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Adam levitt

Adam levitt

Ian Wilcox



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The speaker reflects on the theme of water in today's readings. In the Exodus passage, Moses strikes a rock to provide water for the Israelites. In the story of the woman at the well, Jesus engages in a meaningful conversation with her, leading to her recognition of Jesus as a prophet. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their own thirst for fulfillment and to remember the love and grace that has been poured into their hearts. They emphasize the importance of sharing and passing on this love. God's love has been poured into our hearts as I read this beautiful piece of scripture. From Paul's letter to the Romans, I was drawn to the various images of water woven throughout most of today's readings. The powerful image of water, that symbol of new life, is suffused throughout our readings today. The Exodus passage, depicting the third crisis for the Israelites, as they looked to Moses for water, and Moses, feeling the weight of anger and frustration from the congregation, he turns to the Lord, who commands him to strike the rock at Herob, which provides that water, nourishment, the nourishment the Israelites were seeking. In John's gospel, the story of the woman at the well is filled with symbolism. Jesus is in a Samaritan city, and it is the place of Jacob's well. The exchange between the Samaritan woman tells of her knowledge of history and the connection to Jacob, and in the discussion, which seems at first to take place on two levels, the woman is focused on how water will be drawn without a bucket, and yet the conversation moves from the concrete to the spiritual. And after disclosing his knowledge of her past, she exclaims, Sir, I see that you are a prophet. This beautiful exchange was one of unconditional love and acceptance between Jesus and the woman. It is through this experience of unconditional love and radical acceptance that the Samaritan woman comes to recognize Jesus as a prophet. So where do you find yourself today in these readings? Are you feeling the burden of others who are in need of nourishment and fulfillment? Perhaps you are thirsty but can't name or identify what will satisfy you. Take a moment and breathe in the words of Paul as a breath prayer. While we are weak, we are justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and know God's love has been poured into your hearts. Words of conviction. And so, as we walk this Lenten journey together, let's remember all the grace and love that has been poured into our hearts. We are called to share and pass on this love in all that we do. Thanks be to God. Amen.

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