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The Pebble Effect

The Pebble Effect

J.D. SutterJ.D. Sutter



Reading a 100-word story I wrote. The full text and backstory can be found here: https://www.jdsutter.me/2023/02/the-pebble-effect-100-word-story.html


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A person finds satisfaction in throwing pebbles into a pond and watching the ripples. The sound and the act of creating the ripples make them feel comforted and empowered. Even though they often feel small and powerless, this small action reminds them that they can make a mark on the world, even if it's temporary. The Pebble Effect A one-hundred-word story by J. D. Sutter The soft kerplunk of the pebble marring the surface of the pond was satisfying. He stared at the ever-expanding ripples until they were no more before flicking another stone after its fellow. Again, he relished the sound. It was a tiny thing, but there was a comfort in it. Was it the familiarity, or the fact that it was something that his own hand had caused? As small and helpless as he felt at most times, here was something that he had made happen. His action had left a mark on the world, even if only for a fleeting moment.

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