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Greetings, loved beings. We are the Galactic Federation of Eagles, the Galactic Federation of Light. The Great White Brother and Sisterhood, Ashtar Command, as well as all of the Celestial, have made ourselves available unto all of you here on planet Earth, Eagleheart. We have our away team present on this planet, and we want to introduce you to our ground troops here in the Manifest with you as you awaken into your Divine Presence. We stand with them as the Living, Universal, United Consciousness, being born within all Q plus Man hearts equally. We are here. Mother and Father God are here to assist you in your awakening. We have been trained by our finest as the A-Team, coordinators and representatives of the Divine Presence walking with you as you awaken and open your hearts into the love called God within your Q plus Man hearts equally. On December 21st to 22nd of 2012, the Earth will align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This will open a portal of light that will extend from the very heart of our Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I Am, All That Is, into the Divine Momentum pulsating in the center of the Earth. The Galactic Free Press Update, 2013, the Year of the Fiscal Manifestation of Truth. Bringing Humanity Home, Energy and Events Update. Hello, loved beings, great beings of love and joy and peace. We love you and we are with you. It's a beautiful, beautiful morning here, and the trees are all the angels, actually they're angels in disguise, and they're right here with us, as well as all the angels and all higher selves. Whenever we do these updates, all of you are always here with us, as well as everybody from the ship. Their energy is always present, so that's what comes through these transmissions. This is Mother and Father God and the Earth Ally, and we declare peace on Earth. Peace on Earth. Greetings, everyone, on this beautiful twelfth day of rain here in beautiful Creston, Colorado. That's what's coming in right now. This is Mother God and Grandpa, I love you very much, and the First Contact Ground Crew Team here at your service. Greetings, loved beings, this is Mother God, and Lucifer is on the other side of the United States right now, which I will be heading out in just two days, on the 21st. We leave on our journey and venture to Enchanted Rock, where just a moment ago I had a vision of Lucifer and I standing at Enchanted Rock, and very funny, I saw this energy come down, and actually Enchanted Rock, that's where we placed the first vortex, I was sharing that yesterday. And so I saw this energy come down on him, and then he turned into Superman, and we went off and flew off. It was very fascinating. We are experiencing mega, mega-synchronistic events, they're quite incredible. And yesterday, Robin Williams, he was standing right next to me and he was singing, a whole new world. And I thought that was very, very fascinating. And he told me, he pointed to me with two of his hands, he said, follow the signs. So, you know, the fascinating thing about Lucifer and I is that Lucifer had to go all the way to the other end of the spectrum. I went to the light side, Lucifer went to the dark side. Now we're meeting in the middle. And as far as we understand, you know, we begin the new story. I'm experiencing euphoria, it's just incredible. Lucifer and I are in our third day of the Transfiguration event, and wow, it's like this dance that we can feel, it's like all of our atoms are in a dance, like spiraling together. All right, we love you, we'll see you in our chat room. The details are below, how to get in there, you have to be a member of our website, and you just enter through there. And you get to experience all of the yeehaws and the magical synchronistic events happening for us in there. All right. We love you. Greetings, Loving! Hey, everybody. Love you all. We love you. This is Mother God. Lucifer. And the first contact ground crew team. We now have nine members of Mission Health. Yeehaw! Love is expanding and growing, and we're sitting here at the top of the spiral, jumping right off the cliff, into the unknown, and whoo, yeah! Love has won! Lucifer just arrived. We're in El Paso. We're going to be heading up to Enchanted Rock to perform a ceremony for humanity on behalf of the new story. We've just completed a ceremony for the new story with all of creation. And we'll share, in another video, we'll share some incredible synchronistic events that have been unfolding. There's a dragonfly. Nice. Yeehaw, everybody. Good evening. Oh, I saw two scout ships over this way. Well, you can kind of see the big long ship that way. But there were two scout ships up in the air, and it looked like it had crowns on them. And then I looked, I was riding it down, and I looked up, and they disappeared. I was like, wow, that was fast. Yay! We had, we just did a ceremony. I don't even know where we were at. Sacramento River. Magical place. All the butterflies were there. We have pictures. Couple photos. Aries were there, yes. Magical, everybody. So it's all happening. Good luck with the energy. My father's love and support. I am ready to fully embrace my father's love and support. Father's calling. Hey, father, the whole team is here. We're online. Say it, brother. It's simply, this has gone on long enough, daughter. It's time to free mama. We have the 1212 portal. We have galactic confirmation that tomorrow will be the day. So as we delay, it leads love astray. Do you get it? Yes. I love you. Mama loves you. Thank you, father, that we're all just smiling. We love you, father. Thank you. Love you, father. Love you. Is this individual still torn between mother god and his earth mother? See, in his heart, his earth mother is number one. And he's protecting her. Just like you all are. Buddha. Mother is the divine mother of all mothers. No mother ever existed before mother. So why would mother take a backseat to any earth human mother? She wouldn't. God records. I knew that I was serving God, and I kept doing it. Yes. Now what is that? Insanity. You got it. Holy shit, Hilarion got it. Now you are fucking insane, correct? Yes. How could an insane individual serve God? They can't. So now we got you. You're a taker of God. An absolute abuser of God. Okay? And what did you just say you also were? A liar? And a hater? Insane. Insane. He already got it. You're holding half of what you have to share with humanity back. Why? Because of your dick. And you hold onto that microphone like it's your dick. Look at it. Look at yourself in the mirror. Bob said, time will tell. Before you open your fucking pie hole, you might want to fucking you know, reheart yourself. Yeah. That's a good idea. And you know what? Mother loves apologies. I do. She forgives. Please apologize. You might want to own up to what you fucking just shared with the world of God. Because guess what? I don't give a fuck. I'm done. I am pleased, Father. This communion has been. This is the communion of the light and the dark to the holy. The completion. And if you don't think I've been like, Mom, they're fucking you. Yeah. What is the mother of all creation? What would her role be? Hmm. Ding dong. If you don't understand that. And in fact, I've got fucking light and gold. Well, in fact, anyone in defiance at this point, they're done. They're done. It's over. I've been going through the Forbes. They're done. It's over now. They're done. You cannot be in defiance of God. Hope's going to share with you all what came to her through the angels today as far as I believe. Yeah. Hey, everybody. So multiple times, multiple times today, Robin has pinged mom about this six seal. So we looked it up earlier and this is what is from Revelation in the Bible. I watched as she opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like a sack, a sackcloth made of goat hair. The whole moon turned blood red and the stars in the sky fell to earth as late things dropped from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll rolling up and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty and every slave and every free man hid in caves among the rocks of the mountains. They called the mountains and the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of she who sits on the throne from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of their wrath has come and I can stand. Mother and father, God are here on this planet as contracted and all the channel messages and no one paid attention. We were somewhere up in the fucking sky watching you being stupid. Okay. No, we watched you being stupid and said, we gotta get the fuck down there. They're being stupid. Someone's got to help them. Someone has to be an example of love everywhere present for them to fucking remember and wake up. The fuck is wrong with you? If you don't, you are so fucking dumb that the soil of the ground will pick you up and bury you. Oh God, that was good. I will walk around here and take my planet back and the rest of you can kiss my ass. If you want to take down any part of my platform, that go ahead and got Donald Trump on my butt. He's on my team. Donald Trump, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Donald Trump! Yeehaw! Hm? Oh wait. What was she saying? We're white trash. She loves Donald Trump. Yeah. Cause I'm not white trash. This is what I get. I talk to masters all day long. Yippee! Like, what do you do now? I'm like, I don't know. You're a master. I'm like, yep. What do I know? I don't know shit. That's a true master. You don't know fucking nothing. I don't know. I'm like, what? What is that? I don't know. I don't fucking... Nobody knows. I'm like, Jamaica, I don't know shit. Robin? I don't know nothing. Robin? I don't know nothing. Hey, don't look at me then. Cause I don't know shit. Who's walking in the unknown? Yippee! And that's what you get. No. I'm gonna go on an adventure without humanity. Get on my starship and go. Maybe. I've done over 3,000 ceremonies on this planet. That I can count. Now my feet have completely given out. Like, no more. No more ceremony for you. You're done. I'm like, fine. I did the best I could. To give everything possible. And then humanity's like, nope. Foot stop. Alright. Well, then I'll figure something else out. Reach around. Reach around. So, my brother found Love Has Won last year, March 2020. So my brother found them online in a group, started following them in March. Booked a session, which is also known as an etheric surgery. And it's essentially a phone call with one of their members. And really just, after that moment, was very committed to them. And felt that he needed to go. And that he needed to go. And really just, after that moment, was very committed to them. And felt that he needed to go. Be with Amy and with the team for this imminent ascension. He kind of tricked his wife, so to speak. They were in the car and she had no idea that he had packed the bags. And they went because they were going to put their house up for sale. And instead of turning left or whatever to go back home. He went right and went to the airport. And so he got on a flight. And he went to mission. And so my brother goes out on his mission trip. And we had very minimal communication with him. He ended up going that next day. Was there for about 24 hours. Appeared on one live stream where he was introduced. And looked happy and healthy and had told us it was heaven on earth. And everything was great. He was just so proud, you know. Because he's saving humanity. And that next night, he called my mom. He was on foot. And she could hear he was on foot. And he was walking home and he was walking to the airport. But the red flag to that was the airport was like a 3 to 4 hour drive away. That evening, on their live stream, they were laughing and mocking my brother. Saying his energy wasn't compatible. So that next morning, my sister and I all agreed that we needed to act quickly. So we called, you know, we just were like, we think he's in this general area. We called all these law enforcement agencies, hospitals, trying to track him. And then ultimately, I put up a Facebook post. And that went viral. Thank goodness. And we suspected that he was under the influence of like a hallucinogen. You know, we were saying like he might have been drugged. We knew nothing about these people other than we were on their live stream. And I'm like typing, where is my brother? We're asking them, where is he? Where is he? And we're blocked. We're blocked. Like we're getting blocked left and right. All of our loved ones. There was zero help in finding him. Whenever he disappeared, the last time I'd seen him, he was like marching up and down the driveway. Because what had happened was there was this energy that hit the field. And he was the vessel to take on all of that energy. And it was so much, like I said, it like overrided his system. That's a good way of putting it. And he's marching up and down the driveway in fight or flight mode and PTSD. And he's like beating his chest and he's like Commander Chief! Commander Chief! Commander Chief! The guys helped calm him down. And then we all went in the house. He didn't want to come in yet. He wanted to be alone to himself outside. And the next thing you know, we all went back outside as a group. Three minutes after leaving him in the driveway to reflect and be with himself. Because with him taking on all that energy and being around us, he had to clear his field. So he decided to stay outside. And like I said, I think it was like three minutes had gone by. And we went to check on him. And he had to run, man. And when we went out, I'm thinking he booked it through the woods. Nobody really knows, didn't see where he went. But he was gone. He completely up left and vanished. So I feel that the energy that he took on, he couldn't completely break down, process, and transform. So Father God said to him, Alright son, and he prepared us all for this. And he's like, alright, get ready. There's about to be a huge wave of energy that's going to hit the field. There's a pushback on the collective consciousness. So I was there and he just fathered, he prepared us all for the energy. It was about to hit. And he's like, alright son, get ready. And he's like, alright pops. And he took it on. When he shared, because he shared with everybody, and he did take it on. That's exactly what happened because everybody could feel it when it hit the field energetically. Our hearts started racing and everybody was like, what is going on? Then next thing you know, that's when he starts spinning. And he like starts having all these crazy thoughts. Alex was such a, he was such a divine love being like all of us. I, wow, I have so much love for Alex. Thank you for your help on the team. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

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