Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The teachers from the School of Official Languages discuss upcoming activities. Anika talks about the St. Nicholas party with German Christmas songs. Fernando announces a film projection and conference in French. Esther shares Italian activities for the Christmas party, including a yoga workshop and karaoke. Barbara invites everyone to the Spanish department's Christmas party with a lottery. Isa mentions a skate room and future winery visit. Amelia announces the success of the Erasmus Plus program with 6 students going to Croatia for Christmas. Hello, very good afternoon, we are here today in this new program with the teachers of the School of Official Languages, who are going to talk to us about current topics. First of all, let's move on to the presentation. Anika, Fernando, Esther, Barbara and Amelia. And now we are going to give way to the interventions of the teachers of the School of Official Languages. First of all, let's greet Anika, who is going to talk to us about a current topic for the School of Official Languages. Well, in the German department we are preparing the party of St. Nicholas, which we will celebrate next week, and there will be the typical German Christmas songs, we will sing a song and we will play a game. Thank you very much, Anika, for your intervention. Then we go on to introduce Fernando from the French department. Bonjour, the French department offers you the assistance of a cinematographic projection next Friday, December 15, of the film The Friars of Normandy, and then a conference in charge of Juan Carlos Rivas. Thank you very much, Fernando. Topics of interest that Anika and Fernando have told us. We now go on to introduce Esther. Good evening, Esther. Good evening, Ricardo. I wanted to tell you that the Italian department is preparing some interesting activities for the Christmas party that will take place on December 21 at our school, among others a yoga workshop, a tiramisu workshop, all in Italian, and of course a karaoke, to which you are all invited. Thank you very much, Esther. We are seeing that our teachers of the School of Official Languages are telling us very interesting things about activities for the students. We now go on to introduce Bárbara from the Spanish department. Good morning, Bárbara. Hello, good morning. In the Spanish department we want to invite you to the Christmas party of the school on December 21, where we will become children of San Ildefonso and sing the lottery. How good, what topics of interest that our students will surely like. We now go on to introduce Isa, who is the head of the Department of the School of Official Languages and is also the sound producer. Good morning, Isa. Hello, good morning, Ricardo. Well, I wanted to tell you that for these activities we have organized a skate room where we met last year and we will also do some activities, such as football, to lighten the mood. Apart from that, next year we will visit the Sportia winery, which I think will be very interesting. Yes, of course, they will be things of interest for the students too. Thank you very much, Isa. And finally, let's talk to Amelia. Good morning, Amelia. She is the mobility coordinator of the Erasmus Plus program. Good morning, Ricardo. Thank you for having me. Well, from the Erasmus Plus team at the school, we have just made a call where they have requested to participate in these activities. 96 students, a total success. And 6 of them, who have been the lucky ones with the most points, will now spend 6 days in Zagreb, Croatia. They will be able to enjoy Christmas there. We will let you know when we return. We hope you will invite us back to your program and we will be able to tell you everything we have experienced. Yes, we will be delighted to have you all together for this program. Thank you very much to all of you for your presentations and for your great ideas for the department. Greetings to all the listeners and see you in the next program. Bye, bye. Bye. Bye, bye. Bye, bye. Bye, bye. Bye, bye. Bye, bye. Bye, bye. Bye, bye. Bye, bye.