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Discipled to Disciple - Part 2

Discipled to Disciple - Part 2




In this message, titled Discipled to Disciple - Part 2, we are made to understand that we can only excel at discipleship if we have been discipled. For more spirit-filled content, kindly listen to Radio HCI Today by downloading the RadioKing app or following the link https://bit.ly/hci-radio

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The speaker thanks the listeners for tuning in to Radio HCI and participating in the prayer start-up. They lead a prayer and share a confession from Joshua 1:8. The scripture reading is from Matthew 4:19-20 and Acts 1:8. The devotion focuses on discipleship, defining a disciple as a follower of Jesus. The keys to discipleship are being a disciple oneself and receiving spiritual empowerment through the Holy Spirit. The speaker encourages listeners to learn from mentors and invest in the lives of others. They end with a prayer and a memory verse from Matthew 4:19. The speaker thanks the listeners and invites them to stay connected to Radio ACI. Shalom wonderful people of God, God richly bless you for tuning in to Radio HCI today. And for being a part of the Just Ended Prayer Start-up. Privileged to be facilitating this morning's prayer in devotion are Pastor and Mrs. Bruce Smith from Harvest Chapel International Kumasi. Let us kindly share a word of prayer. Thank you Father for the word that comes to us this morning. We ask that we may be hearers of your word and doers of theirs and may our lives be transformed in Jesus name. Have you prayed with us. Give an amen. Amen. Let us kindly take our confession from Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. This book of the Lord shall not depart out of my mouth, but I shall make a taste in its day and night, that I may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then I will make my way prosperous, and then I will have good success. Amen. Our Kid Brothers Morning Glory Devotion is Discipled to Disciple part 2. Discipled to Disciple part 2. And our scripture reading will be taken from Matthew chapter 4 verse 19 to 20 and Acts chapter 1 verse 8. Matthew 4 verse 19 to 20 and Acts chapter 1 verse 8. And I'll be reading from the New Living Transformation. Jesus called out to them, Come, follow me, and I'll show you how to fish for people. And they let their nets at once and followed him. Acts chapter 1 verse 8. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere, in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. This is the reading of the word. Thanks be to God. Discipled to Disciple part 2. In part 1 of Discipled to Disciple we read of the critical assignment that our Lord Jesus left with his followers to make disciples of all the nations. Matthew chapter 28 verse 19. We establish that this instruction was for all and not just the hearers at the time. Today's devotion focuses on who a disciple is and what it takes to disciple others. A disciple can be described as a student, learner, or follower. By extension, disciples of Jesus are ardent followers of Jesus. Men and women who pattern or model their lives and way of conduct after Jesus. We can only attain this feat by enrolling in the school of the Spirit to be Spirit taught and instructed in the knowledge and ways of the Lord. The first key to fulfilling this assignment of discipleship is to be a disciple, an ardent follower and learner of Jesus Christ. This truth is affirmed in A.W. Tozer's quote, Only a disciple can make a disciple. You cannot teach others what you do not know, neither can you give to others what you do not have. When God saves us, He places us in a community of believers so we can learn to follow Jesus from those who have gone ahead of us and we in turn can invest in the lives of others coming after us. We must open up ourselves to be taught and instructed by these mentors that God places in our lives so that we get to know Him more and more. In Philippians chapter 3 verse 17, the Bible says, Brethren, join in following my example and note those who so walk as you have asked for a parting. 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 1, So take me for your example, even as I take Christ for mine. The next key to excelling in discipleship is spiritual empowerment. Jesus did not immediately ask His disciples to launch out into the world after issuing the Great Commission. Indeed, in Matthew chapter 28 verse 17, He hinted to them that the adventure needed to be backed by authority and power and so they were to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts chapter 1 verse 8. We need the Holy Spirit to model Christ's likeness, Galatians chapter 5 verse 22 and 23, and also to help shape the understanding, behavior, and attitudes of the people God brings our way to disciple. Remember, it is the Holy Spirit that brings about conviction and change in the heart of men. As we develop a living relationship and yield to His promptings, we can be rest assured that we would be a blessing and an example to the people He directs us to. Beloved, how are you faring in the journey of discipleship? Let us open up ourselves to learn and follow the godly examples that God has placed in our lives so that we, in turn, can invest in the lives of others and bring them unto spiritual maturity in Christ. Amen. Our memory verse for today shall be taken from Matthew chapter 4 verse 19. Matthew chapter 4 verse 19. Then He said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew chapter 4 verse 19. Then He said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Amen. Let us share a word of prayer. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for your word to us today. Thank you, Lord, even for the mentors and fathers you have placed in our lives. We subscribe, O God, to the school of the Spirit to be taught and instructed by you in the name of Jesus. We pray, O God, that even as you make these investments in our lives, help us, O God, to reach out to the people that you have brought our way so that we can help them also grow in you, and together we shall build a formidable kingdom for your return. We thank you that you have heard us and you have answered us. In Jesus' mighty name we pray with thanksgiving. Amen. Beloved God richly bless you so much for joining us for today's devotion. We shall come your way same time tomorrow morning for another time in His word. We want to stay connected to Radio ACI today as we fill your day with the presence of the Lord. Shalom and have a fruitful day and a blessed week. Amen. ♪

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