. We know that more than anyone. And so do you. Right. They were guided elsewhere. And, you know, at the end of the day, when me and father talk and the beings here, who are we to dictate what mom's telling them through their heart? You know, you know, there is an element of like, why aren't we unified? But, you know, at the same time, time doesn't exist. And they're in where they're at in a moment. And at any point, any being can choose to drive anywhere today. You know what I'm saying? It's that big of an issue. People can say what they wish, but every being here, no matter what the faction loved her with all their heart, fully. I know it and they know it. And that's our unifying factor as a family. And it will come. It'll come to fruition. I mean, the one thing I'm glad that you call is, you know, there is joy and there is happiness now because she did what she did. Who would we be if we were wallowing and and, you know, the only thing she ever prayed or the only thing she ever shared with us was to be joy. That's how it was for years before people even came here. People didn't start, we started, we connected at late 2012. People didn't start really coming in. The quarantine until late 2017. That's a long time. And you have people with entitlements, people with emotions, people who want to control, who think they know how to run things. And then we're, me and my brother, we're quenching fires here. People who've left homes that mom paid for. Mom paid for rent for people and they left them just in shambles. They didn't get all the down payment out of the way. That's $3,500 out of the way. Left vehicles stranded, which we had to now cater to a truck for a kid to pick that up. We're in the midst of picking up another vehicle that they just took straight to California. My brother has to meet them halfway. And yet these are the same people that want to run their business, buy themselves a house, get themselves situated. Well, I'm trying to work on basically what we have now, renovations. Have a place for people to come, a place for her children, my son. And yet you have people running a narrative, thinking that they know something that they can do, that they can do it better. I feel they didn't transform things that they needed to transform along the way because they've been on this longer than I have. And I have so much compassion for them. They gave it their all with the sessions, with the products, the lives, being there for mother. They didn't have the moment to transform their trauma. So now they're at a different place right now, but we're all united consciously within our hearts. We're all kind of in a vulnerable place. We always had mom and always had her as our lighthouse, so to say. And so everyone's kind of just going on their own guidance right now, which is what's caused what you see. Yet, like I stated, it's not that big of a deal because we're still unified in the heart. We still feel each other. It transcends the physical. And as far as the next step, I mean, I don't even have an answer because it's so present in the moment of now, the changes that occur, that for me to look at anything outside of a day or two, a waste of energy because it hasn't manifested yet. Things could happen within that day that change completely what I have planned. You feel me? The last that I saw a few months ago was in California, pubbing in Castella, which is near Dunsmuir. That was the last that I saw her. Focus on you, where you're at, because that's where I've been, focusing around that. And the more I focused on myself, the better it was, the better it is. And the team chose not to. They became almost like zealots, worshiping when it wasn't about that, isn't about that, about being, above who you are. I'm not here to worship. That's religion. Religion's bullshit. Spirituality is truth. It's who we are. As well, I've been closing flyers for weeks, weeks. This is what I'm doing in the background. And I'm tired. This is bullshit. It's not supposed to be this way. It's supposed to be flow, productivity, people yearning for that connection, change, not this shit. So I had to now go create a new domain, kill everything that we had, reroute everything, all the domains that are tied to Gaia's to the new domain. And I have to now recreate everything from scratch. I'm honoring mom's request. That's just who I am. It's what she, that was her last wish. And it's going to happen. It's going to be called Mother Earth Natural Essentials. Mother Earth, Mother Earth Natural Essentials. That'll work. I'm not here to be a guru. I'm here to be me. Be who I am. Be loved. You can see it in the group. It's happening right now. Those that are choosing to be loved and continue on helping the planet's ascension, they're choosing love. And I want to say, I'm going to give a shout out, Aurora, Hope, Buddha, Dylan, those are all the beings that are choosing higher vibrational frequencies, are choosing love. Father, he's not choosing love right now, but we unconditionally love him because we understand that he's going through the grieving process after, you know, Mother Ascending. I'm still going through the grieving process of all this. I mean, I got a lot on my plate. We have to understand this lady. She's my hero. We started this together. I connected with her in 2012, and she helped heal me of stage four cancer through natural remedies and spirituality. My lung was removed, but the cancer was dead. The cancer took the pity force of my left lung, so it had to be removed. And she was with me all the way through, all the way through. Even when I was in the bed, I would call her. And this is why I've been with her for so long, because look, she saved my life, and she showed me a new way how to live, how to be. Oh, and you know, all these factions that we have split off, I mean, unity is in the heart, and it is definitely not geographical or proximity-based. It's in the heart, you know? And we're all connected as one, no matter where we're at. And that was a whole sign to me, more as the trolls gained steam, because they're running on fumes at this point. That only made me realize that mom was real, because if everybody is screaming at you that she's not God, just like they did to her, you're not God, you're not this, you're not that, you know what? That only confirmed for me that she was, because why would so many people that I don't know go around and say, you're not God, you're not this, you're not that, because why would so many people that I don't know walk down the street, my earth mom, Debbie, who I haven't seen in 10 years, trying to tell me that she's not God. It's like, I'm going to keep going, because she's 100 million percent God. If everybody's blowing me up trying to tell me, everybody that she's not, trying to get him to go home, what is home? 3D? No, thank you. Like, that was always just to confirm, like, they don't realize, like, you are pushing us further to the truth, which is great, grateful, but just to see that of everybody's negative opinions, the entire planet thinks we're insane and crazy and has this fake story of mom's ascension. Haven't. We know the truth, and the real ones that can steal mom also know the truth, and it will all come full circle for everybody. That's all. It all comes back around. I'll circle back around. Yeah. Circle back. The trolls are mom's biggest fans, so that's why it's so funny. They are mom's biggest fans, and the team's biggest fans. They just don't know it yet, so it'll be, it'll all be a great circle around, and it'll be funny. That's why mom's like, just laugh at this whole shit, because it's just funny. It's just one big fucking show, and I'm sure there's going to be a lot more surprises very soon in this show, so stay tuned. Push for mom's strongest, and be ready for it. All right. Thank you. Let your fire for God. Let your fire for God. Count your blessings, and count your blessings.

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